Til-: f 11 r- r . i" . , ' i . - , .'.v. -.' -. NUMBER 88 , 1 I CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 18Q7.. i if -i- - TWENTY-SIXTH, YEAR ; ' ',- n ' o :':'. ft: a; ESSENTIALLY , ," rv Certainly, every good bauk difference between being truly conservative find being hide-;. ' - -bound, '.v i-,.; JvJ- 3 . . ' i" --l . . -' a-. - This Bank alms tor that conservatism which' means safe? v ty for iU depositoi-s,,'but also vfor that intelligent liberality -S which means so much to the prosperity of the Individual and - J " the community rv , ' --.-r -r" This bank has a helpful service for every one who. steps across its threshold, from he child saver to the farmer or bus- 'iness man with his commercial account .v - -.it' - r- ( - "'T. -' JAS. ff. BtAAEspjes, " T, aC GRKEN, V. Pres. WnC R. BLADES, V. Prsv IJEO. JUST RECEIVED THIS "WEEK A Fresh Stock of Gutli's, Lowney's; Peters' CANDIES C. T. YOUNG, St Front Street. We Thank You For Your Liberal Patronage! Our four days special sale was ing to out; limited help many were compelled to go away with out being waited on. And for this reason wo will continue these low prices until there are snill Tremendous Bargains just Received p large shipment of wanU, we put on sale to-day 17,000 than the Regular price. Phone 01 POLLOCK ST.' OPP REAL. ..ESTATE DEALER AND : - r ; ; TPents collected for which immediate returns are made. : . ' All deals made at moderate cost , A;' rr ; ' . :' . Personal attention given all matters. . ',. ' ! vv- BRJDGKTON LOTS : FOE; ! ' build a bomei'.tj.H' ' f iif Concrete "hollow blocks for house supports for aaiev,,.' Cheaper A- 'hi-, than brick, last for centuries Tr; CCZDC DOC U JUSTRECEIVED AFRESH -INVOICE FINE : ifflpunciTiaramcsLH '"'i t Both Plain j UT y T.;: mX ' ' ' I j 1- Corner Broad and Hancock Sts, t : IMKepbnset'TiR03fing .ff-' X w ;;;Fora cheap 'Roofing Requires ho" tar ' Will last from 5 to 7 years; ' Price$1.10 per roll, including nauVand tine; v if I! IVE must be," buf there - ta a vast B. PENDLETON, Cashier uo Prescription ftrnggists all we could ask-, for, but oW--: in every department, we have staple gooJs 'to supply jour . . yda New Embroidery 1-3 lees " ' '' 288, EPISCOPAL CHURCH .4 SALE - Buy one, wtt aid ; yoa to V -.V:- . -w ;;;':LT';iv: ''yuj'- ioc JOO 0 andV', Smoked; i' L A UTTRT U ftew Born, N. C. . j there - is' none better. coin One Line 1 of. Defense Will be -Th'at Strange" Died - of " -r Natural Canses -. SUIT fob ces; - :f : " : IS-tiSTUIITED Seaboari Air Line .Made Defendant .- for Heavy Damages, Bertie Conn r , , ty Totes In Favor of Speelal ' School Tax. Prominent - Physician Danger. Special Carrespondenda. ' - Raleigh, July Hr-The question of whether ornot the the Rowlands will be -tried at this term of Wake' court for 'the murder of Engineer ;:- Chas. Strange depends now largely on the action Judge Long" will take as to the admisibllity of depositions . counsel for the defense have secured from- Hem phis,- Tenn Norfolk , and elsewhere bearing on the case. The State con tends that these are irregular in that they were taken before the case was really in court with' the true ,bill from the grand jury and that they were se cured without the knowledge" of the prosecution. One la from Dr. Haynes of Memphis, who deposes and " says that Re prescribed forlStrange some time before' his death for, heart dis ease and prescribed and infusion of digitalis. And t&at Strangewas ua hle to drop off at any time owing to the condition' of h(a heart". IMgltalU Is one of the poisons which It is claim ed by the prosecution could nave been used, to poison" Strange without ,thi possibility of its being traced in all'; alysis of the stomach. There la flan a rdepbsitton from,.W. J. Joyner of Norfolk to the' effect that he had -ik druggist repeatedly filled the pr'.Bay iif s; prescription of Digltana for Strange. If these depositions are not to be admitted It will be imposalbleto reaebe the case at . this jUme, nn4 th probability is that.lt will go oyer any, way-tor other 'reasons,1 In Wake superior; court a. suit for $50,000 damages has been instituted by, David -Klnf . flagman, against the Seaboard'Air line for Injuries sus tained while coupling cars at Vaughn, a station between Balelgh and .Wel don. He ' was canght between - cars and 6o crushed that" his lower limbs are permanently paralysed. He has a wife nd two children. . r , Supt Askew, of the BerUe - 'eonntjr public 'schools notifies the state sapr ' erlntsndent that Another, district has voted a , special tax for the 'improve, ment ot iW)hools,'-;:55;i;h'j; ' J lUroung: state commissioner of Insurance has; gone'to Asheville, on ojacial business; i&$g:0&j!Z News" waa" received henK today of the serlouf putting of Dr. Zeb Caver neas, a promiaent physician of Waka fleld, lasf evening b,y a drunken paiat er, " It seems that Dr. Caveneas was approached by ; the fellow' and, asked In. his drunken erase if he. wan the painters friend. , His reply was that he supposed he wai. .Then W fellow drew out his knife with an oath and declared "thaffhe doctor was hot his Mend." and inflicted h. long -'. wound across ' Dr.' Caveness's abdomen The blade, fortunately rdld not - penetrate to the' cavity sufficiently to make the wound j; really dangerous, : provided there are. no complications to devel op in; its treatment So far as could be ascertained here this morning the fellow-who did the catting, haa -not been arrested and be expresses deep regret. a. his . acUonvtKvS v ; -y ' " " -' ' ; -' '' 7 ' i i':'gtocks;e EIUn.:?f ". London," July; 11. War,,.' tatk ' has sent : Jtte stock market soaring. Some of 4he leading securities ' advanced four per cefit and all took a raise of greater or less extent" ' h-. ': Death' of Mrs. Mary . Bae!ey. 5 Mrs. Mary E. Rutnley, widow of the late Dennard Rumloyr died ; at ' her home in Beaufort Sunday night at the age of 2, .Blie bad been a resident of Iteaufort all of her Ufa and was widely known and highly esteemed. The funeral servlct-s were held at i o'clock Monday afternoon. Rev J. 1 Rumlny of Kalrfli'ld, Hyle county tf fldHtod. She was the mother ol Mr. David Rumlny ot this city and of r. J, J, Douglnns of Clio, 8. C. A Jtew Siitilioiinct Series.' tioKlniilng July 23, The t-nu'.-y World Will Htnrt a li"W soil if t'.o famous BuiibrmiM-t ricturxs. T r ' series preoril the fuik'.-ru" t 1 ' ' , riiihliiK, Ironing liiul !". Hi!.',!. 'I -i lliei n will 1)0 t'-i '." ii.' " ': ' i . a .!!. T!-n f"' 1' !!' IT..- 1." I ; Sneeen Wan a "Leag Time Coming 1"- CBnt tt aw ni Itt v-'.--. i r'Tv Tatteriay's Besnltsv ; New Bern (; Tarboro' t. J' ' . ' Klnston 4; Washington ltX-" Rocky Mount 6-Wilson 9. ' I'''-' Cbunea Todir'l.- t Tarboro at New Bern. '' . Washingtoa at Kinstou. - - .. " Z. Wilson at' Rocky Mount tt- JV V X . Wonl - Iioat, PC. Rocky Mount. ..! ' 86S Wilson.,, .T15 ' $25 Washington.. .". ...l(r 12 454 New" Bern. ..' ....10 12 454 Klnston.. .. ..'-..8.17 820 Tarboro,.",. , .... 7 ' 17 891 Fate and superior playing Savored thy New Berns yesterday, in th game with Tarboro and .while the game was slow it wan tatereafing . A brilliant play Jar the New Berns was made by McCorry at the-third , base , In the eighth inning when he mad a one hand catch of a batted ball having to make high Jump to get It On account of being crippled In the game Nonrse the' pitcher for the visitors was sub stituted by. Adams. '. Both men have, an easy but rather slow delivery which seemed to pusile the New Berns. Terkes pitching was satisfac tory! every respect and his support was admirable. Following Is the tab nlated score: NOW. BERN Shaver, If. Celey, s.8. McCorry, 8b. Dekln,"ct Reld. lb. Smith, c Batters, rf. Stevenson, 2b. terkes, p. ABHHPO A E 8 0 0 1 4 1 13 10 3 0 11 0 0 10 1 JL 110 111 0.0 1 Totals 28 6 528 15 v6 Elrod out, cutting second base. , TARBORO .. Walker ri. Jopes, s.s. Hamilton, 8b. Elro4.'4b. Thayer, It Karl, c,i , . Dlckerson, 2b. SttUlyan, c Nonrse, p. ..ABKHFOAE 4 1 1. 0 00 0 1 3.1 0 1 8 0 2 11 0- 0 1 1-0 0 Total 81:2 24 11 2 ','T? 8CC& BT DCNINGS. Tarboro - 10 1 0 JL0 0 0 02 Nfw JJert 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 x6 r SDMMART.- - -:-Two Base ' HitsHarf,' Pekin. Sae Hflce HltJ,Tjonesr'. Elrod, "Reld. First basoa 'Balli,i.Terkes ' Y, Npurse;:: 1. prnif Ontby iVerkai Adams )Left o: Basea, New Bern 2r. Tarboro )8onb)aM PIays,,Terkes and , Reld, Stevenson; Oeley and -Reid.; ' First Bast on Errors, arboro' 5 'New Bent i. . Hit by Pitehar, Nonrse.' In nlngV pitched by Nonrse 1' By Adams 8.- Hits off Adams 8, Jiourse l:f ;Time of . Gam 1:50.: Umpires, Nlchoit -and ;ton'i;vWaslklngU iiM: r.Thi Reds of Klnston are playing beer ball now and ar little by Uttle tnaking their record In ' good shape, yesterday, they heat, the Washlngtons in a Very 'close and exciting gam re sulting la the score ot 4 to S. I - t -. f 4 f - N '1 'h HUs Off 8UU. i ; ' -Special to Journal. , . K. -'. Rocky ; Mount . July , 11-The .7 two leader ot the Eastern Carolina Lea gue came together today and Wilson got bumped something awful Col. Still went down the line with )3 hlU off his delivery against "him. rPrlee pitched league ball -allowing only three hits In sepasate innings after two were, down, :Bcore:,tJ; ,;.-..-,. ' - y,l B.H.E. Wilson ; V "''" 0-0 8 I Rocky Mt 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 i-MJ 3 i Batteries': SUll and Wrenn; Price and Raymond Umpire' Tan Aroam. l , V; A fa '. Breele-ITelson, i !: - The borne of Mrs. Joseph Nelson, Br., at 127 East Front street was the scene of a pretty wedding at o'clock IshI evening In which hor youngest daughter, V'em Tattle W. Nelson was marrlod to Mr. Albert D, Brooks, b 1 ' ""rer for C. 8. I.'o!!'"!er. The rnrfncny a jcrf ' I ly KoV. L. U. H. Y.i:":i'n t'n bil'e .was fciven away ly r broker, Lr. i K:u. TLe si " j wa wl!r.e..:if..4 I y oii'y a I f ' " i. J r. i 1 !' 1 ' 4 V, Kl 1 ' " ' 11" . i 1 f r a i -)i t v ' ' t I i ; ' ! . ' i i r . "rr;i. .'. J.i'y r : ! ! i 1 , 12. 1 tent' i:i-r.'iEi33 He W0( Address Cetten Growers, in - ; Different Parts ef the State. ; -Special Correspondence. - V ; Raleigh; July ,11. President Charles Cotton MoOre of the North Carolina Cotton Association ". announces , that President Harvey. Jordan, will address the Raleigh Chamber of- Commerce and Merchants Association yhere ; on Friday, July : 12th. President Jordan wantf to make campaign over the entire jtouth during v the jiext . two months beginning in North Carolina. During his trip abroad, where" he at tended,." great Convention of Ihe cotton spinners of the world he gath ered, much valuable information for the cotton growers, and business men, and wllendeavor to spread this in formations so as to. reach the cotton belt President Jordan will be with President Moore at Garner, this coun ty July 19th, and at Cary, this county July 20th, and at each place there will be a barbecue. Mr. Moore'a appoint ments are for this week, f at Dunn, July 12, injthe morning, Denson July 15, in the morning, Kenlay July 13, in the afternoon, Clayton 15, in the morning, Wilson's Mills 15, 6 p. m. Mr. Moore writes that he is" very much encouraged at the progress of the warehouse-holding" movement and that-when he reported to the execu tive committee at Maxton July 4th, his work for the past six months, the committee complimented him warmly. He says he will build the ware houses if the people will come out to hear him tell how easily It can be done. - Bradstreet's Trade Report. Richmond, Va., July 11. Brad street's tomorrow will say for Rich mond, Va., and vicinity which in cludes New Bern? ' " Wholesale dealers in and manufac turers of drugs and sundries have had a successful season and future pros pects are encouraging. Manufacturers of flavoring extracts and specialties here have extended their territory and foreign shipments are noted. Those engaged in this line are working at full capacity and ordering for the Bummer season has been liberal. Wholesaler of dry goods continue to receive satis factory orders for fait shipments, bn. few. flUing-ln, orders are noted. Tho weather generally is favorable for growing crops, ' in some sections rain is needed. The wheat and hay crop, both of which are fair to good Are being harvested. Collections are fair. Retail, trade is more active. The usual end season dullness is on in the produce market and prices for most all lines show a decline this week. Larger shipments, of southern melons are noted. ' - ' IMGKED; FOR LIFE Ft. Seemingly Unperturbed by-the 8eri f'yeni"Cs,'. Atost ' - Special to Journal. ' ' 1 iRaleighr July ;' ll.--Dr. David 8.1 Rowland ahd wife Lillian Rowland were1 formally arraigned to stand trial for their Uvea on charge of poisoning MreV7 Rowland's- former husband En glneef C; R. Strange of the Seaboard AIrrLlne. Drr Rowland wore a neat black aqae business suit -and derby jtat? Mrs.: Rowland waal attired 4 in mourning and hair done pompadour. She; wai -accompanied by her; sister, Mr. Levan, pf Chicago.' Both prison ers' showed' remarkably little injurl OuVeffeot of imprisonment In aplte of (orrM weather... A to issue over .the use 'of depositions In event the trial should be held this term Judge Xohg held if trial should come up-he would admit depositions but ' would fleave With th solicitor the matter of poet ponement In event he felt he should have time to impeach depositions. So licitor Jones will consider question over night and' report at morning ses sion when question of trial wllfbe finally settled." 'if.''--i. fr i-;-r Orders Placed for CoaL ;.' Special to Jonlal.:,-:i.k.(.;,,. Washington, July 11, The govern ment has placed orders for Immense quantities of coal to be used by the Pactflo fleet ' It will be deposited at eastern points before September' 1. The fleet will sail October 1. ' : i '". Assessors Stop to Breathe., t The county asaesnors and board of equalization took one great big breath Thnrxlay wbm a certain reproRonta tlvo bn ilnoHg nmn appeared before bo'Tfl find cheerfully accepted the v -Mil : -n j ' . . 1 nimn his viirioiiB I "' i. J -t t! k of it? Not one 1 cf c : ', - t. T 1 f.i Z'":'f r-rtre. .! 1 1 I:i (' .t r in ev- ! PIESIIOI ElOllf Secretary Stewart. ofTP. A- Says Charges at Expo i Are Reasonable. C0NSIQER1HG PRICES '- OF Many Untrae Statenenta-7 Have Got Into' CIreulatloa ia Regard to JHgh Price of Board. Stories Have Damaged Expo sition a Great Deal Norfolk, July ll.-r-Paul H. Stewart, Secretary and Treasurer of the Trav elers Protective Association, denies that prices are exorbitant, either iu Norfolk or at the Jamestown Expo sition, as a result of the fair. He says stories which have been published to that affect have hurt the exposition, and that there is no truth in them, Mr. Stewart told a reporter for the News that prices at Norfolk and Jamestown are no higher than they are iff Baltimore at the present time. You can get a good meal at any number of places for fifty cents, and for seventy-five cents you can get a meal as good as you can buy In the city ot Baltimore for the same price. The rates for rooms at all ot the hotels are normal, the service is good, and there Is absolutely no excuso lor complaint I admit that there are some places where they are inclined to overcharge, but it is not necessary to visit those places with so many other hotels right at hand. At a hotel inside ot the grounds two persons can get a room, breakfast and admission to the grounds for 82.50 apiece. Fig uring breakfast at fifty cents and ad mission to the grounds at fifty cents that leaves only 11.50 for the room no more than you will pay anywhere. I was at Chicago, St Louls.Buffalo and Charleston and the rates t Jamestown and Norfolk are not as high as they were at any of these places. Baltimore News. The re-adjusting and repairing of fine watches, carefully and skillfully, attended to, not at the cheapest price, bnt as moderate as the high quality ot the work permits. J. O. Baxter, The Leading Jeweler. Stevens-Jenes. Yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock a quiet but all the more appropriate ceremony at the old home of the bride, Miss Leah D. Jones, marked her union In the bonds of bonds to Mr. Charles jL Stevens, the' editor of the Journal. It was a happy consumma tlon'of a some what long engagement of two of New Bern's reeldents who surely have at once the esteem and the' regard of all ' Its" people.1 - The bride, a member ot an old and notable family, with talents of a high charac ter, and with a wide acquaintance in North CaroUnaby reason ot her prominence,-for eight years as a member ot the faeulty of that admirable institu tion, the State Normal and Industrial college at Greensboro, is one of North Carolina's k, most admirable ; women. Mr.'" Stevena who coming here' from th: great "west, baa front'' the:'; first identified; himselt ' with anal with all thai makes, for the . advancement f of New Bern and tt . facf all . ,' eastern North Carolina, and who ai president of the' .State Press : Aospdatioa hat been shown; the esteem of hjs breth ern of the fodrth estate, is everywhere Justly esteemed. The ceremony at the happy anion of these congenial people were of the simplest character and there; were present only the' Imme diate relaUres of the bride, 'Rev. Dr, Leonldas W. Crawford of Reldsvtllei an Intimate friend of the family of the bride, officiated. The bride, was given away by her brother, Mr. J. A. Jones, and Co). Fred A. Olds, of Raleigh, was best man. "She" was accompanied by her irlsters, Mrs. - J.1 T.' Holllster and Dr. R. D, Vr Jonesi The ; impre wlvu words ot the marriage service were said by Dr. Crawford, a ring "being used.' Directly after the conclutlou of the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Stevens left for the Jamestown "Exposition, thence going by steamer to New York to Niagara and to Detroit and other places on the great lakos.where they will vlHlt relatives of Mr. Stevens, the tour occupying a full month, and will lie ut home at New Born about Sep tember f i lit ' I'ln l".mrfin Tonnrrew. '. 'r t'.'f !.( rt . V. Elbe "! 'r f,l" " 1 v m i-(ti'- .:rlte f'.oli'" SPECIAL Ladies' White Lincne Pleated Skirts $1.00 ALL SIZES $1.00 That .. r.-Ji mutii WE CAN ArroARD NOW TO -5ELL WHAT 1-5 LEFT OF OUR -SUMMER. TOCK WITHOUT PROFIT, BE CAUSE WE CAN THEN HAVE YOUR MONEY To IN VENT IN NEW FALL (jOOD-S'AND MAKE MONEY FOR OUR JELVE-SBY U-5IN6 YoURjMoNEY. THI.S S THE WAY WE ARE -SQUEEZING OUT OUR PRoFIT-5 OUT OF OUR PRICE-S, OUR 6REAT -SALE WILL CoN TIUE ALL THI-5 WEEK. MANY NEWTHING-5 ADDED EACH DAY. TWO STORES Jo J. BAXTER TWO stores , ; ; . The HILL DIRECTORY COMPANY has a corps of experienced ; ' men in the city, taking names and soliciting business for the NEW '" j " CITY DIRECTORY. . ! i -v ' f. No Up-to-date Business or, Professional man can afford not to jj bae a Directory. " V REMEMBER the great number of new people and visitors that rarebt New Bern. ' ; REMEMBER this book ia sent to all the important citiea in the II . United States. .-; ''MMMMI.MM'MMIS1 nn"r " 1 j -v - t mmm mi m roilocK , If Price and Quality ' Combined . interest . you,, cce our line and get our ' prices before closing your deals. ''fZv,': " ,r ' Jt , fc ... . . s i.Lf -V4J , Dealers in Farmir ImpLrr.cnts, Builders Supplies, 7 cr.dGrncrrl Hardware, ' 7 r : i t-':t. r.r.v tz?.n, w. c. :.! r. ' ti-.T. v.. Ce-UU, - y BARGAINS IN -AT- RESOLVED we want to nu myp SPONGE WITH FRESH WATER. AW D OUR 5HELVE5 WITH fRESH l-ALLCCODSWE'Rf 50UEEZIMC OUT OUR PROFITS NOW Buster BRowiV. llnih"V -5AUi5, 55ri7o.lfT; ' I have accepted the agency for this-city for tho Wilmington Granite and , D. TUCKIB, Preprietor, WOmlsgtea, IT. C. ' , and wflt ne pleased to show yon designs and quote - on MOSUMlirTSnEADTOKES, IBOS -TEHC- , UO, IBOJ 0ATE8, etc.: SaUsfacUon (uaranteea W.; G. BOYD " Nb'Keai fsuw veaier.xeiepnene sw., , t 2t 7

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