NUMBER 110 riitliiG, ATjOTjoT I. I . ,7 TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR f ' I X7 a stuo:;g wk'z. " t ' S , 1 V , ' 7' n ,.. H V' '..'J W'i."'! .. L.,..iiT. Hi uuHim . i i i ! m I H HH jl .H Ki t '- ' Stop-and think.; ' Ydur money in this bank- la- protected ; ' by eppltalof $200,000.00 plui Stockholders'Inability of as N much more making 4 " " i 1 f -,-;v ; $oo,ooo.oo . v ::rCy?. t-;' ' " of security b'twean you and any possible, Joes. - Another ;ht thing, th's big capital means that this bank can always take , care of the legitimate demands of Its customers.' 1 Are these not bufflcient reasons,-why you .should make J thitfTOURbank? ' - . . . - "-.-,.- I k 'at 1 JAS. B. BLADES, jPrea, T. A. GREEN, V. Pres. ' Win, B. BLADES, V. Pres. GEO. B. PENDLETON, Cashier Fine Bath Room-Ware 0 - We have the finest line of bath-room accessories ever offered for sale in New Bern. ' : " f. Come and See Them." Prices are Right, 5 C -v T : H till llCTBIt S SIIPPIY CO. 8k- i ? 'o. 7Q Craven Street. 7' ' ' I t JOHN B. IVES nrtAktni sr 0. 'REAL I ESTATE" DEjfe Bi EBXER Rers collected for which Immediate returns are made, r.4 All deals maSe at moderate cost,. f, ")t PrrKonal attention given all matters. ' r - Vt , . 't"f BRIDGKTON LOTS KOR 8ALE-Buy one," ill aid you to buiidahome.. , -'' : -I-"-. ".- "'..J,'' ' ,V i':.f Concrete hol'ow blocks for bouse support 'for sale. Cheaper' : than brick, last' for cemurieft,' , s' ' ,,-ar -' -JJf loi pollock ,st, ;. ; . v-'"r V ; ; if thone. 203 ; i COVERS MOST, LASTS - LONGEST LlC,, ; : HEATH r;!LLIGAH PIITS v-t; ; YVe .invite a tr jail ordeanJ feel satisfied " that'itwill'malce acastomer; v." . Gaskill Hard vatc Comp'y M Id 1 Street,'' '- 'Phone 147.- - . "" " New Bern, rl.'C. cr.i ;x crr- . ft Offer! p GAS SIb'itS St ' $2 00 flown and 2.00 per month vnnlil tovc is paiJ for. - n ) and" most, .complete ''This fact -bcawCdiwctly'-on yonr pockelbook." ' v No matter how little you pay for Fur- . niture or Stovs here,' you are bound to get good quality." - A ru ' N matter how much you pay you are bound to get . your : money V. worth. We offer "all REFRIGERATORS and FPEEZEES at special prices as Jong as they last. See us. r -,; 1 83 KIDDLE Si B O YDi 0 IF YOU HAVE A Tclcrilicnc you can call us up. Just tell central you want to talk to lis and she will connect you. To write cott but a stamp, and ws reply at once. Getting to Uorfolk Is . easy and convenient now. The tcldiiliDno, t)i Jful, ami thn Railway jmt you lu eawy communication with tin. Lit. us bii ui'ly you Iwili all yon w:mt In Juwclry, WutcTma, Stilyprwa i n and evpry tlilni? elK iimmny found In a n i cf r j 'i ( n r J ! ry f'loro. (-1 " ' i f ; t ( 1 -liroval l-i r ) i A "i vi i n i n . i N Grieensboro's TLilaEthrcpis Re eivea Warm W clcome From "- Neighbors and Friends !. - S C3E-RE3lHP::h:;-. Subway jrialshed.,, IaTestlgatlei - of s ef Collision at .Peinoaa Rerolta 1 ,.7, ia'Dlscharfe el Irala Crem s ' - '' 'Negre 'Dldnt ' JKaow he ' " .. Ceaintttei .".Marder.4 ,V c'O Gate CttRKews. V " to f Interest, Special Cqrjespondeace. j " , ureeoBDoro,-' A.aEUB a r Suit 6Y the investigation Sunday; into the head oa collision at. Pomona, Fri day '-tehV; between? the. Winston Ba lam 4raln, .and a shifting engine the yard crew'' at Pomona consisting , of an engineer,' Hreman, conductor and two train hands, have been discharged The engine of the Winston train was badly damaged by the -accident while the' shifting engine." sustained ' little damage. . .;, -V' C f " Deputy'aherilf wV i,7Weatherl Vis lW the . Southern . Railway double tracking camp about a v mile ' from MreensborOi .this ' afternoon at three O clock. and placed under arrest Law? son' Addison, colored, wanted for ihe murder of Matilda -McMaster, v and Mamie Halsett; in s -Chester county. South Carolina, last 8eptembef.Ie made no denial of Qie fact of.anoo' Injf," saying' that, he shot," anil rari aud was not sure that They-were killed until he was jtoid. todayv f , t Mr. Paul C." Llmlleyv ofther J;-Tan Lindley Nuresry -Company, and! tot John A,'Toang, of the-; preensboro Nurseries, left yesterdays. afterhoon for Richmond, attend the n nual -meeting of the 'Southern: Nur serymen's Convention which will eon vene In that Icity.: tomorrow,.?. . The trains '.bound tor, Richmond had . on board, a Urge number of nurserymen from all over the South.' i The reception . and .banquet - given by the Chamber of Commerce to-' eel-: ebrata the home coming of Mr. Moses U. Cone, who has : been absent trom the city on as extended Jour of the world, Cor a year and , a half,1 took place Monday, night in. the spacious dining room qf the Gullford-Benbow hotels where an elaborate spread haf been prepared for S50 guests. ?Am In formal .reception was held in I the parlors of the hotel, where from 8:S0 until 10:00 greetings were exchanged between the guest of honor and more than 200 representative business men of the city, after which the guests adjourned to the banquet hall to en Joy the elaborate menu consisting of a long list of palpable and tempting delicacies tl V , : 1 Mr. G.'Sam Bradshaw, as toastmaa terT measured up to his usual stand ard as a clever wit and master of cer emonies. ; During, the evening a num ber of excellent . and, entertalnglng speeches were made, but. the climax of the evening was reached with thun derous applause when ; the guest of honor, Mr. Cone wae presented. r Mr. Cone said In part: "t am .overwhelm ed. 'I had not expected anything of this sort. The things you have been saying about me are the kind ot thing you usually hear at a man's funeral, lie said he wanted. to correct some misinformation. He. had been given more credit than was bis due. Ills brother, Caesar Cone, was entitled to the credit for White Oak and. for ome other things which bad been mentioned by the speakers of the even Illg. . , '. Mr,-Cone was deeply sennflile of the high conpi:Bt being puld h!m by his fd'lo i as. lie suit! t i heart was a f.M It bat ever bona In his Ufa. lie aever dreamed the reception to be cton htm would be of audi inn not believe u lfl. He said he Onl it nn.h a reception la any otlior sco i.t y. 1 Kt row' " 1 a 1 be found i n would be r!" lion of t':e n I'l tmvcl i ' re li ) ,(n!H for a 1. I i i 1 o, or p!;if"n mo C -i o- ;e t1 sit North C AH I Is v 1 l . r rp r : Toung Couple Outwitted Brides' Par- i ents Opposition to their' ' . " - Marriage. " r Special to Journal. i J , v Raleigh, August. 14. It' develops that Miss Hortense Foushee and Mr. Ormand C. Liles, of Jonesboro," the procuring of 'marriage, license sfor whom here last week created some thing of a sensation, have been maVk- ed in spite of the opposition of par ents and that' the parents are now reconciled to the match, and have be stowed their blessing. -The neit day after the issuance of the license here to the groom himself on affidavit that the young ady 1 waa- elghteenyears old, the father- of1 the brlde,v Mr.,- Lon nle Foushee, came here and, declared that the girl was only fifteen, 1 and that 'he i.w"ou.ld prosecuttf the ; young man for false pretense. In. the ntaii- time; he ;ael abotHt the .intercept, the couple, who - were advised that the parents -were- on;. their. trhck.s They were married otu the j-allroad .train Just before the father, came up' with them. - He denounced the' frroom and declared his purpose to prosecute,' tlt now' comes the news that he. has 'for given both, and a' complete family reconciliation, has followed. ' V -Whlteharsts Saturday. ',-'' vHwni uacy- jn$ayum Speciat to Journal, y,"! v : Havana, Cuba, August M-An;p-rlslng of ebfel'guerrillaa waa .discov ered and checked today..-. It ir .said that it waa ' formed to, .be. manifest August 19." f Severa arrests hafe).been made. o. TiKBp lfEISUM Dtefranchlseaient '..BUI Passes the Speclalto Journal. "''' Atlanta, August itVThe (egro dis iraflebjsement hill passed the -House today and tomorrow - wllf pass - the Senate ,y st t: r t ; y -i . CeteyAgalf en ,Foet'y Speclal to Journals ' ' ' J. V Detroit,,-August 14ntlen,'.oxey.lB organising a regiment of men similar to his armleS' originated in .1892 and wTA-walk to Washington to Interview the President". -v-";' w - - . . . r ; The ; Keying Picture, Program, r rTonight the following series of pic tures will be seen at the New Masonic Opera Houses , , y .' r-'-x "- V ' His wife's blrthday.'irfoy . Love vi Title.' , 'The' tagenlona Dauber. J vv'' C Illustrated Bongr Good-bye Maggie Doyle; After They Oathfer, the Hay.- 'r '.'Messenger Boyl Jola the Strikers;; Special', to: JournaL .t- v - j', 'l' i'.-f - Washington August' 14,-rThls rcity does Hot suffer so much from .tele graphers strike as -do other places, and i small working force has-been left In the offices of both companies. About "178 out of 102 operators are at work or enough to handle the work In fairly good shape. " ' ' The messenger boys have struck in sympathy : wlth their older, brothers, and today solemnly walked out The extent of their strike is to bother and abuse the boy a who slick to their Jobs The 'police broke up one gang who had badly Injured one boy, and sever al arrests were made, at the request of the parents of the Injured boy. ' Doth sides are optimistic as to the outcome of the strike and It Is proba ble that the difficulties will be ad justed within a week. n The strikers fund amounts to $8, 000,000, An appeal will be made to President Roosevelt for intervention. convenience,; as' heretofore vehicles hnve bad to cross either at the high land avenue of Jackson street cross I : While at.tniptlng to board a flylnn frelfcbt train at the I;ant WV Unrton street cro-iing yeHturday, II. JIanlman a yomiK while man who kvm that bin !:' ' ; Ih In t;,nra n throii Hitn i t'.e ( , it : r 1 f : ' til 1 a f I. I I hy r t I t I 1 t J 1 ' t Edward Westel In JalL Suspected ef , Killing the Little TIetsehler eirk v Special tl Journal. T "'V V- New York,' August 14. Edward Wes tel has been, arrested on the Buspi" plon that he is the murdered .of Katie Tiefschlervbne of the girl vlcyms of the numerous assaults and .murders in this city the past few weeks. ! Po lice were , put -on--the clue 'by the woman, Dora Messnerj who is held as accessory, At :Sew, Masonic Theatre Tonight Admission reduced to 6 cents. J; r Firemen's Tearnament - rsteps are "being taken to have the tournament on a Small scale Jn which the ? Atlantic - and : Button companies wlll,,aTtlcIpate, and invitations .wilt be extended tq numerous companies of other cltiee to Join the festivities which will take place here on 'labor Oy'viClnston,'-Wilson, Washington, Elizabeth City and Wilmington will be pmcmg those invited to. participate. The boys anticipate an exciting time. '' it Sew Masonic Theatre. Tonlght Admission-reduced to cents, r :V t'f , ... i i ., 4 K Sweet Potatoes are'Hre. 4 - v -Hudson ; It Company , received the Brat lot of sweet . potatoes yesterday. Messrs CL A. .Williams aad jbraughton arrived with a boat Joad from' jpaw- son's Creek,' amounting to between 0-'and 60' tmshela.'' - The saccharine tubers are Htm, and in line 'condition. The Crop Is aald to be as large' aa conditions. 4 ' 1-". , WR FPRTHESTAT M SUte PstrtoOe'Secletyls striving te V- Snstola hnd Exteni the ' Special to Journal, " ' ' - , RaleighC' August 14. The North Catolina-Patriotic Society,. P. C, En nlsa.j secretary, "is doing- much to a waken interest in the North Carolina flag; so much' that it is hard to supply the demands: for these flags,, the or ders tor them.'comlng in for all sixes add fabrics. The flags are now wav ing over practically all the State and county buildings in compliance with the act" of thw last Jeglslatnre:, More than- five 'Jbundred Btate flagtr .were shipped the past two "weeks to the Jamestown' Exposition in preparation for . the North Carolina 'week., events. The- society haa Just furnished two very handsome State regimental flags for the three regiments of North Car olina National Guard, that will spend the week in camp at Jamestown. They are of the finest Jleld flag ajlk, gold bullf Is - trimmed ' with other regula tion trimmings U r. , .!' U, - a " 1 1 ' 111 c r .. , 'Keiak Plant BsrawL :'-i Special to JournaL - Rochester: N. Y., August ; 14-The immense Eastman Kodak plant 'was destroyed by Are today. -Loss $250,- ooo. .r V; ':'.; Boy TTIth Babbles Bites Three Per. sobs. , Special to Journal: .U Danville, JUa., August 14. Charles Davis, a boy was bitten by a mad dog some ttnW ago, and waa today strlck' en with, hydrophobia, and before he could be restrained he had beltten three members of his family, ' who now have the same disease. i .. " v v . Mother Eddy Insane. " . :. Special to Journal. 1 ' . . Concord, N. IU August 14. Infor mation from:a reliable source states that Mrs. Mary 'Baker O. Eddy, hd of the Christian Bclence Church, Is suffering from senile dementia, and Is In an Incurable eondlllon. ' . " Kaere Pent French Toops. Special to Juiirnal. . Morocco, Morocco, Aucust J4 An arm v of 7.0H r-wire, attacked tbe tiooi,s iy t!.i:i morning at .nca, sr I (,',nvi) them from tr I'Oi hi, but i r a r rc f ' t : ;o'.. ' 1 !, . (Ml ..r- :i t i .. . 'I. 1 1 .1 in v , 1 h : I im ii I, .to thn Interior of r.Mroo ! 1 J . . i i Ll.iL rrn r ULU Farmers Institutes,; A waken- ing Interest in Eastern I Vl" Sectioiaof State " A at REVENUE OFFICERS -CAPTURE STILL Quee ame on Pension Boll Ke- celpta of department of Insnr. i ance." The Strike In Balelgh y Operator fight and Then j ..Make tip Important - Improvem,ent on , I ' r , " IhiBway. , Special to Journal. ; Balelgh August 14. A suit for $30, 000 damages against - the Seaboard Air .Une, la Instituted in Wake court by J; H." Griffith, engineer,, tot injur ies sustained in an accident at Deep Creek bridge March 21, when a string of frelghf cars ran down grade into his engine.1 R. N.- Slmms Is attorney for 'Griffith., - - The" interset which farmers of N. Carolina are iuanlf eating in the Farm- lers institute, being; held under , the auspfcea of the State. Department ot Education le an- insplraloln to all In terested In agricultural progress,; so declares Col. RJ.- Bedding, of the Georgia' department -" of "agriculture. He' has-been in this State several weeks, , delivering lectures at many of these Institutes. - He Bays he wishes very much that the farmers of Georgia could be brought to manifest such an Interest in the institutes pro vided, in that State. He will spend the next week or so with institutes la the .eastern section of the State.- IX?S.' Dollar Is an unusual name, which appears this year on the State Confederate pension roll. He is a citizen of Ashe county, and his pen sion is $lg per year. '3- . , The Raleigh' Electric Company, op erating the tree railway system and furnishing the city lights has un derway extensive 'preparations for Improved service,' A new BOO h. p. kilowatt steam, turbla generator has Just-arrived and .preparations for its installation are under way.'. The car sheds and general - office ahd repair departments of the company on West street are being enlarged and entirely remodeled, converted in fact Into a into- i structure of i brick and steel with Jmodern appointments . There wilt be- a new 440 horse power boiler installed along with those already in use In the Jocal statioa. All this in addition to the splendid power gen erating plant ot the company at the falls of the Neuset six. tall es from towiu t All this work Ja to be com pleted ; by the opening of,, the . State Fair,-when 'u has already peen an nounced, the fare to the fair, grounds from the city "will be five "cents In stead Of ten. cents, as heretofore. -The general telegraphers I" strike reached ' here last night -about eight o'clock, . when , the ' operators in nhe Western Union office walked opt leav ing their, keys wIth.ooly t Manager Bannister to scuffle along and do; the best he could to handle the more Im portant business to what points he can -obtain communication with, The strike will not effect the ..Postal of fice here for the reason that none of the 'operators are union men. . .f-V . -'A short while before 4he. Western Union operators - walked r out there was a flerce tight between Iwo of the operators. Lee Dughl and John Bur ies. Buries Is not a member of the on, Ion and the Dughl Is. They quar relled'over matters pertaining to the strike, and the-obligation Of non un ion men to go out and help along the cause. Several blows were passed. tter the two made friends and Sur les walked out with the other opera tnr when the Raleigh strike was 01 ' 'I Cd. '. V . .: ."' The receipts In the State Depart- no 'it (,f Iumirunea for July apgregat " I ; :7! ; I. And this amount has Just he i :,i J Into tiifl -.ate treasury by C.ii inner of Insurance, J. H. lei a 1 mry $2 )4l, I 4 to t:.--rift 1 I ' t' ' t I I , 1 ' tl I'M 1 It I), C. i 1 J. 40 inch WfflTB UWNS I 10c, 12c, 15 and 20c. inch SRENCH and PER-1 I SIAN LAWN I C at 20c. japuRN'sj WHY DOMT DW you iSHIrXTlwE WEAR. OUTRIDE now YOUR I easreMNT wo. av tms bhtw bsWN 5v fettmro lots or people wear good outer clothing BUT NOT GOOD JHIRT-5. THEY -5AY "WHAT 1 ,5 THE DIFFERENCE?" THERE S A DIFFERENCE. A WELl FITTING JHIRT CAUSE IT 1-5 VERY CLO.SE To YOU. TO BUY GOOD iSHIRTVS 1 ECONOMY. " JUT RECEIVED A BEAU TirUL LINE IN WHITE AND FANCY ATTACHED OR DETACHED CUFF.S 50C, J 1.00 AND $1.50. ALo THE LATE5T THING IN 4 INCH HAED TIE: S 50C. BIG LOT OF RUG-S AND ART .SQUARED. 20 PER CENT OFF-ON CLOTHING AND OXFORD. OCZ3C -; JUST RECEIVED A Jipiti :Plain n J . Corner Broad and riancoek Sta.1'' 30C V t have mi V , -ill 'V DIG, II0 lOi rollock mm RtJOLXeD, iLTrtoycn a rfri .may" 1 ?(X.aLariE:s w the HE .CfW KZLGOOQ IF HE 15 YOTiORKSCO.RlGHT AIL 1Ht WAV TJ1R0UG ft IT IS WORTH thajn imtrncE or mm hoCELTflATOU cm ThKE Offl cVi inn.rwu. e. CHieasaV WHY tun ttuntal- FEEL-5 COMFORTABLE BE FRESH INVOICE FINE Sardines! and Smoked. New Bern, N. C. DOC CJO accepted the agency for this city tor the BAXTER McDANIEL WilmingtonlGranite and "vi'jlarble. works ; tf'.JL$r TUCKER Preprleter, Wilmington, If. C.. nla. a shA Vnil Ati ta And AllcltZsB 1 a. u :hwiraiwHna www a vv aiMirva fDAV!'VVV.' I , ' U " JiUrt UiltliiUWvlIJIiAV-oawusJMi vv ,,.-w-...i 04TIS, ete. ;Sat!8faotlo ;guaranteea..; W. G. .BOYD. : 8U Real Estate lcaier,. leiepnoae xuj. , :::i' " 'j W it 'i 1". ' ft" field Fencing, we carry in stock, ! y IV ' i :', Ar lifts and Wire antes, and i . ' l.avo aUo just received a large lot ;t i 's' "1. Write or 'call and get our 'i ' i i a f, ' clnss Hardware store.

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