jiiv ber:i daily jour: iCftSS TL3.K!C2SJI Ar3,,' 8mai. Cenejpondeiioa,-- , ;: . ; v i".i...4 1.4 n.r r-rV : ac c- so-1- c w. U5IiMiJ . UlSl-nfiiJU Masca, Messrs. "E,, J. Hardest and W Xsrearad Ctt Sew . - Morehead. City. Jaa. 0.t-w .! fell ul I tb HU " - 1 I.. anM Malbr OB the " yonftu J.ro B. rhlmc, tu down to W tJBheHthy Klin-v Xake Impure Blood. JFTaylor. at-.- eJ as offleors, tnsaK r.- ... . ... ...w i.w mj --. 1 used to be consider! mat owiy-Der quarterly: coherence at A" -.'-" ft . I"" "T ""T 'LTr "Wtbl?!tet Newport Ust Saturday: K'vf--s - ' :- rarmers.r. u .'- JSL?it-K,,Jan.t?n recej . 4 HaKLK I STKTK58. EDITOR AND PPOPRIETOR hae and planting -pens.. Now prepar ing land for Irish poUtoosand other crops. . ' ' " , .' ' tr ; suBSCBirrioa rates. " . v ,7, , - n. rr nr.- t advance. . .. S Our city U rapidly growim. SeY. ... ,m w i th. dtv M 'ral sew residences Just Bearing com- . . hui. . n ttlfrht mnr tuln? .IrAiHai r.a UstM mrninM (J Q 1U i Kwv ""... " constructed. At this rate, we -will Entered at the Postofflc. New Pern. N. C. as MC-ond-class matter. OFFICIAL PAPEJl OF NEW BERN. n CRAVEN COUNTY New Eern. N. C. January 81, 1908. STEEL AX INDEX TO HiDl'STBIAL CONDITIONS The steel industry of the United States has long been regarded as its most important trade barometer. What was the report for last year, has held financial circles in uneasiness, waiting for the United States Steel Corporation to make its annual re port. This report is now made known. The net earnings for the last three months of the corporation's year were $32,553,900. The figures exceeded the hopes of the steel trade. The net earning;: for the year 1907 were $160, 984,477, the largest in the company's history. The uufilled orders on hand at the end of the year amounted to 4.',2-l,"r;i tons. The surplus for the quarter was $3,559,247. The usual quarterly dividends of 1-2 per cent, on the common and 1-4 per cent on the preferred stocks were declared by the directors. The net earnings for the last three months of 1907 show a decrease of $9,180,969, as compared with the same period of 1906, and the unfilled orders on hand are 3,865,165 tons under the figures for the corresponding quarter last year. soon have a vacant that all construction The t a j At J, bat "ow modern. r tv.'r science proves that yesterday from Belhavea of til wreck' nearly all 4 disease "age cf the i"hdoner Marietta" aear , haw thenninK . ,nc., ; last Tharaday. f . ThU . fttw Wffta-frTw.rtiyd..r becausa the boat organs. - . . " Baa w:n in tea ten ijunuy since m Und iwify'thehlood- jtn ! L-.-V nt with h! nn.l.mn TnVnnlaT Ttnif(Mi vttea vosr kidneyaee weak .!.,, Mhr Thr la not, C "? wderstand how came over Sunday and apent the ahjht large city. There Is 'm5.M1i -ifir. bodvis afected and v.v dwellings now in course of Arty. i VV' s i- J t'H 'tV.. v ' w .Irdv eneei. If volt are sick or ' feel paoly ," begi: Mr. I. M Howard, accompanied by n Mrs. Mrs. Susan Willis, came through Arendeli Literary Society at vilmM-'a .Swmi-Root. because aa soon t, t its first moeting for 1908. elected the Zryr kidneys ere well they wUl help lu" w " ' at u.aaes. I! the uwr oreans w iicatui a. ha . mjiui nuu twu vi uia will convince anyone, Plant Weed's Garden Gceds POX SUPCHOX ' TABIXM ft rLOVYDIS, Out Wueaa,' bok la Garde.- " aad Farm Beeda, to om tithe tartest m tbit oagtrr. itt due) to th Ato UisA' (U Quality b always otir . p Crst consideration. : . W azt beadqaarbn i Or and Ctewr gesda. t ssd Oato. Sm4 PotatoM, Cw other F Wood's Doeorlptlvo CatologM the bestead bmM aractleaiersMd following officers: President, Guy M. Hardison; Vice-President, George E. Gillikin; Secty, George Webb; Ser geant at-arm, Gibb Arthur. The sub ject of discussion at their next meet ins: on evening of 31st instant, is If you are sick yon can make lie- mis- f ke by first doctonng your kidneys. ' lie mild and the extraordinary effect of rcti rned home Tu take Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, tne great kMnev remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures "Which was the bravest general in of the most distressing cases, and is sold th Civil War, Lee or JacKson. On Monday night last, Prof Chas. neMi E. Hand, Dialect Header ana imper- bottles. You may children, who had been speeding ft Dern and Thurman, Tuesday. Mr. Geo. F. B-!1 was In Beaufort Tuesday. Mr. Edward Chadwick of North Riv er, was here jeterday selling some cotton. Dr. Carl Eilfinger of Thurman, came down on his naptha boat Tues- Tho how to find out if you have kidney or business of his company the Tere- - ejilie sotaartty. a ail fiareea n aaa ItmenM, Maintae saaUea II II jBeearaqnert. Wrtaiat ifc II M'TiT7rtiCC3 & $3S I annornr cntvo nnn nf his HnlpflfiiH An- have a aaniDle bottle TTorm at 8waaD-&oot. tertainments for the benefit of the J mail free, also PpUet aad ret'lr"eJ Wednesday. . ' now 10 nna oui u yvu mvc um; w Harrv Nnrth School. OiiltA a lartre li.jj vf-,;i nonar adW..nc erected him. and were well when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. W . blne Construction Company ,ls now pleased with his recitations, songs, hamton.N.V. makeMTmirtate, .. but remember the name,. Swamp-Root, and readings. Dr. Kilmer's SwampRoot, and the ad- Last night, the "Dixie Moving Pic- dress, Binghamton.N. Y.,oneverybottle. ture Company" showed at the opera , FOI ND TRI E KK3IED1 F. S. Duffy is Sure Mi-o-ua Will Cure Indigestion The incalculable amount of good that Mi-o-na stomach tablets are do ing in. New Bern, In making sick and even despairing people well, should compel the attention of every judi cious person who is out of health with stomach troubles. The underlying cause of nervous debility, headaches, sleeplessness and melancholy Is faulty nutrition, tho ra sult of a weakened stomach and Inac tive bowels. So long as the stomach is weak the tissues cannot assimilate proper nourishment, no maiter how much food is eaten. Mi-o-na increases the strength and activity of the muscular walls of the stomach, rcgulutes the bowels and makes the blood capa ble of conveying nutriment to all the vital organ:;. The uue of Mi n na stomach tabfets makes all the difference between a tired, ncrviiin, sluggish condition, a weakened stomach, and a healthy, en ergetic bodily condition. In no other way can yon so quickly so re.'.ilily and so positively stimulate the f-toni.o 1; t!i good health as by using Ml-o-na The fact that this remedy Is sold 1 F. S Duffy under a guar antee to r fund the money unless it cures, shows conclusively Its super iority over ordinary, old-fashioned dl ge stives. house tothe delight of many hundreds of our people, both large and small. The entertainment was good and the amount raised for the Harry North School was satisfactory. We regret that our mayor, Mr. Chas. 3. Wallace, is. yet confined to hla oom, but we are glad he is improv ing ,and hope to see him out again soon. Mr. Stacy Wade, clerk i nthe legls- ature, spent Sunday with his family and returned to Raleigh Monday morn Mr. T. D. Webb, chairman- board county commissioners, left for Ashe- ville, Sunday morning.- Hotel Charles had quite a number f arrivals during the past week. This hotel is doing a rushing business. Mr. D. S. Koonce of Bogue, return I to his homo after a few days visit to friends and relatives In the city. Mr. C. W. Hardison and family of New Bern have been visiting their brother at Morehead during the past week. They returned to their home Monday. Mrs. S. C. Mattocks of Thurman, ho has been visiting her daughter, tfrs. G. L. Hardison, returned to her oii.e Sunday morning. The health of our community Is good. We hear of some sickness, in the country, nearby, among some of the older-people. R3V. Mr. Howard, pastor of the M. Church at Morehead City, gave a very interesting and profitable dis course on the "Christian Life of the ate Cen'l Robert E. Lee," at the ser vice Sunday night, Jan. 19th. He clearly proved that for a man to be a uccess as a great man that it was very neceusary for him to be also a ood man. Secretary of the Navy, Metcalf, will send the lirownson letters to Con press, but when he declines to say. OABTO XT I -A- . ' One of the most useful things about euss words Is how the family will go away and leave you alone afterwards. The doctor knows many 111-advlsed people " 1100 ftenard, f 100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to ler.rn that there Is tX least one dreaded disease thi' 'nt Kn been able to cure In all It stage, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrfc , Cure Is the only positive cure now known to ihe medical fraternity. Ca- ' tafrh being a constitutional disease, quire a constitutional treatment. . Hall' Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal ly, acting directly upon tbs blood and murou in r far en of the system, there- ' by destroying the foundation of the laense, And giving the patient strength ' by baltdlng up the constitution and , assuring nature In doing It work. The proprietor bve so laden faith In it curative power that titor oaTer 'Ono ttidred Dollar ft - -tst i that It tall to cur. 8eod for flat of .(nUmoDlal. ' V Addre r. J. CHENEY 00, to ledo, Ohio ' Sold by all- Drgit. ft Tk Hat)- Tamily Pill for ,' Upetlon. ; ' .' s; ; m :. r.K ' A falling off of IJJI lo- a mootk I th latest Japsnese Immigration ' rw port 1 , . . . --' ' v ! tl fmtprrft tf.'t' ' Hotel Arrivals At the Hazeltpn: S. Rosenthal, Bal timore; R. Hall, New York; B. W. Ives, Rlverdale; John Brock, N. C; J. O. Duguid, Vanceboro; A. Shewer iner, New York; R. O. King, Balti more; W. T. Doles, N. C; Hill Hum phry,. Jacksonville; A. H. Johnson, N. C; B. S Thomas, Mass; T F. Adams N. C; J". K. Brock, N. C; G W Smith, N C; R, Swellman, Comfart; J. L. Aure, Comfort; R. H. Mills, Maya ville; Walter M. Thompson, Richlands, Hugh Dudley, Trenton; L. E. Smith, Vanceboro. At the Gem: F. H. Covington, Bal timore; F. M. Jackson, Baltimore; G. B. Boyd, Norfolk; Mrs. Hosteler, N. C; W. R. Pater, Baltimore; J. H. Gar rett, Springfield, Mo.; J. R. Kllbuck, Norfolk; C A. Earnest, O. D. S. S. Co., Norfolk; F J McNeive, Philadel phia; Walter D. Castorphlne, N. C; N. A. Nancy, N. C. At the Gaston: W. B. Borders, Va; S. L. Blackburn, Richmond; H. P. Dortch, Goldsboro; W. D. Lindsay, N. C; Jas. D. Combes, Chicago; Geo 0. Wenth worth, Chicago; L. Hyde, N. C; H. M. Krager, Baltimore; H. L. Reese, Baltimore; B. W. Aiken, Cincinnati, O.; J. P. Barrett, Boston; T. J. Tig nor, Baltimore; T. R. Andrews, Green ville, N C; P. M. Longan, Gloucester; Mr. aad Mrs. W. J. Tahbern, New York; J L. Bennett, Richmond; L. D. Warren, Richmond; E. W. Womack, N. C; B. B. Maston, Winston; B. F. Hcnnon, Richmond; J. J. Tawnew, Va; John P. Custoveson, Norfolk. starting up In real earnest. Mr. J. L. Lonj has accepted a po sitirn with Mr. W. J. H. Moore, at Lukins and lias 70ne there this week. Mr. James, cf New York, is now rusticating in our midst and is with Mr. W. B. Davis, aDd seems pleased with cur dim: te -and surroundings. We are glad to hive him with us. Mr. C. F. D. Bell went to Beaufort on business yesterday. Vejsrs E. D. Bangert and Jas R. Pel i, two of our merchants, took pas sage with Dr. Ilillfiuger yesterday for 'ew Bern, where they go on business to return home today. HOW TO PROLONG LIFE Snow HIU Welcomes Mr. Hlnes Standard-Laconic, 30th. Indeed were the people of Snow Hill glad to receive, welcome and con gratulate Mr. Lovlt Hlnes, at the site nf thu Hnow Hill rtennt last Thnrn- siomacn ireame tmre- day on the completIon of our rallroad If you have any trouble with your ! nd th. ftBtenI,Bhmpnt nf . . stomach you should take Chamber- I ,.. , atlofoM u, Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablet. Mr. I , . . mr. nines u party, numuering I. P. Klote, of Edina, Mo., says: "1 1 , . , . . , c, v, ojo. ,,eflr 0ne hundred and twentv-flve. ar- nave usea a great many different med icines for stomach trouble, but find hamberlaln's Stomach and Liver Tab ets more beneficial than any other nedy I ever used." For sal by Davl Pharmacy and F. 8. Daffy. at News From Birerdale eclal Correspondence. Rlvsrdale, N. C. Jan. 80. We having some very cold weather present Mrs. Fannie Malllson of New Bern, s spending a few days wkith her son, Mr. B. II. Malllson. Mr. Noah Caton, has returned home' ii er a short visit to his friends. Mlspes Maude and 8adie Wood were visitors at thJ Croatan Sunday School Stnday afternoon. Rev. Futrell filled his appointment at the Rlverdale M. E. Church Sun- lay, January 26th. Quite a large num ber attended and all say be Is a fliw preacher. . , Mrs. George Horn, t spending a few days In Dover, the gnet of her mother, Mr. Avery. Miss Helen Rouse, ha returned to her bom at Dover, after aa tended visit to her sister's, of thl plao. Mrs. Ella J. Fisher, and children were visitor at Mr. J. W. Lathanfr Sunday. ,, Master John Dixon wa a Visitor Ut Mr. J. W. Conner's Bnnaay rur nooo. . 3 Mr. Clayton Bell was a visitor' at Mr.-J. W. Latham' ytrday. ' Mr. T, Homer ipeot Monday to New Bern. , ' -v & Mr. 0. M. Ogleby (pent Saturday and Sunday with, bl pareoU al Hew port, aad retimed Monday moralag.. ;' . . WELOOMS tRCNB.' rived on a special train from Klnston at 11 o'clock. On arriving they wore welcomed by Mr. Paul Frlwelle, In a short, timely and appropriate address of welcome, which was responded to by Mr. L. R. Varser, of Klnston, who took occasion to congratulate both his town and pur town on the completion of the road which must mean so much to both places. Mr. Hlnes responded to the call of the people and made a short talk In wh!ch he reviewed the work of the building of the road, the' obligations of the people of Snow Hill had assum ed and their compliance therewith. Here be also offered to aid this peo ple In the further development of this section by promising to take stock In a cotton mill. At'l o'clock dinner was spread on 'be ground 'to which every one pres ent wa bidden. Indeed fa It a gala day for Snow Hill, which dow feel that It I of and la th commercial world, and th thank and appreciation of It people should and will vr follow Lovlt HI net. Snow' Hill' greatest oanef ac tor. ", Vdilre of Our Beloved Poet-Dr Oli ver Wendell Holmes if there i s one desire more strong- y implanted in the human breast than another aB we reach maturer ?crs, that desire is to prolong life. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes when ask ed how to live long replied ::Get a fatal disease and then take care of yourself." N We want to say to the people of New Bern, who are reaching maturer ears if you feel you are not aB strong as you used to be you need not get a fatal disease to prolong life, but keep the digestive organs In good condition, and the bodily tissues from wasting by taking our delicious cod iver and iron preparation, Vlnol. Vlnoi is not a patent medicine, but delicious modern cod liver oreDa- ration without oil, m$e by a scienti fic, extractive and concentrating pro cess from fresh cods livers, combining with peptonate-of-lron all the medici nal, healing, body-building elements of cod liver oil, but no oil. Mr. Joseph Banks of Decatur, 111., In ills seventy-eighth year says that owing to Vinol he feels stronger and younger than he has for many years. There are hundreds of old people n this vicinity who need just such a itrenth maker and tissue builder as Vlnol, and we ask them to try It on iiT offer to return money If It falls o give satisfaction. F. S. Duffy, DrugglBt, New Bern, N. C. Bradstrect's Weekly Trade Report Richmond, Va., Jan.- 30. Brad- streef Saturday will say for Rich mond, Va., and vicinity, which in cludes New Bern: Tirade, in practically all lines con tinues dull, showing little Improve ment over last week, and while whole salers and manufacturers are receiv ing some orders, the volume is con siderably behind that of a compara tive period of recent years. Produce and provision are in fair demand,--but the market lacks the tone given by active buying.' There is little change In the lumber section, there being practically no demand for many grades, however, contractors antici pate a resumption of building in the early spring. The loose tobacco mar ket continues active with large offer ings at satisfactory prices. Loans are more readily obtained from banks. Retail trade Is inactive. Requests for extensions are numerous. Collec tions are slow. Mr, London writ! "If 1 owsed your Tea, I wovld fttaraaUe a car or rt faad tteir taovtey. 1 aay it's Nature ear aad U only oa for U blood." Holllster's Rocky Moasuin Tea cared hlra where othr romedte failed. N'uff al f. a Doffy. ' There's mighty little money In work ng for It It Doe The Badaess Mr. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, say of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve 'It doe the bujiness: I have used it for pile and it cured them. Used It for cbapped hands and It eared them Applied It to aa old sore and It healed it without leaving a scar behind." S&c it All Druggist. OASTOIIIA. Swath ylhi Kind Km Haw Almyt Bought f THE NEWS W. J. Eryan told the Democratic Senators that the party platform should be framed to embody the Roose velt policies. A Senate committee took steps to air the scandal by which an undue number cf naval line ofilcers are en abled by the power of pull to retain soft berths ashore. S CaxUUaa rsyeUcr v; ; - ? (Archibald McLallaaJ" Reprinted by roauast - , W r .taagfat S soar Uxt-l$ok.-r "Sdeaee and HeeJtk ,Wltk Key to the Scrtptorea.-lhat,-tf Ood had Instituted material laws to fOvera man, disobe dience to which woald have mad nun HU Jeuawoal4 juA bar disregarded those law by healing In direct oppo sition to them and in defiance of all MteriaJ,ea41tkM" (a. 127 X. the anlmas of thla teaching pervas all of Mrs. Eddy's writings on Christian Science , Christian psychology 1 equivalent to Christian phrenology, physiology. and mythology, whereas Jesus pred. .oated and demonstrated Christian heal 'tag on the basis of Spirit, Ood. He1 never complicated Spirit with matter never taught the Unite opposite of ClrtA lilt rlaHantfu la nnt fnnnj I on any other basis except one God, one infinite, and that infinite divine Love. God is Spirit, and "they that worship Him must worship Htm In spirit and in truth." As revealed in Christian Science, God is unconscious of matter, for if He is Sprit, and All, He cannot know aught that would be the very unllkeness of Himself in quantity, quality and divinity. Neglect of this, the real meaning of Christianity, resulted In a loss of the power to heal the sick centuries ago, and today also there are those who are casting lots for Christ's seam less robe, but by their failure to per ceive -the oneness of Spirit they too will lose the truth of Christianity, and thus be unable to demonstrate it up on the divine Principle which Jesus taught, namely, one God, one Infinite hence no matter. Christianity with out this essential Science of Christian truth the oneness of Spirit is left without a perfect Principle and with out scientific demonstration thereof. In other words, they who drop Spirit is the one and all of Christianity, thereby lose the demonstration of the power of Spirit, through Christ, tc heal the sick and cleanse the leper, to destroy sin, disease and death. Mrs. Eddy has shown that she lover all that tends towards Christianity; 3he loves Catholics and Protestants, .lethodisU, Congregationists, Baptists, Quakers, Shakers she loves all save hat which stands still or has no part n Christianity. Her teachings fur ther show that she cannot persistent ly endorse as Christianity the two dis tinctly contradictory statements and points of view contained In the term "Christian psychology" otherwise, Hirlstlan materialism. "The determli itlon to hold Spirit in the grasp o' natter is the persecutor of Truth an Love" (Science and Health, p. 28.) - v Mayor McClellan, with Dr. Walter Bensel, as his aide, is virtually In charge of the snow-removal situa tion. Comptroller Metz found an honest man, on the police force of New York. i Warner Miller made a general as signment for the benefit of his credi tors. The "Countess" Nledda Ourosoff, one of the gang of get-rich-qulck swindlers, which operated at the Wal dorf-Astoria, fled to London. Attorney General Bonaparte's at tention is to be called to alleged col luslve bids on the part of paper man ufacturers for furnishing Government supplies. Th Quarterly report of the United States Steel Corporation abowed net earnings of I32.&6MK and a decline in unfilled orders of Mtf.ltf tons as .aillans. compared with December 21, 106. A Care for Misery "I have found a cure for the miser) malaria poison produces," says R. M lames, of Louellen, 8. OY "If caller Olectrlc Bitters, and comes in 60 cent 'Kittles. It break up a case of chilU ir a bilious attack In almost no time; ind it put yellow jaundice clean out of commission." This great tonic med iclne and blood purifier give quick relief in all stomach, liver and kidney complaints and the misery of lame back Sold under guarantee at All Druggist New In a NstsbelL A man in a passion rides a horse that runs away with' him. German. A light heart lives long. Shakke-speare. The will of Edmund Clarence 8tsd man gives his literary and other treas ures to organisations with which he was affiliated. Marked cordiality continued In th) welcome of the American fleet by Bra Every day Is Ilk Sunday in Georgia r.ow. Th ocean-going tug Edgar F. Luck enback was sunk off th Battery af ter a collision with the Clyde liner Pawnee. One of the tag's crew Is missing- Edward Henry Strobe), adviser t the King of Slam, died of bloodpolson-lng. 1 Tkoaual IHhan Wrti f Good . A. JL Tksra, a wall- kaowa cal operator of Buffalo, O, writ: "I hat been afflicted with kidney aad bladder trouble tor years, passing gravl and stonr wllk tteraoUtlog pain. I got no relief, from fttodlcina acttt I rwH gaa taking- ftltj's Kidney Cart, then tho result Wa Surprising, A few doses started th brick duU Ilka An stones and aow.I kar no pain aosos ry kidney ami I feel Ilka a aew saao. It has doe tna I1.0C worth of good." Dsvla Pkamaey. , . " ,. ,. '. If Inf. rt H that ao't- la spite of his dlaclafmer, th ro port that Secretary Cortelyon will re sit generally believed. ' , , , . r nw ta Ateld FaeamtsJa X . We hav never beard of a lagl la- itanc of a cold resulting, In pnes motila or other lung tronbl when Fo ley' Honey and Tar baa been takes. It not only stops tbs cough, bat heals and strengthens th lungs.' Ask for Foley' Bon yand Tar aad raf sa aay inbslltut offered. Dr. .0. J. Bishop, f Agncw, Mich., writes: "I hav asd Foley' Honey and Tar aad.rafu aay sever cases of pnaaraoaJn, wltk good result ia mrr, n.- Oevl Tktr- .A novel rasy not ba doubly lattr- stlng becaose It's la two volume - An Itallsa woman la rhlladelpbla. shot th roaa who Insulted ber and others of ber sel applauded. i Th long Indoor ltf of winter make th Mood weak, and.th tysters eas ily catcb colih.and dlt. IIol lister' Rorky Mountain Tea I th greatest . winter rtmdy; prevent cold and dl, keep yon well all winter, 15 ot, Te or Tablfl. f. B. Duffy, . CASTOR I A Tli tti Yei Ran Abrcp Leslie M. Shaw may resign from the presi lencjr of the Carnegie Trust Company on March 1. Bear tk Q1gss'qTS of Sona poopla ar ao rick they don't bar to keep a dog. Juditon Harmon urged the necessity of tariff reform In an address at Naah vllle. Jackson Detach was put on trial In Philadelphia, for the slaying of an al leftd admirer of his wife. Senator Aldrich declared bw ear rsncy bill or none would be adopter' aad received Secretary Cortelyon's i cae for not sending needed laforma Hon. Ckroals CoasUpsUoa Cared On who ssffer frora ebroak eoa- 41paUo U la danger of masy serlons ( taser gsrriai aiuants, onao Lasatrra rrvflt syrap - Bshraasi trw Sera aad (Mesial earwa ebroalo aoastlpatlos) as It aids Norfork aad toatbara Kailws; dlcwstloa aad attaalatas tba liver ssd a at with the tnaagnratio bowsls, rsstorinc tba aataraJ tci , betwtea Jw Bar of th argaaa. Cwataooo UWg QrWoui M juary 1st INa, . It today aad yoa will lest, better at mmmw swrrto aetweeo tboa tat oaoa, Ortow Uallv frail lyrap U M duooaUaaUi. last 1ssr t doM not aatrsMla or grfb U '"1 uw. New Dra for Orteetai J:f ptaaat to Uk. Rfua aabatitalaa. a Taesday list, - lPOf, aai Davla rbannaey. . - - - , ' f j Ust ataarasr Wavlag Oriaatal lor h. , " '. '. ' IPwa at t:H C Taasday Dscstab. A neighbor' tMUooay Is tbs. lest IL1M7. of VM7body-Iiiak, . an;. i ? I? r The fltt Km a r'M I In lov It' romantic; fte r'hat ViiorW-ncn, . A BtgkfT II -ell b Level ; . "I bav reached a hi bee health W. I sine I begaa tata Dr. King's New Uf nils, write Jacob Pptisger. Of Went rrnklla, Malas. They bets my stomach, llvsr and bowel work log Jnat ri(hL" If the pill disap point you fn Irut, -nnnr will be re fun14 t i'.i Iirr:'s'. t'a. 1 It bl U- WTNCIT, T- I a a iicDQDtsva r. : i - ; . Norfolk, : r. w. TArtn. tx r. ' - - Ooldsboro, H. v ' ;iOLUwft ' K : h&V.: :'iTcanr::e k 9tm W sf rta t-.mmtm4 f brt, ; X f,9 r w-ttrsan Ir-4 rtiraV fj a4 K ' -a i i..t av 9 n, lm- h i 1 p- . s t U "a, Hs-ml . l I , , r M ' - ' 1 j I ft ,-.- at- a I ,i . ' '.-- i i p k. m T , t a i & v:u I ..$.! I-M.I- I . . us " B '-'i-ii. 'l---ili- 'i ii i " " -I "I ALCOHOL 1 sea obht SuiiiLatirttKrbodxiIReftb mm Promotes DitlonOMrrnH ness and icrau;ODlams rax Opuiu(orphiae ncr&EraLl NOT ABC OTIC. MtafttfOUIkSSMMrnaBL Aperfect Remedy forCrjnsfla- tion , sour sioniacii.uiaiu Woimfoirvnlsioiisxeverisk- ness andLosS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. fcuaranteed uwfcr moJ" gjaJBJJSBJ Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Infants taS. Children. The Kind You Hsyq Always Dougnii Bears Signature Hi In Use For Over Thirty Years Tne aumuia wmn, anr va aire. L (I CRAVEN STREET NEW LOT HORSES and MULES offrel upon f tvoradle terms to huytrs. CALL AMD SEE ME. Oa i Is n :w fe: n yoa ! Hard Coal of the best quality. Pennsylvania Anthracite in Chestnut, Stove, Eg and Furnace sizes. Also the celebrated Pocahontas Ccal for steam and domestic purposes. PROMPT DELIVERY and Personal att ntion to all orders, HOLL1STEK COZI, Phone 34 Offxe and Yard. Foot Craven St. THE DRIHKING OF W ATE It. It is said to be a fact that a grout many people do not drink sufficient water. Whether this Ih due to the u.i palatabllity of the water supplied tu not a few of the cities of this country jr to other causes, the faol is Bald to main, and the statement Is made that llrectly thereto is to be traced not a Ittle of the sickness doctors are railed ipon to treat. Especially Is this true I disorders uf the kidneys and blad ,er, which organa uro aald to be urent y beuellldd by tho flushing that nat rally follows the free uo of g-xxl .rinklng w ater. The lark of such Hunti ng la aaaerted lo he lu larr,e meaaure osponalble for many of the kidney ud bladdei disorders with which phy aclans have to contend. A favorite aA successful treatment for such iim, used by prugreaalva medical usa, consists .of th admlnlatratlun Sre times a day of a tablespoonful ot ills prescription, which any Oril-claas 'barreadst can compound: oi. luld Extracts of Ituchu, 4 ox. Fluid Utr.ict of Uva t'rU, 1 os. Amet Cor llal, ox. Fluid Kxtract of Liverwort ind 16 oxs. wster. A feature of this reaUnsot Is the direction to the pa tent to drink plenty of water and to oatlnne tbe use of th medicine fur at .M a mouth. In order that the Im trttie ablch cim th disorder may entirely eliminated from the tr REMOVAL I . I aeve twraovd iy Abnp tmnt tb Id stsa L near lU'o. k tr ', u t w aor wet nf Mlldls fi ihtth Fron treat, wbrra I will be pld tu jt etavftnem. BorfWi, 9fihg wey ns. Iray. kept In rtotk. i U . OTJo. - R Mat 0 (fit li U" J 1. 1 ym$ and disawtsii. , . v IV TU r.u'(if ' ;tM:ii-t''w'w: imu' t PHARMACY 127 MIDIiI.E Sl'KEEr Full lin- ff l)ruj(", M'Hl rin T il t Arti ! ami Soap. Kr.- h Supply Flower SmmI PHYSICIAN . I'RESCRIP TIOM3 A SI'E 1 U.l Y !;; ii ii .i11 ii ii- -ti i. ii i Ml I I I U t! i jsonct! i- u .'v . ' NoOc lo gln that MrUflcal Kd ., Bert No. 1J, for tv abate oi dock la lb New tern DuMln Ma A-claU;, Sbkk w ! a to Lw been lost and that I t fylf for anotbir trtlrteir ' . In case of Accident to use the Telephone just one time MAY BE WORTH A i YEARS RKNTAI Aj little m Five Ccats Per Da j rlfra tmm n vcmt ttxidentk t , I bv opeaed rssUsraat aad cyttef So at Ns. tl Vlddl tm; waora t wyi arr aay aoaatry a4 Iowa rrteod. Deal at all lov, or caa upply fh towa trad wtth Ck tneet oyatera o th saarket - ' ,.' .' . CnARLT.8 SQtTIMZJl, II VMV.9 ft. files ir: Jany 7. IBOg,

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