-v - i '1 1 - U :( J. ? x::.' r: xc:ii n cakci,lta. Tn;:iAV :;oiinlg. rcr:u'AUY 4, icos. jLlWENTY-4lXTll year - ' -V i:- 0 r ii i is . ."-3 inrf r.i r""i iUlk.ULL;.. I f ?f With Jafgt Capital, Complete faeiltiesi and as' earnest da , ; eir to makeths hank of practical benefit o each and every , . customer, solicit your luainess, be it a savings "account, ;' fi com menial account or any (the minor services we can render. 1 V JAS. B. BLADES P.ev T ATGREEN Pres. . MTm. C?JLOSt V Free 1 GEO. B PENDLETON, Cashier 'j W A uttle: PREVIOUS. BUT. ITS OCR . CUSTOM . .. EACH SEASON ABOUT - TH1S-TIME -TO I)ISPAY OUR SPRING MUSLIN UNDERWEAR IT' I l.-,..wU 1 Li. J Ik.LL'J I U 1LW oioi. I Lti M i.ktl J bull I kiti i IXD poed at the' Homestead mills of the Carnegie Steel Company, at noon tO' OOEEII-HIEUES! And C8.T67 SH Away in Steerage t '-' A,"--' C A fl PI I P HT New York. Feb t-Th. ?,odui I pVnUl-rLIUll 1 SerersI Tbonsind Men Will - Oo tejJannanr; Figures Show, 15,422 ArrWe L :'s. .. - Mork--Other JTrms Opening Plttsburghr relv- 3.--NoUo2S' were HJB VILL ESTEB THE ASTtSi-Jda thai the IWnoJv 23-inch and SS JLaa ti ta i irm: nViinm wmiT fr "Ttnri lnlshln'r'' unit PftHn mtllflHrfl IQOK LEAGCE FIGHT WITH ; pHABACTKEISTIC TIGOK extra eess:;: CCST We cordiallv invite everv ladv in the eitvtSheall and in spect our complete line embracing Chemisise, nightdresses, Panto. ? T loons, Corset-covers and S Irfs In a great variety of original deBigns. You will have to "see these garments to fully realize their, intrinsic ,ia'ue, thro wiH agree that they cannot ho overrated, even to, the slightest degree, the workers urtrhip, the material and the general ; makeup of the garnr nt s are all that you could wish if twice the price -was asked. We shall be glad U show you the entire line, though you jnay not want to buy. Command us an 1 we shall be glad to serve THE STORE VYHbRK QUALITY AND PRICES HARMONIZE, a. ML Mitchell & Col fil Pollock St. Of,p. Episcopal Chorcb. 'Phone 2Ssj 3 Y V its- m. a ftaitt a n aa r ttti-w f. i - 4-ntAI 11 & fflULLIUAN rAIN 14 i . PAR01D AND NEP0N8ET BED ROPE ROOFING A c Building Materiall. Pufe White MaufCib; na j, I" J"i: glass. r Gastill Hard vai c Co Middle Street- ' Hi Phone 147. 1 an i , New Bent N..' C ))) ) ()-- (0 o )rt (HKV- O) : IF IT IS TO BE HAD At a drug store dont ask what wehave :order I what you .want. isy C. T. YOUNG; PreMription DrnRgist South Front Slicet I A. ' r' FOB SALE! , , - s. r-. ' "t ' beeutiful view of New ficrn; , 8Umoo proporty, East Front; entire or to loti: .. . , 1 ros Witt .; ,. - ..r. r. . '. ' J arHaoq Farm; I) mSlea front Mew Bern, . landing on Trent; River, near railroed. b.-riln ttrleh1. peraoa. ; Itoomt over' ; VlfeDenieUittoivisuluLlefor U.ll or mWwtce. ',. . 1 .TTANTCn " .-- . .- Farm and timber lands eltber for rale, rent or Wase. Also Oty prop-Tty b oght or old at smalt exprne to ewnr. " - V ' ' ,V0. rJ7Dt'.' Act;. Tfirrnosr. no. toa mi rou.ccs KTrrrT "J C Kew Hotel In Balelgh- Building and .JjoaHV Associations' Btatements CaQ Extended to Bt. SprnnWDr. , iTalt Bntler Pleased With Institute Special Correspondence, . ; Raletghw.N. 4C'., Feb.""- 3. Governot Glenn was seen Inhla office this morn ing, and : was In, .the "best of 'epirlts,' he said, when asked, it ne had any engagements it the near future f said that on "Wednesday he would, deliver an address before, the Virginia., Anti- Saloon League at Blcnmond. rHe will take par la the North Carolina Antl Saloon ' campaign. ; "He., spoke , about the importance of this movement and said It wbuldj.bp.of the greatest, heat eflt to the. State to have, prohibition. Of course it is well known, that 1th e liquor interests wilLdo, everyhing in the , world to fight prohibition Here. The Brewers Association, has' formed a puol, pitting a great sum of, money, Is issuing circulars and will put work ers ,uV the' field. The liquor people wifl do, the same thing. ,"" U' . Statin Auditor Dixon goes to' Charr lotte tomorrow to adjust some corpor ation taxes and will be at Greensboro the, next .dayto look: after the "same matters. , "r '. ' - " The;, current comment ' today ..upon the -work o fthe legislature Is that It has Improved' matters - in the State and has brought about a much better feeling In every way. " EaJlway men seem to he, very well pleased at the outcome... As has been stated, the Gov ernor and other State officials are ex tremely well satisfied at (he outcome. . .Inquiry was jnade at the "Auditor's offlqe today as to theapproximate cost of the 'special seasion: of the, , legisla ture, d Jtf was said that the mileage and per diem would he (bout 115,000. -There, was wintry weather yester day, and,, tlie lowest temperature je- cmred . Jast, night waa lS flegrees,--this being , the" epldest so fajr.thlt.wiB- .Next week. tb .Hotel Glersch, Ral alg'anew. IjiomQ Xox, travellera'Js to oe compieiet) ana. jnrown open, Insurance Commissioner Young says that Saturday .was Jth last day for filing statements of Building and txan 'Associations, th9 number ; of heeo instltutjonsia ,the State, .helnj tpout seventy, . - r , . nu,inuv ait,' ,ur. -' jusjuuier Sprung will oome heEe from.Chslsa tou"and will remain here ftr a week, nreacblng&ext-Sunday, at the Prea byterian church,'. a call to he its pas tor having been . extended him, He was for some years at Henderson and thi people there are delighted at the ircspect ot having turn, so near, taem. The congregation here thlnkaiht pros pect of seen ring him as, pastor to be excellent, -lis Js looking Into Lbs) qnes tloa of the importance ' of the two Islds, Charleston, and Raleigh. . , , State Veterinarian Tait Butler was asked about the recent series of Farm ers Institutes In the northeastern eoun t'es and said It was suocessfuV Jth better attendance than last year; -la (act tne largest except four years ago M. O: Eldrldge, the United BUtes Ag rleultural Department expert on road building, aided greatly In conducting these InsUrtiUoni.bl Instructions being f try Valuable and practical, lie, was sent If CongTMsmeu , Thomas and Small la the Western region now ' p another etrtes of ItioUtoUs Is in pro- in Inch flnlshlnaland, cossing. mills will resume full Monday-.. The 85-lneb and 10-tnch milla will resume double turn and the 88 and 20 Inck mills will re sume single turn. Th6 announcement means that several thousand men will be- put to work. - ' '. " . 5? The national Trolling mill , depart- m'3ntroj?-the National Tuba' Company ai McKeesport,. will resume, Sunday night, giving- employment to 500 men. Four hundred men- wiri.be' put to work, Jifter, 1 , Weeks4dlett?8ajwhn the Pittsburgh., Valve & Construction Company 'resumes' Monday morning. Order for, six month are ahead., ' . BLES-filSHUI MiH v STE1K5 Glass Beer Mugs :r Assessed at CO Per Cent" as Bottles , New'fork, Feb., .Si in adeclslon by Tt" ;B.'jgharre.tteLJhe;pardi -of pnltcd tateii genera. appraisers, oyerruiea yesterday a protest fil-ad by Downing, Judas ft Company, of Chicago against the action 6t the collector' of customs in acresslng a 60 het cent duty on glass beer stems, "the bottoms of which have been ground for purpose of util ity!" "f-. t".V V ifV' i , It Was claimed by the custom house authorities that the articles should pay the tate of duty provided for ."glass bottles' but this classification, was as serted by the importers lobe erro neous. Instead, the firm alleged that t&; merchandise should be returned tor duty at the rate of f5 per cent ad- valorem as '"manufactures of glass." The board, however, fella to uphold the contention "raised by v the Import ers. - , ' t o If'r -; Th Tboard reduced the assessment of duty levied on heads- imported by lohn Wanamaker at Philadelphia. .The action of the "collector tn exacting 40 per cent on the heads as "Jrwelry" 1.8 reversed, and it Is held that the , prop er rate is only 25 per cent-. general Appraiser Hay handed down a decision' sustaining-a claim Bled by Harvard University regarding the ad miBslon.Into this country il platinum The collector at Boston exacted iui,on the-wire,., but the merchant Use ts entitled toee entry as an Im portation iof a'bublle Institution; : V , I aronSt anuwig the apple growers, eon i!dnrfd by Meenra. Tlott and'Bhnrmn, f tbe flute Arrtcultursl Col!K. In t I listrnctlng la praolng, sprajrtng. rto. ', ' Tbe next Mrl. of 4a.UUt for ih , hrnnri tiv in-rl will b xjn I , Jtiirdiid will be lu tbe crniT mi wt '.rt the f?U'; rovpring all the roiinMns, stgerage passengers front ports otjhe North4 Atlantic, .continues, J- According to figures compiled by .Emit . Boas, resident" director7 bnd ! generaT"itsaiu ger of the Hamburg-American tineA 15,432 immigrants ' arrived last month and 58, wC?ralled steerage " passenger's went away, in the. corresponding pe rlod . last - year . there . wer6 ; twice . als many- arrivals v as1, departures. Mr. ; "Thia great increase In' the outward and decreaseln the Inward steerage movement!: Illustrates again bow un founded is he charge thai tfie steam ship, coxnpantes are scouring Europe to induce immigrants to come to this country. , m :s. , . . CEirilSAtBOURT EEB1SS The Winter Term Under The Superb , vision of Judge R. Allen, of -:" Goldtjbore Begins Us Grind '; Thewlnter term, of Superior Court began yesterday with Judge W. R. AW lei presiding. This week, the crim inal cases, of. which there are quite number' will, be tried.,' .There are none of -any special. Interest, the blind tigers having become" so' numerous that unless there are' some unusual features attending, -we think of them now as -we would of larceny cases. ' "The charge to' the" grand jury was able. and thorough, making-th duty, of the body plain as to indictments of jvll doers without fear or favor; and ilso their responsibility-'as to- tholr reports regarding fftate institutions. rpkjt. I ... 1 n m.. AH ..I.I . State vs.-John Booth; assault with deadly "weapon ; Judgment continued on pdyment of costs, " State vs. A, J. Smith, resisting an officer, guilty. State- vs. D. W. Dowdy; selling U- jucr without - license ; - defendant re- Builds, up waste tissue",' promotes ap petite, Improves digestion,' Induces re freshing ..- sleep, . giving renewed strength and: health, -That's what locky Mountalti Tea will do. . 35 a, k"ca or Tableaa.- F. 8. Dotty. v . v 4'. Itadles -Solid 14 ' karat gold double face Epgtn - and ' Wlthm 1S.OO Watohes now, $13.00 at J. O. Baxter's roe ieauing jsweier. : ec.ef.:::3 er.'.'iis 'ten' V.'ElrllSlS:K03S geathrrn Eallwiy Fn4 te Be IVd Ex.clashrely for lawyers' Fees 'Va-Aad Expeases ef Trial 3 pedal to Journal. .". ' c ,' .Balalgh,'. N, C, FtU 1-wOovernor Giro a tefasesi to pardon. Charles Wil liam, eoavioted sight ytari ago, in Beaufort Superior Onurt of iroperson- aUnhuahand and serving a ten yens year sentence In, TenUenUaryi,- ilt pardons Matt Th.rpe,.George ndr son and Bam peon Jones, convicted In LeWr county, for playing crap." He atM pardons nt E. Hart, convicted ot larceny tn Lenoir, Qorernoe Glenn will .ase none of the money receivad from the Southern Railway, vis: ,lTXW..lor the 4gl lature, but enllrtly for lawyers.' f- and coats tbe rate case. II ears It will Ui at teeat 4,000 more to C('r tb HU'itton ipntwi. IT 1 FEARED Tl E 'ASSAS.-OSA. TIQS OF HEli.HJJSBASD A&C , t 80JT WILL DrJVE HEB i,- "-IKgAKE - v. mmWLl SftllSFAOTIQN Ship Subsidy BUI In :pliPlKSr" WsW .TJ' Vr fttv vt-O'-i . The Senate ,i Fatal Wreck en Wabash Railrttad He Graft Discovered in Public i'f"Irl4',cewAtpt to Get H. JL Thaw Out ef lntteawan Will Be MadeT;vt-'.' Special to Journal. Lisbon, Portugal, Feb. 3. The na tion and city are under the pajl of the blow dealt them by the murder of IClng Carlos and his son, the Crown fluce, .Saturday. The country has hardly recovered from the shock. wUeen Amelie is In danger of becom ing insana and . refosos to leave the body of her . dead husband. Premier Franco resigned from the cabinet and a new minstry headed by Admiral Do Amarel, was formed. The army has taken up the revolution and is in a disorganized state. It Is re ported that the Oportobattallion has iult, but the reports of political, dis turbances have been found in some cases to be untrue. Lisbon is grow ,ng quieter and -outside powers will trobably interfere with any "attempt to change the government to a.rpub Uc. . King. Manuel has made a good im pression on the people and it is be lieved that his reign wilt' be well received. Washington, Feb. 3- The Ship sub sidy bill is before the Senate for dla- friends aitd will probably be defeat ed. Adrian, Mich, Feb 3. A head on collision on the Wabash railroad be tween two freight and passenger trains, resulted" in the death of four persons and 'the serious injury of at least 16. The conductor of the freight was killed. - ; Matteawan, N. Y.,. Feb. 3,Harry K. Thaw Is now an Inmate of the asylum for the criminal insane. Steps are being taken to hay e htm released. He says that he was Insane when he klll- White.. Be Is nervous and fretful and refuses to be comforted -Washinfton, p, C,,; Feb. 3. The In vestigation of the publlo. printers of- - . . . . sr .. Jce snows no eviaence oi gran or cor iiptioo in Its management A EKC0RD. BREAKER i t v. ;;i i ij l r ( 9 I liasst Eellut 5ew Errs Arasrm . . Trtrr , Te Snnna! rn--tlTii tf Ixrtl ff tni!'"J T Nr I'.m ArailiMtijr. n t.rl-l lat Vr'.ilnr, Jnn iary J 1 it. t!.o;f ! i ' a '. 1 n in ; r rr it, " r -'.s r t' ' ' i 1 t k J'.ro, I'll 1 f i ' -i i - r - t ' r I f f ft r , f Jr1r, -1 t 1 ' ii',, 1 V if ' icired to furnish $1,000 Justified bond ) "UBalon. The measure has but few for: appearance- at court from day . to i day until the case can be tried. . t -- . , . - ' I. ...:' "VOICE OF THE PEOPLE' ' Hteh -School Abolishment t! - Aa- we - understand , It - the reaso&s giyea for that rather remarkable res olution to abolish the ninth and; tenth grades,-: introduced in the meeting of the, Bottrd of . Trustees of the. City 3hoLon Friday are, .first crpwded eondlUon of the school; 'second that many of the subjects' taught In tbe school, especially the high school, are of no ut anyway,. As to h crvwded eatable one. but the.waK to remedy It certainly Is not by cutting dowjn and out the school ;faciliUe that , we al ready havei 8uch a policy, should not be tolerated one minute, and the' move to do such a thing. coming- ffom those w wow ii BuvruBiew...uia wucauos of th community la to y 'the least of It shocking. ' Of coursf more build- loss are needed and needed at, once. in .eichteen' vears onlr, ten thousand dollars is 'all that has been spent . on school building In ew 'Beni for whites and that building contains Just four rocms, , To say the least, yua U not eyen" keeping ,u with, Immediate needs, li say nothing, oi the oeir fu ture, if mere utility be tb statu bf. which' srsmmar 'and hlch. school courses of atud'are.U), b m4 up,' lb, we submit that reading as na as thr 6th grade,' arithmetic .'as, tor" ai the lh grade and writing as far as th Jrd grade, as sow taught ia our ftltyl schools, is sumcienu -r miirucupn in language, according to this theory, Is entirely ' useless for rn bo and Ctrl, eight year old cn make Ihem .t t ndrstand aomehow, , Vihal's the us of bothering botft wcoKraiby If you wish to go snywsere ihe .transit r-"on'TnI knowi i.vre It 1a, or,1 ss for knowing Jtbout (lie jinxliiclj of a plarA, !it' the Bta Cif that, eiyflrei:i hat ih-it ru!Iy now l,i,t l Uifl M f k'lunlnx what th snctmit I'onin Oil aiid hr b'tljr ulimit Kii'snd's li'n'i ry fit bninlrr-l Jnr S1 And tlmtj t nt rai'My w 1 tifr. It wtir (nr,j HIT ItiS tl.' H,-', !. I! "9. I'"-'-". A , . , - : -.a. r t.ri ,f t , ' ; -, firft ti' i 1 ;.-! T' 1 " I i T i' ' .'', J !.' n.i ' ' ! ' ! im Last Tear's Sales of .Hjomet, The f Gaarssleed' Care : For Catarrh -;;". srgef than Ever . -; . Jhe merlui of Hyoni'el, (the treat; medt thatoures catkrrh without 'stom ach dosing) Its popolarlty and gtowth are, unique la the annal of medicine, fallowing the uie " j of Jthl treatment 80 pronouncetTi the relief and cure that It has teen publicly recoromand- clan In nearly' every Btatv and town lu, th country, with th result thst last, year's talo were larger than 1 n.w. . ' . .. . . r .. , . vr,..-' . - . ; i s; .- , - , v -'fTne'tact'thai ffyoniet U '-"simple and eompIiiU,' ltd. that1 'if cures by brearhlng medicated air and not tak ing drug Into he stomach, no doubt, has helped to create this'wjdt-spnnd end rapidly Increasing array. -of The way lu which It has been sold by F. sr Duffy. hA undoubtrdty tSM treatfy1 Its In trod action la New Hera He I such a firm believer In (he tow er of Hynmel to cure all catarrhal inn Am, thnt bt urgs t,Ml)e Id ue It ult the unrirrotsmllng (hit the rtut 1't Tm rcfundfd to anyone bo Is col t.c-K-iitirl-by the treatment.'' Ton (In ml rUK a rnnt In Ifitlnj bllti . , .i, ,.f l:i.i..tl. fir P.' S, .Duffy u,, , C i!,ik of It giving all1 fir'liiti, r.J mvn yon to bo th Jud' i 1 I"' t I,r I Ik I - , 1 r i. ! ! Hid I 8"' I ' A U 1) ry !psinr Wert - iit l t'o"! to t;ii n I ... ii -r tif N" v-r ' i ' r,r 1 1 Vondny. T I i I f..r s ': at hi"'' !; i "i.,;rrlr frfiss'rod j.il' i ',. l-.n, Vr. V.'. A ta !- .- t' ' r ' ' t It t 1 '( r, f r -e , f. -. a j h r ' 'I ;' I ' f . , f f.(. ,f . ' . , ;h pvxi&fc dferriandsthat we taij t!ry,the very. best flour that can libs opfained. Dur tiour is be ginning ta-b7'T0WN TALK ' Insist : on getting "TOWN TALK'' when you buy flour Best ' for Bread, Cake, and Pastry Cooking. BURN I If ACEIi 5 bninnnnll atss GOOD NEWS t&SK. BEM0V.lL SALE TO BE CONTINUED si72kk.'0';mrira:i- We have decided 1 1 continue our sale on all winter clothing Dry Goods, shoes etc. continued m ourboih stores. !t is absolutely necessary that we carrv nc goods from our stores into our new quarters and a gsin have slashed prices beyond belief. Ther,? yet remains a mountain of merchandise to b slaughter ed. We wihh to thank the people cf New Bern and vicinny fcr their generous resporite to our advertise ments. Wlule the oppo't unity knocks at your do?. evc i b-'ore hassuch unmerceful prices been quo.ed in New j';n f n clotning Dry goods shoes etc, as are now t eing uffered during the continuation! of our remarkable Removal Sa e, all eyes are turned on Baxters stores, all tongues are telling of the marvel lously fine Bargains offered at this sale. We are bound not to carry any left overstock into our new quarters. TWO STORES J. J. BAXTER TWO STORES W ATCH FOR YELLOW SIGNS. tan Attehtion; ' Gentlemen ! Owing to It being between the two seasons, we offer our services to the public a,long,lbese line for the next tO days, wt will alter suits nd (overcoats fo lit end retalq their orlgiaal appearance. We have dad 20 years ractfcar experience on fine Work and Ok-m things do not fret about, tint TAKE THEM TO BAtYIEaWf your coat is too high or too-low In the neck,1 If ""your aleeve ar too long or too short. It your Pants arr no large or too small, r If they want a new seat HtXTt Ttltt TO SAWIEB-andw a small margin w gusrantee that yOti shall be made glad. ' Thaaklng you for past favors. Respect fully yours, " - " . '' , , .Cor. SOUTH FitONT and CRAVEN 8TREETA . r- ., . . . J rFfto-rYjjua ia;;d;.::3 -IFTTILL FEED- 11 IK, - -DO.THlS BY USING iti 0AD0VSl;DRANDSI M !o Cott a arvl AO CV-p G jjuie lot Cwttno. .!. If srnj '.on'l it J t,a , I i" - V lti,;;,- r f-,t (-f , A V j"' r Hr!( r for i-'-r I ixr, 1 1. i :!i'',r bit i.- c- r.d yno a ill he picked Uh t' , ') Is d':r 5ns ' : . i f i iJ V-

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