i.ii!.:.'.':o t.. .1 J .tt Ll.uday. JosntAl BuUiUl 6MI r,rea BiroeC 1 ''v. phone. a s, - ' miToa Ln'd pp.cpr roa. One Tear, U advances. It una lew, - UoatlilT. by carrier I thadty . AJvertislni Bates furnished. o ap plication. - .. J. Entered at the PoetottetC Hew Bern. N. C as seoond-elasa fttt4 OFTICIAL PAPER bf NEW BS2N, and caivrri ccr"7Y. New Bern, N. CX. February 4. 1908 DMOCEACrS iHUCITATIOlOr ..n wSn'.'nYplSr iPBESIDOTIAi DEFIaT fJXSOJSLiap v'v 1 Do not axpect too much from 'Favorit . Anticipation ot defeat, haste na -de- Pracrlptlon"H will not perform mira- featNotUnrmor. ramartabl, can fi L, ItaWffl- found ia tba political Bltuatton ia thla country today, than tba position takaft up br ao: manr ao-calld aadt claiming to be, Democrats, on the mat- . ter oi UM next aemocrauo prauu Ual nominee. Almost jtaia sight ot a national comrentlon, thsrer ts a : dally furor, not oyer who' shall vbe tha choice, of the Democratic party, ! but who anal! not doa not aa w-un principles to enter into the next plat form, not even any serious discus sion against tha political opponents of dwnocracy.) What is the head liner of nearly every newspaper these days? Bryant . ' Always Wtlllam 9. Bryan. Where he is, what he is 'doing, and what he should not do. In common parlance, the lime light for Mr Bryan, Is not of his own ereatingr these days. Of course he ia credited with forcing himself to the front But he .need not, while those who fear his popular ity are so anxloua to constantly de clare in print, that Mr. Bryan's lead ership means democratic defeat Mr. Bryan should retire. Why do not the anti-Bryan press let him? Why do not those who fear his being nom inated, "say it to his face." The fact ta, either Mr. Bryan ia much stronger than the democratic party, or those who are trying to put Mr. Bryan out of the political presidential running have a species of Bryaftia hysteria. It looks as though the very antag onism of those who cry against Mr. Bryan being a presidential candidate, might prove a factor in making him the only candidate. It looks like a safer and saner method, if Mr. Bryan was recognised by every democrat, every friend of democracy, and .oppo nent of republicanism, his own strong self, and not set him up as a man for all deroocrata to shun, aa a possible Wtr leader. " The democratic party t - -. should name its standard bearer, and act be held as too weak to assert lt- seir The cry against'. Mr. Bryaa Is abaard. . It la worae lt li demoralising, as It creates division Instead of eoha r Son among democrats. The democratic proteet against W. J. Bryaa cofitrib ; atas to party weakaaaa. and such pro ; laat will not discomfit Mr. Bryaa, but prevent the ' democratic " party ighting the fight It should, to "gala the aaUonal favor of the majority . of the voteraC j C ' ',. . . -V,-'- AS AITXAL TO WIT1S Can The Briakhr Husband by Using '-j, Orrtae Can Be Give Secnily ', "' Na mora terrible afllicUoa cap came to any home thai the craving for - strong drink of has'band and father. We appeal to whea, mothers and ets- - ters to save tha Buabaad and father or las brother with Orrlsa, A-ac4 .j, ta- ptw. tlfle cure for the drinking aablt, CaA ut uk,J Remember the aame, le avea secretly,. . - ... i JoHao,ad rtfaae to aooept aay sub Qrrtaa U aol4 under a'asolato' .ut, Pharmacy. " . - guaraa Ue that It wUl ears the, drink the happlaaaa aad proaperlty of the home with Orrlae, 91 per box. Orrlne Is sold by a tt BrtAtfl.' New Bern, N. C. T . ; "".,"'r' w w -- ' . .- '.I"4,:T'U!T- W. J. Bryan told, tba Democrat! Beaators that the party , plationa should be framed to embody the ttoooe vtlt pollctaa. -' ' '.. ,'. ' - " .- - ' '''. . . Ia winter or ssmmar , i ' , It's always a bamBMr, ' '-, ' - , H i aore. , - . If eosftlon'e the metier . ". The toll It wl ettar ' . v . " ' ' Aad Care ' ' " - .- 'J- ' f - v All dr((lts aolt OoWtn'a PsaamoBla Care at lie, sn1 19 Ind L It te tlral at4 strike! Ike vital tiny - J wre i-:iciiir mco::. (-.."J, k t'.vta tj fcterl la :l L e:fkl fc.LvA.S ol :ciu, ktuuii tve Ikf iuur . (, til W-a any amount ot iKo-iroltiJiikI to GjBubUU. Vr. Ptrc'ti TorluI'rescrip- Ik kki TUX UMI 07 BOKtflTY On 8Vf f kaf.irDtr. U ft full lut of ell tie in- -riiaoU printed In plain Engl UK " ' Ii Ja are B Invalid woman tod mffef from fro nl headache, bacwicna, rna Intautr i la stomach, periodical pttns, jt - ia, catarrhal, pclvt anOn, nrer-u: down distress la lower abdomea r p v. perbape dirk spota or specks dear1 befora the eyea, feint spells and klnc. 4 tym;o!n8eaueed by female weak- to derangement oi u iemuuna rrtna. Htf can Do; ao newer was a t. rWi Favorite Prescrlptloa. - Tftbfiiu!,nrteon'i knlta and opara UbU say ba avowea dj uw umeiy evorlte Prescrlptloa la auck , , , . I'D :-?rj3I rrT.""' t !. i coiupuMia Oi ina tctj wi aatabUsh vlgoroua baalth in moat weaic SaaM and allmenU peculiarly Incident to , vamea a any aMdicina can. It mwt ba aiven a lair ahanea by perjeveranca la ita a.. . .....VU IahW f lima - 1- ht . iri. ..,.n' VraTnvltal to aonsulk Dr. Plane, by letter, rea. All eorrespood aBeTSi guarded aa eecredly womanly cpnfideoeea are cted to profetsional priTacy. ; Addraia pr. It. v.. a. i Secretary ot the Navy, Metcalf, will sand the Brownson letters .to Con- fcut WQen he aecUlieB to Mf State of Ohio. City of Toledo . ss Lucas County Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subscribed in ray presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D., 1886. (Seal) , A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY A CO. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by All Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. The Bar association ot Bistol, Vs.. passed a resolution landing Judge William F. Rhea, and condemning Sen ator Noel, for his attack on Judge Rhea la the Virginia Senate. Kelghberheed Favertte MraTE. D. Charles, of Harbor, Maine speaking ot Electric Bitters, says: It is a neighborhood favorite, here with us." It deserves to be .a favor ita everywhere. It gives quick relief la dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney derangement, malnutrition, nervous ness, weakness and general debility. Ita action oa the blood, aa a thor ough purifier make It especially use ful as af prlng medicine. Thla grand alterative' tonic Is sold under guaraa- tee at Afj Drugglata, BOc. The 8upreme Court of Mlasoorf de clared unconstitutional the law which K illegal for forsiga' eorpora- to take cases from tha State to tha federal courts. Far BOieaseees aad Sick Beaaaca Take Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweateas foe stomach, aids tflges-' Uoa aad acta aa a geaUa stimulant '. oa the Irveriad bowels without irri tating these orgaaa.- Orioo Laxative Fn.lt SyruD urea . blllouaaeaa and aabitoal oonatiDation. Doaa-aot nan- ' y . t "in tfflr tihi maH" ;'"' T . ,' "" r,T1 notice, signed taf-. lrtl '10,' - ' . . WtfB, M -j.- -m A- . A Thee. P. liC i, - ceaBt Til; a C!j t? - w 1908: ' . " . . - . ' ke. January. - 13, to i. J. Tolaoa 4;oco IS, to do ' , 1 9, do :i, to 1- at. Harget - ioo.m S.M1.87 '!r 47.4 Faoaary ay Paid. " By Bal 1143.S3 ' 8.7S ; 14.00 O eo K tUDa' : -J S...P. iiontagua . ' J. J. Bailer, -Baanlght -Hdw Co. Oaorra Credla j M.t& J. a Baanlxbt Rardwar 1 Company ; jo i; do v James A. Bryan .Ed Harris , 2.07 . T.49 3.60 . 83.83 20.00 30.00 Thoa. P. McCarthy ' New Bern Lighting and .Fuel Company . Gaakill Hdw. Co. . ., W. 8. ElHs, Gaskill Hdw Co. :. do do do- 4.50 9,09 56.00 8.85 8.15 1.34 2.20 696.42 r . i ' - J. J. Tolson .! New Bern Circulating library i 25.00 Clarence E. Smith ' 4.00 J. J. Tolson 489.17 Burma t Gray 121.90 do 118.11 P, Trenwlth 12.15 ; John C. Green - 80 E. S. Street, 10.00 C. C. Jordan 6.50 C. J. McSorley .40 Naval Reserves 25.00 ' Naval Reserves 25.00 : Naval Reserves 25.00 J. M. Harget 6.80 E. W. Smallwood 26.97 do 14.75 H. Nedab 12.80 WllUe Wilder, Helper 7.00 Walter T. Brinson' ' 5.00 James T. Lewis 40.00 A. J. Gaskins, 50.00 S. M. Howard, 50.00 D. Mj Styron 25.00 New Bern Journal , . 10.00 New Bern Journal 10 M Nw Bern Journal 10.00 E. H. Wllllama, 5.00 Neuse Lumber Co. 9.68 do x . 14.00 Basnight Hdw Co. 2.05 E. H. Williams, 10.00 Fremaa Tayloy 7.00 H. H. Tooker. 20.00 F. P. Rowe, 50.00 Robert Jones 7.00 -John C. Collins, 40.00 W. F. Rowe, 6 M W. D. Mclver 1467 R. 8txlckland, . 50.00 . C. Luptod 50.00. R. P. Montague, , 50.00 F. T. Patterson, - 75.00 "Burma A Gray ' 124.89 . do XH94.; Neuae Lumber Co, . 5.12 r Owen 0. Dunn 127.90 do Ut. W. B. ElUa. 12.09 J. A. Jones 20.00 do 2.90. J. A. Jones. -,.. 4iW do . IM' H, H. Tooker,-," ' - 99.00 s M. B. Whltehurst 215 . ,W. a Parker,. ' 10.90." ..k Bryan ; " K 59.M '. W. H. Orlffla . U.00.. .J. J. Tolson, .. " IJ4.U H. A. Brown, 22129 v J.-M Harget . 39.99. ;,do " . 4J9 T By Bar " . 14L91 1499.42 . - - WIOAL TAX F0I r 0 W XiH 1 " EOAB B0S9I w ;.- j. KeeepUa , X8- , ; v iaauary ' . 1. To Bal ' . - . torn , 9T9J4 ft to J..X M, .Tolaoa 11.483 41 PlasanianaU Jaauary . ByPald ' By Bal ll.482.4t IUtl.41 I wmi itswra ax3 rttrTtic - - .. ;.' Baeefj-ts -1908 , ' - ."-v Jsaaary 1, Ta Bal t 4 ! 7. to Jihrf C. TVwiaa, Jr. eol. 7 " ' l IS, do 13. 6a 14, do 17, do 29, da 1 t r -DISBntSIaTISTS "'V : v.-.'.:r Dsslsrand Patient' at Moell, si KQft ia 1 connection withthe Intense in """" f tcreat manifested by the public at Urge In the theory of U. T. Cooper as to the human stomach being the source of nearly all 111 health, the statements of Mr. W. D. Spaulding, of Hallowell, Me one of the oldest and beet-known druggists in that state. and of Mrs; Frederick. Harvey, a 'wcUi: known nurse living in the same place. Will be Interesting to thousands Of persons who are today suffering from ailments' directly- traceable to the stomach. ; The fact that these state ments are. .made voluntarily, under oath, -removes all element of doubt The statements follow; ; , , ,Hallowxh, Maihs, July 20, 1907, T thi Cooteb MsDicraa Oa, , ,-Dayton, Qhio. V " "Gentlemen The policy at Bpauld tngs drug store is to gain the per fect confidence of the public by never recommending any medicine or treat ment until ita virtues have been fully established. - The . Cooper Remedies were to us an unknown quality, we war very skeptical of their medicinal vame, ana a was not nntu several oi our customers had received inch bene- ficlal results from their use that we could! no longer doubt their value that we consented to take the agency for the Cooper Remedies in this territory, Heartily endorsing tne same, x ' "Herewith we give the testimonial of a Bdr whose case came under cur persona oDoervauon rrom ner neing a regular1 customer, and she says: " "Gentlemen ot the cooper Medicine Co, Dayton Ohio: It Is with pleasure I recommeaa your r ew discovery Fort Wayne Electric 3,348.85 i Worka Basnight , Hdw Co. .54 . A. Jonees . '6.00 William Price 40.00 H. Baker 60.00 . .W- J. McBennett 125.00 Puck Ballanoe 50.00 John Agent 40.00 j. J. Tolson 151.29 ; H. H. Tooker " 30.00 Gerald McCarthy . 90.15 Rhodes Sc. Upderwood 618.00 New Bern Consolidated Coal and Coke Co. 452.90 B. 8. Guioq 15.00 Thoa. F. McCarthy 6.11 Clutchfield Coal Corpora tion - 120.47 Consolidated Fuel Co. 73.61 E, B. Ellis , " 18.00 Tower Blnfleld Electric - Company 389.89 . Western'Unlon Tel Co. 1.59 Gaskill Hdw, Co. 3.10 do - 8.85 The Bird Archer Co. 22.88 Double Day Electric 'Co. 22.50 Sweeter Crossman Elec , trie Co." 48.24 Standard Oil Co. 33.22 do 11.18 do 11.95 do. 36.34 Berger Brothers Co. - 26.40 The Red C. Oil Co. 20.40 H. Muller Mfg. Co. . 25.39 Fort Wayne Electric . Works' .; 868.87 John C Green . 6.00 ' B. 8. Onion , . "16.00 Norfolk and Southern R. . v - R,, Company .s; 1.Q6S.48 Interest onaWater and Light Bonds due Feb.' . L; 1908 - '. . - Burros ft Gray ' Cash, orders paid By. Bal 750.0ft. t : : 410.80, 2,197.89 $1303.78 CHUB 4JR0TX CXXXTBBT ' - KerelpU; 190t ' V1 January , "'. .'.-- I, To Bal ' 1519.78 29. to L. & Wood - ' " . 45.48 1565.17 DftbarseaieaU 1901: - Jaauary By Paid :, By Bal 6117 : 156547 ' fi&ZKTtTOOD CZXSTEBT ' v ' . Becelpta V -1908:- - , . . . - "January '' .- . .,-' .'. "" I. To Pal ' , - , 848.06 21. to 1 8. Wood ..." ' 21.60 870 aa PUhsraeaifati 1J0S: Jannurf tly Paid Py Hal irons. 170!,! THOn. F. Mr-TAnTHT, Tt.i! ;iT fl'y f-f ?-'-w I".rn. 'il l . , - i0 .-Turat'l " medicine, Qf which I hare 4aken the, contents of three bottles, and can to day eat anything without lnconVen ience to myself. For a number of yeare political discontent and personal griev I had suffered intensely with severe--, . . . " . headaches, sour stomach. Indigestion. ;;nce figure in a number erf cases and pains in my side, and complications u suiijamars ura ruier naKseen uii which made It exceedingly hard for .,ed by some 'insane- person. It Is a I me to accomplish: even my household work, .Physicians had given me doa- ens of preecriptlona. which failed to. accomplish a cure or even relief. Your New Discovery medicine advertisement attracted my attention, and I purchas ed a bottle ot the medicine, which 1 took according to directions and before it was halt gone, I felt very much bet ter; wnen i nad taken the contents ot two bottles I gained courage to eat many things' which- for years 1 had denied myaelf, and found they caused me no ill effects.,. Today, after having used three bottles ot the New Discov ery, 1 can eat anything and feel that I am a well Woman once more, and therefore would advise anyone to take Cooper's ' New Discovery, for I feel sure it will cure them,' Mrs. Fred erick Harvey, Hallowell, Me. ' "Wa endorse the above testimonial, under oath; as being correct. .' "Testimony befora me under oath thla 22nd day oi Julyj 1907. " r ' -1 ' Qxa. A, Saitobd, (seav) "Notary Publlc. '.The Cooper remedies have proven eminently satisfactory wherever In troduced. We will be pleased to ex plain their nature to anyone wishing to know about them., We are agents. Bradham'e Pharmacy. . What Denver, Colorado Says Mr. Wm. W. Loti'3, one of the most ablest Y. M. C. A. secretaries in the United States says under date of Jan uary 7th, 1897: "The entertainment by the Schubert Symphony Club and La dy Quartette was strictly flrut class and - gave entire satisfaction. Their concerted members wore es;eclally fine." Hear them February 7th. If you have Cntarrh, rid yourself of this repulsive disease. Ask Dr. Snoop of Racine, Wis., to ..mail you free, a trial box of his Dr. Snoop's Catarrh Remedy. A simple, single test, will surely tell you a Catarrh truth well worth your' knowing. Write today. Don't suffer longer. F. 8. Duffy.. The will of Edmund Clarence Sted- man gives his literary and other treas ures to organisations with which- he was affiliated. OASTORXA. Batl Tha KjplYoi Hm Alwava Bought Bigntaie ftf ' himself because the Judges had decid ed adversely to him In a debate in which he took strong ground against capital punishment' - Better Than Speaking. Spanking does -not cure children of bed-wetting. There Is a constitu tional cause tor thla trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box W, Notre Dame, Ind, will aend free to any mother her lucesatul home,' treatment,' with full Instructions.., Bend no money, but write her today It, your children trou ble you-W this way pout blame the' child, the chancea are It cant help It,' This treatment' also auras adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night', - u Al snakes are ahorb-alghted, being unable to see a. dlatanea ot marl than one-quarter their own length. ( ' ... " 'S , k Straagp story - f. Mrs. Iaaae W. AuettlL "of Chestnut, Ridge. N. C,,' tolls strange atory ot great suffering: "I was ta bad bohdl Uon for montha,. but; got ao relief. Vy periods had stopped, all but the pain. .After taking past, of a bottle ot Wine of CsrduL nature worked prop erly and without pain. 1 advlae all suffering women ter as Cardul";. A pore specific remedy for women's Ilia. 1 1 00, Alt Druggists. . V A Senate committee took steps to ilr tha scandal by which aa nndee lumber ot naval Una officers are en ntlfd by" the power, el pall to retain rft berths eihore. .'.. . f "' " . . , Urates Ealhreael , f , DornniMt mtals are so taaty they ire roniurned In great axcis. .Thla 'null to stomerh troubls, bllloumeM ind yimi(lptliin. kvle your !nt r-utnn and not a pmpred ap-tx-!!( cr,n!rtil. therj tk. a fW d(rt" of 'lin-.!-.rlla'S Ftonisrh and IjT.r T'ilf! end yrm nl ,fHio te well a tnln. Try II. VT et I la CJ.ari f;r. ..arr and I. B. ImfTs. rMU.lj p .- . . K . . () . ,c ..i. A ,t no t'.'e f I" 1 I "i jj 1 1 ' '- e f I ,f r ;..M 1 r 1 hr T"ii 'I C ' " ,-- jj I ' f .'- r, - I t S' . I ' ' - - 1 li i ' ' ' ' 1 I A Dark F.Uare gkaniaf Saw Maa- areks Ake Tka Tarft4 t Iifl j l-r- - : .: ' ; J . Hea.lra of Tba Journal art ao qnalnlotf1 wltH trie factt attendnf tba'" marder ot Kins Cayloa - ajtd Crowaf PHtlPA T.nta Phllllnna rJt Vnrtnnl ) : . . many; jrulers- have fallea the. as sassiniV baniL. Of the vartotia causes anarchjeaj ;Jnaaeuverings are probe- : dark picture and serves too Well to rnrw'thBt"umisy lies the head that wears a crown." W- herewith pub lish the Het: ; ( j' Napoleon 'I., attempted, J)ec. 24, 1800. " j . Paul, Oar ot Russia,, Premier of England, May 11, 1812. George IV., attempt, Jan. 28, 1817. ' Andrew Jackson, President United States, attempt, Jan. 29, 1836. I Louis PhiUlppepf France, many at tempts, from 1835 to 1746. I Frederick William, of Prussia, at tempt, May 22. 1850. 1 Francis Joseph, of Austria, Feb. 18, 1853. - I Ferdlnana, Charles III, Duke of Par-' ma, March 27, 1854. I Isabella II., oT Spain, three attempts from 1847 to 1866. I Napoleon III, three attempts from 1865" fo 1858. Dahief, Prince ot Montenegro, Aug. IS, 1860. -Abraham Lincoln, President United States, April 14, 1866. I Michael, Prince of Servia, June 10, 1868. Prim, Marchal of Spain, Dec. 28, 1870. Richard, Earl of Mayo, Governor General of Indla.fl Feb. 8, 1872. Abdul Aziz, Sultan of Turkey, June 4, 1876. William I, of Prussia, three at tempts, from 1861 to 1878. Alexander II, Czar of Russia, six attempts and finally killed by explo sion of bomb, March 13, 1881. Mohammed All, Sept 7, 1878. Humbert I, King of Italy, attempt Nov. 17, 1878. Lytton, Lord, Viceroy of India, at tempt, Dec. 12, 1878. Alfonso XII of Spain, two attempts 187879. Brattlano, Premier ot Roumania, at tempt, Dec. 14, 1880. James A. Garfield, President United States, July 2, 1831. Carter H. Harrison, Mayor of Chica go, Oct. 28, 1893. Marie Francois Carnot, President of France, June 24, 1894. Nasr-ed-Dln, Shah of Persia, May 1896. Stanislaus Stambouloff, Premier of Bulgaria, July 25, 1895. Canovaa del Castillo, Prime Minis ter of Spain, Aug. 8, 1897. Juan Idlarte Borda, President of Uruguay, Aug. 8, 1897. Joee Maria Ryna Barrios, Presi dent of Guatemala, Feb. 18. 1898. Edward VII, of England, attempt. April 4, 1900. Humbert King of Italy, July 29, 1900 William McKlnley, President United States, Sept 6. 1901. Alexander, King -ot Servia, June 11, 1903. Draga, Queen of Servia, June 11, 1903. Governor General Bobrikoff, ot Fin land, June 16,-1904. ,Von Plehve Minister ot the Interior, Russia, July 28,-1904. - - Alfonso XIII, King ot Bpala. at tempt May 31, 1909. , Victoria, Queen ot Spain, attempt. May 8- 1906. , Carlos, King of Portugal, Feb. 1, 1908. ' ' I Ails. Crown Priaoa of Portugal, Feb 1, 1908. It nils the arteries with rich, Md blood, makes new Sean, aad aeallby mea, women aad ebildrea. . Nothing can take Ita place; no remedy has done so much good as RolUater'a Rocky Mountain Tea, 86c Tea or Tablets, " F. 8. Duffy, v '- Attorney Oeaeral Boaaaartss ' al' taatioa is to be oalled to alleged col luatve bids oa the part of paper man. sfacturers for tarnish lag Oovernmeat euppllee. 'y-y-i y-' ijw'ii' "IW n ji na.mii'm.M ljiw i J PHni Vccd'ia' I 'W - - . Va M taw II t:l: i t rLC....".i I I Oi In:' r. oi la Gdai I , an I I trr ia one of the I l tit - -rtrr, a rcan-t c ta t e i . . it J li i -ri 'i l i ni i 'it '-i i -i ri ' j i - i - - - frin i, n i m' r ' " -vA- i ' , ..... . . . "a . . - .- ----' . Tko Kind 1oa. nitre Always Booght, and wrhJci baa been tu una for ever 80 rears, baa born) (he signature pt - . .. m m . . a . AH Coanlerfcits, Imitations and. Jast-as-good' axe but Experiments that trifle 'With and endanger the healt oi -Infants and C3iJMren Experience against Ezperimetit, What ia CASTORIA fjaatorla is a barmlesa snbstitate for Castor 011 'Pare goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrnps. It is Pleasant.; It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotlo aobstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Iteverishness. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind ' Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind lon Hare Always Bought En Use For Over 30 Years. vUc :rrruun coespsav. tt oauniutr tmicarr. new von onr. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE IV EFFECT JUNE 16, 1907. 136 Daily 144 1UH 112 Daily Daily. Dai.y. PM a sin AM AM AM 9 40 7 IR 1 10) 0 9 54 7 281 1 24 f)l 10 06 7 4l 1 4fti 11 10 12 7 451 ?. 451 17 10 24 7 18 1 58 21 10 30 8 uii. I . i-. 10 38 8 111 2 14 26 10 49 8 22 J 30 11 00 8 33 ! 41 37 11 08 8 42 2 52 41 11 20 8 64 1 OS 46 11 42 9 15 3 32 55 11 47 9 19 3 42 67 11 64 9 26 8 li 61 12 08 9 40! 4 07 lit) 12 19 9 fill 4 20 78 12 45 10 01 4 65 81 12 67 10 861 . 13! 87 1 03 lv 41 6 20 90 1 16 10 62 t 34 96 1 20 11 06 6 4 104 1 66 11 19 6 09 109 2 02 11 25 15H12 2 15 11 8 4 26:; IS: 2 26 11 62 124 2 40 12 10 6 551130 PM PM AM Oroene' a 4s Mrl,-an: burg-.. .. nih.on-'- lie Elon Co liege . . Burlington Oi tikilu.... - ... Haw Ri ver . . Me bane. Etland Hlllflbo' o University Durharr . . - ... East Ou rham . . . Brasstl, Id MorrLv. He . . . . Cary. KALE 10 H Garner Auburn Clayton - WllstiB' MMfa , . . I 161 00 10 17 22 86 45 64 9 9 so 5 it I 4 S00 09 V to I 10 I 7 T 10 1 Sb 1 4J Selma Pine Le vel I Princeto n I Rose I Gol.nSHOIlO I Ar. Lv. 4 02 H I to TMl condeneed anhedule Is nubllahed tnge wltliout notlcr to the publ'c. Noe. Ill and 112 handle through PuT M. C. Morehead City and Bsaufort. N C. so: 103 and 135 handle Southern Kal rod vioiJboro. N. C. . '. H. Hardnrlrfc, I'. T. M.I W. H. Taylo. w- H Ackert, V. P C. M. WaahlBBtoa, D. Ci H. l Vernon. T. V. ChHrloH. K. :. T. K. t.rer.o, C. T a Hal-la k ill f . i i rs L Q. CRAVEN STREET A BAILR01D COLLISION. A railroad collision blocks traffic and ties up the road. Interfering with tha proper operation of the system oa which It happens Just in proportion to the, gravity of tha aecidont Some thing very larailar baa happened In side tha human body when cod ill Da tton manifests Itself. The proper anrHmft a! thA human avatam la In- ertered with .and comfort and health fuffer in proportion to the gravity the oaaa. - Chronic oonotlpaUon Ua erioua eondltion with which medical nan nwqueniiy nave 10 aeai, ana wey ecognUe the fact that Ita permanent sure demands the restoration ot else Idty. and strength to the musclee-that , Udty and strength to the tuscles that "ontrol the boweta To accomplish UU hyaldaDs of the belter claas are now sslcg with' much ucceBa.aprepera Uoa of os. Fluid Eit'ract of Senna, 'X' oa. Rocholle Salts,' i -oa, Aro-8a-irada, 80 grains Bicarbonate of Soda, sk vs. water and 1V oss. Qlycdrlaa A lose ut a Uaapoonfuljjf this Is ad- lUnUtrH at td-tlrna and before each 1 neat, the treatment botng conllotted mil there la tree movement ot the. otrela. The preacrlptloa caa be com-' ob n '14 hv any rood pharmacist xoTtfri ... 1 Notice la gtren tt.t certlficnte Ko 7, flarVs No. JJ, for fte thts of 'k In the Nw Horn riil(llna! an' t -t) Am'w l .'l'in, lilrh wal aiii t ) m lme rn l"t and that I shall ;i'y f"r anoih'r rmliflr.ate. .- Jany T, 1 3 ' 1. vn. a r. paw rov anq naa pefinmaaoTmacr mus -goaal aopervlsioa alnoe its Infancy. , Allow ho one to deceive you in tula.' Signature of Eastern Time Lv Ar. 107 I 135 189 Daily jDaily. Dail). 117 Daily. PM PM PM AM 3 ' sr t a IS !' f .8 . It I I II I it ! i: m 1 U II It 11 B 11 II 11 11 10 10 It in S 10 1 I 61 9 4 PM oro I 12 20 12 00 11 45 5 551 371 23 AOI 11 35 18 65 11 22 11 13 11 05 10 49 10 33 10 20 10 06 9 45 07 6 60 36 26 18 07 60 01 491 SOI 9 3H 11 9 26 30 17 141 (7 9 8 8 661 091 48 37 60 30 09 00 50 88 16 32 26 16 00 46 10 69 46 32 22 16 041 II 43 301 1 36 1 24 11 69, 1 12 6 42 AM 1 00 PM PM an iniormailtj and U aubji'ci to . 'nan Spplnn earn between Greeimb.iro, r"' " NEW LOT rORSES and MIIFS fivorable yers. CALL ;nd see me. Da i b NEW BERN li I li ii it 'i ii ii n ii ,, li ii ii ii ii ii ii it frHt I I I It I I - 1 127 MIDDLE STREET jJL 1 Kull Hn' of Droga, aledi- X? cin-e. I irt Artieiaa ana I, I n 80PP'y 'l0'r, , of 1 pHYS.c, . S8 pRESf RIP- - ' 1. Tmv) . opwriatTT I " rHI pRIEKD TO FRIEND. , , HENRY'S mmvs . ft- . . a . J 1 1 T Be p eoM4 hwimwwhiw m pi" le bare le rrd W e Se ar4 er'-!e ly CliawbfTlels'S Co f m'f i.r & n Bvire tlioo all eUe U mV's It a .? - 1 J ! t"1;! ettide of tr le ao.l ronn ( S U- part el tba dUiaxl v-l.

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