i1:. "J. 1 1 -A-" -3 - SLW. L-UN, XCIITII CAROLINA, THUDAV 'AavaA " """" '' "'" ' ' -:"" ''7 I V 4 ?! n ft 1"' ' r t -""-'r x n t $ n VI I 4 f ' With large CapItaL. Complete faeiltie. end u) earneet.Hie airetomake thit rani Of practical benefit to each and evtry v cutomer, . tolirit sour business. b it aaTinin aecoant a it. -- ' TOmffiTciMi account ornj of the minor nrice wo cab ronder. : GREIN, Y. Pr. iAS. a BLARES, Pre. - T.A.-1 m LABOR f' wWB MAY. . BE A filTTLE - . V' PUEViaDS. BUT , OUR CUSTOM , EACH SEASON ABOUT-: T - VpUR SPRING MUSLIN UNDERWEAR 0 A-'t .wowwaimy ibtko orry imay in tne cy 10 call and to- " ipoct oar tompleto lino embracing Chemislse, nighMrei, . Panto loons, Corset-eovtrs and Skirts in a great variety of original derinar .You viiVhate to W theaa irannents to fully realise-tbeif Intfpdc aluai tlwn V i'l "that ; they tanttof M oirt-rateiL eilttojotlfl lfcht8tdef ec, ?h,e workers arUhip, tha matrisl, sndthe entrkl 'taakaop 6f t- ganrnts are all that you could wish twiet theriee was asked. We shall bo glad to sW")oa the entire line, thrfugh u Inayiwt want to Kuy. Command u-i and we ahall be glad to serie you. - : , - THE STOkE WHERE QUALITY AND PRICES HARMONIZE. J. 51. Mitchell & Co: 61 Pollock St. Opp. Episcopal Chnrch. Phone; 288, 3Q) Ml f - j - . - -. ASSISTANT : LABOB T0XHSSI0H. 'EB'SEPOBT 05 THE COTTJBS 11 ;.' llIJSTEJAL 8ITUA-: v MIOlf -si' - 1 1 ABBoal Meeting of .Associated Chart' ; ea ta he iSeM Next Saaday Gor eraor 6lea' isked U Fandsh. Bat- tallon for ManevTeres at Ft. Cas - wrH-The Fse'of KalHng at Capital : Coart at 'a BUT Beard Snow tu A Baleigh v . .,r , . - ' ?- Special Correspondence. Ealelgh,' N.CFeb. 6.- 2tC w 3 L.Lil ..-.( , AT . liw.. a riitsburgh Sieel Mills Eesame With - Farther AetlrUy Promised , - PiUsburg.'Pa..- Feb. B. Fully J.000 workmen actually 1 returned to work la the mills la- the lmmedlato Plttflr burg district today. ' The nnisbing aod cogging mills Of the Carnegie vplant of the ateek corporation started this mofnlng, two of them on double turn and two on single turn. -The mills of the Republic Iron and Steel Cdfflr panr, in the upper Ohio valley, also resumed nd the, rumor reaches Pittay bargh that the steel plants of the eore poratioa at Bellalre and Mingo,-Ohio. wUl he placed on full tlmeWithi few daya. V- X-1 - 'JSf i j n ihi.i "I"" I'fc- f ' Postal Bank BUI B-rawa - ;vir Washington, Feb. 5.' Senator Bur- kett- of Nebraska, - today " introduced bflt In the Sedate authorizing -na" tiosal sftTings ihanks;:" Jt provide a bureau of postal savings with a. chief at KfiW salary;" assistant $1600, and chief clerk-and minor officers.' The Today As-frate of interest Is i 1-2 per cent, Wd )))( HEATH &MiLUGAN PAINT PAR01CLAXD NEPONSET RED ROPE, R00FIXU 1 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 11 1 1 -if Building Materiall, Pyre hite' lead," Oils arid i Gaskill Hard Co t PhoM i7. r- ktiddie Street . Ja a ' j a a k a it ill -.Hi u 1 a . a 'a it ' a ' A t 'a ' nl IF; Ilfl 0;BE!pgt A . Ai,M m.m I At 1 dtu ttore dont ask what we have ofdef lr : wnat you want Mi alstant Labor Commissioner ' L, Shlpman, madr up a Very Interesting report regarding the -cotton, woolen and knittlnK-rmllla' of the. State. 'Of the mills. reported there- are 328, which show as authorised capital of $45,777,636. . These' contain 2,768,576 spindles,- 6272 looms, 6.IB1 knitting nukchines, the' horse power used. Jo tah -11440. ' NInetx-aeven per cent of the mills cover In their reports the number of 'their 'employes and show 62,178." brthese 2583 are males and 21,221 are female adults.t3 per cent of the mills fail to report the number: of person employed. The .- returns show the t2TU pflrsot 'ar depen- fdent'oponthe mills for . a livelihood, the- reports 'covering this feature be ing made Jy 83 Jr cent of all the mills, 13 "per; cent falling W report the number thufe dependent Of the adult Employes 5- per , cent, can read and write, and of the children employ ed 80 per -cant ; , " ' fn '--response to a apecial inquiry as tachttdrek under 12 'years of age workiajg-in factories, 86 per cent of the mannfactprers answer,, that there are none, t her cent admit the prea- lenceot thlldren under that age, while 9 percent fall to answer, It is ab soluteir against Mhclaw to ' employ ctindreauhdertriat ag, hut the, law is defeoUvw la -falling to give the la-" bor Jossidrierll jwwertnspeq UdrOUahjelng,' the'Veaie'sf" point in lie Jawrana, it maxea im aepenaenjf uponjha mayt be ,j(ermfd the 'cour tesy of Xu nulla as to inspection,' In formattoo etc i Of the irtpllea to the Inquiry as; ta- whether compulsory 4 catloa Js avored for children ln tiie nulla;, U jpe ceut say thsy favor it. IS per cent! oppoae It -while 20 per cent express no opiokm whatever, r a The retorna, sltow ihat the average oembef'of tpuri ot the fJaya' work; Is 164-tr.i the; highest- average' waes foa-aawdajty are' 2J? Wwest 81 cents. Highest 'average for wpmen- $141; lowest tf enta.r Average wages of chlldrea 64 cents. Of the mills SS. ri'ent jay jWageaVeeklyi 41 pet cent, .semi-monthly; j per. oent monthly and 4; per eeat on demand; 87 .per cent report that wages Increas ed at year . f per aeot reportiast no abaage 1 1 while per osnt fall to-ans- -i'lM W -V " lfl erthjnaatum."-QrUaentaport ltmiti Interest' accounts to $500 and deposits to $1,00 with no restric tions as to who shall deposit and with- dra. v ' The postmaster-general Is "author- teed to'deslgnate depoaltorlet in the States where the funds 'come from to receive accumulated deposits. - .a - -". G TV YOUNG, PreseripUoa Droicstst , C Sonth Frpiit Etieet' IW o-o-o y-o 0 o -q o 0 1 111 1 .1-" ""Kew I rpn6 Cottage, near Methodist Choir h, Brldgeton, fcotifuJ viw of New Sera, ' SUmaoa property. East Front job smi-ut ; ,':;', . v f nrrWo Farm, 3) w.Uea from New Barn, landing oa Trent - ' - River, trar ratlread..ha'rkln to right person. Booms ovrr . ', UcDanWI ttort; teiUlU for ItII or rildwwe. .' - WASTEo-i ...; r-.i . ' Fstm'aaJ UmSr lands ltli-r for ssU, rent or I ae. Alo City property bought or sold at small tpt!e to ewrrf-r, ' the financial condition of employes good I per nt very goodr od4 per cepUexceUant: ,18 par cent falr: ,aad 4 pr cent tall o anawer TV i n la annual ateeUng of tag stock- holders, of thf North Carolina floras Flrei insurant pamputT waa held and the directors and agents vari ous; parts of the EuU were present Tht eompaay snke a splendid show ing for last year's business, and made mo!Ttr. The pfBc!al,'.afpnla, . ate, ' M . L I , t - 1 1 nlarly fine showing for lent tus- Ineas, Its Trmtuu;S ifUli: g gll8f(J and IU V' - i f .".O TS.4 FlediiU lire Intumiice 0miiiiy'of CTirl Ue art i.'. tit-.; !y t;e .... am-iun of hn':!ns nn r:1 sn'it tD aiine ft ' , i .-i ii'.'i Ths t'H r , ' fl in A . my i f ;. . f Y t', a; ' r I ; 1 t rrt . f ! it 1 t' lay -. . .. . . . . , - Saowbound 86 Hoirs'oa a pert Eay , qaeUe Trail la JUicklgaa i Caraonvllle, MlcB.;Feb, 6: Forrle hoBrs"-4S J hungtyl aasengerg, "on Pere Marquette tralaw or stalled Jbe-1 tweed Port Huron' arid VhW place, car tag to; heavy aaow 'drlfta. ,11101 tja-i sengerswere , nearly -famished when released, havtng'.had rtiothlng eat except bread dipped itf 'melted know. aThe bread Was 4 oonatgnmeniin the express which waa broken opahv br UtMHrngtL-paaaanpnPdnd trainmeL Sara Jan'aa'la rerearmma! ' iTokhv Feb; r!ateplyinrid aotfftif tion at a meeUng bt the military cow l-U mittee bf 'tSe I)ieC"&turdayrtenerai fFOrtffgieM ilng firants Poiltfcal Am- aes'tyCoantes ef Taraoath Gets Be A Wh Selection , ' Spectal to Journal, , 1 ' ."Raleigh; li. C, Feb. 6. The State Geological feoard electa 'William W. JBhe,' son' of apt Samuel A Ashe, Raleigh, forester," and he comes March 1st, to take charge of that work bit North Caroillnat - The board asked that forester Git- ford Pinchot of the United States' Ag ricultural Department to . reoonuttend a man for. the place. ' He named Ashe, who accepts the new position; hut will be retained on the United States civil ;ervice list sohe can return o his duties at -Washington, at any time. The United Jtates Agricultural De partment says it Will do everything possible to aid this jltate in forestry work-? .;'.-;'-: f. '. , " lle ddd Fellew's Banquet. The District Meeting - ot the Odd fclIowfc,an.aocount of which appears o another) colunjn, concluded ts aea- Jlori fast night . with a raad banquet wnicn was enjoyea uugeiy, , .sT XrrEu a Koyan waa ma caterer, mhn nnt hn Ikn nnrai1 in A ho (Wilful more Credit 'tohii .ability; ' The hill bTfare;' "Waaample and the 60 dole jateSv attested to Its excellence. After the ' cigars, were .lighted, the pleasure of the feakt was enhanced by i'feaat of reason furnished, by Grand Secretary WoodelL.' of RalelgbJ .-. St t-oon' Bcull, editor of the -Odd Fellow at tJoldsboro, and Solicitor C L. Aber- aethy.T 'The' next meeting will be, held n Morheadaext JunOj IS 8 -fields Brother AeoiHted special U Journal. v ? Raleigh, N. O, Feb. S.The Fieldi brothera, accused ot railway mall rob bery,' were acquitted this afternoon. Id th Federal' court' -ri v'v;!-' Oar llteft aad $IU Deihlo Bar. rel Oiaa new a-elaf al 11040 aad $110ft-4. Batnlgbt Hart ware Cera ;Vr,'NV7a Ot XI') At: tt ret lock nr.v maneuvers which ar to take place .la May 'with' Fort Caswell, lit the mouth of the Cape Fear River as a center, &nd which will be Intended to illua traterthe proper defence of that par. Uon of the North Carolina coast Tbe letter from the Secretary of War I In the shape of an Invitation and as yef the Coveraor baa not acted upon It It Is said that May Is a bad tjjjie liT troops In the rural dlntrlcts to go on duty, but maybe aliUalllon can be mads op from those In th city. Of course the tour of dutywlll be a very plrMAnt one, though thors Will be pUnty of work and no Utile Ingtruo- Uons. Tlie wsr dopnrtiucnt la no hfllng ra."iK)n(l'd with rKar'llng this mutter. It nnjf be tl.ut the royuesit for Vohintcprs fur such duty will k Of coorKs thpr will hi ray lid ru'lona, rtc, In II 9 run of Uip r'Siiliir ftrmy, TLrssn cual h.hs'hwi i a bM frm t! mo to timo uml IIu po rears ,. , ,a (.it s f, , . ,1 I lit" I . i A i. ' . TJ T I, in 1 . n ... t .:.!.. , : ! t' t ' t "i !' f I " 1 5, J SEOIEIfflTOOlE if t J BBATB DEFEKBEB OF POST IB-1 THUB 8UFFEB8 THE EXTBEME rpESAlTX AT THE H1SD8 riiJW '."tHB-VcZAB'S Tfl;7PPE ASYLUM Vlaooant Teran mtef wv said that Japan's military preparations were directed sot against any single nation,- but against eventualities -da the Padflcx" ' ? a 1- Several'' prominent- politicians, wm- demn the reply- as provocative and most inopportune, and as being In- oompatible, with - the publte attw ances ef a minister, ii- - - 1 1- 1 Bad Accident at Orieatal : Newtt was received here of a aerioiTa aeotdent at Oriental,' wherein Mr, M. O Holten, ,son of Mf. Bariilia Beltoh, Olympla, waa badly Injured. 'Mr, fioltofe was at work In the .John L. Boper mill, taking ttpi the slack in ' rope that ; waa tuwl ta draW up the fogav when. bis hand became tangled andJhe was thrown bodily over a' ahatt seTeralimea t Thaam .front .the bad' to the Uowr Waa rttshed and mangled, aad was fractured -to two places above, the elbosft The. young maii!r waa auffering cat jcoasiderabte pain last aight. iut It ft thought that ampuuuon1 01 the am win not. be necessary, and that Its use to aome extent, may be regained.- . - Criminal Ceurt Praeeedlatrt f Judge Allen passed upon the follow. Ing reuse . at. yeaterday'r criminal courtJ ' ' - - 1 .Jtate va Lutie Patrick; larceny; guilty; one year la Jail to be assigned aha roada,:-;. .,r-:-j,;5S.v"r. ; y--1- t8tat; vs.; Joha l Blnimlona.'.aaaanIt with' deadly weapoa;' iftdltyrona ear ialalL to be assigned to thO Toada. Btato-, ya. Henry .Taylor; larceny; guiltyr 19- months in Jail to be a- stgaatl -.to 4ka -toade; .-' -?-f- ,.SUte vs. Frank Alvea, carrying con cealed weapons; 'guilty ten dollars and costa. "riii,:.- ,:i SUto-va.' Charles Paul, found guilt df larceny In Tuesdays session: four montaen the road. t - r '.' gtat. va Joha Mortoa,. laroeay; trlaj tBrogreaa.tt V ft ."1 ''i 111 jim M 1. 11 1 1 -7;'.rt,.-B ' EOBTB CABOUIA JLilTS PUJCX FauV Fronr Tepf HavrickJtreafcir ...ief aaV Crawsr.'TUrM v af-U.r- dmPar 'J.iM'-i.'vr; HfateraoaMi J,Th.-riEdgat Ror era, of North CaroUna went U aleep 6a top of g hayrick aoday and fell off onto the hara floor aad' htnkr aid leg. Not withstanding-hla great Injury he dragged- himself . three -inllea to - t&i olty and waa taksa to a hospital-" f ? n 't u.'wt La dies. Solid 14 karat, gold doable face .Sagta aad ' Waithaai lltaq Watches dow $13.M at J, Ot Baxter'! Tho Leading' Jeweler-, 'J -';v-. tifi fi f' r?i' vif Xaay Laud- ClalJsr Jaiaped . ' ere PlTowe-rPabUe Printer Dis- charged PhilllplBes Free in Fire Between Imeprtal, Cat, lb. a-Ot U0 land claims Jar thw Impertat Tailey, t about 59 Improved Claims, aetpagfng to aost- rcaldenta, have bees' Jumped because of failure to comply with the law. !A recent declefon of tile land eommts-iloBer-' reverse'' what tUt'CSloe ha held heretofore ihst'eny peraoa could ake aaalghmems" from claimant SI long as the total did not excd 21Q a... ' acres. 11 is BOW tx-U Cat a praon fan take only one M:-i;ueoC . j Many rialms. Including welWrtel iHrma, are anecit i ty u, re rcraal, and timny Cont. :s har ny filed, Tbe mutual watr ri.n,.;i!p ha wimtilnd to nd r ;.rawnUU to Washington to lay t fure K " " rfnry f,nrr!.' V,l l a l icti fi-i.m 1 Cf ,i : 1 r 1 1 u ill rr I irhix-'t, tl.ut t:. f- :;,tr n Ci,.- I V I I r I f t; matter b A n t p ?1 1 1e. : i'-.o tf tV fOUfti . I' -it S4 I f fc ;' t 1 1 tcaraBatUe Probable Busslaa and Tark .... V Special 'to Journal, r8t ''Petersburg, Feb. 6. The court martial 'of 'General Stoessel for ow af3lce it the siege Of Port Arthur, has endedaVd Ae has been found guilty and jieatenced to ho shot - He was commirider at the fortress and held the place against the Japanese ene my for almost two months and was commended several tunes for his brav ery and atrategy. The decision of the court la a great surprise to many In political and military circles. , -,," duatfelwiytr N. Y Feb. 6. Thaw's third vdy In the asylum was more pleasant for him than the two pre vtoua -ones. He" haa begun to mix ffeely with the other inmates. -His trial and commitment to MatteaWan Is an almost constant topic of conVer atlcak1 . Thaw- told one of his visi tors that the other iiimates .question ed him constantly about the trial! of shieh they have read, but he asserts that he lias refused as much" as pos sible to discuss his case. Thaw read wine and played chess with Inmates. He has become quite an expert at the game. j ie has also begun teaching three of rhls companions bridge, whiat, something entirely new in the aaylam. One inmkte, who imagines he is John W.- Gatee, has already become qdite nroflcient. The,, fight to get an order of the court ta transfer the prisoner tq a private, asylum began today. Attor ney Arthur Littleton 1b' leading In be half of tie defendant . - . . . t ''TIfllB, Balkan Russia, Feb. 5. The Russians and Turkish armies are mou nted .near , Bis on the Persian Fron- jeranaa tle,! probably occur oereJmny' houra ! , The Introduction of the.Turk on some Russian terri tory Is Ucanse of the troubm. ;Loqdon Feb.r bVTb .Countess 'of farmbnth sister ot Harry Thaw, was today granted the divorce jhe aoagbt waenoouir opeuea uiis morning ,11 was annouaced that k settlement had beea" reached aad the Countesk would be tHow4 drroroe at 00 oe by default ThU miah that Tarinouth 1 to get t tot of 4h Thaw money which the Coirtites jaai eouVolled during thejr aUrrlagi ?ndv terms of aettlemeit v WaahtudtOn: t, "CC Feb, l-Pab Printer" Btn'fugs hai' bee tuspeai from hi ffflc peadlng the lareetl U6H of thd affair of that InatlUUoa. Jgy Jbui reloiatioa offered by Beak tor StoaaJ of Blseouriv It was rotfd to graat freedom to the Philllpls talanaa a Jin. : I -. im . 0 T ' -"V" , 1 1 j. . . - ,.- 3,.; -t. 1 ; jJsbaaiTeat tTke eoodluoa 01 aSatrk are qm( aad M ta beUaved that the Worst bf the aprWng to over 'At tar, due d acoaaloa at the aaaturhy (he King: Premier aad ministry, it ha brea dedd4 14 grant amnesty to po UUtwJ prisoaera aad tnttte 0om (a exit to rbtara, A' general condTls- trr p"-U ha beea deemed more aa: riaatjle- thaa to aeek'to punish ihjs -!a of offendar. The trial of the rogkidea will be pushed with great vigor.' ! .' , " " r " ' ';' ' I f ' 1 T , H t'l ('! I er Our trade demands that we car J T"-"" ' ' ry the very' best flour that can I P be obtained. Our flour is be-J ef crmnincr to b? "TOWN TALK 1 I Ipl fact it: is - "TOWN TALK."! f. I Insist on getting "TOWN I llTALK" when, voui luv flour. I I t I IR act fnr D,a.J "al il I jm . iiuviai, vt wiv.au, oic, ai'Xi'J 7. s rr' rJi "b I E .... ninnii i.iiiiinrnfi-r tin nil v - I . A .-'..- .. ,' . v.-':-, s. ' ! tMjMsBBaWPsaWs . 'I IWH II III! Ill llll GOOD NEWS REMOVAL SALE TO BE CONTINUED aBBaaBaMawawaWKawaMBBBBasaamaBsjaWapaBaBBBa We have decided to continue our sale on all wir.u : clothing Dry Good, shoes etc. continued in our boih stores. It is absolutely! necessary that we carry no goods from our stores it)to our new quarters and a- Igain have slashed prices beyond belief. There yet remains a mountain of merchandise to be slaughter ed. We wish to thank the people of New Bsrn and vicinity for their generous response to our advertise ments. While the opportunity knocks at your door N ever before has such ujimerceful prices been quoted in New Bern on clothifjg Dry goods shoes etc. as re now being uffered during the continuatiom of our remarkable Removal Sale, all eyes are turned on Baxters stores, all tongues are telling of the marvel ously fine Bargains offered at this sale. We are bound not to carry any left over stock into our new quart-. ersr TWO STOKES ! AXTER TWJ STORES Watch for jELLow signs. I i fin") ' Attehtjon; I iGenilemen ! . Owing to K helBg botWeea ta twe seasons, we offer our services to the public along thee Uuee tot the next M day, we will alter suit tod over-coats to fit aUdrttala their .prtgUal appearance. We have dad M year practical xprtencd pa fine' work and thaao things do not fret? about, hat TAlE TBEX TO 8AWIEB If your coat is too high or too low in' th nck,lf yoer siseves ar too long or too short It your Panta are' too large or too pmaH, er If they want a new seat 8EH0 TUE3I TO SAWTEB and toi ; j small margin we guarantee that Tow ahall be mad glad, Taaa liig' yea fr peat favor. Reapect fully y,r .r V' - ' ' j T . . , t rj Cor. SOUTH FRONT aad CUAVBN STREETS ' ' ,... .'vt-v' mmm . 1 ,;t t,-tfl i a.' ' n.y .V la ,ir--, ) c I 1 1 I r T i ' toa far Belag Geei. ' (".; ago, rob. A The Pullman rat f Cor f -; :n; nr.r' today dlatrlbatai ' ;? ' t ' ' i f I "79 r'ntloyrs In IU .r d'; art--ier,t The bona a j-.. ' ". tnon'.U'a aalary l--r t-'f f i i i for a4 pm r who m !' 1 ( i f ( ; rol f f lli omtanr t 1' 7 a:. I i i ! M ' t " : i . ! ! rf !!. r-..j r 1 i i ( i- r-"-;. ! ' r I i s - f 'TOD -lei ID jMDrlOU"' I ' '''. "... !, . " - t ': I ." i n a n Awe PDA mik- nn iiiLiuu it j UiUinuj ut - -urT - i ire a :. I f - -''-I 1: ' ' J' r (' 1.4. H 7H0C-v 4 4 4 Ws J f i r r in.it t r T. ' f r a I ( r a. r f r t r l - ' i. mr.o for Cot to. 1 yon l!l be pleased with t! 1 1 ( ri 1 1 U c.- ;r asm - f

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