-i A- v' J uj L.i E.'At :!-....! New Bern. N. C- Frtrnarr . 'Wl ic:ee C17.ECT --.'V ! AIJUAIA. i-AH " ttt Taeeday - night at I elock ,, A.COM:a a. VMVMk av. uuut v, x m i'. ybiiwi,? . . . . v ; .-'TT.ji -t m BL Saltfe, X ''at;. -aVY."' ymcY'-r- y" puV. m. it-itokA'. Harry Marka.. PrWbyterta lra fpom.;, BualneM - ariter- gmUlXl LODiil 1ft ' i pajia. B.a Qufon. A J. Mitchell. if taipoftaac:m WtranVted j..tarnln Mix Darft mother, of Beau t Trr Mondajr,ltttorjilhti - " ; ' xw- t Harmony Hall, Folloclitrae,. Tjj.orp;'; R B. Nlxoii, D. F. Jarrla, ident; Mis March and th 85perintenrf .Mti. Jteoit -t-and, who haa been. In , . Harper, N. Ok; J.fH. fcnlth. 8eo.Howen. BUnvelt, Misses MolUe Heath, dnt of Flower Mlastoa - Work, and New Ber for tew daya'retarned.to .Viatttog Brothexa : cordially welcana.'tanette- ttoiUater. - Sadie Holllster, 4 otaerwlll be read' let all coma pre-' h Iwiia" la. Wllnangtbn,-yesterdays .AWm ! ihnM llttZZ - Vr" Vedneaday nlahU 4a: ee-onfJ., to n L-n.- tenibMk '"sa uouoitb u JSV-"1" &l hW h"n! nf J H Smith. Seoratary: R. H.Vn HU1 nnaaclal Sectary. 7 .sli ii , , .I . i. I nvv.jw vt iiu v.,w----.-- wi- w-.-.. -t t raa' - Lr" ' " .r lv TiHuu "'"r d.., 1 . : 1 oaoex ie new Aovenuemeau. Wanted Sawyer. For Rent Residence. . 1250 Reward. New Masonic Theatre Goodwin Stock Company. . '";" For Sale Mule and dray. For Sale Wood. ; Ifound Bicycle B. B.-Davenport Turkeys, etc. Hudson ft Company Molasses and; Syrup. B. B. Davenport Potatoea. For Sale Oranges. B. A. Morris ft Company Bargains. Wanted Salesman. BUSINESS LQCJULS lOTICKS Cf THIS COMJMB TOR XES8 THAI ONI M05TH MUST be Hint fob n AiTi!fCi; MULE AND DRAT FOR. SALE GOOD sound mule, easily kept. - Dray and harness In good condition." Bargain W. G. Boyd, 104 Pollock 8f. -v WOOD FOR SALE DRY 8PUT Plner big loads delivered at your . door. W. G. Boyd, 104 Pollock stret. Tele phone 203. : FOUND A BICYCLE OWNER CAN Get same by proving property and paying for this ad. Apply to William Dennis, South Front St FINE LOT OF CHICKENS, TURKEYS and Geese, Just received at B. B. Dav enport's, JUST TAPPED A BARREL OF YA nllla Syrup and one barrel sflt fine West India Molasses, at Hudson aad Company's. JU8T RECEIVED A LOT OF RED Bliss Pride of the South Potatoes, for planting. B. B. Davenport ORANGES FOR SALE CHEAP t0 Boxes at A. C. Ik Warehouse. J -B. Manlx. ! SALESMAN WANTED SELL Kl tall trade, your locality. $60 per month and expenses to start or comnUssiofi. Experience unnecessary. Hermlng sen Cigar Co., ToledoT O. WANTED A SAWYER FOR CIRCt; lar, bill mll, must be 'one who can get results. Also edger, trimmer and post setter. Apply at one, either it Kins ton pffloe or Deep Run. Hartford Real Estate Company, per W. R, Roua tree. Superintendent ' ' . T j .-. ' FOR RENT RESIDENCE CORNER King and Graves street" formerly of cupled by, J., ), Haf k., Ten rooroa, all modern coavmlenoea. "Apply to 3,. W.Stewart : ' STOLEN SATURDAY HlflBT, FBBY let, one new . RacycleTSlcyel( Modal ltt. No. 1WI. Front llra h oaa . pe-Mtare, right atdt of;;rB, ' aear rear waaeseBi im. ror retora ' of wheel reward of l 'wfU iei-ai - r Addreos. J. H. Neieo. Letter Carrier, New Bern. N.C. ' : r VII STEAM LAUNDRY, Of NSW Bera wilt ornrnneoea iork. Mooday- Febraary 10th ade? the-aaaaasemeot i W, A, fete ot.OrWosboro, 4Jkg tofaetloa gaaraateeC Work mleeted aad delivered. ,4 . TOR H3T-IIIIUtK -ItML Seaae, I rooea aotse, tt'TSn laqairt Mlat Alio Daffy. If. Ooorg LOT-llT(DAT 1HT 01 CIAYIX atre petweea Onteaary Ch(trh aad .Broth Front 1 pair gold ria-iated. aye gtaseeo." Flader will leaa return I Mr. R. 9. WlUla, ! Bowttl rroat ATTKXTIQN ADDrTTOflfj tTn aVNjy TreatMen t aa Ma rird ta gtv (acta! weeest S knanimr. 1st. Mia HUdra COk, 4 1'rtt'f sues ffitT-rfli ctvrn 1 Ifl sell I dnt lie Oi r t i 1 1 f 5 ; 4 im. It Otsbcm for II.M. TT ffirM git a aloe t'.i 'ft for H ni tl rents ff , la tofs s irrrra vim r.i.i T. i' i ""fin- i, ! - , : .J, i-SffnMdiT afternooa Ux- WUit w "huh tu delightfully entertalfled mr ta llraI, R,'.ewmr, ker toly ..-i ,.. 1 for W m rrawa fccpiuii, - ..' , - ; - iiWw nwuihnwi! Tm I Moor: F. EHaabeth - Burrus, Mary Oliver, Mar- garet Bryan. : - en "trel' .BWB"y B18Ul' " o'clock. . xne aouae wa ntiwuiuuii uw. . w K - mi Rnnntr'a hognl- i:" - . u""'' , Mesdamea Ben Moore. Sam Brlnaon. 1 10m varruwaj', u. o. wb""". Whltford. Mjsses NelUe W A tailing off of 2,234 In a month Is the latest Japanese Immigration re port BVSQSS LOCALS : FOR R1KT-4 BOOM HOU8E-C0B-ar Cypress and Nana street ; 10 mat koaee eoraer Pine and George atreaea, MBvealent tor two families; 7 reom house corner Metcalf and Pol- leek iatreeta;- room house In .Federal Alley. Apply to J. W. Stewart MM BUSHELS PEANUTS BECEIY- ed. banco, running, and Spanish. We aCer for sale at $1 per bushel; for aaek and running; $1.50 for Span ish. Tery. fine for seed also domestic purposes. If you need any call at 47 Middle street or phone 172, or drop us a card and, our agent will eall an you and show you the stock. 3. 'Turner Furniture Company. NtTTCE-I HAY1TNT JUST DECIDED te nuke prices Interesting, for I have beef doing it all the time: I hate 4 large stock to select from, some of which w must sell and will sell at test as the season for same Is nearly at. If yeu have not bought your weelek blankets, I can sell them at !!.5 the pair. I am giving away irapkephoaea with every purchase a- j mounting to $50. It Is a real good machine. Come and hear It play. L. H. Cannon, Broad street opposite I. A. Jones' stables. PIXNACLI FLOUR AT I. F .YIN teat's Is In. Pltnt of pint, oak and alxed weed, ereeerlea, ahoee, no- Meaa,'1aaey line eaaned gooda Nea- lot eeraed Siulltta. New Store, eor aer Metaalf and South Front Streets. Fhoa $7 for what you want LD PAPERS 10 CENTS PER UUS. dsot at Joawal efAta. SOLE AGENTS SHAW- WALKER rstem and Sling devices. Just re ceived full supply. Would aak yoer inspection before buying. J. 6. MS lar. . If! UlTt DECTDH) TO MAKaV. ptioe InUreeting for any on wish lag to bay furniture. 3. B. UlUer. ' UBS. S. -to SWTH HAS M0T1B from ! the Harviy House to 111 South rrdnt BtroetTaezt Soot to O. A. Nlo- Oll's Insaranc offlce where she wUl bo irlad to have her customers call.! 1. & U0IJTIftClark M. a Bun taeturer, o. Jl klado of porch aad stair work, mantles, brackets, ralla, spladl, Mooldlaga lath, aaaa dors, frame, plyntha, and ooraar block. Stock at OasalQ UaHwar Company rtora, at order left there will b Allod promptly. Also orders to factorV directed to ) U. lUrUter, Clarka. win raoarr' p-.anpt StteatSoa." nxssaa clci-i i'arkuM IS 'flouOf rroot Stmt OefiUeueVi Clothe eleaaed, repaed aad prssnA Udl gkirfa prd.'Jpcllty. Phoa Ma ttl . - ".-"': .,f call ojuoimxs itrrai - com. paay for rfght goods aal right price. New Key dee at 20.M to IU.00, 86 otid hand cfrvcle at t.M to.'tllO. At-4e WD.Jl-fiSuVl of tires, aad taadriialas'd at roaacaiabl price. W repair your -. pistols and blcy e1eCWiirir86i Vf kme4 workmea. WOOD nilT-BOKS : WOOD M Nnr Dora sow thaa ha hee la away year, W hav all kind .of, ttov woodtn4r rgf ahedi, aevtr tt tnlrsier 4-4(liiri 'nil Kaitv aad throw la yoaciwood bone o svuee. wui c-, wooa any lane'.n to It aay at ttor. f have a wood em tof a wirte,.tm cn i ywtr hoe la oity or eoantr, aad t your wood t U tl-n at . halt Hr,. A full line! 1.1 tv '" V of Wood., Mo ( go at aow tr'f. yv t 1 th rxni ad t . -'f -e f ,n V mtnA. st r la " tijl. A fw boun reat.I"'.r"l, Wc-od Mn. If ! Knatb i ,, , t i . .. i The general BMDDeM of the weata- M b yesteraay iuiougn fcwcMt w lor rain an,d wr": -'-,r bBt oroDuittoc lie rrln end it is. Christian ;Temierence UnVoa li . Nr - . . - . ' iMr, fa; span or woDucaen, wai this kftemoon at 1 8ft o clock, la ta .... . . . ' - . pared to -pay the de tor thla ryaar. JjMr. P'SCurds. advaftce ' agent o? All ladlea are weloom - 1 S - "r T.'TTr T T.'Tt. r;.-.-r.: come to oe . pretty eommoa aroona u here' and 41,. wufc do; well jto protert . themaelTM against thieves o fthU Un H securmg them, wnerever tney ;-are piaeeai iiwiu re- sumo iroumo, BH. .v .v , v-t. i lur " jr - neQ W- several Ma ieiy wnere Wieels er Stolen, rte deacrtp-. aon o rar wneei wmnaDia tne police to catch the thief wmach aW miZ .auumw.u.u.u,.,. ; .12 Superior court, foil j. Craven county TOnvened ta New BerMonday and, as . it is a regular criminal term, the ex odus of the . Craven residents of Le- Deputy Sheriff Bd White, of New Bern took ten of the twenty odd prisoners that have been boarding in Sheriff Nunn's house of refuge back to New Bern yesterday mornftig. The treat-. ment accorded the prisoners here was evidently most agreeable' and. pleasant to them for some were, most positive In their expressions of regret t tear ing their boarding house., Doubtless they fear being released by the court and turned out Into the cold world alone. KJnston Free- Press 6th.- - The star mall route between this city and . Vaaceboro.wUl be discon tinued next Saturdaand.; the mall win hereafter be carried , pa the. Nor folk and Southern fallroad to that and places along toe line. 4 This will be a great Improvement In the ser vice, the patrons being enabled by the change to get mall from this city at least eight hours earlier than it present' The carrier,. Mr. Hall,' haa become a veteran m the mail service, having been on-the route ten years until he has become a familiar figure on the road. He has won the respect of all the patrons of the route by his prompt and' polite attentions to duty, and while the service will be greatly m proved" they will regret the passing of the faithful old mall carrier, Meeting of Fifth District Odd Fellow A very fraternal-and enthusiastic meeting of the Fifth District Odd Fel lows, composed of delegates from th lodges of Jones, Onslow, Carteret,J Pamllco and Craven, met in Eureka Lodge hall yesterday,' and perfected Its organization by electing B. D. Ar thur, of Morehead ! City, fyealdenj; u. v;. noiion, or Tanaemere, vico- President; George Green of New Berfc, Secretary; A. & 'VWue, of Mayi lHe, Tmsurtrrlbhn!, Wolf of Beaufort Marshal; J. B. Collins, Sei tinel, and . appointing several impof tant commfttee ' ' ' , Among the prominent Odd Felloes fronf out of the district IS attendanck are 6ranS: Secrotiiry1 B. It WoodeLj ahd St Ton Scull, Mltor 'and mai agr of the lf. Xt; Odd Fellow, a pi per published In thd Interest' of Odi Peltowahlp and Odd fWlowVorphais In North' Caronaa.' Many letter if regret were received by member if th order who could 2ot b DresenU A UlegTam'of'(congfatulatlona wAs" sent to Grand Treasurer H. JJonoa, UU being hi Sth aalaveraary. TreaA- oror Jones Is the oldest Odd llow Horth Carolina, and has held the So of Grand Treaiurer,' eoattauoa: tor 6Yr SO. yar ' v y nt unanlmoti vbu: the next trlct meeting will "be held at kor faoad City, the ' d4 Tuesday of June The Bight seaafon "jru addreased by urana secretary woodell. Sod pdltor Sailtfcftw Which 5th vislUng Odd rellowa 'r-baaqm f Eureka Lodg.' f - -. t toVaaoairaVov'tlao l RUh. rrkt, ShereU aal 8pJJ. f. Baa. Igkl Hariwar Cu.i. teafj of at lafaat ' Medella Ederlv Infant daghir of T- Eaif and Cast Bulling, died yeirterday at the are of four rnoolh. The funeral aerrlc-mil be .held at f .o'clock thle at (he home of the parents, II r ' a trt'. Ktv t. O. Oarta win eon.' t ih rvtc. I Yrn-- 1 c r u f r c 5S Mfc P. & Cox went to Greensboro, ye.wruay, ;;;v; -;i ; m r ReY.r.W. A. Ayeja-weat p iSewn Bprin yrd; . , ..a. " W,c; Hf WA."'. Shwtn of TTnhiirknn was tli Ooedwtn Stock Comnany. which in u city. MeBgr W. jrr Mattocka. C. C. Mat tocka" and Willie Watert., are In the lty attending the. Dlatrlct Meeting Odd Fellows vjj jntaa Pool of Norfolk, Was 1W8f ot hr brother, Mr. C. . p. . wwie o w way to h rf D Duncan, of Beau, ' ' Abyssinian inale cnildr must go to school. The state pro- Vldea the educaUon and is building many schools.. . A RECORD BREAKER Last yeafs Sales of HyomeL The GuaranWd Cure , For Catarrh 'Jjirgif Than Ever ' The merits of Hyomel (the treat ment that, cures catarrh without stom ach ,doslng)r its popularity and growth are unique in xne annais oi meaiciae. following the use of this treatment So pronounced is the relief and cur that it has been publicly recommend ed by leading druggists, and physl-j ukdi iu uvarijr eveij omuo auu iuwu-- In' the country, with the result that last year's sales were larger than ever.,. The fact that Hyomel Is so simple and complete, and that it cures by breathing medicated air and not taS lag drugs Into he stomach, no doubt, has helped to create this wide-spread and rapidly Increasing army of friends. The way in which It haa been sold by F. S. Duffy has undoubtedly aided greatly Its introduction in New Bert. He la such a firm believer In the pow er of Hyomel to cure all catarrhal trou bles, that he urges people to use Jt with the understanding that the cost will be refunded to anyone who Is not benefitted by the treatment You do not risk a cent In testing the healing virtues of Hyomel, tor F. 8. Duffy takes all the risk of its giving satis faction, and leave you to be the judg. Gentlemen's sizes, 20 year gold filled open face, Waltham and Elgin UJ.B0 Watches, now 18.00 at J. O. Bat- 'er's The Leading Jeweler. Fire Hear. Tasearera ! Mr. Alex Watson's home near Tus- carora, waa totally destroyed by Ore Tuesday evening. Bverythiag was lost and ta house aad content had ao kkaaranoa. i 'Mr. -Watson had only been living la this house tor two weeks, havtag Jaataoaaplotadlt No on waa at home aad th origla of tbo are is onkaowi. l '. i mi si j Arwr ttlSO.W win hi paid tor the lpprhaaloa of aad ovideao nf fldeht to'ooavict th two whit men who,yoommtttd aa aaaaalt apoa Mr. BaclC bt this dty, oa th sight of iNbraary S. IPOS: . j " PISCBITTtOll f Oa I about sU feet tall aad ! der, wlti dark hair aad heavy mo- tach,. will weigh about 1M or 110 pounds, ; th other 1 abowt Are feet U. lache, atoatly . built' hair eloeely at fao smoothly shaven, stay have aaJl, scratch ,oo face. A' Soger on on of his hand thought to he hittea by .th .Jady,'. rWUI weigh ahou,lM k Both atea at th Urn of committing th assault war 'fairly well dressed. Th smailar maa wore a light over poet black toft hat and a arg ring ea th llttl finger of the ln has Th taller ma wore a light suit of clothe without overcoet All coenmoa- tcaUo should be addroeted to T . J. ht jURGrr." V" - Chief of Folic. r .. i . . . ' ' Clerl' of U Board of AMorm0 r.i t;i,m 1 AM, Til f.Y t4 c ::! Q IH ; FELF LES . C!!E 1 1 : Many persons have, in addition to thei? per? sonal accounts, the handling of funds for business in stitutions in which rhey Are interested- tor churches, for lodges, and for other organizations? --v x tThe PEOPLES would gladly welcomall such accounts, but if for good reasons, you cannot give us "alt favor us with at least -one ofvy9ut' several bank accounts, ? . " : : - , vri The PEOPLES wilfapprciate any patronage younay-givf? it, - ;;: the peoples WM.xDUNN, ''-President TA, UZZELL, A V WE WILL CONTINUE OUR . ..- Bargain Counter awhile longer. A rmnber of J H f. APIVIfsTRONfi. M. mm VI av a V1 ' y l'T-Sn 1- s SALE! Ot necouit lit the deresse of my hosband, Mr. E. Wallnau, t in - - . i . . jK M 1 win oiiit ivr mr nvAi urii my entire stock at very low 9 'nricee. -Stock combta of Sllvrr" B ware. Crockery, Glassware, St- nil RaMtrda. 1 llnaical Inatns 7 toenta, Savenlr Cards, Albums and many other novel ties. Rosa i Wallnau. CONDENSED REPORT SACRIFICE The National Balnk of New Bcrnc AT THE CLOSE OJ BUSINESS DEC 3rd 1907. BISOUBXKS Loaaa aad dioovat ...! (11.149 0. 8. Boads to aacur olr i H ealatlosu. . .. ..... 1I.DOO.00 Bond. BooarltlM. (0 ... 1541. Banking Boa, faraitar ,e aa4 fit Urea v . , . 1M00.I Cash and Da from Baak UlVM Total.'.'..i -41011.71 j ...... C -h" . JAS, A3RYAN,;:, President G. R ROBERTA; Cashier. ..DIRECTORS: Jai. A. Bryan, " E. B. Hukburrv hasfS. Bryaii -- "GW. Hunner;.E. K. Bistop John Dann,1;' ' '- - - - -.w A il J A a A' rM::ciALTY ' O'OEiTS BANK, CD BRADHAM -Vice-President. Cashier. A HOUSE ON YOUR BANDS without insurance on the house, is al ways a weight upon the mind till yiu do your duty to your familv jii d your self by insuring it in a solid company Wei'l secure you absolutely against loss or damage by Are, by drawing you a policy that will he a friend in netd A. T. DILL, OHW 111 XUdle S 'fcw tit A useful articlep to dispose of yet ' a a m. v A n About those bursted pipes Call on . . Stings Bros., PLUMBERS 72 CRAViN 1ST. NOTICE I HavtM finished my work on the Kla eton and Snow Hill railroad, I am ready to do work tor the public. Sur veying, mapplug, and general engi neering. ALFRED CHKNET, Uvil, Bnglaeer. PrwMt address, Klnston. N. C. OF THE CONDITION 7 ' UAB1LTT1XS t-aptu: stock paid la ,0000 Burp'1 and OudrvMed Pro fit .1 .. .... 104 74 Mattoaal Bank Bote oat otandrag., .. t rMOO.OO BUla DUoouated UA04.U DtpoaitS r. .. .. 411,111 U TXKal. rrtuti.ri JOHN DUNN, , .VjcesPresident. , .1 v . V , '-.' -J wH-iO-) Prices on Rain Coats, Over Coats, Suits. Extra Trousers. .Cloaks, Furs, ' Underwear, and many other winter goods are cut to cost. We have some very desirable goods to go at these greatly reduced prices. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING NOW. J. G. DUNN & CO., I Phono 212 i tot ) (te:) ( :o: ) (-:o: ) ? SPECIAL BARGAINS THE BIG CASH STORE, K i 1 this wpek. We have a large amount of Candies, Nuts, Rafc, j and Fi uits on hand, which we are forget we will save you money o. B. A. MORRIS & CO., Phone 156 THE - BUSY BEE CAFE opens today, In Modern stylo, the beat In the South, as a restaurant, cafe or quick lunch, clean and quick, for la dles and gents' and the prices Tery moderate. It pays everybody to see it, one visit to the BUSY BEE will convince you for the style and manner of their kitchen with white cook's and waiters and everything up-to-date at the BUSY BEE. Just give it a trial at No. 78 Middle Street THE BUSY BEE CO.-. -- i Cook stoves A ND HEAIER5 Breech Leading, Slhgl, and PubU btrrsi Shot Gun, with tr without east mart Full lint oi tn. munition 1 tserUm. Sath; Doorv, blirci, btntiai Herdwsre. Best make of pa n's. LW.SHJUi.W00D I UNO Br HOTBL 048TON Ne w Bern, IN. C j i eeeeeeee e e Autom obiles TOR SALE I have secured the sgenct frr tho Reo Motor Cars a lia of three model, Runabout, Roadster, and Touring Car. I hav a sample oa hand which is the Jpdel C, P osdster and will be delighted tode monstrat this car to an intrmtrd pert Mr areacr inclode Craven. htttteo, fieaafort, . Pitt and Jents roootiea. 1 aleo have on hand one Olde Banaboath) flrt-lss order which will M cheap Please call aad pee me at 8S Middle Street. New Bra. N. C Lo H. EDQERTON 00OfOf ;m)i!isp;i!C-iATiiE gaafcafcaagag aaVaBirAA A - All We6K. Commonciogr i:::mvftBatiiiBiKioTH.' I a Repertolr of Standard' Prod no- 'v ".Hon', i ' ', Mnedaf ilghtj-i X ! l '. . . VMAT W0MS WILL DO f Taesdaj alght:- ' . - i A coLOtiDfi Wiif y; t Wed seeds r Blent-- -""J ', ' . A rniLO SBAU HAD THEX' j Thar nlsbt; ? v'-..' t rKr.At RtE AXD THI C05TICT f frMaf nleW: ;?,'' rjwmru ai a.Hiri( Ftnrdy madiipot ' -- .- ; (prrEELLA 0B Till CUB SUP. rra . t0- ':' ! 'ir 'Iat r'- 'it : . . . . , . t . . , (,-) (-MaljieJ.. i :.?. Hie T 1 55-57 POLLOCK STREET :o: ) ( :ot ) (!) Him ) 69 BROAD STREJEf5 selling at a big discount- 'DotiHf a ything you nee J m our line. 69 Broad Street 1 U nil m i if ins i n a a.iwii 1 v I OAS SIOVES GAS WATErt HEAT RS ! A email gas heater will make your room pleasant these chilly mornings andf -evenings Get one of oar selt-lighting lamps. Act- ual coat l-4cent per hour, for 80 candle power light Call aid aee us for all kinds of appliances. NEW BERN LIGHTING jt nifi no ( :o: ) ( :o: ) ( :oi ) (to 2 BEAUTIFUL LINE 1 VALENTINES o J AND ? POST CARDS -AT- ENNETT'S EOOK STORE i I T iei ) (!) ( tei ) (hi) , . JUST RECEIVED . . . EDISON GOLD MOULDED 'RECORDS! FOR FEBRUARY- RVKfTTBING IN RPOBTINO OOOM Vm. T. HILL. KIDDIE ST PHONE IX at .- . cstArsisQim In Prlf la Buggi, af kwl of More, car loads la ptock, aad tmm pd Out at oaa ear Iua4. vThr Wl! roe t)Bjwter er!,lne icii nr t'-9 at 13 at. a -t )- i f end tin y Mir V ' f 1 1 i ! !

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