III, WUlrt , ? UUUi. aivv HAiinai-- jnurnmi diuiuibi w - svt'H 1 KLXS I dlTB TKBaV EDITOR AND PE0PR1ET0R. t... w-iWli8jal!XIP.JMMri -.-' Om fear, lar-adTanoa. r... . One Yesj.'aotjn adranes.. . 1 Adrertlain Ratee tarnlahed on ep- a. f Entered at the PoatotDct. .New Bern, N. C. as second-class matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF NEW BERN. New Bern, N. C, February 14, 1908 EMER!C?iCT MONK? FOR STOCK GAMBLING There could be. no question as to Senator. Aldrich's ability to ake an able presentation of his emergency currency bill, before the United States Senate. And the applause that it is reported to have received from some bankers, is no doubt sincere on the part of those who gave it. But take Senator Aldrich's ability to make an his speech "that there would be large additions to the army of the unem ployed," is quite too gratuitous as a saving clause, to assist in promoting his currency bill. The above state ment, together with that it might be a question, should another panic, like that of last Ooctpber come, whether there would be men of courage, pa triotism and capacity to meet the sit uation, and render "such conspicuous and invaluable service to .the financial interests of the country." This sounds and reads well. And yet there will always be men found to meet great crises. It Is not a jjhilanthropic act, this meeting financial crisis. Have not those who took part been well paid for such "invaluable services?" And was not-such service a matter of self preservation as much afe it was patriotism? The financial question today is not solved in any way satisfactorily by the Aldrich bljl. The Senate may applaud. Bankers may cry "magnificent," but the House will settle its fate. Emer gency currency the material, Agri cultural and manufacturing interests of the country need. But the Aldrich measure is a sop to Wall Street to the gambling Interests there, aud to day the country outside of the mil lionaires and those who would be, -through the Wall Street method, want a currency that shall have no part or parcel in Wall Street, money that can be had when needed in legitimate trade Interests, and retired as. these interests become satisfied. With the Aldrich bill In force, there would be no limit to such Captains of Finance as Harriman, Heinz and Morse and their ilk, who would sell to the Government their bond issues of looted railroads, banks and muni cipal liondH, at 75 'Tier, ceni of their maTket prices, the martret price be lug maileby UcUUous aales. . "The country- 'needaa eurreAcy meet trade and Industrial emergencies. Wall Street and the gambler ought not to be given any consideration In this matter. 14 the people have any say, the next currency measure will not be a help to the gambling Inter est. SUte of Ohio, City of Toledo SS Locaa County Frank J. Cheney makes eath that be is senior partner of the firm ef F. J. tibeney It Co., doing business 4a ta city of Toledo, County aaa Bute aforesaid, sod that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS (or each and every oaae.of Ca Unrb that oaaaot be cured'by -the om f Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHKNHT, 8wor before ue and subscribed Id my presence, this eta day ef De cani W, A. D.. 1MI. , v-- ) . Notary PsWle. . - Halt's Cnfarrn Cre is takes Inter ; aally, and ecu directly oa Ute ptoed ,' aid amcona surfaces of lbs system. Sent for tUmenlala free. F. J. CHENET CO. Toledo, Ohio. Hold by All DroiilsUi, lie ' ' Take lleH'a Family Pills for ooasU- patio a. - The' almitl ltM U all right for V i&oM wbo ca afford it ,. . The tricky mad may Mooted, bat ' , . kit MceeeJi seldom Uc t , Pew tMoole are as smart as tber .; wing otner vo' thin iney re. ' Builds p waste tie, promotes 'ftp. pellU, Improve dlgeswoa, IsdaoM fe- 'freshing'- sleep, gMsg " : rwe4 ' strength end beeJUu Thafr-wfca; Hockt MounUla Tea will de, 16 .-'Tea et Takteas. P. i. Dtf. T -XjfOICIjDP tllK PEOPLK' ( I -- . - - - - - tiaa i iirm r land most Insistent Idea of oof tymes. . Not "only"- Is thhv w because of the Creator denmndaspoo, oufc,Wlda than ever before and because such training V absolutely essential erenj from the standpoint of ittMyei' cause as we grow and 'expand as a nation we learn- more and more 'of the great ends and aims of education over and beyond the bread and bHtter butter ; aide nt it Now Oila bread aad-Lntter W; of u best ina fc&h", side of the question, this ldeg tifTZu?? 'Sy. "Jl . . . , it - !i Bladder troubles almost always result lty cannot De separatea irpm, pujg?f present conceptioa,of education but a cure la ojjtained quickest by a proper ?u M"t0", aojectiye, ror mere utility will become of secondary treatment of the kidueys. If yon are feel- that Americana ar muck more gailf ooMldratlon asth pople get a clear tKr?sl? er and more comprehensive .i&Jl readily tailed Into itottoo by atandin of education. Yet statistics It corrects inability to hold urine and nbdy f H familiar with the. bte- cArAfniimniiBd hv educaUonal d. nrts nrove clearlv the actual value perts prove clearly tne actual value in dollars and cenU of grammar and high school standing as now given In America. The earnine abiUtv ol hov who baa achoM train- ing is 50 percent, more than the abll-I -Swamp-Root is pleasant totakeanaTli " Wbllophiles of Europe-men skili . ., . , , 'sold bv all drucrsristsitt fiftr-oeat and ed in the rt of books and UTtbe deteo iiy oi me untrainea ooy, ana me earn- , L.x i. , , , , ... tl aililiiK to A w UCi vrjuu uiui D tuau the ability of those with omy gram, mar scnooi training. As human beings have in addition ir "ghir:. 1 moral and spiritual, any adequate con ception of education must include these. Hence those -subjects which aid in the development of these higher phases of our nature must have a place In our public schools. In our Southern States before the Civil wai, such ideas as the above were strong but this training was only for the few. Perhaps the greatest "defect In this ante bellum civilization was that the masses had no show. After the war this idea of the best and broad est education of the masses gained rapidly as a natural consequence. A government such as ours demands an enlightened people, not a people bare ly able to read, cipher and write, but a people trained In the art of think ing, of feeling, of being Southern men and women, whose training came large ly before the war often find difficulty in adjusting themselves to these chang ed conditions. Hence an undercur rent of deep-seated opposition to broad educational facilities for everybody. If person of the "old-school" has no ulterior motives, no political scheme up his sleeve, but is sincere In his opposition to such broad educational advantages for the masses we believe the above point may explain in part the situation. If, however, opposition to enlargement, educationally, is based not upon a notion that such educa tion is not for the best good of all concerned, then it remains the duty of the citizens of this town to expose uch ulterior motives, political, self ish, or otherwise. Let'B not cloud the school question with the prohibition fight, personal selfishness or any other outside question. The one question Is, I)o We Need Broader Educational Facilities? The next question is, Have We The Money Necessary For These Advantages? We don't believe lleve there Is a fair minded person in New Bern who haa the faintest spark of community prldu who does not be lieve we need such opportunities. As to the financial side of the question, reference to Supt Joyner's official re port will satisfy ah yon as to our financial ability. Then If better schools are heeded and we can af ford them, let's have them at once. H. S. CUB0XIC CATARRH Caased by Rna-Dowa cosstHatlon ana Contlaaed CeWs The Best Bemedy Our changeable climate is very try ing to New Hern people wlrn run down constitutions. That's why such a large proportion of them suffer from chronic catarrh and pulmonary trou bles. We want to say to every person la New Bern at this season of the year, Build up your run-down system and your ailments will disappear" For this purpose we have haver sold any thing In our store equal to the dell clous cod liver and Iron pre pa ration, Vlnol. Being rich In the elements of life, Vtaol tones up the digestive organs creates s healthy appetite and makes rich red blood, In this natural manner strength Is -created, for' every organ in the body, and cbronlo catarrh and pulmonary torubles are overcome. We ttk Ike aged, weak and tun-down peoi I' la of New Bern, and those suteriag tren) ebroale catarrh, any pulaoMry croagies to try Vlnol. u It goes ao good we will refsnd yoaf money, P. 8. Duffy, Druggist New Bern, N. a , TUiaus'l Aeaeniswnt - ' Washington, D. C Feb. 1.-Tbe a- msndmotrt to the 'Aldrich currency Wlf, lotrodseed by BVaator'- Tlltmas, provides that the energeary urrtoey lo-be Issued ttndsf the term ef this measure shall sot be withdraws from dreuladoa more' rapidly thai at lbs rats of IOO,0OOXg mooik,-whloh te la aoeordanet wh ,ttelpresest U. TbS pending Mil removes thle tlwiRa- Uosi. Renalor TI11 ob)cU4 to the 'lata being permitted to In (Ute ewr enoy ky Issuftig fsfa),O0,oa la bast aotos, gsd then to contract It at will. ftar.rf'-r - - r . ' I,-' , First Cbslfaur Do ytm fur U'k ! rm have rue ovr a penum? Pfviri4 ClITiir N'o, . tr4-(1, I The Cause c. . y . S d r. Deatl , There is a dis- as v evniliue lu t Country moot d geroae t - it eo decep- UC" Ue. kUoysndden J deaths are caused --o by it heart dta . ,- taje, - cacti moms. apoplexy are often the remit of kid ney diaeaae." II kidney trouble U allowedtoadvance , the kidney-poisoav tack the vitaj organ, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves - derBarement of the kidne va and caMinij pain ia passing it, ' and -wee ""tu"1????? conrpened to go often through the day and to ret no manr time durimy tie .The mild aud tlie ejrtordliiaxj' TS.ZSSZ7 LSS rJr . ji-.-Lr3w-, ' , one-dollar BttbottleV Yon may have a .wi 's y en vwat vascev v-e a BMniv . Co; ,BghamtSn, N. Y. When writin2 mcntion readine tiiia reuerous offer in this paper. Don't make any anv address, Binghamton,'"N. Y., o every . bottle.. , Joke Cos Teeth mad Two Bibs New fork American. "' a patient In Bellevue HosplUl, was about to board a Broadway car at Thirty-fourth stret. He carried a aw 1 r i hammer and a. chisel.' As he stepped publish' u-1: They were all abso aboard the car a woman walUnn- to surviving- copies of in- uhiu 11 niufiuni M f IUU1U mwil all- ......... I omer woman naa to.a ner. inen sne . screamed, for her false teeth had tak- . eu wiugs uuu uuwu iu a buow uauK. Milita saw them land and . stepped from the -car just as the motorman started it. He fell and landed on the hammer add the chisel, breaking a couple of ribs. A dozen persons ran to him, and some one topped on the teeth and they were lost forever, As-they carried Milita to the hospital the woman, who was looking a bit sunken about the face, said: "Um . to ; tnory roa poah man; but grathtous, be ain't thu only thuffeah." And lt was the turn of the woman who had told the funny story to laugh. For BIMowness and llek Headache Take Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids diges tion and acts as a gentle stimulant on tha liver and bowels without irri tating these organs. Orlao Laxative Fruit Syrup cures bllleusaess and habitual constipation. Does, not nau seate or gripe and Is mild and pleas ant to take. Remember the name, Orlno, and refuse to aceept any sub stitute., Davis Pharmacy. PLAYS AND PLAYERS. Nells flvrxen. the wife of De Wolfe FIoiK-r. lv the prima donna of "The Talk of New York." Henrietta Crewman may make an Auxtrnllao tour In a repertoire of her eucresMful plays. Including "As Toil Like It" A new musical comedy, produced fur the drt time recently. Is called "The Clrcua Man" aud la said to have mude n lilt , "ClotltHK." In which OrSce (leorge stnriv.l invotfull.v. la to be revived y Isniieer Hrndy aud sent on lour to tba Mpi lng - (inirge M Cohiin le credited with auotUt-r mm-eiM In bis Tslh of New York." prudia-fd with Vktor lioore) In lite linillug rule. i "The Walts hrrsut" ha bee staged (ir llerliftl lirvnhaiH. wttii Charles A. Rluviow. J.wib Herbert,, Sophie BniiiiK. Jiwlo Hodlrr aud klagd Pebl Knm Hmard Is 'to nave a tbeatef uaniMl efter kha Is) Kew- Tort, and he Is ii bo te Im tw star ht thld thettet at Uif bnd y( Vis own eompsny, nil. the x . SHORT STORIES. A man U avnerslly at Ms, heaviest Ir hla forta-lR vr : ..s . ai Onlf srvan e lppns ef the Green- Isud wltslviflsMw' tdystleetuw.UN vMigfw ta'liim Ta present prVe f wlMoyuecMr I f lffJHW Ion.- A-fuiint ksw Uwa sppotntrd In Waslilugiott, srlt alts and efetr a statute ibs(Wbrrawti..s sign rr of llw liecbtrsUnej of loJiT'admpe TbwUlu W. lo be provided -by the WnbetMMtitfe Uemortal aaaornitloa. . of flrenriueC twaii; ktwltav of ekMMkav'sr not to be seld at asyitoa nt give ktt fbe haad of .raxka-a. prm - by I Munkipel itA$ tMUHr of. JVfllaseV Ore, boi will I put luie a cmlble Bad Salo'a store for the courtrone:, v "Tk dC ilsurk-e valley; Is lb r diss tmtmuf )utlc roots tua Bold ef astwral gas Ulteved to be compars Ue In eMfuiiad to tne blggaat field a lb United states. Tk ( ef rwl tir fur mauiifartsrlBa - twrboaaa) s Tbrer U1rrrU ta vwts per XKt) t4 .flop last, nrkllsg feiigb! 1 Br. Sbohp't Ouh Core will SBrely.'te It, ssd With perfect sof-'f. tl Is M tormirly fcsrtalaaa. Ul Sr. I"t tails mothers to se so''tg efe evoe with very yotiag' Te wfcale- soroe green loaves s r nf a ling fcoailng wio' j r i fnrrtob (he ruratlve prarr N I r Ch'H i Cones . , It (' ... 1 s rexgh, and bais lie "'"i r rhlol t""4'-' ' ? 1 . tor' f.f'.rtn, f ''!.'- f 1 " 1 : ! 1 ' mm ii.i CLEVER JL'0 BRAZEN FRAUD. rtiis lngwiee f ebliat!ef CemoleUly ) -reeiea the Savawts an BiblipphilM ,ef Citrep and Wu tha Jterary ten' utlon cf )t Day. ? - ' ' i-,Wbea'. P.,T:. ; Bonuim, rynioiUz f". marked ; that th American people noed .to be fooled be mlht Just as - - -Vi - T - - lory f booxdom. I suppose that for aflronterr and Ingealooa brtxen- v-,. .,. i 1" Fort 5talogue standfl In Tet thla P"Pniet waa roistea not upon ue W t npo. the savant. . . ... tka b forgery. Ho ceverly was this ILU any etfudderatiou. however brief. ofMl-o-na to retond the money unless it . Th J'ortsas Catalogue was publish- ,rh pn-t!la 4 rH t lie rata logue of the private library of a certain Count 3. N. A. de Fortsas of Byicbe. In Belgium. Although the book consisted of but fourteen pages and listed only fifty-two titles. It far to aeeknot one of the books mentioned In the catalogue was to be found In any other library or tensely interesting workB. In the . .... words of the eatalogue Itself. tbe I . expe(K, hlt ghev for wnoh he had paldj their weight In gold as soon as be learned that a work up to that time unknown bud lieen mentioned In any catalogue." Each new research of learned Investigator Into the bo.de lore of antiquity. It was claimed, "had thlntuut atlll fnrthar thu alroailv iW. imatedrunks of the count's sacred, battalion." Weary of his tremendous and sifclf Imposed task of collecting only unique specimens, the count wns "tated to have died on Bept I, ,1839. sale. Apparently the fraudulent chsr- scter of such msster foolery was quite patent. Yet the high brows "bit" en- thuslastlcally. and there resulted one of the most amusing Incidents of the deCHde. For Instantly the learned book lovers were up Iu ansa, each trying to outdo . , his rival and secure for himself the fctory B thli 1,ne- RPta ol pro most pm-lons of the treasures st the duce Increased, the demand In this sale which was advertised. Orders Hue Is better for some weeks past and poured In from all over Europe on the prices are fair. Manufacturers of behalf of scholarly societies, libraries, trunks and bags report Improvement royal families and literary epicures. One lHKkseller came all the way from Amatarriam lust tn ana No 75. tha -Corpus Juris Clvllls." The Princess de Ligne tfr the honor of her faml- ly" ordere4'o. 48 at any price to sup- press It on account of certain d leered- crease. Lumber continues dull and liable family episodes It waa supposed there have been no resumption of Im to contain. Many other prominent per- p. ., m., r.., tr.d4, . sons snd htottonmored for s chance st the collection. Men re- nml harln. w. hnnka that .n. er existed.'' says William Bbepard. wn'ch stimulates It for time, are a "Tbe foreman in Castoman's printing bout over. Money is In fair demand office at .Tourney had distinct recollec- turns org bogus volume credited to his press,- -J, . .. Unfortunately tbe advertised eale never came oft. On the Bth of Au gust the- day before It was to have be- gunf tbe Brussels papers annooneed that tbe town of Bine be had determlB- ed to keep, tbe collection Intact by pur- cfaKlug It with public funds. The sniuslag part of this ststemeov was that Blncbe was a moat tnslgnlflcant vlll(re.'4uW unable to purchase much er atvytbttg. let alone s uaiversauy oe slrcd library, gtllt eeeta that sUte tnesC was believed. . The truth efentually transpired that the Cooat.de Fortsas, hlavtnlraculous library and tbe catalogue vert all the creations of sffTiigvoious fellow named Reoe Cbalook living In Belgium. His earakorsr beget a ntberaxtoaelvw'Ilt eaaare of Its wa, eWch tea sines ores couecteo ana puDistnea inaer tn title "Pocwmewa et farticuia rites Bis, torfques sw iomw de Forts. A ropy of '. ts. original tatalogoe bow PMts'u' the Coturreaalooal Hbrtry at wsshlsgta. Cincinnati CommrcUl sic KUda. .. A Fee tl f W , TV tnhabttasU ef In tonnly. Isl of ft. KUda; were nstoalshed on wtutar some years ago at the appearancs of greet blood red; conical object fosttng on 'the 'Wild Allsntl billows to the wasfwafd of the Ismv With much dlnV ratty idreiictoras brought-tonbors, ssU.eslbe gt Vlldsn had never be fore' seas neck 4 nueer looking 'tblOg snd'vovtd make so guess s to lis pjr post or, ple4W la the ersle of rreated things tbpf lodnlged Is wild visions of Its Valuable nature, ttol wbea tbe factor earn ss-reas en at yearly visit fiwa the netgkborlotr, but dWaat W Uod of iJiwr Brttals b-IJined H as a great tra buoy wUkk. II skW- qnestly aicrd. had . bukw nwsy from It ow-rlng la Xe. Yotrk barbot sad drlfit ta. the gulf alresm acn-w the Atlantic. It had takes two year Coffa la giad from para toasted ta lb paMSga. " ' ' ' "rreeJj, wtU aaalt, aaes. is Realty ft ' 1 1 J't " ,ould fool a, expert wha ptgbi fkraaloo do not toes a aise eltlvet ; irIol t for mtt K twenty or strong er wenk, bet thry show Whsl 'thlrtjr' wdoute boiling. rMnde la a 1 i : - - 11 'i 1 a ....... f't TWjair!! Ulfg " " Ecsamn, tal tar S4 Salt rVonta, op t.i'.t tkllma la.parpu l-trmt la f eypllaUoa ef O -.sivborlatn's lalve wilt IstUay !!ay I ' !'! PS, "4 many e-s l-av lan enrol y !' D. F'jt '. I f Tar! Tinr r.ry - I r. ft. t "r. IV -1 . ' WeU Ka- fe. Ie terete Sparf 1 fisu. to rphnildiBg, Health; f; i Tberi fa! ma enmaa todar for an XSIBLX HO BUT. persos. uleas talntod with an toir.Tu bUfi fboo,- Bd u b l.dl rematolnr aickl. wilk the' Uacher wtt Woest to pibUaluThe treal SdTahDtTMsaedlctr dsttorertar and the growing popularity of tmysW cal enltUT - ''''' - r - - riaWdfieaioTdlgesao tjfUon, -lor example, and acknowled- g spectlletreataient has been found in Mmk It I. relied epon as a oer tointy in xeltortos thworst tronbles of digsUonandaastolUtJoii, anOtnak ing- a eomplete cure. -.Itjfe' 1 People suffering with headaches, pal r,it.H; AuikiuM. h.H tt in the month, coated toogue, distress af ter eating, specks before the eyes, ner vousness and general debility,' and any. other of Ihe distressing results of a weakened stomach, should profit by tie discovery of Ml-o-na stomach tab-' lets. ; F. 8. Duffy has seen so many cures by Ml-o-na of stomach and general run-down state of-health that he Is ' . . . t. , ... a iubi uwwiw iu uw yowvr ui uiia remedy to cure practically every case and he shows this faith by giving a does- all that is claimed for It -He takes the whole risk , and Ml-o-na will l-H - -mess tt cUre8. "Are you guilty or not guilty V ask ed the magastrate of the man ac cused of theft - . SUfPLI HEXED! FOB LA6RIPPB La grippe coughs are gangereus as they frequently develop into pneumo nia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strength ens the lungs so that no serious re- suits need be feared. The genuine Fo- .y. Honey and Tar contains no ham- tul drugB aBd l8 ,B a yell6w Refuse substitutes. -Davis Pharmacy. Bradstreefs Weekly Trade Report Richmond, Va. Fel 13. Bradstreefs at.rd. will say for Richmond and Vicinity: While depression continues in most lines of trade, there are evidences of improvement and the general tone Is betteri lt ha8 tor several we?k8 Jobbers of dry goodf) nQ B" UBlB uu ""ru uu are receiving orders In fair volume. S-lnnn nkr,AA J 1.1 J J 11 but report continuance of slow and un- satisiastory collections. In sheet me- tal and mill supplies there Is an ln- prAnand ilemanfl and onlaa ohnw Im. aA ln ., nffarlnaa of loo tohacco wer(j f than week "tlstactory heretofore noted- are maintained. In paints and oils the volume of trade shows gradual In- u . . , , ouu 04 a season ana clearance aaie. and the supply Is ample. OA iMtoitwIbMw'jttiBjl Bssritto The Toledo Blade says that tha pro per duration of a kiss Is 15 seconds. All the same, most persons would pre fer five of five seconds each, with 10 seoond Intervals for breathing. Special Asses nee stent stogardfaig the laUeaal Pare Teed and Brag Leer . We art pleased to aaieuaee that Foley's Hoaey aad Tar for eoogks, -t-viMa s I Ha a uvuiua a my. Manai cy- to National pure Foe aad Drug law as It eontsia ae eniatos or Mhar harmful drugs, aad va rsnomrnead it as. pJeaf remedy tor ekildrea aad a- IB 1 1. , dulnC Davis Phanaacy. r pound box of candy will wis a girl aloker tkaa a 00-UM poem. , i 4-tiess bulldfT, tesfe prwdaoar. briags kealtk gad happtaesa lata- kM nyatotavy Ttat ' what BoUtotora Rocky , Moahtaia Tea ka dosw.lor mltlton. Twill do the asm lor yon. toa Tea at Tablets T. i. Duty. Wkea a girl la latoreeted la a at aha la asora afraid to tot aha know it thaa tker peopto, . ? jp-- ntnaftk CanTna' U rent)- tha alaeest Codes Imitation aver yet prodaeaL This, the anest toffee Bebstltuto ever made, has yseeatly been fredasai ky Dr. ekoop nf tUeise, His. -- Net a ' esla of ml Coffee la It alfaor. Mealth Daniel. The rt.itws have fftllon spon trtl daya." The bo"m t.f Ine Is a I moat as d"nd ss Iht b---'n of G-Tita Pornard 't fce iiaeiea Tea Party wjt; . The tojlowlng account of that fi ous jprotest galast EaglandVtyran- awsws writtea by ft Uule eleven ?id girt f upfl I the Fort Bartt- 1MIal teJtea-areat pleaaure ia m- L ltfc-t- request . The ao- o00"! published exactly as It was ,r p..v.n- wvw. r,- JBl w V giana rJ goverment of the colonies. - wnw-wa re nnjnsi ana peopie T tnem' w?!- nwJ W vt tyranny. Brave people seldom submit to tyr- anny. One of the laws made by Eng land as far "back as 1660 forbade the colonists to build or use their own ships. N Although many things were export- or 8eDt to EurPe' tte law waa that only English vessels were - per mitted to be used. This law was known as the navigation Act """""" wml-u 0"s,"uu ",BU to raise money In America was to require the colonists to pay a tax on the tea they used. Taxes were also imposed upon paint, varnish, glass d The colonists did not have represent atives in parliament and it should not have imposed taxes upon them, for taxation without representation Is not right The N stamped paper that was sent over was either destroyed or returned to England. When the tax was placed on tea, the colonists stopped using lt altogether. A number of men disguised as In dians went one night on board a ves sel loaded with tea,, and threw lt all into the water. This took place in Boston harbor, and is known as the Boston Tea Party. O Bean tat BBtttI ef. .BVORXA. .Ibi ttnd Km Hw ahnya Btmgm "What's the - use of me sayln' not guilty?' I said that last time an' yo wouldn't h'ltevo mo " Pv-Me-Up. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and CMldres. The Kind Yoo Han Always EKjht Bears the Signature of Bank examiners found 2,000 errorf in a California bank's books. It lt safe bet however, that not man) were in favor of the poor depositors. A reward ot $260.00 will be paid foi the apprehension of and evidence suf ficient to convict, tha two white men who committed an assault upon Mrs. Buck,- of this city, on tha night ol February 2, ISO. DESCRIPTION One Is about six feet tall and slen der, with dark hair and heavy mds tache. will weigh about KO or 170 pounds. The other le about five feel six Inchesstoutly built hair closel) cut taoe smoothly shaven, may havt nail scratches on face. A finger on one of hla hands thought to be bitten by the lady. Will weigh about IM sounds. Both men at the time of committing the aaeault wars fairly well dressed The smaller man wore a light over eoat, black soft hat and a large ring oa the little finger of the left hand The taller man wore a light suit ol clothes without pvereoat All commun Icatlon should be sddressed to J. M. HAROET. Chief of Police. Or. F. T. PATTERSON, Clerk of Ihe Board of Aldermea JAMES A. BRTAN, Mayor, New Barn, N. C. The Board of Commlssloaerd of Crarea onaaty at thetr aseeUag held a February 4th, last, ordered that a reward ol tf5e.se (Two Hundred and Fifty Se41ars)-b offered for tha-ar rent aad surrender to the fhertf of Craven eennty, of the twa persons who. eosamltted tha asaaalt apoa Mrs. Bask la New Bern, oa Sunder night Febvwary I, lMt, this kaeoant by.vlr ta of naid ardea wUI U paid by tbe county of Crave, .. . k . bSt - - ' B- B. LANE, dark Beard af County Cengtlaeioaars MBMSsaV Valcatincs;!' B0UVEEIB POST-CARDS : . . ' . - . Poma beaatluf ' VWwa ". ef ptneea ta and awad x - 1 New Bern. - C9 and atamian, . ' - x BLOf'ICi A a tl KIDPLE ST. 1 mmm ; -, jjiM.aP ror Infants nd Children. : '1 Tha Kinou Have ; v H -ari 'AIwaysjBcught ' i I . ALCOHOL a aii-n.Z1: -.. r-- ANrM)lrVrlnrlmCrl..' similaiin$ttieFhwfmfRti.ei. Jing the S anadis aadBowaf fhms!.lTTO xTotnotesDigwtkjftflttffiirl ness and riaaMates Bethtr I OpiuntMorphine narMiaeraLl KQT NARCOTIC. ArjerfectReraedv forCorcflM lion , Sour Stomadi.Dlarrtm Worms fonvulswns jcvtnslr ness andLOSS OF SLEEP. FacSinne Sinarart of NEW YOBK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. L. G RAVEN STREET 1 TALUABLE PRESCRIPTION. The average person does not realize kow much the bodily health depends Ipon the proper action of the kidneys and bladder, nor how wldespreaa orders of those organs are. lt is quite safe to say that they give physician as many sleepiest! nights on .trcnuni At their patients as do any of the tiers, and perhaps lt would not lie too much to say that directly and in tlrectly, they are churgeable with much slcknevi us all the other orKam of the hunn body coinb'.ned. As 1 result of a vast amount of caietu' Study, many physicians are now usin with great success In the treuimi of disorders traceaore to the l:id'iey and bladder a prescription -nni;ise of 4 o. Fluid Extract of Uv:i i;rs. o. Ainet I'oiillal, ' oz. Fli Id ICx ract of Liverwort and 1; o.s, water his Is administered In- doses of n( iblfcspoonful three times a day and rhllc the treatment is (ontinu -d vhlch, in order that all i.n;mritlcy nay b eliminated from the jteni should be for a month, the patient Is iq joj 8vud)iitu uq.L JoiS' t vised -.0 drink larKt guaiitltles of be prescription, are carried ln otock y -!ry first-class pharmacy. 1 MMMVtM?MttfJ i Cawk .tovp; X ND- -HEATERS- Breeek UaSloa. Ilagla aas Deubls barrel Ikel lis, wttli f wttaoul asaMBsr FH Use ef sainusHiea er lyertssisa. R. Dson, Blinds , Central Hard aart, Best makt cf paints. X , imnaw aorax turroN 1 New Bern,N.C. eoeeeeeeQoeeee ADHIXISTBAT0B8 BALK One New Baum Safe. One Candy Floss Machlaa. Oa Ice Cream Cone Machine, Two New Casdy KeUlee, Two Large Marble Stabs. Also ows new Upright High Ored Plso, tor sale at half price. Call on . . , V IR. ROSA, WALUt AO. ! -. tyi Mlfldta Btrieetr - MtUltUk- I hirm Sad- 1 v Made from pure 'n i! tilled . filtered! wt'h kT-...J -t- i i t , . , . , j , , , r - Vi., , M frvaosoieprrf- 1 j w - - -' H I in 1 a o" a aia., " ICf COT , 19-21-23 Grifnth Srrcet .'.'.'i-V. Bears Sign In Use For Over Thirty Years m tm eiarua eeaoMV, aiw vo em. NEW LOT HORSES and MULES offered upon favorable -terms to buyers. CALL AND SEE ME. Dani Is, NEW BERN FRIEND TO FRIEND. The puaonal recommendationa of pee. pie who have been cured of cou ,h and eoldi by Chainlx rlnin Cough RemedV have dmr more than nil else tn ni.ike Ha Staple article of tr ule and commrre S laxgt part of tha ovilutrd world. -t! :. '! " " Tl It II, 'r- ,1 II II II 1 1 I n ) 1 0 14 1:7 i::dm K SI UKKT Ku I hi c c f Iru, M. di cine. Tot It t Articlea ai ' P I-1 I'll. Supply Kloae. Sof l'HY I' lA'JS '1(FH HIP tT '. S A SI ECU LTY. 1 !! -II MH 1: :i V IhHf atnre A yall 1 IV 1IACY V I KM FOB 81 MI 190 scro. r,o In cultivation, aspe lally adai.ted to early truck. Good to. k rni-. c'hhI water, sad oilan Id Bahlrii; falltttea Terms to salt. $ dreaa, . - W. N. MAON. Merrlmon. N. C. ' 1 For Sale Cheap - 1 (;olliifl Knclnn, 9 H P. double rx'Uider. llh revora gear and all ;' Ottlnga, rend to Inatall (4 boat . ,.- Kngli.e was lined vafy-)IUIe and ta In perfect running ortlor. Knglne WS4 :C made- by Th Cnmdeo Anchor Bock ' land Machine Company, 6f Kocklasd, Malna. ? Fur furtijpr .ufunnfttiottg ddrM s A a"- .TAYLOR, .- . -NeribiUHowe. N. a' -" 1 I "I J'l .oajayaawaa ail oi: rans. mm aW aOl Ut fm, frtl mi Wrtm .( prv (itWnl,. 5 HI! t-t -' fr'j"' rti'rf rm mlsht run ovof Mm s;.-.'n Now Trr1( fun.