C:.V-'-V- v " - 1 1 A. . v -a;i ... - i jf. TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR Kit , SWrwt.; i rre t-y it r'to r 1 - rrrr'Trj -typ n5 jT LLI J li.k.l 1 1 LUI I" WIUUI UU U,IV , . m L : V, t Ortaal I ' ' i ! t ; r : :.i "0. . f .... ;,i4j..ri i Tcmpprarylnyestmcat; 4i- if V r. irVWt - ti.S .3 E2. K If -.6.583. If -yon fnnda tamDorarifar idle, tfi beat Doraibk "mniiaim f4hoia CertiflaUfDapoalt to' thla Bank, . - ---.Tl fine tiiinc aboafr the eertiflotea la that if you m4 tuur pr eni per anBom. .Tlu la better than tempomry loans to fcteoda wh oauaMy cXeanbot repay yoa ia ease you need the money unexpectedly. A 4iJ. a BLADES, Pw T. A. GREEN. V. Pres. " A l trl. BltADES, V. Prea. GEO. B PENDLETON, Cashier !1A' FORT BOTS bFOR GIRLS ,VWii.j ntlrnpSkorCB. RESftLVEDl THAT, the boy?otl yeay ?aer Brown j n anoes lwhTS be happy. BECAUSE Euster rown Blue Ribbon Shoe look to neat, fit o nice, and w ear well. Buitar Brown. 91 i T. LOUIS Ml ifML Blue Kibb WE HAVE -SECURED THE AGENCY Tolt THE 5UJTEH BRoWN BLUE RIBBON JHoE roROY-5 AND GIRL J. A LARGE TOCK JUT IN. THE-5E ARE4 HFGH GRADE JHOE.5. NONE BETTER EVER ioLD IN NEW BERN. TWO STORES J J. BAXTFR m 0$, CtUseaa EaraeaOjK Keqveftai tfilw -8ar ThA Baa H arer latMUtoe A Xatte ierW pawMw-- i : Amy Thaafht at Bate Ceapwaloa. .- -Vjf -i -fir 'Caiaata'IaAaaOTiwM dlflarancalftfaanfeeDoa.K the Newa aad.pb-: U a? ohMrraappt Oa.lwtaBnIal.4LJerjM of the aettlamenfjBf Sew Bera to JMO.TjfajMngtoij. D. C.ftb. H. Repre- bnt , itwojildbe ,ery j.aortj ?8ht4i aentative W, W. Kltchln tram not to do.iKJ4aaA tha journal, freatly the State todaraad ? to the nraea desires to aee aome acUT,steprtak- a atatameat te reply to the crlticiams en ta thla dlrartton fttfcar e)unA JaffMajatly j.wrot-w-made an elaborate erent of auch; an4 jtacdjtof tte annlTeraary, and hare taken , kngerv District . .Oongraaaloaal .Convanqon; time , to prepare -than , the Journal la Miy Kltchln Brt learned of these ait reckonlng on. , , , ; dsms jeajerdaj ,t llaabeth; dajr In 1710 this city was settled and jnat before he took a train for 'Waah her dtliena of the past have" been (ngton. Theratatemeat from Kltchln men who.tiave been a power In the follows: 8tate, men whose memories aerer ton-, "After I left the hotel yesterday to gttlsh, but for whom.wa bays not paid return to thia ity I first learned of sufficient public recognisance. It la the crlUclsm of the letter I had wrtt- I fitting to pay a meed of respect to thet to certain oontxesaional commit' memories of these jnan aa. well , as jtaemaa., That , letter haa been , dls thosa who foundedv toNdty, H - Is ; tortod to indlcaU that l.have sonte therefore fltttog 'that whUe the De- possible Idea of being a candidate for braffearelda, who establishedy New .Congress this year. Since 1 apnoun'ej Berne are the first to be remembered d "my candidacy for Governor, I. haw that & GastonaStanlys and Speights never. to ajnoment ha,th BUghteatJ and oqier names equally uiuatrioiu- idea pf being a candidate for reaoml anouiaaiso d nonorequ wowj, as to tne memorial or the na ture of the occasion, we might have Inference "-would damage me if theJ a. fair or something with. carnival neonle wersVnot Intelllxent and fair. feature, or we might, erect a lofty minded. . N- shaft or monument, but a. more prac- "But let nonebt my friends be a- tlcal Idea would be to start some sub- larmed and let thenvhear in mind my stantlal improvement which will' be former caution not to fake my posl compteted sometime during th)e year. Uona or estimate my caatpaign by of 1910 and make its dedication the , what Jthey see fn hostile conimns. occasion pf a rousing demonstration. , Every day brings new evidence pi the ii w vmu .iro m vyiwtui, wxt w uuiiu people s connuence in iils, anu my a city, hall adequate, for the needs Of nomination tor governor on the frst the city and one that is not a burletj- ballot Is more probable now than at que and a shame to the city, Any! any prior-time. way. lets take up the hew city, hall ' "The. reasons that I had la desiring building, whether It is flnlsed in 1910 that he Congreaalonai Convention be or sooner or later. ,Ai 'fr. .jnampjiali neld. afto' th toto6oneattotf 4jras it will be as appropriate to the mem- that I wanted to avoid the possible dries of New Bern Wuptrlous mm .ompUeaUons that may arise In the as a shaft or pedestal and Immensely TMntrressional Ckmvention and the uoa- . nnttrn fnr f!nnenrau nndAr &nv' rkv cumatancea. .The nnjust and hostile more pra I-.'. vssuy ravnei, Ketaarra' wesaras as . . in row ynn mucra wbuhm . Tha stags:. today stand nvmatrohg propriteneas to Jlreaa.ThU aalMMnea tfiaieadlog msaagtra are as de4rona to have thair players Mplaasat4a1 eye Willi the artistic effect -srMoh. a pro duced from the pfcfectltaiiBfeemAf' oombinatioD of color aa theyar ti hav the play pleas the pnblio from the ut.of view of aetlng..; . : : The ?very bestidresamalkiara arttan- gaged 10? making thv eataawasay qualities or general 1atylevfi fk4o dlvidual. are as -carefully considered as ttat of the moat fastidious of so ESSEX TEADf COUSCa APPEALS TO PRESDIXT POB CLEM- ;,EiTpBcirrAiH . 0P. GE5EIUL 8LOCTJM eEM DEtiraD STORMS cial personages. , In, thla iway itha, stags? glwaigood examples of the season's modes, Wlilct are thus-tllustrated In absolutely ap proprtato settings. -Thfcretore, it It natural that the- artists creating these leostames should give of 'their best to please. w I It may be Interesting to not tha general, tendency xMaahton-a ahow la the modem play which have pea red In New York! this, season; S is that af. toe Paguin Influence, doe aot refer solely to an e: 6dly. closa- flttmg skirt bUt ton clinging, sweeping lines indicative o grace an artisflef effect : apt- Which taggwratf end KorfaA aad 8atkra Xcaiei far' Kali WEEKLY COrtOX LETTES albility of danger to me from the- disrj appointment of . soma of the friends of the varioia candidates for Con- ekjli "Went Ahead fr flftf Feet, Ko Oae .llut. News .and Observer, 161h. .. Qonttog ...into Balelgk yasterda mornin a little aft? tea o'clock a$ angina af the Norfolk and gputher Railwaj of ,. a sudden Jumped. , the track, and .plowed ahead over the cross ties and earth. , , i E. Latham's Fereeart on Prices aad SltaHnm gress in the Fifth District, over 4heV But jnly the engine, left, th ;tckl Special to Journal. Greensboro,. Pf. C and, .behind there earn eJeng, fln h( rail, toe paasngr .eoahM. ,) to rai from,Wl)soa, many o jjoard, I did ,nt know toeras-a. w.MMbU till after h train waa stopped. No do was injured. .Much credit 1 due .to Engineer Oth Duek, who, was in charge. The aooit dent, occurred about two. miles frooi fialelgh, (5ar Crabtrea Greek.. Af,the englpe . jumped the .. tacX.iaf eaglnr -- H- ) () (i () o o o-tHHiHHHH'- CART WA60N 5 BU66Y Wheel, Axles, Rims, SpoKes, H6rse Ccllors. Pfids and Hame strings. Give us a Call when in need Gaskiil Haf dwat i Co. - Kktdto 8toMt Pbina 147. I I ) () (-U failure of their , favorites to succeed In th Congressional Convention, -aa more than on cannot be nominated. Feb. . 16. The I .have held and shall hold hand ab- marketJs. down, something Ilk 3-p eolutely off of the Fifth District Con cent during , the .week. . Th declln gresdlonal contest But experience has been. Jed by Liverpool, because I very much regret to know, tolls me trade conditions in Europe are , leas that such a policy, so generally ap- jsatlsfactory,,and1 besides that. section proved in on holding a position to. or the. w.orid, holds, luge stocks of cot- wnica ae was eieciea oy tne mends . . ton .both, .visible,, and to reserve., In of every candidate in his slstrfct. has J Ami Vbuslnesa is bad ,and mlUBaot aetofor prevented Injury to me Uto,tpdhJs.post. ,put oa th mrf .that are sold ahead. ar haying hard from such' impartiality. . Uhese -rea-4jency. brakes and brought. tn traia times to make deUve'rlea. because' buy- sons J thought, would b manifest to 'to .))sian3sUll... The, engtoa.aftor it ers are over critical and hard to everybodyat all acquainted, with the left the rails had, gone about ,fltty "please.' : altsatton. I -a ot aee how a late eon- 'ieeL, ahd when stopp had , careen! f These' bad times' ore not confined (o. jrenUonueonld hurt oongresslonal can-to,on side, all th passenger ooache ' !th rnttnn tnul h,,t thn m ,riMi IdaUm, md I thou (hi it would kx a -eln sat Oa th track. i ' In all lines." The number of partly precsttlott agatoat cam to m in th ' An engine and coaches vera'nant ! Idle factories and the small volume gubrqatorUtMnsL Jft.ffora Kalalghto .hrlnf in, toa4 T ' of railroad tonnaee.and the great nntta Tdy; aplnioa s to th convenUon ,1sfni0ad,tte.iracb nto,,ty A ;ber of unemployed people is ltUle data may b erroneous, .and if so, th an.hcr or so U'jfT,rawaaa T realized. "Hatters are shaping theni- good. Judgment of the congressional thorttlea, rn ih.toa toca wafr ? tselves in such aJ way that th "stos, k-ooaamltta wiU ao find. . am not pwiW&&llWvF$lP& X tthe cotton crop become Ifiaily of leia oonsNtaead aa tow regard myself to-4oWjm.aieas ,by. V,mxpb t I The sustaining fore eontiaoes to think a late eoaventloa would injur, we wpalred, during, th fjay the holding movement by plantoiUtlM eongiotuJ aspirants," o nTHfi - mar EPIDEMIC .alt..' EjCjnflpafJea f Report That The fi.fjcMJB Bcca ii88i .patca. jQcrsaaa -Skip libelled Far 1 Esea-Ms Watealag Fer Ab- ' eoadbiir Treasurer ef Teleahese SpacWiaonrnal jUdoa.i Feb. IS. London 1 hav ing, th -worst, cpltemle of grip In its history. Th attack seems to be worse 1 to ariatocratlo "West End" where I'M wealtoy, and the ftoblllty liv. So ffiWyoV yi ht qsloees is handl cappBd.s Among th n)td patient are ,$eBs Pre-m;L-:BirrU, Chief Secretary for Ielandjand. Marquis of Rlpoa, Lord fffcrPeiJriiL Th disease has not rna- lfta.rlpn.ondltions, and while ajajfOying, Is not dangerous. j. HWftT Jtf J, Tb. il.r--Pa Bade Caail to preparing aa ap eal to Praldni Bovlt to totoi f orjijto to, .caaf- of vajA . fMaat Tan Sw was seatanced t W years prtaojupet at fling Sing for man- slauajftor, t- an .Sfchaick was captain of ,the U,l a,tod steamer General Slo cun, which ,jaaak In East River, in fune,,, lj08n wlth lOQ excursionists on jJoard,,l,ftu pf whom were drowned j-fee reason advaftced are that he is m aged man, infirm and almost a men tfl wreck, and. it . la .felt that sending kimjltoera wuld b lnbraman to say the least GREEN CORN ON COB The kteicquisition to our al ready CQnipWte stock of staple and fancy Groceries, is GREEN CORNon CCjB. The same as fr?sh corn, when carefully pre pared as directed. Other nici things just in, Boston Brown Bread in cans, Bent's Cold Water Craykers, Trenton Bis cuits, Arrowr6ot Biscuit in 10c packages, Mother Oats, Elijah's Mamna, etc. BBajwfeiaHjkAHBDsv P OUR ADVERTISEMENTS ARE OUR PnOMISES ALSO OUR CONTRACTS. WVcn we agTpf to do certain things we hnve to make evil, othirwifs we would lose your confid'-r.ce nd faith, and while we never test for tainted money it sll looks gi nti to us. Your needs and our desires are one, ami in helping yu we help ourselves, this is the way we are going to help you 33 PER CENT OFF ON SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES Note, former prices and prices existing today. former price $1.00, Special 85c 35, .4 ogto) , . r i f .bijtbpgto )p (k.. jaka 4.t(UtoeM ft -sli 'as; 'sIoa thing pat to shape, t overstsved their market ' i ' kut. ft It shotM JhlaV an early1 W. -t i J-1 T i ." The pewcroo is U prfparatioa U w'opldT,WcVM ar a lgt opa wouJd JNaljiiUI J.jkpUt ? 'atrea .dsat pl,lahor barpfor t ljl'Ar' Dnocra or tht'ooav .torka, ,6hvlKM-t,-rM7 B, Balk rfdiaa. Miss., Feb. IB. Arrtrato here, ffpm Jone coanty towns, which arer swept by tornado yesterday, say say tfclnktha total list of dead will he tea, and, twenty injured. Property damage heavy. The wns Mossvllle, Service, and Boca being practically de stroyed. , Waahington, p. C, Feb. 15. The cecen oape of the German ship Del ta fr?in, the custody of the United State, marshal, McCourlng, at Pensa- aotor, Fla-becpme a matter for dlplo- maUe, adjuftznent Th Marshals ac eW'tailn,g how the ship tied af- torj hto;,tlbelld for debt reached the ueparyneoi oi Jnsuce . loaay ana in yta-.of to facjt that th vessel 1 now Wm united fMfwto,,PW wer sent at ae to to Btot Dprtmnt iW.tPr-'' i-Dtoctlva are fatfhtoft.fmy out-going train and se. and au ateaa boat piers New Ben N C T, e tJELICATiypHrLDUI ' 5 pT 8tfl 3n;iin i t r p)oy4. bji,. other., todostjrl. jrllL to. grasslonal spirants, than th sogge algkljawartCOTpicaj, nac to tn ram. Mean ta tint a)sahra ifthtainsli' hbmmmm xpnss of living mack Wmr BE A BEST 8LATE ! .tana.,,,. , .... J- . J J wholly of my, frlenoa to kd npdn. Own your home But you ask; . ; jCcopomy and rtrocbMat mq Howr Answer easy and prompt B .be the order of th day, aa at tobr the question Is aaked of aa If jam .and vrythlng ls, U cllalng. It ill pay us regulsrly weekly or . appear aimpiy laaurai tor tars sac mpjoyuit'ion of' a i cooventio 1 worthy V , 11 s.tia'iti idiat , cheaper oa Ik WHUet which to "eowpos4 'largely, if house yon select from our Ust . al most before yon know it Call, ptoaa A T. DILL, iu m BMdi r. ..'ym M monthly aa arranged wnat yoa pay , nuci eiaq- yt aectma, ,jn in jigat p am uvMugauons, aa latr piay Hf- Ih , JV T 7wS.IZji IA your landlord youH hav a -& to to , paat history, prwwut pylca ra flcfr. asanas ttat-apr pot-nag th as , F&Jtt'IT L I and aspwdaily doe fhU refer to cat- tack lM.ttllak tttot it, ? 'mvy7rxrrT I toaandaora,.' . ' "VP- - - aM. . i . tr.i k.- rx- i-kd wa want u reouna ua oarcaia mi t r-tummwrn trwjiwum'tj . "'l1'i'JJ',"i '"J-i., l , O". .II ... . . .. . . ... - ivi tii. j rt.,v , ru YrT seen cnua u nfv. Mrs us tMlkiAmXm4mis romJas U W thi kscat-totkrosdig vld,1,..tH-Kf "f M ktrtsui.l tW-oU -tOtorl! Vftt of tU Wt lOIga 1 al. P( f"f toes, troable tu 4j j n gn asms Lswa.tgis'woiug way a man stoauefr aaej mwrawuqg r,, ..t , r.- - --t" ? II 1a--a..'wL. .' .i.--.--.'-,tiw ond k aad msscl ilsso. strona alii was not hlltod la aaaliadalt'u1 ihi anhWoi aaW'anoa Whkh 1 kss trtui4 and, , pure rtoknd ssVsQMd Jhat.ahaaa stracH kyA'ni-ule iWdi WsWJy.-kl lecrsf ; . i. ",Ta r.-I 1 '.I ! rjt. .. . Ny I reota CettafV wtt VataodUt Chsrch, rrkJceaoa, ft- kefal vkar f New Bern. 8Ui-oo. property, tart front - ' a4trr allots:. '" ; ' BKrttoear't-aitfrmMtarB Rivw. sear traiuW. bafwala U rkht ttrsoa, Eoom wvar MeDii ctors; iulU for Hall or mU-ioea - KJ:Y Wvsaa and timka Wnda alth r tmr aala. rant ct W. Am - ii tottAtt mrtt Fam aad Ua kuwU lti rfr aala, rant ot. aim ' atf prepertr boHt l to Waiv ' 1 .4raAt 9r..'at4 ".".j ;tsu-'f .-rtaitfW-atrtai- and. fcah tos MfMik. jttuwwalto ihald Jaatssa xt.Mmjb1 pafUklnVaA ft -wtll ot thT fcwdrfeal. J. - sa wqp ,":. "" t- nj deliver 'tiy'scYk j.Mail.-aaiuiralklaa .atona . tfca aacaW as '' 1 awibiM aecOamaa wntir wnarww puay, ainag cai 3". gridt7 biutlvaTtoM iaa-" tnaia Ttlaity CollagA TW wr U 'ir' 1 towik vorrtoi, II MryUJMi sfraJx jcnoo-mto fcr assslt appropriate to tfc feetara ( . trto-lWU5arTtyttto to H4 larftSTMBt Sa Uu amireaiditac" rpshi. " , Tfca tamrrw nrunftM-lka atHintaM M 9i .Tliaom ssaoea aao, aa Which Ctogiag fk bati M It -j 'tk D(1ar of tha rAWf-erU- ,wTftok, :T4i along ,Kya wIUmwm to tha MxWk'Tfata !M 'prtU--i 'al Bf strfa atry torLJla. Ufr sm not to b foaadaad to trt'a Vfrynaaa' aid 'tan armaAs. -A i inAesaaavaajraPMiy. . la tocoharvnt Th.sngts- ela'-nr -: ' ,.' 1: 1 A 'f -1 t !lDOTO0 USE 6 Tha rm TtM te w far nprtor -1: tf ;to:cld fasW-Hao4JlTr-n ayi Th trl wa ptnvlng at dty vrtWZ' . , . i ' . " ' .'f atet aag rar nsvm c-..:rm p r.w l "i . r 'O. i .orrt n a4 to kwa aacaW girl to traf it f!,' v VI, Bleach Sheets 2i x 2 yaids. 2Jx2J " 2ix2i " 2Jx2i '&:. 2ix2i " (Him stitelt)" $1.10, " H.2i " former " 85, 2i x a 8o, Kiwti ' tixl " ' " 05, 14x24 " " " 90, IV, ach Polster Case 1J x 2 yds, former pri-e h, Sperial " Hem stitch, 1 x 2 yds, former price GO. " " Pillow Case llxl yds, former price 15, " " " Hem Btitc , 11 x 1 yds, erraer price 25, " H'lc 7")C 90c 75c 7;c 50c 75c l:'J: 18c J. M. Mttciell & Co. Where ValHes Reixn Supreme arySaPW, formerly Treasurer ote j" "f or ifij Nw Jersey Telephone Oca-paajto. him, on todfctment foand against, klm la Brooklyn yes- ' todjobfaagtoS.kto with larceny of W..awnnnT,jnoa, , roue oeuer ftooj to(atfU la Mwt Tork. .woadoit. Ian, l5--CQnnrmauon is W J"kg, pf, to, rapert received laatighjtof to afaaaslnation of the Bhak nftfifp', Tk . caly fator j wh4 tfii .Vtoy to to Trt is that ' p,,rWJrlWrtoto,ara troag and hare aaad threats against to gov. j ."1 .l-ilW'ftoa .a. acarty tt; ww.ca. u, tQjwa ay acompMM-( rwrkmcs Aoa.ooe watouaasat out rl WVlN M" w to prop- eru repair a Mjastoa wea. Try oM rtrpei s-ti b-thsm - lr , , ...1 -c rl - TM Ma VakWrpal Berasfibto .i INvchMfr k Ctoiaa TT.'l . . . .- ' UDr rf4U!rTnni. . , , K,.Y,fc r . rt. r ,r - . ,JUvhf mmrth" 4 : , .: .vC'i... w....,-. l"4l..-iriI-.i.way. t t - :i . r .--.-i,. . , - 7- - , . wir'y " tt fa i-'-v!.--. rs. T. , ....... , .... ,.... f f.rr ..s i r , r " 1 ' - -' '" ,-66 t, --r --:. t " ' ' 1 4 r ' 1 ! - In i i f III ff ' 1 ' ' - - r . ! ; . ' i i ; ' ' - - r ' " i AIXtUiAn BftOWJt W UlSDOWiB 10 Mil CAHVl rriT f drrUa ratoT ClTecrtoajcoeuirt i " ' per rent aad raiw-ws VU I 1!. kf I sMctot',dB m fh Board orAls'ms'Va sight to kids fori lh rrbi Of to IM.DOf tDOSMlpal knprovcoeat ttoadd wkpek War voUd fnt la Octiht,' JTh iwccWal'Wdt din's wVr 0V A tloart, ot ClavtOasA, OU.i,"rfg k'promlant el IMS, Tk otW fciflJtrs'Wer IUnery,'Aa4roa & CoV CleTalan-i, O.t .Well, RoU Col ad d fTifo4 4 Ktfw, bf CSfr r(s'u, O ; H rt RntllBs A fcnl, fas- t. Ml A.'; Jto4, OA Petfrtt, Tt: - ; r" rti'.hsf roB-dowg krssd "'vs," t 4, U tna wk. had r--:rr1 s -r '? yr N Ala ":ja. "i i !-". T I akoald , ,.- T. " - 1. ' f-Vnd tf b'i '" - inn utiim.!.n onie .!.' t Tty tirMi nit. ii GREAT ij lit p umc ilfs Ftif nittif et Cook Stoves 1 ' AND House Fvfnisliings Wa - vrtA aad cw rytl lag will gj 1 5 to l!4 prr - Mtlbra week iBi4tuiiBg MONDAY, Fcby 17th .0-0-0- V- THE (.EEATEST CCT-riUCK SALE EVER IrfiLD IN NEW BERN. lf you want value " ycu will not neglect watch for the hand-bill teUing of a few of the many thlnve will offer. fjctoXlvttf gooda .ckaiged or exchanged duriflg'ttjtsJc ' . ' - ' FEBY lVoTtQ i4C;Vri' THE PLACE Jl)!!;i B. IVES, 1 : - " ' ' T rp , V

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