- '----" r - ;.Y- i''H '-'-' ' V -- . t -& ,, , , , x r ' l 1 - , : : r : . 1 . - : i . : - ; j f -yfBEIQin 6lJXAvTITES&Y KOIlKiyQrEBEPJUiyilgVr iy? 11 ilrin TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR iiKSEuSiisiMais ON COB -9 - i .w.. . " v-. "'; .--'. j McmpoMlnyjMtBieatM ,iartat j!pr tbeml ,Cti8U of Deport in tbi Bask,.-; T : JT-fio tbin: bo4t UMMertificftUa la that if yoa wed .W.' Jw7 ffet it jrboUwc the OertificaU it diurjm f:'u". ;UB' iwpa aara lor six montna lotereat ja paitf; r. , .batUr taa temporary loaaa to frieoda who paaally 4 eaaaof ropaj jrou in case you need the money unexpectedly; DAD. D MJAHMrrrit Wat, BliADEa, y. Pre. 5T ; -"-affirigaaafaa 60. B JgNpLBTON, Cashier m ; iiwoirs, OFricui. tuuii ' g I '-"Hi;.1 g oCTCBEfl3D3UIEEZD rn BO tit Inn Stoi C, ST. LOUIS aaa an ; 1 4aAl ti 4 ttl O- ,vMl,.THAT tta boy-or girl - u . jW'Y WbowttwBwtetBtpim " d 4 rgli Blue Ribbon Shoes K, I ySk BECAUSE Buater h I , im'&J" Browne Blue Ribbon i tt VMl WP fat, jit; ;t Jij fi UOBmwwear - r ThM ;Jallclal' District Appeala 1 Saprem Coart-Kew Ben lawyera I ' Interesi Money rarniaaei' " For Fall Tethv at SeholrBeT. Sprajat : Deellne gatt- FreAUe ail . ' pletion o! tl Trestle. " ,.' ; Special Correspondence. H Raleigh, N. Feb. 17. Yesterday a Uttle botore noon Secretary Thomas K. Brnner, of the Stat Board ' of ig-rlculture.-'who for 21 years hdd ao ably filled Oat poaitiot died Href 8eaaa and Bright'B; disease, aged 2 years. The State suffers a great New Bernlaaa wba'love tn awmetf otQeneral Robert levwlJ)f rejoioa oo,hit, iBXereatlflg aubject -Dr. JClgo U asrt not thattliythlni;, :jwrtarKiit.uit perfloAaii tha puiilc . knowa thatae never iakea apa subject -titat -fat does no -il!e'ii: wheahe bas'.an f elhenie'facn aa Uja one to W presented tomorrow night,"; will W-doohlr feteratfUh8fr on anvel'-)MjperJ Ject 'vPrKUgo apeaJh er- ad H inay"a flttawredxpf aneni torntnat'aiUrTotf toghfy, enJoyaBla,.. , . ' ,' The jectnre will be heW Wednesday plcht iiithe tfgjrtefi; of. tSiS-; federacy .rooms on South Front atreet! Ticket ace on sale at Bradham'a and Patia,' Pharmaoles, and of rithe Daugh ters of theConfederacy. I Watara klUed .by . fla east -bonnd utotoklgfitat nettfl etwtffioWr'1 afedWnb&tteriVaCT iBfB; th. cl towarf' 06tiir andJ iMHnf deaf iTia inppaedta ttlU' fi& few uttafcSeing brothers, W. BC and J; ICJPfateTt 4' WiiW i nlbniW,ot'&ii 6ffdd4 estaiid nwJBt respected taMIiea of 7-T I f ! j J ev-vn a pianiauon w yonea connty i neSr'Wise P6rk, afhich pTac a fioV. ttitirm ' was- tought in . jbiTn wafie war' a1 inair4uit'well knw'n Bni'wka' pbpnlar and reapedted by' ai) who knew htm. .Crniser Nartk Carolina Breaks All t Newport "Neif tebjr, 1 1- With brooms at kef ttast heaas and yard- fi J 'rT. 1 . wnonnclng that all records had tow b? ka death, for n every respect i.M.'- .--.i . 4 "... - - wH.vw V XWT V -rne was a Taiuaoie man, ana mb wotk rtW idsMi- .iM. as a monament to him. Re was a fvi .t. i. -w.-t'-. i ... . . . v uw. wtin. uuuuk uor tuiru son. 01 ine notea Kaitor j. j. Bruner, . .-i vt J lul . ..-t-iJ "P?? rnn,Pff the Virginia Capes f'-r' '-'"-- between 7:30'an 10:86 o'clock last F"": '7 "nlt. sntf maihtkined an ayera?e - - speed of iai4 knots or forty-eight f beneralogiat. He iunarftatilf klsot ,n etceM 8 tteaol S ipeeaer madefy a tesael T- 4he armored wnlser fiasa. 7 "ownin tnu connu - ooawo-,,, if, w; TJWte -f-f-f 'rjmpamiL-mmm boy eyerybody a- nerai Manager W. ;A , Poaf,, tp the yFoooupleeari, ke Hrd fh. .hip wJ Viltf wlthni HeenjStete tamgraUoragent and re- fa .8n'0 thja mer. hi. .Mme Wg-nlnf he day trf ptftC, to place the Z ' ,Tr:, cltyjdihed la rejbicing. iU"r. ".-.rVS SSWrrrT1 OnTionnt -ti!au delayed arrival came nere ,fWVr ff HBt.M of .fc from Hobokenhe crui. gave gome) nope vmjin recovery nut early Sunday morning his f collapse began. He.'.' leaves'- three isters", a V WE HAVE JECUR.ED THE AGENCY roR THE 5U-5TER, BRoWN BLUE RIBBON HoEjJ roR BOY J AND dIRL-5. Vj HlfiH GRAPE HOEJ. NoNE BETTEV:VER SOLD IN NEW BERN. 10 STORES J. J. BAfipf -. ;' T - ar here, fit 6ardbf grtcujltur4 a w last meeting aaopiea reaoiuuon f profound regret concerning ils long ilDessTpald him a high tribute for his faithfulness and spoke of his It years i servfea.-' The- resolution aettlng forth thathlgh appreciation of klm a. tmaisane nn WBCiai; wno naaerreo He apartmentwtth ttneh abfMty,-1oy itty and,deyoQon as to command the. warmest praise of the board. The fan nal was held thIs-afternoos-st XI clbck.nd was attended by all State ture waslosed dtrrtng therday tand at) other 'departments closed at nooij TomerroW toorltrg I4 the chapel of the BapUst, University'. for .VomaM there will U celshratloa;! JVonfcr of tha. passing of the fje;inark4a" the stttdent'eerolltnent The success i 'a. er did not put to sea'from Old Polni noi yeterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. I A forrv-lrnot' a! wiii Mrvtftne- anI fh 4 r'ftiwk eraii high, but wnn xt the' oemg ivwtm s t.ttHIHw ftrvessel trtaW on he rrta Thrf 25-fciibl requirement was exceed ed the first hour, and each hour there after the' ship ran fnsfer. "The en riees ' tored ti four more reVolu tiojis thnn were necessary to drive hoi st the required speed. - AS sooa aa th rtih was -finished the iihip started 'homeward, 'krrivlng in Hampton Rja4a by the light of-a moon nearly full. HTh twenty-four hour' endttr anca.run waa given when the cruiser wqnt othe New Knla4 coast about twbjcyanthago, anjj iha jihlp wUt he tafnad pvejr to the, gpmsrnaiea. la the '"ii m. "i i.'SiT n iuiv. ,. Old Coin Jttotte Besamed Washington. S'eU.aja-'.'In fiodvTe Trust" la to.igo .isxdttottoldojjiav Coanaga,Welghta, and Meanrl:thl lepr8eotaties Oltie James, siDoittf ocrat. and, JtepreBenaUive J. Hampton; A Repuhlioan, spok befoTethef:com mittef ifl. favor ;Of' restoring the atot to, and the word waa passdd round th&Ai W itheWiluftder conalderatlob )MBm fthybolh hotme th ftw idejrt.UlgMllFaBigatt.w x Tft.membera -of 4ha aammittaa -art H for It and they isjefa reoueetad 1 day (to, report tiw -Wll baelt ' tohe House J, apon as possible, becaae4"sie Pirecor of the Mint jihaa... deferred colnlng-.any mora. Jald nnUi It be- oome jtlw. or. i knocked, out . Sanee tad Baaiet 1 i AW; pSJfiCr JDCTEODt Of tat I - &S&mAkBW - : 4s JsUt'Si ""KIJAMl Wf fi.---. Mr. fjejUkv jOld tlreasMaa BakUe leBftfalllJ"-'', """- - New XkebiJip-The, executive ttae of the JLmerican Teachers tto;rgvi T. wheMbijt; 6 members of the as- PCly-FW fV JBPa (aeP- tembjM tpryialtthe..ackoola particular ly , m Bogiand 4UM . Qarmw. '5 t 1 1 i'ui iiTtiiiiTmiimj i 1 rTtiejteiffisf -afiiTnisition to our al ftaaY xmplete stock of staple drancy groceries, is GREEN UUKJN on COB. The same as frr'corn, vrhen carefuliy pre rtfai'dirrpcted. Other nice tthjng jusrtiff; ; Boston Brown MmS mS&uis, Bent's Cold Wejeaf?, Trenton Bis jiliQwrdot Biscuit in 10c therOats, Elijah's The mwiJJ.;jta,waeka. Thia waa pracUoOly niad-pertain at j agrrp,, jPefci.17.The a meeting of the House CommiUee .Jn Rw4y,.Hjptota jUajpn . acting on laeiaum, 01 eoiiinerij iway tcj ciwhje, wages; pfli,mploy.ea vuta djaMpi,--'dMnV- Rep're '8ntatiyes of 46,000 ( machinists are in consultation with the officials of the -Ii5ckaes,MQ -Ya'I ! " ' : 'wt ' - BURN i inerxar, jnagnae, . wno yes- day.-FMarreated on, the charge of grand . larceny, pft ,he nival of hia boat from Europe, plead not guilty L was. released under S20.000 bail. trr: ! -- ictajto, Febi -T'T? ministers of alcaym Vicinity have entered into Vigorous; temperance campaign and w&Cmtue . it )orr. months. Their aimi to 4ut,the low dive out of exlst en!e and they are encouraged in the work, by holding, huge and enthusias tlq masa meetings. E 3SEBSJDlO;flp::tllSEEB OUR ADVERTISEMENTS ARE OCDS " PROMISES ALSO OUR CONTRACTS "TT" When we agree to do certain, thingii.we have to make eood. otherwise we would Josr your o n A ft I f confidence and faith, and while wenevertesffor tainted money it all looks good to ui. ir "vl I Your needs and our desire art pne, ana ir he' ping' you we help ourselves, this la the wayrw6 hic euuik 10 ncia vou. . . .-. .-- ... . . va. 1 u-331.'2 PERCENT OFP ON SHEETS' AND'PIL-V' LOW -CASF55. : ' W.WS.fTt Z, . . ."-.'. o'ra Note former prices and prices existing to?. ' 1 ' day 1 Baem: Bleedi theeaa 1 1 f f yatde, fbnaar riea ft M, f pedal Sta Zlafi ttiU a7 - " flat) (HrtasOieh) Ilia,--. ov4 rt Dl , . . tlhtl M foraear - t fj, e h'.S. . J .- fatt - :.V.7Hw,'V" I J- ..Jbw list . r . , 4,Vvl, vy,es. , ttt '' - " h1V4i TSe -1 " j tVB1tstrMllsty4afertwW4a,aptU Va-v ! ti 1 'f f 1 H-astltrt, ) 1 1 yda. Iermr pia Me U i WW CaM 11 S I ydsv fern ew ta, I2e .-n -f-'. "Hem Btrte",l llfea, te wrte gV r-. -! , ,-, - f - J . , M- . : ", ' f ' SOt (Dm lileht' IL1.a :if X.. f i,v-v. Jf - V " 4 ' A f. ) it" of thia achoot-eo admirably presided over y JBeV.la,' TrVaaaS to'jemaA able sal vei9 graOfytni topeople hereqf mU,denoftilitaHqaa.j t.,-1 - Tns sapreiM court tomorrow taxes Tip the Third District docket' ip- imia, os woica ihtvj nre tmrwm owe eaaes?Tha- docket VWr heavf. eV) fArtbrtbl lowing attorney, 'krelkera': D. trVaroXWrW: Clart, AT& WaK Mmaraair --' Obet.ff'iH: granted' the iChowah mvmpt voapeny as onrees ooroy, cnp IU1 stock tit Joe, to ialld and operate nolli,'boeM?.eJflkak';e .The Haateva Oak. fae, rt WnnUagtcm; . &V Taylor. adjMhera. to asahatats a Web voonfla thai-taet (k tnanura CooatraeUoi ttapWeif aatavJod4 to., to do all arU.otnMraaaral Iroa work. 4ma Jobs ftlflOa. of RothirfdrtoS arfUT of Bur llagtos Md.ethetra.s(f tie atocxhoU a.7 Vfcuyi, iv.l- ,.- Ut flehertntendevf ISihUe ta e)rwraaavJdyjev araVae4 '-SatuWaV ft'ltht("TrOaf riipnluely,'nerit WxreK.-o k good adlaeea.TM peo ple 0t kf rbofrd)tHt Voted' f r local t' oaatarday,' Hi ext iw to trlPlty College ad wlil deliver m of tee hvtuw to Ok eooraa OOe s IVUJcarneijcUM tOty- achoyl superintendent that ' the ', Raleigh arhoola 1!t bif ft talttn Kofey wnt Weecered Ut Xk 'per poSe, rVeaeeer M kn eTpr4 fee street mi were ertw4fd,w:,,'i) people yer4 Tf.gotsg eve? the J!fts c Tndix the etSe! miu:!t'ot vxisSkUod' Of th Fir t rr.-;..-r-W. Ckertk tlrd to lis grt f ft a au fri Pf. ' Cf.ri, of CisrW.oe ' 4 "mU U. mil to t tui(Hiit fcf 1: tlarli u: Tne. l)eeweed JWA, trte The tUat aertk CareHaa Beak , Oat Ur tSJAf Is Cash aad Quietly JCatapf w jt .(. C Feb, ICWhUe, oa robber held natbe.aasBieriia nuTiwjrui oe given me axuowMjkAw, taere aaa nee itiitpw Miea -stnaed. TavlnaT in ah naillK Ivamim .Kaiarfst 4woJnTaJr I VJ-aagi V .d aan. BryaavTkMagh Bia Fkef, 1tas CathJ -MiS'XttDeVefVeiaeBaMr' w 1 r Charlotta masked Wfld Weet-Jtyka, his two emat0crajteaeiUri'vnt ttX the Ipptod tkualU t the bask at 9raaitoJTailU;evltoa sight. aMstsd lUwaa ia.ttM inaUuttos 0t,4cDejUlhs gawhfBft tajioeaOar vaalt, and after taekis -hu .ts goadhstr weapc Xh robbery. thl bcddajt.lkf erimlaal aaaala of ui uww wsj,.e iieoovareja ana elect thta.SMrnlngoc-t a f Caahler W. a Wklsoant dad appear tacj baeekflsy JUe- family ghly alarmed, InstilJUd Mrch. tL. e.i ' ka A - if . Osi aatoriag thSUnkT 4bi Vpplng we t.ird 1a"tb. TVa'Vtod' wb.s'ft was vpenea ine missiog- oaefuerj aug- lw vu mi wq inn irvoi kla! EfovJr of ' clbtohnemenC iAoVlfcg WVhuVa alory, three lAa'tr Wi.werttijf bimiuits".n- (era Tbe"n&as'at a arciora sarurqay ovemnc, ana w&ue one ox uem aeia the that ik arm pout 6V tutor, (W teal kUMo'iie''or,tt1etfscl" tHuii.asT'it !..; i- the tirOeaWStd- lUIIhiin'lVe''to' ihi ))irkl tseeh. Tte" work'was' iJae 1Wr ioj' fapUlytha 'rilbera" t traylng the aobtneea ffka professtos 0trj sm -juzf. :, 1s aaiuaed "na.1 ey ap-1 proprlaUd (ke gvalUWle ka the )bae robber foreed Whlanantto enter fhe vsnit 4 trsn wt.a btro i"-Y'''"J Bt I 1 SS i .!.- '. ' 1 New York, Feb. 17 WUUlun Sells, -rttj-t (),(). 00 1 -o--)- -(! v ,"Af!.l.W!L,,W -OOO CART WABOty BU'iGY 1 Wheel, Axles, Rims, Spokes, Horse Ccllors, Pads and Hame strings.- Give us a Call when in need Gasldil Hardware Co- ;Wdle tret Phone 147, -) fe o U ) O ) W O OOOo- New Eein N. C -1 ) ( 1 ) ( ) ( . j' The arrangement, for t.grani Washington's "birthday Dance t,and uanqaet to be given by. the young men hare Completed and it wil' pf'i ioess- Sal funcUons ever held here. 'NodlN Aaett the famous Sells Brothers, taU of elegance wllr be omitted from I WHatm-s which was ,. h.n.,t k -.I.. I kmg known- ,to the ppbUc by that irohalfrk Ithdt ,8(f' oe aa .A!.-KwmJ ". todM. aged 8S years. parUeWtf. manv'ooininc from a die-1 i . .O. ? :ance to enjdy: the4ewnt ; Wai-jOrasga, ffc. il, Feb. lWohn n:tnnajtf irXAftWrhiahed Jt -the IUJ" 10 ThlrJ Regiment band .of Raleigh., 44 -"" .iacwia.npay.v oommiwea , I i.M-' ,ni iJ. lanlcide today br snooting. Disease is nt iVnh,tiA.t, ir WWMfamU'Vltov mibalanced his mind. room and dance hall will be elaborate aiw-wasnmgion a mrinoayr Boanu-,1 ,the last jefiort t tthe, iQoTemmant tata. Me ia, I? DO yot.that(tte total, ginned iia.IQO.eOtL at Lb la IB BOG - UsdbhV Neb..: lb. -'17 fltoTi4?Fwi eboul aOajOM will haire ton ex. Urytealiu t Sfyas'a txn orV'th's I tJt4 by March 1st, et-4satlh 1 wslKtwdtonr'Ho IThe Americas sotaners will see bv aft ebssWoff swOaatiM Vtha''0et1ilaVaf. tot shoot LINJM kales. This rank hsd CM at i pahyH1 tAbtflt'iaoX ft iks 'trst' .tor. aii taarpTlaVTryajr-l sdg falsi maftWtitlUliatiUM ttthertss S list of aTi the-Brrai Deavlfvela that tetal teeJaa lee'-lhi eiMata tbs esMhl SndU lawotfin.v m. aiaMnewrKasana tAtM today that la asderet&tf eWtel tM dSmaad -WM-aW.a. s&t rw .. wcM4cybiiiu;aada esfjsrtt after (fannary W, inoser. has bbalklaej k' brlntsd pledge I torjkhs peaOyeaKW thSAmer- DO YOTJ USE E0AP P '"' RXCUSE ME BUT Y0USH . U) SEE OUR SOAP WIMMW : ALL SOAPS SHOWN IN WINDOW AUK 10, I LK t A I. SPECIAL Romanko 8eriea 10c Palmers (Ilvco.rn.e. (c nt j"f per cent) and Palmers Violet 10;. n Duffy's Pharmacy. sac St adadd thVxpon taaltes tk total f" r ipn'l ell the n"l8 111 t rmr r qua ' tar S, pill .e s f-il r '.-4 i-iitU '.) 1 ' Utuiif 4 -.-. , ,' , '.'l'ri honk 'a .r, I it 1 i c -l. ! ' ( ... 1 n' ', boring rn. J tt I t ) it vfr f . . ' J ' li a -r;! v"'!if. rf CIA BAEGALTS..IXal IXiT2a ,V : '.' a4-lAJ-a : -T,be en J thetlprlflr Cilotol aeih ye p'td eri eroie terayp m Jty ,me. .iuT nsae.Orr rsp tr littr'-stio e-i; w''i K rp't'-rrl g j ' I a-'- jrr 1-1 fha. or. :. r; y.l- I yj:"-1 lr'."it T '-atrnicj, ,n.t",4 f --'7, it I ' ' I'. t .rM-t.' 1 ( by m t t '" Cs ;. .,1 Tw. f r f Sid, !' -r'f .tf. ,r U r ; -, v; he, r - ' t ( A i -.1 I " r ' ' i., . That ft a, $lgitilfafigrtliflV0lUk splsssn ksia tokas tieaa tjftOO, Pledge .houndflie srsas tojUMd As Joppi smliewM tgtarthtt tatt,' suktag I Aaeompaaytog tapidga.jskwk isjirted sad soBsssted St 1 was aa annosncfrasilt Tglflf Patss lis to he gaqaiei trues 'v - . . . .a. s . . dm tores Jo lhem.snd,aead these to It With a hortmM.!a f aula's area a. ,5 Vm?n:?-,ll-PrnlaUBf to imjm MM. Us demand TWr -WT..sVsmV J.w dmertesllon tha aa-, .-,y f;i S V.US Ih - eJI eatAlpguedrVg Raisje, Je eosntles an,d4Sejt1 b.XlfVqs) jrsftOAta IT It.bfmeavSeceeeari; st WT -flu torearb LfeemMI aaj.be dosirery iulckly-.-- 'Ml rOfn Js th.t IcMlon sow Is the: rseal tWdMlwiT; m j w:lr dTfllflavCtsji e4i Yb:iowi?g essea ad.dtserdarty eoiyat ,VfXg baftMW JUcaik-srt reefer JSki te-e4 M .if. . T hr ''saj i lra4 Lewis r retj'.ir; tpr f rr. Into Ota attr.treesry t-A9.r,' i.the,esetV ':; irt rJika,AXimlaat ilarrC llaft tnsM tsd l.t and aefs. AiA.5r7't t 1 YanaaKMaaaMaaaajW ' ;,Jtr., tuSr-l-Mt sirfhi. jlii Oamaa Ctwh CoopaaV 1 folly ' 3 luir ti , utlrta Is the play' : t( fw i j," U.e trst of their r x'a eg rnent i soils stty, last t The enrtn'e Wtstaksa with :..! 'if-l:4iaBrtl4 Oeaeaa i t '-.. -i .1 .. rf?.?ngf'wB, i i m11 i GREAT FtfraittJfe, Cook Stoves ii H . in I . .'.I'tatn i .House Fvfnxshsflgs Sys w are overs tosk el aad everythisg will sa I & u t e -lS. veestlseswwee.eo-aHif S l-iri Sfll S1 tv ."Ivf A" 'sns? -MOKMY, ftby l?th 17 V MJ;Cl--IZfy 1 ".. t ... THE flREATEST CUT-PRICE SALE EVER DELtV 1! 1SEW RERN. ?rCpPIfUantnIurii!tt;W not neglect 'watch for ie tla'iblU (liLr oti few of the many 1 Positively i no roods -charged or exchanged FEBY 17th !bf g;i"?' C :; ! ' " v THE PLACE 4 9 4 -i -7 ' Ut n 1 I - 1 ;3 W t:.:t.a It if w i .1 .t tr- e. ' " s I ..... - - 'A' II;!?. !VES, t 1 t J t v Jtf ie-t V "1 q .,- 'r. u ' ' irtloi rf ( t.; ' ' . f 1 V : :!

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