1 . 1 1 n 11 f A- I K" RiverUaie. NX., ac. 11 we are ' lZsObbtogwith lar jutdJfjdT 1. w? Tiiuh wet yiMtcra, and other means of external treatment, ar nanellT helpful taflattora at. Mr. J. .;TUh.8ii . raUerlof the eaiaaa4.acba ( Kheomatiaa, nt wch remedies do no! t day. . Vv' ' , mek the CAUSB of the disease, and are therefore ia so aease cttratire. Mr, t wC5 "wade j d flag trie ' UMauim4atoaezeaaaf rt04btid in the blood, brought about by. 1 w.ki.A. .k - Indigestion, poor Ujwcl action, weak kilneya, and a gTneral iluggiiih condition . uiaMxs.. rith apeBi 8ui4ay with of th system. - The trreUtk deposita this irritating poboa ia the different ' 7tLZZ ZSTEL " J We are Clad to hear that 'lilseee iL. mkIm tefoa anil tViittl-a r.1 ilj una I be. naitlfnl smvlfttnma J18S SAia CWUBaT. i i , w ... t w frwj www i - J J- - f of Shoainatiatu are uroduaed. The naina at firat mavhe wanderinr and alirhtJr bat aa the blood becomes nor fully eataraied with the vric acid poison, theMande and Laura' Wood are ooara- nitease frowa worse ana alter awtule feu to be cnroaic Tne aiigni, wanaer- leacing. -. -V lag pains now become sharp and cutting' at the least exposnre to dampness nra J. W. Connor and Mrs. J. or night air, or any constftnttonal fa leg alarity, thhooee ache, the siigiier were the nest WlfriuCw M Pale J1 -j as tree In action before, and where the acia poison u aiiowea !?. D,.. .rx.. I Prices. . .. .. in theWood the folate ftn tecome a 4ored with corrosive mbfj "nvvnT-iT7 c a that they are left permanently stiff and useless. Rheumatism can Mr- w.Latha spent Sunday . . mm. a . a . -at. lUUN ,.R, C. LMmadea, agent for A. Baronl Soaa, yrjBUnstoa. Thoaa 1M;1? Cra-ia atraat v S 1 :Ie- Tart Market - ii: Jlardl;i;;IO.'O.fVlWJ HJU nay'. , s. 'ff . :io.T8 ma u.ti Jaly aiU 19.65' Market. May Jane .. fort Receipts ' are not as free in action as before, and vhere the acid poison remain stances ever be rubbed aw.iv. nor can it ha con a tiered and driven from the system . aiiemoon at wroamn. until hf m-id-lnriea blood has been cleansed 1 Mr. and Mrs. ClaVton Bell were vis- ! mnA mtrifiM Nn other medicina does thia SO itr. . u I W TiKam'a trrr a ihnrt t AL UU effectually as s. a. s. u awsoivea ana re-, m,. aft-rnoon. moves tne unpnnnes ana ecnas a 8eam oti M nork- torBa. anent fcodav in - rich. Btranar blood to the affected parts. vUdxUkf-jsS ' .4 II. . I. l,,l J ..n tull.m J ihhmIm 1 PUHELY VEGETABLE and flesh, and the aufferer obtains relief that , ia permanent because the real cause of. the .dlaeaae has teen temoviadL Special book on Rheumatism and any medical advice desired free. ,t THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.L ATLANTA, GA. 10.18 14.C4 i p. 1.73 ..... 10 to 1L2& ..6.72 J.A.JONBS, SALE, tray, FEED AND E ew Bern on business. MfJWritsmom irJfainlry-JhaTe moved In their new house near Rlver dale. Misses Daisy and Mary Conner were the guests of Misses Clara and Eliza beth FUher Sunday last Kaw York Stocks. February 19th. 5 .. 251-4 a . r T . t ' i- 1 ML M. Copper . . . . .4j-8 IaVififnv4 5-8 Coffee Imitation ever ye( arodncee. This, the finest Coffee ffubstitute ever rmade, has recently been yroduoad by Dr. Shoop of Raajne, fls. Not a grain of real Coffee in it ajithei Health Coffee is made from fare toasted bo real s, with maltnnts,WvRealiy It would fool an expert who might drink it for eoffta. No twenty or thirty minutes boiling. "Made la a minute' says the doctor. J, U Me- 'Danler " ' R Sailing r 8. R. Sugar 8. R. V..;... U. Pacific y oieei IT 7cu Haa-i TLLj ft wilt be to kara that tt bdln aMdla eal wrttor ui te&cuani U ail Um ana4 icheois ef praetioe Nmuaal, la the uoogatt terais puwaHiaa. mck and every tcareotest eateriuff Into tint ea-ndUoa i Dr. fiorWeOnidca liatUcal Liiaoevert lertaoeureef weak atoaiaea, dyspepsia, f catarrh a stnaiaea, "Uvar, eompialat, lorpld liver, or Uuocwoewv. chronic towel aSecUoox, anil- ail eatarrhai dlasaaea of halaver vav name or nature it 4s aiaa a anwelha tiinrlr lor all aeh ehronle ur tuos stanritrut eases of catarrhal aff ee4 Uoua and Uwtf reaultanfev as atoaekial, Ibroa and taac diseaae eteei4 ooeoump Uon) aecompauiad wlut aovere cough. It Is not so good lor acuta eoldaaad eoaghs, tatt (ur nagerlmnor chronic eases it Is tHuueially eiBeaeions In produclnf ' per tort cures. UcuoUinslUacaCUarrjrbark, 'lokfoe fieal foot, Bkjodroot, Stone root; indraka ruot am) Quon' root all of shlch are highly prakMi at rantcdiea for iH-the above menuonwl affwtlona by each mlnent medical writers and teachers ss t'tot. B&rtholo, of Afeffenoa Med. Col leges Prof. Harvn the Univ. of Pa.f Prof, Finlerrrhgod, M. D., of Bca- King, M. 0. of ClnclnnaU Prof. John M.&udderM, pot Cincinnati; Prof; Edwin MViian, u u- ot uaaaeaann Mod. Csflea Chicago, and scores of oiberaoeraliy eminent In their several tcharllvtH oractlee. ' -' ' Goldoa Medical Ulacpvervis ot AS lm raaata aae rlTllaaaa W mmt4 cua-J tCJ t ajay or rt-nj IMWr Wf ba. miir, .-- "Do you Imagine it possible for a Health Coffee ia really the eloaeat I45""1 Olro0n tta of 8 ate" Tou ....111 -JOS' 1 ktiheUSt uoaaibfe ruaraotv ot : "Oh, 1 wouW't be surprised. know how large my wife is?" -Yes!" - "Well, she goes through my pockets regularly Houston Post ' Turee carloads of honey have been exported recently from Texas to England. Builds up waste tissue, promotes ap petite, improve digestion, Induces re freslilng 1 sleep, giving ' renewed strength and health. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 25 c. Tea or Tableas., t F,, S. Duffy. Mr. Wlllaim Kuhn, f "Kuhns, ;Car teret county, returned home yester day morning, after a short business visit in the city. lormu ita merit. A ffl&iMtt at this published formula will .how that "OoWen .Medjeat Discoverv coaulns no poisonous, harafal or habit forming drugs and no alcoholr-ehemically pure, trlple-rellned glycerins being urtd I.,.,. J. mMirtn la antiieiv nnobleer tlnnsble and betides Is a most useful agent In the euro of all hLomach as well as bron chial, throat and lung affections. There is the highest medleal authority for Its nse In alisnch case. The Discovery " Is a concentrate! glyceric extract pi native, mndlctnal roots and is safe and reliable. A booklet of extracts from eminent l -a,iti.io.iAa ATulnrainB Ita Insrra. dienta mailed free on request Address Dr. R, V. Pierea Buffalo, V JOWM W- ULX OF lain TjBj Tirtne at te power of aaie aoa- tettad fa, a oartaU mortage deed. dated March md, tH. and eucnted by Joe Roaae and wife Martha Rouse, of Cravea eoeatyrN. C, to . C Gheat- nut of Uaotr County, . C. and re corded y the odea of the Ragiatev of IWs otvenobuaty, K. C, U Book Na UtlbiC. iald Und being more particularly eSSAbad as follows: aitnated inT No. 8 Townahin. Craven County, N. C, and being the James Reuse land and adjoining the land of Owen Bryant, and Nathan Boyett, said tract : eontaiaing twenty-one acres, knore or leas, the undersigned, aa as signee, of ail rights and latereata of the aforesaid J. C. Cheetaot, will en the third Monday m March. 1IM, it be ing the 18th day of March, 1M8, of er tor half at the court house door in New. Bern, N. C. for cash to the high est bidder the Interest of tike afore said Jee Rpase aad wife, Martha Rouse, la the tract of land aa de scribed above, gale about 12 o'clock M.,i This February 10. 1808. M. H. BUTTON, Mortgagee ( Aalgnee.) "Are you guilty er net guirtyT" ask ed the magastrate of the man ac cused of theft. Keeping Open House Everybody Is welcome when we feel good; and we feel that way only when Ior BffleVs'nese and 8lek Headache our digestive organs are working. Tftk, Orlno laxative Fruit Syrup. Fkw ITfVicr'a U.w I.lfa Pllll Largest and Finest Stock ef Hones an J Mules ever offered for sle in Few Bern. A CAR LOAD of eac h just in I AUoacomple line of Buggie ifons, Harness, Whips, Carl vVbeois&c i. A. JONES. i FOLEY': HOflEYTAR The original UXATIVE cough remedy. for coughs, cokls, throat and lnng troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic flood tor everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR ia In (Yellow package. Ref nee substitutes. Prepared only by Foley A Company, Chicago. Bins FHARMACl 1 FRIETto TO FRIEND. . The prsooai mociniearlattneje of pee ale who hare bta cuvd e4 eoaghs aad aside by Chamberlain's Coagh Baaaedw " ftaMeVmeaaonuunsUalaetosaakaltl aaaple article of trade aad cuaysarai aeej ihrffr-tottne-UNaena, . M&de from pure diav tilled filtered w . . ter. -iA - , rtn ;BRB ICE 'COHPAHT f1' 1941.23 Griffith Srreet Pbnoe 23 regulate the action ot stomach, liver and bowels so perfectly one cant help feeling good when he uses these pills. 25c. at All Druggists. "He seems t obe up in the air." ;JYes he's gone, nndef.'Vpouatoii Post We could send yon, thousands ot tear timonlals from people restored to health by Hollister's Rock Mountain Tea. No other remedy so effective and sure. 35 cents, Tea of Tablets. F. S. Duffy. It sweetens the stomach, aids diges tion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and. bowels without; Irri tating these organs. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cores biliousness and habitual constipation. Does not nau seate or gripe, and Is mild aad pleasant- id take. Remember the name, Orlno, and refuse, to accept any sub stitute. Davis Pharmacy. Stop that tlckliag Geugh! Br, Stoop's Cough Cure will surely stop It, and with perfect safety, ft Is so thoroughly harmless, that Br. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else even I with very young babies. The whole some green leaves and tender sterna of a lung healing mountainous shrub furnish the curative properties to Br. Shoop Cough Cure. It calms tha ceugh, and heals the sensitive bron chlal membranes. No eplum, no chlor oferm, nothing harsh used to Injure or suppress. Demand Dp. Shoop s. Take no ether. F. 8. Duty. Few people are- as smart as they think other people think they are. The simple life is all right for those who can afford it NEW CLOTH EN G BT SEW TEAS. is still posslblu if you come And have as measure you for a suit ur overcon right away. There Is still about lira enough for us to tailor it in our owi Inimitable style. If you want to stai 1908 with really high-class appan you'll come here at once wjlle there I still time to secure it in searon. F M. CHADW1C5F 101 Middle ree - Neighborhood Favorite Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor, Maine speaking of Electric Bitters, says; "It la a neighborhood favorite, here with us." If deserves to be a favor iteiwerywhnre, It fveev uick.rllet in dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney lerangement;' malnutrition, nervous ness, weakness aad general debility. ts action on the blood, as a thor- ugh purifier makes it especially u se al as a spring medicine. This grand Iterative tonic Is sold under guaran- ee at All Druggists. JOr. f A tissue ballder, flesh producer, Hags health aad happiness luto the system. ' That's what Holltster s Rocky VI eu a tain Tea has done for ttillUoas. 'Twill do the same for yeu. Sic, Tea er Tablets. F. 8. Duffy.' A man may lose his reputation, but if ha has money enough, he can buy a new one. Glazed kid Is coming Into popular favor as a shoe leader. REMOVAL ! I nave removed my Shone from eld stand. Bear Hancock st-eet, to t 4eerswestor atkwie, on soum rrot treat, where I will be pleai-d to sen my customers. . f Baggies, Fprmf wagons. Carts a drays, kept in rto'Jt, also Car w i t ie sale. Repair work, aooe w in nea' tees and dispatch. IVTBIKWIXtl, ll.AtllRMITR k WHI1U1QB1 BIDS CRASITK 1 mmmmmsm jh -J-i-t-'i J.jiisi mimn i vi . fresl i ream cheese and C 1 fsney eiga hotter. Metf ;sr ' art oat .meal had fetch 'a.taaaa ajt ajaa taackarao 'AT y " whlto' booee eoffee J tf-'?ui dM-Md threw poaad v i m : . m . a 4 e e j.'hMoinrcu tt .. .,., ef " 'fheaIIS... V.WeUlsM. p i . , . . ... WASTED FOB CrRBISO ' V New Bern, N. C Feb 17 The City ot New Bern will teeelve Ids for granite curbing for sldevfaths o be open on March 18, IMS. for flf- een miles, mors or less, to bo dellv red In car load lots, clear of freight, .'ew Bern, N. C, according to plane aid specifications copies ot whlctf will be furnished hnofj application.?,;,,' Each bid must be accompanied by certified check In the som of $100.64 u guarantee for entrace Into contract aooordtng to the terms of Un bid. ! aocepted bidder, will be required tf give a bond In the sum of 11,080.00 (oe tuliUlment d htaaontractra I The CHr, reserves, Jhe right o ro Jeet aU bids aebmlUad jV ' J I 'Jebrnar 17.-1801 .'- I ' ----- . ...City aeTk. 1 ,! f mjmm, fTkA TsvTttlO titans? "'2? Eoaetna, letter aad salt rheum keep 4.helrvkrtimo;laperf-jUal torOMmt, . . "'m ; VHHIHIIIill Belve lll Instantly allay this Itch fag, aad eaaay-eaaee btv been enfed M for salt hXpefbj Mar- aaaey and r. B. DafTy. ' -J r h WCtLr-firi'f, fi tt v iwi e Reasea lathrened , Bocanee meats are so tasty they ire consumed la great esoeeev This eade to stomach troablea, biUensnaee ind coastipation. , Revtae your diet, et reason aad sot a pampered ap- etite oootrol. then take a few deeea t Chamberlain's Itonvaoh' and Uvar rablets and yeu wlllaooa be well er aia. Try It For sale at Davis 'harmacy aad F. B. Daffy's. Samples ree. The tricky man may So cooed. his success seldom sticks. bat Cave Money by laying Chamberlain's Oesfrh Remedy Yeu will pay as much for a bottle ef Chamberlaia's Cough Remedy as tor y of the ether cough medicines. bat yeu save money ta buying, it The saving la la what yea get not what yeu pa? sy end yea net good results whoa you LEU&L NOTICES ENTRY CLAIM STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Craven County To R. B. Lane, Entry Taker for Craven County: The undersigned af. D. Lane, of Cra ven County, North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the following described piece of parcel' of land In Third Town ship. Craven County. State' of North I Carolina, the same being vacant And unappropriated land, ana subject to entry, vie: Beginning at a stump On Wllkerson s branch: to the upper oor ner of the Alonzo Bddle land now own' ed by Jno. Morris and runs with said Morris llae to C. C. Tripp's line, then with said C. C. Tripp's line to the road leading- rrom weuee roea to camp uaa, then runs with aaid road to Wllker- on branch, then down said branch to the beginning, containing 20 acres more or less. F.ntered this 17th day of February 19UB. M. P. LANE, FiCfissiGm-isri M i mm t Frederic La Pierre a. ISwTi A eoeapiete eoaree in Pienoforte and Vsjeai snnsie for beginners end ad vanced pdpila . " Kim bail Piano furnished by George R. Fuller. sTTATtAHa: ttaele lit Bilaeie St grf-Wt.. Lr. auuera Bau LaOraage . falllag Creek Klaxon . . . CaaweU Dover Cove City Tuaeaj-ora Clarke New Bern. Ar. I Mew Bern. Lv. Rlverdale Craataa uavalock Iewport Wlldwood Morehead City Beaufert v omulusAeNunne aTTOtwri AT LAW. Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret Pamlico, Jones aad wnalow jand in the State Supreme and Federal Courts. Telephone No 87. Office itb. 80 Craven street. New Bern. N. C. DR. CLARENCF E. SK1ITH TETEUNABY PUlBIClAl AXB SFBeiOII. Gradate ot the Kansas City Veterinary College. Office aad Hospital 18 Bread Street Residence Phone 287. OfBee 268. MORTGAGE SALS Pursuant to the power of sale con tained In that eertala mortgage deed executed by eo. Berry to If. F. Res- sell, bearlag date of Jan. 1st, A. D., 1807 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ef Craven eounty, la Book 1, Page 418, I wtH offer for sale aad will sell to the highest bid der, af the eourt-house door in New Bern, N. C, on Saturday the 14th day of March. 1008, at the hoar of 18 o' clock, noon, the following described rent astate conveyed In said mortgage deed, towit: Beginning nt the mouth ot Prog Pond Branoh oa the East aide of Blo- cumbs Creek, running down said creek to Luke. Rowe Out thenee up Luke Rows Sot to g market gum at the corner ef William Buys' line, thenoe with WllMam Buys' Une to the begin ning, containing seventy-five (75) acres, being the land purchased of J. H. Hunter and all the land owned by the said Geo. Perry In 8th Township. This 18th day of February. 1888. M. F. RUSSsTLU Mortgagee. L. J. MOORB, Attorney. C. T. HANCOCK Rwftl Estate Agent 'Phone 881. 148 BROAD ST. NEW BEBJf, I. C ATT0UTEY8 AT LAW NEW BERN. N. C. Office No. 69 So.ith Front Street over W. U. Telegraph Office. Practice iu the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir. Onslow, Car teret Pamlico, and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. ENTRY CLAIM STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Craven Cnnntv ' ! To R. B. Lane. Entry Taker for Craven County: The underalsrned Jackson Jones, of The sure to enre-you quail-'Craven -County. North Carolina, eaters Is ia every eettle Of OtlS remedy, actlbed piece or parcel of land In Third Township, Craven County. State ef North Carolina, the aama halna vaftaat take It Neglected colds eftea deves- and unappropriated land, and subject ep serious eondltions, and when yon , hy Joho Korrl, aB(, (A0B, Blddle) buy a cough medicine yon want to land, on the North by E. U Ruaaellt oa I no Hntl ttl rtV tha 1 a v at amtr MOKTOAOB BALM Bv virtue ot the sower of sale oon talned Id a mortgage deed made by Uaiauel Bmlth end fda Bmltk, oa the tnd day ef February, 16S, te William Roach aad Wife, which eid mortgage deed Is reeored la the ofBee of the Reclster ef Deeds ef Craven County, in Book 1H Page Sit. we will sell for Cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door In New Bern, North Caro lina, at the hour of 11 o clock M., on the 2nd day ef March, 1908, to satisfy the Indebtedness secured by said mort gage, the folowlna real estate In Cra ven eaunty. North Carolina, lying and being oa the South aide of Klnaton Road, now owned by Willara Roach and wife, containing 17 aares, mere or lea. This the 2th day ef January, 11 WILLIAM ROACH. ROACH. HIS WIFK. Mortgagee be sure yeu ar getting one that will cure yeur cold. caamBerimaa Cough v Remedy always ceres. Price U sad 60 cents a" bottle. For sale by Berts Pharmacy aad F. 8. Duffy. thu containing by eatlmatlon 10 acres more or Ins. Kntered this 17th day of February 10. JACKBOW JONBB. The Toledo Blade, says that the pro per doratJoB of a kiss Is 16 seconds. All the same, moat persona would pre fer Ave of Ive seconds eaoh, with 18 aecond latervals for breath lag. KXBCl'TOBl'S ajoflCB Haying qualified as exeeuter ef tu Seaa Wallaae, deeeaeeA lata ef Cra ven county, N. C this is te aellfy all persons having eiaiena agwiaat the ae tata ef said deoeaaed te exhibit theai to the undersigned aa er be fere the aikt day of January, Its, et thia no tice will be plead la bar ef their' re eovery. All parsoae tadebted to as4d estate will please make Immediate. Bat tlement. ROSA WALLNAO. , t ' ,.XUrix. This list day of January IMI XOTICBI Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mary Moore Hewe, deeeaaed, lata ef Craven county, fltate ef North Carolina, this Is to notify all per sons haying etatnvs agalast the said estate to exhibit meat Recnli ed and duly verified to the undersigned on ar before the Bird day ef January 1888. or thia hotlee will be plead ia bar ftheif reoorefy. All persoaa in debted to said eetaU will pleaae make imBMdiate payateat . A R. HOWB. AdmiaiatratoT East Radford, fa. This Mrd day of J any 1M8. Claims can be either sent to the ad mlnistrater or delivered to L. Moore, Aitorajry, New Bern, N. C. Til im FC3 IT A weak steenaeSL meaas weak etova- I aeh aervee olwaya And this Is else true of the Heart aad Kldaeya. lt'e a airy that atok eaee eoottaue te drag the Btosaach or4 atimutate the heart aul the sal Mdaeya,-,The weak nerves, not the er bus themswtvae, need this help. Thia explaiae why Dr. Bhoop's Re- aesTatlvebaa, as4 Is procantly help ing so many "sick "oa eVtt'toad direct Test 8..Dfy. B0tTi TOBXCXOStrEl Whereas, it ."Whit &d. wtf did eiecute to me a mortgage deed to se cure A 'bond tl Ouo ilandred tad Thirt 'eme5:-lv DoilaraTaad tha . hove mortgage being yet aapald, per; auaat to a power ot sale thoreta bes talned, I wUI on the trd.day of Mareh, 1808,'at It o'clock, noon; otter for sal la the vtilage of "Fort Barnwell, Cnv vea County,. North Carolina, to the highest bidderf or eaahi-Ue toUowlag tract 9f Utad -towlt ADMinitrntAToavn nor tea Bavlaa auallfled aa admiaiatrater ef Charevo AaderSoa. gee eased, hue of Craven eeuaty. . c, tata is te aetiry alt persona havlna elalaas agalast he estate of eaht dseiaasd te exhibit them to the BBdersigaed ea er before the list Oay f iaiaary. 1H. er this aa tie wlU be phtaded la hr ef their reewvery. All a eras a c iBaVebtad te said esave via pleaae aaaka I in mediate est VteaiBt. . V. . B.Anrni, r- Admlalstrater. . This list Aajp ef iaaoarr. 11. - W. f MnfviR; AtUraey. cmvtcM o scMMona ar pbli- OATIOW At C WUttabaa, Adattalatratsr ,,, ,PUee Atoaralatt Hassassd AHimmm A. ' . ' ' VC r--a ; carrfe Wrlm Heua tjaentae. Biaeoti ef When Hew Bern CtUseas Show The , i. . i CertalB , Way fhmj There can be no lust reasoa wkr Lims,LiAtjr iti- ni" i.fw .' to fbooeee.ef these 4 tref the torture, of ed aching back, s dangera ot dUhetenl aay kidney i'i,'',JI -r tJtJt. Z ills when NlleTU.TIir Uett d tjj.mf- fa M of etn' set lands of" L. . Harper, J, 1. ooee.irad'l ., oeehraa Fraeeee u. at Jsoa ae . and the ascot active froof bJvm thaA ntyr I aeJd that last Onto ah' yoej others, and f tufJevWtptieh ed Ti iJl', e. taoy eesj do ewea. kobsj waaa a new. uawn oiusen eayst k . jm A eauJhryaav officer -fa the poiloe department ream at 121 8atTroB aa m' i .., g New Bara M. C.ayk.;i a !r-t r ' ? r Aei r -"Mr was) h4 JtheAv wkM.I.- ( ! 4tf- gtAeBM-Uekedl edoareeli -l 1 "111,,. : . .' ,1 1 i gat up again.' There was ttreagthr Ui.4V.4i,. .J w B si w fa my back and ft ached ell over.. . .rrz .. '. . . . tf thought I had rbeewfr?rm.-.-Tlra k 14- T?r mlZl mt i, ZZJT aM ! .IIii.i a mmrm a..h aAlMA ar.4 m. '-' f-e as eaal dlae. w 4 ' .lea . woaldat VUeve tne,Plek-Me-trn. Same tee mortgage deed frosa W, Jf.laaie kiaarslag, jwe ef abwvoaaaaee White, and Wlf to ff. hfJHrrtekJ ra-aetleei eUHHL as above bee heaai eeaea eor,(M U Agister v0f Deeds ofBeh la, t'SlI:9.. AtTxtOtND IaT-?U-,(.S"5.Jr r.u.a ne.i Ma) a.m. Dm mm n m. I WW , DU 7 10 &oa 7 20 6 10 7 jo 6 ;u 7 45 S J5 . I 00 5 60 . I 12 6:0! . 2i e is . lit 6:28 . g;f,0 40 . t 56 t 4 6 . 9:10 7.0t 27 7 18 1:J0 (:1S 6P 7 44 10:48 :4 .10:01 7 60 10:64 :B! .10:17 80S 11:10 78t 1:7 8.25 11:30 7:27 .10:44 1.3,! 1 1:37 7:34 11:00 8:47 11:63 7:50 .ll:ti :10 12:15 gat a. 00 4: 8. 10 4:1 8 20 4 t t 10 4:t 8 45 4:41 00 5:00 S 1'2 6:U 9 23 5:11 18 5:J 9 62 5:50 i.6 5:6 rrATkMu Ar. eraobore, , Millers I Beau Lae)raag FalUaw Creek IKiaatea Qitver Ceve Cltr Taaoereea Ctslre New Barm, Lv. few Bera, Ar. Rlverdale .... Creaian Haveloek Newport ..... Wlldwood Morehead City Beaufort, Lv. . Simmon?, M. A. D. Ward. n. Allea WARD ft ALLEN AND COUNSELORS VYE8TBOL NIJ (Ex. aua.KSun. Only.) k.2 No. 4 No.i. No.8 a.m. p m. p.m. p.m. .11.45 30 12:15 8:10 .11:34 9 20 12:05 8:20 .11:24 9:10 11:67 8:10 .11:14 9:00 11:48 8:00 .10:58 8:45 11:32 7:45 .10:43 8.30 11:17 7:38 .10:29 8:18 11:03 7:18 .10.18 8:07 10.62 7:07 .10:03 7:62 10:87 6:61 . 9:51 7:40 10:26 6:40 . :46 7:34 10:18 6:34 . 9:26 7:16 . 9:20 7:10 19:00 6:16 . 8:62 6:42 9:27 ( 41 . 8.44 6:36 9:21 5:36 . 8:30 6:20 9:06 6:20 . 8:10 6:00 8:45 5:00 . 8:02 5:53 8:38 4:63 . 7:47 6:37 8:22 4:37 . 7:26 6:15 8:00 4:15 cownacno.. At Klnaton and Mew IWru with At lantic Ceaat Line. Trains Ne. t and 4 connofi at Oolds bero with A. C. L. train aa follows No. 41 Southbound. No. 12. North bound; and with Southern Railwaf trains Nos. ill n.,- .,:i Hori No 112 easlbouud.. BBTWBRN KEVt 3KR A HA1DOKO UASTHOIMh E-Sun. S-Oly E-8ur. STATIONS: No. 11. No.13 No.l p.m. New Bern, Lv. . . Bjldgeton OtVmpla Keelsboro Blades Junctlua Orantsboro West Alliance . . Bast Alllanoe . . Buyboro Stonewall Oriental .7:30 .6:40 .8:00 .8:24 .8:38 .8:4:! .8:57 .9:00 .9 1. .'i :n8 .8:10 p.m. 6:30 7:38 6.55 7:15 7:22 7:27 7.37 7:40 9 :.t 1 II. 1 5 a.m. 9:25 PRICE 1 CENT THE SDN BALTIMOBE, MD. NOW SELLS FOB 1 CBNT, ANB CAN BE HAD OF EYEBT BEALBB, AGENT OB NEWSBOY AT THAT PBICB All Subscribers in District of Columbia, Virginia, North and South Carolina Pennsylvania, Delarware And Throughout the United States can Got the Sun by Mall at ICent a Copy THE SUN AT ONE CENT Is The Cheapen High Class Paper la The United States The Sun's Bpeclal correspondents. throughout the United States, as well as in Europe, China, South Africa, the Philippines, Porto Rico, Cuba, and In ..very part of the world, make It the greatest newspaper that can be prlat- Its Washington and New ?ork bs- reaus are among the best In tne United States, and give The Sub's readers the earliest lnformatiea nsoa all Important events In the legtela trve and financial centers of the cons-try. THE FARMERh' PAPEB The Sun's market reports and eotn- neroial columns are complete and re liable, and pot the farmer, the mer chant and the broker In touch with Ac markets of Baltimore, Norfolk Balreston, New York. Chicago, Phil adelphia, and all other Important points la the United Btatea and ether countries. All of which the reader rets far one cent. THE WOMAN'S PAPEB Ittu SUN Is the beat type Ot a se - paiier moral W and Intellectually. Va addition to the news of the day, It pshllahes the best fast area that eaa he presented, each as fashion articles and aalsoellaneona writings frocs snan and women of note aad prominence.' It la aa educator of the high act charac ter, eenetaatly Btlmulatlag to noble ideals la Individual aad national Ufa TB BUN Is published on Sunday as vetl aa every other day of ajar week. By KaJI the IraUy fan, H a year) hMradlxej the Seeder Ban, $4. The vender Baa alene II a rear. STATIONS: New Bern, Ar. . Brtdgeton . . . . Olyinpla Keelsboro Blades Junction Grantsboro West Alllanoe . Kiast Alliance . Bayboro. Stonewall .. .. Oriental . . . . WK8TUOIHI) E-Sun. S-Dlv No. 10. Ni. 1 a.m. .9:'I0 .8.51 .X:2X . 8:; .7:53 .7:48 .7:33 .7:30 --'5 .7:117 .6:15 w :n. : mi 9:::o Lf i 1 -. 5 S 18 S 1.1 s . -i 8:30 8: I'll 8 12 7:311 E Sun ! No.2 p.m. 7:16 ITvVBKli afffectlve KAI.BIUIl AMI Al-.ll Monday, Marcli 25. 1911?. BAST BOUND Dally Bx. Sunday. Mixed. 1. p. ra. 6:30 W KSTIlOl N I -'iiuiH y Mlxvl 2 Stations Lv. Raleigh Ar. :0ti (Cleveland St. Gltnw.m.n 6:33 Pamllce Junction S:4s 40 Duke HlrtlnK H: 6:48 Beubhhll Killing 8 37 I 08 Knlghtdale 8:21 6.26 F.agle Hock 8 0S 6:36 Wendell 7:47 6:4! Rook Qunrrj 7:4 7 0 Ar. Zebulon -.. 7.20 Read Dbwn u ..1 l i Train No. 80 connnctn wIit. No I from New Bern. No. 29 with No i fat New Born. Steamer "Myers." now ope rated between Washington and Green ville, will be discontinued after Sstur day, June 2, 107. relght destined to Tar lllver Unil Ings will be delivered an follows Grimes Landing- and Bovd s r'errv. N C at Orlmesland. N C. Tuft l.nd lng and Farmer's lAndlt g ai Hlminon N. C. ..U9SUHO MdllKIII 11 111. BKA1HMIT and .Minim K. Effective iugus: tth. m"7. A M r M 7 00 Lv OolosUori. Ar t 7:30 I iGranse t 0 1:00 Klnaton 8:36 3:23 .lover 8 01 I 16 As. New Bern Lv 1 II Kl. Suadare. Ex. 8utvla No I No. I f- U A M 7 It Lv. Naw Bern Ar. 20 8 Jl Nnwpor' I II t 47 Morehead City 7:47 i 61 Atlantic Hotel 7 41 :1 Ar. Beaufort Lv. 7:3t Ex. Burden Ex. Sunder No. I. No. 4 A. M. p 46 It Lv. New Born Ar 7 H II : vVsshlngton 6 4C 11:17 Plymouth 4 l 1:20 Falenton 111 1 11 Ilaabeth City 1 II 4 4 Ar. Nerfols Lv II ' P. M. a. . bl i.. mvnen h. c. hi tMiis." Trafflo Maaaeer. Oen. fas. Agl BarrWKKM NORFOLK. VA., AM) S?er4l STATIONS: iai.eioii n. e. a Jaaaarr TTlh. IIWH. WSSTD' II M1 Lv. Merfeik Cioeowlelty Oreesrvllle rarmvtlle Stantensburg Wliaea Bailey Middlesex Keeules Weadell Kalghtdale Ar. Raleigh ti Sun No 30 a in in 4(1 1 20 10 1 11 1 so i &n 4 II 4 15 5 21 6 til 16 Kx kui No 2 a ro I I :t I 4" 7 . 1 Ii on II k 42 J 9 1 1 It No 14 2 I in 00 I II t 41 10 10.40 ta -i. . e nw iurii vrvriD ogvaij, nwnm tw vvir. mii tj mm ita. . . aL e laaaaaafa Ik ataakJal mt '- katt aaatabta atal - Oltaa IA Booh ), rage MT. r-, gXuiiai U e.7a lef, .s.e..iTa e4 1 1 J' This lit. da of JaaiaUT.UIsi . 4f?':r,uJ?5i 'riliL 9 II . . Mile that tber are reaire4 to ae I Clerk ef ) tejeerter eeuatr, at the eeert era. ta sale) aewatT e ia B. UKXL ClCrUT. Publishers and rrovieior. BaXTTJf OKI. MB TATIONH iW. Norfolk Cboeewlalty OreeavllU Farm Hie Staatonebarg Wilaoa EAHTU'H-ND: Bailey Mil 'j" bHee U'Xev'1 ", er be'ere tha a r f ik fn1 of SM'tnent. ,J Saw Ivieti'g fM. n7 l-.'f.itit,..l and t a 1. at !riuain'S I Lar tiiarf gild baed than.' The Very Drat due helyad sue And ai ter ftalshlag tha ftrat ho I honght t eeosod,' The pels ta tey hark dlaaa peared aifl'j wM'strCngr' dr. J W f Id orery -ray.,-1 m rrat ful f r wl t this iwedji did fee sad j . 4 s weloome to nee my name as an eadore of of Its evaima Tut sale by all cental footer afelbnrn New Tor k. sole agnU Btatea. ... , i I - . V' fw I te.') i-.yr .-1 ttO WW d It '! re. 'n-r It o - I t tsne 1 " v mm - r ' ' ":Mh mi feiavew.tai trsw traf t W44BBli-net. HrVnsneXa. ha4 ttrttt atattr mt klnvk. INL a. wiiroiaiiun VW BJ er . newtBrnay vBsBsaaas-aSBsBsBaassaasaaaaasB ft at AAamkatahatsh BBaAaaWatt m Sa set sft t sft ghalBami el ea el I C00K5T0VES! -m mimm,.mm..i KB ' ' a- 4 ' w eanri.ii.a, fcrf If -' I - -a tm ii.mtd-aS mm i t i . im r - " 'mm we estt twi hi attached, Ie O MnLawbere eed U a ' ' momT040al saLSJ nwiitit, adaaiaietrete'. wbisfe said aert-, Vlrtaw ( ibe ewer ef ea rie-e eraa eeet4 SB lb Tth day mf ela4 la a wnr m eaa 4 by Bt, l"7, "4 r i.rrt4 la the fm- Jh ' e4 nal MMea, se IHe f turn I-- . ( !-... ... .. I eet.ty. It, to A If Wats (eanty In liia III, late Jtl, w lb fblllae. wbleb ei4 turl(if deed te tmrterelgnM will ewlt (or t-eaaj I lb rr4 la tee aiAe 1 lit) Bfia4f Mifc.t .OMitee et Veebrt, Hen k ef .iia et . 'titv, la He) (aroUn, tin Ifie b.i.,,..t what (h I4VI I4t, f wlf-'il far eh I brorewty brlerier a. r(l-4 I lav. h b -t el t e fH Waeet rmtm4 at the bmir or II i M. e 4-r ta W i H Oarellea, al treeeh tgt. iWfte sad eervel taet set, ar re Bee f at I 2 Usv iWt, tniUt, CMtnl No 1 Noli Ki Hun Ki Wun p m j m 4 ti 1 0 0 51 27 I it II 40 07 I 1 0 7 II I II 7 II III 7 II I 31 7 01 I at I It 4.3 M. i. irVCH, Trass Maaa o. Hliwmi. uts. Paa. Ail. TATKM, IMr, ra., Aa.-,. i . ia Iddl EebBloa Weadell Kalgbtdale Lv. Halelgli Vim No 2 Ex-8 P ra. I It 4.1 It I I II II. II 11.11 It .11 I. 1 . e.i Ifisfii. To hay eoe hundred bead of sheep. HEATERS ! fi-S .TT"' " r n rot BALK. - two BBaereo suanw or omtoa for flaaUsg of the Hawkins lra X arered TarVety. PHo 71 cenU a hn stML aVsnly to at. A. Laneester, It T. W Me. t New Bern, N. 0. Waa 4e.ee ja r W h. 11.4 day ef fcfsrrh. 1 i I eetlery m ee ef 1 1 . le. ) lb ted 4) a.aisin ' ' . i Ihe -te mi a., a ttale I'.itvllll he 4T ef Marab . I, t aatlafy. the l.' f T l'l 'Pi "l I I ill " deelereA rlee f1 - a fnlinwm Ar,.A prr,r.. r tw: d.it ' r !d arer I I ' l ( III ill ,( rv. m , " r m" - ' 4 1 ' ' ' r eed 4 he -i rl .(. la ftavaa 01 I .Ii III I ; I 1 1 I Ibnm Co u,...e,- rJ . J .u a. .. j. .. ... .t.. -..h- .' ... i!- a a Lt ki e U.... .LLl L JU " inta far the Cslted i ' r '"" 1 ' i.n- u i n.-. .t. .i . iri vtu, 9 cwosw oajtoxi - ' ! ! t itr in vmn ,ta,Uil. r..a Mr,.,.,.- ...ri' .Hare I". WrM . I H T 1 ( ' t-3 " - ' " tie Ult Jaraneee Imm'jn! t i a - Ilam l e . -.a. ii b i 'i hi tn I "tie aed l-4. KILloTxtCOIiClr u CURBtrti LUUC' rDr. King's p;." n?aar' Lsy Jh w. t . Barnenbr the Same, Doaa'e-. gad tske so e'h'T. I le I ,.- rnH, 1 -.loe T -af 1 . . .,. 1 r ' V. I ', 1 1. 1 in am i .l t f - r t T T I "I I f" IT lit r ' t . A it MtW aV