. - a - m is wo xur vror juau-a, bm ss r r Jail Counterfelti, Imitations and4 Jost-ee-food" are but Experiments that trifle With and endanger the health of Infants and GiOdren Experience against EzperlBient What to CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless rnibstlt Pane gortc. Drops and Soothlns; Syrnps. It Is Pleasant. It neither Opium Morphine nor other Kareotie substance. Its age is its g-naramtee. It destroys Worms and aBaysJPeTerishnes. It cores IMarrluBa and "Wind Colic It relievos Teethins; Troubles, cores Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural, sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CscriuiriB Sean the J9 The Kind You Hare In Use For Over 30 Years. FOLEY'S H0HEYTAR ,i The original IAXATIVE cough remedy. it-. for 'cough,' cold,, throat and lonf SreSblea. No opiate,. Noo-alcoholic Aa4 for every body. Sold every where. yf The genuine fOLtri HONEY and TAR U ia tYeUoTackkge. Kef use substitute. l Prepared only by reley Oomaeny, Chlosae. king pr ARMiri TOEND TO FltlEND. TtssiH"sel rxximrailsrl el plsvto keve Un ewed el eseghe wriit Vt CfexoberUla's Cosgh Sea have aWe asore than all else Is aaaka III easle srtkle ef trade and cnmanwe SMS large StvtJla raa Made from pure dlii- -'tilled filtered ww ter, - 19-21.23 Griftitb Srreet It -T T sia.sajji..jj jiii I. i SsvvwfsSSHeeesaw VEVERYBODY CAM C ef iEATHAM NOW;: C'AlX f fotWI t'roe via (led S J S sew M ef BiHie BA ( Vend ' V Rri'erer) fcam Millie U 1&. J f 'sKiwnl. Also I lb Steerfar estiea. J leewtres best qaskty ISA. fwr C tea, ThU Is self e fee 4 ear ' eY saee-v e -viiMr arttcUs If yoe 3 Jf ee frees Wtoeneri eatl sed "V ' see as sad ve aill abetr yea. J j.'F.,Cuthrclli 'rbeatll :;K.Wiiet 4 t I . - m Mnw.uw asnnn wx ; ma dm peeninaae vntier ui per sonal supervision since ita infancy. , JLOorw mom to deceive yoa In this. ALVAYO Signature of DONT BE A RENT SLATE Own your home. But you ask: "How? Answer easy and prompt if the question is asked of us. If ycu win pkjf : us , regnlarly-weekly or monthly as arranged what you pa your landlord you'll have a deod to tnt house you seleA; from our list al most before you know it. Call, please A. T. DILL, OBee 111 Middle 8 HSir CLOTHIHG BY HEW TEAK. Is still possiblw if you come and hav as measure you for a suit or overcoat right away. There Is still about tlmi enough for us to tailor It In our own Inimitable style. If you want iu hu IMS with really high-class appar you'll come here at once wall ther still time to secure It fn season. 101 Middle . flw - J SILJL. -l-J , UJITLX EBMEBT F0K LACB1PP1 La srippe eovghs are dasgsreos s hey Brecvieaity develee later, snaiia 4 la, reier's Huaay p.I Tar aei eel steps the sough but Uuals Sad stream ess the lungs so that as serteus r setts seed HrA, ne genslne P' ay's Honey uti Tar contains so narv ral drugs aad Is la a yelloir paekar teMss substitutes. 'Bevts Pkafmse The Shews have fallen upon evlf laya Ths bosm ef Leslie Is almest ss dead ss the beeta ef Saorga Bernard Stale of Ohio, City of Telede f Bl Luces County b I t Frank Ckeaey saskes eath thai h is senior partner of the Una .ef V. J. Cbeney A Co.. doing' beslsess ts be dty of Toledo; Cooaty aifWste foresaid, and that saii one wtlThay he sua c,0NB JiWDRrt'pOL .AHB for escli Sid' every eaW ef ta irrh that eaaeet be eared by gee ess f 1 lail'e Catarrh Csre. .r ruANK i. ciixxBY, Ber before ass sad sesecrtbed n ni esencs,,thl8 ftlfday of iJe ewhrA;01t4.k.";-ni A. W. OUEABOa, Notary fsbttt tfairi Catarrh. O-l Is taaea vte aaltf, sad aotSKireeUy -ea ihe blued tad siaeous ferfsess of the systsss. ti4 fur fUieoelals free; r. J. CUCNIX C. 1 1 Toledo; Ohio, old by Ad Draidsta, Tte. "Take 1U11V ratoITy mis fur Mattl Tbs vales ef the potato Isrop ef 1H7 was IIMXMI er S per cent above the average tor the Ave pre. vious years. '- r- n r ar-a s c ; v r . . C4 ( I c Always Bought 1 1 ( .-" Liu l. Luniim, agaat bar A f wrcnr'"1 to etten . C. 4 Boss, WllnUagtoa. Phoeeiaii AI Craven street - .. . " . -j: FebmAry IL-'-v " : N ew Yert Xarkst, S - Open, 'Igh lam. Close. March iU..:W. 10.1'1U 1WI Msy July ..ftwlemstaWt.l t Msyssr;'f7r--.J.T VIM Port Receipts, ..' ' . Bales ttoW . . . , . . ' . fp. Prices. M 1 li-t lew Terk Steess. February il A. M. Oil . . ' . . 1 .26 H A. M.;. Copper ...49 i '-a I u a wst&a&if Readtog"i:,r.5?, A..'R. Sugar.;.,,.. p. Pacific .4 U. 8 : V. CPref .-ri.-sii. 1U1-J .nrt-8 . ,28 3-i ...r.87 "Do you, imagla' it possible for s camel to go thrbogh the sye'of S see dier " ' ' - - - - ,,0h,. I wonldrtps svrprtsea. Yes enow how large gay wife IsT Tes!" ; Well, she goes through wy pockets regularly-T-Houston Post. - v .Palp Mes CWt Teg ether . Appletoni Wls Jfep.i 21. A meet ing held 'here supposedly to consider he long projected merger of the print paper , and paJp.;,iaUi8 -of Wivconsia,, tfinneaotaf end Michigan was attend- d today by print and pulp manufac uerers 'from these States. John 0. Hanehan, of New York, promoter of the deal and Henry P. Dean, of Prov denceft. I., member of the banking Inn of Dean A Shipley, which is will ing to supply the cash to swing the ;iant project, were present. There -seems no longer any doubt chat the .International Paper Company 's back ,0f the western merger. - i Besses Estaresed Because meats are so tasty they are eoosumed .la great excess. . ThU leads i stomsch troubles, blltovsasst and onstipaUon -.Jtevise your, diet it reason and not a pampered ap- Ute eostroi, then-take e tew dosei of Cham UerlaJnV Stomach and Uvei Tablets and yea will sooa be well a- taia. Try It Fer sale at Davt Pharmacy aid F. S. Ihiffy'l. Sumpki ee.ii : Isaac L. Rice, of New York, has had a room hewn in the solid rock under his Riverside Drive residence, to get away from noises. ' Keeping Ones flense' "V? Everybody is welcome Vhea we feel cood: and we feiil that war only whea our afsiifve''?oriaM properly,,Dr,. . Klsg's Nsw lifs ,Fllls regulate the actios of stomseh, ilver aid bowels so perfectly one sent kelp feeling good whea he uses these pills. 25c. a( All Druggieaj. Xelg hberbeed FsverHs Mrs. G. D. Ckarlev of Harbor, Malad eakiug of Electric Jitters, asys: 't is a neighborhood faverite, here ".h us.'' it deserves to be a tsver- . e everywhere. It gives snick relief n dyspepsia. Jivec ooeiplaliU, kidaey 'erangemeut malautrtttoa. nerveus- tees, weakaess and general debtUty, tta .actios en the bleed, as a ther- ugh purifier stakes It especially 1 "n as a spring medleine. This gresd teratlvn tonie ts sold usdsr gusraa- ee at AUrugg1sts, tee. A sias stay lees his resetasles, bat t he has money eeongh, he cms buy s ew oae. U BUSOH FOB IT t hea Hew Bert Citlaeas. Bbew The Certaia Way Oest I There sag be1 aq' Jest reason "why my reader of taleV will eoaaaee JutervUis.lortureeejfjachigM he danger of diabetes ot sny, ktdne) yis ehes Teiiet U so aear at tul And 'the most post tire proof given thai heyf can be cared,- AeM-srhat a Hew Bert cltlsea say: J ' ' '.' A. U lBryaa..,afflce th -the ,pottee Apartment, residing a( UI Best Prpai (ewi Bens. N. C.. aaVat r "My beck yu ao bed, ttat whesv (ot flows oa Ike bed 1 ,000 Id soaresly tp kgala, There was so atrsagth s mt Ut sad H asaei all ever.' 1 hoegat I hat rbaadaaa. . The KM- teyisesrsUcas were dark eolered sed fulKot sedlsteaC JL ssw DMn'g TL'i My PIUs advertised and got a bos at Bradbeat's PkaraMkty end ased them. The Wff fri 'm 4 . tSf Biiialilrif tiie first bog I bought a second; 'The pale la ky Wk'liaep seared aad I was etroervr end tttv M every way. 1 am grateful tor what thts retaedy did for ate aad yea are floneM to ass say aenMas saendora. er of Ms elalsas." , ; A ftor sste by eJ a!v fpHn, it ets, TeterMtfuibure Ce," ButTale, Kw Tork, sole agesU for the Vetted Bemessber ffcs sime, Doei'sTsld ukaW'etbsr.' Are roe pllty er et gnnty r sah si Us BMtstraU sd the ana to- f -4 ef tbt in- eaee. Wards hull. N. C Feb. JO. I WSS " n a ball ta hoeor of iaB Echel Jieaitfreon New Rare 1 test rrissy iht oa Besr Crek. Th Sistk sstimlsBe4 by- Piofsssors Cdeausa aa Jsnys PbUlita i' - Rscksf Hsoasrsssv Ullls as4 ' . . ... . . Bsacock, sad Martha Phillips: Messrs araaie usns oi wares milt siorrjs F of Swansboro. . . -i . i Mr. -Christopher KeUma of fteesas Perry, spent several days la this ute- 0oeeBi l i i . attss Bertha Memby of Southwest, spent several days with her aunt, Mrs. John Hamilton. v j Mr. J. a Uttletbn. of Wards Mill. I has sold out is stock of his sons, - ' Hermaii and Ralelrh Hamilton. Hope - i MotUtoa Csvto oiola olaoe. tstS PraKDptlp Usukesweak Kkrlar hi. gMOllne yacht NetUe. re- paired for the' summer trips to the beach. Iff. Samuel Gillette has killed 38 fafr&jDgs, this season. He has plenty lof hog and hominy. Mr. Denard Hotton and Miss Sallle yttleton were happily married Sun day. Rev. Matthews ot. Swaasboro performed the ceremony. , Mr. C. C, Reese of Northeast, spent Sunday with jHlss pells Collins, of 6eppef ' ' Grippe Is sweeping the country. 8top it with Jpreyeatles, before It gets deeply seated. . To check early colds with these Uttls Caady ColiT Core Tab leU surely seaslhle andsafej Pre- entlcs contain no Quinine,, no laza- tlTSr acthing mu-sbKejrf. sickenlug-r Pneumonia would sever appear If early colds were promptly broken. Also good for feverish children. Large box. IS tablets, 2S cents. Yest pocket boxes 6 cents. Sold by F, 8. Duffy. Thomas F. Porter, the poet mayor hf Lysn, Mass.. has written a poem in praise of the muddy streets. The burden of his lay is. '.that the mud gives' the tailors, the bootblacks And the laundries work. Th Kid Yea Ra?8 Ahrsjs BSit Bears the Signature of A. hard thing is to be as sincere as ou think you are, or as insincere as ther peopia think you are New rora Press. Special ABBOBneesaenl Regarding the Satlonal Pare Feed and Drug Lsw We ars plaased to esneunee that ioley' Hensy and Tar fer coughs, tilds and lung troubles Is not affected by the National Purs Feed sad Prag law aa It eoatalns ae opiates er ether harmfur drugs, sad ws lecetsmsnd It as a safe, resaedy fer children and a- dulU. Davis Pharmacy. The measure . r ud . weights which were In vogue In ths reign of King Hi, early, la Uu present dynasty, -are iaiu lo be put in force in China with Might modification. Ws could send you thousand, of tes timonials from people restored to health by.HQlllster's Rock Mountain fee, . No other remedy so sffecUrs and tare 35 cents, Tea or Tableta F. 8. Bobbe Did he faiaisb his bouse es he Installment plait Dobbs Tes; he eouldst carry II all la at eacs. Phaadelphla Tele Saferktg Aad Datlari Saved, E, & Leper, of Marilla, N. T, says: 'I am A sarpeatrr aad have bad many evere eata healed by Beokles's Ar uea 'aalye! ft baa saved me suffer At gad doHars. , fr.lg by tar the best HalUig ssJve, 1 aeve ever foesA" Seals boiaa'- servA aloers, fever sad piles, tie, af Ail A tla ss aealder. tea - are I a ear r- srlags baelth aad bsppiaess tale the 'rstssa - Tears , waat, .lelaMers loeky ' Uooatata 'Tee 'has dene t eOllows,, Twill de the sasas hw pea, Me, Ted er Tablets, T. 8. Beay. " . ' ' '- ; I' ') - ; Cast. Tsssbai BVgfat ftlAaea peoW be JoaraAi.;.. . . . i New York. Feb. -; tl.-Capt. Vaa scaalk. of the In-rated 1 weerttoa seaaboat ee welch a taoaaaad psopla inet their lives, a yeer or so age, and bo wl sei.'.gseed te serve tea years la Ping Rng prieea, begs serving the ssateeoe today.. A bard legal tight jvas tmni a..' .- . . . -T eUmstka, tttjate ewBUx!o4y. Ths highest types of eompletloe beaa ty comet through the blood. Hollls fef Rocky MotiatsJf T makes f Ich. re! Wood, g:se yoe ft. at nissj., hssjiii, j :..i,-!tfi whtt-h will jprsab bet pet) rub off.. U oeats, Tee or TtbMe. t. Duty. ' : ! iihn n. bfUaaa, owbst ef lbs Wash i logtna, poet, aad the Clnrlnnati En ailf( and onr tTnK-rMfl mnd:,f tor Ooveraor of 01. lo, ha a fa f it 0n-tlt)g IspaVM.a, and m t.,r,t!y "' a ' - ..' ,B ' . ' . I .. 1 7eriC3 YTLo Y7eir Veil. HMSMOIl1 !Hf fcOWfit a tlaagea T a ake ts llbaalotiJ jrt - tsea, .The freshness, the cbsn. Um UiUImms rsaUK tlks Ua Uoos troa ps vhkk Is rsddr audtes. -Tss !,t'!Zat' was eiewssn anB tlBWgNi m BUj awlaet. r mri.L. "T n j wuaun pjjrwi Um mhoek t the tystesi i hroacTr the wT?"xrTV prraaeTsr mkMbs which too eftea eosM 1th tM- rtkge sed BMHbsrhood, sot ndenuadlns tk thl eerrt,4rl to robblnc the oha saewe ions e its As snrety ss the general heelta seienrTH"ww f eecwe--payment or saia whea there to dersnaeaentof the health ai h dallcaie womaU organ, ae aarely "iPW areeUbllhed- ta I.ASilk thaleaa a rkrVlhv aa Jk. leuu oZTZtZZ , mlilinn n 11 ansaisss iriim mm Wat, asal ln,hp w. nr, pirm'i fig - i! i s'" ivMswiei asw ' esvuswi sjsr harmful lisvWi -ionslnc dnut If Ad n Lolly cf those native, Amarksa, saedle mal roots most hltrhly reeemmeoded by leading medical authorities ef all the ssv- ral sclioc'.s of practice for 'the core of wumau's peculiar ailments. . For rniritijr mothcrs.or for those breksa iown in leal ih hy too frequent bearing ef children, -also for the expectant mothers, to preiwre the system for ths earning of baby and making its advent -easy end almost painless, there is no medicine suite o sood as "Favorite PreserinUoa.1 It an do no harm In any condition of the system. It Is a most potent Invigorating tunic and atrengthemnir nervine nicely adapted to woman's delicate system by a physician of large experience In the treat ment of woman's peculiar ailmenta. Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter free 01 cnarse. Aaaress iv. B, V. Pierce, Invalids' Ibtel and Surglssl Instlteta Wire hairpins were first manufac tured In England In 1546. Before that time ths hair was held in place by fine wooden skewers. "Health Coffee' Is really ths elesest Coffee Imitation aver yet prodaese. This, the finest Coffee BntMfitate ever made, has reoetly been arodneed by Dr. 8bop ef Haclne, Wis. Net gi,, 0f Mai coffee is It either. Health Coffee Is made from purs toasted ce sals, with malt, nuts, ete. Really ft would fool as expert who .might irink It Tor eoffee. Ns twenty er hirty minutes boillsg. "Made re a minute' says the doctor. J. L. Me- DanieL The tricky man may succeed, but His success seldom sticks. Builds up waste ttsaas, premetes ap petite. Improves digestion. Induces re freshing . sleep, giving renewed strength and health. That's Cocky Mountain Tea will de. I'ea or Tableas. F. S. Duffy. what 86 c. Few people are aa smart as they hlnk other people think they are Fer Biliousness aad Sick Headache Taks Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, t sweetens ths stomeeh, aids diges ioa and acta as a geatle stimulsat on the liver snd bowels without tori tatlng these organs. Orino Lamttvs fruit Syrup cures biliousness aad labituar eonstipetiea. Dose net aaa eats er gripe and is aiild aad pleae mt te take Remember the asms. )riuo. aad refuse to accept any sub- titute. Davis Pharmacy. Glased kid la coming Into popular 'avor as s shoe leader. OJLBTOnZA. awaae TH liai la are tbrra lagM The maa who pays bis coal (ways baa money to burn. bills .me Bessy by Beyeaf CBamsertahr! Cows Bossed Ten will pay ae atueh tar a af Chaaiaerlaie's dtouga Remedy as far ay of the ether conga ut yea save asoaey ia taring Tt The mvuvt Is fa what yea get,- set what nay." The sore to eere-roa ejnahV y Is la every beetle ef tkie sd yea gel good results whea pea ska tt. ' Nagieeted eafde eftea devet $ serieMeoadlMeas, aad whea pea tay a cough medial ae yew want IB e aare yea are awtttag eae thatVUI iere 1 yeer 4mhf.- dSsassbwkeU'a 3segb Remedy aiwaye eea,- Prtae if asd seats a bostle. Fee Sale by Jsls rWmacy sad rt-Bnaty, Mr. WUUla sUbajTeC CshaaV Oat. isret eoaaty, rW-trned bosm y day BMralsg, axter.g jSkH' bastsees nai ia the city. awAa taiWWBreiiawji V 1 J n a aaaa is afraid Je Be eeMgwt, w beatne br aayiaav Taar ear." k...iiwyt) t aialy aiSe ta vm i. 7 ... ... f i '.a. it it a fm I. - l. .... . If...- . i . - . - i . M (M. fc.h" . rw. I . m ..f . , i , LcutL KOTiCRS 8XU Cf 1113 xaxoaitLisu Pmrsviat to the eoblrsct uds bjt 0k SoutWs lnTemnt " CoapMy vita ts NsUoaat Bask of Nsw Bwiu, oms ttwwttr iti, no, as aaasr- ansa vw ssir es puuie anstioa -at otCreveaCoutvJa th Otf sl ww wa nn iuas Uks "tM aay of Mareh, 1M istu eeiocK, BMdoay ? Twe-boads ex- seated to BTSusmea by T. . Jackson dated aae tJud, im; one for tSOO.OO payable October 1st, 1XT! oa for payabls September lat, im; also tts interest fa the nortgages ex- ister of teds Of said Craven County, la Book' W, at pages 107 etc end tie, respectively; Said property being ' aeposusf wtth the eadenlgasd as col lateral security. Terms cash. This list day of February 108. . .THB NATIONAL BANK OP NKW . ...BERNB. O. H. ROBERTS. Caahtor. APrUCATIOX FOR P1RD0M Notice is hereby given that applica tion ,wfll be mads for pardon of Charles Paul, convicted of larceny at Fabrnarv , mrm ( lumrlor Cnnrt o Craven County. Februsry llth, 1W8. Prof. L. B. EmneU of Cedar Point, was the guest ef k brother, Mr. . N, Baastt, ysssrday. ! The If aiafac tff Plsee Coiisnaiptlea has ans la Its grasp; aad I had almest reached the jumping eft ptaee- whea I wss advised to try Dr. King's New Dieoevery; aad I want say right sow, R saved asy life. haprovemeet began with the fret bet tie, sad after taking oae dessa bot tles I wss a well aad bsssy ssae a- K" says Beerge Msore, ef raaes- lasd, N. 0. As a remedy fer soughs sad; colds sad healer ,ef weak, sere lungs aad fer preventing pneumonia New Discovery ts supreme. Trial set tles free. Me ajd $1.0 at Alt Drag- gists. Bverythiag In ths .world Is fata and malicious except the Tail boom and "nly polldes." say Sleepless Rights, Owing te s Fershteut Ceng h Relief Found Attest -Fer several winters past nry wife has been troubled with a most per sistent end dtngreeeble eeugh, which invariably extended over a period ef several weeks sad censed her many sleepless nigats." writes "Will J. Hay asr, eeitsr ef the Bnrley, Colo., Bul letin. "Various remedies were tried k year, with ae beneficial results la November' last the cough again put in an' appearance and my wife, acting on the suggestion of a frlesd, purchased a settle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The result wsa indeed marvslees. After three doaes Hm eoagh entirely disappeared and has not manifested Itself." This remedy Is, fer sale by Da via Pharmacy and F. 8. Buffy. A man's honor can be pawned, but it can never be red asanas. i Boa fast Sixty as Baagsr tfese then ' barf auuakiad ever sixty yeans of sgl a0er freen keener sad blaasoT dJtssrdere, eenalr eelarge- ateat ef paeepte gtaeA 'Phis te-betk setaM sad dasswrees, sad Peter tare sheeld be takea at eke ef aaagsr, ae It eerreets tr- 4 aas eered maay eld aa of this eteaaam bfr.ltadser Bar- sdaVKoek per, afe writes 1 "1 snf ared with ealargeed preetete gland aad btdaee' aVeabte asr rears aad af- tar tatlag aaW baeass of Foley's Kid- sey eere f 'tesfl better than I bars asy awaaty pstrs eitheegh I am new feeaaeef Devm Phrsaaey. f ; i . . . ? 1- . k - rHe seems t ote ep at Cae air." fTsa beV. gooe smder."--Boaetpa wet " Wp lhsA. PeJtttM eeghl ffkeog's Ceagh Cere trill swsely R, aad wish Hfast safaby. M Is there aah ay aamlesh, that Br. telle shhcswa aits rsvy peag behiae, The wbesV aeehe gryaa-leaves sad seeder sessaa ef ihu Wac taraJs tasmve at aV. , Court Cera II eeiX eacaesJe the aeaetttve shiel BMmkraaee. Me eafxaa, ae ehtsr sferat, athlsg aarah ased at tajwre er selpreea Paaaai Xba, gaeet't Takeae pferf . r,.fl eHty.- . Tvree eiwieads af hseep haea beep seye'ed reeeatry sreea Texas ta Bag- f V " are, xja. lai tm 94m avsasp. Tte , Btmple l't U stl a ta a..4 lC ' ' rrVr; , ' Mill MJ!rt tin. i f T "yjWMW asm aaAfcrear a. atATaet'ae li Sua ( Sua. Oalr) M.l M. M.t h't Ratmns: okuw. L a m. p. at. , . .... Tee : IDS 1 lura : 1 JO l ie T:l 1:1 t II 4:1 I to 4 II I II 4:11 144 t 41 I 00 I vv II i II I II I II I II I II 41 III l.ll 1:11 ... KuJnCrk .... T:l i-. : i:W l it 1:01 t:ll 1:11 ... I III I ll 1:41 Ill 1:41 .... I ll 7:11 cevC dtj : '. : culraT" ' " ' i f ew ae. Ar Klel5i, 77. IT 1:11 11:11 l:l 7:44 10:41 41 10:01 T:l 10:14 4 61 10:17 1:01 11:11 7:g 10:T 1:25 II. go 7:27 9- MorebaaS Cltr Beaufurt . .i:4 til 11)7 in I1M 1:47 11:11 7 :iO ..11:11 I. II ll:1 wicsTaouiro JBx. aua..)(aii statuim Onlir.) J 1 Ale.4 Nu.i. i eeieaeam, A. . MlHvrs ........ Basts Learaaa Falliae Oaeat . Klaate Caewau Xjtiyt tv City Tss.srars, ... .. Csaaiss Nsw eesx t. . Mvw earw. Av. . MveveMe Oreatu a.ai. p.m. m . ..n4i eti in ...11:14 I II 111 tit ...n:i t:ll II 17 :ii ...11:14 1:11 11:41 11 ...11:11 1:41 11:11 7:41 ...11:41 1:11 11:17 7:11 ...UN 1:11 11.11 7:11 ...11:11 17 11.11 t:7 ...11:11 7:11 11:17 I II ... I ill T4I 11:11 1:41 ... 1:41 144 11:11 1:14 ... 1:11 1:11 .... I:M 7:1 11:1 I 1 ... lit 1:41 1:17 I 4l ... i4l 1:11 1:11 I II . .. 1:1 l:M l:l I II ... 1:11 4:1 1:4 l:l ... Ii 1:11 I II 4:11 ... 7:47 1:17 I II 1:17 ... 7:1 1:11 :e 1:11 Ilavsleek Kswpert S'IMwred ..... arch see Cltr . ose ven. L,v. . . oawrnerrioKS. At annates aaS Mrs Stem nk at laatta Ceest lAa. Train, na. i uao 4 eeaaaei at uoie bore WHh A C. L.. tralaa M follow. No. aeathTaenna: ae. IL Nona beunS; sal with SaaUam Rallwa; tralne Nee. 111. weaifceuaS aad No. ill saataenaS. aKTvrsnca Trsrw awas a asTaeae lOtHBi B-Saa. S-Oly B-Sua STATIONS: Ne. . Ne ll Na.l p.m. p.m. a.ta New Barn, Lv. ......Ml I: II 1:14 Brida-stoa 1:41 T:ll Olyiapla l ei i ll RsalsWe 1:14 7:11 Blades une!oa ....I II 7:21 Orantsbere 1:41 7:17 West AlHaaea t:IT 7:17 Beat AlUaaea ,1:11 7 40 Barbers il i gtoaewall t:i Oriutal 1:41 11.11 WBTSTBOUND B-Sun. g-Oly B-Sun STATIONS: Re. II. No.ll No.l a.m. a.m. e.m Naw Barn. Ar 14 40 7:1 Brldtoa Ill 1:10 OlTir-ela I ll I II Rsaljeoro 1:01 8.51 Blades Junction 7:11 1:41 Qrantabaro 7:41 1:41 Wt Allianea 7:11 1 11 Ga.t AUianea 7:11 1:1 Barboro, ll 1:1 Bteaewall 7:17 I II Orlantal 1:11 7:1 BKTWRKN (lal.KIIlll ami xrtnri.oR BTTectlv. Maortay, ware!) It. it. HA8TBOTTND WKST ItOVN Dally TCx. Dally E Sunday Syndsv Mixed UlxaS 1. 1 P- m. a. (Aotianw 1:1 t Balslah Ar. IS (ClAvalaaS St. OIawc 1:11 THmllne Juactla in i.4 Da mnine :4i SDDha11 dtn I. II KnlcMdftL 1.1 agU nh 1:11 tfnrt-ll :4 Hooa QnarrJ 7:00 Ar Zabuloa t.v. !: I i I 7 i Read Down (taaS Train No. I, nnit, wltn Na I from Nsw Ifrp It I with No. 4 r New Bar, Staamar "Myers," now era rats4 batwaaa Washington and Brsaa villa, will b. SlaaostlHiiBS fl. B&ta. day. June II, 1 117. rratBhi SssMaeS te Tar RWar LaaS laa-s will s aallvaraS aa fellows: Orttnaa Ia4lf aaS Bo S Parrr. t:, at emmaslaaS. N. C. Tafl', LaaS nieene, soaassin anaireriT na soars Bftaatlva iiifoil Its. Ii A. M 7:1 Vt. 7:11 I 1:11 Oaldslkara teWrsnra gla.loa Kaw Bra ii 1 11 Ar. lM. 1 1 V, 8uadaa Na. I. Btx. SaaSa Baaaari aA P. M. N.w fu-rm New,." HorM.a4 Orr aiiit. net) ftaaufert II 17 il 1:1) 1:1 A. Si Sord.r. V. af .tt Lv II: II IT I 1:11 ,4 tt ' Lv Bl 8un4ayr No I p. a Ar. 7 It Waaalnaloa rtraeuta I Itae Win CilT a. a. i. u sijfca a. e. Miaa TraJB, Maee Uaa. raA Ar istassi ' aesureLK, va Ana aateian a. e. avatln hauiT svta. tse WBWTBOi BH-BTia. B-i-Oaa Bs rvATtowe Ba. SC. a. t Ba. 14 wra aiaiii s iAaaiaav aa maaeaaa ewrv am. am. aaa, Lv. eWea ll II rtaeieier t: S.4 Or.Sa B 4 reeauw I II 7 1 aaa ate laaaj I si tie WtkMBS I II Ball Ill I. II aH4iMa :ii 14 l.ll BaealM 4 11 1:14 III Weaeail I II I u it KalaSlSala I II iff II II A UiaJSh I II II VI IS. 41 aueraovaa VTAUOMS: Ha l Na.l Ball Bua. Bs-Baa Bt-S m. p.aa ft.av ' 4. ; t ' WAJTKBv - Te bety ea bsedred bead el sheep Apply te & A. laaeejeer, t ft Re, I, Mew hsta, ft . III IlIA -i Two hsadred kii lib 'ad t pleatUf at aVd Kavmas preeed Terlety. Frtoe if gents a fte- bR l lasiaatBTt I, . It rtr 1, New Bera, K ft ' uiLi.TKicoual) t- CU.I3 TMi LUHC3 Cr. VI: 1 WITH r f 7 fc-Jef r - Can ! it h Oiatamila III it raraavllia If III fBtaai,taie II "t i 4 t.ie aallay I f 14 M.I MieaCaaaa r I s.t ti.l BSmlaa 1 41 I 11.11 Waaeatl , It fir li.44 . BleW f I 14 1 M . aJajt i II 4.11 t.l r r. a. U ewwrn, aaa ant S. e, nvmimlbm. ra. a i W, TT, ., Tmm. rs IIHUI 127 MIDDLE STREET FuU line of Drugs, Mtdi eitiM, Toilet Articles atd Soap Kre-h Supply Flowar Seeds. PHYSICIANS I PRESCRIP TIONS A SPECIALTY. Ii il II It H- -I I II IUlkll IMr-HrHI IHRHHHI (-,) (,.,) (,) (,., A FULL LINE OF POST CURD BUT ; - i T OF 2 T ' NEW BERN t I --AT- j I EHHETT'S BOOK STORE X T -:e: ) eei ) ( tei ) ( to:- ) (- Automobiles FOR SALE! secured the uiiej fn !Jbe have Ren Holer Cars Met of ..rce m delf, k iivput, Kwlsfr, sr. 1 Tou-.ns Car. I r.avt a aunple ea hsnd sbich is the Model C, 'esrts-er and will be delighted to d- monst ats this car to any interseted oerty Mv ageney includes Craven, Pamiis", Bf-aufort, Pitt and Jones (auntie. I sIbo have en hand one Olds Runabout in first-class order ww.ich I will sell cheap. Please call and see me at ft Middle Street. New Bern. N. C. fl EDGERTON Notice! BIDS WANTED TOR CONCRETE PAVI50 W0KK New Bei N. C, Feb. 17. Pursuant to Section 55 of the Char ter of the Olty of New lrn, as a mended by Chapter 228 private laws of 1907, especially Section 7, The City eri New Bern advtmtiBee for liid? for Oenerete Work on the sidP'aalV of the City amn-r i; to ahi.nt Twer' miles of sidewalk, more or Imb. enil details of flahlch may be had ly plication for plans and upocifloatlons. Bids are to ba submitted for the work to be done by the square yard. All work to be done under the miper vlalon of the City Engineer Each bM must he accompanied by a rrtlf)Bd chetfk of $800.00 as Rmuanlee of the bidder for entering the con tract according to the t-rins f b'-i bid. When eonaract Is rii.-i.-i ! I signed, the accepted bld'Vr wvi ' e Qulr4 to give a !0 " i faithful pertormnnre if IV : Work on the contrai- i,- : co; i menre within tlilrty dy of ibe a -ceptance of the bid and all bids must state the rate at which It is proposal to perform the contract Hid will be opened on the 19th day of March. IMS. The City rsservse the right to ifrt all bids enbmlUed. Fsby lTtb, lf 7 T PATTERSON. City Clerk HOTICF! BIBS WAITIB FOt IJKANITE aRfKaOi JISSZl Xsw tK-'i-n, N. C . Keb. 17. The City of New Hern will receive bide fer granite curbing for sidewalks to be open on March it, 1oh. for tlf- milea, more or !, to be dellv la ear load lots, clear of freight. New Bern, N. C, srcordlnK to pinna aad speeHcatlons copies of which will he darmlahed npoa application Bach bid most ba nrcmpftn!d bv , eertided check in the turn of llnn'iii BB gasrantee kr entrant into mntrnrt dlaa to ths tens, of Ii bid The pled bidder will be required to give a bond In ths stitti of fl.onuuo fnv fnilllnaant of his contract The Pttf reeerves the rlKbt to re ject all bids submitted Febieery 17. 1101 T. T I'ATTKItSON. City Clerk. REIOVAL ! I BeOS real l ti wy Shops from tte U Stead, aeer 3eaock straet, n o eWl west ef Middle, on South lasatv where 1 will te p'rasn! U e. r r Bapgtes, rVrW wig'n. CarU sn Ireye. kept hi rtek. a si Cart hw UeeT erark dons m Ith net t r. TOr4iprwnrn ItlCnMlT" h WRtllHtfliT -i lftmwt.MIM.4 Ufa - aaau 44) i ava ivs d bili as tew Bane Saf. Oae Caady Floes Mschlae, a lee Preens Cons Machine. two Few Caady Kettles, tre Large Iferble Slabe. Alsd sad bow Upright High Orsds toe asJe at halt price. Call oe BtBAX ROSA vKVLLMATj. - HI Middle Birest . ; rsumisti'--:.' m 'awe, a a bsb 4aa aaa.1l ter. He. m. WE DUIDF i nnni aaa BWM waan ever awes eaiMf awi avaaap etaily saapUd la early track flood teet raagsj good water,' t4 fpte 4 BslHag faetliaec Terms le !. AtVeee, W V , Merrl if ,S v.

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