w...,Xj: j;;.u.J3Mn n f'-litr) (-Ht-(-ieil.) (-ja-) (--) ( is- Ill s.!:, NiwBotlKO, February H,'iMt 1 ! wwwi" "."' :'Hn on-the rc4d. te koM. 1 ''i ATHE91A L0D6S 0. 1 f I - , aseeta every Tneeaejv wn, tfelock to Knights-of JOarmony Hell , roUock SCO. t? GaskUa, 01 XTJ. a Smith, K. of R. and S, VW0n Knlghta wUl receive dentllw - IUBEAKA LODtil He. J, 10. 0..F. Meets every Monday night.' In Knlghta t Harmony Hall, Pollock street. J. J. Harper, N. G.; J. H. Smith. Sec Visiting Brothers cordially welcome. CBAfES LOUGS 5w 1, KSIfiHTS F HARMONT. Meets 2nd and . 4tl Wednesday nights In each month In K- of Harmony hail Pollock 8L, at I: SO o'clock. T. C. Daniels, PreaJ ent; J. H. Smith, Secretary; R. R." Hill Financial Secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at Scott's Hall semi-monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7 :S0 'clock. Visiting Woodmen are Invit ed. Index to w Advertisements. Free Lecture on Christian Science. City Tax Notice. P.. Sawyer Spring Suits. Go to Blumgardt'e. Amusoa Tonight Royall Fruits. T. J. Turner Furniture Cimpany Just Received. For Rent House. Notice of Dissolution. BUSINESS LOCALS: OTICfcS IN THIS COLDMH FOB LESS THAU (.-NE iWNTH MUST ;( !' Vl FOR IN ADVANCE. TOMATOES, PINEAPPLES, CELERY and all kinds of fruits today at Roy all's. WE HAVE JIST RECEIVED TWO more cars of fine Furniture and we will sell cheap for cash or on time as it must be sold at once to make room Jor two more cars we expect to un !oad March 1st. All mail and Phone orders wil) have prompt attention. I'honp 172. -17 Middle St. T. J. Tur ner Furniture Company. Kl( RENT ON MARCH FIRST iv desirable ten room house with :n "'turn conveniences. Apply to No. i Johnson St. LOST ON POLLOCK STREET BE. tween Ceorge and West Streets, a part of a Gun No. 152750. Finder please return same to Journal office iind receive reward. ROOMS FOR RENT-TWO ROOMS IN a !pniral)le locality. Apply in the af- tcn:oon at 90 Metealf St NEWS TOR (TSTOMERS IN NEW Bern : iw we wil deliver dry stove W'od In your wood house tor $1.00 per one quarter of a cord iov ten days -have on hand a large stock never rets wet In rainy weather stove oak, all kinds. Don't forget the swell ..ood yard mum go 153 South Front St. Big Hill, The Wood Man. FOUND A CHILD'S FUR GLOVE Owner can have same by calling at The Journal ofTtce and paying for this aJ. JIST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK of all kind Vegatable Sred and Flower Seed New Seed at M. W. Chapman's, corner Middle and South Front Sts. TOR RENT A hn unVlfV water con nections. H. A. Nunn, DO Craven St PRESSING ( 1,1 B Two suite pressed each week for $1.00 per month. Chad Wick Tailoring Co., Middle St LOST SOMEWHERE IN OR NEAR i. Swell's market on MJddle street, a en doilnr hill (new Kinder will receive liberal reward by returning to Journal office. FOB RENT I HAVE RECENTLY purchasori the lrn, brick building at the corner of Kelrral Alley and afld ttre street, nml have ten large. Weft vntllaied nd lighted rooms to rent 'inert ri.tni are suitable for apart menu for two famlllee, are very de sirable either for offices, or bachelor apartments. Two rooms are especial ly titled up for a photopraphlo stqdlo. For terms apply to J. W. Stewart TWO CHOICE BES10ENCIS ' F0 mnt No. 9 Change street, and No. Jl Union sirtxt. Two finely famished lire-proof lor In the very heart Of Us bsttaeiM section; also No. 114 Fob lock street, and rooms over (7 1S UroeA street C. T. Hancock. OU RENT-TEN ROOM H0CSI-4S loorn-r Pine and Oeorfe sireetg, all ra(er eonvmiteneee aeltehle tot, two ..rolllss; all room hots mtm Cj ;rs od Nana atreetet trt ipors) 3me in federal Alley. Apply to J, tt- a. . that l nret OJI "t9Yi hoM sow parse with. i'f iri $m(Umut will M 'old1 Srf, Fsa7 nwnbert from 21 cfU"U' $1 A rsrd will nriog Samples to yo J. 1T00B FOB U1 VTTlt JflTl-ttteat, ref ylnfc j, f, i f. Vwft )osf of ns split osk wd, st . ... m M . , . . , ' ut wsari, ions pi mmtn pirser. wed SnuUj morning, whlca I will smi rtmh ptU.' A. TlVttkif.! r", FANCY CRIFX tKV11 AT, WHIT. Mr. WW Coley of:feaaJlgli Tiroes DR aid Mr7 ft C ''' AnutrMg,' he returned from Salisbury, N. C. 4;1trIlHaat TOnnari" Tha fioeat1p-b Mr. Charles ,Jfc Irgehrned Usltn ntaht alter a few day. aheenksi. Mr. W. & X. Tnylcr. whe tftt on a business tour through Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tlrlnla, return ed last night. , r - POSTOFFlCB:fncrJ On account of Washington's Wrth- day, the poatoffics will be closed There 111 be (me collection and one de livery. SEYMOUR IS, HANCOCK, Postmaster. Matinee at 6 a, Jb Evening- shew at 7 o'clock at Aaiasea ;- Missionary Reception " , - The .members of the Home and ForH elgn Missionary Societies of "the Cen tenary Methodist Church, gave a very enjoyable reception in the basement of the church last evening the oecs slon was In the spirit of the Washing ton birthday festival. About 200 peo ple were In attendance and the' room was very attractively arranged. The guests were served at small tables Ice cream and cake were served. Mrs.' J. W. Stewart's table was particularly noticeable, which was . arranged in national colors. .Mrs. "Stewart was at tractively attired as Martha Wash ington. - y Price Reduction ! Evaporated Peaches 18c, reduced to 15 cents. Prunes, 15c reduced to 12c. Egof-o-See, 10c. reduced to 2 for 15 cents. Shredded West 15c, reduced to 10c Corn flakes, 10c, reduced to 2, for 15 cents. Oat Flakes, 16c, reduced to 121-2 ents. Seeded Raisins, 15c reduced to 12 1-2 cents. P. J. Ritter's Apple Butter in stone Jars, 40c, reduced to 35c. , ' 30 Canned Peaches, now 25c. Above Prices good for 30 days Over-stocked cause of cut HUDSON k COMPANY U. 8. CUSTOM HOUSE New Bern.' N. C. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re celved at this building until 2 o'clock P. M., March 20, 1D08, for furnishing fuel, lights, water, ice, miscellaneous supplies, washing towels, hauling ashes, and sprinkling streets for this June 30, 1909, or such portion of the year as may be deemed advisable. The right to reject. any and all bids is re served by the Treasury Department Daniel W. Patrick, -Custodian. BUSINESS LOCUS : CALL ON QASKIN8 CYCLE COM pany for right goods and right price I New Bicycles at $20.00 to 135.00. Sec ond hand Bicycles at 7.00 to $16.00, Always a complete stock of tires and sundries on hand at reasonable prices. We repair your guns, pistols and bicy cles. Work doue by skilled workmen. I. M. REGISTER Clark, N. C. manu facturer of all Muds of porch nd stair work, mantles, brackets, rails, jplndles. mouldings-' lathes,, easn dors, frames, plyntha, .and edraer blocks. Stock at OaskiQ Hardware Company's store, or orders left there will be iflUed promptly. Also, orders to fvrtory directed to J M, Register, CTsrka, wl'l receive p.omnt attention: FOR BENT I BOOT B0C8E CDR ier Cypress and Nunn streets; 10 room house earner Pine and Geergs treeta, convenient for two families; t room boose In Federal Ailed. .AP nly to J. W. Stewart f IfB BAVi DECIDED TO XAKs priose Intereatlog tor aay one wlak4 Injf to buy furnltitre, J. 8. Miller., "f PIIltlCLI FLOCB AT X. f TII. cent's Is ana.. PlaaO of pins, oak and mixed wood. Groceries, skoea, no Uona, fancy Hne earned goods, yew lot corned mallets, 'Kaw Store, eoi oer Metealf and South Front Btfwata, Phone 17 for what pna wsat. BOOK-KKEPIB WITH RPABK TIME I la the afteraooo," desires employaMt ITAddten X. oars JanreaL i OLD FAFIM CXXTS TtX Kt re4 at 76araftfi;; 4 l. jrennui havwt mi Ptcan t saakd pr1cearBtarsnst.YOr t hsf baew dotal WtXI tkw UfceO t'hstal- large atock to asleot frasi, eome of Y- waioa we Dan.eit an wiu sell at eoat aa.the eeasoa Joe- ea ta aearly oaty. U. m aara t. hoght yoar weote. bUaketA laaa sell the at LM .fee) aafeM.1 sjm ; grvisg away grsnkopaoaee wltk ersry jmrehaea a oaatiwf 0 fst.; ft ta n mlood atachtnaw mm aad near Jt g.it L It-CnnnO, Brasd atmt,'rpe'. 4,'lesef ffaMaa,' fllOU . ACENT5- FBAW 'VTllITR arMni , and,' BilBg dwvWs. jost re esfrad fall asMlr WnuU tA nH, rsi:H ti.t gwA h rti - U Boo A frrjiif. pir?t., !t5-1;,-in' iOs Iaj4, r,,,4 I'Dim Nik J"V..,.1. s . 'leit night t the Armory the young an of thajcity entertained I a $aoet beMttiul: Oemaa) .and tf. hMa the M BOW Us lX22l2r scene at A wtagnlflnwt display o beaa- rTbe apaalons baU roon pra,, la ratery 4erated t!d,; White and Blue," 'ad nwlemq nag npj- mentarjr te fleorgs. Washwgton,,.-! V The basd-ataod-ww JbeaatlfnHyasd IThe Thlnd RegtoentrBand Marth Csrollft furnlshad .the 3nwi and Ht their skilled Angers the tostnaneBte breathed,ot their -weAel creattons. 8om o-Wte -handsbment and loreU young belief bT thBtaU lelWsted this place, where they Vbuld dedloate 'thefr eharmr Stfwftcherlfti". W thd-ftbM -ibd veYy wtJrthy and most -excellent yoinr nead the flty7; 3: A At one o'clock ta young people r palred to the New. Qamton hrr an elesant.seven course bsiicraet aad been arranged by .fhe nohular brODrtetor. Mr.' "B. "H. tSrlffln.' Sew Bern is very proud "of tiie "el'as ton, ana Mr. unmn:neeas no miro ductlon to ttteBtlNAw? The' German" was most" "cefully led byj'jijjjt .DJ-iTensoniC, and his aCtrcjUve partner, MUs Maiid weDDer, hb' costume wasnuaa; nei over satin, white roseaj'' Miss Hasall.' of Washington. K" C. White crepe de chene..esinaflons wltn Dr. J. P. Patterson. . . ; f , ' Miss LanghjngliouBet of Washington N. C. pink satin, roses, with "W. Al bert Patterson. .. -, Miss Conley, of Maryland, . bine crepe de chene, carnations, with. Mr Waddell,' of Richmond, Va. Miss Hattle Marks, pink satin, Am erican beauties, with J. Vernon' Blades Miss Annie Fy, in. white neV orer taffeta.. La France rosea, with J. S. Clay pool. . Miss Amy Guion, in white, organdie over taffeta, carnations, with Mr, John Green, r.v. Miss Sara Cohgdon, green mulle oy er taffeta, LaFtance roses, , with; Mr. i. A. Nunn, Miss Katie Barbee, of Raleigh, blue aatliM Paliner TfolStsvwlth. Mr. ..C.,jBl Hancocs. .- . , ... Miss Mamie H. Richardson, white mulle- over taffeta. Palmer rioleta, with Mr. J.-D. B$ae--: , .; ,T .MlwEUiiabeth Ellis, yellow crepe de chene UllesHof the valley and Pal mer violets, witk.Dr. W. Hand, mibs nijisaDetn uurrus, white or gandy over taffeta, carnaUops, - with Mr. J. H. Parker of Savannah, la, Miss Nettle Raw lings, pink: organdie over taffeta, LaFranoe roses, witj Mr. C. R. .Smith, of Norfolk. Miss Mary Nixon, redT'erppe taffeta, carnations with Ralph-Davenport. . Miss Mary Carraway. junk : silk. teffeta, with Harold, Wbtehurst,. , .iti Miss Myrtle Bleosway. blue crepe de chone, carnaHons, wjth A, M. Bpan- tree. ,-. ', B-.Vr'..w. t., Mlsa OUva IforraU of Snow elllL M. C, wWte,sattp,,Aei1cf.uJf, Msa hassle. Thorpe, black laoa, with Mr-peorgaeadersoojfc Miss, MAxuljrH of Norfolk, arenas- white. wltpr,,.,f,.q4bbfM, vc J Mrs., ysmtjunguof CJeTaM, bUie.aaUn, with, Mr.;JUchra-Oraat, of WltalngtMw . (...;.., v Mr Ad Mrs, l4uMdej,Mrs,JLnas-den-yla Jlgarad.taatwiai. rnv tiOBSv 7 -4,.r?i iJ-' :' t Mr. and.Mrv Magnlra. .r Mr.. amlltrvJUflhM 1IH. Lane In blue Bjtfln. ..... . !Mr. and Mrs.' 8. W. Kaaoock, Mrs. Haneoct mTueVnnf breVUffeta. Mlsa "1 ttmttra tftf isnsha'iiL lrk ntnlle) -wHh carnations, with, Baai Street " " Jllas Jnlla Mc lFauigtwCifl C, H4 roea'aatla VOasst LAFraace roost, wita MtUlpttlfelfsd of KoA Mf. inej Mr.WTinaH VmSCttl fire Dnmvtr awtta ktce robe Vrar taffati LaFrttnee oas MttatreflrWtljf lUhOockTwhfu 'o. laadla fcwar ItfstA, "Amertcaa ' BeaV tieVwtOf Mr, Kklpl ntstr:iu: Mlsa .taiha ettlh gwK" csmafloaA- wllk r. M. H. ATlsa: Vr Pr.4t. ftTJowsa, la Maa sllk.aJd'earsaUona."-, ", r -40aa Oaatwen, of Wlity ngtoo H C, aaraalloaa, anfrgesr Street V ( t Mr.-iaesfrA rL6r!-iif (Tolde befwi W.tXf Mri OrLts with fad aar- ..iLoa ... ' ; -.. . 1; Cspi, sndVrrWiry Mfvod rg:Jfrrr lurWUr. ' ''wi'"'" - - -. ' . - . . ;;' ')r- -5 ';' " "r J 1 , . . - t V ' . "T 1 a4 tirn i'm.i':,li poat' forget "ihsnaks at the Par- lak .-House Jodav.-. -V'-v-;t '.The iwbject" of the- diseere tor , Sunday nfghf at the Tabernacle Bap tist Church, wilt be " A Home With Tbs Dpvll UI"; AU are cordially is Tiled. ; i'u t n f - sr., 4 vt. iurrion w ew i s Nees ur,in ue xuy.ior- wwoays a.wU. a o Co'iashvlUe, Tenn-, where WiU estabUsh Iepe4-Cola, Tirilorfolk IraH wa fconr and a naif lata last night, doe ta a-frelght wreck hafdetalned , the ? passenger afi- ITha wreclf wsi Itba othet aids J. ' - - . Ti ne wnraowr jn ue 'vuuu. uni' ware, irinanyV;tt6i of tha a4?aaea oJ the season when the hoe,' the rake and the apade will oeme to haho Th -topleme window la fltt'ont with all kl&ds of things thalA tracker jti gardener wants." It ja a TeVyAttrevw display. -' v'fA feoflntrr aewspaper threatened to pfiQlfd'JQd natna of ; young man who waVseeaWtth lOA sweetheart's head os aliouldetf tfba dtdnt come a- eross 10r - doUar ;ia- subscription. TUrrek ydtot man aUppad in and paid, ton . the paper and letters were etvfid'Irtlm Mrree others saying that they would embaoribe Juat aa soon al thei Itaa. tton."--x. In paying- respect to the memory of the Father, of his. Country, and in making use of the traditional iatchet wa would advise not to hop down cherry trees or, ani-j other valnal tree but if anyone-wate. to .chop let hfra-chop the blighting npas tree of falsehood -slander, malice,, envy and spite. i. it.wlUo.a pptendid aeryiee and may give the. exjecutor.lame like nnfo -Washington's., , . ... , , A rather, nover sight yesterday was ths appearance of five carta all bear ing ! hand turned axe-helves. They came from the -Oliver Rigga factory at Cora Creek,' mad were delivered to the Cn tier-Blades Hardware company. These Band torned helves are taken In. preference to any other kind of handle and the market for them Is very active; ever 200 dosen having been ' aold te a-short time. The horse belonging to Mr. N. M. Farrow gave a good example of the JtrsnnoriM Hfe last etenlng by funning down Middle street; with a small son of JtfaW'lioldinr to the rlbbona powerless terror; The animal ran tor three or1 four 'blocks and collided with two carriages on the way down. The horse was stopped at Souht Front street and the driver was thrown oat Hej sustained pednfui but not serious bruises. The buggy -wan a wreck. '( "' " "" ' Free) Lactare a Chris tiaa Seleae 'The Flrst: CharctPof Christ, Bcten- tist. Is very fortunate In securing Hon. Clarence EL; Bnskirk, of 8t Louis, Mo tp leeinra on tha subject of Chrlatlan Science in Ne Berni- The gentle- nan fa a member of the Board of Xao- tnreanip of the First Church of Christ 3otehtlst, BoatonTftad U on of the 'eadlrig members of the organisation. H, Is a prominent citisen of tha mid dle west, hsvlnr recently tilled the responsible cosiUon of Attorner Gas- erkl of tha State of Indiana. Later bar removed to St Looia, In order that he might better work for his chnrch. is' therewghly' aanlpped to dlscnss It) teneta, aM apeaker of force and superior. ability v tprVIectawiU be held at First Church of tmr Bcientist. Thnrsoay evening. Feb. nth. at naif past eight Maitoial ptaai aatiass . . Wti ADaadaMi and Mra. Beatoa, tnl h4a aatU. htmdwaaavtwlta) Caarla eT.fWyatt.,. Waa. ,BfareHif -aTJatatos, old mm fOm auka ctartttkw Ta whits etpnarie ahaaa, aaraaaoaa,. Martia Bfoak. Ptofl sJ fMitt "Um a Al AaaxaaiiAla aftaraaasMd avemlagl lit StTDLLB" TtrT-HEIIJ TO ! '','. BjiriSt BA EXIT Y- , :. 1 Fbf aomethlal good1 to eU Yha laeat d4Uaetoa 0 tha anarketv' ATA 'say gSOds are tnsDedsd and beAs'the "mtmi 4 ha I'nIUd State ianlUry' Com-fcdaoaVr.-t ; " ' - ' ' a fall tepply Bologaa and Salami 8a- r Baseaat and . FickTed Bsef and Tongse, -Cvle Smo4d -ffarmoa, Aa rhoUt SeUs Iiuilnrr.f' Cbl, ' " CrTi,rxAr'TV- acti -rr.r'T. -wenxv; ak t the teedeef -f aosmesa ne oanj nami, .. . A-. a . ? wsp ;Bt Jswiiea. w roa wrlcome small, transscttona, tsees whenever calfed npoa to Msiaeaa the BJEOPiaits Hank W5lOTr, President - VicePDesident,' T A. UZZELU Cashier. 18 !- FOR CX)UGHS mid COLDS -'r .. use YOUKG'ailOa'ULAtKi) WtflTE IHKF. nl Tilt, tk.miet1inef Coma and HaW- Brnshe, Smsa. Spesr, Cigars also -eortpkuT Kie C.T. Prt scriptln DrURfcist iH.w 0-0 o o tf III 0 - 8110KB 3C itavana t: that's the use wasting 10c H.C. syt " ' a ,-i .. . . ".. ." J :!;.'.::i:":i.:r;. WeEEPRESENT THR FOLLQWltlG STRvNO HOME OMJ yAKIISS ANI YHLl.liUARDi YOUR IMTEBISTit!- -FULLY AND W ELL: , North State Lif Inauranee Co , Klnston. North State Fire Insurance (' , Grefiisboro. 8ahern Live titock I .Hnrwice -C , j High t oint New Bern Huilding dt Loan asm. Net 6 per cent investment, no United Siates Casaalty Co.. 11,000 for serldentei death costs $1-00 Tucker Bros, Wilmington, Monum :ntA, Iron Fencing, ate. Will insnra life. Property Fun it lira. Horses and Mulev , AUo buy aXd eettCit) and t-nty property, Estates kke4.after. 'Wen&ay.:iiOTDf .. Aktt!. TILXPBOHB 10. MS . ' 1M FOLLOM ST1I1T ' "5. - The- National -BanH of New Berne AT THE CLOSE 0 BUSINESS, DEC. 3rd 1907. BX80UICB8 Loans and discounts Ut,l4d.M 0; 8. Bonds to seen re atr- anlaUom. .. .. .. . . v tuao.M Bdads; Secnrtttea, ata .'. MJ1LM Bantiag . Hoaaa, faraltara had titarea UJHM Caskvaad Daa trots Baaka UU77.M Total.. .1 TIUtlTl JAS. A- BRYAN, G.H.R0 : ' DIRECTDRS: Jai. A. Bryan, E. B. " f W 1llniYM' 'T?"t Ri.kM'1iiti( tVrfia 1 ' O: H.' Roberta. A: D. Ward ;. T 1 1 i CrtA --v4U;sil-v't f tyCN UKH,UlJCH. N but Ictimre :&ftf mat ten percent d? going Spring Suit, where yut will of Foreitra and' Doniestie prciicat experience piaccf antee satisfacUoa a CTtrypirtiCuur Cor. scrrrra rnrr drea, aadaf Mheoi aritkrarsMt. . - . ;:.jtj '-tt $0. em . east and rewt at 1 fid todlf explaas fcittwiwaf dd so; . K - - CD BRADHAM o o ir o o $ . f e) i e e4QlNT.U,M iltlME i South Frost Stiee a. r 5c frying to find better ?; . " k'.V 'J" .".-r :i- y. . , UABIXJTIU' Cfplta stock paid U ....1M,H.N iha ana uaeUvlded rra- U.. 1U4M.T4 "fcsaik- -aetea eat. toai..r:r...." urn U'TMsewiated .. .. HJkM.lt aoalU..' .. ., ttLIUH JOHN DUNN, Vice-President. Cashier. Chat. S. Bryat, r 1 lUne.4irn-V2ent. tare SAVXyE.fof,yo find all' the latest dctip"! FabrfcV "ni thirty 'yean qua iq poaiuoq Q guar! d Ckav;,m irjtrsri " i . - iaaasSsaivais ve "rf! t 'jets ."T ir S v ARMSTRONG. rrices on Rain Coats, Over Coats, Suits. "Extra Trousers, aoaki'Furs, Underwear, and many other winter goods are cut to cost. We have some very desirable goods to go at these greatly reduced prices. i j. .. - . YOTj7,WJl4.J3AVE MONEY BZ BTjntlNQ NOW. J. 6.1NN & CO., Phone 2 12 let) ( ta: ) (tot) (-iet Cut Prices ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK Best Patent Flour per toun l 3z Best Ijtfd, lie . Best Rib Meat, 10i. JUST f.ECElVED-A large amount of N C. Hams, Price 18c B A. MORRIS & CO., "Phone 155 VVuarV lyjsri?stfjX'flw Aa S NEW HOUSt When plannln a new building ,or making alterations in your present borne, We will appre , date a chance to submit fig ures covering plumbing and necessary equipment. STALL1NGS HUOS Planbers 75 Craven St m AX a t SALt (I My entire stock mast be sold, therefore I will have a l great sacrifice sale of the (oiiow- ng articles: Glassware, Crockery, Tin ware, Musics! Instru ments, Grsphophonet, Records, Pictures. Sta tionary, l ost card Al bans, and Postal Cards, Quadrui Plate Silv. i ware. Fonrtain pens, Goldfiih Globes snH s good many fane) novel ties. SALES COMMENCED FEBY 6, BgTBJUL show casks bblow COST Rosa Wallnatf. SfS;.jlliJ Sttil : SHITS : : : : T have received a complete set af plates for Spring and 8ummer etyisa, end have elso a nlee hne af roeds. to eelect from. Call Msfaea them. A. BLOCK, n KIDDLE ST. lecture I ket. cuaniCM x. mskiri, c k. Of It UaJa, Ms BTXUU SPEAK ON TUB SUBJECT OF CE-ISTO-;SC!tKCr 3 II 1 SACRiFIC l , II O:CE3HCfl:0f..CEBIST.li K;SC!EnTI3T, tirfcniT. FtsaCAai trri Leor Aeftss at ;M P, M. -fill Tj ! i,.lUJr IW-I.JUvw I at cttasai ta aa eWa t EMtAtM aaraef rr tana, V 'Retpectfolly, Y.:i - jt' - '- i T 2 7 i l I 2 55-57 POLLOCK STREET ) tet-) (tot) ( tot ) ( tet ) 69 Broad Street 111!! II HIS I Mil V B 1 ll V I ens Siflus GAS WATEri HEATERS ! A small gut heater will make your room pleasant tneee chilly mornings and rveninps 1 iet one of onr sell-lighting lamps Act ua cost 1-4. enl per hoi r, fu 80 candle p-.wer light. Call Slid in fur Bl km da of spplittin-ei-. KEW HFN EVE i Fin nn L J g 9 1 Matli wgs A large impor tation unect lim China and Japan cf fresh rew STRAW MATTINGS. O.F. J R8 PoLLCK K T. MIXING PAINT WITH c: THE BEST MAI ERIALtV ;.Pure paint utisfscttoq comes to every user of tbt : material we diipce jpalnt purity , is one thtu Another is paint durability TPen: ;10 mixed M SO OfO? ? vidtpf,'fpplicatiprrtrd v count accordinff "to ouf Brirt . uci jt ?nu nc painty inn'SiTfir:- i$,r ? i!7;CVt . (Hi - , , i ( - 163 1 1 ITRCtT"