V ." - - y tig frillTTS'FEDiuiir. WW tiJ V)L; BY IMPllHITIES If 01 J Snrr wrediie to oeila influences, -or Utbncnnn wn confined tried p to Lie uLvr.i.-cl tknh around th ulc, then external treatment and simple cleanliness wunld care them. B it the tr.mble is ia th blood, which baa become unlieaUIiy an-1 diseased, and keep the acre open by continually discharging into it the tuipartxles and poison nHtlt which the circulation ia Ailed. : Tltia poisonous condition of the blood may be the remain of aome constitutional trouble ; the effect of 1ob pn of aickneaa, or because the natnml ret ne of the body, which should pass off throunhthe proper avenues, has been left in the system and absorbed Into the blood Ajrain, the cause may be hereditary ; but it doea not matter how the poison becomes iutrencbed la the blood, the fact that the sore win not beal is evidence of a deep underly ing canse. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., pay cause the place to scab over temporarily, but the blood is not made any purer by 'fJ f a V y - innmnmawon ana anawc wut inum uu , the sore be an bad or worse, than before, 'ft b"VO S. S. S. goea down to the very bottom of the , 1.1. "l I :C- V- V1y a PURELY VEGETABLE makes a discharging unhealthy matter into the place, it carries rich, tissue-building, flesh-heal i tig blood to the diseased parts and in every way assists in a natural cue of the sore. Book on Sorer and Ulcers and any medical advice free to an who write. '- ' THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ITLllf TA, GA. FOLEY'S HOfEYTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. for coughs, colds, throat and luny troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic Aood for everybody. Sold everywhere. Tho genuine rOLtVS HONEY and TAR Is in aYallov package. Refuse subatitutea. Prepared only by Foley Company, Chicago. BATIK rilAKXAl'l FRIEND TO FRIEND. The pmonal rvoommendatien of pec I who have been cored f eonghi and aaU by Chamberlain's Ceagh Rrmedy have done more than all else t make it i aaaple article of trad and noounerei alar part fthWMaa4 world. lUde ffom put dis tilled' filtered wa ter. FEW BERN tCE jCGMPAMY 19-21-23 Griftith Srrect Phnoe 23, EVERYBODY CAN :: EAT HAM NOW : : AtJ r C"lfcrlUv u wi.l And w lot of Blue Bdd (Krsi d Rei'' ) h-fli (ft 1 priiud. Al o S lb Ktaimard tomatoes in- qiahflO T can. This I o ly a few of our SfcSnef a vair artielni If s are fro al laaonri tin and see a and w will snow jron. , J. R Cuthrell 'fsMMtfl Middle. ftf; A Ajj gjr1fcg aaawa a at at 'gat st sk fwwwTw r WW WW WW WW WW ff If COOK STOVES I I .HriATBRS- I f sWaeei tee, tleaK tad tewklrT - aerret bt fteta, wtt 11 at ran e af ! nwiM ir'finn I t l-li.uiifiixiiuuu t :; 1 t 1 1 1 t:'fo r-T 1, r 1 iEPTiOPEIl BLOOD such treatment, ana soon tne oia -J J! 1 III --. permanent cure. S. S. S. enriches and freshens the circulation so that instead of DOJiT BE A RENT SLATE - Own your home. But you aak; "How?" Answer aay an romk It the question is asked, of us. If you will fiUii:t$itti' monthly as arranged-r-what you pay your landlord youll have a deed to the house you select from our list al most before you know it. Call, please A. T. DILL, Office 111 Middle 8. ' bone til SEW CLOTUIPifcl 8Y KT YEAR. Is still possibU if you come "d have hs measure you for a suit ur irvercoat right away. There is still about time enough for us to tailor It in oar own inimitable style. If you want to start U08 with really high-class apparel you'll come here at once wjlle there Is still time to secure It In searon. F M. CHADWICK 101 Middle Ftr SIMI LE REMEDY FOR JLAGR1FPE La grippe eoughs are dangereus ns ;hey treruently develop Into pneumo nia. Ivjiey's fioaey and Tar not aly tops the eough but beala and strsngth -as the lungs so that no serious re ;ults need be feared. The genuine Fo- ey's Honey and Tar contains no harm ful drugs and Is In a yellow package. Retus Substitute. . Paria l'baunacy. I Htata of Ohio. Catv of Toledol ' log Lucas County " Frank J. Cheney makes oHth thnt t Is senior oartner of the firm of F. J. Cheney ft Co.. dotag buataesa In the city of Toledo. Coyaty and State toresald. sue that said firm will pay he sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL ,AR8 for each And etery fcase of Ca trrb that eaaaot be en red by th r Hall's Catarrh 'lure. FUXSJiJ. CHENEY. 8wor before me aad subscribed n my presence, tbka (th day ot i)e ember. A. D., 1SSS. (Seal) A. V7. 0LKA80M,' Notary PabUc. Hail s Catarrh C-e la takea later ally, aad aaU directly en the blood nd mucous surface of th system, end fur ftlmonIals free. F. J. CHENEY A CO. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by All Druggists, 76c. Take Hall e Family PUIa (or oonsU atloa. -.- ;. j A Xetn Dante Lsay'i Appwi , To all knowtag ntirm of rbeuma- tism, whether aaascnlar or of the ioiata, sdatee. lambagoa. backache. paiaa in ue uuhji or j Burais pains, to writ to hea for n home treat meat which has repeatedly eared 11 of tlit e tort ares, (he feela It bar n. a. a is n m mttnl nv - ... la my; back and It ached all over. I syatasn. JX th abav IntorMU yen. tkonait I had rbenmaUam. The kld fot proof nddiM, Mrs; M. Swnatern, ,40 om wtrt 41, itfimi and Jtm. ml i k aiv coo t ait a. . r fi it afe a. fvMl e4 Wf4eaaaa Sfetke saeleaeJt m kt m m 1 erAVMiHATAM. a. e. (U J ' ' . AlTtlCATlOI FORTARDOI , Fotkw I erer give rnai lpn!k - flna will b mad .lor pardon of Chert Pl. rwv1rtd & Urrny at rthrefry irif if gliior rwri- CBrtca u.uiA.i V - -I :! the regular Boaday eervloaa wtU bar " -held 10 Mm feaoytarlM r J, day.; Set J. O.f Garth. 'jaatne.-Mrha . subject of the metoi&i' ntseonrae will be Christian Cnlta and at nlsht Con faaalSK Chriet fiuftSay 'School : will be held: at I JO J. 'tit and tJiriatian Endeavor at :4S." TopU Deaonatan. tional Foreign aOaatnata nrr eo- dlally tnvitad tn nttand then nervloan, The regular moM airleatrlU be held at Christ Church today. - Bexa- gealma Sunday. No evenln aarvtcn. Flrst'Chnrel atti dendst on Middle street Service today. Sun day at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Bible ; Lesson Sermon, sahjeet: Mind, 1 Pe tef S.S .Sunday School at 12 K Pas tor: The Bible pmd Scjenceand ifealth With Kev Id :theriDture8.Xil 'ar -v ( Tabernacle Baptist Church 9:80 a. m. Sunday School. Graded ' classes; good music, orchestra accompaniment All Bai-racas and PbllanUteaa are re quested to be present today. 11 a. m. Morning Worship. Sermon by pas tor, J. W. fl&m, who is preaching a series of sermons on the crisis mo ments of the Life of Our Lod. Sun day's message will be HI Supper, Wifh- Tne, uiacipies ana tut uapnna. au members of church especially reouestH edC to attend. 7:30 p. m.'son service lasting SO mihutes. All the new' and popular ongs from Torrey-Alexander Reirlval Hymna s will be .ned.w GocA orchestra accompaniment We will Arrange to seatm6re'1people, than oh laat Sunday nighty , We regretted our bUII1aifc;wliwi' liast a . . J' m. a. r-i . i . a rw . ' vt il I aunflay jjignu cseruiou: a name niin a JpevlIn It. Strangers, visiting and travelling men will find a warm wel- I come awaiting you at the little church ' around, the corner, Broad and George Sts.. First Baptist Church Rev. W. A Ay era, discourse, "What the Kingdom of , Heaven is Like," at night "What Shall ye do With eaus." Sunday School nt 3 d. in. " V fieason fnthrened Because meat S ar ;:o taaty they are consumed, In .great, zoesr ,T1iU leads to stomach troubles," blllonsneis and constipatiot. ' Revise syontnlet. let reason and not a pampered ap petite ioatrol, thentak a tew doses ef Chamberlain's Stomach and Uvir Tableta and you will soon be well a gala. - Try It For sale at Davis Pharmacy aad F. S. Duffy's. Sumplea free. sllitlaitailllsjahWwBWgf A maa may lose ala reautation, but If hs has money enough, he can buy a new OBt-.vsWWf'.'V!.::'-w,-f Keeping Open bense Everybody is welcome -hea we ft el good; and we feel hat way only whea our digestive organs are workiai prwperlj. DiV, King' NW Lit Pills cestui ate the actios of atomaeh. liver bowl1 perfectly on cant belp feeling good when he uses these pills. at A Dnt. jp , HJtbrh4 FaTertt 11 D Charl. ot Harbor. Main I!!, of Blectrie BitUra. aay:- is a aelchborhood favwrit. hare vih uaT It deeervea to be a lTr- K evrywr. If give quick relief In dyspepsia, liver coaiplalnt, kiaaey aerangement malnutrttlon, nervaue- na, waku aad genera) debility, Its actios on th blood, as a thor ough purifier aaakaa It especially ee- fol as a spring: madMaa. This grand alterative tonle U sold nadar guara tee at All Dnjgbvta, M. NO PUSOH FOR IT When 5ew Beim Ctttains 8bw The rrudnjray.0t There can be no lust rm any retder ot this will continue to an ger a teiUtm nehmr tack, h daagrt.ytlbf.W lleey Ills when relief la o near at and th most posture proof given that i they can be enrsd.: Raad what New Tier fiUsea aava: a. i' BrtJ I A. V Bryan; Der tn'tk lic deparwatat. neWHg (t lf fiast froot new Bent, n.'C, aayi I "My back wu m bad that when I ant down nav th hatf f Main mmi B am TVer wa n.trwgth nay Pill advertised aid got beg it Bradhnm's Pharmaev nndl keen Th vWtixt gTATWJ ttrUJ IX. OA0VOXIX Saialaa ' A tef dUOaJOntvlbi AmV hot A botghtJB,mf .Va aeeoekC The peia In ar bark diaap- peered anl T a aUongef aad eUr In dtery we. . am grateful tor 'what this remedy did foe me nad yoa ar 1r-ro t ss my timet a nra er tllU lslsa,- . T Ml lip ir deVeje.'Jr.lr. to 'eti rosvar Malbnra tX, DeOal, '"W Tork. aot ageJU tor the United ayale. . ,' F member fh nam. oni'Wnad teia -4 b. f , ' , ' t 'Ar yt gnllty m net gilttyr nek. ad h aaafaetrat id taw ma n 1 ef rhfL- - r" , f- r , I ' - -Jr..! .... . . .- -.." I ) 1;,;: Dyspepsia feniwtffIS tteadi:. ri'tefltatktloa. 4wpepd-v wuf tteiafA J " . . . L t.! .tSr:.,.i.W tK. .Vmafih. 1 .1 Tl I Hfcl 1 1 miiu wwiiH v atuMiN l aaawa SpRCFESSIOIiJfGI Frederic La Pi rre - f ' OuBBTTt fisalPt tta, PaHertai Neaia, Slsdls 111 ateets i Over Bradhaai's Dr Stars. A complete tears in Pif noforJe and Vocal music Jbr bogmners ond ad vaneed pupil . Kimball Piano furnishod bv George R '. i . mmm La1 A fVT - i-vuiiiuius t nuii" aTTOBNkl AT LAW. practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones and Onslow tnnMn the Stat fluprema and Federal Courts. 4ewvnue J. One No. 60 Craven street, New Bern, N. G. ML CUSEIICE E. SL'JII VKTXK1KART- PhlSK'tAS AKB Sl'RtilEOX. Gradate ot Uie Kansas City Veterinary College OWc aad UasplUI 6$ Bread Street. Itealdeaee Phne 7. Oftee S88 C. I. HANCOCK Ileal Btate Agent - X Then Ml Wirett8t-KvT''WRII.!''1,''f. r. 1. Slmunr. M. A. D. Ward H. Allea WARD tUtf rOI'KSKLVRM AT LAW- . NEW BERX. X. 0. Office ISo. St Sontk Front Street over W. U. Telegraph Offlee. PracUoe lu the oountles of Craves Duplin. Jon, Lenoir, Onslow. Car teret Pamllao, aud Wake. In the 8u nraanXUd.TbdTn Conrfa,jtnd where ever service ar desired. I'ae V 1 11 I i'J Ji Orlppe is sweeping the country. 8to It with Preventica, before it geta deeply seated.. To check earjy colds with then littl Candy Cold Car Tab lets"! surely sensible snd safe.' Pre- ventics contain no Quinine, no laxa tlva, nothing harsh or sickening. Paeumonla would aever appear If early colds were promptly broken. Ala good for feverish children. Lange box, 4t UbleU, U cents. Vest pocket boxes t cents. Sold by r. 8. Duffy. CASTOR I A Tor Infanta Ji4 Ca&dtta. : 1 Til Yea Han Attaji IsA Beers Um Sigmauire of SmbU Aannema Regarding th Xatlenal Par rd aad Dmg Lsw W r wle-wed to aaaenioos that PeleyV Meaey aad Tar tar coo gas. Ula and long ruubl t Bot agtctad by th National Pure Poed aad Drag aw a It contains Be aetata er ether amf; drsgsv aad w omaad It .jaaf retni.towhlldrtM4Ji ull. Davta fharwiscy. W eovld send yoa Ihousnnd of te- Umooia) t from' aeopla rejrtored to health by ilollister'e ' Rock Mountain r N6 pther remedy a affsetlv sad ear. U cenU, Ta orTnblata, p. B. tut'; . - ' :-' IsEartncadrpeMr Saved t . It 8. Infer, Marina. Ij. ,T, liai arpwatef had bavd had aay sdrx Vbl hAAlaf IjrneckbnV ! Ian, telTe, It baa saved m anffer lg i4 nHaial It la by far th beei benllnf frv4t1hv f1 found." Meal bm. 1 eerea, , , nkeir. . lever i'X" VktW- eJraaK'aUa'trBtdeatr bHg health lad bapptnee let the yatesa. . , That - wbei Hoi H Her I nrTMlaln.Tat-1MVeya for vsuunB. Twr.Ld r aam far yen. it, 9ck ir. Itb'KtKt. Iaffy, ' I ComHlov Icjer lb eeeapietlo- I Th hait type cf eorspleilo tea- ;tcrte throaib lb blend, ilollle- I Uf Porky MoibU! Tm Bale rlrh, rd blood. gtvs yo thJfiear, bH hy eompletlo). whkb will was but not vrab rff. l cenia. Te or Tsb'H. . p. rv. w . --viT ..k Dtruu.h nunroni A nroraot relief. avaew Womea Who Wear WelL Is astonishing how great a hang few years of married life often make la the appearance and disposition of many irpraeo. The freshness, the charm, the tiiUlianee vanish Hit the bloom from a peach which Is rudely., handled. . The matron Is only a illifl shadow, a faint echo of the charming maiden. There are two reasons for this change, Ignorance and neglect Few youug women appreciate tit shock to the system through the change which comes with marriage and motherhood. Many neglect 10 deal with the unpleasant pelvic drains and weak jesses whli-h too often come with mar rlage and motherhood, not understanding that this secret drain is robbing the cheek of .Its freshness and tba form of It fairness. ..' As surely as the general health suffers when there Is deVaniementof th health f the delicate womrtHgorgans, so surely wbrtpthqse organ arjvtabllihed In healVh theTace anAhtWe witness to the Tact In fenJfctd conMrfnatA Keariv A.mUl)on women have fonndhealth and till .lues In the nss ot Dr. PWrm'i rriisufimmn. itataKeswesK strong and sick women well. Inaredi- nti on 'ahel-cotitaln no alcohol or harmful habit -forming drags Made wholly of those native, America a, medle 'nal roots most hlchly recommended by lending modlcal authorities of sit the sev eral schools of praetlc for the cum of woman's peculisr ailments. Fornur i nor ninthcrs,or for those broken town in boa lth Yy too frequent bearing of hildren, alto for the expectant mothers, to prcpr.ro the fystcm for the coming of baby aud making its advent easy and almost iialnioss, there Is no medicine quite 10 good as "Favorite Prescription. It n do no harm in any condition of the yem. It is a moHt potent Invigorating Ionic and strengthening nervine nicely adapted to w(imn's delicate system by a physician of In rue experience In the treaV mrnt of woman' peculiar ailments. Dr. Pierce mar be consulted by letter frwofehnnra. Address Ir.' R. V. Plerea, Invalids' H itel and Surgical InstUut. lutlala V Y "Health Coffee' ia really the lt Coffee Imitation ever yet produced, This, the nnest Coffee &stltate ever made, has reitly been prodaeed by Dr. Sbp sf Racine. Wla. Net a grain of real Coffee ia it either. Health Coffee is made from pur toasted ee regls, with malt, auta, ate. Really It would fool aa expert who might drnk It for coffee. N tweiry r tnirty minutes boning, "jsaa 1 a minute' as 7s the dcrtur. J. L. Ma- Daniel. Bullds up waste tissue, preaetee ap- patlte. Improves digestion, induce re freshing sleep, giving renewed strength and health. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 85 & Tea or Tableaa. P. 8. Duff, For iHilioasaesi and Sink Beadnch Tak Orino Laxativ Fruit Syru. It sweeteas th stoma, aid dig Uoa and act aa a gentle aahmikent on the liver and bowels wlthut keri tating thsse organ, wrino Lanalve Fruit Syrup cure bltieasaess and habltaai oonstlpatUn. Does net nnn- seat or grip aad la mild aad ple mt to take, Kemember tne aama, Orino, nnd refuse t accept anv auh- lutnt. Davis Pharmacy. OAITOR2A. v Hsaey by Bayvng naaabssiaini eeagh. tianity Tan wNI pay a annch tor a beetl f Cheat berlaia's 0dkw Raanedy a far uiy at th ether awngn iine. but e sav meney in bayhag It T saving l in what yn get, tat what yea wy. Th sure to ere-yon Quali ty la re wewrr bwttJe nT Qrfi Tamidy, nnd. yeu get, gaodnltt when jrM ink L ngldevAVU ftaua ea aerino eondltion, and vw hen yen y a enngn meciein yon wan an nr yen am'gactfag rM that wiH cir r yor 'anld. 0 eiamberhWa'l Cnagh Remedy wW'tinreel PtU aad bt naaU boU.- Per ami by vs Pharaaaey and P. . Paly. - 1 ' ' ""'' Vyt"kli7coei Mil 7.- t. Tj . Th d wbe) xyt be maoe) tn btir. F7t wi l y -t f 'v i p ? t ncamniisw I W hrwl e erU4 a4 kM 1 lW threat bI tVast pwin-P fth a gfmiphBB Un t4 pra M ev- ftraf fewrffl Pf uat hate hs R .kj f 1 ) M rpntisw r4 1 .EUAL,t0TiCES UIX CT JO oiii ax a 0BtAisi th Mthen InveatmeM ; Oompany wtU The NatfoneJ Bank of New Berne. etftdovaBe.dth. A0, the apder- nd win aaU it snblle aaotion at i.usj iwi oummm as wraven ixmnqr, " omra, ftvnm kmjv liaac u im any of March, mi, Hit o-rtark., midday; Two bonda au. aentnt to H. rmn bv T S. Jaeknon 4at4 n JBd.lIM; on for 1500.00 UVULM Dsjrmble, Bantamkar lat 1107: ,ak It Interest In th ntortgmfes ex- mortgagee eouted,to aecaj- payment of said bond, registered In office of th Reg ister .ua oc nwa craven County, 1 Book 160. at pages 107 etc and tM, reepeetlvaly. Beid property betnf depoalted with th undersigned as col-: lateral eacurity, Terms cash. ' This list day of February lMt. I . , . .THE NATIONAL BANK OF NHW .b: 0. H. ROBHRT8, Cashier. wfTmr claim STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA . Craven Couaty Te R. ft LaA,Jnntry Taker for Craven County js- , The naderslined M. D. Lane, ef Cra ven Ceuaty. Nertb CaroUna, enter nnd laye claim te the feUowlng describe Piece of parod f lead In Thlra Towa ship. Cravew eouaty, State ef Nertk Carolina, the aatae being vacant and unappropriated- land, aad aubject te entry, rlaii Bealnnlna at a at amp. es Wtlkereea hraacb to the upper oor ner of the Aloaao Bddle land now own ed by J no. Morris and runs with eald Morris Use U C O. Trlpp'e line, thea with said C. C. Tripp's line te the road leading- from He aae rend te Camp Oak. thea -runs with eald road to wilker eon braneb, ihea down said branch to tne neaiaaing, oontalnln IS acre more er lea. Entered thie 17th day of February ItSt. M. P. LAN a. KTr CtrAUf STATB OF NORTH CAROLINA rmwan Pnnnt To R. B. Lane, Katry Taker for Craven v,euaty: The naaavalnad Jackson Joaee. ef Craven Ceuaty, Mart rth Carellna. eater a tare eiaim te the follewlna sonoea Dleoe ar uml of lnA 1- evi-j Towaship, Craven Ceaaty, State ef porta Carolina, the eame being vacant aW unappropriated land, and anbjeot to entry u vls;i-Beuaded en the Beet, by John Morrt aad Alonao Wddle) land, en the Korth by B. L. Russell ; on opum oy tne lance er C. C. Tripp containing by aetlmaUoa II acres nor. or leee. Bntered thla 1 7th a nf .......- 'II- JACK8OM Jnwsm xacvToavi moticd Wavlnsr anane ae azaantar af S)u. gene Wallaaa, deeeaee. lat ef Ora- a eenaty, n. 1 11 la w te aettfy an pereena kavlan elalm asalaat th es tate ef eald deeeeae te exhibit tea te th undernamed en er before the list day ef January, 1KM, ef tale sa uce win a plea la bar ef their r- ooverr. All aersoas ladebta to amid estate will please nuke Immediate set tlement. : KUSA WALLMAU, anaeatrix. Thl list day ef January, 111! MORTOAtfl rOBSCLwSUU Whereas, W. H. White aad wife did execnt to me a mortgag deed to se cure a bond bf One Hnndred aad Thirty en Dollar, nnd th a- bove mortgag being yet unpaid, pur- auant so a pwr of aala therein ees- Ui-d. I will : the trd day ef Macae. IMS. at II o'clock, noon, oiler for aala la the village of Port BarnweU. Cra ve Connty. ;Korth Carellna, to eke highest bidder for oaaa, the tollewUg tract f tnadrtowla: Adjoining the land f L. Mar par, J. J. Jen, end thera, nad few a fuUer deoriptiea af eame mart gage deed from W. H White and wff t N. M Barwik, re- oerded la Register f gaed ofllee is New Rem, Crn eonnty. North Car olina la Bw 1M, Pag NT. Thla !th dy of January INI. W. M. BARWICK. Mortgagee amnweiAnn salb By virtue et the nearer ef sal eea talaed la a eereala saeetfej saae hy arsaore ceaeenate CHs cenpaay a Carparatlaav by Jaaa P, Haath, pre meat, ntleore m. m. Laaeaatar. Boere- tary, with the aaal et the eernerattoa attaehe t-e MeLawkera and L B. Bmlta. MsaintHrater. watea eai ert- gaae waa esveduted en the tth day ef Aas-aet. INT. Sm4 reeid la the eaUe ef she Rat4 ef Deeda ef Craven Oaaaty la BeA tit. Pea til. we the eaeerslgB will eell for eaeh te th hlaheet blddei at Taaeebere. North Oarellaa. ea the neesle where the property BerelMfUr derlbd la- al th knar er IS-e eiaok ootf a the tlrd V 4 feCarcb. 1MS ta aatlefv th aete er evea aU therewith the tauewlaa asearthi streaeetr. tewlt: Oea 41x11. alaaa 1 Atkaa Bo I tar aa ke lxll AtUe Baaia with flxtnree eeeapiot aa saer sew etaae. ene nam- mo arvaaa uiaary aaampiava; vvaain lag ft tw aaw Ota. Marry Cmi a rusere. caaea'u vneeaaatM Ble vatev. Deaale ! Bos Preee with ktaaa 7raaipar, ghaftlag, Ptuy Baltlag via. One Amortoaa aen-mlU -)( . aaw, an en xtarae weeaplete, Aa ale) all the buUdlana aa ha kr the eal eoaaoaay as tnw eew taa4 in-veare. K. C, as the Naaes ar aaa ranaere oaeeu eata XMa CoaaBaar tvesa U M. aad J. M. 1 aatac la the rear 1M4 with th etajkM aak prlvWegae eald eea v r 'v- Tste 11 th gay ef ry 1 itei. u m. natrr. at nairrn. O. MeLAWWORM. a 1 ar ItTICl 1ftiXI OF LASB tlrtne) tt thdower of nl tnhaal 4a f anrtnlg naortgag anted MMrtkMljniMLwrt X 'oe Raw a and wtr Mnrtb Roaea, of Cvl fWHy, trtf., bi I. ft ChaaV aaV f t ol (VKjafyH. ,C ad p ewrgnd la I aiuu ot tfc ReMer ft Deeda'af Cravwa oabtrS ft. ra Roek K. It Pag said land bettf near annlcblarld 'Uor(bed''U bsllwt.'- Cwanty, M. C, aad beJag-tb Jama Rons laadT and adjolninf th land of Ym yryr,i. V N. aVrrert; al4 liut UH(tiwg laal-ee aareav- laev aw lead; th aaderstgnsc, 4 an il (aen, of n wtghM and aaeaveetg gf the inrwaJd J. fj. CbeeuL ill tht thlH afanday In March, lilt. It ba ts I th tb tf f Mxrra, lMt, btsr tor sale at ennrt hee jao ia Nw rwrtf, n, C, rr V U bilk- eat tMa Ik terea4 f th fri- eald 'Jo Poaa aad ;'. V ri. 1 ie traet.wr . Hbd aTa' gi , j it q Uo- Y"f r'rry Jl, 1"S 7 eei asseau ana njuvawaw . e. BaevMsvns tna. R.TiMa: o.M.t.ro, L. "f l:H (:N T:4I lit l:M 4:M !: : KIdMob I H l:M 1 11 tI i:U :lt :n Cav. ct :::::::: lulu V j, A,u"c?rr . Ar. .... u ?:J , M M I II 14 l At S:4 V.rwl.M. . ..1S:1 TM !: S:II . . .1:1T !: 11:1 ...!:? I ll J.7 . ..1:44 111 11:11 ll ...11: I 47 11: Til . ..11:M 11:11 1:11 J.wnort WIMwead storahM4 City BMufort wawnouno station (Bz. aa.)(8an. Only I oa.a ne. ne.s. Me.l a-aa. p.m. p.m. .11:41 1:11 11:11 1:1 .11:14 1 11 11:11 1:11 .11:14 1:11 U:lf 1:11 .11:14 l;M 11:41 !: .11:11 1:41 11:11 t:4 .11:41 1:11 11:11 t:l .11:11 1:11 I1:M t:ll .11:11 S:f 11.11 T:7 .11:11 f :tl l:lf :M . l Ii4l 11:11 1:44 . 1:41 T44 11:11 l:M . 1:11 Ml . I. II T:ll 1:11 jgW4- A. Miuera 77. . . LaOraneW o ' oHmS ! ! ! ! ' ' 8f, rer ve Cthv Taeeareca .... Cttutka Mew Beea. L. Kw Bera, Ar. HlverdUe Creataa Haveleek .... Newport . . . . . Wild woo .... liorehea City . :s s:s f:iT aii . I4I 1:11 1:11 t:ll . 1:11 1:1 : 1:11 . 1:11 : 1:41 1:11 . 1:01 1:11 1:11 1:11 i:ff v:i :v 1:11 1:11 1:11 1:17 1:11 4:1 l:U 1:11 4:ll . 7:41 uaauiert, lv. . . 7:11 C4HMBITI0B. At Klnatou aa New Bern with At lantic Ceaet Una. Train No. I aad 4 eenaeet at OoMe ber with A. C U. tralaa as follaWe. No. 41 Seethbouad: No. 41. Horth- aouaa; an with southern I'KfTaeJ train Nee. 111. eaat bound. BBTMrram nbw navnn i iirseae KASTBOUaTati B-Baa. 8-(My -Jua aWl rfAiiune: No. 11. Ne.ll ...VT. ..1:41 ...14 ...1:14 ...1:11 .. .1:41 ...l:IT ...1:0 ...I It ..i: ..1:41 P-BX. 1:11 T4I 19.11 New Barn, Lv. .. Brldneton Olympla Keelsbaro Bladea Junotloa Orantbre Wet Ainane . . Bast AUlaao ., Bayboro Stonewall Oriental wbstbound -Su e-Olr B-Sen. STATIONS: No. II. No.U Nat iTi lit Mo New Barn, Ar. . Brldstoa Olympla . .I ll ..111 .1:11 .1:11 .7:51 .T:4I ,.7:M .7:11 H .T:7 .1:11 II ReeUeoro Blade Junction Qrantsboro Wt Alliaaca .. Bast Alllenee . . Bayboro, SCenewall . . Oriental BMTwnnif HAI.HIOM ANU nKBUi.wn BITeetlve Monday. Uaroh II. ttT. BAST BOUND WEST BOD Nt Dally Bx Sunday Mtaed Dally Ba. Sunday. Mixed. 1. ra. StaUona a m Lv Balalgh Ar. (Clevalund Bt. Blanweate) 1:11 PmmMao Jaaettna 41 Dak Mains 1:41 Bouahhll NeiaS III Kntahtdala 1 11 5arfe Rook 1:11 WnAll 1:41 Hock Quarry Ttf At. Zahuloa t. 1 1:4 Reel Down Train No. t eonaaata wlla Ma. t from Nw Bra. Me. II with Ne. I tei Mw Bt,ra ataamar "Myera," aaw -rate batwaea Washlaatea aad gweea rill, will ba aiaanatlaaaA mttmr Balar day. Jua 1. l7. rrelsht daMa aa Ba BBva lane will be deMveaed aa loUewa: OrluiM Laadlaa aad Boyd's ferny. C, at arlmaaland. N C. Taffe La a mnaaa Fariaer'e Lavadlag. at BH uOHOH, SIIIEHS1D iff I BBAIirORT aa Monrvtn BtrMtlv Auuai lth. 111 M. r. u 1:11 Lv, Til Oeblauora tJ3 ranee inalua Lovar N.w flAra Ar. I ll I et 1:11 1:11 I II Ar. lk l:1 Lv. 7:11 vtx. Sunday Ne. 5 P. U aanaia Me. 1 A. hi 7.11 til Na Bar Nwpar l4Drrl,a1 city Altaall natal IWiaufort 47 1:4 11 tr. ji 1 11 Ar. Cx. Sunday Ba. Baaday. .la I ne. 4 P. M u M. 1:11 jf Nmw Bvra Waelilaclaa Plynwulh Rdaaloa ( nneabath C4ty MeelBtk Ar I II It en 11 17 1:4' I lie 1:11 II 1:1' kl ' Lv n. a B U BI'MCal n. C UV BepiB. Tram ktaaaarar r. Ag nnrrvt kww KeareLg, viwn BALaMBai M. . UMlIn Jaaaary STIh, taen. WKarnouiew M.a i..a. m -m STATION: . No. II. at. I Me. 14 Lv. sleafalh IIS : 1:41 Til 7 44 I: I M I 41 1:14 III II ! Ck mw laity 11:4 II I rarmvin NiMiawc Wlaaea htUdleaax . Bebaiaa WaadalV ' fee 1. ei ) 1. ii 1.4 aUiahtnaU Ar. HaUisfr aTATIONB 14.44 I. 4 BAgTBOOMB Ne t Moll Mo ll Bx Sua Bx-Staa Bx P-aa. p. ex. Ar. Norfolk Chovaw laity Oraravlla ParaxvllU laataoabarf Wilson Bailey auaniaMx gob e lew Wadll Knlahldale 11 is t" Tit 1:44 III AM T II Til t.M Ill 4 t.M til 1.4 I II I II IH I. It 1.14 4.14 a. 11 ii.ii II H II.II l.4 ll.M l.ll Lr. Italelah 1 11 a, a. I BMri t w M. C MVtwiMa. 4 Pea, An g,...gil..yt.VT,T,i H WAITXB. 'CTo bay ewe keaarad bead f Apwy u a A. La ana star. R. P. D. No. t. New Bar, N. & rei fALR. Tw hnndred hush sis ed ewtten Med few planUag f9te Bawkln tin am Ttftntp. Prte Tl awate be sbei Applr bt a A. l aasastar, M. W. O Vw t, Ptw Bewn, N. a IULLthiCOUOII 1.9 cu;:3Tit lui:c3 -.wVa-a-- r e i I. vw.i I 3 - 1 Mam.)(a. as It) I - itawS . .t 4 : ;JJ ; lit 112 It f heiS I mm !i 1 i 147 MI I DLE STREET Full line of Drugs, Mrdi- ji einea. Toilet Articles and jl -pi PHYSICIANS PRESCRIP TIONS A SPECIALTY. II II II II II II .11 11 iu 11 (-11 i ) isi ) (-:o:-) (-::- A FULL LINE OF POST CURD VIEWS OF NEW BERN --AT- 7 r 2 I S A I 1 . V ' I mm EOOK STORE T It ) ( ei ) (to:- ) (so:) Automobiles FOR SALE! have seeared the aencj Ur tie Reo Hotor Cars line of three models. Runabout. Roadster, and Tourinr Car. I have a ssmpl en hsnd which ia the Modei C , aadater and will be deliirhled tor1. monat-nta this 6ar tn nnv inteiiHt d Party My agency iurlmlfM C ave'i. ramliep Beaufort, tin Hid Jons eenntie. I also hav hai.d on OhU Runabout in first-cla. orl-r w'-it h I p. Plenst rail : nj te rrie Street, Nc Hrn, N. (J L. H EDQERTON Notice! BIDS WANTED FOR (OMltl'TE PAYING WORK New Bern N. C, Feb. 17. Pursuant to Section !if of 1 he Char ter of the City of New , Hern, ns a mended by Chapter 228 private laws ef 1M7, especially Section 7, The City New Bera advertises for bids for Oonerete Work on the xldewxlkg of ytke City amoantlsg to about Twentr- nllea ot sidewalk, more or leu Full details of which may le had by pRaaQoa tor plans and Hpecificatlons. Bids are to be submitted for the work to be doae by the square yard All work to be done under the Hiiper- vtslon of the City Engineer. Bach bid in . it he accompanied by a certified check of $500 .mi as puarantre of the b'dder for entering Ihe tree', aocording to the W'tm ' . bid. When contract Is nr .r- I a:.. I aigned, the accepted bki!c i ill nlred to give a $ lO.liuu I. .. 1 for faithful performance or Ih o.!iat Work on the contract must roin mence within tfclrty aayH ot 111 eeptanoe of the bid and all bids inu-t state the rate at which It Ih proposed t perform th contract HidH will n:? opened on the 16th day of March, 190A. The City reserves the right to reject all bids submitted. Peby 17th, 1908 F T TATTEHSON. Cltv Clerk ItOTICK! WARTKD I" OK I.KANITK BIDS CCBHLf.U New Bern, N C . Feb 17. The City ef New Bern will recelv Mds far graalte eurblnc for nldewalka t be open on March 19, for llf- teea mllee, more or le, to be dnilv- la ear load lota, clr of freight. Saw Bern, N. C . aoonrdlnx. to plan and apssiflmtlnni eopie of which will be farnkehed apoa application hid nnst be accompanied by a loarwned efceck in th mm of $ ion on guarantee for entrsce Into oontrnrt rdleg to the terra of th bid Th aeeeated bidder will be required to five a bond la the sum or ll.oooou for tulgllment of bis contract Tba City rcaerven right to Ject all bid Bbmltt 1 February 17, 101 V. T I ATTKHHO '. City CI.,rV RETvlOV AL ! I h V rsnsMia y Sh-Hie from tre rfd Biased, aar tln ock itraet. to t e pre waa ef MkidU. on South F-xk i etieet, wbeve 1 witl I e plaaeed to err e a4rran. Bp dray, bewt In 1 ftprww w(rn. Carta aa dray, hewt In rtaj. ai Ctrt h enaia Rnaahrwitrt done , lth neat r. TOKifwiirn. . ABEDrUTRATvr SALR Om Mow Beam Bnt. On Candy rieea btacblo. OM In Cream Con Machine, Tww Kew Cnndy KtUen, Tw,Lrg btnrbl Bmb. v n Bew Upright High Orads km mi at half prte. Call on 1 . , .' tOB, ROflA WALLNAD. ' lit Iflddt Rtr-et cunns colds 1 nnipp It IM tin C i . V - . 4 4 . tftot-Tre V4iaty,