1 tr - vr .a.- '. v- -." v. yj. V i ' iHY l .3 r.. - 1 r p -N a A..-.- TJUXIBEH 23$ '4 si w CEHN3T02Tn CAROLDDLJIIUIISDAI '.KOBN1KG. HABCOll; 1808 TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR ------ ! 1 . . u 1. LI kill IDT ft f Inmate People m t . I jtkM wboM AnueUI affain'ar terg wad Hum vboMbwLtiif fioMtfst of thl (bring ofiiiu wak, Um tnuiaMtiuA 1 fh farm, th Uubar, Ui1bv the young (wapl utd th cbH6,an.a'il( find herty wokom ia fhto tmik. : a. It HynUi to eo ittaoot attaotioa to Mch odJ l4 Wo cft oilp yoo to tet ihwuL Wo eon holpyoo to hondlo your boat M4bottor. .. " - 1 6t " HaVodrfeoMiderojtbiaMyoabottldT -x We invflo ti colL ? ' 2 : . " J A 8. B, BliAUBS, ffe. T. A. GREEN. V. Pre. Wo. B. DIODES, YTPn tb!Ea B FKNDLKTQN CoaUerj irasT biptibt cninacH 6iiuQ- .a-4 ' Y: CooaibT of poUMEc f kttac S r j. -...4. . . ' - T'. i- .board Air Uao Beawtiaf Puoeagcr Ttola Sale Oldest FkoiosB or Do Preporotioat for Big 8aa day Sebool Ceimtloa at BaiUaf toaJTew Cafilrea'i-Hoaie Society BmMlar To Ba Jtroefed, 1 V If WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A large Shipment of Ladies Oxfords in all Styles OUR LARGE SPRING STOCK In all departments coming in daily. Ws will take pleasure in showing you any thing you may need" CALL AND SEE US 1 TWO STORES I. $iAW13m two store! Special- rorroBpoadeoce. Kalelgh; N. C, March 11. Mr. Z. P. Smith wSo' haa 'been the editor of the National organ of the Junior Order American Mechanic, saya thai ho will begin the 'puWdatlgn of the 8tate Organ about April lit, an4 that it U1 be derotod' to the order and to gen eral stibjocta. The growth" of thli br- aer or norm uarouna, aaa Deen Tery rapid In recent yeara. All 'Qe" State offloen, are membera,; , ; J. . ; A iiuio boiore noon- toaay nro waa 00 TO f'i " '1 J. M. Mitchell & Co FOB; : 'r . I . 5 . , Have you see the neW'iLUFFY PUFF COMB, the greatest? A f ull i lound Pompdau effect, light-weight flexible, comfortable and nni- d TY- nv newthingt, at the. littlest. v n fj'pricc. may hot be good English, nevertheletj itl o v. AhmI&I to Jnaivial f'Waaiangtoti March U-Tao omlttM" W -iUaarf Tatalra -the araata iprtaoate-a t nwjorltr 1 report toaay aaata&tBg ProsMeat Pdooe Telt!a acQQa,'n1: dlafaiaalng thv negro- troopa, of to Texaa regunenv xor oi efdertyAeoaatfct ia ' ahoottag l ap BrSwaaVurte:" t---. '.' ' - ' ... i Special 4a Journal. !;- '; t. IfMhfngton. 0. C March llTbe 9ay, Department repofta -that eight aajr battteaWpiw aro.'ohnoBt flntohed for the navymafld Jourofhera aro a bout.1bilf'Jomfilted. They are for tfct Allaatifr eet diacoVered In the furnace 'room, of the first aptiat Clhrcli,'fanmWatly ad der the rnala entrance. That part; of tfaa boidlng Is of cement concrete,1 bat the atafriray ia of wood. The Hre aeema tb haVe started In a wooden box ot the side of the wall, a tew fet from the furnace) thence conunnnicatr Ing U 'the 'celling ,iboye, .which ia bf wood and 'burling under' the atatr. way' nearly to' the jallefy. The fire men were rerj prompt and 'carefpl ad os4d 'aa litUe water aa possible iaaurahce' Commissioner Toung wis preae'nt a4d ho and other . thought 200 would oorer the .damage by Are, put of courao the smoke damage, can not "yet be estimated, wTh, church was rebuilt last autumn, $52,000 hai- ing been expended anon It and la on of the moot Attracttre in the' State aa to 1U Interior.' It waa built In 18Gf. There was rery little damage by wa nr. .. - -. - ) A baseball season opened Jtere thia attend VitJl X'gapaer ai tho.Athl letlc field at the Agricultural and Mel ohanlcal College, brtwen vtbe eollega team and that of 'thd Baptist Bora' Brtgadlo .lUlrigir Baptiat Tabi ernacle. Mora , interest is taken in ball than in ev number of yeara Ther a)eigh Chamber of Casamorcei has Joined, rin the jry aotloght 4o pserent ,Ua taking stf ,by the board, AtriUnoiof the local train bo-i tween We Won; and BaUlgh. ak ar- rtyea kera.Ja. the jajoralag. Mr,tT- Vt-VtnelU thy Meat b- tographet 1)re, ac bariod today. Hit death waa .aoe to pnouawala ao4bV lowed a -brtM Jllneaav It la,propoae4 to aaako the annnal Bottogt)'North-Carblinb"unoay School A aaoolatloff af BnUnrtoa April 7th to tta-UM tlggeatineoUng of that ktod of tb-rai, aad also the bwt tltotAaaaclatfaavhlui 'yofbald: atrtifetg Saf ot apeOsf aaa beta'aa- t AmaC iodayH rlsMors Vaa Bupet- latoadswt taroaUcf krttorth Car oliaa CWloVeaVHoBr Bodotj. 'H saya -It fa AdM " reoalrlag Turns toe children At Orosasboro' and saf- hdeatiy targa r abaltef M ftfcse Ud ahar will aw held Caere aatU they Ira tsr pope aaaaolo be taraed ber to pertoM wW adopt tWai-He aaya fit aoeiety 4aa bad woaderful'rto eoa to plala eldldrta ta fcooa.'The plaa wi tboWlldtttg ta ttfHuWJM J - , . . . I The Alyba QaaHette at Aaraeea thk Y TarMsh Troop Trespass Speoial. to Joarnal. Teheran, Persia. March 11. Turk ish troops and other subjects of the Sultan are invading : Persian terri tory and making raids, destroying property and ttoroMng.war. Xerse Harassed by. Iadletmeats Special to Journal. Hew Tork, March 11. Charles W. Morse, the ice, merger, and steamboat merger man who was arrested for fraud was put on trial today, There are 29 counts against him. TCT tt -" ' ViW-irvr rMM.fTTiilUjiiUl.U HllliUll v. Ba After ttfagTaJD. Vaa V.TaalsJw Befera BlaUr HabV :.. l ' -f?.tja6i4.'t;'J.-- Ntr Tork World Capt-Paaor.'bf Agataatt. 1 L. at i o'olockyeoUrday afternoon. pt Poaoy tol4 CapVKdwais-CQabe Bd wardsp Capltl'.d tto Star and Stripes, to a)&rm,hla brother jCapt Borti-Capt Brt are b braas cannon, and CaptIPoaey ; -rang the m,;!. 'Csiha; Bd ards, C.pt,vBert Eajna, Captt-Po-sey, CapL VJed Rooa, Ca Bwttner toa and serpral 6ther titfe; offl--cers of the whalo fleet -re,chod the whaleboat and pnt oft ' - - ' . ' Some land' lubbers 'who didn't bare a " captain among ' them, pat-' off in ' a second boat, and the village gathered on the beaoh to watch. There hadnt been a whale' Been near Amaganaett' since February last year. The whale spouted three times and then struck out. Nary a trace of him Seoaevett Helped Stock Washington, r. C.( "Match 11. An interesting exploitation of the stock of a certain corporation and Inciden tally ol President Roosevelt's poli cies, was put forth front the White House this morning. It consists dtlefly of a letter addressed to the stockholders of the corporation In question, signed by Its president speak ing in encouraging terms of the valao of th stock as an investment and de claring that if President . Roosevelt's pplicy toward, railroads had not pre vailed "your stock today would have bees of no' value." The letter is given In full with a line of introduction from the White House, saying that "a stockholder of the company (the name ia plainty glvv en I nthe White House statement) has sent the President" one of the drenhirs of the concern. The letter begins with a statement that the reg ular quarterly dividend bf S per cent: la enclosed. The alleged book value of the stock is given, with a statement of the reputed earnings during the last year. "The future of your company," tha ... . , .. . letter continues, "never looked soj bright, and. If the present policy of tb national administration, that there; shan be' no diacrlmlnatlon in trans portation, obtains, future earnings are assured." The stock of the company In ques tion waa aot quoted on the New Tork or any other stock exchange acoord lag to TeateHay'a'newsnapera, but the sharea of its leading competitor' are regularly boagh and sold in all mar ts. "-The eotn posing company haa tor aome time been bnder attack by the federal administration. the captains and landsmen pulled back to the shore empty banded. This morning bright and early the old timers are going to start out a- gain. Capt. Jed Rose thinks the whale Is sleeping off shore over night, and will do stunts about sunup. Two Hundredth Aaaiversary of Hew Ben, MIC IM a A A rnSCS SACK BI0T OCCURRED DV THS PS0PEETT OF EfTEB , STATE CO0PEBA0E CO. Hf BELHATEX WW tOMT SENT Sefroe Aagered Beeaase Greeks Had Been Imported to Take Their Place Said To Have Been Led by White People Feeling Bans, High Among The Hegroes The White CKliens Are Indignant Over The Mob and Are Disposed to Help The Greeks. 8pecial to Journal. Washington, N. C, March 11. Ac cording to reports arriving in this was eeen after that, and toward daflrf61 a afternoon there came near C. S. Steel Stock Widely Held New Tork, March 11. The wide dis semination of the. stock of the United States 8teel Corporation among indi vidual investors and also the extent of recent odd-lot Investments buying in its common and preferred . issues were revealed in an announcement made yesterday by. the corpora tionf- whlch stated that its transfer books show that there now are 95,000 share holders of record. As some of tbe holders of theae stocks are eorpora- tiona, syndicates, banks and brokers. many of these reputed shareholders in reality represent a largo number of individual stock-holders. .While it ia Impossible to obtain any definite statement as to the number of individual shareholdera, it is be lieved that the total la at least 80,000 additional tayestors so that the act tual owners of the Steel Corporation stock probably number 126,000. The Increase, in the nmberef stockholders during the last nine months, the oorporatUn also announce ed yesterday, was larger thanr that r corded tor any similar period within its history. i CONTENTION Hello Cejtffal ! 72 Please Is That'HACKBURN 'S ? Send me two loaves WASHINGTON CITV BREAD. of that delicious We are more than pleased with it.. Say, Mr. Hafckburn place me on your standing order list for two loaves of bread daily, also one pan of foils, Phone your orders, we have ample facilities for quick delivery. HACKBURN being a race riot in Belhaven last night ' It seems that the Interstate Cooperage Company, employing be tween foar and five hundred' men in Belhaven, had brought down a party of sixteen Greek laborers to take the place of negro workmen. These Greeks, one -of whom was married were living In four dwelling houses on the company's property. Last night about ten o'clock while n their house and unarmed, the Greeks were attacked by a mob of fifty or sixty negroes, supposed to'be led by several Whites. This mob shot up the houses (and forced the Greeks, both-male and female to flee to a hear swamp in or der to save their lives. Later it de veloped that- five of the Greeks were seriously if not fatally wounded. The mob unable to find them in the swamp disbanded tor tbe night. -The' eitlsens of Belhaven are very Indignant-and to prevent an expected recurrence of the outrage, called upon Governor Glenn through Sheriff Ricks of This city to send the Washington Military Company to Belhaven to pre serve order and prevent violence of any kind. The military company, by direction of the governor and in charge' of Sheriff Ricks left on a spe oial train for Belhaven this evening at six o'clock. From latest reports everything is quiet, but an outbreak ia feared during the night. Over lLoOMO aeeldents oeearred to the United States 4ut year, on to every serea persons Centtneate! Cas ualty Cempany. Great Pictures at Anrasea this eten lag 41teatratoi song and male qaar. totte. Admission Sc IJadea, AerC Coral are tbe gasaa of caato now. Wo wUl bo gtat to saow.ro t&a aawratAa.-a. a Baiter thlaadiat JawsJa-.-..' ,- u . i . i S.f a lear Bora treasurer laduatrial'News (Orwmsboro.) . 'Charles D. Babow,-hj resigned aa treasurar ,oC' the Dixie , and. .North State' Fire lasoraaea Company, and M soooeeded la both paces by John A. Robertaoo, of New Bern. r Mr.-Baa-bow rttaina his financial Interests Jn both companies, bat jetlros from ao tift partfclpeUoa id aaanagrsaeat Weaase 'ed faa preasuro of other bao- maeai'i , , -" " : l .;' Joha' A? Robert soaiU a. nativd of Clayton,, to Johasioa Maaty, and a graduate .oftbo .rnrrerity.j fba-fcre years' Wowser fftanaV of.Ua.'B, ,C. foot aaoe eaaiar to RaMgV goiag freen- thaao'tabeotma eastler of the BaalLotXear aad aftorwaHd fe New Bern, :her . war Identified with the Jam B. Rladea t umber folereata. H 1a a' comparatively young man, Ibat toradTtad-irltirh Vary" ooBsldar- ablo taaucial ability. i r - rr-r r i I V"';-1 ', " - " - -.-'- -'- ' r.-Tatd ala'ad tan I troubla a tone aa Wii,- n r r-.x ul. SJ1 r.fc. ' .,,,r.tt-rr--T .'t t t""jUn nn basvet tarty at exu -'c '- -:r -rl'yVlJ v KVxw; uin im t u. cna ot yM 'U'-'j A;' :. aciMi, nrch iota, mmmmmmmtfmmmtmmmmmmhm mm him i LLJ ' " v - tit tmf t"r ..t -"-rful rUolse.';fo U ! -nr't ot ths srhor4 boM. ' rT' -ti i:? 7: T 7 -.ttllooson i . e,..b t U.; r taaa V We I .r0 that Kiss ru:!l Blmpaoai mcnir di rwr v.; 'its, ess tmeo-I . Bright and Dashmg Opera Theatre goers, especially those par tial to music and big producttaas will find delight in ta eagagemeut of the Colonial Oporo XkMHpaar which eom- meoce : Friday night at tba NewMfav sonie Opera Boaae and eonflaaea Sat urday matinee aad-night performances when the great Fta Diavolorwlli be presented. TWa offertag tsHk nota' hie one and Is the first time that aay- Fthing of aacb a eharaotet haa bean attempted at aaaaJl prlose of admte- toa.. -Tho atteacttoa wtQ be ths X lonlal Opera Oompaay, ab brgaatia- Uoh of - irwaoty-lva-. oparatk arUate popular "prtoea wUl" prevail Ihrosghout the Wggemeat " Tbe OottV paiy wttl fraseat aa ite aeeoba" bid tor -fh favor and pteaaara bf New Ben neoplo the tiM Trlf to ta 4la,r; which 'la-' decMadry picturesque and attract! av adsbosihaaa.- Its'plot by C Brrf ttatarr each aa ' weir aaltal to 4M tearperamenf of e 'paopl of ftodia bad Rf aoeaear art aUrrtog oowl thaiw hi a dash and via to the music that to iaavtd prrHad aad tad aoenet ar'thos soft hypaotto oaaa of- the rtohi gtowiag aouatrr whata tbay are aid,' The product! c will ha aorrecUy b' prttUly nuda aadMiaa-Jaaatta Rash will slag the principal part. Ban haa a splendid, rolca. and a fine presence and this is the Unit t' V X he baa ever appaarad owUUs U t a re tin of a htclt prioad aUraetl.a. J mong tbe nambert that wttl ba U,tro- 4uord durlag U merry away of the opera will ba sf Uciioos by the well knowa TnxatdrrO Ooartel P"tl caa be parchMad at W. T. mil's porting K (UHH))0())ui)()juu()t)()b(t ' r? 1 : DO YOU : NEED A ? NEW crt-iS a after the cm is pronoonr linpe nooU. lHs.w. Tfcia fct-.l r r,.- for er Aigha. ar. oV t:i::ipe, siiaa,' b7e t brtnchltls and horiies, la oold a- fhiYsl 0 gtirf.o t All pro'- '- 0v V.',-hi l4 t 1 t.f.!' ttm . . learn t?.at J. t V ! t v w ,V U so let til know Our rtock ii Coraphte. U-t Clnf t' h? "tt to g-t1 V 't " -s i ir fc-irl f K P. V'e 1 I Flor'n e ' of bf r Trnr.n , U. F. 1 s- Goods tora. A. P. N. - , Kss bfcfrr ra tlf rira. .. ?irlal tO JoiirriRl. , " Ho. hetr, l' rh 11. A'd'"ar.'ro- 8apreae Court Opinions -Special to Journal. Raleigh. N. C, March 11. The Su preme Court handed down the follow ing opinion today: Smith vs. Lumber Co., from Craven, nar error. Adams vs. Joyner, from Craven, af firmed Nelson vs. Atlantic Coast Line Rail- read Go Relief Department; action taboth appeals dismissed. Wallace vs. Salisbury, from Martin, afarntod. Batot-Oeorge va Hardle, from New Hanotor, no error. Joaaa va. Norrla, from Duplin, no error. 1 . Brown vs. Hobbs, from Duplin, no OO )( )()()()()() 0.0-(y-o- ()()()0()() j PAROID ROOFING z A Roof covered with Paroid will not leak. We I i guarantee this Little trouble to put on, and 1 T lasts longer, and is cheaper than shingles. T SEND US TOUR Oi l) ;RS Gasldll Hardwate Co. j 73 Middle Street. Phone 147. New Bern N C j O OO )()()()() ()(()()()( ),),,,,,: HAVE YOU TRIED QUALITY and PREMIERE CANDIES aa li NONE BETTER, 0 Diif-Vs Rfmrtrmrv m-r J a iimi iimvj m Maffltt va Hammerlaad, from New Baaover, affirmed. f Ice Company va. Southarn Railroad, roo Cleveland, new trial la both feaeea. t Davis vs. Railroad, from Cleveland, fiaw.trlaL.. Hickory, Granite COv, vs. Southern Bailroay Co, troat Catawba, reversed. j Moore va, polly. from Parnkiln, per oariam. motion for earUorarart do- di4.1-. "... .. LINCH, LINCH, NOT THY WISDOM i but let it have fair play. Be thine own agent, save that ten per cent by going 't5 R. SAWYER for your Spring Suit, -vhere yi.u will find all the latest designs of Foreign and Domestic Fabrics, his thirty years practical experience places him in position to guar antee satisfaction in every particular. COUTH FRONT, and CRAVEN STREET 8 3or. i Waaa earners, let ear nelletee ho yW .payenastert, when yea are 1 aMeDastfSuia(al CaaaaRy Cwaipaay. rr; i,. 1 1 . ,i, - . , wtsw Wafthv .' I Bpeoial to JoaraaJ. . ' i Waahlbgtoa;. ft March 11-Pair and" warmer .tonJiht; Tburaday:- rata .! fresh aooUtweat to wttt wind. ' - i . .- - :' : - - UaI.",----. i ,''.: - ' j l ! r rata Feed Law Attack- V w UWaabtagtoa, D. C Harehr ll-Tbe - eovatnattoaaUty of Urt fura food aid -drug act approved Jsn to, IMC, la at-' tacked to rh aaswtr ot the JatoeM Clark Distilling Company, of Balll-1 S WE REPRESENT THE FX3LL6 WING STRONG HOME COM PANIEP AND WILL GUARD1 T0UE INTEEK3T CARE-1- ' PULLT AND WkLL: North State Ufa taauraaea Cw Xtoatoa, North 8taU lr Inouraae Co.. Bouthera Lrr Mtatk Inaaraaaa Ca Natl High PotaL -por eeat lavostment, no Now BaraBolkUna; A Lean United fttetea CasoiHy Co., tCooO for awidotai deaU coota 1 00 Tackar Broa. Wlhagtxm, htoqAnsoaU, Irqt) FeaaUg, ate, WUl tram I (fa,' Pmparty,' rotattara. .Horses awt MuW Ibo . ; bayaadsali CHy a Coaaty proparty, ZaUUs looked afW 14 PtLLOCR STREET TtUPIOXI 10 IN -- - - -.. - . i A. '. f e l.fite nit 1 1 .-?; .'r V i 1 ' -r a tin:! I port Of S V' I' It . '-M 'ill 1 , r ,. . - " V. L-nt o.4S b.rr.1. of whiskey h, thl. ') M M M M f ( If J XI () V ( ) ) O ( ) ) O ' , llty oa January XI., ... s r f"Z '3Vfvy f nV KaMA 1 V'-".' Tba whiskey was rhU Wit. -'-' ,'. '.' viv ,( - - . . u.rs.r-ow.r.i ,i,.rt.'s opinion V JAPAN MATTIKCS,4 CHINA DATTIVOS. fa Btripen- Ua to what m.a;,.d allditWTy ' - - A''?-rY- ' 3 - - 1 the re In M -b t!s anttwef waa SIM , jimii : j ( ..!: 1 as a 1t cj i 1 wllf be t 'fi ta the ' fluprrms r,.irt r,f the Nnlirl r 'r. Th lltl ' . 1 ! t' firrrt nt tili' 1 that I a t 2S r ' ' r ?. r. .! t CK0RTII 8TAtVlXDU!7AHirn:iltXt nd othw icfiod - nkcs l KEFUIfJJ JIAT0IIS.0LL BT0VE FREEZERS.. CALL A WD f r3 0U!t FTOCK 1 c- I'rrJrrfrf' V'- ()) i )())