a;- .- v NT-caw? y. ' 1 -s - S D ODY IlACIEaJVTTn PAlil .H lie otir disease, usef neb. wicntcad aanarinf m FJwbwHwk Jj .arrerack -Jrkaa it become tJate Mia in torture tut uicarougniy ooee is aomumaw. -Ttag Barrow. entKuchtd ia U Wood, Uiat itt victims ar -f"7 jD-WM Creale,Ii. lu iiMir xjitmntaustm ia out t u cnxn an - i . . --' " blood brought -Oft by atonJBcn. troabMft. . , - alar ph conditio of th system Th J . . . . . ... ' t: i. kment in th system because ol thaaa irregnlaritiea. forminr rk d4 -i mica la asennca mia me uiuuu, uu bload eircnlatea thronta tb body . eposiw uia?i r- ataacM wtth which it ia Katujated. fato th differeat muaclea, aenraa, ttawat 4 - tad bones. Sharp. MtBUflpaina eoaiaiBoef ith fieah-beeomea $awolla and tender, the muaclea and ,i literally racked with with paia. rasters, trouble, PURELY VEGETABLE whfc areVsin the pii, and atrenjthen- ,1-unB.i.i hijadeBrichwig the blood, curea Rheumav fe pennane-tly. S. ia the greatest Mxrf pttrifiera. juat .what it Beaded ia erery case of Rheumatism. Book on Knenmauam ana mj SUdkal advice free, . THE SWIFT KIEV CME WIULOURIYOU f any cist of Kidney or Dkddcr dlicAM that U not beyond the each r of medi cine. Take it at once. Do ncfrUk having Drifht'e Die easa or Diabetes. There le ftcthinj gained by delay . C:o. ad I1.CJ DotUea, m DiTIS FHA1XACY i i PROFESSIGKAl CURBS ffrederfcl a Pier r ' Crt PUabt. Rat, FaHanaa hoy , Studio 1 1 1 Mlddtt St I? Ovar Bradham't Drug S.ort. A ebmpkta eonrse in Pianoforte and Vocal .music for beginnera ond ad vanced pupils . Kiaoball Piano furnished by Georg R y roller. omul us A. Nunn, ' aTTORNBt T L4V Practice In the countlea of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones and Onslow and. In the State Supreme and Federal Court. Telephone No. 97. Offlee No. 60 Craven street. New Bern. N. C. 0. CURENCF E. SMITH YETIR1N1RY rH 181(1 AN AND ' Gradate ot in Kaaaas City Veterinary College lie ea DeapUal W Bread otreet eaieeaee raene m. , on:e rsa. Ti M. BisimeBS. A. p. Ward. ML B, Allea SCONS. WARD i ALLEN ATTORNEYS AND COOJNtLORS AT LAW Nan tEKn, B. t". Offlce No. 4 Scoth Front Street, 1 ever W. U. Telerauh Offlee. Praotlce lu (be counties qf Craven, BwpUa, Jonea, Lenoir. Onalow, Car teret, Pamlleo, and Wake, ia the Su preme and Federal Coarta, gad where var avrvlaet are teatrad Surely yon vould gladly pay sereral dollars to USE A TELEPHONE ' ONCE 1 in case of an EMERGENCY WHY HOT GET ONE 1 EMS . j - mmm i I ii i I i a 1 ' , mvm, M ail eawTua. I -.. a. nreax Bianey, ujw, a- - atursl refuse of th i body. Instead i. ... ia lf tn soar and aumwaiwiM - joints throb and jeraana me ocxjy blisters, ununenu, ew., w cure ue wcasv, wey rerew t bans, tmnprarily, but do aot teacku th - which is fn the blood, S. S. S. it the ; orooer treatment lor Kneumauanu .on LwTand attack, the SPECIFIC, CO., ATLANTA, EVERYBODY CAN :: EAT HAM NOW:: At J P. Cuthreilayou will fin a Bew lot of Blue Band (Brand Registered) hams selling 15e per pound. Also S lb a'andard tamatnaa heat OnalitV 10". Der i "can. This ia only a few t :eur monev aainr articles, ir vou are from" . Missouri catl.iandt? aee us and we will show you. is a Phone SI Middle St. OUTLOOK r Is the LEADIMHATIOll Al IrCEK LT FAMILY NEWSPAPKK ad far the past eighteen years hat- hecai iha LEAPING NATIONAL MEDIUM fee Classified Adrertlslng. If yoa are aa advertiser, let is eB vlnce job that our CLASSIFIED DE PARTMENT is all we claim far K; the best the longest establbhed, and the most responsive In the aukgaslae field. Send for fall Infonnatlen and a specimen of THE OUTLOOK 187 Fourth Are., New York. FRIEND TO FRIEND. The pateooal feooutmeadatfona e( ft fie who have been cored ef fca and eaid by Chaaaberlaia'a Xonkm Reateff have iooe more than all etas t aaal ; " gtaple article ef trade and Comssaro ewat Wg rt el the cMUaai world. ; ; L I 1 COOK 5T0VES I f r- A ND- -HEATERS Sreech leaelai, Hails id mU bsrrsl taet tew, wtth Het ss Fed Nee at immsn' r sesraetea. e i i Stab Cr, B 111, eBtrtf I'vrtfwdt, E.W.SMALLW00D4 mir nmn. suarow lonci! WANTED FOR 6RANITI IDS riKBtro New Bern. N. O, Feb. If. The City of New Bam will reosfv ild for granite curbing for Sidewsw be open oa March II, 1X4. Jor It- mllaa, seore or laas, te be daily ired is ear load kx,'cjar of (reighi. ew Bent ffCj Ajnordlag la'plafle tad SpeelAeattoftepptee pf.wptch rfU A fsralabed bps pplkalW '' A Baoh U4 mast b Meompahled fi jarttfted eherk l the a gwaraitienfya awa two mhuki aeeordiag te A terms of thi bid. The eeepted Mddaf will U miOt te ftre sd Jtf t? M UJlfiSAM (of flflimst of bis saetraet, - Th aty r4rve tiie rirtt(A t et n Mas sebaamed.'' j FeVvwy i mat fu -v .u--vv ; V-t ' .'r v. r. T, PATTETJSOrf. - ' : r- f , Oty Cark. lngv ta th peetofiSee at Hew Barm, if, n uk ata. sane - i -; .... V Crtb,Araa ' . ' J: T Htm Tlmfnrs TV lifirfc Prank (J - Jamaa Owa. 6 H., llotk. t "wa, i vi a.tqiwtomjC. Barrta, g HaathJw ' -n m XaL- CfJ"7TZ.'"liii.,j vv X- u u-f iSfSTiS' fwiaSinmmiti vora 1 a. ' 4 Idrofen 83haw. Wf WTW WJ. P. WWtaUUaaJaoni y - Arthur Vaughn. , -tC. U Yowleit 5 ; r- , . WtaeaVXiat Af ary Adama. tBCherry Barner. C-4Zllphia Creech. i rMrSallie Dizooi Mia Agnes Dixonl CU-Mrs. T. H. Oreen. H-Mary Harlowe, Mary Hoyt Annie Uirgett UAAnle -lonea, Bettle lonea. K FrancW teMaiparah Mag. P-Mart Parker: Marv Price. (R--Maga1e, l. Revera. 8 Mary M&gtr? , tJmmai Spain, Myr- i tie Spain Mrs. Tulman Storten, Loi i reha A. Shepherd. W-Mra. Joepeon Wnltaker. Mahell Williams, Elsie Whlby, MltUe L. Wallace, NelUe WHaon,, , The regulajtloaa ulre' that end cent shall MpU& e W lhf boveiadvrtlsWlteri.' Pleaae'aaai datevwheo adverttaed.. I r SEYM0UR W HANCW3V;,r. Pref. H.A. Bewen, at Uvnaji, Csh Recommends CtumaerWn Cengh lwaarl? ,M "Aa long ago aa I caa'Temember.my mother was a faithfnt user and friend of ChalrlalnlfCc4gl Reniefly; but never In my life Jve I tenlited Itt true value until iow.-, write Prof.i H. HowelL. of .Howell's. . AaMrlcaa 8ch6ol, Jflayana, Cuba. "On the night ot February Srd, our bahy waa taken atck with a severe ild, the next day waa worse and' the' following' night hi condition .was desperate. He could not lie down and it waa necessary to hate him In the anna every moment RVen then hl breathing waa dUBenlt fl dMT net think he would Ufa nntU morning- ' At "lest I thought oftty mother's remedy, Chamherlaln'a Cough Remedy, which we gave, and It afford ed prompt relief, and .now, -three day later, he hatefully raeoyared. Onder the olrcumaUnce It would' notneei tat a moment in saying that Cham, betlaln'a Coufjh Remedy; and that on ly, saved the;ufa:,of, bur deaf little boy." For sal by Deris Pharmacy and F. R Dafy It I estimated that there are 61,000 breweries Is tM -world and halt of them are la Germany, , . .. Um W-BBMiBt ' ',T' A cold at this time If neglected U Mania, to (suae nnenmoni which la so often fatal, and evon. wencth pa- neat has recovered the lungs are weakeaed. 'nakingfUMCg seen Oar lysus eeptihle to the, sVvelbpaaeBt of eos awptlooFyry's Hoasy sjid Tar will stop " Jh. ough hatf aM nriihe the lung and srevast pnsnmonis, La- Orlppe soughs yield aolokly is the wc dertnl carattveaamie of TbUfi Honey and Tar. There la nothing sis "hsat as gooAr Dsvto Phanascqr. v,' fr. : . j. v ' Om jonarV worth of atasjsfwBl Co srmseh wort sslHf In hand watt. - bridge eonsectiag Baglaad and ' ' . ) 4 . ' - - -.y " 'Clei4 The CevpletUe) ft Orlao' laxativa Fra Oryap 'atlm laterthe lfver sad flMrwaghty eteaa sa the system' and slear,tae eoai siexlos f platplas and klotehes. It Is the- best huaMv lot chlldrea a R Is bUL aad doe sx grieew stekeavv Ortae la ssneb sepArior to ptUa, aperient wa ter and sAt rdtarf earWltes aa R dees aot irritate Ike stptasch sad bs els. Davis PhnrsaMf.--. ."' .. - ,-- . - i C .The world SeaAay SohocAs teUI a IOAH witsr iAo.bg strendaata. , ChsfsaWI a Cars tag Creep -"Bsetde batag sa rttt rmoy of SoWkitd U.ti Uoublae, Cbam VerlaUr g re for evwep,", say Harry WU eoa'of WayaeWwa, tad. R'L a i real on a Oae emvpy ech arpaar u r aedy will prevaeA the sUack. It t a d Meacfnliy la ptaay faoe. s tf !.. F"f ' by Davt Ft m y sun 1 YV. ) f. it ' i - itl It aotS are eaaart aa thy 0' ' r rt'i !' k tby ar, om. tin fRoc g r i ec ve4 j What ttas jJees XTiic rreven . r Ia gratitude for complete feUet front aeheg juidy nalM.badbaks-rfros. j dltreslns kldny in- have. albUcry recommended Doaa'k I Kidney firtsU JUaldeaU of New Bern who s tisltflfd Tra ago. now say their cwres were pennaneat . TJUs tea. tlmony doubly prove ft worth of Doant. Kidney Pll to. New Bern sun. UrleaJf.Uargt T Bum. St. New Bem.N.C aayai t The statement gave several year ago in favor of Doan-aTKldaat PU wan trae IA every respect and at the pressnt jUme, I .ca ,, conaclentional wmflntf MrAbout'toureajra ago hadMd'erable'Wubie from weak kitfny,fe My iback cheeoonatantly and there ware dull pain in mylolaa. After procartng a box of Doan'a Kld nef lltafradhaia,i Pharmacy,' J uaedjthea according to directions ana miigJm.fom wuw. 1 uye leoommended Doan'a Kidney filla on numerous occaalona jlnee and know of- eevera! Instances tn which they have bean "need with the moat satis factory results." Pftoby aU;dealer.r Price SO cental Foater-Milburn Comcany. Buf- fAloi NeW- torkj -sole Agents for the United State. Remember the name Doan'a and take no other. Th grasshopper Jumps about times" it own length. ' Baraaas Teatlne After Few ,Year 0. K Butban; of Cajrltal Center, N. Y;; writes? "About four year ago I wrote yon stating that I had been en Urely cured of a yevere kidney trou ble by taking last than two battles Of Fotey's Kidney Cure. It entirely atop. ped tb tfrick dust sediment and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disap pt Mi I am glad to say that I have 'j ";J'ed. a return of any of.- those n ' l .J during the four years that hare elapsed and I am evidently cured tev tKenrjBd, hnd hearUly reoommsnd Foley gKWney Cure to . any one sui ter! ng from kidney or bladder trou hhiDatli Pharmacy. On hundred and fifty firemen are em ployed en aome ef the great Ameri can liner.' " IfT Infant end Children, Bear the t BlfnAcnreof A man' honor can be pawned, but It can never be redeemed. v Doit Take the Risk. When1 yoa have a bad cough or cold do not let IT drag along until It be comes chronic bronchi acg or develops into an attack t pneumonia, but give It the attention At deaerves aad get rid of It Take Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy and yon are anre' of prompt relief. From a small beginning the snip and use of this preparation has extended to all parte of the Caked State and to many foreign countries. Its many remarkable enrea of coughs, aad colds have' won for It Ahia wide reputation aad . extensive nee. For sale by Darin , Pharmacy ad F. S. tF. :- J . . Few. man are nhle to retain Uetr aetf-oonoelt after they get married. . I Th law Par Feed and Drag Law Wesrj pleased: to announce that rotejrn tfoaey n4 Tar for oough eold gad tang troubles Is hot af act ed hy -the National Par Jfpod , and tng kw aa It eontaina ae opiate or other hnraafsl drag, and w) recom mend R aa a safe remedy, lor ehlldren Pa via Pharmacy. He. alas serva who only stay la bail aad watts. lamiaw ' wlmMtswlanJI Qlaeed kV ts Msning into popur favoy as a nboa leadea, . y' v ' .' TTTti'v ' " Isrst Ihrsllrr '.Whether reealtlng froq gpraM sr frost .rbeaauU aaiaa, there n aota mg aw good for a tain shoulder a Ctrnmbermta: Pais . Balm. Apply R freely' and rnb the-parte vigor oaely at eaoh appitoauow aad a ajntck eard la osrtalav' For "bal by f. Duty aad Dart Pbamacy.' "' -' "'. ',. ' n, Ask t fvflCt Qs "tlenS 1 1 t hot. gae v ClarubtUln'i Fain Balm whan yoa hare rheumatism Te fi t re that Ue ruit will be prtMnpt ai I attlnfurtory, . Ony pal Ur f ' f C ri4 ms-y bav r. r 'ly rur4 by It . "ii t It t.nt !. For al ly li r - r, sod F. a Doffr. '1"T li lwi!r.g v ! fer Ort r u r-"r t ' "7 Ain;om:czuL:iTai !ir , riim rAimrr r v.v-w- 1 f-. 'nC . ! L.. Bt tun war iu giimminsi iifni ui a rvrmdiu rmr -rhnarles.' to-bs held'April W w ia y fte) present them to the undersigned on - ... H.4 yi r Tut nlfL)1l " i " - veiXTrapacuauy, - ; , . m XANhT .1 Vr- g .- m mi Mnaraim watM A NO. KI6RT TOWISRIPi . A f rT.rtfiiTVr - mninM nntlf a enndidat lor constsbls oTsaW town- hip. If nominated 'nndblsctsd 1 pledge mysalf to Olacharg th duties of the offlce to the best of my ability. I MATTHfcW McDANlKL. TO THE DEMOCRATIC YOTERS OF. CRAVEN COCTTIA- . I- nereoy announce inni i we par ty primary to be held for Craven coun ty on April 16th next, I shall again be a candidate for the offlce of sheriff. Sine I nave been your sherif, have tried to discharge my duties le- gaily. taWnlly and Impartially, and hop that nay conduct ha been such as to merit your approbation. Thanking yon sincerely for your past support, I am Vary respectfully, 3. W. BIDDLES. TO THE DEMOCRATIC T0TERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY I I hereby nannounce myself to the Democratic voters of Craven County a candidate lor me omce ol county Treasurer, Very respectfully P. A PTJLCHBR. TO THE DEMOCRATIC YOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY J I hereby announce myself a candi date for the offlce of Register of Deeds and earnestly request your support nt the primary election to be held April 15th, 1908. It to your prerogative to nominate whoever you like, and I hum bly appeal to you for your vote, premising unflinching service If nomi nated and elected. , Respectfully your humble servant STEPHEN H. FOWLRR. , TO THE DEMOCRATIC YOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY I hereby announce myself a candi date to succeed myself for the nfflce ef the Register of Deed ot Craven County, subject to the Democratic Primaries to be held on April 15th. If I am again the .choice of the peo ple, I shall feel very highly compli mented, and hereby pledge myself Xo perform the duties of the offlee (p the beat of my knowledge and ability. .. - Thanking yoa for past favor. I am Very Respectfully, RICHARD B. LANS. Register ot Deeds. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY t " I hereby announce myself a candi date for th nomination of Sheriff for Craven County, subject to the action of th Democratic parti: GEO. K. WEST. TO THE DEMOCRTIC VOTERS CRAVEN COUNTY i I hereby announce .that I shall be a candidate for constable. Township No. 8, subject to Democratic primary April 16, l08.. If elected I shall en deavor to diacharg th duties of th omc to the very best of my ability. W. W. PRBSCOTT, TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUXTTtr .,, , I hereby announce that I ahalt b a candidate for Traaarr to anoceed myself, subject to th Democrat! Pri maries, to be held tor Craven County oa April 15th. I have tried to th aaat to rve aty 'friend and the whole people faithfully and Impartially, aad bop that I, have dona aothlng Jor which I deeerve lther enur , or condemnation. With atany thanka tor paat favor. lot ., . Very respectfully, ... " " FnKKMAN & XJUtTJL, Tressnrer, .'' t- . - v Rid will b received until March ltfh by Dm Norfolk and toatbara Rail say Company, tor. laying Sewer Fin Coastrwctioa of Sand-Pit aad patch BeelM aa Hanooea: street New Bars, between Qeeea street aad Treat River, aatsrlal to b fnraiahed by the Raf way Compear. Fay further peril on- lars aad plans aad peolfyttoa, hp- piy i n wepwinisaussi s ome, iw BrX,K. C. .. ' - ' t. fc-'. m. BAWtiNei Tbs man waa pays aia aly ha money t bra . t Per Dlsaeta ef th fa Neaj-tf Jl. dUeaeee of the akin each M eeaacsa, tetter, slt rheem and bar ber' ItcVare characterised hy aa la Ian m larhlag aad emarttag. wt-H rf- tee matft Hi a kiwi ai i.... tlMp al Tea. ' Qelch ratlef bay t had t applying CharaserhUa' Calve. It !ys th Mrhlag sad smartiag ai. moct ltatly. Many ease have tea rar 1 hy it aae. rw Sate fcy pev?s Phurmary sad F. R ImfTy. . 3 ' tha eversga, txif haUr wV 1 fnor tHa U. , a Jv1 ' iEUAJrTICESn UoKuusTSJivert Rtmcr swsn8amrn aev nnaunrnxraior oi Jfc r Wartr..iiecseet this; ts to ,p)ff, .tt nerson. having rtahn a- - - -wi fL. ab 4.- 'u.h itAi . .iaiji ' i tvi. m v. a - a"ia) v. . w ww wwi pleaded at bar of their recovery. J' peraona maeuwe w aaia esiaie are req nested to make Immedtate pay- meat " . 8rd;day of March. IK ...... . . naminisiraior oc nir. waners, ae ceaeed. LOPTOfa VAR8KR Attorneys, Kln Ston.N.0. i ADMLHISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified aa administrator of John Johnson, deceased, late of Cra ven ounty, N. C, this la to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to tile undersigned, on or before the ff nrnry, 1909 or this no- tic will be pleaded in hnr of their recovery. All peraona Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate set tlement c. j. McCarthy. Administrator. This February 24, 1908. R. B. NIXON. Attorney. SALS OF NOTES AND M0RTGAGB8 I Pursuant to the contrac made by the Southern Investment Company . With The National Bank of Sew Berue, .dated November 6th, 190. the under signed will sell at public auction at j the Court House of Craven County, in the aty ot New Bern, North Caro Una, on the 17th day of March. 1908. at 11 o clock, midday: Two bonds ex ecuted to H. Busman by T. S. Jackson dated June 22nd, 1909; one for 1600.00 payable October 1st 1907! one for IS00.00 payable September 1st. 1907; also It interest in the mortgages ex- ,tA am.nt nt .M bonds, registered iu offloe of the Reg ister of Deeds ot said Craven Coucty. In Book 160, a pagea 207 etc and 210, respectively. Said property being deposited with the undersigned as col lateral security. Terms cash. This 21st day of February 1908. .. .THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW .....BBRNE, Q. H. ROBERT8, Cashier. ADSfWISTRA TOR'S WOTICB HaVlaa auaMfied as adialnlatrator of Charlas Anderson, deceased, late of Cravaa county," N. C this Is to notify all persoas havlns claims acalmt the state ot said deceased to exhibit them to tne uneeisiswed on or before the list day of January, 1, or this no tice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persosa Indebted to eald state wilt pleas make Immediate set- ueust. c J. HCCAKfal, Administrator. This list day of January, lift. W. f, MctVBR, Attorney. BlfTBlV CLAIM 8TATH OF NORTH CAROLINA Craven County To R. B- Tjane, Entry Taker r for Craves Couaty: -Th undrslrad Jackson Josei. of Oravaa Couaty. North Carolina, enters ana ays.. claim to tn following de scribed piece or parcel of land In Third TawBShlp, Craven Couaty, State of North Carolina, the' same being vsesnt. an uaappraprlated land, and subject te eatry: vis: Bouaded on the Kent, by Jbn Morris and (Alenso Blddle) I So a, oa th North by H. L. Russell; on lb Beuth by th lands ef C. C. Tripp, oentalnlag by aatlmatloa 2 acres more or less. Catered this 17th day of February 101. JACKSON JONES. EBTB1T CI.AIBI STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Craven Countr Te R. B. Lao. Entry Taker for Craven couaty: .Th uaeerstaaed VL D. Laa. of Cra vaa Couaty, North caroliae, enters and ays Claim to tne following described plea ( pare) o( laad la Third Town ship, Craven County;, State of North Carattaa, the same beTng vacant and aaapproprlatsd lead, and subject to try, vis: Beginning at a stump on Wllkersea'e braacb t the upper cor se at th Aloaso Bddla laad sow own ed by laa. MeiTte ad runs with said Merrle Mae t C, C Tripe's line, thea with said C. C. Tripp's line to the road Uadiae; Sreew Nanee roe to Camp Oak, tbaa rues with eald read to Wllker- braaek. thea aow-a said branch to ta sTkaieg. eeatalnlog ss aont sac or Waa. Kateve this Ittb day ef February IHs, , j, j M- T). LANE. - suawiTroM'a ,, Mesiag eaaUBejd as xcutor of En atee Waltaata, deeeaes. lacs of Cra ve eauatr, N. C, this la t aatlfy all sirsiee taVlag claim aajalaat the ea 14 4 eat Ai mi si S te aablbH them le tb eadrslgad ea hy before th ilet day a Jaaearr, IMS. mi tble ao lUe wlU be pied la bar erf their re evy. All persaas ladeMed la eald Mteta will plsase saafee Isasaedlat st Uemeett. ROSA WAXLNAD. ' - " asecntrls. Tbt Ilet dr of aaaa ry, lt I ;.. MORTGAGE JALJ ' Pnisaaat 4. a fowsr of al eon tahti ta that icertein Martgag ei ealed hy Jaev W. wwu gnd Jli V Wajt its B. W. WlUlasneoa andaaaJgn ed to Uaa U. Atadtk, benrlag date the Ilk day efAagnat, IMf. tbs earn be U$ reeordtd ta the ofhee of the Regia tnr f Deed of Cravea eon aty, la Book 117,1 Pag tvt. fwtrf sell at th Court Ueis door tn New.Bem, ea Thar, any. 0 tin day of Maroa, 1Mb, gt fhe a ef If o'clock M te th klgh- af bidder tor caah, all ot th fellow, tng deecrlbe wpt asanjraCH tt Mortgage aroraaald. owtt: Oa third aadlvtded latetest ta (hat osrtata tract or pare! at ui wiu S4le of Trent reed, on tt head Jlr"'' r Reeky Rub B8 d M"lf V of Jam Orood ft tt yV 84 C a -n land revy ' ' y d ' October IS, 1171 6- t. . c . ..j Oliver v"TiW ! rer- l r v N. 71 ) -a 43 af toe ft t ir of f''U of CrTB C-in'A t hirh t ' la hereby a - snd tall . -v n. " ' :: " . ,x ' - ' ADMLYilf rIHr iionci administrator of Anthony Ilarri,' dseasd. 1st of Craven county, N..C, this 1 to notify all penons having claim. agaUat tn tsUU pf said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before, the 6th day of March, 109, or thli aotlca will ha nlaajtMl tn hir nt th.lr t . rrMiTsrr All nmnm lnlahMl ' tn r .w eataU will please make taune. c j. McCarthy. Administrator. This 5th day of March, 1908. MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant te tne power of sale cob- , talned in that certain mortgage deed 1 executed by Geo. Berry to M. t Rus sell, bearing date of Jan. 1st A. D., 1907 and recorded In the offlce of the Register of Deeds of Craven eounty, in Book 166, Page 418, I will offer, fer sale and will sell to the highest bid der; at the court-bouse door In New Bern, N. C, on Saturday the 14th day ot March. 1908, at the hour of 12 o' clock, noon, the following described real estate conveyed in said mortgage deed, towlt: Beginning at the mouth of Frog Pond Branch on the East side of Slo cumbs Creek, running down said creek to Luke Rowe Gut, thence up Luke , Rowe Gut to marked gum at th corner of William Buys' line, thence with William Buys' line to the begin ning, containing seventy-five (76) acres, being the land purchased of J. H. Hunter and all the land owned by the said Geo. Perry in 6th Township. This 10th day orFebruary, 1908. M. F. RUSSELL, Mortgagee. L. J. MOORF- Attorney. NOTICE 01 SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed, ,aaieu "uu- lauo' lb Joe ejnd wife MartbarRouse, of Craven county. N. C, to J. C. Chest- nut, of Lenoir County, N. C, and re corded in the office of the Register ot Deeds of Craven county, N. C, in Book No. 169 Page 326, said land being more particularly described as follows situated In No. 3 wnship. Craven County, N. ('., and being the James Rouse land and adjoining the land of Owen Bryant, and Nathan Boyett, said tract containing twenty-one acres, more or lean, the undersigned, aa as signee, of all rights and interests of the aforesaid J. C. Chestnut, will on the third Monday lu March 908, it be ing the 16tli day of March, .908, offer for sale at this court house door in New Bern, N. C, for cash to the high est bidder the interest of the afore said Joe Rouse and wife. Martha Rouse, in the tract of land as de scribed above. Sale about 12 o'clock M. This February 10. 1908. M. H. SUTTON. Mortgagee ( Aslgnee.) Notice! Bills 1VANTEO FOB CONCRETE PAVING WORK New Bern N. C, Feb. 17. Furmiant to Section 56 of the Char ter of the City of New Bern, as a mended by Chapter 228 private laws of 1907. especially Section 7, The City of New Bern advertises for bids for Concrete Work on the aldewalks of the City amounting to about Twenty miles of sidewalk, more or less. Fnll details of which may be had by ap plication for plans and specifications. Rids are to be submitted tor the work to be don by the square yard. All work to be dona under the super vision of ths City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of $600.00 as guarantee ot the bidder for entering the con tract according to the terme of his bid. When contract Is executed aad signed, the accepted bidder will be re quired to give a 110,000 bond for faithful performance of the contract Work on the contract enuat com mance wllhln thirty days of ths ac ceptance of the bid and all bids must state the rate at which It is proposed to perform ths contract Hid will be opened on the 19th day of March, 1MI. Th City reeerve the right te' releet all bids submitted. Feby 17th. 108. F. T. PATTERSON, City Clerk. - Menroaoa sali try vlrte W lb paw 4 eel ee tala4 la a certala aneelrs-ge made bf yea iiaate uta i;auaay. a Carpratla by Jaaeea jr. Maath, pre. Idaa t, ait n. M. Laoaaia. rfiikj V O. MnLawbarn aa ai u a tary. wlta ta a-al af th oavpor' Smith. sstelakMraisv-mblaa aU e tloe Xssr wee cat ) the Ith day f goat, teet. ea rwreW la the eOoe f th fW ttr er D4 af Crave Ceaalf te ek It. Paee Ml, -we the smdaralgsed will sell tar eaah le tbe blsh-4 bidder at TueMsra Mrtb Caru'laa, tb pr"li wbex te Caruihesv m ta prsralsn w a si ia - BderslgBed will sell far cash; ta theCharl PaaL oavtcted of larceny at rttra tr'ta.'rUi1.: lb set evea dal thaeewltb UM JM CrVS CoUty. fllwlag Sesr1tl prperty, twlti 4a 41 si I laa L. Atlas sVsile? astd till Atlas gagta with Salaras wM a k.y sew aiaae, e Laa aae tayalem Olnefy aaspssl; fnalsS lag ef tw sew Olaa, srvf Cla-' las Fe-a. oav, lfanaU aJ. , ixael arvtvlag sMl Pre Witt ataaaa ?raapr, S hart tag, Paliera peltlag te. . Oae Assart aaua-aslli wltb H, aad alt Batatas neitox a alee SH tb batUlare a ! wave by tea said assaap a they pew etaae (a Vaxe-Wera, H. C ea I ha laa-le kaaaa by eaJ fuiurt aelt-4a-4 Vila rsaraay franal L M. a4 i, laV t.iwaet la tke yeas St Wti the rig Me pad privilege of a4 tm- lljin II th day of f.vy Itstv.,,' , . L., k a- , ' . ' c xl a ii. .paf. i . IM1L -. SKadalf FJ " nvasTwooMO Daily Ex. 0 1 saaeay. suzae t. P. (CI- lland 8t Gl,nuu. Pamlico jiutiuL Duke atdi.is Botubkll Sliilng Kalahtdale Kagfc Rock Wendell l.4t :4t tt Jil : T:e x. Real Down ftock Quarrr UBUIOD hMOHD, MOREBEAU (II aSiA L PORT Bad NOHKOI K Effect we August itoi A. M. 7: Lv, Tit 8:00 :tl 1:11 Ar. P M Ar. H Qaldaboro I lOrange Klnton un . er New Brrn Lv Sunday No P. flU!'.tv No A J Ar i . . H 1 7 4" 7 0 Lv. T-jr. Sun.la.'i No i P. M Ar 7 It 6 AH 1 a 2 2i. lit Lv.ll 51. T:l Lv S:2t 1.17 New Bern Newpor Morehead city Atlantic Hotel Beaufort :6i :1 Ar. ' Sx. Sundaya No. I. I A. M. I U Lr. 11: 12:17 , 2:20 1:15 UjAA,. Bx. New Bern WaahlDgton Plymouth Edenton Elisabeth City Norfolk BBTWBKN NORFOLK. VA l RALBIGH H. C. EOctlve January artli, lltos. wkstiioi;ni) BTATION.3: Lv. Norfelk r.x-Hiin. 1-.-Siiii Kx-S No. 30. Ne. 2 No. 14 Ne. i a.m. 1 I r.:. 6:00 B:4II 7:8 7 . M 8 nil fi:2 SI:: a:o D. 14 !::.". 10:(Jtt a.m. a.m. a.m. Chocowlnlty Greenville Farmrille Stantonsburgr Wllaen Bailey Middlesex Zebulon Wendell Kntghtdale Ar. Raleigh 10:40 12:20 1:10 1 :f.1 3: 00 2:50 4:1.1 4:ft.r, 5 lil 5: SO 6:31". s . :ii, '.I .uo :i . 1 5 :i . ::s '.I. is id.oi; l o . 40 EASTnOl'NI): STATIONS:- No.l Wx-Snn. p.m. 4:4". 1 :: ; :f.: : : ; N.M 8:3:: 8:07 7:f.:l 7:31 7:21 7:06 6:25 No. r, 1-: Sun p.m. Ar. Norfolk Chocowimn Qreenvi!!. Farmvllie Stantonsbarr Wllson Bailey Middlesex Zebulon Wendell Knlghtdale Lv. Raleigh :t . :.u :: . ni: 2.I.". 12.1 r. 1 1 r,f, 1 1 . i r. in. in in in; ii . i ii .tn Hi . 21 .114 . :ni (JOLDSBORO AND UUAUFOU'I' N. V. BsTcctlve Sunder Drermbri H, 11MI7: KASTBOUND k.x. Sun.XSun. Only) No.3 No.B No. 7 No.O STATliSNS: Oeldsboro Lv. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. . 7:00 4:S9 8:00 4:00 . 7:10 5:00 8:10 4:10 . 7:20 t.:1 0 8:20 4:20 . 7:30 f,:20 8:30 4:30 . 7:45 r.:3T 8:45 4:45 . ,:00 r.:50 9 no 6:00 . 8:12 6:02 11:1 2 6:12 . 8:23 6:13 9:23 6:23 . 8:38 6:28 9:38 6:39 . 8:60 6:40 '.!: 5:.ri0 . 8:56 6:46 9.59 u.66 . 9:15 7:llS . 9:27 7 18 10:20 6 J 6 . 9:66 7:44 10:48 6:46 .10:01 7:60 10:54 b.&l .10:17 8:06 1 1 :10 7:08 .10:37 8:25 11:30 7:27 . 10:44 8:32 1 I 37 7:34 .1 1:00 8:47 1 1 :!,.'! 7:50 .11:26 9:10 1 2:16 8:16 Millers BeaU ,LaGrange .... i Falling Creek 1 Klnston Csawell Dover Cove City .... Tuscarora Clarke New Bern, New Barn, Ar. Lv. Uiverdale Croatan Havelock lewport Wlldwoed Morehead City Beaufort WESTHOIM) (Ex. Uun.)(Sun. Only.) No.l No.l No.O. No. 8 STATIONS Oeldsboro, Ar. Millers Bests LaUrange . . . FaHIng Creek Klnaton Caswell Dover Cov City . . . Tuscarora . . . a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 11:45 9:30 12:16 8:30 11 34 8 ill 1 2 .05 8.20 11:24 9:10 11:67 8:10 1114 9:00 1 1 48 8:00 10:68 8:15 1 1 .32 7:46 10:43 8 311 III.' 7 3U 10:29 8.18 11 03 7:18 10.18 8 07 10 52 7:07 10 J3 7 .'.2 10 .17 :62 9 61 7 40 lu 26 6:40 9 45 7.34 10:1 9 6:34 9.36 7 15 :20 7:10 10.00 6:1S 8:62 (:42 V ii . 4 6 6 3 6 !i 2 I 5 ' ' 8 SO :20 9:05 6 SO 8J0 6:00 8:46 6:00 8:02 b m r. .is 4 , , , .. ,1 8.22 4:37 7:25 6.16 8 00 4:15 Cku-ks .. New Bern, New Bern, lr." Riverdale . . . . Cratan Haveloek Newpert . . . . Wlldwod Morehead City Beaufort. Lv. BsrrWWBlIf HUW HKH IIAtUKIto SLASTBOlNDi si-Sun. li oly E Bun flTATIONS: No. I II. Nu.ii New Bern. Lv. . Bridgeton Olympla Relabro Bladaa Juaotlon Oraatsaas West Alliance . . .10 4 0 (. 0-1 . 8 24 . 8 IS .8 42 .8.67 . 9 DO lit . 7 r.8 . 8 40 r, 7 15 7:2J 7 37 7 37 7 40 7 6" J3 1 II I :', Meat Allla Bavboro Stonewall Oriental . wbsthoi;ni IC-Mun S-oly K-Hun. STATIONS: New Bar. Ar. . Bridge toa Olympla Keeleboro Blades Junction Orantsboro Weet Alliance .. Heat AlUanee .. Bay bora, teneweJI .. .. Oriental No 10. Na.lt No.l a.m. . . .9 00 . .161 . . 8 18 . . .101 . . .7 51 . . .7 48 . . . 7 Tl . . .7 ao ' '5 . . .7 07 . . 16 a in. 9 40 10 9 16 8 65 8 48 8 43 8 :ii to 8 20 8 1 1 7 SO 7 16 ooaasx-TioNa At ntreeese aad Maw Bera with At laatl Caa at Lla. Treaae PI a, I aad 4 connect ai (loMe bte With A C U, trains aa full.,. Ne, 4t Stk sound: No. 41. North baj aad with Southern Hallara trais Nea. IIL weathouad and No. ill , Trale Me, M ceoneeia wltn No. I from New Bar. Ne It with No 4 tei New Bun. ataamav "Myra" now ope rat, bera Waahlagton and Own Villa, will be discontinued after Patur af. Jwa it. Iralght dMn; to Tar Pltver iaiid JUrS WIN b rt.llrerwl follna tarisaa Lendlaa and bayd a t erry, N C. M 0 I OrtmaakuA H C Tart s :.u4 V arm si 'a Lauadlng 1 PliM ten BL l BfWCH, Tram Blaac m. sa, srvnoiiis. u UM. Paa. As. r. w. TATB St, CMv Pea. As'rft. 'y irrtfCATlOX FOR PARDON Netlo I hereby given that appllca- wOf be made fur pardon of -FebruiyJIOs. 10A ttrLUTMt COUCH micunatMi Luncs !r.7 C::c3vcry .'xtMi " WTfn I .aav,in. i i THrf .Hi Ire -- r f -f 1T"""rt. 5 isnopi isLAxr trrs, A M'firg tf IS PbMi Is!an1 rr4 r-rt f T tlf-0. frrs rerefni'y fa'- ' ' ; r t . "r ,

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