. . : . ... . -. . . i - . . - - . - . . . - i rf 4 - v - J - ' r - - - - . ' - , . v - - - n. v - .V if v.- ' -1 " .v? -iw Jtv-rw. f , ,, r . ! 'viHAf Cbe Kind Yoa Haro Always Boogbt, and which has ben J; la ue for over SO Tears, bas born the slsrnatur? of. and has y- Jt- - flonal supervision since Its Infancy. utfcAliX, ATlnw iui ona to deceive YOU in this. ' Al Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-aa-good" are but ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of - T"fi"tf and Chadren Experience . against Experiment. What is CASTORIA CSastorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlo, Drops and Soothing. Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays itoverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic; It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, reguhites the Stomach And Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's (Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS." J Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought fn Use For Over 30 Years. Titn rrrAun mmhuit. rr nimr anitcT. i PROFESStfiNAL CARDS Frederic1 n Purr ' Concert r'lanvt. ee. f aMereea Houte, Studio 1 1 1 Middle St Over Bradhaot't'Drug Store. Aeomplete course in Pianoforte and Vocal' music for beginners ond ad vanced pupils . Kimball Piano furnished lV George R Fuller. Romulus A, Nunn, - eTTOKNKt (1 Practice in the countlea of CIraveu. Carteret, Pamlico, Jones aud Ousiw '' sad lu the Bute Supreme and Federal Mfcurts. Telephoue No. 97. "OfBce No.-60 Craven street, New Bam. N. G 11 CLARENCE E. SMITH TITESUABT PlpSlClAN SSh . grRGEON. Qradate of the Kansas.. City Veterinary Cotige. V0Me sad UetpUal i$ Broad Sl.eei BesUesee Phone 887. OAlw T. K. 8Ussea. A. D. Ward -r, . 1, HAllee as. WARD S ILIB ATTOKIXTS JMX COfalftUfrn . AT LA" Sl HERS. H. C. .if-': k.Oase No. As Scjifi Front Sueei ' if'sr 'WTU. Telegraph Office. rPhuilcS U, tbe im-owIwi "f Oraeu . "Pupils, Jones, 'noit. Ooetow. Car- ftsrsC' Pamlico, and Wke. lo ibe Sit Iprsals and Federar Courts, urnl whr- eveV. eervlor r dird Jm Would gladly pay several ' dolkrito ." - . USB A TELEPEtONE ONCE .'6 lit cam o an ; EMERGENCY- VTTV M AT hftT hMrt Inn ' Surely been made under his per Signature of NOTICE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES The Democratic voters of Craven County are hereby notified that the primary election for county offices will be held April 15th, 1908. The polls will be open from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m. The voting precincts and poll-holders are as follows: No. 1 Township Yaneebore Registrar N. M. Lancaster, Poll-holders N. B. Ipock and Henry Buck. No. 1 Township Maple Cypress Registrar J. J. Dixon. Pol I holders J. Q. Smith and A. E. Klrkman. No. 2 Towngbip Truitts Registrar N. T. Fulcher. Poll-holders Asbury Barrington and C. L. Gasklns. No. 2 Township Bridgeton Registrar S. R. Brooks. Poll-holders 8. C. Dunham and W. K. Hopewell. No. S Township Fort Barnwell Registrar L. 13. Harper;. Poll-holders L. S. Davis and John 8. W. Pearce. . - No. S Township Dorer Registrar C. C. Holland. Poll-holders J. H. West and R. A. Richardson. No. S Towuiihlp Coie Registrar O. L. Wetherlngton. Poll-hnlders H. T. White and Wm. McCoy. No. 4 Township Taylor's Store Registrar Claud Taylor. Poll-holders Joshua Adams and C. C. Bell. Ne. 4 Township Lee's Farm Registrar T. E. Haywood. Poll-holders J. F. Codwin and A. Tolson. He. 7 Township Tkarnaa Registrar H. C. Wood' v: Pall-bolders-B. F. Irte and Walter H. Smith. Ne. 8 Township First Ward CHy Reglstrar-Rj R. Hill. Poll-holders Fernle Oaskill and J a Hill. Reread Ward CHy Rigletrar W. K. Baxter". Po11:holdrs-OroWinfleld and J. Lovlck. ' . ' Talrd Ward Qtij Registrar B. 8. Street. H". Polk-boldera J. 6. Barker and J. A. Thomaa.". rearth Ward City RrglstflT Jo E. OaaUJI. Poll-holders L. B. Wood and CheS. IF. Harget;- , ... . , e Bern rrastaet c " ' Rfglatrar A. J. Osaklss, . ; - f Ponoldere E, L Bmlth aad K-r. Ilollbwetl. - 'M;'M'u.!?fx' f v TWsls rmlaei.tnV RegistrarMark Diaorway. C,V . WI-boldeirTladafd ssd W"lt Bray. '" -r- ;X: A 1 ypoH-hsldt ri-4L sts Wslld nd ; I v ..- Beltslr ' Prerlsrt-' ; V Rt1itrr 4. R rreeca- ' MlolnDMW (h in w,i. a.' Tswsiais rreviwn I,. PoU-hotders W. a DwvU ksd Ms 6ogft.:-;;:)' . ' " Tbe ? chat votlag elact to In 1k T(f 4 Ward, itr trot BxOV-nrTte lMe to . SUeet a CArrlage k(m. Middle eliL . -.. ' ' ... -JAMKH A. MTArtv i . p'j Cbatrmas Drt. K. Com. ' it T..PATT!-::aoN. rr- ' i Otr CCuwiXti -Wi ' -i -Lsl4 UTBesl'f '-" Thursday sftenwonths taneral ob sequies were pronounced over? all that was mprtal of Frederick D. Mamford; and the remains were laid to rest in Greenwood : cemetery. ."';." - The funeral services -were conduct ed, at Guilfleld's Baptist church, of which the deceased Was a member tor twenty-fo r years, by the pastor Rev. Hi Stovajl in the presence of a large congregation. The pulpit.' was occu- . reaentlng ether churches. The deceased was one of the resentative colored businessl men of New Bern, and was Just in (he prime of manhood, when he Was summoned. He leaves a heart-broken widow, and a host of friends to mourn his loss. "A FRIEND. y , . n (I I.i ra.i i i.ii-tit ? S Hi. u illl I lentV : i .i" hot! i . i ie outi'i we Iui. kiiii f 0 t ' ) .( .b,' t: uddei. ,iw I'rc. II rise mid 1 :IW .!ip ii'iUti:.i.it. i y VjH a U-w iiiii ..K'li'K. M:i."k." j siue iriout cvonty inl.nites. 1 it lie iiieitiitliiie Self i tor lliiiuui wnlki'd lestlessly lietweon !'je two rooms. spenklig n word or two Ij the Mtvretarios nnd fIiowIiii; pliiinly . t!i:it he shared witli Ha- presiiteiit a j feeling of deep nuxlety as to the out loiiie of the military profdlngl He j remarked on tbe fact of great shortage j of supplies and from his words uud bearing revealed to the assembled few ; in that outer room that the president and his closest . advbers -wtre-lying awake nights and working t make up for the deficiencies of the military situ ation. . , - : When tbe pre8ldenr4eturnedf he and Senntr Hanna resumed tbelr Sftxlons consultation. Then the presldeofa sec re tury reuinrked to one whs was bear him: "I suppo.se you wonder why Presi dent McKlnley got up so suddenly Sad left wltbu,ut a word to any one. Ton saw how anxious ne waa about ine military sitnatlon. Even that would uot cduxe him to break away from wnnt has come to be tbe custom of his early evrttlnir. AUiut the same time- every night. when lie bc:tn n signal from the other side, he knows that Mrs, tfcKlnley la ready to retire mid wishes to see blru. No jnntter bow tilisy be nisy lie nor bow deeply engaged In afty ibjeot. be Invariably drops everytiifiig on tbe iu stant and ffoca to their own apart ments. There he'slti by the uedskle argl reeds u chapter In the Bible to Mrs. McKlnley. Theu be waits a few moments until she Is quiet tiptoes back to tbe door, comes over here to tbe of fice and without a. word takes up the thread of bis work and keeps It up-until toward mldnlgbtr-Chlcogo Trib une. FLEET ANIMALS. The Wonderful Spd Developed by tho Qrayheund, Representations of the greyhound ap nea r upon sculptures ever a.ixw year aid. There is no doubt that It la one of the very oldest fixed types of oog and the mart universal In Its distribu tion. India. Arable, Pervla. are among the countries that, for1 agea iost had tbe greyhound.-..lately there was ex -a.ew- ' 7,'r"rT!1siek with a severs cold, the next day Ainiauun auun una nnia ui that Dioantaln land. Of coarse theee dogs are not all exactly grey hoc nda In the western aenae. but, they are eassn tlslly the aame In type; they are -grnae- hounda." long legged, light built dogs. bead to rua tbelr-game by. eight, and not by scent aud to overtake tt not by wearing It down, but by sheer speed and skill of running, liow this type was evolved affords much Interesting peculation. ' A greyhosMl Is probsbly tbe fastest creature that aooves opoa tbe earth," eays a bresder of tboa aaWnala. - "It lS4m record tbsia greyaousd sc t bsrltln's Oovgh Remedy, sad that OB abaoloet trial tjstwses bora and frey: ' n - . . bomud Is ttlOkalt to Uiag Off. becssaw, while the horse ess be rtddesj at top srcdlt ta'fwooaslbtt h bosom tbat tbe greybowod wUI rwS all be ess.' Bitt s do Hhat ess' start, saf. tftl yarcTa -behind s Mrs and overtake lti within enutber Bfty. sad this is sbout T'JFTJZZ 7 has Ms awrslW only ss the Wrda,"? --"V '-' ' ' .V-' The aame wrilK aey mf grwybotisd lenntaci'Ooe used to beer that R was s ahote,, sot 's lrwrltoMs epon. narj as re sears soes wso r tow Hot eoorrlng denrtand alMulnha artalnt sn.rtow wf aoytWuf ehedCTei-y tlm a dtni la mo M a bootly ma ti ale or dhtdVlB ataire.. Tm res- bef-pulf . jrreykeoad.- - OUrtdS ytws, , , ;. v . rThe'New CeU's Wer.? Vt' - 't - A. Sw rMX wee la tbe altrbcs, sel the fciUtr-M tnl" to be Uad wHb'tbe Say iW wetted dJaoer. TW aalad vss atataly" atapftrtg .smart! jnai xawy fwr-ar a . . ai .'sivaalf. anhbw H la Marafne tha at lh 'f th csas Is proaonnoed ops .saarteev t be - ' -w - . . .... kS A il 1 SI at. raw le,"eo'Mr "'"" 0lT .alth.- n'TisTi.'iiiii! k-rt. ' "J'b sad vilallty. Iloillatar'a Rocky wit lurte. nr liia'end l'i ltln arttla llllla tiuvrta ' l ie foully war emiat-MUfd to . "MI dU yon dn tbe Mtui'er Cdly ,lrt-i'iirr4 b UJy of ta mt Sitae ett r . - r t . "nr. m.lir,j If f' rn-i" erpMo(f I-, ., : tli var1)4 r)M ' yr BHDS, KOI WOXOJLi' - i lew Bn Pepto Hr-isJBte Prssl C. f beMs at'BssMi. v. it' oof Words, but deeds that provs true nktiL----?;- ;'';;i:i ti Tt ded of Doss's Kidney Pills, '. for Kidaex Suffeftrs, fj; Have madel their local reputation.; - Proof lies in the teaumonr of Newl Bern people who have bees cured -to stajr cured. ; r- . L. A. Smith, 13 Griffith street, New Bern, N. C. sarar .. "Several years ago I gave a public statement recommending DoauV Kid ney Pills, atter they had xred of a severe attack of kidney, trouble. rhrins the time whteh; has t labsed. it Z.a - JTC sassr bjuubi rriunui saa uim cui b wmun w rep-'Doan'g Kidney Pills effected has proi ven permanent. Rcesntiy my uttie son had some difficulty with 'his kidneys, the irregular action of the secretions being the principle symptom. I pro cured Doan's .Kidney -V Pills' at Brad ham's Pharmacy and gave them to him, and they effected a complete cure I know of several other instances in which this remedy has been used with Ubn Aa..l,. I , "a t ' For sale by all dealers. Price 60 falo, New'Tork, sole agents for the United States:" Remember the- name Doan's od take no other. One thing that is pot catching, the old maid in aearsh of a husband. Cseaasled as a Cure tor Croup "Besides being an excellent remedy tor colds and throat troubles, Cham-1 berlains's Cough' Remedy is unequaled . as a cure for croup,'" says Harry Wil-1 son of Waynetown, Ind,; When given ! as soon as the crispy Sough appears this remedy will prevent the attack. ' It is used successfully in many thou sands of homes. . "For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. 8. Duffy, Not more than 8,000 star sare visi ble to the naked eye. All things are ful of god. Cicero. An honest contenance is the best passport. German. OaSTORXA. iniiA -&MYetUAlwaPrSught igV-a ef Once in a while an actress makee good for her press agent. Best Healer n The World Rev. F. 8tarblrd, of Bast Raymond, Maine, says: "I have used Bucklen's Arnica Salve for ' several years, on my old army wound, and other ob stinate sores, and Ond it the beat heal er in the "world. I use it too with great success in mjr veterinary busi ness. Price. 16c. at All Druggists, Even the woman who la color blind knows when abe la feeling blue. Prof. H. A. HsweU, sf Havsas, Cabs Keeeameads Chamberlain's Cssga Remedy "As long ago aa I can remember my mother was .a faithful user and friend of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, but never In my life have I realised Its trne value until now," writes Prof. H. Ay Howell, of Howell's American School, Havana. Cuba. "On tbs night o? February Ird, our baby was taken. was worse and fas following night Ills eosditloa was desperate. He Could not lis down sad It wss sscesaa 1 have him In the arms every moment Eves then his breathing was (HfoH I did aot think be would lire Ml morning. At last I thought, of mother's remedy, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which ws (avs, and li afford ed prompt relief, and sow, three dafi later, a has tally recovered. v Voder the drcamstsnces 1 woe id not hesh ute s aaomeet Is aaytsg that tham- " ' : I r ' -i i. Be like s peat age stsmp. which keU there try sticking to'buainaes. i . , ,, . " . . . - I wt uM (0 jj" '-1 ; los.4 out that there t. MS to dls of lss trouble ss oegM ' ' nwNuuwi- f, says Mrs. 1. Pt WhttS. of Ruib boro, Ps. "1 Woald. sot be sltvs ttf ' j, i, tot ttsl woodarf ul saeiUntse. 'ooaghs sad eoldsl, lagrlppt, se(hns, Aronohlil ssd hrraanaa. Js soils - dee Tnaranta al All Dracflats! Lie kii M ,TrUi k . S ' - U s" woma to o Into half jtofe and aay'Hsur r ; --f ' '- ' ', lfakvs blood and MaJe featar tbsa Mnunla Tea towers abcira all other ratiwiJUi frt limltlBg aJck tople wall. and wall "wallar." t& nt T or Tabif la. f. 8. Imlfy, . . , . ' ' A le ! .e band is'hfta no w'ia. It looaawa SB A moot .Tmtekmt ta ' "k.t as ,aisariT iee. . mis kvom raivaDte hmatar lor iv ti -".. TO THE DEM0CSAT1C TOTEKS OF CRATES COCSTt .na'i i Ltreby announoer myself s candi date lor Repreeentatlve "of Craven feounty la the next Genral Assembly and promise If elected to ose taf best efforts In belpihg. to make laws for (be benefit had protection of the peo ple of this county, and for the wel fare of the State at large. Very respectfully, JOSEPH KIN8EY ifti .Utt ntfMftTKiTir vnTt8 af 1 hereby announce that t shall be s candidate, tor constable. Township No. 8, subject to' Democratic primary April 16th, 1908. If euected I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to the very beet of my ability. Lk M. AWSON. TO THE DEMOCRATIC T0TERS OF CRAVEN COUNTIt I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of Treasurer for Craven county, subject to the Dem- ocraOc primaries, to be held April ,r 1(,,,0 Very respectfully, J. W. LANE. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF NO. EIGHT TOWNSHIP: I respectfully announce myself a candidate for constable of said town ship. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office to the beet of my ability. MATTHEW McDANIEL. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY: I hereby "announce that at tbe par ty primary to be held for Craven coun- I ty on April 15th next, I shall again be a candidate for the office of sheriff. Since I have been your sheriff, I have tried to discharge my duties le gally, faithfully, and impartially, and hope that my .conduct has been such as to merit your approbation. Thanking you sincerely for your past support, I am Very respectfully, " J. W. BIDDLE. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY: I hereby announce, myself to the Democratic voters of Craven County candidate for the office of County Treasurer. Very respectfully F. A. FULCHER, TO JTHE DEMOCRATIC Y0TER8 OF CRAVEN COUMTYt I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Office of Register of Deeds and earnestly request your support at the primary election tbbe held April 15th, 1908. It lu your prerogative to nominate whoever you like, audi hum bly appeal to you for your votes, promising unflinching service If nomi nated and elected. - Respectfully your humble servant, STEPHEN H. FOWLER. TO THE DEMOCRATIC Y0TER8 OF CRAYEN COUNTY- I hereby announce myself a candi date to succeed myself for the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, subject to the Democratic Primaries to be held on April 15th. If 1 am again the choice of tbe peo ple, I shall feel very highly compli mented, and hereby pledge myself to perform the duties of the office to the best of my knowledge and ability, Thanking yon for past favors, 1 am Very Respectfully, RICHARD B. LAME. . Register of Deeda TO THE DEM0CBAT1C VOTERS OP CRAVEN COlKTTi ' I hereby gnsouse myself a candl dats for the nomination of Sheriff for Craved County, subject to the setlos oP lbs Democrat's psrty: ' ' v GEO. K. WEST. TO THE DEMOCVTIC T0TIR8 .9 CEATfS C0tITI- ' jS hereby Sanouao that I shall. bi SsadidsU' for' coneUble, Towaanfj) Na t, wsbtt to pemoeratie primary April 16, 1A0I, if Uots4 I ahall an desvos to dktoharge- the -dotte of the otoee to the yerf beet ot my shlUty. 'V If. W.TRBJCJ0T1J. : -'i . - r) in ' ' TBI 9EI0CRATI0 VOTER OF ; (RAVES CQt'JITIt 7v;',.-r, I hereby anscmncf Afcst I ahall be oasdldate foe, Treaisrer- to sseeeed to theetnocrailo Prf- i held for Crave Count savs-trtod la the pasi jtovsTvs:my-irlends'sra ih.whoU ! loop's faithfully nd mivtJlly. d Ikope that J bare dons nothing tor COOdatsBatlMU Wl B3AU Tfisnkf tot past favors,. I sta x . t very reaped rully, . -' Treaenree ' Far Plaeesee ef'tks tkfs ' " Naarly all dlaasas tf the eVln Surh si tcinmii, t(Ur, Mif rhaum q bar t sra' Uch, er rharai-trrl7rd ,y sn In- 1 tensa t ' t l R ' !v ; ft- t and 'i.ar!U.r. !. h ( f V'o n 1 -i m l I':'' i r' f . ' t V" r t jfi . lying f:. Iain's Falva. ' - f ' ' ! 1: I I r Could not, Buy- 'toir. 6a. Asawasr. tsoa ..jefja? SIM jasrfsefeelM ene SatstfMa low SM was Dnwt.eu ftjMiMipUce rfax Lease, tmina9MUWipaoaaiMSMM. ona -fore-Mid I BiaMlSeeS Sorirc. . eodiWHf i srtlid ea 4 a5 bolUd IL e , 4nam Pffcrtp . SMhitfKiwS) noMdlMttwfSeftM 1 SAd h) BkSlxaw I pteksd ee Miljw AbMhact ee a poor msrttd Dnp 4p wifkU fresp at snjttiinc sod piPSil OCfig MdthabtraAt I received won nBat TViSW AU. TUB OOLD IH - OXORQlA 6CM.VD HOT BUV. i ktvt on Mdni HUnS btn Bontas I wnt hack la M iS a BWiaMnlat, and In Sua morhs rrowiUad bu. letUlaMa Sttla oa. eulonaUf as l-Sod K Boa bteod puriaar aiaiasoBaioras. MajryoaMn r ran aVe kng and pnwpar. - . isurs varxiruir, . ''vjf. IX M. OOMfgLL, COPtiMS TO RATIONAL FOOD AND DRUG LAW This is woly s sample of the great good that is daily done everywhere by Kodol for Dyspepsia. rOR SALIC BY V. S. DUFFY. Some people make a specialty of be lieving the impossible. Clears The Complexion ' Orlno" Laxative Fruit Sryup stim ulates the liver and thoroughly Clean ses the system and clears the com plexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best laxative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Orlno is much superior to pills, aperient wa ters and all ordinary cathartics as it does not Irritate the stomach and bow els. Davis Pharmacy. Next to nothing the dude's under wear. Dou't Take tbe Kink. When you have a bad cough or cold do not let it drag along until U be comes chronic bronchitlcs or develops into an attack of pneumonia, but give it the attention It deserves and get rid of lt. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you are sure of prompt relief. From a small beginning the sale and use of this preparation has extended to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. Its many remarkable cures of coughs, and colds have won for it this wide reputation and extensive use. For sale bj Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. A village is a hamlet and the only kind some actors can play. Tbe Lacky Quarter Is the one you pay out for a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They bring you the health, that's more pre cious than Jewels. Try them for headache, biliousness, constipation and malaria. If they disappoint you the price will be cheerfully refunded it All Druggists. . . I It takes a woman to conceal what the doesn't know. Ask tearsclf the Qaeetles. Why aot use Chamberlain's Pain lalm when you have rheumatism? JCe feel sure that the result will be irompt and satisfactory. One appll tlon reffeves the pain, and many "ure been permanently cured by Its Ose. 15 ant 60 cent sixes. For sale by Deris Pharmacy and P. S. Duffy. Is thexeal drama of life the lead lag ladles sre eoohs. A Pies teat Pkysle When )os wsat pleasant physic Civs CbamberUina Btomaoh ssd Uver TsbUU s trial. They are mild and tsutls ta their action and always pro lace pleasant cathartic effect Call it DsTla Pharmacy orlk. 8. Duffy's irsg stors. for free eample. lfootr makaa the man who makes th mousy. .. ,.. . . .jt:t. . ': " . a Es Barksss TeeUAas After Fesr 0. B. BurhaoS, of Carlisle Center, .R T .writeef "About foqr years go I wrote yoa slating that I had been en tirely cured' of severs kldoey tro Me by tskloE iesi thaa two bottles of Foley's. Kidney Curs. It eOUrely stop ped th brick dnat sediment, and pal aadeympt)ms yf kidney dlsesskJIaaD p '. t m glad to say that I Bate a. 'ad s returs of, sat of those f e during the tourears that bave etapaad and.I sib evKatitly evrwd (o stay cured, tad haertlly ertianand Fow'e JUdnay Cure U) any on mif 'o- g from kl'lnay or tladlar troe- IwU I'tarrtiary. . " ly batiiee wetth a .r t i i ' e ' 1 tie ACMIXISTRA'l'OB'S NOTICE Having qualiGtd as administrator of B. .F. Warters. d ceaatd, this lo notify all persons having claims a galnst the estate or the Bald deceased to present thm to the undersigned on or before the ftth day of March. 1909, duly verltltd, or this not Ice will be pleaded In bar of their tecovery All persons iudebttd to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment. This 3rd day of March, 1908. J. E. WATERS, Administrator u B. F. Warters, de ceased. LOFTiN & VARSER Attorneys, Kin ston, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified its administrator of John Johnson, deceased, late of Cra ven county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before the 25th day of February, 1909, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate set tlement, c j. McCarthy, Administrator. This February 24, 1908. R. B. NIXON, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Anthony Harris, deceased, late of Craven count j, N. C, this is to notify all ti'S(jii8 having claims against the eslaie of said deceased to exhibit thtm to Hie undersigned on or before the 5th day of March, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their rjcoviiy. All persons Indebted to said estates will please make imme diate settlement. c. j. McCarthy, Administrators This F.ili day of March, 1901. MOItT; AiH NAI.K . By virtue- of Ihv power of sale con tained in n ct'iijitii mortat made by l'':.r?.!erH ( .'unsdl iduttMl (Jin Company, n t'orpnraUnn by .lames I1'. Heath, pres ident, itle.si :d N. M. Lancaster. Hecre- ttjielte.' ( . lviel.iiwliorn and I.. K. liny, with the eul of the eorpoiallon Hnilth. ndmini.stnilor. wlileh said mort gage waa executed on the 7th day of uuust. IliUi. smd reeoi-ded In the otnee ( tin- IteKister ot 1 Is of Craven ounty In Book 1U3. 1':ik' -61, we the lAlerslKnetl will sell for cash to the I'jhest bhbb'i- :.i V'aneenoro, North Caro'.ina, on the orenilses where the undersigned will sell for cash to the llted ut the hour of 'l o'clock M.. on the 2.lr day of Mun li. 1'Jnx. to satisfy the note of even date therewith the following described properly, towit: One Il'xI ( lass I. Atlas Holler and ne 9x1 Atlas KnMne with nxtureB omplete as tlo-y now statld. one Lum- mus Hystem t.lnei y - unpi.-te; ee-..st8t InK of two Ho saw i;inH. M-;.ry CI an IHK Keoth-is. I'uihl'i'p'-, .-netiniatlc Ele- utor. Double '-, ,olvinc I'OX rreaa with Hlean- lampei, .slmftlnK. Pulleye, iteltlntr .-te. one American sam-mlll th saw. ami all lixtuies couiplete. d also all the ImlhlhiKH aud fihedH owned by the said company tis they now stand In Yiiucclioro. N. C. on the lands leased by said i-'iirincra Conaoll- lated Cln I'ouipauy finin 1,. N. and M. l-.atn-a?iter In the year PMI4 with lie rlKbts and privileges of said com plin y. This 13 tb day or l'chy 1III. I.. 10. SMITH. ( Md.AWllOltN . K1THY 41. AIM STATE Ol'' NOHTH CAROLINA Cravt-n County I'ojt. II. Lane. Entry Taker for Craven County -The unriri slKtii-d M I). Lane, of Cra ven Counts'. North Caiollini, enterH and ays elniin to tin- f.illowlnif di-serllied I,-,,- of --1 ot land lu Third Town rili,. ivla n I'ounty. Slate of North arollna. llm aauu- Ih-Iuk vaeant and iliaiu o.i l.-tted land, mid HllliJ'-rt ntry. vi. Kt'KluninK' at a Htuinp on A'llk.-i sc.n'B l,raln h to the u'er cor er of the AI0117.0 Itddle lan.l how own rl hv .Ino, Morris and rutin with Httld Morris line to C. C. Tripp lino, than with said C. C Tripp's line to the road leadl.iK from Neuse road to Camp fak thun runs with said rond to Wllker- Hon brnneh. then down said hraneh lu the bi-KlnnlnK. eontalnlnK 20 ae.r more or lesft. Entered this 17th day of lehruary l0. M. D. LAN hi, MOKTUAUK SALE Pursuant to a power of sale con t&lned In that certain Mortgage exe cuted, by Jus. W. White and Julia A White to It. W. Williamson and aanlgn- ei to iBtiao II. Kmllh, bearing; date the Ulh'day of Atigiiat, 1907, the name be ing rerordi-d In the office of luc Kegls ter of iM-etls of flraven county, In Book 1(7, Page 3G6, I will .sell al the Court Houne door In New Hern, oo Thurs day, the 26th day of March, 1908, at the hour of 12 o'clock M., to the hlgh- iist bidder for cash, all of the follow ng described property as conveyed In be Mortgage aforesaid, towit: One third undivided Interest In all hat certain tract or parcel of Ua4 n the North side of Trent river and in the north side of Trent road, on the head Branch ot Rocky Run and ad Istatug the lands of James Osgood oa the West, and bets the aame land oenveyed by deed of October 1&. 171 from Barab Oxley to Oliver White sod recorded Is Hook No. 78 Page 486 of. See of Register of Deads of Craves County, to' which reference is hereby Bads fur a more complete and full deacrtpttoif. New Bern. N. C, Feb., IS, 101. . ', J ISAAC II. BMITU A sal gee. eawsSMBS sassa aajsaaaajs esBaaaWSaaji aaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaavaa aaaaaiBaBwv ; 1'fe: : I " 't5;l. TIM B TAMI.K. s.-iit obox. Ma i el EAST BOUND dally Ex Hunilaj Mixed. J. p. m Ullif 1:30 5:88 I 40 t:4 Lv. Ralaigb Ar.. (Cl.Wnd 8U OlenwooJ) Pamlico Junction Duke Siding BouahhU Siding Knlghtrtale Sarle l ock ' 8 4 I 41 08 .26 : :4 7:00 'Ar. Heal Down 817 l: :0S 7:4T 7:41 Quarry ouion Kaad Hp -OSIIOIIO. MORKHKIU ru BRA 1 1 FORT NOHKOI S Effecllv A-uguat ith. lt. A. M 7:00 Lv. 7. 8:00 6:23 16 A. P. at Ar. I 10 :M I so 8.07 Lt. 7:H Ooldsbore I lOrans-a Klnaton ijover New Barn . Sunday. No. &. P. M. 7:18 Uv. 8:26 t 47 8:62 Ar. Sx. Sunday, o. 3. Ex. 8undays no. s. A. U Ar. : Now Bern Newpor forehead City Atlantic Hotel Beaufort Ex. 8:14 7: Lt. T:l Sunda A. M. 8:26 Lv. 11 :G0 12 17 2 !0 3:15 4 15 Ar. P. M. No. P. New Bern Washington Plymouth Edenton Elisabeth City Norfolk Ar. T.I - 41 1 Lt.1I BETWEEN NORFOLK, VA, RALBIGH N. r.. Effective January 27th, 1008.1 WESTBOUj , Ex-Sun. Ex-Sun 1 STATIONS: No. 30. No. 2 I a.m. a.m. I Lv. Norfolk 11:66 I Chocowlnlty 10:40- 6:00 f Ureenvllle 12:20 6r40 I Farnivllle 1:10 7:8 I Stantonsburg 1:61 7:861 Wilson 3:00 8:001 riailey 3:60 8:2P Middlesex 4:15 8:41 Zeliulon 4:66 9:0 WendeJl 5:21 9: KniKhtdale 5:50 9:1 Ar Italeigli 6:35 10 EAST STATIONS: No.l V Ex-Sun. JJ p.m. Ar. Norfolk 4:45 t'hocowlnlty 10:30 1 Ureenvllle 9:65 I Parmvllle 9:27 I Stantonaburg 8:68 f Wilson 8:33 1 lialley 8:07 1 Middlesex 7:53 I Zebulon 7':31-"- Wendell 7:21 I KniKlitdale 7:Uo I Lv. Italeigh 6:35 UOLD8BORO AND BKAUli enroll vc snadar DeecauM UATBOUND (Ei. Kim 1 oianana: No.S No a m. n Oaldsboro, Lv 7:00 4:61 Mlllnrs 7-10 6:01 Bests 7:20 6:1 I. aUrange 7:30 5:2 falling- Creek 7:45 5:1 Klimton . .8:00 6:6 Caswell . 8:12 6:0 Dover . :23 6:11 Cove City Tusearora . 8:38 6:28 . 8:60 6:40) . 8:66 6:461 Clarka New Bern. Ar. . 9:15 7:65 . 9:27 7:18 . . 9:65 7:44 New Bern. Lv. Klverdalo Croatan Havelock . .10:01 7:6 . .10:17 8:06 6TK iewoort ..10:37 8:26 11 ..10:44 8:32 11 Wild wood .. Moreliead City ..11:00 8:47 11 . .11:28 9:10 11 ueaurort WKSTBOUND (Ex. Hun WSun STATIONS No.2 No.4 No a.m. D.m. D.m ejoiasnoro, Ar 11:45 9:30 12 Millers 1 1:34 9:20 11 Bests 11:24 9:10 11 LaQranicu 11:14 9:00 11 Fulling; Cieek 10:68 8:46 11 Klnston 10:43 8:30 11 ('unwell 10:29 8:18 11 Dover .10:18 8:L10. ove City . .10:3 7:62 10: . . 9:61 7:40 10: . . 9 46 7:34 19: . . 9:26 7:16 . . 9:20 7:10 10: .. 811 1:41 1: . . 6:46 4:14 9: . . 8:10 6:10 9: . . 8:10 6:00 I: . . 8:01 6:61 : .. .tt I: . . Y:X6 6.U I Tusearora . . . . Clarka Now Bern, Lt. New Brn, Ar Riverdale roalan riarelork .... Newport Wlldwood .... atoivneaa City Heaufort, Lv, . BBTWRiCN nkw aaas All KASl BOl Mlti E-dun 8-Olr STATIONS: No. 11. No.l J I p.m. . .7:10 . .6:411 . .k:O0 . .1.14 . .1:11 . .8:41 . .8:67 . .9:00 ..9:l . .'.ne . .1:49 p.m. 6:10 7:18 6:66 New Bant, Lv. Brldaeton.. .. Olynipla Keelaboro Blades Junetlo 7:16. 7:11 7:17 7.17 7:4 7:6a, III 10.11 ' Orantaaoro . . . Wast Alliance East Alllanoa" llArboro Stoaawall . . . Oriental . . . . WUTSOtD - JO-Hun 8-Oly E STATIONS: No. e. No.iI a. m. . .9:69 ..1.61 .6:11 . .1:66 .7:61 ..7:41 Ml .7:19 "U . .7:67 . .6:11 a.m. :49 :IS ' 9:11' New Bar a. Ar. . Hrldao 01yails Kealaeoro Blade Junrtton 1:16 Ctraateboro Vat Allaaace . . Kmt Alllaaoa .. liar boro. l:lt 1:11 T: Stonewall . .. Oriental ' OOMMirxmWMS. . 1 At Klaalat a4 Mew Bera wit laaila (Jsjaat L4m , . I TraJaa Na. I aa 4 ewaaawt St On bare with A. & IV, tralna ae folh Na. 41 SaatkavwaS: Maw. II, fx baaad: aa4 with aWataere Ran iralea Maw. ill, veetbewe sad Mo. i a4eaaa , . j Trala Mo, lis eemaesloVwna Mo freae Maw Par. Mo. 1 with Ma. 4 Maw sWrav St earner Vrera, new rata stfeaw Waektaatoa and Or. H'K will tj ftaoaUaiateTwrur . ay, a te, jaei, r)ht SaeHwei te Ta rra t lege will 4)eUreS aa follow. Ortnwee taAlna an Her'1 a rrr O, at OrlMiuI M. O. Tafl a I JjSweaeJ firiMaUallig at Si, L . . Mrwctt, Triae al a. w w. WATSiau bt. c. t.'hancgc: Heal Eitato Agen: ttrtXQAB II .ffW KB!f, ? r VTTH ,w - a f- a I' Br t, "i nf IV 1 !. ii ' VX f -a - ' I r i - e fpihnd to rnrrrt). fr