' ft. " t VYV ' :r w :" -' 'v'",.. lo''" , ,t;v 5 1 .-v jiff,. t- -.- 'r 1 '"V : -v" V 7? ?nnllhe4sWr naj la th 7a 7 Vf - P Vond&7. Jnaroal Building 6Wo ; C. ,.y 1 ' :" Cravat SrrasC" -: '-' r FHONA NO. . CBAXLXS L, ITlTMS. ' EDITOR AND PRpPBDCTOR. : . 8UB8CHIPT103 KATli Onn f ar, In advance. . 14.00 Oh Tsar, not la advance. . . 5 04 Monthly," by carrier la ta city .M Advartiainn: Rates furnished on ap plication. Entered at the Postofflc. New Bern, N. C, m second-class matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF NEW BERN, AND CRAVEN COuNTY New Bern, N. C, April 12, 1908. A CLEAJf CITY IS A BEAUTIF11 CITY "Clean up the city!" A clean city Is always In the strict est sense a beautiful city. A clean city is also certain to be healthy city is certain to be a pros- A healthy city, or a city with a low death rate, attracts population, and this means of course, that a clean, heolthy city is certain to be a pros perous city. There is everything in favor of cleanliness, and nothing to warrant the city authorities any apology for foul alleys and paper and scrap strewn yards, sidewalks and streets. The fact of city ordinances covering all cases of throwing rubbish into al leys and highways, is in its way a warning to those who would throw rubbish into alleys and streets from their premises, with a penalty for so dolTig, but unless the citizens take :i personal interest in having the city kept' clean, by each citizen and cili zeness being individually tidy, in sre- lng that their own premUt s are kept clean, not by throwing rubbish ovi r the fence, into the next yard or alley, or sweeping It into the slret, but by securely holding all rubbish, until the cart can take it away, then will the city ordinances be of force, and really unnecessary, hithe face of a public sentiment, where each citizen and eitizeneus beconits individually responsible for private and public cleanliness. Earnest, co-operative nei .lilxn hood work, will effect ideal conditions, and create an Ideally cleat) and wholesome city. Voluntary work must first be instituted, and the Woman's Club stands sponsor for this affiresent, and it means ultimate success. The Jour nal has always seen success of a clean New Bern, when the Woman's Club, "through Its organization would lead the way, and prove to the city author ities, that a clean city was possible, not only for a day, but for all time, and to prove to all people that real beauty comes only through cleanli ness, and that no truer saying was ever uttered than that 'cleanliness was next to godliness." The education move for clean prem ises, clean alleys sidewalks and streets Is now on. The Woman's Club has declared for it. has petitioned the city authorities for it, and Is likely to appear itself In public and enforce it, by Its nu mbers taking part them selves, or through enthusiastic sub stitutes Among the birds the swnn lives to be the oldeBt, In extreme cases reach ing 300 yearn. The falcon has been known to live over 162 years But nobody censures th actor whose wife support him A V . ' The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths, There il a liac prevailing in lliii CoantryttiottdAngcroim lcatikeo'tccep live. Mmivnaddrn death are caused by it heart die (tie, pneumonia, heart failure o etiojilexy are often the renlt of kid ney riiaraw. II kidney trouble it allowed toadvance Uiekidney-joinotv ea bioul at- ' ' . I III II L,rVVI II TV " th bladder, or the kldneyi thrtiiMlret " . break down and wate awaj cell hyell, f Bladder trovblea alimirt atayt reiluH v f ,frtuladraonieiitf tlur kidney aiw1 " a ral obtained ankkert by a proptt f ( trtatment of lb kidney. If yoo are fel- iae badly yon can make' no oiWUkc by ' . uirinrpr. ICltmer'a Awaanp-RoAt, the .. t,gfX kWaey, Urerand bladder rmwdy. 1 ':''- Jtcorrert Inability to bold nrine aixi " Y ecaldmir pain la paaeing It, and orr ' , cornel that aapleaaant liecMityi( bfin -L 'c COfrtpelled to jo often through Die day, "Jaod tOCrt Up Many time iliniiif? Jrietat, ' Tb mild and the Mlraor dlnurt ! effect ol wamp-Jtaot U tm flL It (tend the highest tm he wotklerfai . cnreaoiiMiwntdiMreaatngraaet. ' ' rWamp-Ront ( pleasant to lake and h .- . eolrt tf all dmevlaia In fiftr-cM anJ onednUaf alt tMUea Von utay unt.le bntfVe of Hita wwlerftil new die- 'nmtf and a bonk that tell all about it. ; or a sent tree ny man ., Aixir, wr. kji- tr A Co,, BinehnitflH, N V .UVa wrHinf nwntioa rdlnf JUii mtnerou , cffr in tbU pepf, i Vun't niskt any ttiitke, rnrt femenilTtbe nm,"ntft "jt, Dr. Kilmfr- 8aun)tiotid th H'l'Um, liingUnitoo, N. Y,.m crerf !: Ktret Charck of Oirlrt. Scientist Ob Middle street - SerrlOia today -4t 18,S a. m, and I: JO a. in. Blbto La bob : sertnoa. aublect . Ara "Sin, tHa.- eaaa andDeatkealtlIlcak T:8-. Sunday School aRi at ; Paator The j Bible and Science and Health With , Key to The ficripturea. -; All are -cordially lnrlted. '."-' l - ' Christ Xhurchr-Palni Sunday. ReT. J. H. Brown, Reetor. Service today, at 7 :45 a. nt Sermon at 11 a. m. Ser mon at 8 p. m. Sunday School 4 p. m. Communion each morning at 7:45 o'clock during this week, exctpt Thura' day and Friday. Communion Thura- ( day night. Bishop Stranger-will oreach Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Tabernacle Baptist Church 9:30 a. m., Sunday School; graded classes; good musls; orchestra accompaniment. You will be welcomed. F. G. Mitchell, j Supt. 11 a. m. Morning Worship. Sermon: i "Two Notorious Liars;" every member I of the church requested to be present at this service as there will be some thing doing. 7:4u Song Service lasting thirty minutes. Boston Italian Orchestra will suppement the Tabernacle Or chstra with the program of sacred music. Solo for the evening "Face to Face." A new movement will be launched at the evening service, which will be Flumaiiitarian 'iii its aspect Sermon by the pastor, Rev. J. W. Ham, subject: "A Damning Salary." Stran gers, visitors and tourists invited to the Church around the corner of George and Broad streets. ltev. C. C. Jones, of Washington, D. C, will occupy lh? pulpit at the Chris tian Church on Hancock street today it the 11 o'clock, and X p. in. All are invited to come and hear him. Hev. ,I.,M. Dnnaway will preach at the Baptist Church at 11 a.m. and s p. in. supplying the pulpit for Rev. W. A. Ayus. who is conducting a re-' vival at Salisbury. Services at the sbytt rian Church Sunday morning and evening. Sub jects: The Christian Armor Eph. H-"4. The Third Commandment. Sunday School will bo held at 3:30 p. n. i, nd Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Topic for the latter: The Life of J. B. Gough. MI ST 101 KKDl'CE Y(jUK FAT! If you have gotten to the point, my dear madam or good sir, whtre the ex cess fat must positively come off don't worry. Xo need to peer in the gymnasium door with a despairing glance or sniff dubiously at the soapy savloriness of a bowl of impoverished gruel. You can keep on eating what you please If you will but ask your druggist for 1-2 ounce Marmola; 1-2 ounce Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic, and 3 1-2 ounces 8yrup Simplex. Get the Marmola sealed. Mix it at home and lake a teaspoonful after meals lid at bedtime, for a few weeks. Good health and firm, Bmooth flesh reduced juickly to an amount natural to your build will reward you. Too simple, you say. Fortunately simple, I say. The simplest things' are the best. - HOW'S THI8I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of ('atari h that can not be cured by Hall's CaUirrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toll do Ohio. We. the undersigned, have known 7. J. Cheney for the last 1! years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transacting, and financially able to carry out any obllgatlona made by his firm. WALDINH. K INN AN & MARVIN, "Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials gent free. Price, 7!c per bottle. Sold by All rugglt. Take Hall Family Hill for conafl patlon. T3TOM HOUSE, New Ikrn, N. C, t'olluctor's Office, April 9. 1908 8UP I'LIKS FOR REVENUE VE8SEL8. tfeulrd proi.oitala for wipplyrtu Bbljt chuidlery, ratloha, and coal to vea wl of the Revenue Cutter Srrvtca, regularly sUUoned, or temporarily, at Sew rrn, N. C, and dt liven d on hoard ald tegaela at that jilace at eiiVli tlmea and In uch iinantlUea a may bf required during the flacal year ending June 30, 1909, will be re ceived at thi OfOo antll j o'clock p. m. of Tueaday April 2H, l0g, .at which time and place they will be publicly opened. Blank form of pro poaala for coal, ahlp chandlery, and ration, showing condittoot ka to coal, article of ahlp chandlery, and cotn: ponent'part of ratlona wltB aptclB'!a tlona, may be had apod application to tble' Office; aropoaali jttaat be ub mlttpd on Ibf e Xtrrni. Hf pa rat bid will alao be fclyd at the Uma Uma and plac fur'kibrlcatlng and llluml naUng oH7' The right la Taerred to rojwt any or all blda lad to war St fast It it II flfemd for the Intereat of the Oornmnt to do a atkd ao contract will b aV in foroa nolU dongri a aln b.fcad apra. prlatton tot tba'arpoaa, f Mp'k I W. Pairlak, lmMoi;V13. . V , - " ITck'i Crow eal rctrasslj Salre U, tbo only s rcmodjr fchich is BnhlicJ . TiterTifill and gpti;fnrd9 loo henco uickTt nnd surest . Her !y j'a-flPeraM-'Cmt 1DM - Pcpsiri'digests hclpsrw Kodol'alone digests all foods'does it at once ;and cpmpletely - It via wronr to anffBr from - Kodol. meant instant rellet . Pleaee let R digest " your food- - ?'?;-y;?.ziY.y' : ''.'-r'? . ' tt your ankle waa lame you Would aid It If the body, waa weak you would jreat tt. It la "far mora , Important to rest tha weak stomach. .-. " Not by dieting, for J.hat tttana partial aUnra- Mon. The body -requires manic aorta of food. . To ' cut- out some elements means to rob some parte. But let Kodol, for little iime, do what the stomach cant do. Then am how quickly the stomach recovers. . y ' ' Undigested food crows hanL and irritates the. stomach lining. It causes Inflammation some times ulceration.: That is the source of the pain. It alao ferments and forms gas.. It decay's and creeds germs. And those germs load the blood with their poisons. -That Ieajs to- serious troubles. Don't think that the stomach can ever get strong while those conditions continue. Kodol consists of all the digestive elements, in highly concentrated form. It digests all sorts of food, and completely. It does all that the health iest stomach can. do. Pepsin la part of it, but pepsin digests albumen only. Starch requires something else, fat some thing else- Kodol combines, all that is .needed. Digesters which depend solely on pepsin do only what pepsin does. They are but half-way treat ments. Other elements are Just as essential, and (they must be in liquid form. That is why Kodol is liquid. And, because it is liquid, like the digestive Juices, Its action is in Worth Thinking Abort Washington, D. C, April 10. Dem ocrats before they elect delegates to the ' National Convention cannot af ford to disregard expediency in con sidering the nomination of any candi date. This, of course, only applies to those Democrats who desire to win; for to, those who are so Infatuated with any candidate ae to desire his omlnatlon though it is certain he can not secure a majority of the electoral college, It Is useless to urge the future welfare of the Democratic party. But those who desire the enactment of Democratic policies more than the temporary advantage of the nominal tion of their favorite candidate are, of course, patriotic enough to confer with their brother Democrats from the doubtful States that must be car ried to achieve success. It Is fortunate that, the two-thirds rule In Democratic conventions Is , necessary to nominate a candidate,, for this check on hasty action prevents the nomination of a candidate that may have alt the necessary popularity In the South and West and yet be en tirely unable to carry such doubtful States aa New York, New Jersey, Del aware, Maryland and Kentucky, which" are absolutely necessary to win. L Best Healer in The World Rev. F. Starblrd. of East Raymond. Maine, says: "I have used Bucklen's Arnica Salve for several years, on my old army wound, aqd other ob stinate sores, and" find It the best heal er In the world. I uae k too with great success In my veterinary busi ness." . Price 16c. at All Druggists. A bargain-loving wife lb a great drawback to her huaband's bank ac count A Healing Salve for Barns, Chapped Hands and 'er Ripples Aa a healing salve for burns, sores, -sore nipples and chapped hands Cham' berlaln's Salve la most excellent. It illays the pain of a burn almost ln itantly, and unless the Injury is very severe, heals the parts without leaving a ee'er. Prloe 25 centa. For aale by Davis Pharmacy and F. SDaffy. 80 Amerlcani te Japaa Chicago, April 10. Two hundred members pf thi Illinois Manufactur ers' Association, th strongest com mercial delegation ever sent out of (be country, will go to Japan, China and Hhtr Eastern countries within U montba to work tor 0e ettenaloa of American trade. - The committee will go to the Paolfin Coast in a special train and will be iranaportM to-apan to ,4 special straroeiwthe irst of k new. line be- twtefl this comb try and the Orient-Ac- J w.UK-uy,ua "wfKMii wmi urn rni trai pknata"rroou the JMpaflment of Bute, to poat tie manufaoturer apon court stlquette and OHfOtal procedure.-' ; "',' 5.. ''t. rs- i It Is the Intention of the eommlttre to call upon the Emperor of Chrna and the Emperor of Japan, to Com od,the PhillpplMs, sad to lose ao opportunity for the for the ranee M U amcricaa trade,: (L?'Y-,. . v.l " ''-'(i. v A Twraiy Tear fteatetr . "I bare jnst compltted a jwenty year besllh sabbiDce, Imposed by Dutk lhH Arnica Balv, nhich cured me. of bfeedlns piles Jnst twenty ytirs Sro," wr O, J!. Wwilevr r, fef LnyTi!)e, K., t. "UnckWn's Arnlra Balre bf sis the worst nor, bolts, bursa, wooed, snd rots Is tbe shtrtl Uro, 2i at All Drsiat-i. v , The frtV-d V'r'' n 1 t - '. 'onlyuIbumennoCstarch,' nSt:fet , Please note, our guarantee. Indleaatlnn.. when stant It even begins In the-mouth by Increas ing the flow of aallra. " ''The action of KodoKcan be easily proved, either in the stomach or out of it " Sat what yon need of the food that yon want, and take Kodol. Note the absence of pain and gas. .You know to a certainty that the food la .digesting. -.:.'.' . - Or yon can seer it digest food in test tube,' under proper conditions. In these laboratory tests, Kodol digests every -whit of the food, Just as it does in the stomach. All other digesters) digest but part of the food, Just as they do in the atomaclr. , Don't employ half-way measures, tor the stom ach needs complete relief. Any undigested food will, through irritation, interfere, with the cur. Nothing but Kodol does all that must be done. No other, digester can digest all foods. Our Guarantee We ask you to prove these statements at our risk. Buy. a dollar bottle of Kodol, and ask for the signed guarantee. If the results are not as Claimed, take the empty - bottle back with the warrant, and your druggist will return your money. This offer applies to the large bottle only,, and to but one in a farhily. This is sufficient to prove how much Kodol means to you. If you need relief, won't you learn how to get it on auch a fair offer es thatT Kodol is prepared at the laboratories of E. C. DeWKt & Co., Chicago.' The $1.00 bottle contains 3ft times as much as the 60c bottle. fUtt SA1US BI F. 8. DUFF I. Lots of men would be unable to borrow trouble if they had to give se curity. The Richest Man In The World The richest man in the world can not have bis kidneys replaced nor live without them, so It Is important not to neglect these organs. . If Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at the first sign of danger, the- symptoms will disap pear and your health will be restored, as it strengthens and builds up these organs as nothing else will. Oscar BowmanLebanon Ky, writes: "I have used Foley's KldAV Cure and- take great pleasure in stating it cured me permanently of kidney disease, which certainly would have cost me my life." Davis Pharmacy. A man alwaya thinks be. Is enjoy ing himself because he's away from home. Chamberlain's lias The Preference , Mr. Fred C Hanrahsn, a prominent druggist, of Portamouthf Va., says: "For the paat alx years, I have sold and recommended Chamberlain's Colic Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is a great remedy and one of the best patent medicine a on the market I handle some others for the same pur poses that pay me a larger profit, hut this remedy is ao aure to effect a cure, and my' customer so certain to appre ciate my recommending it to hlra, that I give It the preference." For sale by Davis Pharmacy and P. 8. Duffy. You can aak a girl's father for her hand, but you've got to get her -heart from her. He Use te Die ' "I have found out that there is no use to die oi lung trouble as longs you . can get Dr. King's New Diaoov: ry, says Mrs. J. P White, of Rosh boro. Pa, "I would not be alive to day only for that wonderful me'dlclna. (t loosens up I eough quicker than anything elae, and cures lung disease even after the case Is pronounced hope leas." This most reliable remedy for coughs and colds,' lagrfppe. asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness. Is sold a ler guarantee at All Druggists. tOe. sndtl OO. Trial bottle tree. True charity grasps the band with out a thought of th glove. The most healthfnl, upbuilding Dud Iclne known to sclanc. - Can LI a anal .ooUUng w uie nrre; makee dlgea tlon easy, ferfogs tb stt sleep of youth. Mollleter'a Rocky . Mountain Tea, M eeoU, Ten or , Tahiti. f. 8. Duff. .... , ' ' - V : , An achm" tooth' last on of the IBingS in it jump lot Joy, i I I 1 , The p-td-daU women aroli eoeme- tlm, drugs. lad powder, They. are en-' irmiT narmiui la ina sain. WLiia imi llsltra Hocky MoQBtainTen -makes)) ht'cUar and teauttfuL II ceats. Ten A oVTabltrt T. 'Duffy. -'ji ' Make t. noise like n dollar bill and the world will give yon the glad band. -( Rkramatte T Beiieid .' Mr. Tti4. Ptetcm. . po"mtr ofl" Prir "1 be cbeerfBlIy fefundeJ Pvntfpool, Got, writ: "For,ih t llaht yf I ijffr4 trrtn 'rheumatic pain, n4 during (mt tlm I ttd many d!iTrrt llntmnit soil rrmnMtm for lh t ur of rt inrt!m. til ta mf I f" 't 1 a 1 ' tt ! n- t or lln' f'stn l'im nl g-.t r"r r-".lf fr'.m It tl,a a' j"..Ut t t are iiir i-a' 1. ? t 1 - ' r - ? ! m .r - ,0ICE OF THE-PEOPLE Clean, City By Easter The resolutions passed by the Civic Department of the Woman's Club have been carried out ' as far as possible. The petitions have been sent to the Board of Aldermen; the interest of. the children has. been secured; and now we seek the interest and-actlve co-operation of the citizens. Not one will deny the need of clean ing our town, but almost every .one will say "tlray ought to do It," In stead of "we ought to do It," "I ought to do it" and lets do It now we can do It in a week. Nature Is pretty in her new dress and spreading her fresh green carpets, but we have so littered the latter that It will hardly pass for new. Let us have some civic pride and work and think for better New Bern, a cleaner New Bern, a healthier New Bern, a purer New Bern,' a more beautiful New Bern, a more prosper ous New Bern. Ail that is required Is a little effort on the part of every one, a little unselfish public service, and thought on the part of and the benefit received In proportion to the effort made will be a hundred told. Can wa haye a clean cltyT Other ci ties are clean. Shall we have a clean town? Oh," ye s, we could and we would have It if THKY would only do their part Lets find THEY. What influence fan be brought to bear. We can clean New Bern .and we can do It this week. Read the city ordi nance, relating to trash, and see if we are not a city of law breakers. What can we expect of our children? The papers will be pleased to note any progress made. Let the Slogan for thla week be a clean city by Easter.. CIVIC SERVICE. OA ITOniA, Baste TMaiUTw)towtnn8rj( tlelel Arrivals At the Gem: A. C. Jarvla, Norfolk; T. J. "McNelve. Philadelphia; L. Bodlker, Biohmond; W. Ford, Phila delphia; I. I. McMahan, Baltimore; ICQ. Elliott Auburn; 'C. M. Harnieh, Richmond; J. T. Normaot, Raleigh. At the Haw Hon: T. B. James, N. C; W. H, Fowlkee. Richmond: C. F. Aablay, Fairmont. Vaty A. U 8trrn, Richmond; it a Hardy, Raleigh; 3. B. H. Vkugbn. Chariot ur W P. John son. & & : ' At the Oasronl R. M. LlrHteore, BaJUmore; W. E. CUrk, BnitimoTt;. W. Morgan, Baltimore ; W. H. MeAflte, flilladelphUt f. a'Roae,;CbarloU! f. X FWley, IS. T4 M M. Fry, Pkls delpnln; V. Tovk,' Qrteavlll v- Mof rls Coben, 'r. T4 a VW. jrwrmglon. Richmond; M C. tnUnetf. BaJUmoref T. C R. Janlferi BalUaTore: M. A! Bieonal H.' T.: L Btonskin." N.VT, 'H, P FISnnanilL', J: Thornton, -;-' :V". ' ' i - . 'I. iiiiiw I I i II i r , " - - .v:';- .The Ueky QsarUr . ; .Is ike one yon pay oni for a ben ef D King's New; Ufe Pills.' .They bring yoa the health Hiat's more pre riou than Jewels. - Try .thrm for headache, ' btlloquarss, . eoatllpatlon Im malaria, irtn.y oippoini yen at All tni((1u., t ''. Far ri.l'patie , ' Wr. t JJ: rgrtihBTj, a prfwnlnenf !rirr; of f i'lflt ay; "C?;t ir:t,nrllri'a fton.arti s9d IJvaf 7r -! r (ftti,!n!. t't thlnl t n ' ' ' : it f -r r n' . I, . T A Fleet WM lave Jfaxt Week f . ; Hagdalena Bey,')aprU jo.-i via San Diego, Cal.. Aprtl -10.-The- Atlantle fleet today .wilt enter apon the last Its stay, at Vagialtaa Bay. will wetgh i ncbor -April 11th and lie am for BaS Dit go, where they art dee . to -arrive atl p. m. Tuea-deyAprfr-Ttth'tbe fleet" formation w.ll be alfgtiUy changed for the last t of the Jonrne yr when Admiral Themistransfers his fisg from the Mlnnsiotikio the Connecticut The third and fourth divisions will change placfa.. Brer-Admiral Sperry, on the Alabama, commanding the eight ship itf -the second squadron. The Maine a ad Minnesota, of the third division, will also change, the Minnesota taking the plaa hi line, and Captain Bar be1, of tits Maine, assuming tempor ary comm-ad of the fourth division. Torpedo drills have practically been cmplfted. The work of coaling the ships is being rushed forward with all speed day and night Cleaning and painting Is going on all sides. Every bit of metal and wood work is being gene over with the most scrupulous csre. The ships will be models of or d r and cleanliness when they reach the California coast. - 1 Lewis Robinson, a colored cabin steward on the Rhode Island, died Friday night of Bright's disease, and was buried Saturday In the little cem etery in Magdalena. This is the sec ond death since the fleet's arrival here, the first one being an ordinary sea man on the Missouri. Commander Albert W. Grant, of the I Arethti3b, will become chief of staff by order of Admiral Evans as soon as his ship reaches this port Commander Grant succeeds Captain H. Ingersoll, who was detached while the Connecticut was at San Diego. It is understood that Commander Grant will be chief of staff to Admirals Thomas and Sperry when they succeed to command. Preparations are preceding for the fleet regatta to be held Friday. The officers and men have greater liberty now, and are putting their time in training for the coming athletic exer cises. Hunting, fishing and outdoor sports are the chief pastime s Boxing bouts are being held on board the ships almost nightly In preparation for the fleet championship events scheduled for Los Angeles. PILES CUBED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If you suffer from bleeding. Itch ing, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treat ment free for trial, with reference from your own locality. If requested, lminedlatee relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P, Notre Dame, Ind. Varicolored Rats 8an Francisco, April 10. Colored rodents are to be introduced by Dr. Rupert Blue, of the Marine Hospital 8ervlce, ao that he may better study the plague situation in San Francisco. He wants to know whether rats are migrating from one district of the city to another, and if so, how rspldly such migrations are taking place. For thla purpose he has ordered that a lot of rats shall be dyed red and liberat ed In the Fifth District, which lie be tween the western addition and the Richmond district Qreen on sre to be liberated In the Fourth District, bounded by Market and Taylor streets. Pacific Avenue and Ostavia street Once captured the rats will not be killed i n! s thfectel. but released a tain f-( m ;h' r"' d strict Rat catcher 4 w.i en worklug in other dis tricts will be Instructed to keep spe ctal watch for any red or green rat? and report Immediately where found snd the date of capture. 3 aVflTOTlX. tk. ,Islndtlrnl gvVe, 4r H. Gordon Keaaa, KE0A & BAU, COTTON BROKERS, PHONE NEW ofcRN . April 11th. lew York Market , ' , Open High Low Close May ,t Ml Ml iJ lryr Ml -Ml' tU M0 October ....Ml vttfJ M Lherpeel Market . -, . " :Open '- Close Aprtllliu.-.'--May-Jnne. . j.. .v v.-1 J4 i-i I n M ; ApriUltn,.' ' Bales told i.. ' Moat. -?. ,I.M 10 I.T Av-?We:Mrt r : AprU ilth- . - ' v. lj ' r A. ' C,' t j.'.V..'.i.W flu gar t ,S I 'iyM I t i i t'ii M i . 1 o. . tutti vm.i,t.:.:.::..tiu V. B. fiteel. vrerV'4rA.llH VnU Pacini .r..:.:A.VoUT 14 Am. ; Coppr -...., T; .. ,JI 1- B. R. T.t,-.S it nr. ; t. .', ,47 i't ... :, ,,, i, ,,'t ,'. T.,j ' -. rtOttfs'rrt'9 7r:-::!iTc5r:-:str , . 1' . W J. R Bal .-'--i' 1 A 1 1 " :i SlM Kitul Tort Have Always Bought, and which has beea . In tiM for over 80 yean, has borne the signature of AH Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and. Soothing' Syrups. It is Tleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving? healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 9 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought (n Use For Over 30 Years. tUc ClTiTAtlH COMPANY, TT MUHMr THECT. MEW VOfI CITY. CZZZnnnnnnZnnnZgnnnnnnW !,.., L.G.DANIELS. CRAVEN STREET X TALDABLE PBESCRIPTION. Tba average Derson does not rt-,'At tow much the, bodily health deiir als ipon the proper action of the kidn s 4nd bladder, nor how wldespreiio orders oi those organs ar. it in ;'e safe to say that they give piiyniri; .-. aa many sleepleaii nights cm account it their patients aa do any ot ih. hera, and perhaps it wouM u.,' -too much u a tbHl .Hiei lly .ui.l -i lirectly, they are -liui'scihi j will, i oiiicn sk'kne hh all Hie ni:u't m - hk of the humi body romlj: nel. , a result of a vast amount of can ail study, many physicians arc now i With great success u Hie tf; w of disorder trartjar,:,' :u nn- ki.i and bladder a preacripi ion i of M oi. Fluid Extrail or L'va I i ll. t oz. Aniet Cordial, Kluld Ex tract of Llverwor' and l: 0..1. 1 rbis U admluiuteid lu i'i., ,. tablbspoonful thie limrs a li' . n. while the treatme.it ih .,ii, i vhlch. In order that all . . 1 i 1 may b eliminated from ihr v : . thru Id be for a month tin- paiin: :h iq JOJ peV3 lP'id)Hm aii vised jO drink largt ,4ua.it:iHv '. be prescription are can ii In )j v err first flans nh.ir ii.n ; VOKFOl k k SOI TIll KV IM I n Hrdatr Rate-Jua, Hprk Slio.i New Bera, N. i Friday, April 17th, 1WM. The Noifolk and Southern Halln vlll Mil round trip tlckeitt u . em and return account f prk' Show, at th following it CMdtnirly low round-trip ihIih rrom Kata fKivfr I Oov r,D Tnacarora Rivrdal -'' CroaUn ' Havalock vs Wlldwood x, Tickets good only on date of .ia F. W. TATKM. Division Passfnger Axnl FRIEND TO FRIEND. TV t socat twnsaqa X W f ' S lir Imm sr4 m& a4 " Vy CiniVU'a' t W. ' i ' - ' t 'l ' tt -,,.K t I ! A . -: . . . - ' . and has been made tinder his per sonal supervision, since its infancy, Allow no one to deceive yoa in this. Signature of NKW LOT HORSES and MULES offered upon favorable terms to buyers. CALL AND SEE ME. ftjKW BEK', N. C. Mane from pured.s-tillt-d filtered via- Wlim iCt COMPANY 1-21-23 GnflithSrreet. Phnoe-23 PSOCURCDANO OCriNOEO. Krw hTVki. bow to olHio wtit& tnd I oopjrrVliU. Mi, IN , COUNTRIES. I Utuinrts Jirrcl with II u i Mug Ion tavtt Maw, mtoitry UH ojitn irtt ptlttnt. Pltent ind Infrinpmtnt Pnctlc bclylly. WrIUi or m,m. to ua .1 U HaU Unml, n U.1W4 tm I WHSHINOTON, O. C. aaar-ar ananaviian mm Surely k i mid gladly pay several dollars to USE A TELEPHONE ONCE ::t '.:iKf. tr an : EMERGENCY WHY NOT GET ONE? FOLEY'S HOrJEYANsTAR .The original UXAJIVE cduh remedy. for eoagba, eolda, ihroatan4 Umr , WwabUa. No opt at. KoaiooaioU, mo ir rvf7M y. void avsrv whnrn. iVUVWyWHt. H(IHnHIIIHSl . - Wmtmt A CMWIAr. CtllMH. ,. , V ', faTlJ rUAUJACX cr the - ? e n d k I r. r!rt ! c! 1 ' ,