- -V . .- . - ' .v' "v. . IE: EE CM : Julian New Bern. N. C, April ll,vltV LOOSE DEECIOH! - ' " J 11 - iJ xrwE.su. lodge ho. s x. or r- meeta avery 'Tuesday night at ( o' clock la Knights of Harmony Hall Pollock street R, C. Whitley, C. C J H. Smith. K. of R and S Visiting KnighU will receive a chevalier wel : cone EUREKA LODGE K0. 7, L 0. 0, F.- Meets'every Monday night. In KnighU of Harmony Hall, Pollock street J. J. Harper, N. O. ; J. H. Smith, Secretary. VlslUng brothers cordially invited. CRATES LODGE NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF HARMONY Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights in each month in Knights of Harmony Hall, Pollock St. at . 7:30 o'clock. S. R. Ball, Pres ident; J. H. Smith, Secretary; R. R. Hill, Financial Secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD MEET at Scott's Hall semi-monthly. First and Third Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock Visiting Woodmen are invited. Ind"" I New Advertisements. Gaskill Hardware Company Serttn Doors. ' l New Bi ! n H. inking and Trust Cum-, pan. J. M. Mitchell & Company We Have It.. The Peoples Bank. Ennrlt Post Cards. Eaton Leading Jeweler. T. .1. Turner Furniture Company Two Car Loads. Typewriting Work Solicited. Kafer's Bakery Bread. R. DuVal Jones Announcement. I loyal I Asparagus. To Democratic Voters. BUSINESS LOCALS: NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST !!E PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. lV,"U HAVE TWO MOKE CAR LOADS of furniture in stock that we are going to sell cheap for cash or on time. We have also just received 11- ''J-: niCvre "Revo'' Nickle Lamps that are noted for their good light. Satisfac- . j(?f tion gu iranteed. Call and see same at 47 Middle street, or Phone 172. T. J. Turner Furniture Company. FRESH ASPARAGUS MONDAY AT Royal I s. STENOGRAPHIC AND TYPEWRIT ing work solicited for evenings Ap ply 24 Johnson St. TOMATO livened Groves. PLANTS FOR SALE -DE- Ponderosa variety Boone MONEY TO LEND A FEW THOU- sand dollars to be loaned on note se cured by hist mortgage on clt prop erty. U. A. i'nnn, 50 Craven St.. New Bern, N. C. NOTlOE-DON'T fail TO BUY YOI i! fish for Sunday at my fish market. I have a full supply of very fine shad, trout, drums and other kinds of fish. J. B. Watson, Market Dock, Phone 142. FLORIDA ORANGES RECEIVED dally. Good bard stock sweet and full of juice, will Kive satisfaction both In quality and price. Crop will soon be gone. Enjoy them while thry last. Nothing more healthful, particularly at thK the spring season of the year C. E. Whitconib. 83 George Street. PORCH ROCKERS-JUST ARRIVED nice nmoolh finish; large size; very 'stroni;ly made. JiiHt the right pitch fto make tlmm comfortable. At J. S. Miller's. WATER COOLERS AND MKSEY ."'i Refrigerators; Kood assortment ; the NnrBey Hefrlgerator Is the very thing lor small family; don't cost much J !!. Miller '.. ELIJAH'S MA!iA- CREAM OF Wheat. Halston's Ilreakfaat Food, '. Premium Oat Flakrs, Aunt Maria's Pan Cake Flour, Ivpb String Ikaim ' and Tomattx'H. Llbby's Boneless PI Fet; Lunch Ton rue ; (Vienna Sausage, r , and lots of nihir goo'd things to eat. J. E. M. Flour a RHClalty Hudson's WANTED POSITION AH GROCERY clerk; have bud rtprrltnce, can give Uesf reference Add nun 'Clerk" rare tfrL. S Uavls, "The Oak" R. F. D. NO. 3. GOLD FILLED HUNTING CASE Watch, made by HamWt Compsny crystal was broken; stem wind; leath er link chain, with bull dog bead ' rharm, markfd on works 23 jewel. 6 ' position; Reward If returned to The ' Journal jiffire V WlNTED-TOJBUY A SECONDHAND tyVT-Jtet In good working order. t' Apply t Journal office. . .1-1 i .. -. ....... i . ' FOR SALE-ENTIRE STOCK AND Oood ill- Waters China Store. al elienia who de.lre to borrow turns PM-I alltlW JMt fcECIDID ,,t money from W to ,10,000. Any Pttt fataraetlng, for 1 lave 'ana fcavlng money" to lead m high. don ' Bma: 1 b.va grade ieeurlly will please notify, m "J to trtm' R. A, Nana, Attomy, M Crave. St,' New B-ta. N. Q. - ' t " tt tmmm l 0rly - - . giit n you, Vera not bour" your I OR flALE-J LitJlCH-n EEI woolea blankets, i eas tl theta at ont il1 fret baA,.lgbt draft; baa, U0 the pair, I aia aivlag aiy 6 b. p. engine,' good speed la At soa graphophoaaa with' try purcbiM w d (loo. (Alo ao I a. a. Wfigltia,'t' atounUng to Ii Is a real gnrd ryilnderj I eyda Jump sparlt, netrty jnarbloe, Come and keaV.lt plr." U nw. - WDI sell cbp, ' Address tf. If Cannon, Prod etrit, opw'i J. i2 Cbangt atmt. New Dra, H. 0. - A. Jonea ajb!a V ; KEl .O D 3. -Wji, J.-JB.air went to; 8mitifie.d. yesterday: : H. Alfea' ta spending th day la Klnaton,v ? - y-'. SlrAba Danenberg , of Goldsboro, it visiting fa the cjty. , ' Mlae Mabel Chad wlcfU spending a few days In Beftufort '' Mrs. D. Q. Bell, of Moreheed City, j spent the day here, yesterday. : 1 Mrs.' M. M. Marks is entertaining Mrs. A. Oetringer and grand-son, of Klnston. Misses Mary Oliver, Mary Bryan and .Nannie Street, went to Beaufort yes terday to spend a few days. Mrs. C: E. Foy returned last night from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Pollock at Dover. Mr. J. S. Basnlght is entertaining Rev. C. C. Jones, who occupies the ; pulpit at the Christian Church to- 'day. - Woodmen of The World Kim wood Camp. W. O. W. has re ceived an invitation fr.om Trenton Camp, W. O. W. to attend an unveil- Ung on Sunday, April 19th, and will ' accept the invitation and go' to Tren ton. Mr. S. M. Brlnson has accepted the invitation to make the address at the meeting. At the meeting of the Camp here. next Wednesday night, a full attend ance is requested, to make the neces sary arrangements for the visit to Trenton. Truth crushed to earth will rise again, if it doesn't get flattened in a horse trade. BUSINESS LOCALS: NOTICE OF SALE I WILL OFFER for sale at public auction to the high est bidder, at the store of tha GasMns Cycle Company, 92 Middle street, In New Bern, N. C, on the 15th day of April, 1908, one Chalnlesa Crescent bicycle to satisfy laborers and me chanics' lien for repair wor and la bor on same. Done and pyrfoimed rur Dr. O. C. Daniels. Oaskius Cycle Company. THE SOUTHERN NEWS COMPANY has opened a temporary news stand in a part o Edgerton'B Automobile shop, Middle stret. It Is the intention to carry a full line of newspapers, periodicals and magazines. Will also keep a cigar stand and a shoe shining parlor attached. l.Hill l NUNG RODS DON'T NEG- lect to have your buildings rodded or have your old rods looked after. I have a good Stock of rods and flx- lur(R anH r.,n have them nronerlv nut ;.p at lowest prices. S. B. Parjter, cor. .'ravt ii and South Front Sts. New Htm. N. C. LOST CERTIFICATE Np 18, SERIES !'p. New Hun Building and Loan As '. M hnckbani. -Application will be i:k'c l ,r new certificate. I. M. REGISTER Clark, N. C. manu facturer of all kinds of porch and stair work, mantles, brackets, rails, spindles, mouldings lathes, sash .Uirs, 'ramec, plynths, and corner blocks. Stock at Gaskill Hardware Company's store, or orders left there will be filled promptly. Also orders to factory directed to J M. Register. Hnrks. wi'l receive p.TJmpt nttentton. KOK KENT A GOOD DWELLING on National Avenue with modern con veniences. Also a Bmaller one near ihe new Roper Lumber Company mill. C t. Hancock. WANTED SECOND HAND BAUS iml Burlap; any kind, any quantity; Hiiywhere. We pay freight. Klch mond Dag Company, Richmond, Va. FOR RENT 10 ROOM HO' SE, PINE and George street, suitable for two families. 6 room house Cypress and Nunn it rets, 5 room house In Federal Alley. 7 room bouse No. 114 George street, 12 large, well-ventilated rooms In the Smith Building, Middle street. Apply to j W. Stewart. PHE8S1NU CLUB 8. D. PiRaER 03 South Front Street. Gentlemen's Clothes cleaned, repaired and preasod. ladlos skirts prtseed. a iclaJty, Pbooe No. 181 OLD riPERS-l' CENTS PER HUN dred at Journal offlie. IINNACLB FLOUR AT N. I .TIN cenfs Is fine. Pleat) of pine, oak and raised wood. Orocertee, shoes, no tions, fancy line canned gooda New lot corned ainileta. New Btore. cor ner Uetcalt- and BotiUt Pront Slreeta, Phone tf for what jroe want ftFSSlNw CLtB-Two aIU pressed each week for 11.09 per noatb, wkk Tfellorlnc Co Middle It Chad FOB REST A bouse with water eoa aertlona. R A. Nonn, M Craven St. fRttUI USE OF rUIDIEU FOB fsmUr ua 13 oenta a pohod at Ka'ar'a Qatar ' ' .s. partnwnt cf the Woman'a ClJih, the fol Duffy's Phamacy:wllJ be opea to lowing resolationa were paaaed: day, "?'. ' ; :V; : rU'- r ; j RolTed First. That this departs Bex'J. M. DahMwaV'ot" Speiof, nt axe a strenuous effort to gt Ni C'wlU trach la the First iBaplist treU Bern leaned and : hurch todaiN , vW l! rre from och JPr 4 traaa Judfo J. B, Pritchard, of the United Ststrs- Circuit Coarl "w!U -apeak on , prohibition In this city Friday May 1. . Mr. CJemmonsof the Oaks Market, left yesterday morning for Upper San dusky, Ohlq, f rota whence he will re turn In a few days wlttf hU family to make their home in this; cityfc-t; The District Mfeting qt the Knights of Pythias will be held in Klnston next Thursday. It. Is desired that as many members of Athenla Lodge go as can find it possible. A 400 pound sturgeon was brought to New Bern yesterday by a colored fisherman. The fish was caught - in the lower waters of the Neuse and was eight feet long. The regular monthly mothers meet ing will be held Monday afternoon at four o'clock, at the High School Build ing. Dr. Patterson will talk on "The Physical Care of the Child." Easter hats were delivered In quite large numbers last: night, and if they are not noticeable today it will be because they are kept for a more stunning effect one week hence. Hon. Locke Craig of Ashevllle will this year deliver the Memorial Day addr 'ss on Sunday, May 10th, before the local Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, and invited guests. The wind made it very disagreeable yesterday on account of the dust. The streets were duly sprinkled 'but it made little difference for there was plenty more of it A rain will be a welcome visitor. Israel Harris, colored, suffered a severe accident while clearing up 'the rubbish in the Arnold stable rtins. A large iron post was dislodged from J the debrlB and fell on hia toot. No bones were broken, but the pain was Intense. A Portuguese who goes by the name of Louis, the other name unpronounce able, was before the mayor yesterday on the charge of brushing trash into the street. He paid the costs $2.35; Marvin Hudson was fined $5 and costs for disorderly conduct. A summer school for teachers will be held in Vanceboro during the month of July under the direction of Prof. E. C. Brooksr There will be some eminent educators in attendance and it is e.xpected that the school will be of great benefit to all. A report has been circulated that Mr. George K. West had withdrawn from the candidacy for sheriff. This is not true. Mr. West Informed the writer, Saturday, that he was In the race to the finish, and hoped that all his friends would rally to his sup port. That New Bern was selected as the place for holding the next Grand Coun cil of the Royal Arcanum, Is due to the enthusiasm of Mr. R. J. Dlsosway. The Winston-Salem Journal saya: "The contest over the place of the next meeting was spirited; Greens boro, Charlotte, Waynesvllle and New Be rn being warmly championed, but the eloquent efforts of the New Bern representative, Mr. R. J. Dlsosway, ear ried everything, and New fiern won on the first ballot" Keep yesr atesey st kerne sad lo ws t In the HEW BERK BUILDING ft LOAN ASSOCIATION gM4 lavesi ment; strong at Gibraltar. BabserHw for the April lit gerlet throagh ate. No trouble te eiplala it W. a B0TD. AenL ANNOUNCEMENT The undersigned hereby annooncea his candidacy tor coroner, subject to the Democratic Primaries of Craren county, to be held. Wednesday, April 11th. R DUVAL JONES. IMTOBTANT CHANGE We find It necessary to make some changes In our business within a short time and we offer at Liberal Reductions our stock of Fine China, Dinnrr ware and House Furbishing Goods. Stock ready foryour Inspec tion by Monday Ilia lost Early and Frequent Visits to Our Store will prove most profitable. Merchants will And many attractive Job Lots at Close Oat Price. M. C WHITE! HTRBT OO. . 41 Pollock BtreeL Tbe el relUkta Xlf BERN BUILD IN 0 LOAN ASSOCIATION amUs aa asks fef ytu' tippari ' Cattlrate hSM aatrletliat j nbecrrbtar Ha ipHl 1st Series. - W. fl. BOYD. . j - i i T- 'A . i'f l.. I 1 ; At lbs lait meeting tl the Civic De as now litter them. i LiC .;i fi .C'-v - Resolved. Second, That very man, woman and cbU4, la New Bern be to? j tited;to Join far this effort. rTfeat definite time be set by which the clean- j ing shall be accomplished and that Une be Easter Sunday, .-.wvli;- - RtBOhred, Third, That in Order to further this movement, all the resi dents and merchants be,urged to clean the streets and gutters n "their neigh borhood, to' always cover trash heaps by something that will prevent lis be ing blown over the streets, and to re move the same as soon as the trash has been hauled away, and the men who open their mail before they reach their homes or offices, be ' asked to do ao in the postofflce lobby and put the. wrappers and envelopes In the re ceptacles found there, instead of throwing them' on the streets. That a Civic League be organized among the school children; that the follow ing' petition be sent to our mayor and board of aldermen: To the Honorable Mayor and the Board of Aldermen of the City of New Bern: We, the committee oj the Civic De partment of th Woman's Club, do petition your honor and your honora ble board io strictly enforce sections 80 and 82, of Chapter IV, of the city ordinances, and to pass an ordinance that shall prohibit the throwing of advertising dodgers on the streets, or in peoples' yards, or distributing them In any way except by "placing them In the hands of some person. MRS. C. L. STEVENS, Chm. ' MRS. W. B. BLADES, MRS. C. L. IVES, MRS. J. M. SPENCER, MRS. HUGHES HOLLAND, MRS. CHAS. HOLLISTER, MRS. 8. R. STREET, MISS MAY HBNDREN, s MISS MABEL CHADWICK, Committee. Sec. 80. No waste paper or other trash shall be set fire to, or burned, or thrown or otherwise deposited up on sidewalks of public streets of the city. But sweepings may be placed in a box or barrel or some other suit able receptacle placet on the street in the first, second and third wards, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays and in the fourth fifth and sixth wards on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, not later than. four o'clock p. m., and where It is impracticable to open any package of merchandise in the stores the sidewalks, shall be used for that purpose; all letters, trash, nails or stripplngs shall immediately be clean ed up and deposited in said barrels, boxes or other receptacle; and in no event should there be any nails left there or about the place where said packages of merchandise are op ened. Any person or persons vlolat-1 lng this ordinance shall, upon convic tion, be fined two'dollars. Sec. 82: It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or place any grapes or grape skins, orange or b nant peels upon any of the sidewalks of the city. -Any one violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a misde meanor and subject to a ne of ten dollars or ten days imprisonment TO jTHE VOTERS OF CRAVEN COt Mr.' J. W. Lane, who asks you to elect him to the office of County Treas urer is one of the best men In the county. He has been true to Demo? cracy and good government for 40 years. In the dark days of Craven county affairs, he was always found On the Orlag line. He has answered every beck and call of the Democratic party. He has been a loyal supporter of many friends and bow for the first time be asks hia friends for their sup port In the con test for county treas urer. Can we turn a deaf ear to ffla request r- We think not, LeU Tally to hia support and roll np a handsome majority tor bint oo neat Wednesday. MANY DEMOCRATS. TO THE BOTHERS Or JEW BERJi It yo need a salt for, your hoy donl fotgt that we have It In all aties and grade why not bar now) whta yoa ess, get double trading sttmpa. ' j, J. BAXTTCU. . A Watch tor the Easter 01ft J. O. Baxter, Leading Jeweler. " . ' a-a -- as aa-ea aaaaa aeaa4 WRATIIF.R i FORECA8T I WMMtM4HfHHHt '. Wasbtagtoa, D. &, April lt-alr ajid cooler is jeba (oracaatlor torpor- row. , ; ';. . . miLRI IROCXD EASTER la beeomlng mora and more pop ular st gins. It la aa much mora . leitlag -and acceptable' . tfian othr iffrlng. Ve are 1 prpard to ehow yoa a variety of Jewelry you cnnnt e else where. Cotnm and how gtd jna wmild l o rrI some ot It en a a'ft T1irl think l"r Stri-p !,! It won' 1 t from yon. An iSxcelieiii :':S Perfectly safe, earninjtS good ateof'Ltertianti i negotiable everywhere. 4- CertifipteVoi Depoat-forni a splendid investmentl; They gvevybanr trouble ;and jrou ia not have to guard f agaiinstufliict uitwnsT fphejrfys.'tthe same,' iVVe advise . their purchase at alt iifnes and wilt glad to serve you . many" desired amounts:1 " . ; , -, - - ... THE; PEOPLES BANK ;WmvDunn. : Prest? r Q. - '.i, :: -.'..(T.:A. VtzeV, Ca hier. - JUST RECEIVED FRESH bJ Or WHITMANS . AT DAVIS PHARMACY WATERS NEWS IS THE PLACE WHERE YOU WILL FIND Metropoliten Dailies, Standard Monthly Ma azines, books and ev rythinir in the current reading line. My line of Stationary is unexcelled I will take orders for latest styles of up-to-date engraving. GEO. 6. WATERS T. W. WATERS, Old Stanl CUT PRICES Fine N C Smoked Hams 1 7c per pound Fine N C Smoked Bacon 1 5c per pound . Fine grade Corn 9c per can Ballards Obelisk Flour 3c per pound B. A. MORRIS & CO., i Phone 156 L7 A V vvtatrv J74 BHONE J74 To-ZDa,37" FOR Green Peppers, Parsnips, Cucumbers, Lettuce, To matoes, and other Vegetables. H. C. ARMSTRONG. A V C: 1 WB REPRESENT THE! FOLLOWING STRuNG HOME COM PANIES AND. WILL GUARD- YOUR INTEREST CARE FULLY AND-WELLr North State Life Insurance Co , Kinston. " North Stat Fire Insaranee Co , Creenaboro Sootbeni Live Stock Insurance Cn Hiifh Point . New Bera Building A Loan Aastt. N t 6 per cent investment, no taxv ' V United 8utee Casualty Co.. $1,000 for accidental death eosta $1.00 Tucker Bros. WUmlnjrion, llopumenU, Iron Fencing, eto Will teeure Hfe, Property, Furniture. Horses and Moles. Also buy and sail City and County property, Estates looked after- vi. TELEFDOSE HO, K '-'4 ' " f ,1M lXAOCK STREET PEETIXEIT FACTS BELATTYE TO 7 ETT 'BEAN'S LEADISO t3TE3T HMal;A...'--'. ' . , Da aet ferget thai tke TlEW BERJI BOLDIXO LOAH ASSOCUTIOS'S new seiiee begiag Jlpril lit.' -Th aetlea'of pracarlag a.ceav (ortaUe besse ea easy ayaieaU, at elueaUag taa ekJldrea, ar ataerwe prevlding against fedvertltlea eftea a rise irHhla. the ' beaU airele. ? Wa kara Hired this aarpleitai probleai lor yea, i ; ' . , ; ' ' ; , Kerne eiher we pay feet I peVeent wltk aa Us aad that yea may with, draw year maaey abeald aafereeeea evrat arlee, ' This la the AsierlaUoa the pride ef New Berwthai baa tap pllrd ever (40 bemea aad loaaed arer t W,00 ifare Id ergaalittloa la IW It aUe ib alarr I sterk and dUtrtlmlrd f i'i,noa annag Its skarvhoidf rjf a few I;i aire. A vrrlUlile paale firrakrr. Da at eenfnM th nmr, la the eld, nrlj 'nsl Aw! "h P'tilTa fri-fan-ii, thi en t t l i ff a tlie (' lor la ?iw I'.rrn'i tit -??niL t as kfii.k jn tor a f - ' rf. vr. c. i ;vr t - ', T r 1 1 I ". Investment- - W J0HNH. a radham, Vi' f CANDIES , STAND 69 Broad Street do: A A lot .'. .-.', V- "Vi ' , . ' '-4 ALL TH LATEST K0TELTIEH JS .,.. ;-.:..-yiriBsic8. ; , ar to be seen at F. bf. Chadwlck'a; fabrlca made Into stylish, Jong-wear lng garment! by skilled tlotbjog de elgners ahd ' dfft. workmen! 1en' you are la need of eult or. single pair Of trousers, yoa will do well to ronstitt F, M. Chad wick. 6tlfclloa U giiarantd-lolh, fit, workmaft hli. , ' . rr7c:iAnv7i-nrc nt ?:" Hrn II 7f 'X. N ; Hew Bern..BfVTitr . . HIGH CLASS SJHDWS .. ND GBKAT MODERN TRAINED ANIMAL EXPOSITION. gnlarged to Many Times its Former Size. Traveling by its Own Speoal Train of Palatial Railway Cars wm rcn its Acres of Canvas New J And give Performances I .Amerlctftt's Best, Highest Cass and Premier Male and Female Equestrians, Riding the Most Beautiful Horses that ever Graced an Arena. Great Performing Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Beautiful Ponies, Dogs and other Educated Animals. A Whole Trope of Funny Clows Panhandle Pete and his Comedy Mules Splendid Street Parade at noon, and Big Free Exhibit ions at the Shot Grounds immediately after the parade. Mattings ! A large impor tation direct from China and Japan of fresh new STRAW ' MATTINGS. B.F. 83 POLLOCK PT Be Sure to Come See Our EASTFft Novelties i THEY ARE VERY PRETI Y A. BLOCK, :et ) ( :e ) ( lei ) ( it NEW BERN SOUVENIR : EASTER i . AT man book store iai ) ( tei 1 ( lai- ) ( tei ) jeeae aeeaaataeaee j : COOK STOVES I ND i ..H U A'l'CDC... ii.n aw. iu j J Ireeek lin, tlejle sad Deable ! e btrrel tket fie w. with e wttkeat X kiiMters. FvN Ise el HJe ar IserUmta. J 4 ' 1 5atk, Oecra, Bllndi, General j . ... . e i narawara, Btit rtkt cf' paints. i mmm X ' "' . DMDBT BOTBI. CASTOH New.Bern.N.C; taaaeaaaaaaae-aaaae IE p. LUA1SDEN ., , .. ', ' e . f i : BEFBfilllTaTItt OF ( . ALEXAHDul, If am S0Jt, - Cetiea Bayers a4 tipenera, " HICHEST FRICIS roll 1 , s prOT C0TT05 NEW rtr.T BtTLDIXQ As 101 r' i r-'-r'l 1' tO',, ti.t"1. ' 1 ! t ?" ) U ' t f ' I If IIS SPARKS' i ntwi us cres 01 canvas in Eesip. Apt, M Afternoon and Evening Most Disiinnisiit.,! tin vhihiti WE OFFER YOU A l'( LICY of lire insurance at a very reasonable cost. Htttir b.ive us issue you on this vi ry day. You are as likely & any one else to have a fire and your turn may roiiii- tonight. The pitcher that goes often to the well is sure iu lie lrol n. II you ktep on putting off tiie tire insurance question yo" .re iipt to be "broke" too. Plenty have. A. T. DILL, Ofl'jce 111 Middle St. hont 21 l lie r j in town id smji ImkliiK u "ilkl- III lIl'llcloilH- ' in- tin :in . : ninl 1 1 1 i I v aii. I ili,. I i -1 i. tin- iinl. kiml we v. h f ;' sin f that I ri.il imiilia i lure will inaki' vim ui . f ciisIiiiiii r fin all liuics Kafers Bakery 1 GAS LIGHTS ! GAS STOVES GAS WATER HEATcRS! A Hinnll guv licRtcr will niaki' your n om p'l'bnnr t tlipc clinly m. rnirKii ir d veningi ii ( one of our iiHf-lihl ir(f lami-i. Act u1! rent 1 4ri'nt per hour, f( r hi) candle power light. Cull ai.il Rc jg for all k iniln of h piiknri'ii. NEW BERN I run nn J 8PECIAL NOTIOE -Tatar bag7 baytra feme la aor show raotn at 71 Broad 8L Aad waca skew yoa tM beat aad ebtapvat ' Ra eboata, Borya, Wagoa, iooa ad rv .)fIM, UiathaS ever beea off. red m Niw Berav . - ' ' - : r i '., . WATT US &f0N '

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