4 y . t -v - - -" - - - . , v' , - - - -X ! I NUMBER 37: NEW BERN; NORTH C ARO LIN A , WEDXES DATM 0 RXIXCLJI A Y 1 a, 1 008. TWENT Y-SE V EX T 1 1 YEVR - . ' 4 - ' t i - , i i i . i - - -t i i 111 i 4 i . f- u r vi ,, : i - ri . i a r -v i - a r i r. -v. w t w .aTT : ' ! I. -'- , I ! f I I 11(1 I - II I 1(1 ! I - I I , . " '-r - -' -- : -: ... -. - J . ) . . w - ti- o i I I o I o If ft and tbe same quality of scrTlce Is saver In this Bank as to tbe npft with a large amount In tact it ia a point of pride with us that while w kv -A many large accounts, we try to make the boy who is saving a dollar a week feel that this Is "his bank" and that his biiai- i' ncs8 is appreciated in the same spirit of co-operative belpful nrss as is the banking business of his father. . ' Is this YOUR bank? . , J AS. B. BLA,nES, Prea T. Wm. H. i:.'1ADKj? Y.,jpB8. GEO. oo Q-I 00 0000000000 -t jO-r-0-0 0 0 Ha!R, CLOTH. BAriV-NUAND AND TOOTH I RUSH iS. We guarantee any Tooth Brush we sell. If the bristle comes out, jour money back or an other biush ' Young's Drug Store PKESCKIPTIONS A SPECIALTY! 00000 00000 ()()())()()()()())(() U I !()( ) ( ) ( ) ( I SPFCIAL VALUES - IN II WIU PAY YOU TO Stt US I JOHN B. IVES, i - 93 Middle St. New Bern Z T w ,w ( w )()()( 1 00 o r ()( 1 o ()-()-( h ) o cue What the People Want 1 o-day is less talk, more money and a Safe Place to Trade FOR LESS MONEY. WE HAVE THE LATEST THING IN SIDE BRAND LlATNS and Batiste in dainty patterns, at 10 and 15 Cents. J. M. Mitchell & Co.. 1 , 61 POLLOCK EVCKI 1UXUUI A DUUDI. tfilAOX P0BTL1KD CIltHT ia anli am lu narlta Aht not oa lh deaMrtts of otbtr braod. Bvtry barrel ot "WImi" to lory and It GClBAHTtTO TO TtOKS. ... . A .-..: Edison U Iroond t8 vt tnt tbrovih J 00 and II mV through 1o4; tncih aero II pr at tntr than other brand. II Ji naaa fMtre4 from tt famoua lhlh Rock. - ' ; Tb twenty flra na'bf tinf and earbln tor Ibt dly f New Bra la Ulng !a!4 w1ih TdlUQK ttlt If Alaoj) 1 P1r, Conlrariora and Enaiowra. NEVBEPJICUIL ii. small hi A. GREEN, Vj Pres. B? PENDLETO c I c r c I c 00 SOUTH FBONT STREET ooooo o 0-70- D t V , , w v-.i u- r if .PHONE 20 A , !s- y t'-V " 3 tettt Wfor K kftTti tbi f PASS IT AX OA ID SPinrtCl ",, L'--- " ' rendered to the Portland Cement ; f ' r. r THE FITI AFE4TK1CKXS FI5D WH AT , TH El SUPPOSED WIS J "' ' A WEAK pX Vsllkfi . BUT TH$iB;!ftAl5 VI kS FBF8. . TBATED . - . v . . GffiliiwIllSEB Negro Bronpbi to The Pea For Term of fifteen Icars at Bard labor Work onthei Extebipn , : of The Street Railroad Begun The Big jTrestJe, .Across- Albemarle Will Soon ,E(8 pnder. Process obstruction Federal Court Docket Has 350 Cases Negro Contention to Diseass Ques tion tf Independent Delegation to Chicago. Special Correspondence. . Haleigh, N. C.,, May 12. Sheriff S. I. Pcyree, of Stokes, came in today and brought a negro aed -about-80-Tears, 'iy name Hardy Moore, who gets 15 years at hard labor for murder. He shot a man, fled and after a long pur tclt wis captured in Ohio. About midnight last night a. large force cf li borers began the work of extension cf the, street jallway on West Mertin street, beginning at the nost-ofTicr. It has been reported that the work would begin yesterday morn ing. At one time there was sTpetltion signed by certainbuBlness men against fbia extension and some meetings were held in regard to the matter, but for the past six months no opposition worth speaking of had been heard. However, there was a whisper that ncrhaus some Dersons mlsht take out lih injunction and prevent the egin nins cf work. At all events the street railway pLchcd the work very rapid' ly and (lib (xtcnslon greatly pleases almost every one. Tbe line will run east a mile, ond then turn northward about a quarter of a mile, and near the chapel at the Soldiers Home. ; The, five Yeggmen (which la the criminal's term for safe-crackers) who are held In jail here to be tried this month, In the; Federal court for post-office robberies, made an attempt to get from their cell, which Is on the upper tier Into the cell Immediate ly below In which there are six De grees. They found a place where the floor of tbe cell was a little thin anj were trying to force an opening when ihr discovery was made. This would merely have pet them in another cell. and not at large, but tbelr purpose ev Idt ntly was to watch when the attend ants went Into feed the negro pris oners and then perhaps get upon the deputies from above. Since tola af fair the Yeggmen have been very quiet They did this work In tbe day time is they are watched every moment at night by special guard. When your correspondent asked the con tractor, who has charge of the building ot the Masonlo Temple, if he would have iht work done by An- uet' first, he replied that - it . would certainly be completed by that time. When CoL Charles B. Johnson, paid a visit to ths cruiser -North Carolina at Norfolk last week, he was requested by Capt. Marshall asdXt. Commudsr Bind to secure a black goat MM mas cot !He at onoe got busy and passed the word that' such aa animal was wanted.' He bernta to -reach the coo elusion that, .goata ar very. Scarce Indeed, bat luckily today was able to find the right anbnaL . Tip -c4W large, very, black, with ine borne, and the only white abont bJm la Just above the hoofs' and a narrow streak onath bnder part of the body, Tomorrow he goat will be sent to Mr. Blue. Col fohnsoB rtmarked that he was hav ing hua fed on plnttops to glve' hlni k thoroofbly North Carolina air. No donbt. If he Uvea this goat wlll .be sett la jnany m parade la tils conn try nod In srios perta of tbe world. CoL. Jobnso. remarked that the offl cere of the North Carolina told him the ship was lucky, aa some rata had already come aboard her, Ibis being coniMered a sign of gnrd lack. Among Oie visitors at the office ot the Corporation Cotnmlmloa was Aq dltof Pyrd, of ths Norfolk and Botith ern lUlleay. wbo said that work wonld eooo tie rtsumed on (lis grta brldt or Lrritle, Ore and a quarte rnlto In lnrlB, aPrrt AlWmarl Round bet MrVy's Krrry an r.rtentnti. Ths flliy, tnnVn vi ths twd points of land wlitrli iirojrt well Into th oiir4 n Ix 'h nil In, y Ihl (!Utanr rrr.-.t ly fiortiKl. , It 1 la rti-J (l.st nt t!,, trm I -1 ral f ; rt n t i I t, Utlelegatee Ge Unpledged Special to Journal. Raleigh, n: C May H. Senatoi 8Immons said here, today, In response to an inquiry .that it had been his pergonal opinion all the while' there was no necessity for InstrweUng del egates to "the Democratic . National .Convention he held this view without reproach to any candldatemd thought It best to let delegates decide for them selves after arrival at ' Denver. - If Bryan Is found to be the best man, nominate him, but if another were found to be stronger and better .nomi nate him, the party being greater than the man and It should not now com mit Itself. ROSE LEAF JELLY DELICIOUS It Adds a Tempting Touch to The Summer Meal Rose leaf jelly is a novelty of the nento to 'serve when summer Is at its leight of lusciousness, says the June Designer. It is made simply by steeping in- i-nierable rose petals on the back the stove lor hours, or until the water which covers them has absorbed heir scent and substancev- As they become dissolved through ong steeping, the water should be ourceT off, again filled with lnnumer- tble petals, and the Blow steeping sl owed to go on as at first. - At length when the water appears o absorb nothing more it should be .trained off through a fine bit of heese-cloth. To this d fawn-off fluid hould then be added, sugar in the roportlon of one cupful to one cup ul of rose-juice, which combination nay then be allowed to boll until it hows signs of congealing.- In fact, the cooking Is the same as hat pursued with currant, or any rther simple jelly. A few drops of he extract of rose Is sometimes ad rantageous. to add that the flavor may be Intensified'' When through its own perversity he rose sirup will not "jell,' It can e put by in air-tight jars, and used later to make Into jelly by the addl tlon'of a little dissolved gelatine. Chicago May Have Street Car Strike Chicago, May 12. The North and West Side street car men decided to- iay to strike it the nineteen men who resigned from Union Division are not llschargcd. "This Is not a matter that can be arbitrated," says a union official. "The non-ualon men will have to so or the union men will refuse to work." i' l 1847 Rogers Bllver plated tea-spoonr -educed from $2.60 ir half dosen to tl.&O. J. O. Baxter, Leading Jeweler. Warehonse Sales .of .Tobacee Special to Journal. Raleigh, N. C, May 12. The State Agricultural Department reports on eaf tobacco sold during April at first 'lands at warehouses In North Caro- In a, and shows .1,(11,071 pounds, of which Winston's sales totalled 811.157. foe total sales this season aggregated 106.000,000 pounds, mainly brlghta. do not usually come In until the court opens. ' , , Today Jh negroes of the Bute, but not m any large nunfber, held what thc called a'mase tonvention here to see what should be done towards securing representation' at the Nation )1 Convention on their part at Chlca fcov" They ' have for some time, been sending- ail aorU' of information to nemberf of the. National Committee of tbe Republican party and soma of hm hare raised quite It breese. One ef the old-time Republicans said he pu a delegate to the National Con' rntto )l -years ago, and that there (he nerroM showed up as delegates ind made claim "ahd" that fhe'commlt (ee threw oat about 7S lllly white del- vgstes and put in 'the negroes. He added that condition 'this year in Kerth Carolina wvre 'rrtB' sore' fav Arable to the hegroee than they were f that time. It tt true that moat of the-white Rt publicans very heartily i Idlcnled the negro movement and say the aegroee cut no ftgnre. " ' i Tbe rrnlteaUary has a farm on Walnut Creek, sooth -of ths city, on lands which it has owned for some roars and from a part of which It mors than 10 years ago obtalotd clay tor brick making. It la now ctilllvaUng ths lands for the Brit Urns and about I imn 'convicts are einplnyrd thrS Ons of the, Toiismatnt Torch, who wti cnUnr4 frwa Northamplon conn ty taut JumiRry fur a yr for man daughter, fnmls fcls escape.- If V t" V , " U I & iieehd cctth - ' , ' so::.etoisb of; a fhost Ut xney CvrdtA Ort Their, Pregram -And lwuteiThe Pewera -That Be 8pecial to Journal. Raleigh, N: Cv May 1L Under 60 delegates .attended the negro ptate mass convention here, today, to de mand recognition as Republicans. There waa a close caucus which made H. A. Hagans, chairman. When the meeting was made public about 100 we're present Resolutions endorsing Foraker and denouncing Taft and the Lilly White Republican office-holders were presented, but were attacked by B. Dellinger, J. E. Sheppard and others, and was finally withdrawn af ter warm debate and much more mod erate ones were adopted. James H. Young, the leading negro office-holder here, was denied admis sion to the caucus, and said if the convention was not close confirmation Taft would be endorsed. The conven tion elected Thos. H. Sutton and J. E. Dorsett, whites, and S. H. Vick, and W. S. Hagans, negroes, delegates to the National Convention at Chicago Ready For Graft Trial Harrlsburg, May 12. The six defen- lants ill the second capitol contract ase to come to trial arrived here to night with attorneys. All are ready 'or the opening of the trial tomorrow. rhey are charged with ' conspiracy to lefrapd the State out of $5,000 on netallic furniture for the State Ue artme.nt. The men indicted are H. Burd Cas- ie.l, Congressman from the Ninth Dls- rlct. President of the Pennsylvania Construction Company, whicB supplied he furniture; Architect Joseph .M. luston, ex-Auditor-General William . Snyder, ex-State Treasurer W. L. tfathues, ex-Supt. James M. Shjimak ar and Frank I. Irvine, a travelling auditor for the State. Gambling and Ram Two Big Issues In Louisiana Baton Rouge, Ca.. May 12. Race track gambling prohibition and cot- Lon futures are the three big Issues in sight before the. opening of the Legislature here tomorrow. Probably be hardest fight will be made to ibollsh race-Crack gambling. The ihances for State-wide prohibition are regarded as slight. First Alfalfa Hay Crop What Is tbe first Craven county rrown alfalfa hay for market, has lust been grown, harvested, marketed nd sold by Mr. J. M. Spencer on his 'arm near this city. It Is the first tutting, and yielded one ton to the icre. Mr. Spencer says he expects 'jo harvest three or four crops each rear, that the hay grown is a fine futility and will sell better than west ern hay. Jail Given te Commissioners Yesterday the new Craven county Tail was formally turned over to the county commissioners by tbe arch! tect and contractors. The comm:S- ilons met at 11 'o'clock In special ses- ilon and thoroughly Inspected and mowed their entire satisfaction with jvery detail of the structure. A fra-'.ure- which may be regarded as re markable la that there was a balance sf more than $5,000 In the construe 'Jon of the building which the com blssloners ordered to be turned over Jo the contractors., i The building will be open to the Jublli today and all who wish may rialt the place. Tomorrow the Cra ven county prisoners will be brought town from Klnaton and confined there In. end after that no one will be al lowed who las not, earned a right to be in ivr-' .'.ir-w:: ' ; The first white prisoner ta Dowdy, who Is serving 4 two years sentence -The first' colored prisoner la Tom for. who le held for trial -for seiltng liquor without, a ' license, not being Able to obtain a bondsman.'- -' : '"' r v-' u v ' Can fer Mass Meetla '.-'' f All cUisens who are opposed to the indiscriminate tearing ' np- and ds it ruction "of the sidewalks and having other useless and permanent Injory done to tbe streets and private prop erty are Invited to meet at the' court bcmaeWednesday nlgbt, t'$0 o'clock. It Is eapeclally desired that all tai paysre attend. . ' -'TAX PATERA. ' j IUM ArtiTsls 1 ' ll Ik tloallnn W 1 tflo Alianta. Ca.; M. D. LAna, Fort Hro well; W. C. White. U. Ci Wm. E. n.nlih, r.alty's Mill, N C.J W, If.x.k--r, AH"". N. C : W, D. Trnn. N T; 0 D a.- ii r . ' I! n l!n, V.'llmlng'-'n, N. C; D .!:... V. li.fall, N. 0.. C. F. ntt, V ; E'on; r II. r-:.'-h. n , C C. 1 ' n It on, Tr I 'on. I . f t T 1 2 r Ll nCI PL LilllMn VWVVVAavV LIIULIIUL I UU11U : ? OFVOHAjrSOEATH ! BOGS OF MRS. -GUINNESS FOUND IN RUINS OF FIRE COX- CLUSIYE PROOF OF HER DEATH GOVERNORS IN WASHINGTON Tillman to Go Abroad For Rest Fire Visits Nevada City Senator Raynor Delivers Bitter Speech Against The President Yaqul Indians Agree to Sign Peace Treaty. Special to Journal, LaPorte, Ind., May 12. Evidence has been found that Mrs. Guinness, the marriage agent, is dead, and that her body was burned in the fire. Three rings, one wtth;her-, name engraved, have been f4undirnd the police and detectives are agreed that her body was in-the ruins. ' Washington, D. C, May 12. The conference of governors at the White House will begin this afternoon. Only about six have been detained on ac count of other business. The Presi dent will present many questions of vital Importance which are deemed to be of vital Importance to the States. The general object Is to ascertain the needB of each section. Washington, D. C, May 12 Sena tor Tillman Is In a sanitarium hen. and Is accompanied by his wife. I lo bes recovered somewhat from the par alytic stroke he received a few weiks tgo. tie win iaKe a liuropenn tr.p soon. Tonopah, Nev., May 12. Kire broke out In a small building In the Iiiihi in :i ; section today ancT'bne whole biisliir.; -block was devastated and stvr ral :! er buildings damaged. This city I ; an Important mining centre and !.. loss will be felt severely. Loss $2r.(,- 000. Washington, D. C, May 12. Sena tor Raynor, of Maryland, delivered one of his characteristic caustic mi dresses today, scoring the president's action for practically exiling Col. St; w art to the command of a post In the lesert of Nevada. The- Senator w:is particularly cutting and severe. Mexico City. May 12 The gnvon:- ment has succeeded in RrcurliiR a promise from the Yaqul Indians that they will sign a lre:ty of pence. The Indians Insist that It shall last only for ten years. Students Expelled For IiiHtibordlna. tlon Special to Journal. Raleigh, N. C, May 12. I'rcsldf nt Dudley, of the Negro State Agricul tural and Mechanical College, at Greensboro, la here. H4 says he has expelled seventeen sophomores for in subordination and for attempting to Induce the entire student body to Join In revolt. Seeend Regiment Receives Orders Special to Journal. Raleigh, N. C, May 12 Governor Olenn directs that the Second Red-, ment. Col. Bragaw, of Washington, In command, attend tbe maneuvers of the Regulars and National Guards ai Chlcamauga. . The First and Tblrd.ReglmenU have had their similar service at Mauome and Chlcamauga, and regard It as. In valuable. Congress baa provided for paying all expenses of this Important Coer ot duty. The strength of head quarters htad hosplU! corps and the twelve companies of the regiment will total MS, ; ',v Meeseiiel Day la - WDeen . Special to Journal. " . ' " Wilson, N. C May JI. MemoTtal Day appropriately celebrated here to day.' Stephen "C Bragaw.'of Wash ington, del Ire red aa'cloeaent addrtu, followed by Rfprtsf&iatlve LMxon, ol Boston. Deaehter of lbs Confeder acy gave rtterao dinner after which parade formed and moved to etmetrry where school children decorated Cem- )S4f Roger Bros, table k 6 Ives and forks, risranUvd to strip 11 dwta. to the dmn ot to silver, rvdnced from K. OO n $100 a d'nea. J. 0. Baxter, Leading Jeweler.' ' ' . ! tstetl Tm&tr, T. Jlrotlna, Tss v r i tn' ' s Fly For'. Ralls, f!ir,t, ete. (, l lff's Tksr- ' ! "1 I r ( " ' , ' if t ' . rt I .V ! I ! PLEASE It is very unpleasant for me to be compelled to ask you to settle your account with inc. It is an utter impossibility for me to toniinue to do business on promises. Houses from whom f buy will not take j i ; ; t. ises in settlement of my account with tin m. Is this plain enough ? Very respectfully, E. B. HACKURN. ()()( )0ooo0 Heath and Milligan Pain!:; Cover most and-last longest. A colors in stock. This P.iint s.la d ; lor all that is best in pure I'.unt. Ga skill Hardware 73 Ulil'i' Street. ' i 1 1 ( ; -()( i "WeStntecii -') iim f Yo.i 1 War i-i er is now alioiit upon n:; anil wo 'of nil those who use Tea. We black or blended. Our 400. Tt sic. We will 'el you be Hie Jud(je. H C ARMSTRONG, 03 IT mil mutu hi OXFORDS! We have just leceived a beaut BOYS' OXFORDS In Pat. Leather, Kids and Tan Ail ' , les Also a new line of LADIES' AND MEN'S . OXFORDS Don't forget to call and sec us; iso :. f.Elks .Temple. ., . ttiiew4 Hiwf ' ffnt i 4,'t j,-A 1. ,-jfr-T iff ;'., ' . 1 . . t . . - " ItecorafortlngloiDoW $W H9MK, j imMTUnK, fii.r, and goods are Insult d In Good Companies, against riRtC. r ,' break -out vs! With gte sleet care, to eey nothing, of ibu'nacr storms aeo dasrtroua connagrations e raj by, Ton may' bo U) Wit (q suffer. ' , . '' ' , r ..,". j' ; ' Alsn-rvprvsonts aTRONO HOMfc UrR, WV13 RTOTKb' ! ACCItil'.NT COMPANT. tllng ns to met all rVtjulr. to.' i . the way nf ienfrl InfurasiA. A share ff ywir bwtlnf. U , li' i'' 1. . . i vAWw SETTLE () (),), " I) () j Phone 147. Now ". ,- i ( ii )i )i i mini: tlm n- . aio .i i . il in i ,, . ' cn fur.i' ii ii I . ,.( n have no in, i n Try lliini! OXFflk line of