4 . ! It' - n ,' ..V.'l 1 . ALCOHOL I Vra nevi. suDiianngOEia ifflgatetQBacBaod&Mjtr IttS'Wirr,jjH ncssandResUliilalnsiieter OpivaaXarphioe MrMionL NOT MARC OTIC. ; JbiSam Anafect Remedy fori Hon . Sour Stnnach,Dtarrtm Worms mvmsHmsJmisi- ncss andLoss OF StEEP. ftcSimfe Siftaiaft of ' NEW YDHK. Exact Copy of Wppet, Active, energetic men to sell "Hoods Celebrated Nursery Stock''. PROFIT ABLE, PERMANENT employment Hustlers make BIG MONEY handling our line. Exclusive territory CASH weekly advances. Complete canvass ing outflt FREE. Teachers, Students, Fanners and others find our business very profitable. Write immediately for our liberal offer. W. T. HOOD & CO., Old Dominion Nurseries, Richmond. Ta. Russeli House BEAUFORT, N. C A pleasant place to stop. Transients or family parties will find an ideal home. Fine Sea Breeze. Excellent Table Service. Polite Servants. Rates by the day moderate. Special rate for week or month. (J. A. Itl'SSKLL Proprietor Beacfort, N. C. Made from pure dis tilled filtered wa ter. P BERN !C COMPANY 19-21-23 GriflithSrreHt Phone 23 1 I C.T. HANCOCK Real Estate Agent These Ml. I4 HKOAD 8T KBW ItftKH. N. C, RomulusA. Nunn, aTTOKim AT law Practice la lbs cod title of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jonea and On;ow and to (be Stale Saprems and Fedval Court. Telepb'irifl Na. 7. Office No. M Craven ftreet, Nea Bern, N. a DR. CURENCf . SMITH TKTKIUIAKT PM18ICIAI All Oradnte of U Kaaaaa City Vetartnary Colleg. OHm as4 lessiul 14 Braed Stml ; S!:::.:o:ii.:.y;e;o mien Jurist' r. B. Wsismci,' . A. M. Wart, .' V 1TT0RIEII- AID . CDpitL01t3 OAoo a II Bwtth frost I itm . m w. u. Tei'grap unos, , ; V fWlca Yti ta acmitt U fcraret, TVintlM ' tMl tMf rVnalA fm W. taret, Tsllro, aad Wak la the BwTof tSXf CSSt tt IlU&t Cf , actnBiaLXP1UajfteVturn ever aarvlcxi ara ialr4. ' jj ; . - -'-'-;. u,' -inc.' ;'ca.;-.Tm itftr-.cv-1 fv CASTORAHrUv!r-: :-lip: -' - vlor IcfaU and UiUrtS.-' . ttz tftl-l :. 7htrj 1: f '1,. - ' r 1 ; . i LJL For Infants and Children The : Kind You Hava Bears the . Signatme Of For Over Thirty Years liil llll r'YM HmH wvw, mtmw mv Two pleasant dwellings on National Avf Mie. Two excellent brick stores In the limi t of the business portion of the cily. "our large, airy connecting rooms in No. 67 1-2 Broad street, well adap ted tor lawyers' or physicians' offices. Also three small dwellings. C. T. HANCOCK. It is a very serious matter to ask for or medicine and hava the wronp one given you. For thia- reaaon we urge yon in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAcu-DraugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for cotutlpetion, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly etUttiinsd. It does not imitate other medicines. It is hatter than others, or it would not be the fa. vorita Jiver powuerwith a. target .sale than all others combined. rtir :80UlMT0WM - W .1 ., 1 raocuwcBawoDcrwni..Td .w 1 m all couMraiia. - WA9HINOTOM. D. C. mm ThrMost rhoroughly Practical Liaury lo Modern Ufe Admltkjdly V TtlC TELEPHONE! TRY ONE! vP Use -' EEOID CELTIC JEWS - 8pecUl Correspondence," V. - Broad Creek. K. C, Jam 4Weara having a lot of rain Inh) weet,-wvery- . . . thing u .early mm4i:v,u Mr- F-nnia nUhv and children T . . . or Swenaboro, who lure been . vum- ins tbelr mother, retnrned; koma Wea - UIm' Dtlir Quklu o( Hollywood,' wao U- aneadlar the aunuaewlt- lwrgrid-ioaenMra.laCoorBola tttae went to 8waaboro. Wednesday tolB-vworl 4nide of tea ftin The pop-; It her aun- f, 11 , . 'S"":latlM Increaaea at'th ratio five , r. Edroond Qglesby of Bwaneboro, was with os Snnday, " : .The stork' visited the home t Ifr and Mrs. 'Waley:8mlth taet .Sator- grand opera, houaea,'ii eaUii rabout . day morning!. It was flna lglrL;.;;ill04M)0 people.t UUle Miss Leah fidna Onthrie was ' AWt 5.i00 marriages' are solemn taken "very ale last Satarday night,: ld eery yeaf One ln-tery eleren ir; but thanka lo Dn '. W- Sanders, ah up again. . ' Mr. Potter and brother oC Beaufort, were taj our neighborhood last week, buying chlckesa " I Mr. EL 8. Garner and son, are both quite sick, but we hops-to see them out again soon. - I Mrs. Carrie Godwin, and son, of Havelock, were the guests of Mr. E. S. Garner Wednesday. Mr. .George Smith of Salter Path, was in our neighborhood Saturday. . Mr. W. H. Moore went to Beaufort Tuesday and returned Wednesday. LIST OF LETTERS List of uncalled for letters remain ing In the postofflce at New Bern, N. June 1, 1908. Men's list 7 D. A. Allen D. P. Atkinson. B J. G. BfllingrW. T. Boyd, 'Henry Brown. 0 Carolina Fiber Co., John Cherry. R W. B. Davis, C. L. Day, N. L. Dawson,' Henry Davis. Mr. Flowers. " G Geo. T. Grace. H T. J. Hasly (2); H. W. Hatcher, Adolph Harper, Lee Harris. -B. S. Jerinon. M Rev. D. J. McDowell, Geo. Man- ken, 3. Hr Metten P Leslie Parker (2). S Luke Smith, Chas. Snow, M. Se- llg, C. H. Sutton. T-Moses Thomas. V. E. Vann. W S. W. Williams, Evaln Wells, John T. West, J. S. Wilkinson. Y Albert Yates. Women Ulyses Ballance, B Mrs. Mary Ba- ker. C Caroline Cavcnaugh. D Susan Duncan. E Miss 8. Green. -Maggie Hawkins. Mrs. Fred Ipock. -Annie Morton. Florence L. Nichols. O Sudie Oneal, Prudie Odum. P Alfred Palmer. R Mary A. Rountree, Jennie Rouse. Lucretla Thomas. W Annie Wetherington, Martha White, Minnie Williams, Mrs. M. Wilson. The regulations require that one cent shall be paid for each of the a- bove advertised letters. Please name date when advertised. SEYMOUR W. HANCOCK. Postmaster. There Is a certain amount of nerve force created by the brain to supply the different organs of the hotly. Sup pose the eyes are using up nearly all of this nerve force to-, correct sonts error that shall be corrected by spec tacles, are you not liable to have nearly every kind of human allmeata. The wise physician rsallslag these things, exclude the possibility of any error that should be corrected some optical apparatus, and the moat Im portant of all, one who U eipert to their use. J. O. axttr, Graduate of Philadelphia Optica! College. CASE TO CASE Plenty Mere Like - This la lew -Bern Boor of New Bern people caa Ull you about Doaa's Kidney Pills. I Many a happy dtlaea makes pabile state ment of 4 hi experience. Hera U case of it, What batter proof of merit caa be had than rack endowment! Mrs. at K Haaff, 41 Oeorga St, New Beru.-N, C., aayst ' r- "1 received mors benefit f rosa Does' Kidney PHIS thaa treat ear remedy I ever a4. and It woetd he Impos sible, for a to reoommenJ them too highly. I, suffered a great Aeal from beckach astofua artetag la the mora log, would be so latt aad sore (hat it wa soma Urn tefor I eonM get about .with any tagre ot free dom Aa ananyaae (rosa the kidney secrettoas ale added to my affliction jK'hetf ;HUrlViarB - Kidney m TtM mended for su e Wounl, I Ct micy,, . TTtT baleb4 be b'Kfcaf he, eorreded tba IHsfy 0imcuHy and Ira provrd ,tnx health. OtbT airrit.f ri tit. ray fmlty, hTe aW,d Do'i KMuej PlUs and can iik' n( highly : . .. Jf yqa-arf lookln,f,lor a j if, A tt, fdtp the girl who "en't in. -ConMBs t4 hef arthr-4l'hlcr Son WeBaeri ef Jew Ter Magaxlne, ",-'.' - Over JMOO people wort . r uoney igiina u eomrnmee va S viawaa .oo opi. it, HtfS pIu'SS'Kia S&Te&WwiK There are 131 department stores, em "dunJjii Mha. h u. nor-itbinsi - - - prone i over to,uw peopie.. - TnapopulaUon 1r:now 400.000.- - Loidoc'l population U 600,900 more, bat New Tork U crowing aerea timet aa aaf ai Jba BrtttoietropoUcv' and to one, comparta. wnn iBe increase . . Wtaa rest of.tba -conntiT. ; "4 ... j Ther:. arel-HJ "theatres, aid" two mlnntea . v" r , . , In 1885. New'Tork had only twenty-. tight millionaires; now it baa over 11,000. . j Over 476,000,000 gallons of water j are used every day In the greater .city. . , 7 ' A child is born every four minutes, and a death occurs every seven min utes. The city contains 8,000 lawyers, 6, 000 actors, 3,000 actresses, 6,000 "art ists, 10,009 musicians; 15,000 stenog raphers, 6,900 salesmen and sales women, 1,900 farmers, 1,000 -undertak ers and 852 female barbers, No. 1 Wall street Is considered the highest-priced property in the United States. Several years ago It sold tor $700 a square foot and is assessed by the city at a little over $4 per square inch. The transient hotel population is figured at 250,000 people a day. The hotel properties are valued at over $80,000,000. THERE WAS NO CHARGE All the Seata In That Partioular . Church Were Free. At a certain church an aged usher, to save the exertion of continually maaAhlner nn atwuf Avn 4Kaa A lain iA ftita. 1 A to thir ,ta. nd to take a atand In the center of the church and when any incomers appeared beckon to them and then conduct them to s eat The urchins of the neighborhood knowing bis peculiarity, used to pop their heads Inside the church door and mimic his action by beckoning to him Many times he tried to catch one end one Sunday morning nearly did so. Bnt the boy rushed away from the church and ran into the arms of s po liceman. "What have yon been up tof de manded the policeman. - Thought the boy, "I'm caught." but be said, "Oh, sir. there's a disturbance t that church, and they have sent me to fetch a policeman." Very good." said the officer. ."PI step in end see shout It." So be opened the door at the west end of the church and. taking off hit helmet entered. The moment the aged usher saw hint he beckoned to him and motioned him to a seat next an old gentleman. immediately he was seated be touch ed the old gentlemen snd said. "Come quiet." The eld gentleman replied, "W hat de you mean?" Officer You know what I mean, and I don't went no chat Come quiet or 1 shall hsve to take yer by force. Old Gentleman I really don't under stand you. Officer Look beret We don't want no more disturbance! You hsve bees kicking up quite enough, and I'm going to here you out quick. By this time the congregation wen looking at the pair and wonder I ni wbst.wss tbe matter, so the old gentle man said: "Very well. I bare nbl made any disturbance, bnt to ssre anj Twill go with you." Ro together, to tbe wonderment ol the congregstloa, they marched up tb nlsla. When they bad pasaed out of UM church tba usher-followed them, and the poUremaa, turning td him, said: "Now, then,' you have to make yow ehirga "Charger said the usher Theie sln't any charge. Ail the seata an free,"-DtroJt News-Tribune.. A SPANISH; TRICK. re iMeUsa Whisk MeVed England e ' Turn Drake Lee. -Tba relatione between which Drake's laid lata the soath. sea had for time threats aed with peo rupture had greatly lmproved-et least la outward tppearac-nd ha IMS, 'under p- eial promises el Immunity from mo lasUOoa-o rellglooa or Other groooda, Philip bad mrtted to h W porta a Meat ef English corn ah! pa to order to sop. pit the deocWncy ot bis awn harvests. K sooner, however, had tba English ships arrived than aa embargo. wa laid snoa tbeaa and their crews aa rested.' -S.l' J ;"',:"' One ahlp, the, famous Prunroes of London, managed to earepe.' . While lying eff Bilbao qalrtly dbkrgbig hl cargo aha had been vlsltnd by lbs retUor of Bun-ay and his guard 6" rutted a Btervbaota, Rnddenly calleo apaa to sorreawW, the crew Sang tbettt- aelvea anoa the BpebUrds, drove ibSta sU errtnerd aad made aaU. Rome the durftf4 UpaaWtrda aa tbe abert t tcmrw 1 an! rirrUd In trlumji te l i 1, 1 r I 'tig tbm as r a. 1 m hint a f 1 I f Mil. WWTl trod. omd oir-u thouid Snail om about .tx twmnr nn In. Saooe httmatmuj pntootto kt.u ailxbm or pnmnption eonauiiuc -Optum, Ctitorolarm, rttmilupouafit. Aw) now- liala turn Uwub Coua rl "Put It m tlx label. il potion ft re in tout Coarb Ubnui." Good VarrroodiiBaiMi nor or(blTMTnouBMttiei .TTT ZZZi DMOVI TJT.n'7u uJZJZhZS?. "''iSiiiJ utiiirir with yourchiidreo. iunitoohvir ghoo Boua with Ajmitmw weaawreiiy wie oumi And imu the sftitfaruM lis bolftnn m&rk& fthtaral Yes eu in b on Um tmi ii4e br AwttitiUnf - . - IF. S.; DUFFY. There is no' need of anyone snfier Ing long: with this disease, for to effect a quick cure It is. only neces sary to take a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and hoea Remedy . In moat cases one doee ir , .cnt It never falls sad can be re aed upon in the most sever and dangerous eases. It is equally val uable for childret and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met with greater success, PRICE 25o ' 'WE SIZE 50o. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY Reduced Bates Parties 0( Ten Or More The Norfolk aud Southern Railway announces rate of two cents (2) per mile per capita for parties of ten or ;m. travelling together on one tick t between all points on the Norfolk and Southern Railway. H. C. HUDGINS, Gen. Pass. R. E. L. BUNCH, Traffic Manager Agt 1847 Rogers Bros, table knives and forks, guaranteed to strip 13 dwts. to the dozen of fine sliver, reduced from $6.00 to $3.00 a dozen. J. 0. Baxter, Leading Jeweler. GRAND OPENING The Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City, to To Open June 1st The Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City, N. C, will be opened on June 1st, 1908, under the management of Mr. Frank P. Morton. This well known resort, with its wide porches, wide balls, board walks, and summer houses, cannot be equall-. ed on the Atlantic coast for health. and pleasure: As for its fishing and sailing, it cannot be surpassed. Remember the date, June the first, 1808. For booklets and descriptive matter. address Mr. Frank P. Morton. Mana ger, Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City. N C. The parlor car "Vance" will be op erated from Goldsboro to Beaufort, leaving Goldsboro at 4:50 p. m. on June 1st, date of the opening of the hotel The parlor car, after .that date, will be operated regularly between Golds boro and Beaufort, on trains No. 2 and No, S week days, and No. 6 and No. 7, on Sundays, DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL CONTENTION. Third District ef Hsrth CareUaa, Notice if hereby1 gtvea that the Democratic Congressional Convention of the Third .Congressional District of North Carolina, will be held in Oolds boro. North Carolina, on Tneadayjuna Twenty-Third (ttrd) 1908,' at U:3Q o'clock P, IL, lor tba purpose of noral Dating a candidate for Representative la Congress, Presidential Elector, and transaction of sgchotberbtiiDesa as may he necessary. ' By order of the Democratic Execu tive Committee of tba Third Congress ional Districts ,tJC WHJTAKER, ' Secretary, h ,W. UHIlAChalrtna.' lOKfOTJK A SOCTBlKir IlLTrTAT KiearsleMr- GeUibera I VsrtaeaJ CUT, K. C-, istiay, lass fl.t, 103. Tha Norfolk 4Joaihr Railway enBouaoe tha- sals ot roan 4 trip lick eu to Morehead City. M; C at the foi tawing exoeediogly 'low rate, ae eooDt of tha abova oocaaloai , ; - ; ttto - r "i" ATa t Lf BslS.' .r te '. " LaOraags'. .. ' V.T. . -..t4 Kitnuwr.'; vr . 't.J.trt . '.ait. - .,j t .-v; if;:: ; l ,. ,,r. .. -,,.. Caswell "tvet Cv Coudi eno tram k wpiauii)r--ruaiioaid i Tu'rora.. ,. .,.. .. . s- toLndldsta for-aonrtton '.. f Tl..a wiww t t k. M. URXH. f 14 , : rn4 h'.r thatf Chatrmssot the' DemOqrHlO-Vre Ij-a '-! t'l'r - v t Ojmmlltae, TWI Mc4a4 rtc4 t , .-4 w, K..WEBBJ Kjt . l"S ' SB It ,- 'i I .vOTICK- XglDITOBR r '"-The undersigned having -qujllfleJ as adinlnlstrator on the estate of Ed gar. L.-Haughton, deceased. Uate of Jones eanhty. North Carolina, hereby notifies "all persons having claims a- lhiBt the said estate, to exhibit the J same"lo the undersigned at his office, Is Aahevtlle, N. C, on or before June I 1st, 1S09, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery.- 1 This May 18th,' 1908. WILUAM M. JONES. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE , Having qualified asadmlnlstrator of the'Dtate of Dinah Morning, deceased, 1 late of Craven county, this is to no tify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the un dersigned, duly verified, on or before the 13th day of May 1909, or this not tice will be plead in bar of their re covery. AH persons Indebted to said 'estate will please make- immediate payment. M. C. WILLIAMS, j. Administrator. New Bern, N. C, May 13, 1908. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Minerva Jones, deceased, lute of Craven county, this is td notify all persons having claims against said es tate to exhibit them to the undersigned duly verified, on or before the 20th day of May 1909, or this notice will be plead in bap of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. BETTIE COLEMAN, Administratrix. New Bern, N. C, May 20. 1908. noti;e! North Carolina, Craven County, In The Superior Court Before W. M. Watson, Clerk. J. McCarthy, Admr. Estate of John 8. Johnson, Deceased vs Roland Johnson and Others By virtue of an action of sale made in tbe above entitled action, I will sell at the court house door in New Bern, N. C, on the Eighth day of June, 1908, all the following described real es tate In the city of New Bern, N. C.: One vacant lot No. 3 Ash street; 1 lot 59 Ash St; 2 lots 43 and 45 Carmer SL; 1 lot 45 Elm St.; 1 lot 48 Elm St.; 1 lot 49 Elm St.; 1 lot 50 Elm St.; 1 lot 46 Elm St.; Time of sale 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale CASH. C. J. MCCARTHY, Admr. Estate of Jno. S. Johnson, dee'd. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Craven County. By virtue of the power given me in a certain deed of assignment executed by the Weddell Grocery Company, and duly recorded In the office of the Reg later of Deeds In Craven county, '. will expose to sale June 12, 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m. to the highest bidder for cash, at number 46 Middle street, New Bern, N, C, the entire assets of the aforesaid company composed of various kinds of groceries usually handled by wholesale grocers, togetb er with one large Iron safe, office fix tures, one large horse, with leather harness, truck and dray. There Is a large quantity of vinegar, gun powder, and canned goods of all kinds, tngeth er With most anything you want In the grocery business. Don't forget the time and place If you want BARGAINS. This June 2nd, 1908. I). E. HENDERSON, Assignee N0TICE1 North Carolina, Craven County. The Weddell Grocery Company hav lag- duly assigned Its entire business to me, this is to notify all persons Indebted to the said Company to pay same to me -it once. All persons hav tag claime against the said company, please file Ultra with me within Ibe nest 30 days. June 2nd, 1908. D. E. HENDERSON. Assignee of the Weddell Grocery Com pany. . -' . ADVNIsTSiTOR'g NOTICE , Having suaJlfied'aa administrator of tba estate of Eula Oast, deceased lata ot Cra vtn.ocmnty, this la to no tify all persona bavlag claims against aid cauts to, ashllilt thrm to tha aa derslgned, daly Verified, on or before thd 6th day ot June,, 1?0. or this no lloe will be plead la bar of their re cowry. .All persona Indebted to said estats will Aleaat make Immediate pay- maatT i ... r & 1- MeCARTHY, : ; Administrator.,1 i Vew Pr. N. O, June 6, 1904." M 1 i. L . J - " IJ .11 1 'JU NOTICI Of JUDICIAL COITMTIOlf . The DemocntUa Judicial Convents for the Third ladJrtal DttrWel la bera - by eall.d to mart to the court boaaa in wa,ciif .l eia, jv.w . tha-jj.W, m . - ., . n. ,.,hn of nomlna-' la tha-dty- at. Ht m. 4Ufp, Ji.C 0 i' RAILWAY (Effective Hay 84th, 190&) TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN: 8:23 a. m,- 7:15 p. m. (dally eseet Sunday) for Lagrange, Cove Olty, Dover, Tnscarora, Golds bo ro. and 1 intermediate stations. 9:20 a. ra . 7 ftft n m mni.. i for Tnscarora. On. n. s LaGrange, Goldsboro, and interme diate stations. 9:27 a. m., 7:18 p. m. (daily eoceiH Sunday) for Rfverdale, Croatia, Havelock, Newport, WIldwootL Morehead City, Beaufort, and In termediate stations. 9:20 a. m., 5:50 p. m (Sunday onhai for Riverdale, Croatan, Haveeaes., Newport, Wildwood, Morehead Caty, Beaufort and Intermediate sta tions. 7:30 p. m. (dally except Sunday) for Reelsboro, Grantsboro, Bayhoro, Oriental and Intermediate stations. 7:10 p. m. (Sunday only) for Reels boro, Grantsboro, Gayboro, Orien tal and intermediate stations. 9:25 a. m. (dally except Sunday) Its Washington, Plymouth, ColumaaH Belhaven, Edenton, Hertford, BIbbj beth City, Norfolk, Suffolk, and ln termediate stations, New Bern to Greenville, Farmvllle, Wilson, Zet ulon, Raleigh, and intermediate stations. TRAINS ARRIVE AT NEW BERNt 9:15 a. m., 7:05 p. m. (dally except Sunday) From Goldsboro, Lagrange Kinston, Dover, Cove City, Tuscait ra, and Intermediate stations. 9:20 a. m., 5:50 p. m. (Sunday only) From Goldsboro, LaOrange, Kinston '" -w. j 1 luunuii, Dover, Cove City, Tuscarora, and intermediate stations. 9:20 a. m., 7:10 p. m dally except Sunday) From Beaufort, Morehead City, Wildwood, Newport, Havelock. Croatan, Riverdale, and Interme diate stations. 9:20 a. m., 7:00 p. m. Sunday only) From Beaufort, Morehead City Wildwood, Newport, Havelock, Croa tan, Riverdale, and Intermediate stations. 9:00 a. m (dally). From Oriental. Hayboro, Grantsboro, Reelsboro and Intermediate stations. 15 p. m. (daily except Sunday) From Norfolk, Suffolk, Elizabeth City, Hortford, Edenton, Belhaven, Columbia, Plymouth, Washington, and intermediate stations. Edenton to New Bern; Raleigh, Wendell. Zebulon, Wilson, Farmvllle, Green ville, and Intermediate stations. On June 7, and 21st. July 5. and 19th, August 2nd and 16th trains will leave New Bern for Beaufort and intermediate Btatlons at 11:15 a. ni , returning will arrive In New Bern 6:25 p. 111. NOTICE Above schedules published only as Information and are not guaranteed. Western North Carolina. SPEND YOLK "SAPPHIRE COUNTRY" "LAND OP THE SKY" BEAUTIFUL TOXAWAY COUNTRY Climate Unexcelled Fishing, Boating Drirlng Soathera Railway Improved tra.n service affords excellent accommoda tions snd schedules. New Tbreagh Trsls, with coaches and Parlor Car, Inaugurated Sunday, March 29, 1908, between Goldsbaro and Asbevllle. N. C, via Raleigh. Durham. Greensboro, and Salisbury, on follow ing schedule: I 1 No. II j Na 11. Dally I Eastern Time Dally -I 1 A. M. I I P. M. :46 Lv Goldsboro Ar 8:30 8:46 j Raleigh j 4:80 9:56 Durham j 6:16 11:20 Oreeasboro 1:19 2:60 Ballabury j 1:16 1:46 Btatesvllle 11:20 4:15 Ar Newton Lvj 11:11 K.MT ; Hickory j 41:W l:6 Morganton 10:10 1:10 Marlon j 9:4 1:11 Asbevllle j l P. M. I A. M. Bummer Tenrtsl fares wUl aoos 1- For IsformaUoa as to rates, ftohe dales, eta, call oa say Agent of this Ptn; - r,wiri !" "SLlI n. P il AsWvffle ' T. f. A, C- y?i . f?r ' I if triLLwCOUGH M cuna tmi Lur:ca - "t 7 , - v i 1 j Til Ycj EiTiXj. C:: r; "3 r ";f ft r.f Mi, IS. J., hJ , . .,'. i,'.n i. to ,reyivi ' t 1 f-r a, I' ft I r-s the f

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