4 ' a S - "u' jevenr agr 1 tne jj as- weather vfor the past tew days has Vr.'. t tdry; J6oril BaUdlm lW'ln favorable to our farmers, who tr. FHOKaVKOreV U KLU U MTXTXJ8, L'!TOR ANtrPROPRIETOH, vritscuraos suns.., -v vd for. la advance. U ftM OM Tear, BOt.ta.dTUM..'V &0t Moathly, 1 carrier la tha ally ; -JU Adverting Bate fanOafced 6a a plicatkm..' 3 1 ' . ' v . s Bathed ;at tha Poetotflesr ew Bern. N. C, aa seeond-clsss matter. OFFICIAL PAPER tiV NEW BERN. ND CRAVEN .COoNTT. ' ' New Bern, N. C, June it 18 'V ' -r- v-. r -:' OYE DOING THE CABKJTKS- IfEJfT MOVE ' It may appear strange that any-local betterment movement could be over done, yet such a thing Is taking .place right here in New Bern. The 'side walks being built under the bond Bale has developed Into what might be termed a crusade against everything that offers an Inch of obstacle In checking the side-walks from veering from straight lines. It is Just as well to remember that New Bern Is an old town In every way. Streets do not conform to the points of the compass. Houses of colonial days are here today and' their architecture Is pleasing to the eye, but mary of these old houses appear to block with their entrances, the present demand of local better' . ment, which calls for hewing away to the Inch every tree or house that offers to stand In the way. The spirit of the people for the new sidewalks, hardly contemplated the present movement that has gone with the building of these side-walks. The local spirit was for betterments, and the Intent, was not that these better ments meant the destruction- of trees, the demand that peoplh cut away their front steps, and so be made to change their outside entrances from the nat ural hall way to some sitting room or parlor. All this may result In good straight side-walks, but will the gain of these equal the loss of trees, the changing of house fronts that have always been an attractive feature of this city's, with the added cost to prop erty owners that all Cutting down and lopping off means? The side-walk betterment movement has lost Its best purpose when It ar bitrarily forces the destruction of nat ural beauties, to make house owners change their buildings and thereby cause them to lose their charm wtih- out and comfort within. This twentieth century betterment move Is too ultra for the real better ment of old New Bern, which had Its beauty and charm, far beyond what any upheaval can give the proposed new New Bern. Te Joaraat Patreas 1 You, who are going away for this summer should have The Journal fol low your summer address. There will be something doing here, and you will flud it In The Journal. Leave your address before going, at thla office. Si r k 'aw m w s . - w m . ju, .a The Ik9t:CouporiiThir liest fcigmtth Each jcka of Plodmont Urcttc Dow contain I U twopoo. 100 of thew couponi w!ll U mloomcvl far flacn riodnt coupon tjj PMM CIGARETTE '- r ' w f C IfAde) from tpcclal idoctlong of r"nu!r. c! J JWmont dlatrict tobacco, rrefcrre! I? err V ; for tU IWcct tasta br.J . frtrant arc:-3,' . Special CorreiXMJcaoe." - . Hartowe, N. C, Jim ll-Ttft flue have made, progress la clearing out taelrcropeVt.',"- ,; ... . . , Mr.-, and Mrs. J. H.. Davis std son. Joel, who spent ,. few ears it Mrs. A.'R'BerJV retorned .to Uwlhoma at Beaufort. Monday.' i-'i Mr... A. Newberry "of .Newport. was her tils week, looktajTlfter his business. With customers. - i ; ' ire. o.,ii. Heu, or store nesq utv. is spendiiig the week with he? par ents. -T'.'-" -"w"' Mfe-i-CLUac la at New Berft thai week, serving aa juror ia the Sooertor Messrs D. L BelLJXluy Hsrdlson, and Gilbert vArihur, of Morehead iCltjfe came oyer -on a aaptba Sunday and spent few bom. . TUe. wep jojae; enoppina if, tra-?ft.Iiri.ltfrfcBtil, 5 lor a day or two th week. ; i B ;: Mr, C. P. a Bell watia, Bufort making purchases this week, '."ttf, '". j as. k. ueu, Ksq.i going via fort, spent Tuesday night in Moriliead city. ., - -vin-' Mr. T. J. Raynor. of Ralelgki left yesterday, after spending a few days at the Morton House, and enjoying the sport of fishing some of those, ine chub from his pond. Miss E. J. Plgott left Tuesday for Morehead City to make a short visit. Mr. W. F. Becton went to Newport, yesterday, tp take honey and to get more bee material. His bees aire all doing well this season. ' Mr. IJams went up to New ' Bern on (he shoofly Wednesday and return ed yesterday morning. Mrs. Dan Jones and her son, Mr, Fred Jones, came down this week, and are spending a few days visiting re la tlves. Dr. Carl Bilflnger and Messrs M, Adams and James Brooks,; went to New Bern on the shoofly yesterday to return today. The Carteret -Terebene Reduction Company has started to work Its plant and is working very satisfactorily, and is turning out a nice quantity -of Its products and now bids fair, to do good business and to be quite anaddl tlon to our Bection, much credit is due to Dr. Bilflnger and othera tbat are engaged in this useful inter- prise. Mr. C. Selfert, the active and lar Coca-Cola man, was here Interest of his business yesterda left this morning. Messrs J. W. and E. D. Have sty, were in eBautort this week, rfaking purchases for the picnic. iff Prof. T. J. Vlckers, prlncilal of Vanceboro High School, and.lMlBses Julia Smith and Lucy Williams, two of Vanceboro's most' popular fair daughters, are guests of Miss Bessie Morton. Messrs George and Albert Connor, of Riverdale, came In our berg yester day to attend the picnic today, and to make a visit to their. many relatives, Weak women should read mypBooa No. 4 For Women." It was frittei. expressly for women who are nct welL The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop's "Night Cure" and just how Hhsse soothing, healing, aatlseptla m ppoal torles can be successfully gpplk t The book, ana strictly confidential medi cal advice la entirely tree. Wr te Dr. Snoop, Raclne,Wta...Tha Nigh ban is sold by F. 8. Duffy. I - The reason more men don't sleep during the sermon Is the pews are so uncomfortable. . . ' " I ' jf if ruikUI TUa feist U 11XU3,0V la- . aaraaee Ht't .; , c New" Haven, .Coetu June J 2. The tljDOO.000 udt, of Charles H. Dresser and thirty others against the Hartford Life Insurance Company la sUU la the eoarta, the Supreme .Court having found vartooe .errors In. the dedsloa of 8aperfor Court, Judge Robinson In UBtalalns alLot the dtfeadsnts de- murrersJLThe judgment for the ds fendanta la set aside and the case rtr. mended. Th plaintiffs are holders of Insuranoe certincates ia tbe,' safety fond department of tbe Hartford-Ufe They ask tor an Injunction, an" account ring, damageev and other relief on ao count of the alleged" actual nnd tn tended misappropriation of the funds an,d ;lmntmgiKmmpy-, " . -Tt IJT 4t , Ni- X. j.waaTBd I trola. tell In W . the aeaV iit araaretirii le. aboTa tha wateT Ave konrs" al ne- pinned, by. the- ldoDmotlTe: ',T, "Health Coffee" la really tha closes? Coffee- ImJtatlon ever: yet produced- Thls clever Coffee 'JBubstitttte. wat ye oently produced by Dr.. Shcop ol Ra- eine, Wta Not a grain of real Coffee In tt aitber Dr. Cnoop'a Healtb1f (ee ls made from pure toasted grain. tvir 1 v 1 malVMta, oto. JUally il4l:?t,W,;BMi l t9mai' for tJbitea.: Jfo (0 or MM minutes to-1 6 been etterte4y .Cham teol an axMrtwhainislit drink it I WlaJnx8tnaeh and Liver: teoUan. expert who might drink; it dlona boiling. "Made U a mlaute" urs the doctor, ftold " 1, L. Uc Daniel. ... It 1 said that Austria ban prodaoail mora nne aaaiers man any oiner coun try. - " 1 ' ' ' The lest PUU Ever SeM- 'After doctoilng 15 years for dbrott- le lndigeatlon, and spending over two aunarea nouare, noining nas none roe as much good as Dr. King's New Life Pills. I consldnr them the best" puts; ever" sold." write B. F. Ayscue, of Ingleslde, N. C. Bold under guarantee at All Druggists. 25o. STo Keed of Battering From Sheama Usat It B a mistake to allow rheumatism to become chronic, as the pain can al ways be relieved, and in most cases a cure Is effected -by applying Cham berlain's Pain Balm. The relief from pain which- it affords is alona worth many times-Its cost It makes sleep and rest possible. Even In cases ot long standing this" liniment should be used on account Of the relief which it affords. E5 cent and 60 cent alsee tor sale by" David Pharmacy and F. & Duffy; - v A- girl always has an Idea that if she knew any dukes, most of them would want to marry her. Baeklea's Aralca galve Wins Tom Moore, pf Rural Route 1( Coch ran, Ga., writes: "I had a bad Sore come on the instep of my foot and could find nothing that would heal it until I applied Bucklen's Arnica! Salve Less than half of a 25 cent box won the day for me by affecting a perfect cure." Sold under guarantee at All Drnggl8ta. Three hundred Berlin streets are planted with 44,000 trees, which, are said to represent a value of f lW.OOO. Nearly a thousand gardeners and as sistants are employed to take care of them. Talaks It gavel Bis Late ,. Lester If. Nelson, of NapleaMama. says to a recent letter: " I hsve ased Dr. King's New Discovery many years, for coughs and colds, and I think -It saved my Ufa. I have found it a re liable r remedy for throat and lung complaints, and would no more. p without a bottle than I would be wKhi onttood." ' For nearly forty, "years Mew Discovery baa stood at the -head of throat and -lung remedies.'-". As h preventive of pneomonls, aad.heafcr of weak lungs, M baa to equal gold sadar guarantee it All Drn(f1sts&AI ana f uw XTauooais irse. o ff '.. . 8 ; n ia aau nat tnf.mtnotoi pro- daclng anesthesia by mesas & e)vs triday, dOcoferM by Pro! Ls JJua, Nantes;. Francs, is spplkUljlo .the painiaaa execution of erlaaina.- Tbrrt ta b otrUla aos-iuat of -aterv force artatrd by the brain teapplr tat dltertnt orgaaa of the body up poea lh eyes are using ap paarlyair of this aervs force to comet aojbe error that shall b;eormtrd by spec taclea, ara you not table to bavt hearty every bind of hunts ailment The wise . pbystetaa ' reelldng (bee thine, excludes the possibility otao error that should be corrected tome opileat apparatus, and the moat tns porUftt of all, one who Is eiperi Ir their nsa-J. 0. SiaiTrr,. OraduaU ot rbltadelphla Optical College. ' " Soto people squand a lot of saw y M trying to piUe foole of (turn ytrt yea Urt te erril f tar Bteeii, yest! I ' c t't ti e !- are ys sr tt ' 4 I. vkstrrr-i Wtc!j s T .. S rt I . .:r tan f6cr la veer 1 :' ' I Trr t-l J 1 S I 1 ' 1 1 t I r A T 1 it !! T "" "" Continued From Pag 1 was the first day la a great while that he had practically nothing to do In the eiecutlva office,. He said Is sas jiracUcally cleired oat aU the ."cob web " of aocumnlated work that aatk ered while he was In the Brohlbltlon campaign and waa "right np-to-date"4 He goes to Charlotte next Tuesday for the North Carolina" Teachers Assem My being, slated f or aa address to the teachers uv.:i-"'-; ?"' i Camilla. Tlammarlon; theastrone- mer, declare! that from actuaHigures recently obtained he has become eer- tain that' the temperatare of Europe hasc oeea f Cling. . France haa been sujfprtag tor a' Jong time from aaer- bsaj . at ldieather the. temper atw la?MlaT bee W attav life jo-W normal.' Other ceadlnirs show fow the normal... Other .dlngs show even less favorable results. i-. ,..' Immigration into Canada that year nnmbered,S77,37 persons, an increase of (1,434 pver the previous year. The number from, the. United States was EB,65L a decrease ot 7 ,231. 1 1'- Stsluck Troables One man, who had spent oyeirl two treatment waa cared by a few boxes thousand, tfoflars for medicine and of these tablets. Price 33 cents; 8am pies ,f ree at Davis Pharmacy and F-. Duflya.-; Frederick James Volney Skiff, direc tor "of the Field Museum of Hatural Htstor at Chicago,, and Willis S hPayn. president of the Consolidated j National Bank of New York, have re ceived the honorary degree of doctor of laws .from George Washington tfnl ;terity. "" What does a woman with a drug store "complexion do when she wants to make a bluff at blushing. If yea waat yeur kitchen to appear deal and feminine, try s Back's Stove, It dent smoke. J. S. Bat- sight Hardware Ca, a Moonlight Sale on Steamer Howard, Tuesday, June 16th, 8c30 p. nu-foot of Craven street. Tickets 25 cents for sale at Ennett's Book Store. Number of tickets limited The night nawk makes no nest at I all, simply laying Jts eggs In a slight depression 1 nthe ground. The eegs look so much like small stones that they; pass undetected by the searcher. Will Care Consumption A. A. Herren. Finch, Ark., writes "Foley's Honey and Tar la the best preparation for coughs, colds and lung trouble. I know that it has cured consumption in the first stages." You never heard of any one using Foley's Honey and Tar and not being sails Bed. Davis Pharmacy. . William J. Healey, a laborer at Marblehead, Mass., burled In the earth by a cave-In, managed to ssve him still by breathing the air in his hat, which waa Jammed over his face as the earth closed on him. Barn la Iewa Our family were all born and rais ed ia Iowa, and hare used Chsmber lain's . Colic,. Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy (made at Dea Moines) for years. W know iow. good It la from long experience in the use of It. fact, when in El. Paso, Texas, the wri ter's Ufa waa aaved by the prompt use of this remedy. . We are now en gaged la the mercantile business at Narooossfe, FU and bar Introduced tha wmedy4hereCk,lt baa' proven Tory successful and Is eoasiantly growing la Uvor. Ennls Bros. -This -remedy Wfor aale by foayla Pharmacy and r?B.Dnry. . " s ; ' - K woman's "ao- doren't mean yee when aba. aays It to the wrong man.' - r t .- ' There is Pint Pain' Tablet made by Dr. Shorm, that will posltltaly stor say pain, anywhere,' Is to aalnaUa. Druggists rerywbara sell thbojaa Dr Shoop's Headache Tablets,' but ' tbeV stop atbe( palna as eaillv as bead acha. Dr. thoop. Pink' Pala Tablets simply ton blood pressure away from pal eBtre that ta alL rla comet from blood praaenr-oacastlAn. 0top that pressura with Dr. Bhoop'a Head acha Tablet and pal la laetaaily gone. JO Tibleta S..Bold by F. 8 Doffy,-.,.:- W'v '" ri? T svsrsfe cost of supplying ltt0 004 gallons r4 water, baaed on the re port of twentMwo cull's, Is ., This furs Inclwdtsoperstlsg sipraeea sad Interest on bonds, ,' ; Dllaiilalies WliSest Irtltaftosj In rss rf stomach and IItt irmj. M. tb rrotf trtmnt U o dm. Slat rhfs orrnn ;ir,ont Irrlt.Hn. ' f' t4 :-' ' V tV 1!V ' f 1 t J-! 1 '.r.t.f Irrt'A"-! i ., t 1 t:' if r ' irr -:' nr. t'.g L tint a ef Xuurj Lost . Lea Angeles, Jane 12. Reluctant ad aUsslons made by postal officers -of three cltks today conflrm to soma ex tent the belief that the dlsappt araace ef a registered mall pouch within the Jurtsdlctloa; of the Kansas City Post Office last Saturday night will prove 1 to be one of -the largest toast s in. tlx history of th Post-Offlee Department. ; Frodt prtvatelsource it was brarned today that a package of at-teast t&0,- 000 tn enntney was smong -the cob uots Of the pouch which carried. In- addltiofe-an usasualiy large;, .number it letters . sqd packages, containing .-aonry ind otjier valuaklei The a xounf: fnhj.rtseh "1100,000.'' r I 1 " ,.he l-oatflt nspf cior. after forty-. eight hours work, refuse any txplana- Uon on- the. manner to which It be- cne. lost. - That a pouch ot value has disappeared was adtnlttd today by the department at Washington by Post- IMrtet M. H, Flint, of Los Angrlts, and . by Inspector W. J. yickery, ,at Kansas CJty. . i - - X'ashitr Charles Seyier, of the Farm ers nd Merchants' National Bank, tonight, said: According 10 our iniormation, a mail poach made up here on June. 3rd, and leaving for New York on the fol lowing morning has disappeared. A tooserVatlve valuation of the curren cy contents, furnished by this and Other banks of thlB city, will be $50, 000. The total amount is made up of between thirty and fifty packages. Our correspondent at New York Is the Chemical National Bank, to whom. our portion of the shipment was consign ed." ., - ' The registered pouch left Los An geles for New York over the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad the morning ot June, 4th,. and was due in Kansas City on Saturday. Hotel Arrivals At ihe Gaston: F. A. Luick, Atlan ta; A. J. Hanff, Plttladelphla; R. S. Busbee, Charlotte; S. T. Brown and wife) Chicago; L. F. McCall, Oriental; Charles Miner. Moore svillc; V. li Ward, Oriental; J. M. Powell, Oolds- boro; E.. L. Davis, Croatan; Mrs. M. E. Cook, Bapttmore; II. D. Pfeiffir Charleston, S. C; A. Sloman, Balti more; W. O. Savllle, Baltimore; C. H. Balfour, Elizabeth CltyKW. A. Lash and wife. Jersey City, M, J.; D. W. Richardson, Dover; W. L. Befl, Beau fort; N. W. Taylor, Beaufort. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Practical education In Agriculture; In Civil, Electrical .and Mechanical Engineering; In Cotton Manufacturing Dyeing, and Industrial Chemistry. Tuition $46 a year; Board $10 a month. 120 scholarships. Examinations for admission at County seats on July 9th Address. THE PRESIDENT, West Raleigh, N. ('. Sore Nipples Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may b effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child Is dnnt nursing. Wipe It off with a soft clot). before' allow leg the babe io nurse - Many trained nursea use this salvi with J!ESt results. For sale by Davit Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. Dr. Benjamin K. Buldwln, a yeter Insry surgeon, of Newark, N. J , ba sued Mrs. Kate Outman, to recovc 182 for 41 weeks' board for s blacl est Tired nerves, with that "no amht lion" feeling that Is commonly felt I spring or early summer, can be easll and quickly altered by Using what I known to druggists everywhere . D. Bbobp's Restorative. One will ahw lut) bote, a changed feeling wli),( 4f hours after beginning to tske II Reatoratlra. The bowe.'s get el unci-) tha wlnter-tlme, the circulation nf tan slows p, the Kidneys are Insr tire, and eve the Heart la many cawr grows decidedly weaker. -Dr. Shoop't ReetoraUr Is recognrsrd everywhere as a aenutna toeio to these- vital or gaaa. ' ft, bulUs ' up si4 atrengtbeas tha wofa-aot faakaaai aarresi It aha: pens the Islllac sspetke, and aal varsally aids dlgaatlon. ft always nlckly trisgs rsaewetf strebsth, ftfr. tlgor.-and aabltlow.' Try It and be coavlnoed. riold b; ti I. Bury. :"- i . t - ArraareateaU Far PreseataUeh - Congrcssmsa.Q. R Thomas wilt go to fUJrlsli Monday test, at the re qtttat of Oavmw 0m .to oonfef Hh fb OoverBAe ad to (hi time and place of preaMiUtlpa of tha Ullyer Servkw to th Crulner Worth Carolina. At the request of Ik nature blmmons, Ovmnsa and CoagreeemaB-Tbornai. tha Branfort Chamber of Cotnrnir and many .North Carolinians, the Navy Department bud derided thl tbr ptYS nl(lo rrtnnnUs should ba held hi raufort, l!f IJ. .. '' ' The seomnmndaiidns MorhesH Clr end r'ifnrt srs stnpts and th rrniwr would anrhor off the her u Ftirt Mxia. - ' ' . Tlrrw U still -Kim enpgnaflni) rn vrri '4 LU14 Oiiv. W1ntirn, end ohrt it -at 1' v !f atmttld tie at Nor i . C .- .!, TL'iruj wl! li) ' -: n I ' r l r,4 wtierf el i '' "'-' ') t'r..::: a c as th .'ari QUlOi OF ACTRESSES " : I Mil o7 I Ife Gma' ' I;.: ' . ido& y Wi-, W?i 5 1 - 1 wf'"' ,A Heartily-" i I r MI8S JULIA MARLOW6. okoooooxkooI " A NY remedy that benefits digestion rV strengthens the nerves. The nerve centers require nutrition. If the digestion is Impaired, the nerve centers become anemic, and indigestion is the result. Peruna la not a. nervine nor a atlmulanty.lt benetlta the nerves by benefiting dlgeaMn. - Perunafreos the stomach of catarrhal congestions and normal digestion is the result. In other words, Peruna goes to the bottom of the whole difficulty, when the disagreeable symptoms disappear. Mrs. J.O. Jamison, 61 Merchant street, Watsonville, Cal, writes: 'I was troubled with my stomach for six years. I tried many kinds of medi cine, also was trusted by three doctors. "They said that I had nervous dys pepsia. I was put on a liquid diet lr three months. Littleton Female College One of the most successful and best equipp 1 I oiinling schools in the South with hot water heat, electric limits and ot ier mod em improvements. 258 lwardiug pupils last year. 27t'i annual session will begin Sept. 1(5, 1908. For catalogue address J. M. TChobkh, President, Littleton, X. ('. Central Academy;! hijjh inn yoi ng cultural equipment. L K'.ated on 700 acre farm one mile from Littleton (Jul lege and un ler the management of (lie same board of Trustees, For new, illu it rated catalogue add ress.l. H. A 1 K KN( Triii., Littleton, N. ('. l 1 1 1 1 1 1 I H I 1 1 II 1 1 . Ir II 1t11ti 11 11 11 ii-r" r r 1 I L 1 1-7 I li 127 MIDDLE STREET X Full line of Drags, M.d - U cinee, Toilet Articles and Tl Soap, Freih Supply Flower Seeds PHYSniAVS PRESCRIP TIONS A SPECIALTY. II II II II fc 4 1 4 II l-HI II (1 11- BUT SCANT COURTESY ia shown Croup, Colds, Bron chitis or Pneumonia bv TT 1 m ' w 9 HENRYS 11G vujk g iuroup ana rneumo- a or o aoses -ooo will cure niaBjWe No ifiw mqther'any case 0I CHjLiVS and FEVER will dare be w ilhoul a i ar, e , , -r. ,.Whwoplf Coifh, Crea, fd are J v lla tadtw iialtwn gasiht " aaoger ao 9 roniptif re liered t.7 Tick's Of a aad rs Sslve, the pre-eminent remedv of the age, 15c, 50c, and 1 1.00 jars. - Thoufianda of ladlo Buffer RffonlcBterF raontE If you d6;tojp and think. .ak.11M m-M t a . to jprcrent or can this nce41caa auffcrgt it.v;iu. "I ntfeffid 0 years" Vritcs Mrs, Ctrah J. ITo., kln. of Cary, Kj', . "I b,i(, fcmalo trouMtj And won! I iirnrlj' rrnmp to death. H'Lack ani t won! ! rz-nrly M! 1 V-Jth pnin, I tried cyjy Mr? fa y l-'t?' f. f ' f- - ? ami fit Lnt be-nn U tl.3 '"; 1 (') nr Iioii-cnrnrk with n-o pTi l I 'y ' : M - , f rV -l "'1 I j.y." .Try. "I Improved under the treatment, but as soon as I stopped taking the medi cine, I got bad again. "I took the medicine lor two years, then I got sick again and gave up all hopes of getting cured. "I saw a testimonial of 4 man whose case was similar to mine being cured by Peruna, so I thought I would give it a trial. "I procured a bottle at once and com menced taking it. I have taken several bottle and am entirely cured. " have gained In strength and I feel like a different person. I be lleve Peruna la Mil that la claimed I for It." Nervines, such as coal tar prepara tions, are doing a great deal of harm. Sleep medicines and headache powders are all alike, heart depressants, and should not le used. The nerves would be all riRht, if the digestion were good. Peruna corrects the digestion. grade Preparatory Sell, ol for loys men, will! iiiiiisj,nai ami agri Very Serious It Lf Vry serious matter (9 ask for a nedtone and have fhe wronr pe given ron fflf this ressoa ws nrge yon Is buying to ba careful to get the genuine BLACK-ORAkrlT uver Moncme The reputation of thie old, reUa ble medicine, for constipation, lo dlgestion sod liver trouble. Is Brm. ly esU. illshed. It does not Imitate other medicines. It la better than others, or It would not he the.fa- WfS nver powoer, with a target ait than efl others combined. afTlfOtwr'. ft wiir s at SjM-. Sjr Jlv - W mb mrjUHf iwsr sstu - lae Dixie, a Si' at ; IUt imturftlf ; toto ifti n n n iicip:you 7-

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