: T"H T m t r r f ts ) 1 tei ) ( lei ) ( jet 4 1 ' - New pen. V. C, Jun M. 1W8 LXC2E tir.EGTCRT THEJU LODGI SO. I S. OT jeeta arsr?' Tuesday night at t o iloe!: t: "rH of Harmony Hall tIlock strset. E.GWUUeT. CC:J, E. talta, t-oC B W S Visiting Xnlghts will reostrs a sherallerwel- EUREKA LOIK 10. f, L 0, 0, F Meets erery Monday night, is Knights of Harmony Hall, Pollock street I. i. Harper, N. O.; J. H. Smlta, Secretary. Waiting brother cordially InTiteaV -t BATES LODGI HO. 1, WIGHTS OF HaBMOITC MeeU tndTUid 4th Wednesday nights In each 'month la Knights of Harmony Hall, Pollock St at 7:80 o'clr. . R. Ball, Prea aeat; J. H. Smith, Secretary; B. R. Hill, Financial Secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WOBI 0 MEET at ScoWs Hall seff!-monthly. "First and Turd Wednesday nights at 7:M o'clock Visiting Woodmen are invited. Index to Hew Airartlseaeais. The Dixie. Moonlight Sail. City Ordinance. Wanted Position. For Rent Rooms. For Sale Wagon. 'For Rent Building. C. E. Whitcomb Melons. J: W. Biddle Tax Notice. C. T. Hancock For Rent. Merchant's Shoe Store Fre. Wantedw To Rent or Lease. Royall Ice Cream and Fruits. New Bern Banking and Trust Com pany, v BUSINESS LOCALS. NOTICES IH THIS COLUHH FOB LESS THAI ONE MOHTH MUST BE PAID FOB IN ADYAHCE. WANTED POSITION BT STRICTLY temperate young "man; clerical work preferred. Address Box 618. WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE Building suitable for Hotel or large. Boarding House. Address Box 618. A FINE ONE HORSE ' WAGON, Either for truck or delivery, for sale, cheap. Enquire at the Singer Sewing chant's Shoe Store. PEACH, CHOCOLATE, BANANA AND Vanilla Cream packed and delivered for 35 cents a quart. All Sunday or ders to be paid In advance on Satur day At Royall 'b. MELONS, PEACHES, LIMES, PINE- apples, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, and Tomatoes, At Royall 's. FOR RENT TWO BOOMS ON FIRST floor; suitable for storage. Would rent to gentlemen. Apply to P. O. Box 684. FREE! TWO KEYS WITH EACH pair Shoes to the $20.00 Red Box, to be opened July 1st Big Bargains in Men's and Ladies' Low 8hoes. Mar chart's 8bo tSore. J 1ST A FEW TOO MANY MELONSr- Intown at one time for somebody 'Bo the next beat thing to do Is to set to, and eat them up. At my store you will And them in all slses with prices to suit the pocket They are direct from Umatilla, Fla., and trfry choice. The first picking. All come, I have enough to go around. C. E. Whitcomb. REWARD WILL BE PAID FOB THE return to The Journal office ot a Waterman fountain pea, taken Thurs day morning from tbs desk In "the po to dice lobby, facing" Craven street The pen was for use for a special purpose and was valued highly. The return will be greatly appreciated. FOR 8ALK A EEMlKGTOI TYPE.' writer. In good condition, $25.00 Also one set of platform scales, I10.W.. Ap ply to W. P. Burros, New Bera, N KEEP YOUR HORSES AND FOUL, try In good condition by nslag Magic Stock and Poultry Pood At Hudson's. -ANOTHER lr-0NK STORK left at depot not reotad. l Yon eaa net easily 11,600 per year. Apply' to Isaac H. Smith. , r-l TAKEN IP- A IKT OF CART BAB ness. Ths ojaaer can nave same by . applying to the. dty hall and paying for this ad. J, M. Harget, Chief ot Polios. OR DOSES HU WILL CCKI say easel ot CHILLI and FXTClt: ' PROPXLLKB 01 SAU OR CHAR, tar, or would Aperata- on Jtht'oon tract; 1M ft ty It ft team, 160 toaa cargo. 7 14 lt draughU hsVgala; soi table rtvefv eaaafor oosatwUe. t. J. Riley, t West t'A BL, New York. "ilOTHXR FUR Ut OF KFttlXfl and grown Chickena, Decks, Frerk Eggs, TaHell Cheese, P. T. V. Utm. Llf Preservers, Lights, and 'Anchors B. B. Davenport ' " WATtRKfXONft.A CAR-40AD OP J Plao WatermeWwa wilt srrtre today eeoslgaed U as. Place fenjrf early. New Bert Fruit Company, 27 Midite ateat . . A LOST-CIEnriCATI J10. , at, nr.. flH 27NrW Born pf.!'"nf -1 Jy n ASMKtalkm U r.;,i.. f i Thorpe. ArpllraiJiia s:i ! i, f r dnplloats., Mrs. Ca lit o Jotki, It '- Mr. Mark Btewneoa ' vest to La- Orange, yesterday. 4,, . Dr. Raymond Pollock pt Dorer. wu ' te the eity yesterday, " j . Mr. and Mrs, H.'T. Pratt are tutt ing ia Elisabeth- atyfl ' - v,."; Mr. H. Ju Marshall ot HayociVrt Mr. Abe Bsacaberg, of Goldsboro, ia; avlattorVtta Jllrf W. "8.1 ijicklnaon ot flew Tjrk. fci" the goest MrjO. N. EJanett- iT iDsaea Ethel Wood ,nd 6 atole Meeka wentWImilngtoi yesterday, t4 ttott rejattm-tad ftlendi, Mrs.; Leon 1$ of WUmingW, the i;ot.hW-t--i&7 Mrs. W.'R' Sanford.:: "U..V Mr. L. fi. Snnett. who has teea- visitor in tha , city returned '. to home in Cedar Point, yesteraay. Miss BSheJ Trevilian, teacher in itM High Sctiborat PoHocksYllle, left her home inAshland, Va. Mr. Z. V. Babbitt, of Bayboro, fas iri the city, yesterday en route to ftal- ;lgh. Mr. and Mrs. John Belton Gllreath, nee Mlas 'jBertha Thomas, ot iBir mlnghamf 4ia:-. are giiests ot Mr. and Mrs. J. ELiSmith. HECKft'S, PBEPiBEB BUCK wheat, 1 cents 81b packag a J,;t. McDanjelK - -IT GASKINS CYCLE. C0 pany-fer rigni gooas ana rigui itnm Baby carriage tires fitted on short ic tlca at 10c. per loot . hi- VAHCMFS C0HC1HTBA1ED S0JP 7a 'pecan or 4 cans tor 25c for cash only at J. L. McDaniels. ' :J PEANUT BUTTER, BEACHNUT brand, 10, 15 and 25cta per Jar. Also Heckers Oatflakes and Cream Farina just received. J. L. McDanie!. REMOYAL THE HEW BERN FRUIT Company has removed from No. 41 to Na 87 Middle street REGISTER'S FACTORY AT CLARKS -4Can furnish Porch Columns. Colon ial style, msde of red-heart cypress; Mouldings, Brackets, Plynths, Sash; Doors, Windows, Stair Work, Mantles, -4dample stock at QaskiU Hardware Cj's. Store. Orders left there or ad dressed to the undersigned promptly filled. J. M. Register, Claras, N. C.-'-"' ' ' I ' - 11 '.. J" llALL PHONE 17 FOB OUB FBICE&- Wje keep a complete line.of Groceries, Shoes and Notions. Wood, hand-made Shingles, Fence Posts. Call early and1 get our prices before buying' else where. Once sold, will sell to you again. Bargains of immense rains at N, F. Vincent's, corner South Front Metcalf streets. Phone 87.' -r BARGAINS FOB HOUSE AND STORE banters: 1 house to sell; a numbtrl pi houses to rent; 1 store 80x69 tett to rent Good location and iapieJl for any business. Calf on Btg'Hltl 153 BouU Front Street' A BARGAIN IN BOOKS-ALL LATEST 160 popular hookg fa cloth Wndlng reduced3 ta'toe at bed' B: Waters, v JU8T RLXEITEB-HEARLY A CAR lofcd ot Office Furniture, sUading.jpat top, and roll top desks, also chairs, both for flat top and roll top desks, and tbs typewriter chair for tne type writer desk;. Fine stock at low prices. Call and see same at our show, room No. 47 Middle street, or phone 172 for parUeulars.-rT.-J. Turner Furniture Company. FBE8H DITILED CBABg-WK NOWl keep on hand Dawson's Famous pi tied Crabai , Also ales Tried Cplcl. Lola Steaks,. Band wlchea and FleJ all kinds,' Cold Milk and Prip Coffp la tact most anything epoked .to ordetrof on short noUc.- Imperial CaW, J. B, Dawson A ComDanr. Drovrietors ID! CXMlddle street Phone SO. . ici run IfimtfB FOR Ri eaata the iuaHMcSbrleVa., H GXICIIK JEW OKLSAIf XOLAitS. es just raoeif e(C It dent annrl Cs esnU per gallonj arXXiltdDanieJ's . 'l f . " 1 MXLOXfl I KXL0ISI- MXL6III-. Water-melons atf kZCLZX pot car ot thoa dellghlfjiLfavbrlUS hers, and wlU browned loose today. , Doal tor at Uoe, .plsw and ofjpwtuatty.VC aV-WlKohmK-rt LOTYSJ OF 1CB CREAK WILIJINB what they have beta looking' tor al MeSorler's. ; . -.-." tit tvst BKiesrrwiLr cpo an Ice Cream PsrWr aod Lourh !tom at MorVbHd aty,.dwlll be glad to hsva New Bern frUnids iuU ih. m.' LOST- IEtTNlTa " Rerolm on lUseock sttwt r s )' Opera llouas. Finder ptauw ntuttf to J. A. Joeea.- 1 ' - - -. PRI8SIS0 CLtB. V. Pi' '.r t -61 Bouth Pront street, (i ' . . i Clolhes ttcaned, r paired an4 (-M . ..-J i Skirts preestd, ' (ria!'r. ' Phone Ko. IM. . i I, , .Mil. nut JirrT vTTrr:rM'"' and f.!ralrry !- Cr" -' r k -Pavers are at work on the west side ot Middle street between Pollock and South Ffitt atreeta. ' ' - Watermelons ar plenUfnl, ' ths quality is excsilsnt, and they retail tor twenty-five to fiftyents each, ac cording tO Sis.' ;f,vi,;,-V-T' Ths schooner Cathleea, Capt .Ollll- kin, arrived from Marshalsberg. yes terday, and will he. hauled .'os-the ways at onee, tor overhauling,.: and The peopl will find Cook's pavllloo on ths-river shore-off East Front street s, dellghtf ulfy oool jilace to go daring. these hot days, and nights Music win The DemocraUc County Convention meets today, noon, at the court house, &m th. primaries settled tht matter as far as -candidates tor; county officers are concerned, and the vota tor State officials has been settled according to the plan ot organisation, perhaps it wQl be just a tore feast . The Orald Jury; went? out yesterday tor Inspect Hut. poor bouse, and other county property. It nov doubt fund everything in. fine condition. Craven county has good cause to be proud of t(s utilities and Institutions. Bridges and roads are demanding more atten tion now than anything else, and with the progress now being made, it is only a question of a few years when this- county will have, as good roads and bridges as any other in the east. A ftwday ago it-was reported that a new-born infanthad been found pa the premises of a .citizen up town, carried it was. said, nd: left by two negro girls, i The. mfant was described as being a mulatto and was perfectly nude, lying In a basket. The " identity of the mother was discovered, and the baby returned to -her -Awaiting legal developments; nothing has. been" said about the incident j far, and the rumor-is now given tor what It Is worth. . . a. .. The regular Sunday services will be held in the Presbyterian church to morrow. In the morning, the pastor will preach on the ElghthCommand- ment. The subject at night will be Morality and Religion." The time for Sunday School has been changed to 9:45 a. m. All Interested are re quested to bear thisn mind. Ths Christian Endeavor will meet at 7:15 the subject will be: "Choosing Our life Work.' There will be special music at that meeting. AH are cor dially invited to attend these meet ings. It Is said that an injunction will be asked for to stop the reckless and ruthless destruction of the shade trees. A , One tree Was needlessly destroyed al the corner ot South Front and Cra ven streets yesterday, that cannot be replaced U 4fty years. Think of It, children now, will be bowed down with old age before'they will ever' see such another tree standing where that one stood, and" -it only took a tew minutes toj destroy the growth of perhaps, hundred years.' Vandalism la not too strong a term to use tor such work. The Klnston Free Press tells of esse being tried in court there, yes terday, wherein the attorneys of the bs,r and some of the county officials served as Jurors. It was a divorce case, and all the Jury had been dls- missed, sod there' being nothing interest going on,' the apectatorshad alt retired when the case was called so. The Judge ordered the sheriff summon a Jury at ones and he took the first persons , coming ' under vision. A Jury ot lawyers, officials, add a few. distinguished cltiaeas who were sitting In the bar, No profes sional jurors In That iThe friends -of Dr R. K. Knowtas, will be Interested to read the follow ing from the ChrUUsn., Wort' and DVnngellBtC,'John BHuykr. 1 John, (Wssamake'r and other, jnllKwslres.-r-' edacstional and rsliglona, associates " nuyicr, woo n umner oc years age esUblshed. ioo treat, a" model saMn tala town for jocsiloOsfVhd relfgi oha ' purpose's, ,tiv4 ' officially .' trans ferred ' Montreat to the Praabrtertaa Synod,' .The transfer was ratified bf J last week ht;irf fisbonv Norta CaVf ollnsL 'Tl-burposi, to earry.oa ths wort heian by If r. Huyler and hi's aasaclstsa on "a" Ii ti trsc4 W. One Uousan4,addlUonaI otUg are 4q he reeud, addlilooil- tota& ' v( schools, a larg public ilbrsry." ig4 a big aodUorlum, whtrh will ( be minmrtar to John "Calvin.' Among the sprskers who hare slrrady been asked to take pert la the dedicatory srvlr are Wllttaat Jeaslnre Bryan, Dr. C A, AldTman, I'rfUUol of lbs t7nW itty of Vlrg lnla.'aBd Dr, R, R. Know, ot Canada, ' The saon st Wont real wll opn June 3th. with a khiIhi of lh National .Tonag Uts's Cbrl5l AiofLUou CoBfrror," tho the fur iii'si owning will so offnr till July lith, h tf'-& HiiotUy BImx4 con fernf, rnliilmiry enfrnc( nd S roilhd of religious mrtllngs. ' ' - TrtlU rj Vi V. ' 'The AlWi.'arle i '' la I' l I ' ' T rUM, Ui r i !, ; " 1 f f- rr J. I' .I' rry til ron ( " irt b !..n- i: . , : VI. I 1 i WE HAVE THE KIND i ;0F : I 1EXALI1NATI0H -4 S ECEn S BOOK ST j-at ) ( i s ) iot-4 I et- . DB. HESS' STOCK AND FOUL ;-TRY PANACEA l MtaMvrfiA -Ti VT...I aAAli . W UitguikCV HOW DIWB . Food "iure 'cure tor obasbi, . dUtemper; dropsy and all blood a - - - m ' aisorders. it removes worms t tad is a wonderful flesh pro- flucer. Dr. Hess' Panacea for. Poultry 4 is a safe and reliable remedy for the 'diseases of fowls, such . as gaps, cholera and roup. " An excellent tonic and egg producer' Every Package guaranteed. SAVE THE MAKING BY ' BUYING - THESE U F. JARVIS; ALE7TSSIItrSt JfOYELTKS LI ri PABRICS. arar to be seen at F. IL Chad wick's; fabrics made into stylish,' long-wear-lag garments by skilled clothing de signers and deft workmen. "When yon are In need cf a suit or single PAPER i ! V. ; fi I op ' toJpslr ot trousers, you will do well to consult P. M. Chad wick. Satisfaction ia; guaranteed cloth, fit, workman- til Xlddla BinaL i Sew Bern. H t . I r. -' 1 , - " - " Number 5 On the Roll Banks of the Statifof National Bank Clapitai Stoclf : J.iaLmtica of Stock holder . -gurplus'nn'dProflta' . ' Total Dif idnda.6inoe Organization --.V :- " 7 i o -':v' "omCEfcfr " N -.ft-!', ;. ", V JA8. A. BRYAN, .". j, ' , , 4 i - r ProiUrmt . . ,JNO. DV5K, ' " Viw-rrwidmt;'': ',. O, 1L ROBEWT- ' ' ' s t'aah'!" CZH 3 ? -the "11 . si:i ui;:iEiiy WILL CALLrOR YOUR LAUNDRY, l'trAKiii.-?'-. ; EETijitK IT PEOMPTLl S Wc guamntoc our work to k i first-cla, in cverv -re- Rpectand Solicit your paf-T- f rouage. ' . ':' ' ' ' ,:-r-.. . A FAm TRIAL LS ALL Ei 4 nnis Westcott Branch Office at J. G. Bonn 'I . Co's-57 PeVloek St Li. SPECIAL NO rlOE To our hugsry buyers come to oir show room at 78 Broad St. And wo n n show you tne best and . cheapest K in obobts, Surys, Wagon, tops and pet Buggies, that has ever been offerei i ewBein. a8. WATERS & SOS, New Bern, N. C. HARDWARE e AND Building Material "Kefrigerators, Water Coolers, Ice Cream . Freezers Screen Doors and Win dows Paint?, Oils and Var nishes American Field Fence Sew Bern, If. C. rnrtn m. k&MWtOSJ SnUB-ON Our Eye Glasses not only stsy on but Improve ths looks. Coma In and try a pair. J. 0. BAXTER. Graduate Philadelphia Optical CaOega of New Berne of Honor of 60 National fcorth CsroGiui :- -: U,000 100,000 - JAR, A. BRTA! ' CIIAH. a. BBTAR .'; K." BIHUOP ' i. joh! rjcs!' , O. H. BOrtKBTB . A. D. WABD ',' K. B. IIACKBCB! So Near end Yet So Far but txith on .lho SAni Ion. ilhcr in two WTtioiiu (the oil ay), or lt om jiir-oe Hp iiilly frouivl (1!i tipit at It1), i h t! f f n t I in I (if Op 1 .1 h ( 1 1 k 1 K lltil C (10, '! Hillt 1 i n 'i t iff- , !. It U ' " '"rfini. ( . ft DEPOSIT YOURWmC ?;?Wia should aecurely sealed. It may 2 I Q Tfen"b : teft b 'wiytxSSt-for safh::-.) v7; lis If- PEOPLES BANK Wm. Dunn. Prest. C. D. Bradham, Vice-Prest. T. A. UzzeHr Cashier. " ; IF IT'S A PRESCRIPTION TAKE IT TO DAVIS PHARMACY IREMIUMS GIVEN Until September Int. We Will Give Handsome Premiums Of FKAMED PICTURES For $5.00 in Cash Purchase Tickets Picture Valued at Mtr. For $10.00 In Cssh Purchase Tiekets Pictures valued at $1.25. For $15.00 In OsJi Pnr?bss Tickets Pictures valued at $2.00. For $20.00 la Cash PurcbsHe Tlfkets Picture valued at $:t $4. For $25.00 In rash Purchase Tickets Picture rslsrd f ' $' For $50.00 In Cash Purchase Tickets Pirtorot vsluftj at $10, Per $100 In Cash i'lirchaie Tickets One Oil FslnUng In SJmdow. Box Value $25.00. Stive Tickets and get valuable premiums. Your own se lection. JOHN 93 KIDDLE STREET W.G.BOYD PROMPTNESS, ACCURACY SATISFACTION Bold over f SO, COO New Jiern HtiiWing and Loan stK'k in punt 12 inontlu'. Coin U-shh of this office lx 1 ihr 1 1 Hie ul)lie. Boom SO0, Elks Temple, (Tske 3CE CORNED RCE HERRING 2 for 5 cents 25 cents a dozen H C ARMSTRONG, ' - . . ' r- : ... A V A Urn 00-4) O O OOOOO ' Outli's Chocolates :'.C; ANP V .... .. ' Bon-bon Candies Young's rSiCliPTIOXI A SPICIUtT! . . I0LTH PE0IT ITREIT -00-0--0 0707ir - - r t jf - (H-ir- !'::POo:3l:;.iO'E::rl:3l,4 . . ' . . . . - . . , - ,T I 1 ' Thf s heavy raini demand a ood. quality of-- I rooling. If TAKOID don't keep thinri dry We I will fu-ni:;h more free cf tl.arf thirHea or tin. : 1 . , - I WE ARE WELL UP In knowledge of the location and value of all desirable real estate for sale. We are also familiar with the kind of property you will be wise to let alone. Kor Information of any kind regard lug real estate, it will be well worth your while to call at this office. We have made or saved money for many others. We con do the same for you. A. T. DILL, Office 111 Middle St. vkeae 111 E- ITTES, NEW HERN, N. C, FIRE INSURANCE Real Estate Investments Eietster) Trlciihone 203. 2C l 0 0 IOC O OO 00 0 OO O 0 I 9 I Dnig' Store . - Ht''0"0r0, 0-00 00 (r ( oq cost. Try some cheaper ' . - '. '. r I r n 45 . j