r;' . . - . 'V :. 4 .t. -it (-., -JMiih4 trny f tm th mr ct Mond, Junwi boUdtag. Craran trt. . , t. v.- ,-;.- fcDITOA IkKD PROPRIKTOK 4.9 . wHscfeirnoif uraii . M Tea, la adrHJca ,1 fi-Ot Om year, not tn adraao. . 1.0 Kanthly by carrier in the olty ' M Advertlilnf ratea furnished a ap- plteatloa. , - Entered at V Poetofflee, New Bern . C, ai teeond-oiaaa matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF . NEW BERN - AND CRAVEN OODNTT. New Bern,N. a Jan. 8, 1910 EARLY SAVING HABIT TAUGHT. The local item in the Journal a few days ago telling of the many savings bank accounts begun by young'people in this city, is an ed ucational matter developed in the graded schools here. That it is ucational, is seen that the value of j putting into a good bank, any money that could be saved by the youth, was advised in the school, and followed out practically, by the pupils. That saving of money by chil dren is of concern, needs no argu ment. If added to the saving, these may be taught the honorable earn ing of the money, will add to the ohild's future, for while parental indulgence by gift of money to children, and the saving of this money by the child, instead of spending it at the first candy stand, is important te impress up on children, yet the individual ex ertion that gains the nickel or dime and will save it for some wise expenditure, is far more worth learning by the. child. Even a few dollars saved in this way, and every child can follow this course, impresses upon the young mind the value of money, and the importance of thrift and saving, that will never be forgot ten in life, and forms an early ed ucation that will develop and prove of greatest help in after life. Let parents addtheir assistance to the teachers, in forming this sav: ing habit in their children. It will well repay them in later years. Chilaren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A ST Q R ? A All the Difference. The Editor Id your Inst batch of jokes tbcre Is one on the subject of freezing to deatb Id a steam boated flat. Do you cull that funny? The Jostr Yea. Don't Too? The Kdltor-No. I lire In a steam bested Ant Brooklyn Etarl STAUNCH FRIENDS OF PE-RU-NA. V Vh'i ' ' ft J , - wr mm- if. , , ' it.- j . V CmdawUera 4 CmTcri yet tcScrt b fVrvaa. Hi CAR raoaasMd pernna m a good 1 saedMM fr ehmaie eatanb ( tbe Momacb d 'bowete. 1 kave bm trowbled wittltarfwely lor ore jee, '',r ' ndaieeaeoeiih.' l ' .'V, 'eWIhlsJifoa,aa4allthe . " r ; alietteeetoff 7 mpieiM Of aaUff k t Ui u ' ; r ' i atoraeb and twel ksva dteeppeered. " ' -! m rwfcmtid li to all a rare ... V '"' feifcedy re. tiiUe,Toi, IU. r ' . ; 4l itAO eaUffb of lb tonab, bow ' ' ' "h ' Ub41wet4lfe!TaBa, Had - '' dl of l In tnj rtibi bip. ' " . wblrn fH IlVeihnmHm. !.,pkin ,j la rtle Wl n-n- TU ei'-r . ; ;! . j kKhlf 4orHr1, tiir , ' .' j aiolipt'1, an4 i't ti. f f n,mmfrn4 in Uke Pertm e-n . " nf lllfIV.ec1 lui t- l-? ;riT. here tkn (' bi cl rmr. tMnlt f em rn'"-Mi, W. C. I ' , l, .uUr V:.. ; RESULTED HOT ALliSS ''tifati&i toovJ Feels' , Lenolf, H, C-'lf 'am jot tired at tH, and am stouter than l have ever been," writes Mrs. Kate Waters, 61 Lenoir, N.C4 "although . I have Just finished a two weeks, wash. 'l 'lay. my .strength to Cardui, the woman's tonic. I have taken a lot of it and 1 can never praise it enough for what it has done tor me. 1 can never frank you enough for the ad vice you gave me, to take Cardui, for since taking it I look so welt and am stout as a mule." You are urged to take Cardui, that gen tle, vegetable tonic, for weak women. Its use win strengthen and build pp your sys tem, relieve or prevent headache, back ache and the ailments of weak women. It will surely help you, as it has helped ed-.thousands of others, in the past 50 years. N. R-Wrtfefe.- Udlty Adrhon Dept. Chatte- ooga, i ei Venn., lor SptM ROTiCHlX PAYERS. The tax payers of Bridgeton, N. C, are hereby notified that their taxes for 1909 are now due and payable, and un less taxes are paid at once I shall be compelled to levy upon property aod add the coats -ot same to the taxes due. Please-settle and save trouble and ex pense. W. ft. HOPEWELL. Tax Collector Bridgeton. Cftiiaren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA3TORI A It is said that some evils are ttecc sary. Can you think ot one that III Health Is More Expensive than Any Cure. This country is now filled with peo ple who migrate across the continent in all directions, seeking that which gold cannot buy. Nine-tenths of th'em are suffering from throat and lung trouble or chronic catarrh re sulting from neglected oolds, and spending fortunes vainly trying to re gain lost health. Could every suf ferer but undo the past and t cure that first neglected cold, all this sor row, pain, anxiety, and expense could have been avoided. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cure8 of colds and can always be de pended upon. Use it and the most serious diseases may be avoided. For sale by Davis' Pharmacy and all druggists. High Morel Ground. Tbe moral ground aome men are foune To take ! high enough; But, effter all. the hlsheat around la frequent) a bluff. -Catbollo Standard and Time. S A YV7- ft MM.n.O. OKF.ICJI aad femllf, el Ievli Creek, lad, vflui "We eaaoot eipreee to jv tmt ttiaeka tot bt Peres bad dene for mntbef. Whea b ben ymtt mdMne ih wee Bo I able to be a all 4f, but new aba te blplnf wit the Work nd at Tlk.inoe Tl.lt. II f tea ik, la lmjmT"i la hrt. fJo di.etge. ftv4 fit!U. Clrp well ad U jLJt-' thhf f.rnnft and Hin.t;. :. i . v 'i(U 'j , V f .. . It ;tijTWf-leine realised 'UWfrthp Traassibertan railroad, was a peoros, from as englowrlng standpoint -Anotber eectloo of the Pan-Americaa railroad vta- completed that from the port of Il in southern Peru, to Uogv . v Tbe esterlor walls of the new Penn- by 1 Mta" terminal station Hn Ka w York are Dearly half a mile (dnsTanl contain 480.00tt cublc-jreet jrf granUo. :i?Vf .? Chicago now has a law Which mates traction companies return the fares te. pasaenKers whs are a car which ia detained ...teli riBtnfltef''oi'jnoB;; Engineers era figuring on piercing Mout Blan? -for a double traplt eiec trie Tallroad. ; The tunnel jronld be eight - miles long - and . would jghortea the distance between Paris a ud Genoa ihirty miles. .. t ' - . . law Points. .. The adoption of a child under the statutes of one state Is held In Brown versus Flnley (Ala.i: 47 Bo.. 6Tf ; 21 I R. A. (N. a, C79. to confer upon him no rights of Inheritance in lands Id an other State. - ' . : ; . One wbo intentionally points a gun at another, which is by statute made a misdemeanor, is held in McDanlel ver sus State Ala,), 46 So., 988; 2V L. R. A. (Ni S.). 678,; to be guilty of manslaugh ter in the second, degree if the gun while , so pointed is accidentally dis charged, producing the death of the one toward whom it is pointed. How One Doctor Successfully Treats v Pneumonia. "In treating Pneumonia," -says Dr. W. 3. Smith, of Sanders, la., "the only Temedy I nse for the lungs is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. While of course, I would treat other symp toms with different medicines, I have used this remedy many times m my medical practices and have yet failed to find a case' where it hag not con trolled the tremble. I have used A myself, as has also my wife, fo. coughs and cold's repeatedly, and 1 most willingly and cheerfuly recom mend it as superior to any other cough remedy to my knowedge." For sale by Davis' Pharmacy and all druggists. English Etchings. The pawubrokers of Great Britain issue over IBO.000,000 pledges a year. The bltfh price of leather is begin ning to embarrass the English shoe in dustry. A vegetable cheese Is being made In an experimental way lu England from the caselu contained In soya beans. An unemployed man purchased . a pair of old fashioned shoes in a Lon don sbop for nlnepence. . When be had cleaned them he found that tbe buc kles were solid gold, and he sold them for a. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTQRIA Painted Beauty. Handsome la aa handeome doae. Wrote tbe poet, but tt waen't Very Ions e'er be found out Haodebroe la as beodaome doesn't Bt. Loots Star. This li Worth Remembering. Whenever yon have a cough or cold, just remember that Foley's Honey and Tar will core it. ' 3. N. Patter son night policeman of Nashua, Iowa writes: "Last winter I had A bed cold on my lungs aod tried at least half a dosen advertised cough medi cines and kad treatment from two physicians without getting any bene fit A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and tw-lhirda of a bottle cured me, consider it the greatest cough and lung medicine in the world.'. Remember thev name Foley's. Honey- and , Tar d4-refuse eubtitnts. Davis' Pbasrmaeyv '. 'j 1 '". -' ' ' .." v " '-r-' ;Mfeeee)ejiree1.w'-1.W ) : "TtH, lovely .ajomina." vea tared the yoang ,ma wbo had bongkt. tbe (irl waiting oo. bio did not deny tt. .. -. - -.. 1 "Meel. becoming way ytra'beve f arwetsg your hair.", . , ' - . "Bow do yea rosnsge te keep om bands so beautifully arbiter 1 boald think I bat a bandUng rxl- ' ' Tike your beck tie aitd skip," Md tbe girl. I . Bid tbe 0w manager teed a Crash gay out by tbe ear yeeler day.".' ' r;,ji ; .... Tbt eras alt rot 1 read about pay teg aaaftttoa te the Hrwt shopgirl at tbla Maoa." muitred tbe cmrtemef as be hnrrlexlly wlUdrefrblUdelphia ledger. ; , Wi r ., . t j. ; m ii ....,,. ' '. r 'Hf Nemeela.' ''''r, the la net eve, the te ae ?. " ' Tee vemaa wlta tbe ernf taturea. ' m ef vmlre aad mt af fua, ' : Tea renan lih the erpnte tawurue Hr enry ih r eharvly Bnnf. t ate many baa a eerpwre tMiti " n (hat !. ofii not be erS, ' . And te my Mi ahe bea Muna, Wliy te bee mm upon tna emtrwlt kijee I ee for Bra knerd, Wnni you have. .e f-f lattiertesa , I hurt i-. Field Marshal. Url Roberts of the BrtOsb -armyx-elebrated:' 6ls,golda wedding pnnlversary recently, j - ".:V. : Jamea W. Poor of Cbarleaton, UaC h o jmfiRje4' ,. meeting of . aitk Masonic lodge ainoe Its Institution fur- y-tvo-yars t&tflF-X -.Isaac McHoae, of ReadlDg. who bein d. to bafld the tlrat anthracite blast fnrnace ft.'Catasanqua lo 1839. .re cently ; celebrated; hia - elghty-Beventh ; Mount do boasU of haring; tbe tall est MBOoboy In Pennsylvania He is John" Sherman Faslg., He Is, fifteen years'oli. weighs 212pou"nds and is afcr. feet aeves inches; tall, r Sir Jamoa Pliny .Whitney,-premier of the Canadian province 01 Ontario, was born on a farm, studied law and be gad practice and was tben elected to, the. provincial parliament Robert jH. Armstrong, who has in- Stalled the goyerameut wireless tele graph service on-the Pacitlc. coast from Seward. Alaska, to sbutbenn Cal ifornia, ifaat born in New fork city thlrty-nifi. ytare ago -and was edu cated in the public schools of Brook lyn. ;, ; Robert McCormick. president of the largest bank to Tacoma, the bip gesf Individuafstockholder In a great lumber cdmpahy in the state of Wash Ington and, jiepUulloan national com mitteeman, Is sixty-eight years old and prides;, himself on being a self made man . who never has woru a necktie: t There are probably not many land owners who ply the hoe and rake at the age oi eighty-two, but Lord Had dington has always given the closest personal attention to his property, and gardening-. In particular has always been one of bis keenest delights. Elev enth earl and a representative peer for Scotland, -Lord Baddingtou succeeded to the title nearly forty years ao. Sportifig Notes. Harvard may send an eight oared shell crew to row against either Ox ford or ' Cambridge next summer in Bnglund. , it. E. Walker, tbe winner of the Olympic Sprint championship. Is In London, where be may becolne a re porter on a newspaper. Twenty thousand business men . of New Orleans want horse racing re established and have petitioned the general assembly to legalize book making under certain restrictions. - The Automobile Club of California is arranging for a big road race over a course entirely within tbe eon lines of San Francisco and covering a por tlon of the famous Goldeu Gate park. Willie Anderson, western open golf champion ! and former national, title bolder, has resigned from the St Louisi Country club and announced hi In-, tention of competing In Kuropeag events next season, ' Alone In Saw Mill st Midnight unmindful of drafts, dampness, cold or storms, W. J. Atkins worked as night watchman, at Banner Springs, Tenn. Such exposure gave him a severe cold that settled on his lungs Af last he had to give np work. He tried many remedies but all failed till be used Dr. King's New Discov ery. "After using one' bottle," he writes, "I went back to work as well as evwr." ffJhrere oolds, stubborn coughs, inflamed throats and sore lungs, hemmofbages, cronp and the whooping cough get quick relief and prompt Cure from this glorions medt oine. 69c and $1.00. Trja bottle free, guaranteed by all druggists. CANDIDA TE FOR COUNTY TREASURER. To the Democratic Voters of Craven County-. -il hereby puttt reepeetfully announce my eindidacy for tha offlc of Treaaurer of OrsTtn County aubject to the will of tha Democratic primary whenever aaid primary la, , held. If nominated and elected. I pledge myself to conduct the office to the Batlsf action of the people to tha beat of my ability. ' , -y - .Moat Reepectfully, ' . ' ; '; ,B., B. Hurst I CatarrH Cannot be Cured. tbey paooot reach the seat of the dis eaac Catiwyh la blood of eonrti tub'ooa) diaeaae, aad la order to rare it yon -nrost take Internal reraadie. Oall'a Catarrh Cure it uWo Inter nally, an4 acta directly on'the blood aad toocona tnrfacaa. TraH a Catarrh Cure $ tot a qoack. medicine.' Ii vat praecribed by one of lh be'ai 'phy ((ciana la thia coo d fry tor ywr and la A rtrn!af prescription. It la com poaed of tha best Innica known, coro bioaJ with tha bst E'ood puriflerg, aotinr directly oa the tnucou 'ur- faefa. The perfect eombluatioo.'of the two Liredienla ta wlat pr)ducet uch wend.rful rebuilt In Curing ca Unh. fiend fnf plimoniile (rea. r. j. pii:kj;y co.,rrop; ' ,. . ToUdo, O Bold by dmcrr?Ht((, price Jio.' . Take IlaU'a family pi! for con' tlpation, ;..' .. "" J ' " , Cc ::3 ana Cchool- - th i'i.i ri - 'if ef Al' hpa Best ored to Natural XoIoridtH One Bottle of SDLI HAIR REMEDY Thfi, Only True Hair Restorer, Tonic and Eejuvenator AUIOST A MIRACLE My hair was as white as snow when' I commenced using Wyeth s Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. One bottle re stored my hatr to its natural dark brown color. As I am now 70 years old, I consider the re'sult most remarkable. It is en rlfreShivg. hair dressinS, keepu:g the hair soft and glossy, without being in the least greasy or sticky. WM. WESTLAKE, 210 West Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. PC The Wyefii Chemical Company, For Sale and CANDIDATE VOR COUNTY TREASURER 10 the l.emorrat,c otor, of ( n-v.-.. County. I respectfully announce that 1 .shall be a cnnhdato for iv-eli.-ctiim for the Office of Treasurer of Craven Comily, I subject to the action of the Democratic1 primary when held; 1 promise if re elected to be found at. my ollice in the Craven county court house, willion to serve you as faithfully in the future as! I have in the past. Respectfully, Freeman S. Ki nul, Crolrn Cry FOR FLFTCHER'S CASTOR! A The man In the moon lookB like hlgnball when he's full. y . Stung for 15 Years by indigestion pimps trvinir mnu doctors and $200.00- worth of medi cine in vain, R. F. Ayscnc, of lni;le- New Lifs Pill- i.n.1 wiitcs tl.ev whol- 1 1 ly cured him. They cure constipation biliousness, Sick Ilemlarlie, Slom- ach, Liver, Kidney niwl Towel trnu - hies. 25c. at all dnnjnists. r A man It never an exoert until he caa tjarrer ble tra --Biters t 8oved .he everything efae ajK In notrowi projif.nttoa unJ fcm&le r.kneaac3 ltey ara tlw ecpicme .ernt-ly, aa tltovcanJa Lave testified. FOR KIDNEY, UVEn AND ' " UTOMACH TROUBLE f X tift.bott rAealelne ever enld I -': ovrr a flnjr.Kut'a cioauir. i NoHJ;.ic-'SuMtheni Railway ?f Special Tfain. :; ' Account of perform (in o5 f JTald In FuU"-.,wa will onerato ft' piial train New Bern'te Goldanoro and rctarn Jan, 13t)i leaving New Bern 6:45 P Ity r. turaiaf leave GoKlnboni fllrrctr aer tha jrformac.' '. Train - will itop at iDtcrmcdltf'ta stations and erxcldl rates will 61 auUiorited f ara from New ttera $1.25 round trip. To further Jnforma- tlon apply V T. II. lU nntt, vticlet At"nt i V. ; - .... . M. C Huilafii, a r.'A. $ V AFTER eetSMBraaMaaiaajeKaaiaae innm ii i ma ai u . - 1, any severe elcKness n Why hesitate when WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY is daily producing just sucfi results ? After years of study and nn-'lyais of the hair, we have been able to produce idea! Hair Tpnic and Restorer, which contains r,n actual constituent Of hair, combined with ingredients of recognized merit for treatment of hair and so.-;!, diseases. It makes and I.-eeps the scalp cKin .f a he-iihy, t;ives life, Strength and lustre to. the hir, and i'CSiOres faded and gray hair to natural toLr. No matter how !cn? ri"d tliic',- your hair is WYETH'S SAGE AND GULPI ibR HAIR REM EDY will inahe it longer ami thicker. It will re move every trace of d.Midn;!i i.-; a U:w days, stop falling in one week, and st;irt a new i;:owth in from one to three months. iese are facts that have lvpn WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAiR REMEDY is guar anteed to do ail that it is claimed to do or the r. ice will be refunded. 50c. AND $1.00 A BOTTLE If Your Druggist Do Not Koz Ixnd Wo Will Send Vou &. Lnrao 7i CO: - Recc.nm2ncf.ee! By F, 5, I?Jiy. NORFB: ; 8 WWl U ! Woicott i'.nd K(Mf Rci-.iC! ! !!!:!: 'TTIIKOI (ii! Th'AIN s vi. 'i: ;:;: a u. p i IN i : AS 1 1 ;i; NOKTIl r ; 1.1 N A, and i:i N M,'! ( I . K i a i i. i: sri::; en n:s. is, ii- lul' in cil'.ct (let. mill Tr,!:r.:; le:ive New Bern 1915 i in., i;x i'i;i;s., i:,iiv, ex ci-jil S'.ni.Iay, lor W'x- hii ;;!im I ;.':( t -ii, i:iiiil.'lh t'it an .i:;'H.K. A) ii es ..,r If ik I :''.' p. in. ,15 p ui. , I : 1 1 1 y eeept Suiiilay, l;' Waliiii-li.n, I'uiel.iHii anl Ilellias en, lnal.ili;; I'nii -iicction with n.ilcih liain at Wfwliiiijrlon. ft Af f 11 . v:i0,1 ,MM' 1 ity ami l.eaului (. 6:45 I'iiily, for for Molrlll'SKn 1 Citvaixl l.eaiifui t. in f , . . ... V: I O '" . Unl.v, for KiiKtnii ;iml iol.l ;)mro. 6:45 I , l.iil, for Kinslon inn! ifiliNlifiro. 7:.0l' '. Iiiiiy, for Oriental an. I iiiUniie.li;t Nt-itlons. 9:50 a liiily, excrpt StiiKlay, lor Oriental mul intei niciliHlx NlwliuiiM. For funhcr puitit lilai consult Norfolk ti1 rkjuthcru folder, or apply t T. H: IWiiiutl, T. .V., N.'U ilprn u. ;. ijj'DflixH, (j. r. a. W. W. CUOXTON, A. (i. V. A. 14. f. liMR, (J. M. Norfolk.Vrt. For.Ecrema, Tetter and Salt Rheum " The. hiUnxfl itching' clinracicrietie if 4beg fiflmcnln ia. ilinoul jnetnotl) allajred by Chnmbei-iftinV; 8ilvef Many severe cne bnVe teen rnrrd by It.' Ffif ela by Davia1 riiarmac and 411 drugsisla. J Tb ne wspaper Ir a rtanllq mirror 1,1 blrt the wbolf world aeet reflect jed lu Joy and aorrowj luamWUoa lefloeaca. lie eiree aait failure CniPFE fHairTcnicuHi Dressing! iru tolof to faded and fravK b Lunula la the growth J hatr. HkreK dry and Itfeieaa h id toft, brifhl ard floear TRICE 50c. AND : WHM CHEMICAL CO.V t-l CITY nrm-fr, AT ALL DRUGGISTS I: w vl r-0u. in E:isvinps lio.tie. K-vpress Prcoald XXA.JI fitifi-H -v crsv. N. V. SufCCS t d.i'.l s !. words Can v words do it r:,v i'.iiinn s , Can't (! it. Wv' have the Bug L;,ry th;it (!;n ! if, ti.id we have ina:lo ;i iii.inv proof of it, if you want ;i (; liy for $50.00 we 'have ir, cr t-nc tor SI 00.00 we ' liiivc ili. ru too, and can give you tne I).1-! ..ii vs oi anyone any wImmv. V.'v di . competition and fiiliuvif... .il I rlitui fA. v ' ' 1 JUU ,Wliy We I t li as: prices. Vuirs lfu!v. 6. S. WATE&S & SONS N. C. I ii ii Mi DON'T-. v-1 " ' . ij) i r4 . '- Vrv' " FAIL TO SECURE A I ; : V:r-':COPYtDPi ' ;v- IX w ) lit ifw hiA t'J'KA R IU;lUltfIJlUW ? A M'Ml liV f 1 . - t ', o a i! I t' I ''(.' f e 1 l l I t r n ii I, .. h r- I rr . . . , f r f. . f i i ! ... ' . . ' v

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