v.--- 1 ' i Vi -1 r y:jpafiiuyu:i.-a i 1 ESTABLISHED I 1 I W; r ! i'1 !- I . ' Y i v IN 1873 i .CIRCULATION Lrr- NEW BETIN. iXORTn CAROiJna'. jnURSDAVrIORXlK JANUARY 1910. TWRTV EIGUTH . VEAll ----- - - - . t '4. v.- 5 : -. 31 ssociations !"Xuirii! vAiirp1f With thl sfr,ncr Rnnlr: nilr. t yourself favwabi;: known, to our.oificsrs aQd you 'will find that the prestige and strength of this Bank ii wifl be reflected in your business reputation and ac cdmplishnient. - :; ; f - ;;Mliiefj &ne for giving this matter Serious v attention than right now as you stand on the thresh-s holdof mO.wjth aQ its splendid possibijides? - i 1 jK-t: 5 3 1 1 -fiiASmBt. Kli HK.S, Prtfc T. A. fKKKMY. JKr,. J Wrii jHL B!mi,PrA GE6' B NI15ET0If? 0uU V 1m niiwmfinamj awutia $Ut Com Comioi't WARM BLANKETS FOR COLD NIGHTS. NORTH CAROUNA ALL WOOL BLANKETS. 3 Ladies and Children Outing Night Robes and Skirts. Come in and get our prices, or Phone 288. J. M. Mitchell & Co. 61 PoUock St. Phbhe 2&8f EARLY DECLARED J' V to be A Leper Mixed Committee of JLawyers and V physicians Bays Bacilli of Wp- -vv rosy Wasv Jound to thev tin man 8 i3Kiu special eomnjiatM of live, ppoi ted fp Decemter.tj ta Society of I4eiifal Jorispnidsnc t the jsureesrtioft ol.Pii, U, Jbuncan Burkley to investigate the cue ( . John' Barley, the II Qte4 States eoldler, who was long held a quarantined prisoner by the authorities at Washington aV a leper, ' Earlyhas been adjudged a leper. . . . . . ? I JTba committeemade public lt ftoi ings at the Society 'a monthly meeUng at the New York Academy of Medicine lastnighCTbecpmraitte was compos ea of the following: " 'Theodore Sutro, lawyer; Dr. Reynold Webb Wilcox, Dr. Edward P. Fisher, Dr. Eberhard, Dittrich; ADelos Eflee land, lawyer and former ' magistrate; Alfred E. Ommen, Ex officio as presi dent of the Society. ' "The yohimnous 'report of the commit tee caused a lively discussion, Dr. Hen ry Russell, a skin oxpert, declaring the actions of the committee, all of whom save one, drew their conclusions from an examination of a section of Eirly 'b skinthat had 'been removed to be a ease of Christian Science a cort of ab sent treatment This brought a sharp rebuke from President Ommen. Annual Clearance Sale at Philip Howard's, 59 Middle St New Bern, begins Thursday, January 6th lasts ten days. SHORT PASSING EVENTS A GOSTLY K:-:TRAD-7AR Between Gerffiaay avud Tinted1' - Btatea Infolved Under New, "i-f 1, r It" v mum POSTPOIIED. "- IVasningtonJanVs Nearly half a! hillmri 'dnllarsL worth -if trade is the stake in the irame oC.iiDwmacr now in- brogresa between.. inwicaandGr-a many. jireeuuiw. anown . s ju lilleati0 and T!rTi WVff iKJbi ?fejfw of the Norfolk and Svuth with the jieticeiveb to ..Germany last 1 Y:.., , , April by.thiSUU Deparjmen the 50000 foreclosure sale here Decein- Decisioa Will Probably be Eend- ered Keit "Week. . . ' . ' ... .. . f FederaJ Judge Edmund Waddill, Jr , will not giye a, decision ,ontll probably early next week in the matter of the petition -of 'thtf. Van- Dyke-ZeR Syndi cate; of7 Philadelphia, which seeks to intervene in the Norfolk and Southern U - iTheeourt bad intended giving a decis ion this time, bat Thomas L. Chad- t6 all "Imports' from America pnless in; the short period of time intervening Secretary" KoxraM the? permant Amt oassador shaU be able A r?ach asatis-l lacuiry. UDuersuuiuiuK. .7 . , At this momsnt the indications are; tht this) rPn4jSnbariMM tainmant and that it will be only,, undei I the stress.or a mtter ana cpsuy struggwi that the two jpatyns can compose theira aiuenaice - ntwn. , ucu u w iwrmaiciti;:,-;. -a America will not be the only, sufferer f roi tmtMuSEio;W. April ' next ine iui, rigore, ot we p4in:iw'iii. rates sarrieaoy ine ajneajgnqinu act will be auaUcaily applied to the vast (Wman -importrade, which in 1908 agirregatedjnareihat $160,001,0 00 and every article of Germany production eoaa'loBslliasli-pv 25 per cent iocreaseddu: i i 1!: V:-i).1.K "-..'jH.U.i M CURE. A COLD la" 8NE. DAT, Tak"LAVE;jfefeaMg'Q Tablets. " Druggists refund money if it fails to euro. E.; W. GItOVE'S signa tare is on eacH box. 26c .... .,, ,,.; ,;i ,, -: ' A SELECT LINE We have a very select line1 of suiting and. pants patterns. Also several fancy vest patterns CALL AND SEE THEM F.MeChadwick, Merchant Tailor t-,i-a'X--'!.'vi'-'i.?' lSV w W Wtf w W W w W W. WwvwpwwWWwVV NEW BERN FRUIT GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS OSXY O 'Call for the K. h K. Apples which ws ara rtotlving by tke- Q QnW load, the best apples on the market h Iso Florida Oran. , p . O ' r Tangerines ftnd all kinds of Fruit and Oandy. pall Wriy." Q (S and avoid tha rush. ' -; ' . "NO LP. ASHF0RD., Mgr-.(. Middle St. WarehdUM 4! Illddle KoiJe W $20,000 STOCK! IJPJ'N 'i I O (IR i GOO DS f TO-- i,SS AREALL v : select from yjjffl: jwwrmsH s enWr to eUmulaU bnsUMea we ksve W(M to eat prices, caa U the) ore. This is an opportunity u bay ywir Hotioay Goods at a greet aavia. Remember the vwoey yo save hers M Mf yea la gettmi -tamg tbst yesj setualty need.' AH foods strtcUy Bret class uA ws gnei aataa every pvrcbaecr satlafattioo. . if yoa hv nvef- seea' a petma WovsterawasarMetly rW)aestyo te ftlvtast trial and be sovUee4 I UU v aav tba rig fct anercnaadlM at Uie righ; pfkeal.-'"', Sam ipfmd;-! - (Continued from Page Four) that have been in use for some time. .Put the weather at this season of he year cannot be depended opon lathe early morninir yoa awake and And the temperature kbout 6 and before night ft.bas dropped tofifeteen or twenty, de- ., To illustrate the fact that New Bern la one of .the best commercial centers iq the State, it would be well to take into consideration the fact that it is al most impossible for the railroad com' paniea to handle the enormous amount of .freight that is beiog shipped into this city. A genthman who is very fa miliar with the affairs at the freight offices, says that the shipments this season have been larger than ever be fore. Lydia Thompson, the old colored wo man who was foutd Monday night in a aalf-frosen condition ' In her shanty oa 3 seen street, and who was carried to count home, tells a remarkable story of the privations she has suffered wtthla lbs pasuew. weeks, without a ssftrsal of food for three days and no foal t bora, this old woman etsyed la 5 boms all alone all duriqg this, time, nj jmable to reach the door to sum- meu aasiitanee. ",; ,-. pave yoo noticed with what brilliaa cy and evenneea the pictures are peiog shows at tHe A ma see, 'The managers Have added several new machines to (heir already adequate equips eat, and ttysa have eliminated all defects in the reproduction of these remarkable lavao tlons, Fee to-etght'f ' program : several. of tha most thrllllttg.picturea ever teea will ba plaeed oa sxbibtuoo. f Drop Is and spend a pleasant hour at this pop. alar Jittls taaatre.-- ; V' ' ' . t .. . . , -.. v " . ' ' f ' One of tha most successful plltys this seas an1 Is ' 'Are . yoa ' Suffragette." fThrt play. wlU If is f1orne Davis Ja tie leading tola has played every city bl U South this .seeeoo and at every place return dates have bees reqqeeted MUD vis If a southern girl and by erilK wajs and chtrmlrar personal ity never falle to wta tha hearts of her andliseeeT'Tbls play wlQ be presaoled at the If saonlc Tbetlra next . Uondey eight, Jaa. 17L Seats op sale Satarday, THETf CQMEjAHO 60 Mrs. C. 'Wiliams Bailey is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Slover. Hr. Geo.. N. Ennett left yesterday morning on a business trip to . Green ville, N. C. Mr. R, W. Sbiston7of Staten Island, N, Y.; Is TlsitTog relatives and friends in the city. Annual Clearance. Sale at Philip HowardV 59 Middle1 St. "New Bern, begins Thursday, January 6th lasts ten days.--- . cinroeity arrangsment made under the terinsofiheDtrjgfeactwUh'tJernjany will expire. Simultaneously the general Norfolk, appearing with Ed- ward R. Baird, Jr.,' of Norfolk, for the Norfolk and Southern re-organization committee, .requested time in which to file a brief in resistance of the petition and to give Mr. Chadbourne this oppor- tunity' JudgeadJill deferred decision fn thecase' ,' , ' ; .. ' ;.-. . t ft jsi not unlikely that with the . filing I of the, additional brief by M'. Chad- vourne.that counsel for. the Van Dyke Zell Syndicate will also amplify their arguments in this matter with a written brief. I The 'fact that Thomas L. Chadbourn, 'who is said to have treated very lightly ths.yan Dyke-el petition, now. seeks to (lie 4 brief is taken by some, to mean that the Norfolk and Southern re -or ganization is realizing the earnestness of the claims of the. Phi ladlphians and that the latter have a case, which ii may be very- difficult for the court to decline to investigate, especially when the7 petitioners are without remedy in any other tribunal. Norfolk Dispatch. Mrl ilils-Bank " - ' . NEW BERN, 0 PAID ON b SAVINGS N.C. STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE At Y011R 1910 BANK ACCOUNT Cheesing the bank throukh' which to traiiact your financial affairs during 1910 is an important matter which should receive most careful consideration . We " iavftpo. to 'open;, an:; .Recount with this institution which uniformly extends courteous and efficii nl ser vice to its patrons, and by reason of consetvativenun agemenf and ample capital and, surplus, atfords un questioned safety. Deposit,!,small as well as l ;ie, are invited. W M.DUNN C.D.BRADHAM VICE PR EST. TA.UZZELL ... CASHIER Annual Clearance Sate at Philip Howar,? Middle St.' New Bern' begins Thursday, January 6th lasts ten days. Teachers Examination. .Public. examination for teachers' cer tificates will be held at the court bouse Thursday and Friday, Jan: 13th and 1 4th. White teachers wiU. bfliexamined Thursday and colored teachers Friday Examination each day will begin at 10 a. m. S. M. BRINSON, County Sup't. of Schools. ImbsshsjsjbjbbsVH To The Business Men of New Bern The CHAMBER 9F COMMERCE is one year old. It is n longer .an experiment. If doubt as to its necessity and success lurks ithin you, your fears are not well founded. The NEW BERN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE is cons!. ion . I ,y good outside authority to be one of the best, if not THE IIKST hi United States. If you are for a GREATER NEW BERN through u (. ;i V. CHAMBER OF COMMKRCE you will hand in your name t.. the Sec retary immediately, if not already a member. . The monthly dues are exceedingly low, $1.00 for head-, ut' :,,ru and corporations and 60 cents for clerks. The sum of ?;V.un i pi iuU-ii during the holidays to advertise YOUR BUSINESS. A full and complete list of members including nv ones lo published next week for the benefit of the public. New Bern Chamber of Commerce I . Oividind Oecltrea- At a meeting of 'he Directors of the A. A N. C..R. R,, Ca, .In New, .Bern,- N. Con Jan. jl9Wi, a.seml-annsat dividend of 1 J per cent on tha capital swea oi ,m mmtwny ,wa uecinrnu, tha sum to be payable at the 'ofnee of the Treasurer of said company hi Golds bora, KJC otvJio, 14 1916; The books for the transfer o jtock Isr.sakl bom. pany will ba closed onr; Jaai.4.. 1M0, at 12 m. and opened on . Jan. 15, at v. vniAinftim.il . ' . ' " Treasuret .ni-mtiwti'ui VtimVfor '."is trln4s wUl svenUally "dlaoever 'thl bs has to frteads 'for els' time. 4 - . ft RsnL- ' t'jht eommedloes apper rooms, fi ce ll adssled fof aliher resldsnee bi elT.cs niraosea, or for A soenhiMlloa at the taW : 'V'-' f ' f (' .. ', t r 1 CV T. Ushenrk. !.G.,E.Hawkitrst;returiied from Atlanta Penitcntiary pf Uesires to statithat he eotcruini no.rnadce;agkirtst fatly man' in New Bem.. X Tepbrts have beea'circulated tnat; per m mage...in,reais against pc'rsoni in N6w Dctri: He desires to .say. tna; all such report of threats made by him;are,incorrcct,; that he is tack at home no," to attend to his personal . ! bud nc:5, and has no intention of harming anybody. "-K-' . ."Signed, . Y-":."V Resolutioniot Respect. At a meeting1 of tha Board of' Direc tors of tba National lBak of New Bern held the 11th day of January 1910, the following resolutions were adopted:, jWuBBEi, The late M. DeW. Steven sjn was for. nineteen years prior to bis death tha faithful attorney of this bank, asd whereas, ft is the deetre or tna bsnk to record some testimonial - of Its appreciation of his services and worth: Therefore be it -.' -. !'Resolved,by..'he Board ot Directors sf thh.NatnsJ Bank of New Berne.,. Oj.l'hat we hereby tender, to his wid ow and children our araeete sympathy f this hour f thSltaorrow.-' ' 4 is. -That the deceased waa a learned; mduatriotts, eoluer'rattys and safe law yer of integrity and tins f erring . fldejh ltyrHe'.wH Inyariabiy coorteous, and sgreejsbts In his contact: with the niem- beraef the Board land other. Dersons., sad was a - true, aya..aad t valuable f dead and ajjlxir. - - 1. That htt.destb, is a. dtsunrt loss to this bank and the eoramunlly and s keen personal loss to each tnetnher of PHONE 47 - - - THE NEXT COOL WAVE should lint tun I nii unii'i iurfd empty Mi . fu I no" S'.int if ycill I" -1 U : l.h'AV III "l:ii-. Not only will wr kw- lh'' pi.ii'. p'cut delivery Imt il::it in clcnn mill tli.it will K VI ' I' b''St pnipt)r!iot ' it t" tin- '!"...ii you pay u. til. ivvitiMii 'pi '.. for tjuick ("p-'iih'. Ellis's Coal and Wood Yard - - IMON IMUNT. lattona eWaeaaaeeeee-eoeeeee eaaaaoaeaaaaaeeeeoaaaeoeeeeeeeaaa hihniiii in "riinriiiniTPnn t rmirTTm t IUI I LUw X Mini I bAnuA inn VULl rLiiiiiiuiu w i tit a w s; Kt on ey; tiiii i 4. That a copy oltbM 4 spread open the minutes, a topy ba diverad 'to' b!l wldoV and eplas bs pobllshed in yie sity peperal ' - pi order of the Board or Director. t,,; : .-.if:'- C.H, ROBERTS. y: '-rr-Caahtsf.'; i "lava yoa Seglsoted year Kaoeyi7 Itave yoa Overworked your aervoue wy lent and mused trouble with year kid 6y "an J blsd'Ur? Usve f ott peine In tt.ln, eilc.. bark, groins nd hU'lilerT IJsvtyr.ua flshby eppsarsoce of.lbe fare, eprU!y niwler the eyest Too fre quant a desire te pass uriatT If ee, Wil bams' Kidney Fills will cure yoa-et DttifJ 1st, Price 60c. i Williams M'ff. C, Trope., CWW, ' I No. I S. P. $20 i m ? ; p i" I . ....... -''' I COAX and WOOD 'Vrkt weather is cold You need a good stove. We tSlliUivViUBOf,tbcW Stoves put.. J tip same-day purcnasea. we ten uts u stoves and' Rangeisyf vefixn8'guafahted. GtefcilfcHwtfre. Co: Middle ainn i liiiili i u a - BOOK -STORE ii STOYESi -I -t . . sT - I ' Hit :,' r. tUJK .BL.' i'c I r i V ,;;":.'v-n'TvV" b 1 j. r w t . - u. r Jf ) - r I , JL. mi Wait For I Reduced. -a .4 Hv' ' 1 B B ' V