1 . PAPER WIT3 established ' in' 1878 4 - v 4 "V It TWENTY ElfiHTll VKAR ! I ; - ( . 3L t H0ii-Piss:::3u:i5? Strong TTTllEPlliOBiS i add strength to your fliiancial position. ' : U " iJ 5- - Associate yourself ynth this isirng Bank, . mukei yourself favorably knowti to Jour officers :and yoti -will find that the prestige and strength of this Bank: ,;,wttl be reflected in your business reputation and ac complishment. , - What better time for givin? this matter serious attention than right nowas you stand on the thresh- -; hold of 1910 with all its splendid possibilities ? , J Wb. B. BIADES, V. Pres. V GEO B PENDLETON, CmMw Gold Vcathe, - Comfort WARM BLANKETS FOR COLD - NIGHTS. North Carolina all wool blankets. Ladies and Childrens Outing Night Robes and Skirts. Come in and get our prices, or Phone 288 J. M. Mitchell & Co. 61 Pollock St. Phone 288. A SELECT LINE We have a very select line of suiting and pants patterns. Also several fancy vest patterns. CALL AND SEE THEM E M. Chadwick, Merchant Tailor , ccccocQcoccoo eococcsaccrco NEW BERN FRUItCCX WIJOLtSALE DR1LKS8 ONLY - a Q ('all for the K. & K. A p pica which we art rfoeWinjf by the Q car load, the trat applet on tht market A Uo Florida Ori - Q Q ' ge, TanKcriiiefl and all kindn of Fruitu and randy. ttall early 0 And avoid the ruxh. t Ck T. P. ASHFORD, Mgr. j j 87 M jdjlie St, Warebouse 4 1 Middle Sfc .Pbae V7; r i''3 A TREMENDOUS BIG STOCK IN TACT TWO BIG STOCKS COMBINED IN ONE . V I to Bxred my Kliwton brmnck ttort her, and hvr toon goods liaoti pnf than ever, and tp got rid gtMun, will of toum eat priea on. TrUtktg Thrt i no rd )taonr hi front of my Hon, M am not try- tng to aUtnulaW 6uIpm by any fax aalo. - You eaa mi Jrom SO to M ' por ccnton any artklo yov buy at my ttort. It will pay yev to boy your nt win tat Suit ar Ormoat aow at tha prlooa wa will atll at , 1 ft rid, of my tromendoua atock in a hort tJmo to mak jpwm for ( my Spring and Bummor Good and will Mlt at almott any prica. v Como , and . prteo xjV gooda aad b conTtnKi ' " Town to anr, '- ' ' ' ' - r I i, i i '. ' ' ' 1 1 1 i- . ) - JlryaB Block. Sam CJ ilidai 'Street ' Shovs ISaroUmaat in Both Schools ; "to be 1,437. Average ; Daily -. Atteodaoce in Both of . . The Schools 1,056! 72. : WHITE BCHOOlfMONTHLY EE- - POBT,. . .Number of fonner pupils-enrolled this month, males 333, females 419, to tal 752. . , -... Number of new -pupils enrolled this month, males 0, females 2, tot'al 2. Number of pupils received on roll, male 333, females 421, total 754 ' Number of pupils remaining at date of this report, males 294, females 356, total 650. . Total of those on roll each day, majes 5504,:-emales 6692, total 12196. Total of those present each day, males, 6187, females 6274, total- 11461. " Total of those absent each day, males 417,-females 314, total 731. . , Average - daily attendance, males 2288. 17, females 348.55, total 636 72. t Per cent, of attendance, 9445. . Number) of tardies 4. Number of days taught during the month, 18. . Grades with highest per cent, of at tendance. ! B rade 9789. 6 A grade 9699. 9th grade-'960O. Honor roll of white pupil of the New Bern Graded School. B. Jannie Tucker Blanche Oaskil), Kathleen Lucas. . 6A.-Vida Fulcher, Djrothy Ra. Del phin Spencer, Mable Hinnant. 6B"-Lula Dissosway, Licy Meredith, Fred Cohn. 6A Edward Merritt, Katherine Pat terson, Jannease Harper. , 6B-Esther Marks. William Boyd, Thomas Lee Taylor, Riland Howard. 4A Clarence Day. 4B--Ila Arthur, Lena I'arsona, Jo seph Lucas, Freddie Hill, Elizabeth Sparrow. Z Grace Stewart, Ida Li pin an. Guy 0ium, EFribeth Harper, Loia Hamil ton, Henry Brinson, Luther Spikes, Margaret Holhster. 3H Catnerine Boyd, Elizabftih Har rell, Gladys Jackson, Joseph McDame'. 8Cr-Ada Thomas, Emma Rammoni, Wilhemena Rine, Samuel Alextoler, Mega Newkirk, Denard Roberts, Arnot Lupton. Francis McGinn. 2A Annie I'asman, Ulackwell War- tars, 2B Catherine Hollister, Gr.C3 Jam ison, Ruby Bryan, Bryan Duffy, Fetter West, Elgie Carraway, -Decitur Ward, Charlie Ashford, Craighill Brown, Dan iel Odom, Robert Cillins. 2C Bartha Fulford, Mamie Hibbard, Sudie Simpkirs, Marion Cuthrell, Mh- ry Smith, Hatchie Heath, Beojamine Dukes, Milton Hollia, Johu Lo, Eva- mitt M cSirley, Richard Spencer, Robt. Puak Wrn Smith. Adv. I. Ruth Walkor, Robbie Rose, GUnnie, Taylor, Lora Arthur, "AHc Craveny Lvdle Hardison, Silie Sum mons, James Lucas, Matt Moore Cox, Billy Fletcher, Leslie IIolIU Robert Bell, Hugh Hardison, George 'God ley. Leon Suskin', John Palmer. L Catherine Disoswsy, OJell White, Livinoton Ward, M icon Miller. Conrad Ball, Benjamin Btyron, Henry Bell, Al bert Taylor, Sunders PavI, Jack Browa Mbnnta 8mlth, St. Gar Bally, Rexfordi Willis,' Ellis Uurence, Marcus WilUama,r Robert Cook, John Bryan Loodon, John ThouiM Goaider, Herbert DapraeKatberlna Nelson, Lueile Met ditb, Beasla Brinsoo, 1 Rsttle Stanley, Harriett Dune, , Louise Sbrinert EUle Jonas, ;Zor Styron,'Miry Brsdhatn. Lydia Spalght, Ellen Doer, Lera RoV erls, Chrlatianaa Wood, ' Rutl DHooT Elisabeth Richardson,' .TBelma .Brysn. - .' t-"-".:", r .'.... cotoitxo acuoOL noTtraLr'itroat . i Kumbair ot famti pupils enroll) Ula monOC' malei tCJ, emsles 883, to tal Cgg, ". 'J-Ji? i -v',",- '" ' ,- tiuinber of.new pupiW tnrolloii this i motilb, raaWa 16, females 19,- fatal t&. I' Number ef pupils en roll, malea ! fMsafea 408, toUl 693."', jif Nusnber of polite rtmalolng at date vi nw repon, mates inv, it males I' total 46S.. 'xt 'J'l "' Total Of tkoaa an roll each day, W t ' Total of tboaa prMeat esrh daf. stales J l2J.'froaUa 4439, tUI 1W. , ToUl Of thosa aterat aacb day, msM4 (Contiauad from Pag Fowl cidents tha 'boarda and decayed -sills have been taken np and- replaced witn newlumbejc, whloh addi'mtcH to;the extariot appearance of tbabntap r 55 ' KAjeporit IromtSufflk, iatataa that Mis Florence of. that place,- and Harty Beaman,' formerly' of itWaaity, hava eloped. Miaa. Wdklnn is oar II years of age and Beaman'i-attafttkns to her were strongly .objected tp brtbs- girt's parents,and ha was ferbidden fo call at their home,3t .thejftkl.ejuded the-watchful eye of her parents and se cretly left the city" witb" the young man. As to where they art nrtbwa been heard. ' - trs: Berni begins Thursday, Jamarv btn lasts ten, dajSkn - 1 1 Presbyterian Church Divine Wor ship conducted by the, torrJUy... N. H. Sumroerel, D. D.'atll a. ta. and 7:30 p. ra. . Sabbath School and Bible ,plssa. , at 4:00 p, m. Public cordially invited. First Church of Christ, Scientist.. Sunday services 11 a. m. ana 80 'p. m. subject Lire" Prov. Z13X." Sunday school at 12 m. Wednesday evening teaumony . serv ice 7:30 o'clock. :." Reading Room, which la in the church is open daily. All are cordially welcomed. -. . Firs: Baptist Church Preaching by the pastor, Rev. C L. ' 6reavfj rnera-, ing and evening. . J . A" Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Ban, ing worship at 7:30 o'clock. "' Morning topic 'The Bxeuaa ,of Mo- Evening topic vAn Analysis of Balva-I tim." i - . ..- -a Sunday School at 3 o'clock ia JheLf ternoon, is. M. Brinson bupenntendent You are cordially invited te attend-. an tnese services. . Njal's Cherry Coutrlr Syrup. Nothii.e else will so ceadOy are i ry a Dome ior mat couga oe fore it leads .to serious 11 rnce ana jvc, Davis Pharmacy. I SMIM!-- Jinqpjmjite ; Actre69 To Again ItBafc jrbe Florence . Davis irM'iaeen in 'Under the Green wood xeefftonweje, presa.: were a tPget&etJ nnanimona: in expression of most eltadpwlsecerning tbe r tbtisand delightful methods', employed 'ljiaj(ed in. the Sothirf tnjosphere'. ' A i native of I KentuckTL'M 'as Davis began her theat- Annual Clearance aaw w mauufcijnw. mM lery.earjy age ana. pe- Howard 5 JMe Jt des'erirlgware 4et::Bdeiivors that it jiiaidf'to the oAlCR WaTfihy-clever wo- WthVvcirm'hich Miss Davis wo(dle,'ndefen 4b one prior to that 'fThe Player Maid,-r; afforded her advantafea jfbr the-display of her many sided Uibeta,1fe'ir latest success "Are Yon at toSragette" fn which she will I be J5en here at the Masonic Theatre to-morrow ntgnt ta said to iar exceed in allowhTgrJifnW keteat thbse comedy qashef that bTJtlKayc Atamped -..her wwk KHegeifflia X.MmHfi'k comedy; of the) toltlma-type, he kind that is nof aitinSel mato. attention of new ipriineftjegogre anQ UJe Buojec.1 dpon whM.thapbw leans being , a tim 4 topijtfelbae, daja, when votes for women gemopSjtrtfon are absorbing SWfCJW.tjso be a very tap. TTOf)siw f.paJr.fB4 Aore esDeeiaUy, when .presented by so aa usual onnga wun ner a supporting company of general excellence. frheTfeoples Bank i"i NEW BERN, N.C. A O. PAID ON AVINGS STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE YOUR 1910 BANK ACCOUNT Choosing the bank through which, to transact your financial affairs during 1910 is an important matter which should receive most careful consideration. We iovito jou to open an account with this institution which uniformly extends courteous and efficient ser vice to its patrons, and by reason of coosei vativemin- agetnent and amplt; capital and surplu, affords un questioned safety. are invited. Depositssmall as well a. large, WM.DUNN C.D.B PR EST. VICE PNEST. TA.UZZELL CASHIER npany I Annual Clearance Sale at Philio HKSddteSt New Bera begins Thursday, January To The Business Men of New Bern The CHAMBER OF COMMERCE is one year oM. It is no lonir.-r an experiment. If doubt as to its necessity and succi-ss links within you, your fearB are not woJl fouiiiled. The NEW BERN CHAM BKR OF COMMERCE is ( onsi,l, iv, l,y good outside authority to he o.ie ol the best, if not THE REST in the United States. If you are for a GREATER NEW BERN through :i CHEATER CHAMBER OF COM MERCK yon will hand in your name to the Sec : retary immediately, if nut already a memher. The monthly dues arc exceedingly low, $1.01) fur heads of linns and corporations anil 50 cents for clerks. The sum of $50. DO expended during the holidays to advertise YOUR BUSINESS. A full and complete list of members including new ones will be published next week for the benefit of the public. ,Tne-are twenty-eight pounds of btoodtn the body f au average grown up iHrODtr:ua m eocn puisauon ine heaiiBOveitepopnds. . , nunareu tunes mrper an easy thlnu t o so v. and iet bw "aun Is ibf tleved to be a fatties email tpoe.u Fortustanee, Shins kla: H least arnjs mcs as idg. K.-jrwpin .frencn a.stfonoujers nave re cently come iq tpe conclusion mat tuo ,soljJttctlon f Vbe moon extends from me surxace w iae-eorer anu nor.' ns aWgBa.scltntahlnk, from the 'cenrer to tbe. nerlDber,, S. . . G. E. HawkJusTCted from Atlanta tcmwia.!&Al U. S. desires to statt.that4te4 entertains nomncM any man in New.B?irnJ,ft , .ionettjseatinf 4cemmodtiob to c PnpUa.-ta,- the PutlndelphUt public scnoojsBDeiuainugnt to utnr.i aiu irnt.rWnatreet.rnra tp a, safe uinu; . . . . Tfcaf hA Je ' i(ArrXX bXtteDd.nce te a half day session (Wk ..v - !-.vj2fT;-e'' TO school board-atUftaelDe. - WU.. ly adapted for either reekince,of o!fic porposea, bt fof a eomVlostW of : il tee, ' ', ' ' v. X ' 5 . T. Vsanik.VJ New Bern Chamber of Commerce iMBBBgMBMFBMsTOiyTPTT-tfTrTTWr ' sTfci, Y I 'PIIONF. J7 I WE HAVE A TELEPHONE. Whi t's more we pay attention ,t, and orders for any ijiiantity si.e of coal - e, cheatnut. ive or furnace are promptly 1 d with top gradn, easy burn coal. Clad to have you call, ourse, lint the 'plionf will i ui. k re jpon ie. J It r"- s L,oal anc Wood Yard MON POINT rePOrta have bea.cirCUlltl4aatfeoed an erder that all publl that hft M--.md-tttikr .w.,lh against persons in ;cw pera.i ffP He, desires to,rty jyWijWlit wxi.tvua w f "ats SUCQ TeDOrtl Of thxefttt tn&d&J f A20iOINTM ENT U guaranteed to J J llUs UIV aava w aaj he is back aVhorneriow. ;t'ol tiesi and has no intention of wuaratti -f or Mnapo is. ,-oc. I any case ef It tt pfetmdinc Ptteitntt1 dayi I NtMirA u Mtthv rivM thki an IIUII ; Slgneaj : X'-x?' J j AcaletnV 4 AaaapeHa, m be'baU at Or E. HAWKr lKew BKertk OHBakii da taelsf. 47 ------ I aeee.eeeetee ram WRITERS ! "nn 1 No. 1 S. P. I No. 2 S. P. rnn 1 1 .t LIIMll I W - UUUI omnr $20 $35 J eVefjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee f tl A '7 o,Fbraarrr 131eV Takfetke yaaV. ' , . I mm m mfmm Jaillail HI M MfMA' AT -. : . . t -. iiiff.ni iiyv. wm w - mw w - - EigM eommodloos trppft, .twjma, !) as hi the :,rUMrVN Vl4. pbatrrer. te 611 tb! eats It If .ft go ap tWturo for see,rVWt ef tale dls- IUfefnaJe 1159, VUI I7C2,,..- ' Average dallj.attnf!nry msM tiQ. female SHOO. 'total '. ." ',, "J -i'ereent.' of ttnJia, .11. ' ' Nombf of tardie. tl r" t' f - Per rnU ef tatd:nMf (T3.' ' , ' Nomtet ef djs utJi'tit - i .rir.g -aba month 18. i trVct' i'"i -ft'; Charles . Taasnaii' 1L C ' ? , . Irtl CeteitDlstrJct ; - Ar-?d Ofnrsnce Sale ti Philip n;r4V59. .Kiddle, il New 9 GOAL and WOOD STOVES JiThe weather is ooM You need a good stove. We ffttll have a on'd stock to select from. Stoves put up same 'day pure' ased. We sell h! O. K. cook .tjjrvea and Ganges, everone gpiranted. )l)dMU Strf..: ; . Pbone 147 Uern fvl P ; ii WILL ;BB COHTINUEi ATI 1 AaU . hi , i0 4 r JHC. ON TOR TOMORROW tmciock Ticket Vlll be Q: or Pni(l-'oH"?tCCO!n1s; aFl 3,