ESTABLISHED IN 1878 paper wirar KNOWN CIRCULATION n ni iv- n mm-. 'tf TIMBER 249. TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR . , i m Ml i 9 ----- m I i -v-j jS--- ' . ' 3 -'"- ..." - -- UP- 4' v. 4, -i Strong Associations -;dd strength to your financial position. Associate yourself with this string ' Bank, make yourself favorably known to our officers and you . will find that the prestige and strength of this Bkkf . will be reflected in your business reputation and ac complishment. What better time for giving this matter serious attention than right now as you stand on the thresh hold of. 1910 with all its splendid possibilities? J I . - JAS. a BLADES, Pres. T. A. GREEN, V. Pres. J Wm. R. BIiAPES, V, Prai. . PRO B PENDLETO??, Cashier Hone Too Soon To buy Spring goods as Easter comes early this season. .We have the greater per cent of our Spring goods, consisting of White Waisting and Suitings HERE IS THE BEST LINE FOR THE LEAST MON EY EVER PUT ON THE MARKEJ. . 46 Inch French Lawn 20c. 40 " - Lingerine Batiest 15c. 40 " Scotch Linen 25c. 40 " Belfast Linen 18c. 36 " Linen Waisting 25c. 29 " Silk Cashmere glare in the following two tone shades. Blue and Gray, Blue and Black, Blue and Gold and Crashed Roslen 85c. - Values For - 50c. J. M. Mitchell & Co. 61 Pollock St. Phone 288 I PHONE 47 - - - - YES; WE HAVE A TELEPHONE. What's more we pay' attention to it, and orders for any quantity or size "f coal egg, chestnut, stove or furnace are promptly , filled with top grade, easy burnv ing coal. Glad to have you call, of course, but the 'phone will bring quick response. Ellis Coal and Wood Yard UNION POINT HEieiJOIOILllOII V- - ail E First teamed of Death of Miser Uucle Through Report of News- ; . , paper. '- New York, Jan. 20-J, Edward Boeck serving a term of six years in Sing Sing prison for a $250,000 jewelry swindle, first learned yesterday that he ia an heir to an estate of f 1,000,000 .leffbf his miser nnsle. - The convict's kinsman J. jC. Lonns- berry, died in St. Paul on January 12 with all the appearance of abject pov erty. He was seven ty years old. Among his effects were found securi ties and bonds worth a fortune. The prisoner was standing on the edge of his bunk, so deep'y engrossed in a volume of 'Plutarch's Lives" that he failed to see the warden standing at the door -or the paper pushed half way through the bars. ' 'Boeck." Called the warden, "have you an uncle named Lounsberry?" ''Yes," said the convict, startled from his preoccupation, "has he come to see me?" For answer the warden hr.nded Boeck the paper, and pointed to the story said, 'Read that." He took the paper languidly, but as he glanced at the first words that had come to him from the outside world in some weeks he became agitated. The paper crinkled in his shaking hands as he stepped to the slit of a window fer better light. He read it twice without a word, the only sound that broke the deathlike stillness coming from the rattling of the newspitper. Then he re turned to his bunk. The pper dropped to the floor nd us the man's head drop ped, a hopeless, helpless look settled over hip face. A year and a half of prison life has robbed the once debonair art lover of none of its polish. He entered ihe war den's sun flooded office yesterday morn ing with the confident bearing of a courtier. With dignity he naked if tht) story of his uncle s death was true; there was no inqjiry about the legicy. lie was assured there was no room for doubt. Italian Heeding Money Makes Bar gain To Kill Hii Friend : V Tampa, Fla. Jan. 20 Evidenca tend; ing to show that Casteage Fkarotta, on trial on a charge of the asaasaioatioa of G Ficarotta, a Jrthwhdieaaler here, was paid to commit th mordar; waa introduced in the hearing here today.- ' ''lf-vV-N - The dead man waa shot in the back with a load of bird shot. In the middle of which was a slug, tosh Joada peculiar to the several killings Which ' ha oc curred here. Sheila In toa darendattt'f house loaded in this manner were found. Known to have been in a - bad financial way, $200 in money was found in his house the day ..following the assassina tion, and he has been .vnabM to toll, where he got it. The defendant has auto been supplied with money since he nils' been in jail, paying his 1 attorneys :'Coh siderable sums. It was rumored today that when he goes on the stand he will implicate other higher irp. '. ' iiiieiiiii;;: Mrs. James " Biddle Entertains. 5 Young ilen Give Deliglitiul ! ' " ; 'Dance. i - ' 1- AN ELABORATE RECEPTION Wednesday afternoon from the hours f fodr air ocloir Mra. James W. fiddle 'was tff'cnarmlnjf hostjess at a eeepkn given at her ..home on New PIliES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Olnlment will cure Blin I, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment; is prepared for Piles and, itching of the private parts. Sole by druggist, mail! 50c and 1.00. Williams' H'f'g. Co. Props., Cleveland, O. Recess Meeting of th, Board of Coun ly Commissioners.' PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to! cure any case of Itchinp, Blind, Weed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 11 days or money refunded. 50c. Died List night at hi residence at Daw-1 son's Creek, Mr. Nouh H. Brouhton, sge 60 vears. Mr. Brnughton is mi vived by his wife and four children, all qrown. Dath was caused by an attack of pneumonia The Board convened at three o'clock p. m., January 17th, 1W0, In; accor unce with a motion of Jan. 4th Commissioners present Chair man, C E. Foy, A. E. Wadaworth, O. V, Riciardson, J. S. McGowan and Coun ty Attorney, E. M. Green. On motion of commissioner McGow an, which was unanimously .earned, the chairman of this board and Mr J-Les lie Abbott were appointed ,an 'auditing committee for the purpose 6f auditing the Oountv Treasurer's Bools." ' O-dered that the question of the ad ditional pest house at Dover, be referr d ti Commissioner Richardaon, with power to act. '' ' , After discuwing general county af? fairs, the board adjourned at flve'o'clOcV .. - : : S. H. FOWLER, Clsrk ofBoiftr.' p. m. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER. MAN IS MADE OF DtfST- DUST SETTLES. ' BE A MAN I aOQOOGOCOCCOO cooo coou oooo NEW BERN rRUIT CO. 9 WHOLKHALK . PEAMORB - J In Hay, Grain and Feed, Heavy and Fancy G roc He. Canned Meats Q and Vegetables, Evaporated Applrs, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Q Cigars, CherooU and Cigarette, Peaa and Potatoes, Fruits of all kind n -Also agent for the National Oil Co., always have a big stock of Oils of all kinds and Gasolene on hand. Send us yonr orders. Remcmbvr tSe name Nstkmal Oil Co., 87 Middle St Phone 207. T. P. ASHF0RD, Mgr. tit Ol ll'.Vi i I l tAA C Dt.Aa&ll7 urococccaccco cccrocccocccoa To the Democratic Voters of Craven ' County: I I hereby most respectfully announce! my Candidacy for the office of Treasurer i of Craven County aubject to the will of I the Democratic primary whenever said ). . . . ..i . primary is held, n nominateu ami elected I pledge myself to conduct the office to the satisfaction of the people to the best of my ability. Most Respectfully, B. B. Hurst HACKBURN ii ' SHOHT PASSING EVENTS 1 (Continued from Page Four) I. O. ftchanf . of Raleigh, N. C roans. kr ef the boy eonit, C. R. Hndeon of RakigVC A. riowers, of Tamllce seeeeeeesseeoeesMseeeseteeseeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeee jj j, c. Parkw, of Raleigh, all of Ethnological. Mrs. O rti my -They ssy tb woroaa five suedltatMi Is kwt. iMr. inttBT-Vra. esiluct loug sgo. New Vorti TlUMa. i II H ill I TYPEVR II EHS 'i STORE' No. I S. P. $20 , I No. 2 S. P. $35 t ' - i A '-TREMENDOUS : BIG- STOCK ' IM FALT TWO BIG STOCKS COMCINED IN ONE ; 1 have moved any Klritn hrsncH Ur hers, and hsve more r hsnd now than ever, and U get rU of him, will ef eoonM rut prir e everything 1 There to ne fed banner hi front of try txitrt, as I am net try. Ing te stimolste bosinewi by enf fake Ye ten aeve frwa K te W per eenloa njf srtkW jm Wf at wif eiofe. It will fy jt to hy )mit neil winter Bull or Overrost now the prtr we will eeft st I mnt' get fid of aijr trMooe etorh m a short time to wske rxn for my Pii end Hummer Goods snd wljl eH si elmoet any prte. - r. M prt4 Mt w krvl tie entrrln'd Y"r n ry$. Examination for Annapolis. Notice is hereby given that an eaami- nation for the United 8utes Nsvsi Academy at ArmapoUs, wlU be heldr at New Bern, North Carolina, otrtae dsy of Febrnsry, ,1910.. This is tbe- ond notice advertised la the papers of the 3rd Congressloha) Dbtriet,' tbr well as In the Raleigh Newe ahd'Oheervet; to flU this vacancy, t It ie-a-goodj op- nortun tv for some reaMeater nia:au- Charles K Thostaa, M. Srd Conareeeieaal District , . of North CeroW . UstiWedeodaV'Weou'kriJia Mrs, M, 0. Gerook were pleasantly iut- prised whea quite bombeir ef younl people from MarvUle appearee at tbet doer, they were weUwaied ia ead -use-erad Inte the sitting roonUr.V h i ':' Mrs. Gerodl was ejoaiite, the ocrv ion, all felt weleette sad M's, iod proceeded to Wry eat thelf fceertihf. ed plane. One of the most 1nUrUnf features of the evening w is a " "finy twUii." Warn KlhclWt Wools M. O. Oerock and Mla Jstman won i.o first prises. Misses Joe lluh.t, ' LUa Mattocks and Mr. Bob C '-Me wnn the 'boohf palse,'.' after wl, 5 thy rUy. ii eoveral games,' M: Ii end Leys Getwck recited, and Mliti Jrmta alee recited. The yoyrt mm r ;l IvsrMyof fruit Mrs Gerock rrv4 To the DeroorreUe .Voters of Craven fniit iM ribbon tke, .- (Vmu, -,.'' ' f .'.. ' "-' r TVe tireoont were:. l'aeo-Fsn!e ; I ro.ttfutiy annoOnre that i' ahsll Msmle IJla J-.k.n compliment to her neice. Mm. William Wadswbrtik" ' I During the entire afternoon as the pes thronged the beantifurrooms of ra, ?UMtea noma, sweei; music was fliscoarsoed by Crocia's Italian Orchee- The decorations . were , in white and greet,-the hkll, parlar and den being tsstjefolty.and artietieally decorated in Southern smilax. x Id fhe'dining room a kcetfe of beauty m 1 f )eW o? t6jstit The table was; bealitif ul in cat glass, flowers and thp center piece of which was hged of white'earhstions, narcissus and Jjyacintha, , surrounded with, cut lasaoandle sttcks, . Ajt the .corners of the' table vases tied with large bows of Wtiraaltie held bunches of white hyaoinths,iVYbite and green mints were in dainty bon bon diaheSi As the guests' arrived they were greeted by Mrs. Francis S; Duffy, in the parkiir te"V were received by Mrs. BidMleJlssistM' by- Mrsi-Wni. Wads- wort'iknt.:' j;fiuion':aBd Mrs. J. H. Brdwri. ' Miss Mollie Heath invited the guests from thV parlor to the dining room where they were met by Mesdames I G Hymsnt S W: Simmons and Walter Daffy. In the den the punch bowl was presi ded OVer by Maedaines HA London, Jr. and R. 0. Orisp DANCE. The young men of the eity gave a de lightful 'dance Tuesday evening to the yotiiTtf "ladies; The Baltimore Italian band furnish sd the ttusic. The dance Waa one ohth mWt thoroughly enjoy ed social functions ever held, it New erq,- Mr, Adolph Nunn heing the graceful leader, and had for a charm ing partner Miss Warren; of Eden ton. Those present were.-Mr M R Hart with -'-Mis Kate Barbae,- of Raleigh, Ms Sarah Congdon, with J S ( lay- poolrMtsi anie Stewart with Dr. N M Gibbrf' Miss Henrietta Hancock with Daglaai Creech; Miss' Harriet Marks ith'VWflliam Griffin: Miss .liiabeth EiUs. wlth'Dr. W. Hand; MUsElizabeth Burrus with John tarker;j Miss Mary Heghea with J V Patterson;,, Miss Lily Groves with James Rhodes; Miss Clara Pugh with B M Green.; Mtss. Bertha WooUn with W A 8mith, Miss Bessie Taylor, of Beattfdr with J B: Green; Miss' IsabehV Bimmons wdth Richard Ay cock; Miss Ella Simmons with M H Allen; Mrf' Bntod whir Rlpl Daven- poif ; MHs Katie Btefl witn k n Bmiw; Miss Annie Brock with M Church; Mr andMraJoo Wbitford, Cspt and Mrs Dumriddie. ' Obans-Mr and Mrs D S Congdon, Mr and Mrs T P Williams, Mrs R D V Jonea.'Mrs WnltOer. Mrs R O Crisp. SUgsBymahPblUlpa; Wm Dunn, Horfie, Pine, Cook, Street, Price. -- ThcPeoplcs Bank 4 NEW BERN, N.C. Q,- PAID ON O SAVINGS STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE YOUR 1910 BANK ACCOUNT Choosing the bank through which to traiiMicl your financial affairs during 1910 is an important matter which should receive most careful coiu ideralion. We invite jou to open an account with this institution vihich uniformly extends courteous and efficiiiii ser vice to its patrons, and by reason of conseivaiivemjii agement and ample capital and surplus, alloc!.-, un questioned safety. Deposits, small as well as !arbr are invited. v W M.DUNN PR EST. C.D.BRADHAM VICE PR EST. TA.UZZ ELL CASHIER WHITE GOODS SALE! I We will have on sale To-day a Beautiful line of Spring While Goods in Waistings, Embroideries, Domestcs, Lawns, Linens, Skirtings etc. . All Other Goods on Sale J. J. BAXTER Elks Temple Department Store NjiTi Cherry . Cough Sjnjfci Nothu.ff else will to readily Eeve.tthjht, dry, hfejdn cough? Try bottle for Uufc cough, er fore tt leads to ieriuos ; iUne: Pnce 15 and 50c' On safe al Davls'tptum;-' 1 irs I wboot (BUI intereentur .addreaMl on tat eeieeung ef ieed anil the Vreptra- Uen of the anil to fixture a perfect epeet- ne ef Vbe product crown. Tbre wer many ear of com cm exhibit, -all -of end from thla ttlspta the -eeed m - CANDIDATE FOR t-TREASURER JC0UNH Attention Farmers TO THE FARMERS Or CRAVEN COUNTY On THURSDAY of tlii w.-t-V .Ian Jilh, then- will I..- I . 1,1 ,i th County Court House nt NTW UliliX "SKKD CORN LAV k aa the "FARMERS CMN;K TIVK DKMONSTKA'i'h 'N Vmu:k under auBpicctf of the Uir.! ' Si -U- Covornmem. V.r f.i::i.-i i askt-o" to rami' and ln'inc '. ' u - of U-nt mrn .m I I . . .I lecU il ly exK'rtn. WF.DNKSDAY, .Ian. 'ifitli. the "FAKMKRS INS! Ill II." also be held at the County Court llouw at NKW liKRN. I;.., speakers will Ijc prenent nn-l every farmer hIiouM mm.- .h- I In nn l family tt " prominent laily vi.,1! aid I rem your wiven ani .l.iulii.-i Don't fail to rome to these two n nt rvenU ami .un in f i inai that will Imit you for 11 lifetime. This will lie (in i x llent iportunity to vimt the ( iRl'.AT STi K C of GREATKR NF.W IH'.RN, where evory thins it now .. . : moet coet. Don't forget Uiu dnten, JAN. 20th, hn.I New Bern REDUCED EXCUBSIOH, FARES l ARDr-GRAS CELEBRATION, New OiW.' U.. MobileV AWl, Febeaeola, ffl - r tie annua) it AfcDl-6RAS Carnltaia, eekbrated ettnulUneooeJy at New: Or-; kana,' 1.,' Mobile,' Ala., and Wwll, f.r from Febroery Jrd t Sthi .tnctO'l aiva. irlll be more eUbortU.tkea cpon( prtrvkM4 etcaelona...-' W -C ?. I ! Tkkeuteld ey Horfolk 8oothem; fty;, rebroarf let M Tth, Indttalve, H-! Intv be eiunded by-Mrin lt-00 6Untlon. -; gbp-overa arioared. Cet CoiiV!u InformeUon'ffom nt tkiet t of Norfork ST fouiora lUllway.T o, p. a r ' Chamber of Commerce 7 H ri - - A. sj.r A SELECT LINE naJ.We Jiave a very -select line of kuiting and vpnt? pattemi. jMso several fancy vest patterns - CALL AND Sfib'THhM I'KM; CMdwIck, Merchant Tailor m 1 1 1 i .i - i ht r ST" or aoMrtu U, C.' Hedgfne,' Norflkr Va, '. . hut Mte relleM CM ; t 1. :w. irv r'U(.w. in u nr row Jie Huch't. IJla V WVi, (ilennle Ker ilitun, linn ' U a rendldAte for r el-tkm for Ihe fiffVe ef TrvMiirvr of Craven dmntr, ,l.i- In lKa twlti. n nf fKd Iw l.furlif I .i.i w- f,., .1 It mr u ti: ln FuUr.W. Crave ewilf iM , willing to 'rve oo ei fitvf . j- in the future i I hi U.e t t.. rv Tcr r:-L Honor r1 1r. erhirh itope the rough, ' haale th wvr- the roU from jour ejtteov laie I'barmeej, (I O ! f i I 'I' COAL and WO OD VSTOVES The weather" is.cold You need a good itovc, Ve still have a good itock to c'elect 'Jrc5in.. Stovei " put 'up fmcr chy purchased. Ve e-!1 thoO.' K. cook f.tovea an(3 KanVcvcryone'guirant."; ; ' COM r Co. Sam vLir. re F." Li .1 t e-