' V I , ; " , - . ', T'. i.9 - - - V . PAPER WTTHjt a$: KNOWN C3RCULAT10N i .-v tfTTMBER 251. .It-- fi''V. ll EW BERNNORf fl CAROLINA; StN PAY MOBIKGlANUARYVa WpM SAVING TIME y-r-. If is an important element in saving money. People who have nothing ahead waste a great deal of time trying to meet their obligations. Those who have a balance on a checking account and possibly also a line of credit in this strong Bank are able to spend ALL of their time MAKING money and the meeting of current obligations then easily takes care of itself. Have YOU an account here for 19010 ? JAS. a BLADES, Pres. T. A. KRBN, V. Jres. Win. B. BLADES. V. Prea. GEO B PENDLETON. Cashier 3 iiilLf SOCIETY None Too Soon To buy Spring goods as Easter comes early this season. We have the greater per cent of our Spring goods, consisting of White Waisting and Suitings HERE IS THE BEST LINE FOR THE LEAST MON EY EVER PUT ON THE MARKET. 46 Inch French Lawn 20c. 40 " Lingerine Batiest 15c. 40 " Scotch Linen 25c. 40 " Belfast Linen 18c. 36 - " Linen Waisting 25c. 29 " Silk Cashmere glare in the following two tone shades, Blue and Gray, Blue and Black, Blue and Gold and Crashed Roslen 85c. - Values For - 50c. J. M. Mitchell & Co. 61 Pollock St. Phone 88 PHONE 47 r- mtSZa&? ESIBS&29&E51 ' YES; WE HAVE A TELEPHONE. Whut's more we pay attention to it, and orders for any quantity or Bize of coal -egg, chestnut, stove or furnace are promptly filled with top grade, easy burn ing coal, (ilad to have ynu call, of course, but the 'phone will bring quick resKine. Ellis Coal and Wood Yard - - I'NION POINT Mrs Covington Entertains. - Mr.. and Mrs Frefl Bray-Knter- v taiar Mrs. Co Ting too very banniag!y ea tertained a few friendi at BridgThur- day afternoon. Those present were Medamee. T G Hy man, F S Duffy, D Congdon. - Hiesei Jane Stewart Henrietta Ban cock. MR. AND MRS BRAY KNTKRTAIN8 At their beautiful and hospitable surburban borne M-. and Mm Fred Bray delightfully entertained Saturday evening from eight to eleven o'clock ia honor of their charming guest Mrs Alma Godwin,' of Norfolk, Va. The guests were met at the door by Matter Wal ter and little Hiss Mary. Bray, and af ter they had been received in the front parlor by Mr. and Mrs Bray with Mrs Godwin, they proceeded to enjoy si evening at Bridge Whist. At ten thirty the dining room dows were thrown open and covers were spread for an ele gant course dinner. ThoBe invited were: Misses Elizabeth Ellis. Mamie Richard son, Jane Stewart, and Henrietta Hancock:- Messrs Ernest Green, Jesse Clay poole, fft." W. L. Hand. Dr. N. Mi Gibbs, Dr. J. D. Patterson. Nyal's Cherry Cough Syrup. Nothiug else will so readily re lieve a tight, dry, hacking cough, Try a bottle for that cough bei fore it leads to serious illness. Price 25 and 50c. On sale at Davis' Pharmacy. Chamber of Commerce I ems. The following persons have hn tided in their names for membership in the Chamber of Commerce, since our last report: Douglass Creech, of Wethington & Creech; A Block, Novelties; W P Mefes Tierchant ; G R Fuller, pianos; John Sn ter, funiture; R A Colvin of Colvin & Hnry, civil engineers; Pavid S Wi Us, clerk. Please do not forget that under in structions from the Board o' Director a full list of the members of our organ ization will be published next week in order that the public may know who W aiding us to maintain our efficient bod;. The annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will also be held netu week for the purpose of electing offi cers. We will also discuss the bi-cen-tenoitl celebration,, prospective Wa terway improvements, etc W. G. BOYD, Secretary. PILES CURE0 IN 6 TO 14 DAYS i PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind. Jtteed ing or Protruding riles in 6 to 14 day or money refunded. . SOc. iiiiisi JIM NEW BERN FRUIT CO. Q ' In Hy, Grain and Feed, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Canned Vents f and Vegetables, Evaporated Applet, ( hewing and Smoking Tobacco, q Cigars, Cheroots and CigaretU, Peas and PoUtoes, FruiU of all kinds. Also sgent for the Natftnal Oil Co., always have a big stock of Oils O f Bi kinds and GasokKM on hand. Send us yonr orders. Remember O ' the name National Oil Co., 87 Middle St. Phone 207. ; T. P. ASHFORD, Mgr. J-: 7 Middle St. Varehone 4f Middle St Phone 207 tiocoocccacccd ccaocccocccoa - aaea 'I I II unnmii if tvpcwpitcpq umiumii in iiiuiiuiLiiu ENNtTTS I No. I S. P. $20 I No:2 SR... $35 STORE' eaaeee4444a il I' ".J.." ill A' "TREMENDOUS 'BIG, STOCK O I hsr4 pwed nf Kin ton branch stota her, and have more goods rxi hand imw than ever, awl ta gi rU of same, wjp ef course mt price on . vvvrythinf TVrv Is no red bnnf in front of my store, as ! am nnt try ing to stimulate bvalnma hj any fake sale. , YoO can save from 20 U W lt rvl 01 any rk-t juv bvy at my stnra. If will psyyod t tayyour rseii winter Suit PT Overcast now t On prks We will tell at I mt ' get rid of my trwtenm stork ia short time t& maks room for my fprUi and !iimmf Oonds and will ll si almmt any prte.- Com an.) pt'tct our gnls sl be rT'mr(l. 1 Twirt to nrr. i ; Sam Lippmnn. Centenary Methodist Church, Rev. J, B. Hurley, pastor, Services at 11 a m and 7:90 p aa. Sunday school at I p m. Presbytariaa Church Di via 'Wer ship coadoctad by the pastor. Rev. 1. N. H. Summer!, D. D. atll a.' as. aad lb annaal iermoa to tba Fma( nevo)ent8odety,at7d0'clock. '. Sabbata School and BlM elaat at 4fl0 p, ro, ;' Public cordlslly Invited. Pint ChurcrTef ChrW. Sdentist fidbday arvtes 11 e. m. and 79, p. m. supjc njio ' rnrv, ,;i , Sunday school at It Bt. - - . Wednesday at ening Uatlmoey aarr lea 7''eWidi: ' , .' 1 ' fcadUif Room, which la la Ua share! la apt daily. .T . ..' All ara eordHlly wslearaai. ,; ' ' . i - . - e e , . . first Baptbk Oarth-Prah ing fa U pastor. Rev, G L. Oreavoa raera- Ing and tvenlng. ' . -' ' ! ' Morning warship at 11 s m. ' ' ,'; Korolnf top le-"Cite atleattoa anta There will be an wee-tag service a MMuat af the annaal armoa bafor the Beoevokfi 8ocUy at tba fmhf Utlao ehurca, ti' V ' t4ymaa' pryr meeting at 19 a m. I ioJy,rVhon st I a'cWcg la (b if Yea are eordially mtU4 t U an vim servwe. Opening of Traffic Across itne . . - . a AJbetnarh Bound Bridgfe. "Time "fiavinj; Schedule, j Beginning Sunday, 1910,- greatly, im proved and new time-saving schedules will be Inaugurated by the Norfolk k Southern Railway, when all trains : will be operated over the magbificent-new s,uuu-iooi Driage, spanning we Dtuii fut and placid Albemarle Sound, be tween historic Edentoh, N. C, and Mackev'a Ferrr. This the dream of the Dioneer managers of the Norfolk" A Southern-Railway and all North Caro lina is realized in the connecting pof this ayateai by I the completion of thb millfon dollar structore; ' f - -' Fol vearanaaaenirer and freiffhti cars have been transferred back and fWtb' ltween Edentoh and Mackey 'a ,ery 1 by the faithful old steamer "Jonn w. Garrett"; which now gives place to the1 longest continuous bridge across navig able waters in the' world. ' - " The time required for a passenger train to pass over the bridge is only twenty eight, ('ii.t one Hour and thirty two minutes. ! Eyeh a greater saving is accomplished m the movement of freight trainr Forty 40) minutes is consumed by a' sixty (60) car freight train in passing from' bank to bank an actual saving of eight (8) hours and twenty minutes, representing in many cases 4 whole day's earlier 'de livery. ' F ur million feet of lumber; tine thous and car loads of cypress piles; two hund red and fifty carloads of steel and a trainload of spikes and bolts were re quired in the construction of this over head railway. . The piles are all in ' ex- of seventy feet in length, the long est being ninety five feet. ' Tnese' piles are driven at a slight angle into the bed of the Sound forty id sixty flva feet, braced and bound firmly together at the top No other f act is . needed to give assurance as to the Stability of the structure. At high tide tha deck of the bridge is thirteen" feet two inches above this waver. 1 1 There are two large draw arid five smaller gas boat spans, in the bridge. At tha Scherzer Roller Lift draw, there is one hundred and forty feet open 'space and at the swing draw, there is a clear ance of thirty five feet on each aidevf the awing. ' " ' - Albemarle Sound, contrary to the general impression, is shallow; as placid as a mill-pond, and far enough south to b' free from dangerous ice-floes.- The completion of the Albemarle Sound bridge marks a , new era, in the commercial and Industrial development of that section ef North Carolina served by the Norfolk and Switbarn Railway, and places Norfolk, Va.' and Suffolk, Va , and all North Carolina hi the clos est relationship that eTeiexiated be tween tlv"m)troRolis ef TdVws.'tw V1, tha greateat South Allantfc" seaport, aod tba most fartil. section ei lb en tire South. Agticultura and corfmerc must share alika With, the Norfolk and Southern Railway la the many "ad vsn-, tages todwlved from this new bridge and. pthar ntnslvnmproVad ffaclll tU. cost Ing millions' of dollarf,' thus placed ai the disposal of lit patrons.1 ' i ne wortout, ana, soumra tuuwsy la a , system ce Utlng ef six hundred and nv miles of track, and ha rec- beap equipped' with- modefa,"! apKo- data pasMngar eoaehea -of ths-lateat daeign. The jnawune- 'xtMSBobtji freto Norfolk and 'Stiff , -Vp? !a Ciaabeth City "and tdantoo '&hWasb- mgtoav tbene west' to. . Raleigh,' Via GreeaviUv Karmvlll. , and, Wilson. Sooth from Waahmgton the tin i.tntl vM He Bra U Morabaad JCbf -and Beaufort; and to Goldsborw via t antoa. Ia additkMi to B'nornWr of Woortsnt bfaaah UoW Vh4 Nortofk ar'ftnftnana Railwav etrta a nodera Ekfettle line between "Norfoll -and 'Cspatanrj and VTrgW Beaclt deTlUfur trTmiit. ' Nerfo Xr, Januarl.rUt: J. i.i .t A 1CIDE. First Shoots a Jeweler. Failed to Get Loot, Hard Pressed" Then Suicides. Nsw York, Jan. 32. Frederick Boett- cher, a Brooklyn jeweler, was Band bagged and fatally shot in his store.late last afternoon by an unknown man who ended his life by taking a capsule of carbolic acid before he could be locked up. Buettchar identified his assailant as a man who came to his store not long ago and looked at some diamond rings It was on this plea that the stranger entered today presumably with the in tent of robbery. When "the jeweler started to come from behind the counter, the stranger pulled a chamois bag filled with sand and shot from his coat pocket and struck him a crashing blow on the head As Boettcher reeled the mao fired, the ball taking effect behind the jeweler's ear. The shot broi(rht Mrs. Boettcher down .f frotn'heY apartments over the store and the man fled; leaving one revolver in the store and throwing another away as he ran along thu street. f Sard pressed by the police, who had bMn attracted by Mrs. Boettoher's cry, the would-be robber was seen to raise his hand to his lips and swallow hasti ly: In a moment more he was under arrest and though apparently suffering he walked back to the store where Boettcher identified him as his assail ant. The prisoner was taken to the police station , and preparations were being made to search him. He collapsed and died before medical assistance could be summoned. Examination by a surgeon later showed beyond doubt that he had swallowed carbolic acid in capsule form. - Nothing was found on the rain to in dicate his Identity. His attempt at robbery was a complete failure. PILCS! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts, Sole by druggists, mail 60c and 41.00. Williams' M'f'g. Co., Props., Cleveland, O. An Addition to the New Bern Bar. Mr. Hyman H Phillips, of Tarboro, N C, will come to New Bsrn about Feb 1st to engage in the practice of law. He Is a son of the late Judge Fred Phillsps Mr. , Phillips is a graduate of the State University and has been engaged in the practice of law in Tarboro since 1906. The Journal extends to him a very cordial welcome to our city. llite Yon Hern OvrrTlnKevr i r rMengr train oi worr.n A Southern kail ar tm (om'- 'or t rw AP-on srU V-xtM M' ,.i For Rent. Eight commodious upper rooms, fine-1 ly adapted for either residence or office; purposes, or for a combination of the tao. , I C. T. Hancock. MAN. IS MADE .QFUST. ' 'til ... ' ? v, I '"--f.'f- :.;HACKBURivI: tWEKTY EIQIITHYEAK I -J i A -fc ill.tJ e F ThePeGplcs Bank A, NEW BERN, O, PAID ON SAVINGS STRONG couftTeous PROGRESSIVE Consid r j . r . u , ered Points to be In selecting a bank through which, to iranaact your business, the following points should be considered; financial strength, iityrof tesy and attention extended to parroik.r TliU' bank ample capital, surplus and undivided pr6fis'fortfi pro tection of its depositors. Its'iiianllbcbtvative and every courtesy and considerafioo are'extended to its depositors without regard to' tho size of their accounts. WM.DUNN PR EST. C.D.BR ADHAM VICE Pntsf.; TA.U2ZELL CASWIER t.:i;u Mt w( ?wi vrrprr TOKTrnr: r,: WHITE GOODS SALE! i We will have on sale To-day a Beautiful line of Spring White Goocb in Waistings, Embroideries, Domestcs, Lawns, Linens, Skirtings etc. ' All Other Goods on Sale J. J. Elks Temple BAXTER Department Store All TaJsn .'VOnTfmtVAU The Tlia prrr traina of ih K. A . fly., equlppH with m'.rn arh f tha Uxt im fn,' ar jrt.j r" )ly on tim to i! aiaW SHOBKPiSB EVENTS (Contlrued from Page Four) station yesterday momLng; that avoked a hearty laagb from all who witnessed It. Aa old gaotleman, wbo prsumally haaoa hi foIV rapacity of 'tlgr," alifhUa frooi tfi Norfolk A Southern train, bearing la his hand a small jug: la aroaalof tba platform be bcm en gaged la eocversatkm with a friaed, and forgUig that h had th artkl la bis baad, cluDg tba Jug and Its eoe- labia aa th' ptetiarm, spattering th rkptU la rry d r iciian Tbroogh iba OvamW of Cmmere llr . J. WJfTdffbas kindly offend thaaaaof WolfandMt Hall forUnla- 44 mdrig 1a connartiotr- wltb ts farmrs Itutltut to b bald to Nw Baraoaim: WeoWlay, U th.Uj baiog toand aacssry to bava apk rata tiara for tba ldla to neat, as It) U bpd that lb aurt hoo which baa ba kledly Undrd I tba Coavtotlon j ao that flU t!l b filled With fsrmsrt from this and adjolniag un(ta. For: tha bnaflt at strangera IU tt (fial WotfenJVo- Hall la located at 103 Houii ProaC '8U1"(opsubni).' , All ra-' aaMUd k fom to N Br on that: dU and bear th Iwtar by a pro anneal lad WtatarT'lt would also U wHta bi la talnd Uvat bow it lb lima la tnsk' purchase at tha Kw Dera Wa, whr prc ar at thir vry IovmU' . ATTENTION FARMERS TO THE FARMERS OF CRAVEN COUNXV; WEDNESDAY. Jan. ?6th, the FARMERS INSTITUTE" wiil be held at the purity Court House at NEW BERN. Prominent speakers will be present and every farmer should come and bring his family as a "promi nent lady will address your wives and daugh ters. Don't fail to come to these two great events and gain information thit will last you for a lifetime. This will be an excellent opportunity to vis it the GREAT STORES of GREATER JEW BERN, where everything is now selling at al most cost. Don't forget the date. JAN; 26th. New Bern I Chamber of JimMe i LB IIIMMMMMBgTTT'r - - . : t - - , a a-- M, .miii A SELECT r We have a; very pants patterns. . Also sc CALL -AN) -1 eftct litL?'bt siiiting ano, eral fancy vest panerns. . .miri ,Exminfion,Fof AhrtBpo!l.C Kof It hereby firm that til xm(-' rmtM,! ff th l!nitil SfatMi Kt! Als.Vmjr t AnnnH. ""1 ''l Prn. J.'nrth C"'l'". k the lit, ,Uf r,f rfUiitrr. ln. T) " tlv n- I r- "' !vti, li t?- ;tt of , a i ( . 1 1 . t r. ml'l - ,h '' ! t''-ti. , . -.i ar - jr. H 1 a r "I ' : r ? ' : T' t V : Do ;;You7tcM ' In figuring on old or new work do not 'or?t that we carry tHe poAiJ yov( ' need, and gusranlen our prlcrs to Lc rizht. .' If it is DuiUin of I'ainttnj corar and let m figure v-,th you. iy ? r a c.Yr r T fi fe m in 1 'i t:

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