KEW EEROM1 - Pnbllihd every dT la the .: rapt atondar. journal ouuaiag. Cravea etraec v FHONS no. i. "l " CHAKIKS U STKTKirS, XDITOR AND PROPRIETOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES l a Year In advance Oh year, not In advance.. .. f.Ot Monthly by earrlor !n tha elty M Advertising ratea furnished on ap plleatioa. Entered at the Poatoffice. New Bern If . C a eecond-claaa matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF NEW BERN AND CRAVEN COUNTY. New Bern, X. C. Jan. 25, 1910 THE 1910 CROP TENDENCY In most Southern states in their different sections, no doabt the crop tendency for 1910 is already, if it has not before this, taken some shape. In this section the high price of cotton through the entire season lor marketing, has been so uniform, and the outlook continues so fa vorable for those who still have cotton to market, that it is easy to see that there must be more than one big cotton crop, a crop of at least 13,000.000 bales before cotton is going back to the low pi ice of a year or two ago. The mills estab lishing a much higher price for yarns, indicates a permanent high price for more than one cotton crop. Thus, with high prices for every kind of product grown or produced, adds to the prospects as to what is going into the ground during the spring months of 1910, and it is no hard prediction to say, cotton is going to be largely plan ted as possible in this section. This cotton planting tendency was seen here a few days ago, when a would be tenant, seeking a farm, would listen to no plea, except the farm was good for cotton. The sugges tion of. "good corn land," was not listened to. But however high the price of cetton, the farmer who makes no home supplies ill repent it. The well filled coin crib, the well stocked pig pen and the pasture with cows and calves, not to for get the poultry, these will add safety to the farmer. Let there be cotton, but let there be hundreds of less carloads of coi n, hay and meats coming here from outside places Qunng km u, kk)U siu us mai can and should tie raised in this I section. Not even fifteen (rent cot ton can make fully good the home supply needs, certainly not make local plenty if these home sup plies are to pe purchased elsewhere with cotton money. Catarrh Cannot be Cured. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the sent of the dis ease. Catarrh is a blood or consti tutional disease, and in order to ourc it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best phy sicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is com- - posed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best b'ood purifiers, . aoting directly on the mucous sur faces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderfnl results in curing ca tarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.,Props, Toledo, 0 8old by druggist, price 75e. Take Hall's family pill for con stipation. Art. I knew a Udr " 'i" vrlt moat lotetjr Tta Ions sine ! hai huiwd to win the honor that aha one (ipectcd. I know lady who can palnL A pretty talent aha potMiwa. But oft aha ha to din on fruits, as (or rowfullr ont t know a lady tor wtinaa art the world Is flaS to par hr rtarlf. he Soss a dano In har bars fast ana etbsrwiss Is node, or naarlf, Chloaco fteoors-Herald. 1 ' ' '. s cure Catarrh by removtng the Mose from the blood, It so . thoroughly porlflss the circulation that there Is Both log left to Inflame sad ' irritate the mneous Unfngs of lbs body, which la the most prmnlseet end ' da.'njrrou affect trf. Catarrh. As long as the bisoous mam bran and i tmmiMm m fcaftt In m atata n Inflammation and IrHtatln h SB Immte and . laseud cotxlJUOn of the clrcnlstlon, Catarrh wlU ramala. ' Its diaagrMable . symptoms of ringing noises In tbe 'ears, mucous dropping back Into the v..Uroet, headaches, watery eyes, dlfflmilt breatblni, and evan stmarh '' rilMMttft till lian 1 1 1 . tahfln hWmlnMil rmllavwl nntll thm . blood le pwrtfled. Looil spptl Stlon almve ran have no rl euratlns value, '- because such treatment oo not raerh the blood. Bpraya, inhalations, "it lottoes, iw.j are valnat'le only fnr their eWanalng and sr,tli Uc efirt, bat m - . . 1 - . - v ... ; 1 a. a I . I U . I V 1 . ;. , s"'e A a. P, for curing tiaUrrb. It 8'S down r,o the tlrrulatinrt, rtl at t r.f 1h tftruljla, en'i rarlW0! Try j is of 'r-l cl rutui ' d'.-l this Vital f l'l so f I 1 'f lir-efirj - i'..irn;j '.ft' ff t e tr"'T, It -at ' ---'., AWFUL PAIIIS- ' FULLY DESCfJcED A tidy T Ptarro TcBs Story of Awful SntTerini Thst Csrdui I finally Mleved. Plzarro, Vi. "1 suffered for tereral vears," writes Mrs. Donna A. Smith, ''with that awful backache and the bear ing down sensations, so fully described in your book. "I tried doctors and other medicines and found little relief, until 1 was induced to try Wine of farduL when I found in stant relief aid today 1 can heartily recommend Cardui to all suffering women and think mere is no otneras gooa. In some instances, Cardui gives instant relief; in others, H may take a little time. But Ih all cases of female trouble Cardui can be depended on to be of benefit, as it is a specinc remeay tor women ana acts in a curative way on the womanly organs. . As a general tonic for women, to build up your strength, improve your appe tite, bring back rosy cheeks and make vou look and feel voune and happy. nothing you can find will do so much for you as Cardui. Your druggist has it, noon Median Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn.. lor Sptciai ln$fractiM, and 14-page book. Horn Treataenl 4-pxe l is puis locWoaca'KBt wrapper, on tequast. Our Colored Subscribers Information Wanted ! Robert Bowen, (colored) was born in North Carolina, (locality unknown) in 1842. He came to Hartford, Conn., and enlisted in the U. S. Army in 1863. If living, he is entitled to a small estate, and if dead, his heirs are entitled to the same. Please publish this letter and it may come to the notice of someone who has information concerning Robert Bowen or his heirs- Any such information should be sent to the undersigned with out delay. Yours truly, John J. Dwyer, 2 State St. Hartford, Conn Sour Stomach. Mi o na Puts the Stomach in Fine Shape in Five Mjnutes. If your Btomach ia continually kicking up a disturbance; you feel bloated and distressed; if you belch gas and sour food into the mouth, then you need Mi o-na Stomach Tablets. Mi-o-na stomach tablets give instant relief, of course, but thay do more; they drive out the rjoisotioua pram that cans fermenution of food and thoroughly clean, renovate and strengthen the stomach so that it can readily digest food without artificial aid. Mi-o-na stomach tablets are guaran teed to cure indigestion, acute or chron ic, or money back. This means that nervousness, dizziness sod biliousness will disappear- Druggists everywhere and the Bradham Drug Co. sell Mi o na for 60c. "I was under the care of four differ ent doctors during nine months and waa cured of dyspepsia by Mi-o-na."-Mr. Joseph Groodine, 197 Fountain street. Fa.ll River, Miss. Booth's Pills for constipstion- 26c Cat and Valerian. Cats evince, ss Is well known, a co rlous emotional disturbance when In tbe neighborhood of a valerian plant, of which (key are very fond. It ap parently produces In them a species of Intoxication. The Calabar ftaerv. Tbe calaber bean Is highly poison oua and In foreign countries is used for medicinal purposes. Its effect is opposite that of belladonna and la used for contraction of tbe eye, in tetanus, neuralgia and rheumatic die eases. It ie such a powerful depres sant to nervous action I bat surgeons can onlv use It in small amounts. heals fttaMey tor Ufirteee LeGrippa coughs are dangerous, as they frequently develop Into pneumonia Foley's Honey and Tar not eel atone the cough, but heals and strengthens ue lungs so mat no serious results need be feared. 11m genuine Foley's lioney and Tar eontaioe mo harmful drugs and is yellow package Davis i narmaey. Useful Cement, A oafful cement for saendlng earthes or stone Jars, stopping leaks la the seams of tin pass of tree kettles or tightening loose joints of troa or woof Is mads by miilng III him and g1j rin t a thick rresm This wm resist adds, best and eoid tf the article le not need enttl the renwmt has tarda. .nmovKTiffitfjjsE OF, CATAuIUI ' - AQTEBTISEB IITtlKJi At New Bern, if, Cr Jan. '24 X91Q.' A-B B Anaeed, Jim mis Arringtonl B Buffy FS L. D D B Da via. Olden Daten, special de- ., Rev H Dudley. G--G M G ask ins, care schooner Ida G - Farren. ' , H W R Harper. x L-F P Lane. M--Geo. F. Merchant. N S H Novitzsky, care Addaide Thurs ton Co. P Taucredo Piros, Jaa H Pigott. S Edgar Stanton, R F D No. 3, Wil- r HeC SpruilL T James Tate, Wood street. W -Willie Williams, U S survey party, McWilliams. WOMEN A Mrs Deasie Adams. B-MissHinry Bobe 100,25 West St, Mrs Hettie Bradley, Misa Mary Brayent, 25 Smith street D Mme Dodgson, A Knight for a Day Co. Miss Lessie Doyle, care Gen. delivery. E Mrs W J Edwards, care N T Ful- cher. F-Mias Thelma Fulcher. H Mlsa Annie Hargro, Haiaon St. 116. Miss Bessie Hill, care Jess Louis. Mrs J Edwin Jordan, Annie Jenkins R F D2. M Dorathy Mark. P-Mrs J A Pipkin. R Catherine Robinson, Mrs Virginia C Sawts, care J R Raw Is. Miss Pennie G Toler, R F D 1, pack age. THIS WILL INTEREST MOTHERS Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children a certain relylef for Pever Ishness Headache, Bad Stomach. Teething Disorders, move and regu late the Bowels ana destroy worms. They break up colds In 24 hours. They are so pleasant to the taste ana narm less as mllk.Chlldren Ilka them. Over 10.00 testimonials of cures. They nev fall. Sold by all druggists, 25c Ask today. Don't accept any substi tute. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I respectfully announce that I shall be a candidate for re-election for the office of Treasurer of Craven County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary when held; I promise if re elected to be found at my office in the Craven county court house, willing to serve you as faithfully in the future as I have in the past. Respectfully, Freeman S. Emul A Traveling 8lmn. H. F. beers, 617-7th Ave., Peoria, III., writes: "I have been troubled for some time with kidney trouble, so sever ely at times I could scarcely carry my grins. After using one bottle or roley Kidney Pills I have been entirely re lieved, and cheerfully recommend them to all." Foley'a Kidney Pills are healing and antiseptic and restore health and strength. Davis I'harmncy. Wsatl'.erby'a Rida. Swift fn n Hltot id it! :n(lor,i..lil WeaihMl'y tpen. ulth fit jit i!u- '.vliecl. Bwlft tin h iocI.M ill 111 i t rnlle wan t un Flfly-thme seiuiids the HPtumrt wan done. ho, tut tho third ai e'er, Ijsttr ihan ll.itt! How tho wlml whl'tlfd through Weath rby' hat! Thrn on tho fuinth tlicy literally flew Sudden a rorlhuue novo Into view. Thare they flowed down and went In for a "wink." Thua waa Wratherby driven to drink. Buffalo Nwi. lived At Dasth't Deer The door of death seemed ready to open for Murray W. Ayers, of Transit Bridge M. i ., wnen his lire waa wonder fully saved. "I was in a dreadful con dition," he writes, "my akin was almost yellow: eyes sunken; tongue coated; em aciated irom losing tu sounds, growing weaker daily. Virulent liver trouble palling me down to death in spite of doctors. Then that matchless medicine- Electric Bitters cured me. I regained tbe 40 pounds lost and now am well and strong." r or all stomecli, liver and kidney trouble they're supreme. 6oe at ell Uniggiata. " Uewbla otitch. Th sswlns vifvlo Mmi sach wosft At a s1n point - Bocauta thay seak Bavairas to drms In roat and gown Likewise to dress The belehbors down. Chicago Newa Turned In. I snppoee you see some funny things turned in herer" asked lbs man lu the pawnbroker's shop. tlu, yes," replied the macle." "e mso wss In brn this morning who turned to his toU.H-Vookers States men. Clean till. Us found a welcome la tbe shy ' Thai's wort a tovr while to wmi Psld up bis 0nts and eald goedbf, . Aad the ansSM said. "Coroe lor -Atlanle Oeaetllftlea. , .. m i. ... . ' . . .' A tare ThUfl, ' ,' . atlrkey Junior-Wssu't It rstrlrh Hmry who aald. "IM os bsre per , elk key rVnlor-Nobody by th' asms rt Patrirb vf said sny thing iotas tbst-Judjs's Library, - : :.( ' 1 ' . ! Miliar Wrfteei ; We Warned S anoo'V fntn or two ' Hll,t here vn the farwt. ' . A cor 'ell eej the fane woa't de Me Hvla- soul e harm. -Boe4eo IteraM, ' ftirtl RmH. -As4 wbat Old b do wti.a tba wslt M tir4 tbat aiesmlftg soup 4owg blsneckr. - - "tl( hot tif1t f h eollsr, cf tufs -rblladotpbfs Irtivt. FACTS III FEW "LIS This Busalan sugar crop eieeeda a million tona. '' . Experiments In raising vanilla are to be made la Brasll. . - A direct cable Is to be constructed between Argentina ana the continent of Europe. Cotton growing is being resumed In Palestine. An extensive suitable area la available.- There are in Constantinople some 400 pharmacies to an estimated popu latiou of 1,125,000. In England in 1534 a penalty was Imposed on fiockmasters wbo kept above 2,000 sbeep. Ice breakers are of Importance in Russian ports. Kiga is to have a new one costing nearly $200,000. Canada's first great electric smelting plant for tbe treatment of ores Is to be erected at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont It Is estimated thut 75 per cent of the products advertised in tbe street cars of Cituuda are of American man ufacture. An average of thirteen persons a day who use tbe railroads of the country fot footpaths pay for the practice with their lives. Operators on the sewing machine In south China are paid $5 a month for working nine hours a day seven days in the week. The swamp areas of the United States If combined would cover the New England states, New York and New Jersey. During the last ten years $750,000 worth of property lias been cast ashore on the coast of Ireland, including twenty-six steam vessils. W. E. Cummlngs of Albany, Me., felled on his farm a spruce tree that was 175 years old and measured near ly four feet across the stump. For every man, woman and child in this country there is manufactured each week more than twelve pounds of finished iron and stool products. Though hydrophobia has been stamp ed out of Britain, it is still rampant in Germany, where every year over 2,500 dogs and cats afflicted with tbe disease are destroyed. When George Osboru, a jeweler, of New llavi n. Conn., took apart an old clock brought to hliu to be repaired, he found a green wad of $1jU tucked In tbe back of It. One Scotch casualty Insurance com pany is offering policies to aviators, while another will extend all future policies to cover the risks of aviation and ballooning. West Australian flowers inclosed in a block of ice sent by the governor. Sir Gerald Strickland, to Joseph Cham berlain recently arrived in London In the orient liner Ophlr. All tbe grade crossings on the Mon-treux-Berne-Oberland electric railway are guarded by automatic gates or bars which close when n car approach es and lift wueu it passes. Despite the disadvantages of a tem perature of .10 below zero, the gasoline engine of Lieutenant Slmckleton's mo tor Sleigh used In his antarctic expedl tlon worked with scarcely a hitch. Tbe Lincolnshire (England) county court ordered a man who was owing $90to s money lender to pay the debt in Installments of 2 cents a month, at which rate It will take 3tlo years to pay off tbe sum. There are not less than 800 moving pIctQre shows In New York city, and. figuring on the capacity of each and on tbe basis that earli house Is filled twice a day, they give amusement to 480.000 people a day. The Swiss climbing season of 11)00 will long be remembered ns a black year for .accidents. At least 150 climb ers were killed outright or died from tho effectM of the Injuries they sus tained lu tbe mouutftlus. Cork cut into very thin sheets and chemically treated to remove all renin oua matter Is being used In France for bats, shoes and waterproof gar ments. In tbe last Instance textile ma terials being coated with it. The failure of the experiment of hir ing Japanese laliorers on the coffee plantations in Brazil Is explained as being due to tbe unwillingness of Braxlllsn planters to allow the Japn neee laborers to adapt tbrlr own sys tems of w rk to tbe industry In which they are engaged. Parts is having much trouble with the moving picture craze, and the cam era Operators now even Invade tbe cemeteriee when tbe funeral of some well known person 1m being held. Tbe government bad to forbid tbe photog raphers from attendlug executions, as they wanted to eveu make Dims of these. For many years tbe Mexican dollar was current st and In tbe vicinity of tbe Chinese const and river porta, but now Chinese dollsrs are corned at tbe provincial mints at Tientsin. Nanking, Wuchang, Hankow, Canton and else where but tbe mlutage of one province la only accepted at a discount In so other province. ' Tho Women's Industrie! and Educa tional union of Boetou has started tbe Work of Introducing tbe system of savings bank, lift tosurance and old ago annuities among tbe settlements la ant near Boston.- Tbe plan Is to Instruct , class, tnado up of represent- atrree of co-open tire, aocUl eettle- snonts lu savings Insurance, ", The ,100.000 British residents of Ar gentina bare decided to erect a 'memo rial clock tower oa some prominent alts Isj Buenos Aire In IfllO to merit the Brat centenary of Argentine Inde pendence- A monument will lie erect' ed by the fpshtub romrbunlfy In Ar gentina, while the French. Italian and other foreign elements have similar btana foot. n Hiiia Ms fstw ' ' Evrywbrs iifs it blrK fr4 mors ! thtiiJh tha work of 1)r. King's Nsw I.lfs i'lPs ia ( ormtipstirm, Bilious n, liTitjii, IrvJiir4 ion, L'rtrou bl". Ki tnr I )! Sn4 l!nwfl !! orW. 1.Trv, but nr, snd it fWtlr 1'i.i'l on ths- hlth. st all drnt'st. - -1 T st t, rhetor . ft. "J' ! J r In. WARREN TOPPAN, Lynn-Mass. Vlnol Is certainly a wonderful medicine." Mr.Toppan is one of Lynn's most prominent and highly respected merchants, whose word is as good as bis bond. The reason Vinol is so successful in such cases is because It contains the two most 'world-famed tonics the medicinal, strength ening, bodyTujIdlng elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron. Your Money Back U Yon Are Not Satisfied. F. S. DUFFY, Druggist, New Berne. REDUCTION In the Detachment of Coupons From Interchangeable Mileage Tickets Between Points on Norfolk and Southern By. Beginning January 25, 1910, the Nor folk & Southern Railway will detach actual number of coupons for the dis tance traveled in issuing mileage ex change tickets between points on its line, and will observe the short line mileage between all points. In a word, the transportation expense will be re duced one (1-2) half cent a mile. Inasmuch as this modification of our Interchangeable Mileage regulations will result in a very material saving in the amount of mileage transportation used between points on the Norfolk & Southern Railway, it is hoped that we may receive a more liberal share of your patronage. Interchangeable mileage tickets, as well as all other forms of one-way and round trip tickets are on sale at the city ticket office of the Norfolk & South jm Ry., in the Arcade Building, City Hall Ave., (Opposite Monticello Hotel,) Norfolk, Va. This office will take pleas ure in arranging for the transfer and checking of baggage from hotelB and rosidences to destination. The new Albemarle Sound Bridge, be tween Kdenton, N. C, and Mackey's Kerry, N. C, will be opened for traffic, Jan. 17, 1910, when the passenger train service will be greatly improved, and the running time between Norfolk and all noints'in Eastern North Carolina will be materially reduced. 11. C. iiUDGINS, W. W. CROXTON, G. 1'. A. Asst. G. P. A. E. T. LAMB, General Mgr. A Handsome Woman Every woman may not be Imnd me, but every woman sLould teep with care the good pointo lature has given her. No wcr.tju leed have otllow skin, dull eye ilotchy complexion, who pnyt jroper attention to her ht&ith hereconstipation.liverderange nents. blood impurities and othei rreguiarities exist, good complex on, bright eyes and sprightly novements cannot exist. Intern' lerangsmcnta re-nl tbemtrlvei lomn r Utcr on tho tuiface. Hedchc, tlkn ingi arci.-i J th fi, tallow akii., a con tunt lirrd fc. ini--ncn ti t tha lirtr nd Hi;!'' i ' ' rra.n rr nrrw'.ln help and orircli.- .5 " ir lr.-',m' i stomach ana ivcr ilK.D gl.o thin iicur klp. 'hy wf.ftt i i lur-'t r n way. Thy do m nrlr fl.'t t'v tj ,w. I. i t am up tU iir aad toaiM 1. 1 . I.hMI ih ' opot luiutlmu Sa mM .nd v-nt'r rlr. tt. f ;t lKt r u hardly rUt Kl tlivv Int.- i.A ml. i.m. 0mkrtalti's TftKltt t i .,d iw" (o rvliv bilkMMM. difvttMjt), ' tijwitlftn r.nj J.L.not. floM rrwbrj -'S ' Definitions. Trained footmen Infantry soldiers. A clean busings -The acrubwomnn'a Quaiition of tbe hour-What time ti itT Good ccnts-Thoae laaued by TJncIa Bam. I .oat time-The watcb thst fell lots ths sea. Expert wltnea-Ooa that cso lis without bslng csngbL Hl(fb soelety-Tbs MotroUIn Ollmb rt club.-ClnclBDStl Commtrcial Trlb Boa. fassMsIa fsttswsa CM but osvsr follow tha us of Folsy's Hea and Tar, which stops tha roug h. basis tha lungs, and at pals tha cola from your syaum., Davis Pharmacy, Tha. mat who has tint tor his trisads will svsatsaTly tflsoovsr UUI h has oo trlaads for kit Om. Silencer: The M'luMt el ie eatery aareral le erery wnana I ertew : ' greet biedraeee le th ere el wesiaely diaaaaas. Weeaaai elmak Ireei Ihe airaoaiaj swaetleee erf the Local payiWiae whwb HM IikSI .. The thevgVl ml etaaaioaluHl ia herreet le Ikeaa, e4 ae IW eedere la aileeee eoiitkie , mi 4iaasae wbieh sarely Soreaae trees be4 le weeae, - , It hm turn Vr, afeee's prlwlUf tm eere at ' r grml mrnmf weaeea re feeeeT at reftrfe i ' ; top m4tr Im Urn mttmp mt rmtE eeaf ' llmm trlaff. " eerreeaeae'eeee le eeT " m eecrerfr mtumtlmt. . Mitrm Pf AT. f.,' flmrf, Bmtflrn, H. T. .. . TV. PUa' I tTortta Frwrtptfoe raalerae ad refnUtae . Ike wnmanly itm.tinaa, atliK aia a4 baulda es e4 ' pn't la tnnhmd tnwrb el baaltb 9 Irfj weak woaaaai h ive it S fif trial, , It jrr.t.-c V.' Women Strop. Y( n Well. Cured of severe compound odd and cough by ' VI nol "From Dee. 30, 08, to March 1, O0, I bad three bod colds, one on too; of tho other. I got so weak I coaM hardly get around. Nothing seemed to help me until I began to take VlnoL The change was magic. Three bottles com pletely fixed that compound cold and topped the terrible cough and what surprises me most, at the same time it cured me of a severe stomach trouble that has bothered me lor 20 years. For Sale Stock of Dry Goods The entire stock of Dry- Goods, Boots, Shoes and no tions of ihe late firm of J. B. Holland & Co., is for sale. For further information ap ply to GEO. HENDERSON, FANNIE HOLLAND, Executors of Estate of J. B. HOLLAND, Deceased. Office at the store, 53 Pol lock St. New Bern, N. C. January 14, 1910. Courtship Pointers. When she nays tha clock's correot Blib la neutral, we fluspect. When shu snys the clock Is fast Vou are making time at last Wht-n Mih says the clock Is slow You uie tlune for, belter get -IMttsljurg Post. A Wretched Mistake to endure the itching, painful di.-tersgof files, ihere s r.o need to. Listen: suffered much from Files," writes Will & im t i. t u:i-... m n iu:n i I and wns soon cured. " Burns, Boils, Ul cer-i, Fever Sores, Eczema, Cuts, ('hap- p-'d Hand, Chilblains, vanish before it, lic, at all druggists. Chineta. WrltteD Chinese ts practically onl f.'i'in tliniti'lioiit the empire and has hardly filtered during the whole course .'.' 'hit. ei" lil"!on The tpuken lan iuiie on itif othci hfiiic It- couftatitly (b&i.t-itiv: Noe! Ammuriition. toe sieieh i.i luedliicval times It j; vt r j 1 1. mil. . ii fci tlii belehKUers t. tl.rnw frnth tlnlr (i.tfipulis bin oth ei iul.!tarv eiiclln (lend bcdles of dogs, twine tnjrc her 'itr, i.lefc of horse finl: iitid i toiln r can Ion luto the city or ensile beslexed In erdei thnt the de fenders luh-'hl l the stem h Of thin putrliilly be funed t surrender. Silken Garments. PI Ik f ii rnlineiit hnn h standing among Ije oldest giiruient In the world, ltubes of that nititerlAl were worn by men and women Hllke 2.&OU yeara Ut fure the birth of CbrUt. R. I. W. WIIIIiim T.t rit Rev. I. W. Williamn, Hunlinicton W. V . writes in as follows: "This la to certify thut I used Foley 'i Kidney Remedy far nervous enhaustioo and kidney tmubUt and am free to say that Foley's K'dney Remedy will do all tha' yor claim for it. Davis Pharmacy. REDUCED EXCURSION FARES VIA Norfolk & Southern Railway MARDI-GRAS CELEBRATION, Nsw Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala., Psnsacola, Fia,, Feby. 3-R, 1910. Ths annual MARDI-GRAS Carnivals, celebrated simultaneously at Nsw Or leans, La., Mobile, Ala., and Psnaacola, Fla., from February 3rd to 8th, Inclu sive, will b more elaborate than upon previous occasions. Tickets sold by Norfolk k Southern Ry., February 1st to 7th, Inclusive, li mited to return Feb. lSKh. TkkeU may be exUnded by paying 11.00 at destination. 8 top-ore rs allowed.' Get complete Information from any ticket gent of Norfolk A Southern Railway, or address H. C. Hodgina Q. P. A., Norfolk, Va. & S0U1I N RY. Wolcolt and Keir Recrivm DIBECT THROUGH TRAIN 8KB VICJB BETTW E EN ALL POINTS IN EASTERN NORTH CARO LINA, and via NORFOLK TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Schedule in ettVct Oct. Kith Trains leave New Bern 9:15 a m., EXPRESS, Daily, ex cept Sunday, for Washington, Edenton, Elizabeth City au4 NORFOLK. Arrives Nor folk 3:30 p. m. 2.15 P ,u- Iiii'y except Sunday, for Washington, Pinetown and Belhnven, making con nection with Raleigh train at Washington. 9:16 a ln-i I'uH.V, for Morehead City and Beaufort. 6:45 P n,-i lMly, for Morehead City and Itauifort. 9:16anl- Itai'y, for Kinston and (ioldshuro. 6:45 P '") I'il.V, for Kinston and (ioldsl)oro. 7:30 P ln-i I aiiy, for Oriental and i nte mi wliate stations. 9:50 u. m., Daily, except Sunday, for Oriental and intermediate stations. For further particulars consult Norfolk and Southern folder, or apply to T. II. Bennett, T. A., Xew Bern. II. V. HIMHilXS, (i. I . A. W. W. CROXTOX, A. (i. P. A. E. T. LAMB, (i. .M. NoifolU, Va. N. & S. Ry. Train No I Leavinp Raleigh, (:l.r a. m. daily ex cept Sunday, connects .it Wilson with A. C. L. K. R. northbound train No. '34. The Norfolk & Southern Ry., is thv shortest, quickest and most direct line butween Kaleigh, Wilson, Farmville, Greenville, Washington, and all Eastern North Carolina. Train No. 1 leaving Raleigh fi:l.r a. m., daily except Sunday, connects at Wilson with A. C. L., north bound train No. IM. Save time by uiing the N. & S. Uv. Bikers 8uoceed when everything elae falls. In nervous prostration and femola weuknesses they are the supreins remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE t a the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. A COMPLETE LIBRARY IN ONE VOLUME. Will tell you somethine about everything and everything about a great many things; the army and navy, population of countries, States and Cities, the new tariff, the 1910 cen sus, progress of I'snama Csnal work, eeneus of Cube, prneeVutinn of trusts, party platforms of 1909, rie In prices of principal commodities, aerial navigf ran a s u ON SALE AT ALL MEWS STAMPS Uon in 1909. Polar exploration in 108 diacovery of tha North Pole, growth of the United Statee, Rixty-Arat Congress, about wars, sporting syenU, weight and measures, universities and rollegsi, religious orders In the United 8114, debts afbatiotia, weather forecast, fa tality UbJae, omme,rr, taxes, moneyi, banking, Ineurmnce, secret societies, pre hiblUoa aovetnent lo 1909, report sf national commissions on country V and eoneervstion of natural reawurtt-xA--i , . "..'; -t' t O.d Q 0' 0 th er Facts & FIq u're ; f tveryday tntetest Co tverybody. No marrhant, farmer, laborer, hnainate man, housewife, tcheol boy or f should be Without a Copf of this groat eat Compendium of Bsaful lr,f..r?r' n ever set in type. . C)n)eTryf.r, 2" (r - f-' ami ri" x-,) v

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