it WHEN -YOU DRINlCrTb 'THE -GIRLvYUlP LOVE. EE 3! ' (BARITONE Sp.Vr:?vH v Sung by JOHN PARK of the "Comln TVtHe Rye!' Company. wbsTasheiUTSjaiBk as t geth-er we drink. If net ef tbe girl we a - lore... O he gee a r obj friend or withfees, He's tree to too girl of lis hurt. Words by CEO. PECK. Muslo by J.M. STOUT. X J , .1 . ' i I Moderate. B , i I - t b I i l ? . . 3 3 r 1" 1. When bright stars are beaming and all Is se rene. Of whom does the' sol-dier boy dream? And 2. There's glo-ry in bat -tie when brothers 'we stand, And fling a de ll at the foe;. There's f H rs5 fT ff fF prEj" jEE z zr 1- J id . - i ' r trTF-1 " - 'i I: why does the moon o'er a for eifjn la . goon Be - call hap - py days with Its gleam? When ji f in the fight that is waged for the right, With hearts of steel back-ing each blowi Bat S ,fcsfc - ritard.', 3 tron-bles are thick-eat aud dan - gers a boond A - far on a per il - ous shore, Of peace or grim dan - ger finds al . ways a face The sol-dier boy treasures a - part Wher - REFRAIN. Andanlt. Here's to the eyes that bright - ly cleam in my ev - 'ry dream ( fe -ft-j j Efee3r -dz5ir.- y ' 1 1 x x - - U- frVri -i i -i ' I -1 v -1 g :rijizpi- rzH ' 1 f- 1 1 1 t V. t Here's 10 the voice so sweet and low that drives a - way all my woe-, Here's to a heart that is tiu - est blue as the skies a - bove, Ton may I i 1 J -1 i 1 p u ritard. iti- I toast whom you will but my lank-tird I'll fill. And drink to the Girl I love! r t Copyright, MCMVHI, by MURRAY MUSIC CO., ' New York. A. 45, . i?s :- Whtn You Drink to the Girl You I.ove. 2 pp -21! p. - . L., r, lJ I ' I r"'l I 1 J. A. JONES LIVERY. FEED, SALE FXCHANGE STABLES Largest and Finest Stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for sale fa New Bern. A Cir Load of each just in. Also . a complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Robts, .Whips, Cart Wheels etc. J. A. JONES PROPRIETOR Broad St. New Bern. N. C. Torpedo Boat Gogglos. On account of tb high npeHl attRlD (! hy tlu new torpnln ImmiI destroyer the I'lusfwr .1 wimewbnt reruurkable luuovtitlnu Itns boen IntntUuced la tlie equipment of navnl otHi-ers. It ts fur helmet, fitted wllb B"gKl. oot un" like those uxvd hy uUtomohllUta. This Innovation nu found neeeiwary not 'nly ou Hci-ount of tbe bgh 8eed of tlio I'luaser (32 knots ier liouri. In which the eyes and fuce are In danger of Injury from the cutting wind aud hard driven npray. but also uh a pro tection against the spark from tbe smokestacks, which are low lying. If tlx experiment proves satisfactory It la probable that all officers on similar craft wUI be supplied wltb tbeso helmets.-New York Herald. Legal Notices NOTICE Superior Court. PROFESSIONAL CARDS C. T. HANCOCK REAL ESTATE AGENT Ill BE0A1 IT. nw B1M. I. C r. a. SllUlfBt, I. I. A . tTard Alloa. r. D. IfBrreB, J. K, It arret A few minute delay in treating soma eaaea of croup, ven the leogth of time it takes to go for a doctor often prorea dangerous. Tbe amfett way is to eep CbamtK rlain'a Coach Reined? in the house, and at tbe rlrst indication of eroup eWe the child a doe. PUaaont to take and always cures, sold Ay an dealers. - Notea falling due oa Sunday, or on a legal holiday, must be paM Um dy ravloua. North Carobna, Carteret County Corporation CommUsion va Bank of Carteret. Under and hy virtue of an order made in the-above entitled cause on the 8th day of January, llf by the Hon. Owen H. Guion. reetdetrt. Judge af the 3d Ju dicial District of North Carolina, I will, at Morehead City. NoTth Carolina, on Tuaday. the IStbdayof February, 1910 at 12 o'clock M. offer for Bala, at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, tbe bank bonding and lot, upon wnicn the same is located, formerly used and occupied to transact ita business, by tbe bank of Carteret, located and being In Morehead City, Carteret county, North Carolina. Said sale to Uke place at the frontdoor Of said bank building. This sale to be made by the said order of the court U convert the sar,e- into cash, it being an, atiet of aaid bank of Carteret, to sett distribution This the 10th V.TaM. Receiver for the Bank f Carteret P. U. PBA.RSALL , Attorney for aaid Receiver. ner, then with said rrench a line to the plank landing road; thence with Raul road to Neuse roai; thence down and with said road to the beginning, con taining 40 acres, more or leap. GRAHAM T. RICHARDSON, Mortgage. Thia 30th day of December, 190'J. D. U WARD, Attorney. Mortgage Sale kkiHMliUandfor r it sii. holders. ew BerB, N. C Treat a, H. t PiacUc In all court. Offloe U Clks DullUIng, New Bern. N. C, h. ebarge of Mr. T O. Wsrrenj Trentoj w In rhsre aT Mr J K. Werree WUIIIUVIIVl TTOMIKTS WARD & ALLEN A9D C01S8ELL0U AT LAW W BIEJ. B. C, Omea Rooms 4U1-1S Elks Building Practice U Ue eoeauee ot Crarea. Deplta, ioBee,'LeJotr. Ooslow, Car torit, raaltoo, a4 Wak U UU Ba resae aa rederal Ooarta, aal where rref sssrjsss are issdrel CHIGIIESTERSFILU BRAND 7?. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW rraitie U tk aomaOae at Crarea Oarterwt, f MUeo, Joaea aa4 Oaatow aal U U BUU Bepresae aa4 raVra Qotrta. J. TsJepkosie Na IT. ' OBto B M Oratee) street. K era. K. U J OlAMONO Ssft&K t intn i t r Bi'wSis for trn-crtrs-'Ca hoaD kEaxd riLta la - OOL BMOIIt S'H. MmK4 WH Blbhpw Taa wo oral. Wat at t II I MI m UMBU.iI.K - BiTkaa tktl' riLLm M iwnty tw mui tniS4 as DrM. bU. hrtr a .llaMa, 80L0 BY ALL DRUGGI.STS flTi EVERYWHERE Catarrh Cannot bt Cured. ith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as hey cannot reach the aeat of the dis ease. Catarrh la a blood or consti tutional disease, and in order to eure it you must take internal .remediee Hall's Catarrh Cur la taken inter- ally, and acta directly on the blood md muoona aurfaeea. Hall' Catarrh ure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed hy one of the best pby ieians la this eountry for year and a a regular preecriptiea. It ia eon posed of the beat tonioa known, oom bined wilh.tbe beat blood purifiers, aeting directly oa tie nraeoua anr The only Uase ottr plewda are candid a whe thsy bate eoraetblM aUe(ret able u aa. YBR ' 1. LEON" WILUAm LAW rnsctltW itt CrwvK rsrrtmt, - JonM and famllo Abo Oenrrml A(rot Melltjf an! !MoaH Vi't or U iltimcm !UMul.t rbooi lf8, 'OmrVKo. )e8mjtU FrohtBt Saw , ltel u, . C ' Notice North Carolii Craven county. Bessie Lee Court, Spring term T9l(. Pursuant to a power of sale contain' ed in that certain mortgage deed execu ted by Lewis Bryan and wife Lula Bryan to W E white andj If Harvey bearing date the 28th day of January 1909 tbe same being I ecorded in t he omce of the Register of Deeds of Craven county in book 164, pige 167, we will sell at the court house door in New Bern N. C. on Tuesday the 15th. day of Feb 1910, at the hour of 12 o'clock m. to the hUhest bidder for cash, all of the fol lowiny described property as conveyed hi the mortgage deed aforesaid to-wit: A certain treat or parcel of land in Cra ven county, N. C , No. one township, bounded as follows: Beginning at the junction of Washington main road and WrB Dawson's avenue and runs up- said avenue to Sally Ann Blanco's line. thence with her line to O. Mc Law horn s line, thence with his line to Washing ton maip road and down said road to the beginniog, containing 5 acres more or leas. W. E. White, W, C. White, J. B. Horvey, Mortgagees. Vanceboro, N. 0. January 14 1910 L. G. Daniels HAS JUST GOT IN A Carload OF Mules '-inimn um i1 mm inr'Vinn iirnmi S. Front Street, New Bern, N. C. C. C. Lee. The defeedanf above named will take entice that as aetfiM entitled as above. has been eommectcea in in Bupenor Court of CneenfcMsaty. N C, by the plaintiff agaloet Wm to obtain a divorce fot the raaaoas suted m trie complaint. Notice of Sale. line to Warren brothers' line; thence with Warren Brothers' line back to the beginning, containing 60 acres more or less. W. C- White Mortgagee This 6th day of January, 1910. D. L. Ward, Attorney. City Lot at Auction. Taylor and hla tananta. for which aaid Taylor Aid ajound rent amountinc to 176.00 par annum and out of which mar be oollaetad renta fn ro uld ataraa. atalU and wharf approilmatina fcooo. 00 par annam. Thta Slat day of January . 1810. R. A. NUNN. TrmUa. frnldaat Helpt f ritual . Hundrerk sf ortibane have beea beb ed by the Prwidewt of Ibe ladua trial and Orortane Home at Maron, Oa,, who srrltee: "Wo have weed Electric CHUr la this tied tut Ion for aloe tears Itaaa pfwreda SMNt eireltent madiHrtf for fitomsyk, Uvtr and KWny troaHWe We retard it as one of the beat family tad iaiM eaearta." It rnvl-orste all vital argsM, panflee the blood, Bkle dig sti Brest sppalU. TostrrngtMn and huikl p pajL thin, wash chiklrwa or ruiwVtwa eentHS It Me pe en'iat nt iw itmaie coreptsmtsk Only fx", at all druggist BssswaBesisasa ssai ass sassi ' TVe aesspspar la a gigsaue tslrror If wklri tbe whale wrld ss r6et d lu i ss4 sorrow. n ambition sal U9usace, I'a ssesis ssi f.'! tarrb. Bind for Ustlmoniala frsa. F. J. CIIENCY A CO.Propa, . " " - JTolad-dO fioU by drwgftit'a, price 7ft. Take Dally famry pill, for eon. stipatioa. . ' , ' Bneaklaf ot 'leslrabla BelghtUira- hood of roerse wt all desire to live oa ICasr etre.". Pursuant to the power of ale con tained in a certain mortgage deed 'eic euted Um 10th day of April 1906 by John A. Dixort and wife, to William H Bcott. the same being recorded in the eBlco of the Register of Deeds for Jones 1 ?"V"" : - . . . j i . " r n .7 i U twwdr Mn ML Daum iHA to' legedia tba completer. And tk aaid wbfclj ife - Tnde: wl" defeiwdantwiUftirtkr Ukoileetbat,Uioblgh eash at public he is required to appear at Um term of eatery at iw oorj uoor in tbe Surwrior Court of Craven eounty to'-ounty, on the 7th day of February. be bold on the fourtSi Mondav Ufira.the foltowtag described tract or parcel the first Monday n Mrn, t being the jet a, I'"., " "7 w,T,r' J known and designated as follows, vis : Adjoining the lands of Need ham M. larnett neire ano oiners; & . iv . . nti.fll S grairt 6. I beginning at neeanarn ss. nni'ii enr- W. if. WATSON, tr and runs wmwaroiy io iisrneti s Oornvr. f.Jif)ffcJ noruiwrnra j wiin owr ' sw.t- - . tl tAiA a tU faoea. Tba perfect eombinatioa of,i'f Wl!tVsIe Bern. N. Ibe two IngTwdMnta ia what produeei C.. slid aa r or demur to Um eoovH A,Hi'nJh?. 'f5 According to the power contained in three mortgagee executed by Samuel Green and bertha his wife to George T. Winfleld, the land described tharein trill be eold for cash, at public outcry at the court house on Mondsy, Feb. 21. 1910 at 12 o'clock M. Raid land being described as lot No. 73 of that part of the city of New Bern plotted and known aa kle chanicaville, as per plot registered in the Records of Deeds of Craven county N. C, in book 137. page 667; said lot belna- situated at the corner of Raleigh street and Craven Avenue. For other Information refer to said Records Book 167, pae 170-218 and S 2. January 19, 1910. a H. GASKINS, Assignee of Mortgagee. H. C. Whltehurst, Attorney. Notice of Trustee's Sale efVtluiilt Property. I , . - J i i v -J d V..) Shacd rhW ewrTt!,lrg 1e fafla, la) btous i . i'.iu s ai4 fn1e waaVrvMara) 1 y til r'r"TI irmtSf, se i' """i1 ' ' e t" l fC"i '" ', ' "3 L - ... - t isf t ' - -'r '! ' Clerk BopajrW Cour Cravesi Ce, Thia Sth day af January It 10. - , D. U WARD, Attora y.- s ,' 'llorloi.itatt; - . ' By virtue of Ct 6wer of talnad la that -rn mad m tbe lilt 6 i and remrdad la H tr of Deede of m page 440, bo Harry A. 1'rwn. Graham T. I part, the uml.o sail for eaah ta th court bonne Crsven cotinty,' U. manMeraerJe lino 10 the ilardv C Newton s ewroer. thence wtut Neea- haa M. White's Una to Um beginning, eontamrrif fifty- two acres mora or lees. Thia 6i b day r januarv, win. - ,. B. B.i SCOTT, ' - H. E ftCOTT. Ciecurors of WovH. Bcott, deceased D, E. Heoderson, Attorney. Ihe following Wl! Lying n4 I ; arid lUta sf j, on ' tr '1 Kor.- ! ) t sale eon bx mortgage deed r of January, 1908, 1o of th RegW- m eotintv. In book n F. J. 1 reorh and e brat part and n of tba second (1 -mnrtgape will I blgbaat Uller, at --r. In New hern. C at the hour of ;.:ot Ut, r tb. 7, 1910, .iif.i pvojrty, to Cr !'i t it To H eonrity, na 'J own' M? isr Mortgiga Silt. - "" - By virtu of th power" of aala con tained In that eertaln morteage dead executed on the 22od day of leb, 1907, by J. EY Simpkki of the first part to W. C Whit of th second pert, the undVrslgned mortgage will Bell fay rash lo the hltrheet bidder at th Court hnuaadnnr In New Bern, Craven rmtnty North Carolina, on the 7tb day of f etc rnarv. 1910. Bt the hour o 12 o'rlofk M. O.a following rWrrtUd ral atat fwit: I.ying nd rxlng In t ravan (.onlv. f.orth t:art)Mna, Irj No. m lost- ". i.n rnr firanch hop'ntiing i. 'n In tKa run ! rtiiia ' 'I , i '.'fV .'';n to I ' ExecutTt Notice Havins thia day quallAad aa aircutor o tha aataU of Lydia A Boach. dacaaad. laUcfCra- nn county. All paraona haln claim, aralaat Mid attU ea haraby aotlftad to praaant tha aama dalv artad ta Um vadaraicnad oa or barora tba Srd. day Of Fabraarr ltll. or thia not ko will ba nlaadad K bar of thatr remwaiy. All paraona In dabtad to tba aakl aaUU ara haraby aotlftad to naka ImaMdlaU aotUoaaaat. Thia Srd. day Pabroary. ISIS. J. at. WrmERINOTON Eiacator Admlnistritrii Notice rUrlaaj thia day qoallAad aa adailnatralrla af thaaatataof X B. Oaakin. daoaaaad. lata af Cra raa aounty. All paraona barlac rlabn, aminat aaU aaUUar barawl aoUAad U sraaant tha aama dalf rartftad Sa tba aaiUnlaail (ar k. OBara. kUf) aa ar bafara tba SSU das af Janoary I SI I. or tkla aaUaa wtB ba plnlail la baa af thaw ra- mrf. AUt taiabtadSD tba aaid aatata ara karaey ivwMM ta kaka hwwM-dtntad Mlawi Tkla SMh day Jamwy, ISIS. AUCX at OAST I IX AdatrtH jr.iaykw n . Tayww.' A H ti ri TTi p Wnman hlawlf.MlbatbAf tflfartb, IS8S, aaaaw aa aawawwvaa. ' amntatladaataf troat Ss tbe aaaVaratfwad far ,L. L. J tha baaaet of tSa aredlVwa at tba aaid J, r. Tar- t-VWT WOtnsia wnJ lor aa will mora fU and St haraw Vy ya otam, but rfT" WOmSJl ibotiM farowaa a aaM Sa4 af iraai vans in--.. a awilh fara Ihfl enM Dotnta ritV1.!-. i.turwhai r-a Aver. Nowotnan aVak Ha, HlKt S8T; Wow, aanasar ssta . . "ll .1 J..II wt; paw. paeama .. .11 .1 J..II UrtMorthaSaM Saad a trwat aa by vtrtaw at tewsi owvv awuww tba pwwwi vaawd ! Site aadaraWnad tbarabr. MOtCbf1 COTOplX0V WM pave aairakbaMwratitbat ma aaaarmra win... avtloa, at tba eaart baaaadaar tt Oraraa aaaMtr la tba Hr a Haw Bar. WaawaaAay tba lodday o Wk.)Slat Ua-rtarb, aa bsUMkbjbaat VWtaralaaM aala, (or eaab.' , AH tbe rlsM. SHbK babwaSt SJal tMat whwanT thaaakl iaa, t. Taylor, rtarawes Tartar, kit vlfa. awwaaadars um m i I tba nk day af Marab. ia:. af. la tad ta all Iba faoowlne BwirWiaJ aaa aartc. ta-wHl All that ratals M ar paraataf land ar watar f met aliwata tb treat akto af ktlrkjatraatatlldadaTratrrar "' fulluwal Oa tba aaHk by tKa Wad U4 by Wra K. R. btaca. as tha waat by Bail's SHy wkaadat. mi th annlh by Trent rt. aa ta aaM by rflaatr attndt and UW-t r"l-. w r S v- r(M 4 way nw lha ! f'-"t E R j Kar' Wharf at a'H .. -.-.-I f .- ' r 1 iropejr aUsmtion to hr UaJth. bWwawietipatiofIiTwdwani tMnta, blood imrrarilM irui tlKe rTTgTilaritie ttbtt, good compter aaa a. I on, brtgnt ye ana otignvj norements cemnot axuL Intarnsvj Uraaasaiasta tavaal theawialrss later aw Dm earf ae. tlaadWcbe, dWs rwwd the area, aaJW ahK mm taal thr4 faafisg asaaaj tkat 0re tW m4 dWaatra arf arw aadin bl aaal awracliwa 4) TbaMKarUta'a Btaawarb an4 hum TabVr fWa thia narn.ary t', rwv wk Wl alr' www area. 1vT - t ..i 'r I' -S -L - ' ' -- ' - i - I h la rh 'I t-' m4 rU m a. . i t . ha mm