-.;ui'Jt ' ESTABLISHED IN 1878 PAPER WITH ; .JkNOWN. mCULATION KEW BERNiNORTfl CAROLINA. FK1DAY M0RNI JFEBRITARY. , 1 1 ' 1 9 1 0. in DPD OM9 TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR --. - t V , . v J ;;l . , VA ;. I III I I , v- UU DA UUV.U I.Hi; UVLU H: i IWUl I IH K UIIIULIUIU UllUUii UULUUUlxUUUIH UUiillilll ILLU tSSihrSFtnrrnrrirr, The fcP&Hipi.iUnujincuBriiL Hrrumicui IIP t-lWFM24a I .IIWI- ? If tVifima Pnl And His Oomftlt ilAwrence Mack Found Not will Chamber of Comnierce ADDoint . i l inmmirrAM hti h tiamnn i til 1 II. . ..v "6 III T I . f I A Year. The Final of any extravagance is idpt merely the dollars actual-. : ly spent, -but indudes.what those dollars might have done for you if properly utilized. Every time you spend a dollar you lose also the interest on it for the balance of your life. . . : Every dollar you Keep from wasting and deposit in your svings department wiQiarn you 4 per cent for as many years as you .leave it here, 4 ; Think otthe 4marbefyott-spi your account here wul grow. .IAS R. RT.Anif.S T. A. liRERN. V. Pres. - JgC Wm. R. EIiADKS, V Prt4 GEO B PENDLBTO.V. CMhier v. v- M mtm. m I mm.w - m a - w M I FACTS OUT COTTON GOODS Don't let the high price of cotton frighten you, we are still and will continue to sell Cotton Fabrics at the same low prices as heretofore. We prepared months ago to protect our customers, its our duty and pleasure to protect those who trade with us, but some one might say how are we to know this. To all we would suy come and get our prices and comp ire them with an other house. Each day we are receiving large shipments of spring goods. Best Galateas, all shades, Best Dress Gingham, worth, Best Audery Suiting " UoBt Calcutta Fabrics " 20c. values for 12 Jc. 15c . 10c. 15c. 10c. 10c. 06c. Victims Pole. And His Comely. Bride Story pi The Crime. - J ' Cleveland,' Ohio, Feb. 10. lohn Je nowaki and his comely young I Polish brida found murdered in'-, their beds die In aatiafactian of a.debf;of six ty dollars. ' .'v- This is the story told the police in a statement which they say was fnde to them bv Gaorire Boscardoi are 29 arres ted on thn ehatK M muror in ihe tirHt Lawrence Mck Found ty. " Many Cases Disposed c Yesterday was a busy day Jn Supef- ior Court and both the judge and cw sel were taxed to the utmost capacity in keep ng track of the many case thajt were called., ?,-;'- " " j Lawrence Mack- the old colored map who was mtJtrlal'liif tyttftyd&tf': ing'jake. Turtle, anoUierfcoliored' majs at Diver several moQtha ago was foOnH UJdisilgliiala byaiury aud tetett&H T The following oihei1 case were dis posed of. " , . i State vs. Frank Boyd, larceny de fendant plead guilty, 2 year on fount J roads." " :v'5'l State vs. Jim Janes, retailing, guilty sentence reserved.. State vs. Chas. Pate. Ben bert Brown. Leslie Evans, attempted burglary, jury had not returned 'verdict at 6 o'clock. v Chas. Thompson, house breaking gnilty ?, years on county roads. Janowski, according to this statement, to aecore her love, but had found him self unable to realize on the movement. Angry because of his failure to get hi money, the police say that BoscK-do tells of waiting for the couple to return to their home at 1616, Riverbed avenue Sunday night, again demanding the money, and failing to get it, killing the woian at a blow with a section of gas pipe. Th man, as the story is told, succumbed after a struggle For three nights and three davs the bodies lay in the house, while Boscardo coolly - continued his employment at a foundry. After the door of the house was broken in on demtnri of neighbors the ' Janowskis were found where they had fallen. The gas pipe was nea -by." A report by a neighbor woman that Boscurdo viBited the house Saturday and Sunday night led to his arrest Blood, the police say, wa-a found on his underclothing, but hiB cuter clothes had apparently beei. cleaned. See us for Garden Fencing Basnight Hdw. Co. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY J. M. Mitchell 61 Pollock St. & Co. Phone 288 M C()ML(i DOWN TO HARD FACTS it may as well be admitted that there s little difference in the ii ice of this, that or the other roal-per ton on car or cart. There's a lot of difference in the amount of com bustible matter- so much goes up the chimney in smoke, or in tbo aahpan as clinker, when you burn some coals! That's why we are presistent in the effort to get you to buy the ripht kind of coal. Ellis Coal and Wood Yard County teachers Mealing Next Saturday morning at 11 o'clock the Craven County Teacher's Associa tion will hold their monthly meeting in the Griffin Memorial Hall. Pof. E C. Brooks, of "urham, N. C, who is well known in educational circles will de liver on interesting address- The Do mestic S ;ience department of the grad ed s :hool will terve lunch. It is hoped that ever v. teacher in the county will be present and participate in the exer cises. polk Miller "Col" "Old South Tom Book ir and Quartette. " PILES CURED IN 6 TO. 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Weed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 day or money refunded. 60c. sw mm EVENTS (Continued from Page Four) Jr. discovered several young chickens were scratching up soma seed; he had recently planted in hia back yard tie at once started to run them away from j the seed beds and in doing so fell and broke his arm. He was carried to Dr. Jones where medical attention was ren dered him The injury U a painful one ani will doubtless incapacitate him for several days The-e will be a concert given by the I? L yal Workers Concert Troupe of the Freewill Baptist Church at the Masonic Theatre . next Wednesday Feb. 16th, consisting of songs and recitations by The following committees have been appointed by President E. K. Bishop of j tneChamber of Commerce for the cur rent year; Railroads R. A. Nunn chairm, C. L Ives, C. J. McCarthy. Manufacturing I,. 1. Moore chair man; T. G. Hyman, C. Eby. Cotton and Tobacco Exchange B. B Hurst chairman, H. W, Armstrong, J. W. Stewart. 'Publications- O. G. Dunn chairman, W. T: Hill, C L. Stevens. City improvements Wm. E, lis chair man, U A. Underwood, Wm. Dunn Jr. Public Health-Dr. J. F. Patterson chairman. Dr. R N. Duffy, J. G. Dunn. Conventions, Hotels, Public Amuie merrts Geo. N. Ives chairman, II. W. Simpson, ,D. E. Henderson. Educational Institutions A. D Ward chairman, S. M. Brinson, W. M. Wat son. Mercantile and Trucking L H Cut ler Jr. chairman, C. V. MeGehee, W. II. Bray. Unclassified New Industrie I. J. Wolfenden chairman, W. A. Mcintosh, D. W. Stevenson '' Immigration and Labop T. A Green cltairman, Wade Meadows, M. II. Allen ; Banking and Financial Institutions Ji. H. Cutler chairman, Geo. B. Pendle ton, Jno Dunn, T. A. Uzzal!. . Rivers, Harbors and Water Trans portation J. A. Bryan chairman, N. W. Jones, C. D.' Bradham. ; Roads and Road Improvements C. E. Foy chairman, Wm. Dann, H. A. 'Brown. Information tnd Statistics J. S. KCIaypoole chairman, J. A. Jones, H. M rGrovea. I Phone 47 Union Point. : BARGAIN IN TYPEWRITERS No. 1 S. P. No. 2 S..P, MKirc $20 1 $35;.! STORE : i r surprise . " ".' ' - it Is to Home that you can pet a tannine ,! STORM BUGGY, we ar pionpvr bujKWts 1 i of any spedil rig that , ' ' you cannot get with , oil a Wg price, We.' j.. are tit LowM in price, , iTj as. v 'd S; Waters Sn . ... I ! -- , - 1 -' . r - ' . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " c r ,, 1 i : , , , : 1 , . .The way In which many an old ante bellum negro had come to consider him self the real owner of the plantation where he was born , and still lived o slivo is described in one of the best stories told by Polk Miller, the famous Virginia entertainer, who will appear here on Tuesday Feb. 22. at the Masonic Opera House, "On one of our places, says Mr. Miller, "there is an old man who is em ployed to do light work and for which he receives compensation commensurate with the service performed. One of hia duties Is to water the horss every day i at 12 o'clock. Hia inability to carry In I his head the daily routine work requir ed 'Und which, by the way. is one of the characteristics of the race) causea hU old master to reprimand him often for nia cruel negligence. It finally, be came au nnbrarable that his roaster told bim if it occurred again they would have to aeparate. 'It ain't a gwnle to happ'n agin, suh,' said the ok man. "All rteht' sstd the master." but as surely as it does hsppen again we will separate." - . v. . The impression made upon the old negro by thto "powerful acolUa," "as be called i'r laatert for'soveral weeks, bat It did happen at last and his old master called him up and said: "We've rot to separate sooner or latw -and It might as wen 'com to-day." The old 3rky, seeing- tbat his master wai 1ft dead earnest, began to -Uk the araUon aerioualy (0 beart. Sod da Wered nimself of the following speech: " el!, marslar. ws bat been together ill war Ufa. W Ma played together ft child' 40, bunted coofM and o'possnma toelk- er. an' no both us Is don got ol an h do look Ilk pity fof as to aepara at di Urn o.tlf. it sbo doe. Bat It all my fault, ali my fault, sub, an, 1 cyan't aav a word' glnac what yoa be said". Then looking DO inUI bl Old witr's face, in a ton of great aor .he added; "Well, auh, has yog mad up yo. mind t a W whar yoo's agwmkT" - ' v the building of the new Freewill Bap tUt church. Admission 15, 25 and 25 cents. C'me one, come all, and help a worthy cause. Sears en Bale at Waters' McScrlevs and Ed Clark. A passenger who boarded the east bound train at Clarka Sunday afternoon called on us yesterday, and in speaking of that place ssid, that although there were three sbx-es, two brick yar Js, two Peoples Bank NEW BERN. N.C. O. PAID ON O oAVINVj J STRONC. COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE Modern Banking Service When you go to your bank for biteine&s purposes you want to be waited upon promptly. Quick service is our watchword. We are thoroughly equipped to re ceive deposits, answer inquiries in regard to individual balances and other questions with dispatch and accu racy. Both checking and savings accounts are cordial ly invited. WM.DUNN PREST. CD.BRADHArvt VICE PREST.. TA.UZZELL CASHIER mom PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Ind an Pile Ointment wil the children, end in addition lrapeclure Bhnl. Bleeding arid itching Pile?. performance. The proceeds will ge to 4 . ... It absorbs the tumors, allayfl itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives inatant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles md itching of the private parts, So'e by druggists, mail 50c and tl.OO. Williams' MTg. Co.. Props., Cleveland, O. See us for "Pittsburgh Perfect" field and garden fencing. J. S. chUThes, one brick school house, on j Basnight Hdw. Go. sw mi I and a large number of Inhabi tants there was no waiting room for the accomm vlation of the traveling pub lie. The cltiz mi of that pUce travel if only for a short distance, a great dsal and they should have a depot or some accosnmolatVin afforded them. BE P0BT OF THE CONDITION A: TREMENDOUS; BIG STOCK IN FAUT TWO IJIU lAJ.uDINr.1) IN UNK ' : I have pmtA m Einslon branch stor bert, and have mors gtou en hand now than ver, nd to gt Hi of m, ill of wm cut trlos on etcryibinf TWs is tw red btnrr in front of my store, a I am not try ing to stimulate tmai'np by any fak sal. Too can ae 1mm 20 to M fr tntoo any rtlf1 y6u buy at my star. K will pay you to buy ynur next winter Suit off Overotst now at fh pri ws will soil at 1 must it rki of my tremendous stork ffl a short time (o mak room for try j f prlfg ani Bummer Coots sod wfll sn at almost ssy pri'!. Dtn snd fir'K-e not rn!i snt b contn4. Twrs to rv. VYw Buck Stotfs and Ranzci can b; had at Basnight f Idw. Co. CANDIDATE F0H COUNTY Vi ;, TREASURER To the DomocraUe Voter of Crstm County. TJ f rre-lful1r anrvrturvs that I snail be crtdi.lts for r-"Wtifm for ih, oftice of TfMiift ff Crn Oiiiy, ;)' it to the arilrm of the D't.tm;! , There will be & regular . meeting of the Chamber of Commerce held at the Court Hous tonight at 8 o'clock. The Committee appointed on the Fair, Bi centennial and Firemen's Toomment at lb last meating are to make their report at this meeting and every mem bria rt quested to be present. The following new member have joined since the last report: J Council Brown, Walter Duffy, David Uorris, D 0 Gs kins, and John A 8 tree, making fifty ix to joined sloe the first of tb year, and a total membership of on hundred and forty nine. . .. ; Uauaual Interest la belng manifested vsrywhtr in Um production f "fit. Elmo,'! Nll Twomey'a drtmatlsstjon of AniosU I. Cvaaa'M! of that aunv, which will b teen in this dty kt tha Masoub Tbeatr oft . Feb. 14 Tb production ka on an lahorate aaal fend the prodQciac eompany I msdVop of metropolitan player, in tb sslestlon of ws m every car was aiereUed, I this aeetlo of tb eowotfy aspedai- 1y. lb ntay will b recetved wtia gmt eorioslty, for lb took bu been slac it first appearance mor tbaa 4w genera Uoni ago, , tb Wading literary pleUr of eouthern Ufa. - V - J'-. tte yestere'sy afternoon a whit maa who said bis hom was near J3l- lair and whu wm preaumsbly In a Stat f Mml-lntoslcaUoa rasbed into tb of- fic of tb Chief of folic and la an b cohrnl way declared tbat bs bad bea robUd by a. sneaking "blind tfger" runner. From all the fart that rould be lemd from bl tory he had ben accoeted on U trt by a ngro ma thoolTiTi to gl Mm s oiart of Whla ky for 11.00. lis st once hiti 11 en the rqj1rd amount, ar. l okrw4 mn, dollsrand sll trace tt him vts lhL IIew!1 riot g'e !). rtn't Bmt and it ln-i"ii,i In Imn S arrant. ' VVhi Uto tl cl: ': -,n t f Dnlr ws v.'ui:.-j y ord Ihs Oon'', illr wul a wir rniin. OP THE MUTUAL AID BANKING COMI'ANT at New Bern, In (he Slate of North Carolina, At The ( lose of Bns iness Jan. 31st, W10. We are Receiving Daily Our Spring Stock Of Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, White Goods etc. We bought our stock before the advance and will give our customers the benefit of it as long as they last. j. j. BAXTER Elks Temple Department Store KK80UBCES Loans and discounts, $ 7, 852. 98 Overdrafts. . aMured 294.68 Furaltur and fixtures, 1,257 93 j AH other real estate owned. 2,238 68 Da from bank and bankers, 6SL0O Gold coin 25.C0 Silver ooln, Including sll ml- " nor ooln currency, 271.99 Naltonaf bank notts and other U S Botea. 692 00 1 13,184.01 To The Business Men of New Bern FACTIONS, LACK of CO Ol'KRATlON and NEGLECT of NAT URAL ADVANTAGES will KILL any town. An active commercial Imdy prevents factions, promotes co-operation and protects the community's interests. The NEW BERN CHAMBER 0T COMMERCE stands committal to business co-operation, an improved municipality, waterways, coun try thoroughfares and everything that promotes progress In a com munity. Will you aid us to this end? Annual meeting next Fridsy night at court house, 8:30 sharp. Election Officers, bi-centennlsl celebration and other Important mat ters to come up., Everybody InviteU Watch its grow, 25 new member lessthao i month. New members daily. - LIABILITIES Cepttt Stock pilJ l $ 3,894 W 8ur plus Fund, . 106 73 Undivided profit a, Uss cor rtot vxpenfS. and tax ' Ullla pyabl,-: . t 1,800.00 Tim certifies U of deposit, - 3,621. 89 DrpoaiU rabiect to sbeck, . 4.22L94 I Chamber of, Commerce i l f If r- ;tui, f. .-; tia.iM.oi mm OF NORTH CAJtOLWA-8 CRAVE COtrNTT, 1 i ',. f X Jcba II. riaher, cablr of tb a- bove-amd bank, do aoUmaly iwsar that th abov statemtst H r to U bt of my kaowiedt aal belle! ' ''f ' J0ITM 1L FISHER, A ' " Uhlr, ' rjnrrci-Allslf ; . , - , j; F. PTANLT.. , ' . W. W. THOMPSON, .' wm. CBirnN; . .'"' Mrtctor. Eu? rrlbfi and rvr to bt tutt tnt t,ia lOih dy ef FfLruary, 1310. . JAMr.3 M. HATtllinON,' , Nntrr Tul llfi. Cntr.tf.lsstos Sip'tBS !jirrh ItMUl New Bern A SELECT LINE - We have , a' very select Hih5.;7ofsuiting.and pants patterns. Also several fancy vbt-patterns. , v -n p ALL AND SE TH EM -i-". P. Mi Chadwick, Merchant tailor i - - . S3 S I'- WlsmTii kdiilMiisiV'liiiiaais rtmi "sanaimeawir wW .- " 1 1 '"' "" '-! ' m vmmmmmmmmj , . ., T ' ' . ... . .. . r -.'-J.-" vLooIi After Ycnr Rcofs '' and bad places now before the spring raina come. Wc sell HOOFING that h guaranteed." it bits a Icn-j time, is c icily put on. no more whn you u : I Jt. Thee 311 t tl Tr: All t n very mc Ltt ir, h.iv .1 . . ? y :rc; 1 Sam Un'in

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