i . - - .: KEW BEEH DAILY JCOl New Bern, a Feb; 11. 1910. L0D6E. DIRECTORY V" ATttCTIA LODGS K0. 8 K. OF P Meets every Tuesday night In Royal S Arcannm Hall' coiner Broad and Bancock streets, J. C. 8mltb, G, ' i H. Smith, K. of R. sad 8. . Vlettlng brothert an ensured of efceralle: welcome, r ' C BATES LODGE HQ. L KUGHT8 OF flARXOJfl Meets 2nd. and 4tb Wednesday nights In each month 2n Knights Harmony Hall, eorner Broad and H acock streets at 7: SO o'clock j. K. Willis, President; J.' H. Smith, Secretary; R. R. Hill, Financial Sec retary. . WOODMEN OF THE WORLD HEW. at K. of P. Hall corner of Broad ana Hancock streets, semi-monthly, First anj Third Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'cloUr.. Vlaltlng Wncdmen are Invlt d. INDEX 70 NEW tnRTISEXISTS Ellis Coal and Wood. Wanted- Stenographer. Kafer's Bakery Bread. H C Armstrong Groceries, Report of the Mutual Aid, Banking Co. FOR RENT 8 Room dwelling, city ac comodations, good location per month ------ $15.00 Store and living rooms, 25x60 ft. per month - - $25.00 Warehouse, 7,000 sq. ft. per month $35.00 Wharf, per month - - $30.00 ASK ME W. S. X. TAYLOR REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENT 66 8. Front St New Bern. N. a BUSINESS LOCALS : XUH'Eil l THIS COLUMN FOR SS THAU ONI MONTH MDBT FOB IN ADVANCE- WANTED Ladv stenographer, must be thoroughly efficifnt and competent. Address letter in own hand writing sta ting amount of experience and salary expoctrd. X care of Journal. TRY those fresh Cinnamon Burnt full of surar and raining, 10c per doz. at Ka fer'H bakery WE HAVK some Hyacinth bulbs on hand which we will sell at greatly re duced prices in order to elose them out. Call before they are all gone. J. C. W hitty & Co. Phone 98. JUST RECEIVED A lotof fine chick ens, turkeys and geese, also choice beff, ork and country sausage. A. T. lokv. WANTED for cash all kinds of old hooka ii rid papere, coins, stamps and relicn. jewelry, pottery and furniture. Old Kmk Store, Raleigh, N. C. We furnish all k Inds of school books at half prire. FOR SALK-One second hand sewing machine i r first t'am order, also one gasoline vapor stove, two burners in Kood condition. Apply to J. R. Tope, 188 Middle street SEKl) Innh potatoes, brown sugar, old fashioned New Orlcsns molasses, best made, lf cents per quirt. I also have nice assortment of flower seeds, all good promptly delivered. Broed 8t Grocery Co.. Pbon 166. MORE EG(jS and cheeper eggs, floe lot of young and grown chickens, tame and wild geese, ducks, best bams and lard, butter end cheese, flour, pork, shad and mUlet netting, life preservers, lights rd blocks --B. B. Davenport. CAME to our piece Monday noon, s brown milch cow. Owner can take cow by proving property 'and paying coel and espenaes. New Bern Dairy, Ar- k) Bros. WAMF.l-KX) kkdiea sad geetkawe to try Royal's Tutti-frutti Ire Cream. TRY TH AT delu-kmswhiu bread snW from PH'shory' beat floor; sweet a nut, white as a ItUy, at Kafer's Bakery OAKDEN 8 K ED -mil Una jnst re eelved, Ceevral Park Lewa Grown Herd Knf bet'ef.- t .' 8. Duffy. RUBBER STAMPS -Made) U order p hartaouer. insi l sena year oMrr otit of town, rsfmniu baa InhiaVy. William T. Hill. 91 Middle 8tmt, plxme 2S1 ' - i FOR RENT' Fit rwsM kossja witk wsur toMectioaa m rQwrttr4,'-R, A. Neaa, , 1 ' ' ros rent-No. 11 m aif , ut-i, wantf kooee wtta steeVr otivenienot - FOE RENT -Owe 8 room Us, aor Mt MotcsK lad forioit tlreeta 111 B0 ft avwitK-a W Blewart, Mi-VlU Pc WANTED AT ONCK- oW festbet Wd, wi'J pt fcwkwt b rr Km tempi a ad addrea f . (X B, 77, X Bern. V. C . M( I'.KY tflw elf-rt:.r f.nnr 1 tt,,ft ir.kn r''a f ''.f, tsf rf v-t rf t:;:;EESTi::i v.it v::::sa . A. little PUpepsinm&kes jour out-of-order Btomncbr fool' fine In fiveminotes. . Take your soar out-of-orded atom ach or maybe you. call it Indiges tion, Dyspepsia,' Gastritis or Catarrh of Stomach; it doesn't matte iake your stomach trouble right "with you to your pharmacist and ask him to open a 5tl eerit ease of Pap' Diapepsin and let you eat , one 22 grain Triangula and ee if within five minutes there is left any tract of your former misery. The correct name for yonr trou ble is food fermentation food aour ing; the digestive organs become weak, there is lack of gastie juice; your food is only half digested, and you become affected with loss of ap petite, pressure and fulness after eating, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, griping in bowels, tenderness in the pit of stomach, bad taste in month, constipation, pain in limbs, sleeples ness, belching of gas, biliousness, thing to stop food fermentation and sick headache nervousness, dullness or many other similar symptoms. If your appetite, is fickle and netk- ing tempts you, or you belch gas, or if you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead on your stomach, you can make up yonr mind that at the bottom of all this there is but one cause fermen tation of undigested food. Prove to yourself in five minutes that your stomach is as good as any that there is nothing really wrong. Stop llhis fermentation and begin eating what you want without fear of discomfort or misery. Almost instant relief 1s waiting for vou. It is merely a matter of how soon you take a little Diapepsin. Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds, just received at Davis' Pharmacy. BUSINESS LOCALS: KEGISTEB'S FACTOBT 11 CLiBKS Can furnish Porch Columns. Colon ial Style, made of red-heart cyprMi; vfouldings, Brackets. Plynths, 8ish 'Vmrs. Windows. 8talr Work, Mantles. Sample stock at Gasktll Hardware Co'r Store. Orders left there are addressed to the undersigned promptly filled J. M Register Clarke, N. C FIFTY boxes of Umatilla Oranges end Grape Fruit now euroute from Florida. This fruit wiU be held for sale at No. 83 George street. C. E. Whltcomb. FOR SALE 38 lota, located near tbe coal chute, on tbe N & S R R.-R. A Nnnn, 50 Craven street. rOR RENT Store-room 87 Pollock St corner Craven, opposite post office $45.00 per month. W. S. X. Taylor. 'UE&iiNA CLC&6. O. PaRKER- 53 South Front street Gentlemen's clothes cleaned, repaired and pressed, Ladies skirts pressed, a specialty. A. B WALLACE tua returned to New Bern and can be found at 48i Broad St and ia ready to do ah kinds ef plumbing gas fitting, etc , at short notice. SYRUP and Molasses 15c qt or 60s per gallon something nice. Blue Band A Swift's bams. Yellow Onions, nice freak Potatoes. Lemons and Malaga Grapes at Hudson A Co's. FOR RENT Large bright airy rooms for gentlemen, with ovary np-to-daU convenience; heated with bot water fur sac. Entire suit rested to congenial prtia. Best of reference required. For particular apply at 111 Craven St any hour after 11 a. at., or phone 830 and make appointment for eaOlac. FOE RENT-Two good offices at 50 Craven street-R A Nona" ' "'- WHITE parsons Oesblnf to acquire aomea hi Brldreton mat do so bv mak In small monthly, payment an- price Of tbe property instead of paying rest -R. A, Nona, 60, Craven treat, Hew Bern. , MOUSE lor rant, rIWot fetation; aem reeme; $14.00 per ooth.-W. 8. X. Taflor - 1 " ' .lejiiiii"! ii 'urn ii.iaM.pfe WfVwTl rnrlw ChU Seed Potatoes a being ptaetnd Is liwmejuf qoanUUee each year by U Unrwt Hd m n tnrrm hi mkrtrow era. Tbs variety rna4 onl. raf ,lf Wnrfed poUUiee, of e llpinf irkft oi U' le qiali tie, an l to ptmnng to l i ntf U tai prof.talJ t ulM Of Sevrly-crofiirig pvtotoea. an cMadqaarWi Ibr tbe best r.tr.t-f-cwa " 1 ' W corf's STtt Annual Seed P-ttk r" d"riUtrna Mil -.!-frr. !.'., ,th t! 1 fc-r.t.xet tre- t r- : f ' I -?s i r'TT "III tl ; ,: r ff o-l 1 1 1 i. iSiijMSi:! .EVENTS; Tbera ware ao sake of cotton ea tbe local markat yeatday. -f V-. 9ats for 3L Elmo oa aaW Satnrday aaorniag f Watswa. For clWry Oniof tbe largest catches of speckled treat and flounders seen here this sea son was brought to tba elty yesterday from Pamlico county. , They wort pur chased by Mr, A. L. Wfllia. ; ; .i Tha New Bern into Company hara just received a new number 17 model Baick automobile for Mr. W. M. Dunn,. Tha car Is on of the most attraetiva of its kind seen in thk city. . . Tbe steamer Howard returned y aster day from tba Trent River mint of tba Agricultural Lima Co. with a load or Ennett's prepared agricultural Hma, which was transferred and shipped b schooner to Swan Quarter, Hyda Co. Among many other ar Jclea that were brought to tha city yesterday by people who live a few miles from the city there was noticed a great many raccoons These animals are in great 'demand and they were easily dioaed of at a good price- Messrs, A. E. Pitman & son yester day sold to Mr. N. B. Lee, of Arapahoe two 6J h. p. Oriole engines. These en gines are elaimed to be the best of their kind made and quite a number have been sold by them during the past few months. In the Mew York cotton market yes terday, the following were, the opening and closing prices: March, 14.93 14.95 Nov 15.03 15.05 Oct 12.96 12.96 Port receipts 24,457 The Messenger" that interesting monthly issued by the New Bern Bank ing and Trust Co. is oft the press for this month and is now being distributed to the public. If you are not on their mailing list see them at once and have yonr name placed on it. The feature film exhibited at the Arausea last night was one of the best ever seen in this city, and the audience was one of the largest of the season. Tonight one of the funniest pictures ev er manufactured will be shown. Don't fail to attend this popular little thea tre tonight Many of the local merchants are re ceiving their stock of spring good, and in a few days the many dry goods and clothing establishment will be crowded with purchasers who are anticipating the inevitable runh and are taking time by the forelock and securing their eu; -ply while there is plenty of time. During the past few days Ja force of the workmen employed by the city to keep the public thoroughfares ia pre sentable condition have been busily en gaged in removing many old and decay ed trees that were a menace to the pub li: and by diligent work tbey have- suc ceeded in getting rid of a great many of thenl. There were only two minor case of disorderly eonduet on tbe docket In the polic Court yraterday afternoon and but a short while waa consumed in the see ion. Despite tle fact that several of the offijers have had to spend the entire week at the court boose they have succeeded in roundirg n 07oral offenders. At the Christian church Monday night there will be an organ recital. Profess or Muhlberger, a teacher in the Atlan tic Christian College of Wilson, -giving the numb'. Prof. Muhlberger Is said to bo an excellent, performer and some fine mask ia promised. 8 doe and da eta will also add to the pleasing loter eat of to occasion. K representative of the Journal waa shown over the new Victoria theatre,: and to say that It is one of the most elaborate and conveniently ' arranged moving picture theatre m tha state ia xpreaiing ft lightly. ., The decoration on tb interior conform Id every way and whan it la oompWted and tha doors opened to the pablia It win Indeed be beauty. -' Consider able excitement waa created at the market dock yesterday morning by Tboma McDac W colored, who had broknaaoyatr knU belotiglnf ton Mr Squire and rofnslng to pay for it or eeeore another one, Aa offleef waa n masoned and after talking the matter ever With the parties concerned tbe knife woo returned without any fnrv taer trouble, f.-'--. S -r-yr--.. Why aheolo St Valentra'l Dsy Wrt garded as U exclusive property of the aanwrledt ' Dora enUmenl go only with atftgWneaa Does the wife deeerve lens than tbe sweetheart? Signify St Valentin' Day by Sending doaea atjvar ipoon; or a JeWe'ed brooch, to that deer old girl who u blessed your Uf for a score ef year. Break up tbe youngsters' monopoly. - v - ' On FiJday F.broary lfttfc, IW will be a big (dacational rally . at Trenton N. C Many prominent speakers wbe are Interested la the location I ad vxmnl of the Bute will be present and ankt la U meeting. Aa eitbortie prjgram, toneietief ef many literary and makal Selection W4 been arrsng od and a cordis! Invitation to be pre Mt and eiK ia the rxercleee. TV SuWHptton Ul St WsUra store b still grewlng n tnilicaii'Ki now point to peeked rvwiee . whn t- ' Mil-, 'W Tm P,Vr sn-1 v. t a 8)'h"Q nrtetemln V 'r ar f .arsnce at t H"ie rtri V.'. , i - ,..'s biftM y. Over I j I r ! ,1 m i!-l(r, V ' ... . . I E T. Dortca. of (loldsbaro. spent yesterday in the ertr, r ,C Ml J. A. Morton, of North Harlow, ' waa among the visitors to; tha city yea- Miss Helen Faroel!. ef' BayboroTwa among the visitors to the dty yeater Mr. S. VL Brinson anaat vesterdav at Cuyf Ci'v attending- to .some loaoMaa , iohes left yesterday morv ng for a visit to friends and relatives at Worebead, . - . ' V Mrs S; B. Moore, of Oriental spent yestWday in the; city vbiting friends; abd Hutives. 4, "' ' . -.": "Mte. Frank Thompson spent yester day at Morehead City vioiting friends and VelativeS. Mfa. Oswald Kafer and son, of Have- locki who have been visiting Li this ci ty Jar the past few days returned home it CASTOR O I L-FODEn JUevsrlMir.TasTELEaa Ann Amy mi. nwvgisiuH: Marm BEST AND SAFEST 31 LAXATIVE KNOWN !UftKA tlUUbt Tues. Feb. 15th ONE NIGHT ONLY Season's Great Success St. Elmo PRICES: 50c, 75c, $1.00 I Burton J. King, is the same actor who took the part of Strong Heart here this season. to tbe watch buyer to know that bis time piece was completed at the Factory and Timed In case such Is the plan of -THE HOWARD WATCH the) recognised standard pocket thn1 piece for ore St year. S Oar Exhibit o! HOWARD WAT CIlES J. O. Baxter . THE JEWELER. T Made from pure distilled ; filtered watrt. N&W BBRH ICE co; 19 A-23 Griffith gfc , -Phono 23 . i J..:. I .. , ... - FfeRiver Only: y '.1 !!V YOURS FOR C4aoe IBS IT J vj.'iv ''''"wMsssaMssisssjass I rnrrii eesetnVnsassTeTeaTeMsa vJ. L: McDaniel Broiw 86, Fhono "Don't Take Any. Chances" A wakh Uist Is nv mlnuU rm can b aumerw wsys MUM ym to re Htc times Ux valo of tbe wstrh. Tbe Ixt ll.ii j( In (V) then Is to st dfrvUU WSUrh. W bare tht kind ml riN'LY tHl kirJ Sod prWe Sre. mo-Jeet r.f f.t kind. V. 'J 'Z '1 t " The Piaa TTltk the Sweet Teat 6 Eleven Bargain . V Remember that when we offer -a used, or aocond-hand .piano, : It baa been, thoroughly ' overhauld and put in good condition by out factory-workmen. ,.,,-, . Yoa take no riBk, for every pia no ia a bargain, and, if withia three years, yoo wish to exchange for" ;T new ST1EFF or SHAW piano, we will allow you the full price -paid for one of these in- struments In part payment for the new piano. :,' In addition to the 11 barsraina i below we offer one, HARDMAN squire piano for $60 and a nice Cabinet Organ with mirror, $35. . No. 1. Marshall & Wendell U tight Mahogany case. Splendid condition, andagoodbargain-$175. 0 Na 2. Radle Piano. Large size, mahogany Upright; well worth $250, $200. No. 3. Weber Upright Rose wood case New strings; refit ted, and a great bargain at-$16p. 1 No. 4. Wbeelock Upright Ma hogany case. Traded in on a Player-piano, and can harldy be told from a new one. Only-$250 No. 5. Emerson Upright, Eb onized case. Only 61 octaves but in splendid condition, and a gen uine.bargain for a beginner. Only $110. No. 6. Knobe Upright WamuJ; case. Traded in on Player-piano. Been used very little, and is in first class condition, $275. No. 7 Steiff Upright Rosewood case Rebuilt throughout, and good as new, $275. . No. 8. Stieff Upright. Eboniz- ed case. Has been used only for' concert purpose, and is as good as new, $300. - No. 9. Stieff Player Piano. Beautiful Mahogany case. ' Been' used only for demonstrating, and is as good as new. Only $650. No. 10. Knab Square Rosewood case. New strings: Case refin ished, ' $76.- GHAS I STIEFF L. C. STEELE, Mgr. IK flraaby Street. Norfolk. r. (Mention this paper.) OIBclat Plane Jasaestowa. Kxpo. WE HAVE 01 HAND Lumber rough and dress ed, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Partition etc. Laths and Shingles; and can serve the LOCAL demands PROMPT- 'LYandat competative pri ces. It costs you nothing to ask us for a carpenter. i 10L501I LUMBER 8 r.lAJIFG. CO. Phone 430 129 E, Front St. Print; Butter t fSc; vlb. CASH ONLY, .V fil ' SPEAKS:- ii To aay it is good is only putting ; comes through its delightful flavor ; WTPd KNOW IT. - Ham aJ;A Z i Cup" H. G. ARMSTRONG lmM. : - Middle St. . New Bern, N. C. I sHs(SEsmSsb1 ; Real estate values are enhancing steadily. If you are wise you will buy now before the flood-tide of high prices. Am offering the entire holdings of Mr. Howe, situated 81 to 87 jCrayen St, 23 Broad St.,- and 50 to 50 Griffith St., also tlesira ble'dwelling on large corner lot, Avenue A. Riverside, all being jgooa values. j Also execute notorial papers, Surety Bonds and issue insur jance covering fire, accidents, sickness, plate-glass, boilers, fly wneeis, Dank and personal burglary, live-stock, etc. Remeiulwr that satisfaction is guaranteed absolutely in all transactions through this agency. W. Q. ! EAL ESTATE INSURANCE I Rooms 321-322 .Elks Building "Two Old i ii ii iiii ii'in'tnirnMiitf iiijmimi ,;;;; , , t' - . "-.1 ,M ' ... , -. . . f , Polk Miller - - "Col" Tom Book AND "Old South Quartette" New Masonic Opera House Tues. Feb. 22nd. Reserved Seats for 75 cents la 1-v ALL SIZES, ALL SCREENED AND ALL WEIGHT GUARANTEED HOLLISTER & COX Foot Craven St. Phone No. 34 HENRY'S Piicriptiofti. Actbritely ind Quickly Filled from all pdani.,H " " UUo full tine of Choke Toilet articles. ; Dn.H. V. GARTER l2, 3,l::h:i M -nriui'T-. Pharmacy EOR ITSELF it mildly. Its best introduction and very pleasing aroma. TO USE 24c. Coffee 20c. BOYD INVESTMENTS Telephone 400 Confederates" er THE BEST "It gives the heat ' It's hard to beat" e. Enamel See display af Sanitary White Enamel Ware. Bed-Jars Doc- the SurllUers, UoHnala, Spit FoonUln Syringe and Cham ois klne Prtce and good arsf right Call and tiamln. them. " ' f r..-. eeeeBj V f '. -4 KEWBEIt3ri-2f.:ax; For Kent' Sanitary Duffy Yofk f r, .. v r I i r; 'If ' c

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