i PAPER WITH I CIRCULATION f; -ESTABLISHED IN 1878 i A V - y. - & Jk -.- I - - - A. - -- .. . -111 III hi i. I Jl I 11 A 1 I ; 7 r 4 " i- If 1 11 ! I ... I . I f f ' I I ' - 'it: :tC. .NTIMBEK 269, V- i ' i' NEW BEHN.riORTB CAROLINA. SFN DAT MORJ.IXQ. rEBRnAUY. I li 1910. Constant Attention To the Requirments of Its Depositors OFFICERS: Jw. B. tMm, Tvmitmt Wa. B. BMm, ViN Prwidant. T. A. Qnm Vie Prwidwt Om B. WUMW Ouhisr. J. W. Btewart, DIRECTORS: T. D. Wcrran. BichartN. Duffy. C V. Miifv. Jum RHmnnd. L. H. CutWr. Jr. B. B Hunt. 1. B. Blades, C. K. Fr, L. L 1mm J. a BMaifht. Wm. B. Blades, J. JT. W&ndo, T. A. QrMn. . ft Umtom. is a notable feature of this bank's service, and is, in a large ' measure, responsible for its high standing among New Bern's financial institutions. e invite you to acquaint us with YOUR banking needs, assuring you of our willingness -to meet every legitimate de mand. 4g$& "The Aeconnts of Women Especially Invited m ...iiauygi? 6 EASTER SEASON IS FAST APPROACHING Woman's Thoughts Naturally Are Turned in That Direction We are prepared to serve you both in Style, Quality and Price. Our buyer has been in the New York market for the past 10 days and we are receiving new goods daily. , Every department in our house will maintain the low price, no ad vance in anything. F; AT DOVER Handkerchief Linen, 27 inches wide, in Blue, Pink and White Polkadots, at White Flax on Linen, 36 inches wide, at 15, Japanika Silk, all shades 27 inches wide, Faulord Silk, 27 inches wide, Debutante Silk, 27 inches wide, 15c. 25e. 25s. 4()c. 50c. J. M. Mitchell & Co. 61 Pollock St. ' Phone 'bS COMING DOWN TO HARD FACTS it may as well be tdmitttd that there s little difference in the price of this, that or. the other coal-par ton on carorca t. There's a lot of difference in t ie i moint of com bustible matt r ho tnuch goes up the chimney i i m:oki or in the atihpan an clin'it-r, when you burn some coals! Tha'V why wo are presistent in the ITort to getyou to buy the right kind of coal. EII13 Coal and Wood Yard Phone 47 Union Point. eeeeeeeeeeee : FOR SALE Double McCaskey's Cash Register Cost When New - - - - $55 Good as New, now - - - - $45 Delivers PowerfuL Address. Mauy People Present Special Correspondence. Dover, Feb. U Mr. E. C. BrooVi, of Trinity College delivered an address here yesterday envening at eight o'clock in Richardson's hall to a large and ap preciative audienca composed of the students of the Dover State high cchool and citizens of Dover. From' the very first moment Mr. Brooks captivated his audience. His subj ct was, "hy We Educate or the Purpose of Educa tion". He discuucd briefly the educa tion of centuries ago and the criticisms then as compared o the education of today and its criticisms now. He show ed the tendencies of all lines of all elucation.il w r)r of the pre sent day toward the praci:al side of life, and how attention is being direct ed toward commerce and especially agriculture. He said that every old pine stands to-Jay as a living, monu ment of our forefathers' incompetency to use aright what God has given them; that we no longer have text book in the personage of incompetent teachers whir were such firms believers in the three "R's" as we had during the gold en age of carpet-baggers and Recon struction Days, but that today we have educated men, men trained in their work and "they don't teach as they used to"; that we no longer havi in our antiemetics such words as ' tret", "tare and "cloth", but instead we have problems dealing wiih and pertaining to the commerce of to-day; that man have ceased to prohibit their fe lowman from preaching in the litt'e school house and characterizing him as "a teacher of false doc'rines" just because he does not weir the cloik of their special and narrow creed, but instead we have become more cism ipolitan. Mr. Brooks spoke forty five minutes and, when he had fiiwhel, sever.il audibly remarked, "why did he stop?' He left here on thti ear.y trun this morning for Morchnad whjre he will deliver an aldress to the pople and school of that town to-night. Tomorro w in New Berne, he will sp?ak to the teachers of Craven Co. in the au iitori um of the New Bern high school after which luncheon will ba served in the kitchen of the schools' domestic depart ment by a class of the tenth grada girls Dover boasts of having the only first grade State hih school in the country and its Principal is Z. A. Rochetle, a "Naughty-Sx" mm of Triniry. Mr. Rochelle recently at' ended a meeting of the principals and superintendents of the southeastern counties of the State which met in Gdldaboro last Fri day ard Saturday An association of the high school princi.ials as formed and Mr. Rochelle was elected Presa Correspondent. He is also Vice-Presi dent of the Craven Coui.ty T'achers Association. I ILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS jPAZO OINTME VT ii guaranteed to : cure any case of Itching, Blind, hleed jing or' Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days , or money refunded. 50c. JESSffllp HKLKDIE THE TEACHERS' ASSQGAIIQN Httirs ! Organ Recital at the Christian Church 1 1 Tomorrow Night. STORE j Mr, A E Muilberger, organist Di- lefre, Wilson, 2 j Miss Bessie Hawk, ioprsno. Wtiata Surprise It Is to some that yoq can get a genuine , STORM DUfKJY, we ' are ptonm builder of any peri.tl rig that 70a cannot get with-' out a big price, we r Oil Lowest ta jmee. Try 1 G. S.sfyaters &;S6ns. I I Mrs H. P. Willis. lto. I Mr. C. T. Pumphrey, tenor. I Mr. J. Leon Williams, reader. New Bent Choral C!ub, CenUnsry M. E. Q'itrUtU. I Organ fntroduciion 10 third act and wedding music-Wagner (from ' Sobeogrtn ) ! I Dust-God is Love-Marka-rUleo , Hawk and Mr. Willis i Organ- () Ontllme NupstUle Debora (b) Angel's Serenad Braga 1 (c) Selected. 4. Qaarlette -The 8ivlour Call--Arr by Fintey Lyon. ' & Reading- The Soul of the Vlol n J. Lon Williame. - ;Rolo-8Ucted-a T. Pemrhrey. 7. Organ -Offertoire de Bw Cesella Dslhte. 1 8. Choroa-Fraiee the Lord Caleb Simper. .":'; Organ- raatorale-AshinaQ. . . .'! i-". ! -2 ft A1 TREMENDOUS BIG STOCK IN FACT TWO BIG STOCKS COMBINED IN ONE , 1 bav iov4 my Kineto branch atore here, end have snort goda' en band now than ever,, and to get lil of esme, vUl of course cut prion frit every thing Tbete la m m4 hejmer la front of ray store, a 1 m not try-. hMT to atlmolsu hoeione by My fake tale. Yet can tare from SO to M p?r cent oe af ankle rwa bey at my ttore. It will payo to boyyoar' Dent erlntor Salt or 0eret fxrw at the prVt we will eU at I moat lt H4 of my twotcwdoee stooh fn a short time to make room' for my fljrtnf t4 Summer mA will tell t atriui ftny -pric Come n4 prko oor frode sad he btmvlnod. Toon to er, 63 M t iddi Sam Lipprrian. Btrrrt William' ledM Pde Otnlmettt enH tan Bllaf. Bleeding and Itching Pllee, It absorb the tumor, allay tubing at onoe, acta a a pealOe, girt untaat relief. Willis' India Pile Ointment te prepered foe rile ind Itchmg of the privet pert, - So by drogiUt, mall 50c end 11.00. Winiamt' MTf. Cw Prop, Cleveland, O, j ' - ' Found Guilty of Burglary In The First Degree.' .Will fie Electrocuted April ' the 29th As on the previous day, tha court roonj wa pacced yesterday .morning with apeetitor who were eager , to hear every word bf the (rial of Jesse White bead who was on trial for bit Uf for burglary in the first degree, and dee- j pite the fact that, the crowl Was im mense every word of the evidence could be distinctly heard in any part of the vast court room. After the jury had been brought in from the hotel where they had spent the Drevious night, Mr. Leon Williams awteind kfttt,o'ftt9ftt defendant, made a powerful "abpeal to the jury for the man'a lifeV.At the close of his eloquent speech there waa hardly a dry eye in the room. ,- . At the conclusion of MrtTWilJiama'. brilliant appeal Judge Peebles began; his charge to the jury. In ' hilt Wiarge he was biief, hut covered :efl. points in the testimony of the witnesses and the law which covert the criroa by which the jury was guided in rendering their decision. At the conclusion of the Judge's charge the jury filed into their room to decide upon the case. After being out about an hour and ten minutes the jiry filed lit and rend ered their decision which was; that the prisoner was guilty of burglary io the first degree. - At this juncture every person in the court room was motionless, and a pin could have been heard to drop. Tne prisoner, who had sac in tne prisoner's box all through the morning in an ap parent state of seml-coniciousness evineed no exc'teraent at the verdict. but kept his eyes turned toward the flsor. Alter ordering the prisoner to stand up, the Judge, in a very solemn maimer passed the sentence upon him, which ordered him to b; electricuted at the State's prson in Reigh, N. C , on the 29th of April next. Even as the a fql sentence, which meant the rushing ot his soul into eternity was passed, he showed no signs of anxiety or car, about hi 1 fate, and there waa much comment about the powerful nerve and indifferenee he displayed. From the outaet of the trial, and even at the prelim nary trial before the May or it Wis seen that tnere was n chine j for the man who has been committing hh depredations in this city for the past twelvA months, to escape Uh elec trie chair or a life sentence in the pen itentiary. Ttie counsel for the defense made a motion for a new trial but thu was re fusel by the court. It is undarstood that an appeal for a new trial will be made to tht Sdprom Court. port f lh Grand Jury. Th following report in ubtanc rendered by the Grand Jury y eater ! day afternoon. "During the week we were presnti with 79 bill of indictment, of the 60 were found to be true VTJls and 19 not true. There was one rase carried over and two presentments made. A com mitt was appointed to vtult the coun ty home and jail, and a number of rec ommendations were made at each place, one being, that a bath room forkh us of th inmate be installed at the coun ty home. " On their visit to the j tilt he eomm't tee conversed with the prisoner and each on expressed themselves aa being thorough 'y satisfied with the treatment they were reed las; and that they had no complaint to mak, It was recommended' thi a new vault be added to the ooe now U the Clerk's office, as that on had become so crowd ed with maadieript and txoks- that It waa no longW 'evoJeot to' thoM la cnarge. . .;. It wu also rseomomded that a vault be placed la the sheriffs offlae la which hecooldkeew his hooks and talutble paper from possible io by ore, C. L. STEVENS, - . ' Foreman. At tbe-eompletlosi of their 'seeslon. which has been ea 'aooeaaDy looreoe, the Grand Jary was eocnpUsaeated by the court for the efflnient sasaaer to which they handled their wtus. v( Charles Pate, Leon DaU and LmU Evans, the young white men who. lev eral atoatns ago eatered the Boother Expreai Company' em at Dover and stole several atlcUe, were found fufltyl Of the offess and senteoeed to tM county jail tor a tore of IS Months' They hare sprat three months ta Jill already, and only nine month recnaia of thai sentence. State rt Joe Cradle for euU with deadly weapon, he we found guilty ant TWRNTY TirrjiiTHaiiiP' EIGHTH YKAlt Met Yesterday Morning In Griffin! Memorial Hull. Large Nurn ber Present. The Craven County Teacher' Assort-! tlon which meet each month held their monthly meeting yesterday morning in the Griffin Memorial Hull with about 60 members present At Jhe beginning of the meeting short talk on the discipline of scholars in tbe school room and several instances of practial experience were given by s veral of the teachers. It was finally decided by the members that rather than let a pupil terrorize the teacher an I run the discipline of the school the sehoal would be closed up and t hat locality be without any means of having its children educated. At this junction Mr. S. M. Krinson in a few well timed and appropriate re marks introduced the speaker nt th: day. Prof. E C. Brooks of Durham N. C In the opening of his remarks Prof. Brooks, Who is an eltquint speaker assured hta audience tint he was sc quanted with the majority of them ami was delighted to be able to be with them. His subject, "The Recitation" was well delivered and many points that Interested the lar?e body were discuss ed ard analyzed. At the conclusion of his address the Domestic Science Department served lunch to the members which was veiy much enjoyed by all. Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds, just received at Davis' Pharmacy. Notics to Republicans. New Bern N. ('. Feb. Uth 191(1 To the Republican precinct committee of Craven county. ' Your earnest attention U called to the letter of Chairman Adams publish ei beluW. This is a matter of great importance and if every member of the committee will exercise himself in preparing the voters of his precinct for the coming contest and every voter consider the success of hid party in the state paramount above all other consi ducthns North Carolina will have miv than three representives in the next Congress. ROBERT HANCOCK Chm'n Craven County Republican Kx. Com. The Peoples Bank NEW BERN. N.C. O, PAID ON O SAVINGS STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE 4 Modern Banking Service : 1 . When you go to .your bank for btihihes purposes you want to be waited upon promptly. ' Quick service i our watchword. We are thorough! equipped to re ceive deposits, answer ioquiries in regard to individual balances and other questions with dispatch and accu racy. Both checking and savings accounts are cordial ly invited. WM DUNN PR EST. CD.BRADHAM VICE P Pi EST. TA.UZZELL CASHIER Hew dselgj We are Receiving Daily Our Spring Stock Of Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, White Goods etc. We bought our stock before the advance and will give our customers the benefit of it as long as they last. m I J. J. BAXTER Elks Temple Department Store Greensboro, N. C, Ke'). 8, 1910. Robert Hancock Chairmin of the Rupublican Committee (f Coun y coun - My dear sir: as the time is appoach ing for another election, I fe 1 it prop er to call your attention to the great importance of having the fact general ly advertised in your county -that r n one who is liable to the payment of pull tat can vote in the coming lection, unless he pays his poll tax for the yen-, on or before the first day of May nex-. I bop you will see that our people at tend to this at once. 1 I would suggest that you call thii fact to the attention of your precinct and township- committee' at once. There is no time for delay, : The great gains the party made in the laat election, increasing our vote from 79,017 to 114,834, and the election of three Republican Congressmen, with the steady decrease in the Democratic! vote aioce the adoption of the consitu- j tiooal amendment, clearly demonstrates . that thl State" will soon be in the lie-. publican col im, If we will only do our duty. This fact should stimulate vr y Republican In the atate to see 1 h it he prepare himself U vote In the coming lection. I !t. m Imprest upon you the groat' importance of looking after (his pill tax matter atone, and I, would ap preciate It if you Wtol I let me km how yoo get along to the matter. With best wlshe and kind regards, I am, 8lncrely yourr, SPENCER ft. ADAMS, Chairman COMMUNITY UPBUILDING A community advances in proportion to the effort put forth by its citizenship. Every citizen may assjs hi developing New Bern. The business man could do so by joining the CHAM BER OF COMMERCE, attend its meetings and divide time between his business and his COMMUNllTS WEL FARE The citizens generally could do so by TRADING at HOME instead of sending the money' tbey make at New Bern to other parts of the country. Letf. co-operate, advance, progress and grow. New Bern Chamber of Commerce All TfalntOn Time All The - V:" TIeM--"-"v;" - Th jsMnftr tralpe of the N. 4 8. Py., erpili'p'd with modem eoacWo of !h latest Ar'gn, r nitrated punct For Rtnt Bight commodious upper room, fine ly adapted for either reeidence.or ofDc purpose, or for a eomblAatlon of the 1ft.' If8 SO ReskUoc, Also snolhsr small rUne.' 'CANOipAtFOR'-CpUr a mm; w$ We have a very, aelect line of suiting and pants patterns. Also several faricy'vest patterns. CALL AND S&rTffEfc EM. Chadwick,' Merchant-Tailor t e ,r4 - TREASURER i . sentenced te a term of I jnooth oa the' fjjnty. county roa-J. pocs ffilnt t il to r;;r:rr-"t? To 1it DfnooriUfl Voteri of Crtwn Docs U;Jf iC: cl.'n'ry frc no . rt ra r . u. r. a. 1 . 1 r : 1 1 vrvr r-'.xrr. E ! r . : reopertfully announce that 1 shall b csrvliilate for re-ohwUrrfi for the' o!TV r.f Tn-aurer of Crvn , Cottnty, u!jftt to the action of the Democratic primary when held; I promlee If re- t"l tn a fonrid at my om-'e in the f n r-'.;rfy ro'irt holla. willinaT to s r-r j 1 fitl, fully In the future a 1 1 In t' r ant ' r.rej'-fi!fy. look vAftfccYo ir 1 jli ,-,tf - T- . W ' and bad places now before the'ipfing raint come. We sell ROOFINO'thit is Etiifanteed'. it'lasU a loniT. tirnS, is easily put on, no more leai t wTieh yoii use H. " The cosvUveryteccrate.rc vIymaeaP all shades.'- Let us have youV,orriic JriU be Co. profriptly delivered. ' Gaskill He: .Mi.Mlo Flrrrf I ! i 1 IT 1 1 I ually on tim tn a dreto nti j cJvti ar-y oUr line.