Y r - - - iT -J paper vvrrn?' f dUCUIATlON ' .'--''..;, it .V, Y ' ,i y41: ESTABLISHED' CI ; ;U JTWRNTY j EIGUTB YEAR i rr i Constant: Attention 1 To the Requirements of-Its'. Depositors ' OFFICERS: Ju. B. BUdM. PiwUmtk . Wo. & Biata. VS f)tktaBt T. A. Gnw. Vj towWaot W f ' DIRECTORS: J. W. Stewart. T. D. Varnn, Richard N. DSy. & V. Muncw. Jim Radmoc4. L. H. Cutler. Jr. B. B Hunt. 1. B. Bladw. C E. For. U L Hoar J. S. Bunteht Wp. a BUda. J. S. WoUBd T. A. Htma. is notable feature of- this bank's service, and is, in a large " measure,- responsible for its high standing among New Bern's financial institutions. We invite you to acquaint us with YOUR banking needs, assuring you of oar willingness to meet every legitimate de mand. , wrijie Ascognta of Women Especially Invited 3d' I NJ ,i t i asanas 4 '- I OUR FORESIGHT YOUR OPPORTUNITY We anticipated the recent sharp advances in practically all lines, by early purchases. Our stocks are now complete- Filled to overflowing with Merchandise, you must come it you are to share in the prosperity of 1910. Here are 3 Best Values we ever had the pleasure to offer you. 32 Inch Modras 15c. Values for 10c. 32 " Tussor Pongee 25c. " " 15c. 32 " Congo Cloth, all colors. Keep your eye on Congo Clooh it takes the place of Ragher Silk and the price is only 25c. J. M. Mitchell & Co. 61 Pollock St. Phone 288 COMING DOWN TO HARD FACTS it may as well be admitted that there s littledifference m the price of this, that or the other coal-per ton on car or cart -There's a lotof difference in the amount of com bustible matter so much goes up the chimney jn smoke, or in the ashpan as clinker, when you burn some coaln! That's why we are presistent in the effort to get you to buy the right kind of coal. Ellis Coal and Wood Yard Phone 47 Union Point Judge Manning Is Forging Ahead la The Bace For the Komi-, nation. ' Durham, Sun: At the next election there will be elected three judges of the Supreme Court the successors of Chief Justice Clark and Judges Walker and Man ning. That Chief J us tic Clark and Judge Walker will be each nominated Ua open jiy ship conducted by.th pastor,- Est. j. N, gummeral D. D.( mt 11 a. m. and 1 JO p,'m, 't v-v-:' ' Sabbath school and BibU, Class 4 p. nK Public cordially invited; y -t. . J First Church of Christ, Scientist Sunday serricssatll a. m. and 7:80 p. ni, , Subject: "Mind" Numbers 16:28 Sunday schoot 12 m. Wednesday evening testimony serv ice at 7:80 o'clock. - , Reading Room, which is in the church ;at;iee cebees-- READ I The Down Homer f A Magaxine of healthy heresy, by s Csroll- i nian for Carolinians, and all others. Oa jSsle Here mm STORE 4- V Surprise, if to soinet that you '; v et a' genulof .STORM BUGGY, we ' .tare pioneer builder.. of any special rig that, y"oo eannot get with. rjuta big' price, j wis . j ynrm.-' iry us. without opposition by the Democratic Slate Convention seems to be 'gener ally conceded. Both these gentlemen have demonstrated their fitness for. the Supreme' Court Bench and they deserve the unopposed nomination of the party. . The nommalion of Judge Manning to succeed., himself is alon.e Contested; the gentleman who is mak ing this contest is Judge W. R. Allen, of Goldsbpro - Upon what ground is this contest made? The letters sent our by the committee in charge of Judge Allen's campaign place his contest upon the ground that he has discharged well the duties of Judge' of the Superior Ciurt for about eight years and in this position render ed splendid service to the people of the State We have no desire and no purpose to detract one particle from this fine service. But is thu alone sufficient? There are other Judges upon our Super ior Court Bench whose legal ability is generally r -cognized as equal to Judge Allen's and whose service on the Bench has been large. If splendid service on the Superior Court Beach and length of service furnish the reason for pro motion, then there are some Superior Court Judges who outrank Judge Allen in length of service and who equal him in ability. But why should Judge Manning alone, of three members of the Court to be nominated, be denied a nomination? Judge Manning was appointed by Gov ernor Kitchen to fill the vacancy caus ed by Judge Connor's resignation: some one had to be appointed of course, and the Governor is vested by law i;h the appointing power. Judge Allen'B name was presorted to the Governor; so was Judge Manning's, so were the names of other able law yers in the State. Governor Kitchen had to decide, and he appointed Judge Manning. The concensus of the State press comments at the time of the ap pointment was tPat the Governor had made no miBtake. Judge Manning's work as a member of the Supreme Court has confirmed thU opinl n (of the press) and the wisdom of the Governor in the appointment Governor Kitchen, of course, knew Judge Manning well, not only as a lawyer, but as a man and a Democrat. So far as we can bear, the lawyers of the State speak in terms of high praise of Judge Manning's opinions as a Judge ot our supreme Court We accept their judgment upon that point. Appointed by s Democratic Governor and having '-made good" oo the Sup reme Court Bench," Judge M inning is entitled to the nomination of our party, wcordiog to its unbroken custom and precedent. The endorsement of the Governor's appointed by nomination hs, as we recall, been jrefjued a very; lew iiraee vnree . uaiea oj uiau ici Conventions,; bu never)-, as we recall, by" a Stale Convention, - , Had Judge, Connor' remained on our Superior Court Bench, the .friends of Judge Allen wouldT not be running him against JudgConnort Vwbfc then, are the t trying to detest. Judge Matfrnug, who every learned lawyer ia the- State eoneedea. is filling iths. position with great ability and fidelity Undyc tbl circumstances tne Jnwrencs tost uiere is purpose t rebuke' tne Governor is so natural that those who prepared he letters sent put froia Judge Allen's headquarters Jn hW bhlf .eowld not overtook It,' but H writing to the known friend 'of the administration slate they art not fighting the Governor. or hU sdmlolstratioa, sllatiajh thty sussa. ing that the Governor ' m't Important appoiotmenr; one Of the most Important ecu of bis syLnlnstraltoa UTepudisted. U-Jodire Manblnt' . frlod tare not All are cordially welcomed. The First Baptist Church Services morning and evening by tne pastor, Rev. C. h. Greaves. Morning topic "Fishers of Men." Evening topic "Keep Thy Heart with all Dilligegce." Men's prayer meeting at 10 a. m. Sunday School at .8 o'clock jn the if- ternoon, S. JL Prinson Superintendent. You are cordially invited to attend all these services. ' Hancock St. Christian Church. ' Communion service at 11 o'clock. The Mission Band meets at 2 o'clock and the Sunday school at 3. At 7:30 p. m. there will be a service in the interest of the Christian Woman's Board of Miss ions conducted by Mrs. Ida Ellis. All are invited to attend these services. Miss Grace Hunger Entertains Miss Harriett Dill Gives Birth day Pafty to Young Friends. One, of the most delightful social events Of the season jn the younger set was tne Dirttway party t riday evening from 8 until 11 o'clock by Miss GraCe Munger to about thirty of her young friends in honor of her 14th birthday at her home. 173 Middle street. The large drawing room was artistically decorated, the color scheme being car ried out in pink and white. Daring the evening refreshments were served the guests by Misses Nettif Rawlins and Louise, Jones. AH of the guests voted the young noatsss a charming entertainer and wished her many other hippy birth days. Does Paint add to appearance? Does Lead and Oilmixed by ma chinery preserve wood? Then use B. P. S. Paint and yes will be your answer. Bawiight Hdw. Co. Death Mrs Eliza Borden On Thursday morning Feb. 17th. at her home in Beaufort, N. C. Mrs Eliza Borden, departed this life. The funeral services were held Friday at the Bap tist Church. Mrs Borden was the wi low of the late B. P. Borden, and was 71 years old, Three sons and one daughter mourn their 1ms,- W B Borden Surgeon U. S. A. Fort Bayard, N. M. Dr. John B. Borden, U- S. Inspector steam vessels, Charleston, S C. Dr. A. J, Borden, druggist Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Burkhead, Norfolk, Va. IIIIHEfflLM OF SOCIETY Last Thursday afternoon from four until "six o'clock Miss Harriett Dill Green entertained a large number oi her little, friends at the home of her grand parents, Mr and Mrs. T. A Green on the corner of Hancock and Pollock streets. The occr.sion marked the (Hh milestone in the life of the little host ess who was made very happy by the giving of her first party. These little pleasure seekers played the games so dear to n child's heart for an h mror two, after which delightful refresh ments were served to them. Tha ele gant drawing roonf was a s.-em thai was enough to make the hpart of am child thrill with anticipated plea : i- m tastefully decorated from ewy cr-v ice, peeped delicate waving ferm :nid cornatijns,. carrying out cii'ei'tivlv Hi -color scheme of green and whit--. All of the little gut-W i- ir -. I themselves ns having 3ent a d li'h' ful and pleasant afternoon ami wh.ic I their little hostess many oilur liap jy birthdays. ' , :-; -:i ! iwv;s.z'-i, BERN. At T new; O. PAID ON o SAVINGS N.C. ' ' - STRONG trooRTccHrs - PROGRCSSIVC BUSINESS MEN Buaiuess appreciate a bank which manKests in its management the same acuraen as is shown in conduct ing an up-to-date merxantile houhe. - That is just ,the principle on which this1 bank is inanaf ed Promptness, efficiency and courtes j are prirne requisites in out see vice. Open an account with this bank ad receive the benefits of our service. ' WM DUNN PREST; C.D.BRADHAM VICE pcst - : TA.UZZLt 1 x 5 ' I Slew ileli . PILES! PILES ! PILES ! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching I'ilen It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant, relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles md itching of the private parts, Sole by druggists, mail 50c and $1.00. Williams' M'f'g. Co., Props., Cleveland, O. PILES CURED l 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c. Willard Musical Service Wlllard memorial service wUl be he Id at Centenary M. EV, Church this after noon at 4 o'clock.- Every body is cor dially invited to attend. PUUGKAM. Hyman ''Peace, perfect" Psalm 47 Hymen-"Lead. Kindly Light" Prayer. Hyma-"Christ fo the World." :AddrfeyJUyR;L, Davis. . Offering to : jWertoriat . Organizing fund.-. " . ; . .v-V QiarUtte-'Ooe Sir set Solemn ThoajthUf'" 'YY' Hyms-" Abide with me. " Benediction:, - ; ' Se os foe rKmburgh Perfect" field and jtrdea feadng. J.- S. flasnight lid. Co. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY .TREASURER Te the Democratie Voters of Craven t Coantvr r ItepMtfMrry announce' that' I shall be a candidate for re-election for the office. -of Trtasuref of. Craven County, subject o the action of the Democratic , primary when, held; I promise If r- t asking Ms nemlnation' merely because elected to be found at my office . m the the Governor appointed him. 'He Is hl Craven county court house, willing to poneot's equal u evert rPet In Wsralglav ability, Jn expelenao, la temperament, tn - Dsmorrcay, 're rKrctr. iris ambltioa for the Bu prrme Bench is as laudable sod as well Yes Buck Stoves and Ranges can be had at Basnight Hdw. Co. Southern to Advertise Black Maun tain Hotels We are Receiving Daily Our Spring: Stock . Of Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, j Notions, White Goods etc. We bought our stock before the advance and will give our customers the benefit of it as long as they last. j. j. Elks Temple BAXTER iTT, ?Pr? Special to Charlotte Observer. ' Black MounUin, Feb. 18. -The Smi h- ern Railway is preparing to give Klack Mountain a generous amount of adver-. tising this summer. It has asked for photographs of nil the hotels and board ing bouses, which together with print ed matter of a descriptive nature, will be put into attractive forji and Iven a wide distribution. Bronchial Tubes All Stuffed Up COMMUNITY UPBUILDING A community advances in proportion to the effort put forth by its citizenship. Every citizen may assist in developing New' Bern. The business man could (kMobyjoininfcbtJCHAM BER OF COMMERCE, attend it? meeting and. divide time between bis business and bJfc'COMMUNTTY'S iWEL FARE. 1 ' The citizens generally could do m by TRADING at HOME instead of sending the monej tbey mike W New Bern to other parts of the countrj. Lets co-operate, adTMCfl, prpgrtts 'tod TOW. New Bern Chamber of Commerce (1 Art TREMENDOUS " BIG STOCK IN FACT TWO BIG STOCKS COMCINFD IN ONE . I hsv mdvd lef K'nuton branth store hre, and haw mors goods ea hand.rxTW thsa evf. ifvj to gt rid of sama, U of eourse tnt pric on erryUiin There le no red banner lb front ef my store, as I sm not try" tug to stimulate burn by any fake sale. can ssva t mm 20 to B0 pr cent on any artkl- yon btry at my store. It will pay you to buy your tett wmter Suit w CHrewst now t the prWe w will soil st- 1 must g t rid af aiy trwt4ndoas stock to a short time to make room for my ffprlng and Summi Goods and wiU soH st almost srty frUs Come and prire ont gvU i4 be rmivind- Vi to orv. serve you as faithfully jn the future as I Bv in the past- wtv- . .', ' " Kespectfully, ? . , freeman S. Emgl. "WhUe a resident of Washington. I. C, I suffered continually and intensely , with a bronchial trouble that wait sim- dIv terrible to endure. I would have . I pells that 1 could hardly breath,, 1 1 woald choke up, fill ap my throat and bronchial tabes, sod the docinHng that I did and the remedies used were of no ', benefit to me whatever., I heard- uKut Booth's ByomW being so ben-lioil in , catarrhal " and- bronchial afftctions and,' srocured an outfit 1 received relief from the first by Its um, I continued with it and received a cure. 1 1 is about j two years sine t have stiff rd at all. from my former trouble.- M'. K. u i a Psonell, 404 N. Augusta 8trot..8Nu- . . w. L nff I mm . vm, va. mmrya. u, j Hjomel H guaranteed by Brmllnmi tint Co. to cure csUrrK- croup. Iron ebitis- eoughs,; aitd-sote uroaiitj We hare i comDJctti .icfectJoif of Sofiof and Summer "rZnZ-J Patterns lor SoitvTV miak WiWejw.to UlgaVIW) DIl.(Vh WK " ' 1 1 VSI1 U4IU IOOtH.il llll IIILW-tUtC LTU J "Hk gists every where, - T ioelurim s hat J rubber (KKket Inhabf and bt.Oxsat My ontei; exua bott'ei Hy omei cv ilat., SPRINGi"SUMrIER' hit opponent a ' lie was eslled from an sHive prsetke to wear Jiidiclal honors whlki his oppnrWtfil was enjoying iixm, lie was nonoreo wiut- out hurting pte.eppnnMit. Iht oppopent la sacking n 'binnr whicn will nci urily hurt htm, snd sMo bu't tM sd 1 mUiirrtr.nand this, too,.whhfiUi hoping the JmowatU; party. W u bruit to Ibmifhtful rrvon that Ju!? Manning, or U rvlnike to th Gover nor, whkb J"dge Minning's dft would necerlly involvr, Msny'mpn i (the emhitl.m to aioin the Fuptm ! porwh, but firofrr thf ht n. V- Application for Pardon . - I,.-. : , . J ,. " . . Jessie wliitehcsd, convkted oi burf- i-lary In the (rt dpgrr at the last torra ot tiphor tonn la wis city wui sp pr to the CrtvnK)f for roremoUUoo of nls snUnc. v - t. I.r.OM WILUAH3, . " W. D. McIVER. aNbn)ArE for ounW): TREASURER. 4 ftM; ChitJwlcki-Mqrctiant.Tailor ! m ii ' ii ii ii i ii nt in iiiii ; . i. ii ' B To th rMwcraUC Voters of CraVim' Counrys i iHARDW&RESJSM I ' ' Y " ' ' - . v - '' '.-"' '"-.- '"'Wh'pn vfrti think 'a buvinir HafdwaTt)rCtiililfi'?'' 1 i - . ' t Material you will naturally want l3"co .v.l.,..:V"..da. have your ordcra filled with accuracy ci C. ; t -Jtu. ami where you can get the bc-it r'w.cC We carry' a fornplcts ttock arid will t3ke r'ur jvL:. I".. youf orders, ar.d will make price- ir,,:::.'.- Jr I,', ; ' : v or call at - -v ............ See u for Girdcn D.iiisht II Jw. Co. . Fcnc ) hereby mot rrpifiiHy ' annwince , my eaixlldary fr-r Otofneeof Treatrf ; of Crarrr) Coonty uhjct to th will of the lm'crsti pHmary whMri!r isid' primy Is hld. If nomlnstml nod' Wctwl I plptJe1 Wiysrlf ta rawhirt lh o!T,re trt ths sstUfurtiorf ef tbs (wop's to th bt of rr.y s' ili'y. - J i . ' M..f I.' ttj-r tully, I . H. Hnr.t. t j it rT', !ri i Sam Lippman. 'it it nrjr tirr ninn'ii ,t nj . 1 1 A. f t an fr rn r-!l. v. r T i - 7 f T I ' I I It; 2 MWAi F'rt-t J'i an I- o k. t n x -r'- j V r 1 t f s ' f tint t r tit i e