1 ' ,f mw eef.1i m o ii::mit fi::e iZ: S Kew Bern, 3J. C. Feb. 24, 18ia. Few doses regulate the' Kidneys I audio j Backache and Bladder misery, T -' There were-do ikWi oa the loeal apt- iton market yesterday. 'V-'iV; Th fir alarm turned So at bos 55 t 1150 lest night proved to b false. ' ' ' - Jl iOnticf-erder kidneys acfc fine and i There were quite a large number of iXHISIALOTB BU. .vr r- - u . boats to port yesterd. Heed arcanum Hoaieock i mm s. hi ,vv - . . . - . v..v. M.aa -: minerr is re- P" yeeierasy. , no .msjomy WT 1:.: -a. f IW. of carried eargpes of awe pota- aa- Hall, eoroar ,Broa-; ana - ..TTr-Jtaaa;?--- K rv':' ' f treets,J.'CL Smith, ai Cl Karetio;:; The Baraeea ; Class of , Centenary H. tmlta, & ox . , j r" , VZJ " Church wIU hold a .pedal meetly in . - i . - i UMir ciaaa niuniB' sat. isi mwiai w UBkiw acha .iieryonBn. .duzmcsa, dist Chorea tonight atSO a full atuad- laaaaaM lnnamiMi nr iwiiiibb kvhuubi . innflt WO. L JHIGBXS 777.' 1 "j V.t-.i"6 "W vjm : t-1 worn-ont ' leeiuiga uiu . uiuj brotlwaV am Tdooma. - - M f i m . 1 djwaollK te aach a ""fTof iba SUta faaaod throogb the rU H oaT to a waa oVir- Secwtaryj R, a Hill, nnaaoiai;;8 " i- city yeaterday i enroote tp the Xalea wbera they will pend aevcrai .days in hunting -wild game., Governor Kitchin has eatled a special retary. The moment Von uspeet any kjd-Jterm o Craven 3ount Snoerib Court nr. nuaaer. or urinary aisoruer, or ifm. th r rivfl iiim. . .Tha-tprai 1T00DXXK OF ID .1f011in ,1 rheiunatisitt. 'eominB tepn tak- will convtoe'on March Slat with Judjre at K of P. HaH ooraer oi uroao ano . flMmiegg yemedyj with the Ferguson presiding... , l Hancock atreeta, ieml-mtmUily nrtj tkat - here ' ig no other Have - you aeenred your 'number for and Third Weonaeaay v i medioine) tt price,jBade any- the drawing for the 20 diamond ring at tfdock. Vlalttaf Woodmen are wrv. Q Baxter'a Jewelry etdre aext St- d- -- ' , effect so thorough and jroinpt a cWe urday t w If not you should do aoat once ,iit1!ST8 a fifty-cent treatment pi rape's ""y a lew Temaming. IflliaA IV nt ...... , . . . mi. Lost Eve Glaesea J. L. McDaniel Groceriee iFQliKENTll ,i;H.t:.a G3 - Mr, H. W. Slmpaeo apent yesterday in Kinstoo.'i. -f .'.'."i4-:-" ;-. Mr. J"" F, McCabi, of Oriental apent yeajerday in the city. : r , v - . Mra.T. D. Warren is visiting friends and relatives at Trenton.. " ' i r Mr. JPioraer . Barnes, ? of Oriental, anved In the city yesterday. . r. - Mr.O. W. Wallace": of Morehead Ci ty, spent yesterday in the atyv. Mr. Se. H. Meadows Spent yesterday at Kinston, returning home- last night '..Mr.. Ed Wise, of Pamlico, was among the business arrivals in the city yester day.'- ,v v , Dr. and Mrs. Frank Duffy spent yet terdsy at Morehed City attending to some business. . . " v 8 Room dwelling, city ac- comodationa, good location -per month - - - - - 3 Store and living rooms, M 25x60 ft per month - - '.fZM0.., Warehouse, 7,000 sq. ft Met per month - - - . - - - e.w. Wharf, per month - - $30.00 , ASK ME W. S. 1L TAYLOR REAL ESTATR FINANCIAL AGENT St S. Front St. Kew Bern. V.IC Pduretic, which any druggist eanl At the weekly drawing held yester- snpply. 1 day afternoon at the store of Mr. J. J. Tfiin nnnennl nrAnitirnfinn aim H. Baxter. Mrs. AT L. WUlis won (he first reet to the out-of-order kidneys, Prize d M" Mamie Brooks was tV bladder and urinary system, cleaning reciu 01 healing and strengthening these or- One of the most spectacular produut- gans and glands, and Completes the ' "Pust'fc wen seen in' this city tnZ. i-.i:. u i s shown fat the Amuses last high,t " K ll.lo.vl,, flnmrvlimanfoH tliA nnrfnrmiuien. TKnrtii4 nenna dan. active. he&Hhv I . . feMn. MftJM., na nrinnrv nr,nJ St Cyprfah'S ERiSCOpsi ! Church vaa aaaviivssaw uag u Asoaawt wviei( vw(- EGGS FOR HATCHIKG. Single comb Buff Depingtons, one of the best chickens for all purposes ever known. -They are a rich uniform buff colors Splendid winter and summer layers. Execellent broilers , and the most delicious fowl for roasting. - Eggs $1.00 for 13. " Address, MRS. JOHN HUMPHREY, Phone 912. Clarks, N. C, hrnd you feel fine. firmed a class of 31, among them .being Tour physician, pharmacist, bank- Thomas, formerhra oromi, er ox any mercantile agency will teU nent preacher In tiie Methodist Church. lyou that Pape, Thompson & Pape, By special request the '"Stars ami BUSINESS LDC1S : I0TICES a THIS C0LUMI FOB 'a;88 THAB 051 M05TH MC8T PAD) FOB TS APTAJTCBi LOSTTuesday night pair of eye glass es, with cord attached, reward for re turn to Journal office. .JV t A? A f a ' ox waoiMHiu, m a. large ana respon- 8.. m9ot tn6 most apecUcUlar sible medicine concern, thoroughly an(J reaKgtictia pictures ever seen in worthy of your confidence. this city and which was shown at the Accept only rape's Diuretic, Victoria last night will be shown again fifty-cent treatment from any drag I to-night stdte-nywttew in the world. i the New York cotton market yes terday, the following were the opening Thinns Theatrical. '" and closing prices s March, 18.95 13.68 Miss Henrietta Crosman will not May. 14.04 13.84 play "Sham" after this season, as sbel port receipts 6,000 411 U haw nlaw I Will UHTwl UW ll-J. . . lirl! O. i ALL 50 and 60 cent Candies 25c a lb., I Florida Oranges 20, 25 and 30 cents doz. Grapefruit, Fancy Bananas, Cel ery, Grapes and Lemons today at H. E. Royall's. Phone 33. FOR RENT A very desirable resi dence situated at 138 Pollock street, 7 rooms and all modern conveniences. Apply to Chaa. B. Hill, 35 Middle St FOR RENT One 6 room house, cor- and "The Traveling Salesman." ner Metcalf and Pollock streets $12 80 per month.J W Stewart, Mlddfc St I'1" Jrm"-.' fMmimne Special Watch Sale v We are closing out some old models ef WALTHAMS Just '"as good as eve v 'and better than soma of the late ones. ; 7 Call for prices 1 . The DIAMOND wUl be , given ... away next Saturday at if o'clock. J. 0; Baxter . THE JEWELER Ids! Eninli atica illv r; - It wiD payyou to paycaVbj Toryw lt you have- to borrow nioney at ths bank to do ao. The interest on ti money k iBalgnifieant eimparad to your aaving. We ear. prove it to "yotW allow us to do so' wia jroars.r , ;Bt Tub Butter -: Moniirig Cup Coffee 36c. 20c. t H. C. ARMSTRONG ; Phone; 174 , Middle St1 - Kew Benu N. C. I FOR- fl&l&mi INDIGESTION DYSPEPSIA CONSTIPATION HcartbunNajsea, Sour-Stomach, Sick Headache, Mtrvousrmss, andfiestkssness. Thest troubles cure them. It builds up t ha Digest ivt Organs and strengthens the. entire Nerve System-a fine Sttmacn Tonic -it cures. -, . - & F. Campbell, of Emory, Va., says: lcan truly say that CONQUERING has no equal as a' Dyspepsia Remedy. have used many other ( remedies for several years. A friend recom-. mended CQNQUERIHE and have had better health an the time since" I find it not only very valuable forDyspep-" Sia.but for other Stomach Troubles asmll' All users of CONQUERINE praise it. All Druggists 25 SO and . 20., .ioiT . ii -unrh I Home Missions" sent out by the coup. a.o Atwnt Nothlmr." "t women a service wtU be held jn . I il'. -U.I.t: m...t. .1.1. TRY those delicious Pound Cakes and Laura Keteou HaU will play tna " v " buneratKaftr's JST f and a. .ladies are cordially invited too- UUe 1 aeTOUJW uabet Bamson ana Harry wnoran-r y-.- .noth-rTiall dsv in to hare P "P thepouca Court, hot a single case on! S.B Hno?D th cket Wtthe officer, wera kept "The Midnight Son." will go on tour 7"7-K wr-u; after play togthe best part of the year on a oelinquent dog tax payers who In New York. . It will probably have a MM to come across with ther summer run in Chicago. . dog taxes for the year 19ia . The Commuters, which Henry a On account of two of the wirea beeom- Harris Is to produce about the middle cro8Ma near the water works yes of April at Atlanticjaty is by James moretajr the fire alarm - at box hitched up and held in readiness to re- MOUSenOlQ Mini$. I found and ther aid not out WANTED AT ONCE-25 old feather I beds, will pay highest cash price. Mail samplea and address P. 0. B. 77, New Bern. N. C. SYRUP and Molasses 15c qt or 60c per Allow tour eggs to each quart of A visitor to the city yesterday re milk In making cup custards. marked about the absence of vagrants Even a dishcloth may prove expen- i- t-u -ty. Ever since the Mavor i- siva If dirty It may cause typhoid; if Lued orovf which hat practically ""v v I eliminated an traces of this element A spooniw OI oa ami ro a miun " lth. k.. .r f otu. f wi. Kallon-sometning nice, itme nana w.r wu. " .r Lirrancv broucht before the Mavor for any gooua soaaea ur u prTiou r- - Swift's hams. Yellow Onions, nice fresh Potatoes. Lemons and Malaga Grapes at Hudson & Co's. "WHEN spring approaches ants and; roaches from their bols come out gaily slip about" clean watt paint without Injury to It PPn W their, property Buths skips his hat skip when he v., .,k Mn on th. the son will dawa that day on a fcaner takes a bits of tha Common Sanaa Rati landbrUrhtar New Bern. 'T'-- - - .. . ..- r Eaterminator sold by J. C, Whitty " 11 -J I .vtaidaT waa another of tboae Ideal i . iiiiHiiiPiiii null am i " rj, HUh I A S PH nd practically tha whole JUST RECEIVED A kof fine chick- ,"7"nTi mi'm Icity took advaatage of tha excellent wuhlng. Turpentine should be sprayed or Jast a little over four weeks until sprinkled la the haunts of cockroach- Eaator which arrives this aar on March ea. It will often quita destroy Jhe Uliu 0f New Bean pern anu wui T- continue to clean up their premiaea. ct w Y""J. ,r-r; dow.dyedtma aad improving tha ens, turkeys and gaeat, alaa eboloe MMRY . ' ' . wwliUon of tha wither to ge out ana beef, pork and eoontry sausega-A T. "K,v'l ,Tl . .,Joy , thameelveav Those paaslmisui TW.. .' .. r.-r TWV M k-Kre to tb rrouml ho lAhanrV This Space I j Reserved -FOR THE- 1 1 iciiiii I NEV BERN'S BUSINESS I have opened my Job Printing' plant at No. 139 Middle street and am ready to do all kinds of job printing at the lowest prices. New stock, artistic work. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL ORDERS. EJ.Land&Co. 139 Middle St New Bern, N.C. OfJ HARDWARE AND Building Ma terial IPaints, Oils AJsTI3 Varnishes American Field Fence M0STP0PU LAR THEATRE baking ptrwdorv aeda, boturmllk fcndM ... w,,, to JmL, s,ii FOR BENT Two good effiees at 60 P? I tha sincerity of his forecasts. I ; Craven street R A Nana liha wood, loaf lencta ar sawed any . - ..- . . ... w WANTED for cash all kusd. af oEJ SffliSJ..' J-! md' 21 -J. ka.. n.r- thaeaWbratadlcwat N f Vlnoant's a former cltlxaa of thla eityr but whe Old Book Store, KaMghr N. & We a. B WALLACll Lis retard to Me. 1.: .vi7 HLt S " i - T - ' V - aaser r iiswimhi, ivi vtu aaxa auv U foraUh aB of ad bohalf P- - ' Istdk ready to do ah kinds efclomMnrU ti. rwst axA Plumbing Ceaaetorr. .. Mr. Charlotte ilaA mmtU SEED Irish notatoes. brown amte. eJd as fitting, aU, at abort ttotica. 'i . j ,estrdsy morning with aa attack of ' ' v -l - 1 a It fashioned New Orleans moiaaaea, beat) WRITE peraona (Wring to acquire l0' aueeM. . t ; maoe, eeote pwqaarc . i wen navel pomes m pogwum may mm c mat-1 - - ' ' nnilf UlHMi n. of the mtxrtt fel .r M.u. !L. lfrora the least mUtep would re M r r- . - - i - - 1 - rt m ""Ib umK ! i ww n j i. -- i n nwai) vnna iuw, rtew tefreu, teaLrai rarK Lawa Urewa8ML Far up above the street at a belghj Made from pure distilled . filtered watftr, NEWS; BERN ICE. '3 19 21-23 Orlffl th St U Thone 23 f. W. lew bera, I. C Sanitary Eeal estate values are enhancing steadily, If you are wise you will buy now before the flood-tide of high prices. Am offering the entire holdings of Mr. Howe, situated 81 to af Craven St, 23 Broad St, and 50 to 56.Griffith St., also desira ble dwelling on large corner lot, Avenue A. Eiverside, all being good values. , Also execute notorial papers, Surety Bonds and issue insur ance covering fire, accidents, sickness, plate-glass, boilers, fly . wheels, bank and personal burglary, live-stock, etc. Remember that satisfaction is guaranteed absolutely in all transactions through this agency. W. G. BOYD REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Rooms 321-322 Elks Building INVESTMENTS Telephone 400 4CCCOCCCOCCOO CCG3CC3&CCOQ NEW BERN FRUIT CO. - - WHOLESALE DEALERS - - g In Hay, Grain and Feed, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Canned Meats fjg and Vegetables, Evaporated Apples, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, f Cigars, Cheroots and Cigarette, Peas and Potatoes, Fruits of all kinds, q Also agent for the National Oil Co., always have a big stock of Oils 5" of all kinds and Gasolene on hand. Send us yonr orders. Remember the name National Oil Co., 37 Middle St Phone 207. Q T. P. ASHFORD, Mgr. J 87 Middle St. Warehouse 4 1 Middle St. Phone 207 2 oococccocooo ooooccoocoooa Enamel Ware See dl$)1ay of Sanitary White Enamel Ware. Bed-Jars Dou ches Sterilisers, Unrinals, Spit . " Cups, Irigaters, Ice -Caps, Fountain Syringes and Cham ois Skins, Prices and goods are right Call and examine . tbem; . f.S. Duffy t. .0. Daniels ' 4 ' " ,. ; '..;. w " has;just:got;in ' " ' ' . A . "-' ' Nona better. . f. 8. Daffy, RUBBER BTAKPS-Uade to'ordWr oa abort notice. Doo't tend yevr orders! ootoftowa. Pstroolte boree ladostry. Winiam T. Bin, M Middle Street pbooe 151.. "' f ), ,.-:i.i.-j.' t ; , rOR RENT fix room bouM No. U fbort street' Apply at No. M Bread Bt ""toJKLnd.'-K V ;fOR 8ALE Us, lasted the coei chuie, 00 the N A 8 R ft-R. A. Jorm, 60 Crsvea etrevt. .BESISTCU S flt TCSI AT CtlLi.1 -Cs fsroUh Tttrth 0isrr.at, Clon" sal tJyle, msfls cf rtl fctirt 7F,,,J .Maat4lBg, Brstk.;, rra'.ts, r M rtoora, Wisdowa, lialr Work. V -' t, Ksmpw stork etc-i;:i r. ' rfe. Or lrs Uft U.-re ' t-? - w in 1 wmv ' Seed Potatoes a bBf plMUd ! lnrru!ny atUUMMuihrorby ths ixryt Sad pvwt StimmWuI BnsrkH f rrw. era. - lliie rvtf msiina usi(ro. If 1T 'I t,t,)rtiU'tit Shlf of l,,k.l n. W an4 is t '"' r '" I ' of the most pr: uMe aal rsfctle of We are Lre.:,r.srVrs for ths bt 1 M t 1 ' i n -3 1 1 . . i ' -. 1 . .1 1 ' I. . la, almost certain death on ths pavement below the workmen bo art erectlne the clock towtf OQ the Fader. al building are rspwl! pmgreaalng witK ) thslr work. The trick work ks com plated and thre rnmsina only the heavy xlrdera and supports to be pUcsd In position before tha instrument can be erected. . ! . ' . " , ... . ' 'la a few short weeks the Imil! boy et al will bring to light the Use . bell persphsnatis Uiat was laid itj last fall srvl the emj!r w'nr,,' "plsy Isll" wi?l again be h.ard on Ui locl d'srri.r 1. ' Duri-f the pj:,t frm WS thre 1TS rtn sTr(J S" t tour teams ori-9!,:jJ tl.st pf.n..i t be Yit 1 tt"' on. F I t u p- ire tt sTril g -l t - 'I In I' cffr f.'ir. !. r.'i.H ws S'inO.rr f..-rl I Carload S. Front Street," :;.r.-. ) I - ; ; 1 i I . ; New Bern. N. C. THE BEST "ft gives the heat It's hard to beat" ALL SIZES ALL SCREENED AND ALL WEIGHT GUARANTEED HOLLISTER & COX Foot Craven St. Phone No. 34 ins. special oarga Walter Bakers Cocoa Quaker Oats Good Carolina Rice Fresh Fox River Print Butter 22c. per i lb. rake. 10c. per large pkg. 10c. per quart. 38c. per lb. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY, Jfa' ta McDaniel 75 Broad St '.-H.4 ti-j.:... .a .. . -n rhoM Bl NjU xjfair Bra. N. C. WE-HAVlH01IrHA!lD ' i r t t' ' t" ' ! i r ' ! ' t" . The Travels? Ojticiaa with s box full of glse nl.ivh li invites you to rWt from Is a daticrotis jr'-j-mltion. . Yovi cm t)Q ninre tril wl.et l t't iu!f"l fr yur r l'.n jtj can jf- p ! n r 7 f f tr ' rar; f Y Lumber rough 'jind .; dress ed, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Partition etc.' i, Lftths -'and Shingles and can serv the LOCAL demands PROMPT- p LY and at competitive .prl- ! cc3. . f-.v; V ;:'. j It costs you nothing to a;V :u3 for a carpenter. : - ' HENRY'S v Prtsaiptioni Accurately ndQuIcldy tiUcdfrorn aU pbjslclaoi vvi'S ' Also I full line of Choke Pharmacy 0H.li;pI)EBm fj3, Fcr, I!::3 d Itrat ? U'": n l! i frnrrrrtf To C.'y, iKtw !.' 1 " in l.'tw" " 5 h r- Ul " to lbs un ln!f nil pT'-r J. U ! ! i v 1 t -, r.

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