. ' -i MEADOWS "'"s'l 1 1 1 Ui i i III - There'll nothinS Pr wholesome than good meal, bat do ,you alwayigetit? Prohftbly you do not unless you ask for MEADOWS nsAurA:--; We uw only Urf'Uetr White Milling Co-eareful!y selected nd'--"'put it all fn JjJt the husk; the sweetness is there-meal shipped from.. : a stance ipost of thetime has this taken out ut will keep, t&. the reason your meal lhke' small hominy when It is cooked-always ask for MEADOWS MEAL ' . J " ; , " ' ilt'ifr Clean McfWetVV! tat' It: Has :The ' Taste. ' s i zi.aW.inM tint handle it ohone or write us , we wm see .: It iwmwtMv --- ...... - - - - f .1 that your wants aresuppueu. , , , f - fcThe best of everything in Feed, Hay and Grain, and weights guaranteed. f All measures ; j. m MEADOWS Merchant Miller.j I f , . , New Bern, N C Special Carre- JONES wCeuwEavwiBssB : I. A. 1 1! , '9CV ' LIVERY. FEED, SALE iiio FXSHANGE STABLES Largest and Finest Stock of Horses and Mules ever offered far sate h New-Bird A Car Load of each just in. Also a complete line of fJuggies, Wagons, Harness, Robts,. Whips, CartWheels etc. I J. A. JONES Broad PROPRIETOR St. ' New Bern. N. C. - Vj B k i.i Wl '1 eeoeew9e 1 A - 2 READ The Down Homer A Magazine of healthy heresy, by a Caroli- nian for Carolinians, and all others. a 10c. a Cop, - - - On Sale Here .l mm'- STORE Rrsscacssi L. G. Daniels -i HAS JUST GOT IN Carload OF Mule S. Front Street, ; New; .Beth. N.C., The Suit That Looks Well . " 1 1 '-' ' ---. When one is standing doesn't always look equally as well when sitting. ' It depends upon the Tailor., '. The Suite we make aro rut In such pr-t feet manner that they ianf well In any position, ; TEY Vf'-'. F. M,-CiiadwickMSf mm we .'" At meeting of the Board of Count) C immiMkmers which wu bekl at the '; eurt hote yeeterdey the fottowmg jo rrmi were drawn for the special term " of criminal eourt which has bee called ' by Governor Kltrhlfl; Ko. 1 TowMhip-D N Prfrter, U R SPtClAL TERM OF -. ' StirEEr COURT llLS EXCELLENCY, the Cov rnftf fit Nftrth Pjirnline risvinflr bnere ere ro , , , 1 rsoe l boy lisre lljiff(m (p fltxj tlnnn- orucicd inai i opcciAi icrm oi . S''JJJiJ.WW th? Sitpfrior CottTt for Craven 'i e i- ' v '1 f to o.ii County be held on Monday March By CARL- SCHOFIELD I The I230.WO specially requested by , Presldebt Taft from congress for Dis trict Improvements will be used Urge it In t tint section of Potongtc park ! south sud east of the renosylTaola j railroad embankment : .: ..." ; : -I Of that amount 1 130,000 Is provided i In the river end.' harbor bill uuder the heading "Improvement of the i'otomac River at; Washington." Almost that, entire amount la -to be. eipeiided by Major Morrow. In charge of the rtver ImproTemeut, in deepening and widen ing the Washington channel and Tals tng the grade of the peninsula of Poto mac 'park to the desired height by de positing, on it., the material- dredged from ''rtree.V ' .Te Extend Potomae Ortve.v;i These operations areplanned tot the coining working season.: They will not only Improve - the navigation of the liver as far west as Fourteenth street. but will put f be entire abuttlng-Sec-tlon of the p(omac part In condition for ' w ha tever Jmpro vemeots ! are au thorized the way of roads, athletic nelds.:-gardensj.etev&;i4j; "; K The additional $50,000 is reqqlred for beglnnlng:he:;acu(tt development of the, park south of the tallroad em bankment The principal- work con templated Is thanes tension of Potomac drive entirely around the peniuuula. a fllstadce, of ,.bout xjve miles. r.v The southern end of Pototnae park Is near ly opposite Giesboro point. ; t. - i: A Necessary 'Work.' In urging-, liberal appropriation for this work President Taft assured Mr. ra wuey of the house "appropriation committee . t ha tit hey ware necessary uot only for the Improvement of the national cupltul uud the pleasure and recreation of the people, but also from a sanitary Htaudpotut.' He pointed put that the present condition of the un Improved' park section was actually detrimental to the health of the resi dents Of Wnshlustoh; as it contained muny stagunnt pools and acres of de caying vegetation, tn.-i king It the best breeding pltice In this vlclulty for mos quitoes aud other pests, not excepting the flats of the Anacoarla river. The Barry Stat'n. "Two million Irish voters in.tbls country want to know why the statue of Commodore Jack Hurry has not been erected, as have other, statues provided .for at the same time," re marked iffttthew Curomings of Bos ton, national president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, while in this city recently. ; "At a recent meeting the or ganization directed me to visit Wash ington and leant why the Barry stat ue commission has not taken dual ac tion' on the models that were submit ted to the members. The irlshmeu of this country tire opposed to the model! submitted "by Andrew O'Connor of Paris because they believe It doe not do Justice-lo the Irish character nor to Barry.:, We are opposed to Che figures on the base of the model, which we do not believe are representative of the Irish race. We believe alwr that an luscrlpjlon should be placed on the base of tbe statue to show that Barry was native Irishman. Commissioned by Washington. 'Justice should be done Barry and tbe Irish citizens of this country In the selection of a proper statue of tbe father of tbe American navy.--Barry gave up tbe command of the Onset merchant vessel afloat Id American waters Id 1775 to take command of tbe Islington. Be captured 4ue Orst prise taken by the American navy and won the drat naval victory. He was tbe ! first,' captain . commissioned by Washington." Senator Depew's Joke. Senator Depew got off a Joke Id his peers the other day on the bill for a tievf government of -Hawaii. He told how years, ago .the great nations ot tbe world. m (be value of the Ha waiian Islands and endeavored to ee ry, re exclusive privileges there through tbe favor of Its sovereign. King Kala kaua was bring courted by tbe United Mates ,as well as by' other govern ments.' After being free led to trl ompbal tour of Euglaudt arrived In this country tf bere be -was feted from roast to rosst . finally It came tbe turn ot Chicago to receive the king and entertain blm. V " V- . "After weery.day at parades and reTlewf.". aald Heuntor Depew,-."the then mayor of the metropolis of tbe west found a king on hie bands, lie wished, of course, to promote the com mercial Interests Nf tbe city oter which be presided. -At the same time kings Were not lo bis Hoe. pe we be familiar with Ibeir attributes or cus toms of court or tbe methods of ad dreeslog them. -Te rtllete. himself of embsrrsssmetrt be drove bis majesty to tbe leading Jtotei and, leaving bin hi tbe lobby, aald ""Oood afternoon, klsgJ Wt have bad hard day, hud I think you tad better go to your mom and wash op.' " , .;" The Wsr el teelety, V ' Just why )Hme of I lxe pereons who bsve hks held offlclol ttattnn at tbe cspltsl should elM to remain here sft tbe t-eure of tbtr offlre bss es- pi red mu nnlr be eiplnlited ss the lure of eor-My and the glitter f fstMon. Jut nr at leeKl two former rsUinH roournliig In sfrrow be- SIT u,3 LIU JIl llEGULiVrOR For over 3. years it has been the standard remedy for Eiliousness. Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Halaria and all diseases of tie toziacJi and liver. KNOWS : -The Foolish Maiden. -; Crawford So your daughter loves poetry fV v5? - O--Vs' Crabsharr Worse . than that. ' She's fallen in love, with one of those fel lows who jvft tt.udgei.5 '-Wei. Exectlw Uoliftlnqt .There's ho recall for Batan'a fan.' I " AnO yet with rout and revet " , V. VBon men attempt to care It all ' : - Ihey stme to raise thecvU. v.5 '- , Cstholie Standard, sod. Times.'' - AnotheB jefiriitlon,;"'H "P pa, w ba t Js, f a ah Well. nx-i)oy. they say rybur broth er sleeps, but I've never seen blm do It. ;Tet" If I believe he does thgt's fattb."-Ufe. r ' -v - 'Y'' Fseee of Fighters. If I had- Battling Melson's face, v .All battered up and sore,-.. I'd hide it In 'souie secret place And haunt the ring no more. '' " .':itenrsjtt.8Ute.'iirnal;. Legal: Notices; Legal;: Notices Notici of ExecutionSale. iJ?Mortgagt.Sal. - Br irtal tbt powtr ( nle oonUiMd In that cartel mortnc dd auuto-eo th 85th day of Pehnmy, IMS. and rteocttod to tlw offle of th Sa1ftarof P4 at Crms eonty. In book 170. ljwmbtwwS.AbfordndC. H. Hall. MuUnc as tho Nw Bmo Fruit Compaar, and eoaver4 by thd to L. Q. Dnita,'of th Meoad pert, th nderIoadeiortsaai trill aall for esah to, t&o highest bidder, at thoooort hoan door. Id NaW Bernvrfs' ,0. at II o'clock -m on Thurdy, Tfl21t. l91. tbofcUawiiMI daacribwl property towlb-...'.;. r. .' wv -;- --- ' :- Adjolataia tbe land of T, S, Jackaoa L M Morris D. G. White and othars Wininc at t xorri'i soathaaat earner, '":aaJl ronin north 'wlth hi Una rtoW-A,CUT' linft thonoe with W. A. Clava'a lino t D.G. Whltea' and Wm. WhitVi Una thanee with tbdr tin to K. f. White's line tbence with aaid K F White's line to Haul Run. thanee With Mid run to T, S." Jackaon'a line. thaneewUk stid T. 8. Jackson's line to the begin ning, corner of I it. Morris, eoutainina; two (E) aaras nor or leu j ' L. G. DANIELS. '' Mortvaxee March 19ah. 1918. North Carolina, ? leraaa waeata,- ti-.hi,.','St N.T. Whitford ".vi ,v.'-'-"- y-.- ioha D.ioBt vfi'S-vc'-i Br virtue of mm eieeetina directed to the aader iirai from the 8uperior Coort of CaM eonntf tntaeabovaeotitladaetioB,Iwu1aa Moadaytbs atSoaref AprO 110 mt U aVktck hi at the eoort com doo of said aountr aett to the kishaat bidder fcressh to aaiUy aaid azeeutSan .all the nrht, title and interest which the id Joha D.J Blount, the defendaat ha IB the faUowtatt ii- ecribatl real estatr, torwit; Is Mo. Op township Craven county, adjoinine the laade of Stephen Whitford. Nosh Gaskiaa, Nancy Whitford and otbera branded as follow: Beetnalna? at a deaJ I ptaetree in the branch between liana Branch I the Track Road, bounded on the north by the hwdaofS, Whitford. oa the east by the lands of Nosh Gaakin. oa the mat by th lands of Nancy Whitford. known as the lands eoaveyedao Oliver Daajson by i. Csmpbell by dead dated May Uth 1875, eontainiiur twenty scree mora or leas, Con demned and sold to pay said judgment-a required bylaw J.W.BIDDLE, Sheriff Craven Co This February ith mo. SOUTHERN t - r. i it iTT i KAILhAi bOCTHXIU; B1U IT11 8CHXDCIII Entry Notice. .; Administrator's Notice Haylnc this day qualified aa adminatrktor of aetata of Lewis Williams, deceased, all persons having claim against the estate ot aM decedent are hereby' notified to present the same duly verified, to the undersigned, on or before March 12th. 191 1. or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate are hereby requested to make immedi ate settlement, . This 1S day of March. A. D.. 1910. H. H. PENDER, Administrator B. O'BARA, Atty. Kidney Troubles May be Sapping Your Life Away; New Bern People Have Learned This " Facfe. ' When a healthy, marr or woman be gins to run-; down without apparent cause, becomes weak; languid, depress ed, suffers backache, -headache, dizzy spells and urinary disorders, look to the kidneys for the cause of it all. Keep the kidneys well ; Doan'av Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and keep them well. Here is a New Bern testimony to prove it. . .U-;"' - ' :i . Mrs. Crawford":' Pennington,. 27 EL Front St. New Bern. N. C. says: "I gladly recommend t)oan'8 Kidney Pills as I have used them with the most sat Ufactory results. I suffered a great deal from backache and sharp, shooting paina across my loins. At times my back back became so lame that V could hardly stoopkand it waa difficult for me t to arise in the morning on this Account. Irregular passages of the kidney secre tions convinced me that my kidneys wereout of . order, and when Doan's Kidney Pill were recommended to me, I procured a box, from bradnam's Phar macy. Short use put an end to the pain in my back, eorrectea tne kidney uiin cul'y and benefitted me more than any i hear ef m o'clock A. u all ef the goods. nthr retnesle I had mr taken. A t . 1 and merchand M. household and kitchen furniture one suffering from kidney trouble will do well to give Doah'a Kklney Pills a trial.' " : '' . For sale by All dealers. Price 50 cents.. Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Mew York, sole agents for tbs United States.. , Remember the njune Doan's ejtd take no other, '"" North Carolina. Jones County, Te-R, D. Dixon, Register of Deeds and Ex ofBcio Entry taker for Jones County. The undersigned G. P. Rogers of Jones County North Carolina enter and lays claim to the fol lowing described piece or parcel of land in White Oak Township. Jones County State of North Car olina, the sam being vacent and unappropiated land and subj-ct to entry Viz: Lying and being on the North side of White Oak river and the North side of Black Swamp, Bounded on the North by Main Pocosinand Pollock land. Bounded on the South by W, J. Morton and John Collins heir, on the East by Curtis Bay and other. Containing about thirty acres more or less. Entered this February. 18th, 1910. G.P.ROGERS. Claimanl R. D. DIXON. Register of Deeds and Ex-offlclo Entry taker for Jones County. Executrix Noiie Raving this -oy qualified as executrix of the estate of Julia F, Annas deceased, late of Craven county,-- AO persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verfUd to the undersigned on or before the 12th, day of March 1911; or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to tbe said (state are hereby notified to make immediate settlement. MRS. M. E. MORTON Executrix March 11 1910. Executor's Notiee Having this day qualified ss execute of J. W. Harrell. deceased all persons having claims against the estate ot said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersign ed on or before the 22nd day of February . 1911, or this notice wi'l be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate ore hereby requested to make immediate settlement. This 22nd day of February. 1910. H. W. THOMPSON, Executor. R.O HARA. Atty. I v rl'B. These figures, are published ItortJnformaUoiisuid are not guara- ' I--: sv m .thnnUaiVrllB:eBuiir J car to Asheviile, connecting at - East Durhun, tor, Oxford, Hen derson, Keysville and Richmond at IJUverslty tor Chapel Hill : at Greensboro for Charlotte and all (vjnts south, alao for Dan ville, Lynchburg, Charlottesville Washington, and all points nortfa. 40. 139 Leaves Uolasboro, 2.05 p. m. for Greensboro, bandies through Pullman Raleigh, to Atlanta, cob nf .U a4 Greensboro for all points north, south ud wsst. NO. Ill -Leaves GolJsboro 10.15 p m tor Greensboro, handles puliman ; Raleigh , to Greensboro, con : Meets at Greensboro for Char , lotte, Atlanta , New Orleaas, , Asheviile, Knoxville, also for , Danville, Lynchburg, Charlot tesville, Washington, nd all points north. lor further InforroaO-jn as) any Southern ticket agent or address ths mderslgned. .... H. F. CARY, General Passenger Agent. Washington, D. C. R. H. DeBUTTS, Traveling Passenger Agent. Raleigh, N. C. Sneaking of desirable nelghtbors- noods of course we all desire to live n Easy street Executor's Sate Pursuant to license obtained In the Superior Court ef Craves county. North Carolina. I will offer foreale and aell to the highest bidder for cash, at No, 140 Queen' street in New Bern, N.C.on Wednesday. March ft, 1810 beginning at the and other personal property which waa owned by J. W. Barred, dsosaead. at the time of his death Said sal wUI be continued antU all of said prop erty la aold. H. W. THOMPSON, , Executor. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver .Tablets invariably bring relief to wom 'en suffering- from chronic consUnation. ineatlache.biliousness, diuiness.iallow- ness of the skin and dyspepsia, sold by all dealers. , : Had the Hsblt." . "I utiuVrwUMl lbn all aturxast wa rather Isoenld.." v. "Yv. They played poorly, for stars. Even the life they: put Into the mob scene was awldeuiai aud came about mervly thmujth.eerh of them trying to rrjli the rrtiT yf lbestage.Pblladel' ' -I-, f""- ;'..-; , v , ?'.--: ' :-. . - , ,, i ,.m,i -v....,; ..- - Are you frequently hoariet Do yoti have that annoying tickling -In your throat? Dots your cough annoy you nt night and do you raise mucus in tin morning? Do yod want relief! - If ho, take Chamberlain's wain Kemedy na you. will be plesaed. Sold by all, daj- ere. ; .,' ,. ri ,:t . Publication of Summens la the Sapetiar Cosur. 1 '.C M,- ? . -1 " Only Pslr. ' TVe shsM hsr to reject your eppll ration , for - lire. Insurance," sse . tbe gent.. T '' A , '- ' I d like to keow why." replies the ippllcaoL ' v.- . , -Well, the eiamlalug pbyslrbtn ssys you'wre iwK-e ss isi ss yon suouia "All right, i n t rsir. you insure hslf of Oie. Sim) I'll lei the other half Uke Its chans.,,-tJfe , , ' ) ' ',, V : ' - : , i . . . - .. Thl Has Timlis Casus. ' ' ' 'durige-t sis U-4 to uudprstatid yott stJtjlie watrh of tbe detor who bad Just written prwucrlptloo for yon at tb free dnuiry. Wbst have you tw asy o ibte fbsrget " '- rrteutief-Wll. your honor, t found myself In s drnterst qusudary. Ill prrerrHilUm. aM -a spoonrut everj hour," end I hud fid timepiece. Ne Totk Jirtirnst r " North Carolina. Caavea Ceernty. " - Oti MoCIa erty - -. . va,; ) ., , - Vletoria MeCafferty.' -TtMdefeadaat Shove asuaeisjriU take aotle that aa actloa acUtled aa above ha been eotn anaid fa the Superior Ceent of Craves Coaatv to obtaia S dlvene troni she heads of asatrirsoay aa4tsaaid4aiadaat will farther take aatlee Uiat aeaiieqeh-W te appear at UwAsrir terra of 8erior Court for said County tab held a th Uth day of AprOlSlV St Ceert Bouse af said Osutr aa Mw Bare. K. C ead aaewer r deasur ts she sowipaUat la said astlsa or Uk elatatiC win apply bj the Oanrl for ivhsf Jwraadad la eaid onplaiat,. v H-V'-'. ' -' ' . -. ' ,' " W. M. WATSOrt, - . i ' V C?ak rfth gam tap Cesrt.r g. , M1XOM. ABmwey. it t . ; . rh, xith 110. - . . . , - , Notice Of Sale. North Carolina. In the Superior Court. Craven County. Before W. M. Watkn. C. 8. C. In the matter of Reuben Stone vs. Martha Stone. North Stone, Heftie Dunston. John Dun ton, Stephen Dunston. Lovie Dunston and Phronle Dunston. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Craven, County N. C. in the special proceeding en titled Reuben. Stone vs. Martha Stone. North Stone Hettie Dunston. John Dunston, Stephen Dunston Lovie Punston and Phronia Dunston, I will, en Monday the 28 day of March. 1910, at 12o,clock M, at the Court House door of Craven Count, N. C sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash the following described real aetate situate in the city ot New Bern. N. C. In that part of said city known as Pa vie Town end bounded sod described as follows, to-wit: Beginning st s point in the western line of Eubank Street 104 feet southward!:' from the corner of Eubank and Main 8treeta. and running theno weatwatdly and parallel with Main Street 204 feet, thence southwardly and parallel with Eubank Street 63 feet, thence eastward ly and parallel with Main Street 204 feet to Eubank Bt thence northwardly along the western line Eubank street 62 feet to the place of begWning: and being lota km wn and designated in the plan of said Psvle Town as lots No. 231 snd 148 ss will more fully and at large appear by reference to said plan which la registered in the office of Register of Deeds of Cravsn County. N. C. In book No. 10, page No, S86. and being ths same 4aoMTyed by Maria Wilaraaiid Mary K. Wil son to Joseph Stone by deed dated Kth ef June. 1904. and by Maria Wileoa and Mary E. Wilson to tbe heirs st law of Joseph Stow, dssssesd. by deed dated 12th of November, 190. This lis", day of february. 110 B. A. NUNN. STUBBORN AS MULES aro liver and bowels sometimes; seem to balk without, cause. Then there's trouble Loss of Appetite Indigestion, Nervousness, Despondency, Headache. But such troubles fly before Dr. Kinji's New Life Pills, the world's best St'-m- ach and Livor remedy. So easy. 25c. at all Druggists. ; : t eeeeeeee eeeeeeeee H. W. CARTER, M. D. Practice limited to the diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office with Dr. N. M. Gibbs, Elks Temple, Now Bern, N. C. Hours 9 a. rn. to 5 p. m. Every Thursday. R. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications. 417 ELKS TEMPLE. Pneumonia fallow cold but never follows the use of Foley's Honey . end Tar which stops the cough, heals the lunra and expels the cold from the y im- pavhv Pharmacy, ' ' , v, ,r J s Executrix Notici. Baring till day aesHfled ea ssaeatrta af the estate ef U M. Gilbert, ee4. Wis. at Crave sknty, AU aeresM saving (hum sgalset estate are bare- aoUIUd ts pis ml the aa Vr verified e the aneWetgned a or safer tb tSlh day erf rebruary 111. at U wHke will he pleedS ss bar of vb4r reeorery. AH prase. hv aMWte the aald MUl trt Bteby tlned s lie hmwejUaW esttwwiewt. iua un-nssi, . - ' ' fcseesisrU. TblelSlhdeyaf rkwr, 110. , , . . se-lre anifwht feeMr-ntA FuU-hiw, VT tt WhUfnrd. Aam nf1 ley, W A' Barrlaien, J II Celesfcy, Bryan Wiiey, OS Trice.. ' Ke 9-To efshjo I ft McCoy, HsrviH Mnn, II T Cwms, E P Hsftley, U W JenVins, C R'Hi'kS. - ' ' ' Ke $ Ton,lp, L W Tijk . Hi Teweehip-M I IM1, 'V J fil. VkV, C ii fori Ll. J U rtiwatd. L 0 Daniel. U F. HUI. C.-A, C Pr,fh,( I M P.1H. C L free, T f WrC.f'rr K 1 oVp-W C t'vi. Jeer AtVin.'m, r .) A Arpr.Vl W D T'C , w-r, n H V r-'".- - . 21it 1910 for lie trial of Crimi r.al Case only. Notice U hrre by given that fill r""n! gnd witncr.cj Tiho c lounJ to at' ten I ttic rifxt rru! :r Term in June next ff sn! I Court f.rc rr- I Snored sav by S. ew miiii-nia. s . i - Water Celsr fee Mr, taft J g Mr.SIft ffnlfjr rwrelred a bind- JjlVlT? ' iu,n wslrr rrd..r s Inn. h nf I ( (( f . X rsmali'iiie. th work f ITIit Kott-1 f ilerlieff. ir tf tti r.uiS8B n.lnlter ! - - Mortgage Safe By vb-tneof power sesitslnedf 'la 'bat eertsls BMrtsagedaed assd by raak Webt to th dr igeW whieh SBortgage deea k iweerded Uboek nuMber lKrInttothowaf th lUaisbar of-Daadsaf CrmM eeunty, th ajdtrsigned wUI ea the Uth day ef AprD. U10, at Is 'leek. M. st th oourt boeu Sorr bi Crave Monty, U to th high bidder for essh the -fourth tudtvlded biterert ss sn U the folkiwinp; dejrrftei let af sued u the eity of New Bers. . C. A1 lata lot af land soever by a from L Warm Eubank aad Jenaett wlr teCteere Woo, wblrb dead hi rsssidid to boo ajadlher 1U, peeerTT, to the ank af the Hegiatar ef Deeds af Craeea ty, and beiag ast Msshsv Bt, fraataag 4S feet aa wset street end renslag seek to Lea AveMalel feet, aad havaded eel th ssntsvfc Joha ttorls Ilea, a the a by Wet mtrmi. m th sjsrthfcy Ms awtober IS aad let, aad th Wast by L Avewa aeeordleg to th pto af PsvWaswa. - ' ; , - j JOHN A. BOOM. i March StkVlMA ' ' ; W. B. PRICE It- i - . K i u ConsuItingL Elngineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. New Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Ma pa, Examination a, Timber Lands. 0 In Irnrnnr.' hn te sri-rli In water fjiurs. Btd for befj A ?;; ;!iT ALAt. t quired ly Law ' ick sr- Tr rm i -I v. I M 't wl-e if ilic Ttr;:i v, c Ttrri. ntt.T.,1 t!.: i:n-1rr t!e r-! ; p - a -' it- I -f fr, r.' i, . . c NO 6UBSTITUTJ. - -.. Arr'pt nonhtiiiite fr FuVy.e Hon ey sr.4 Tsr. ltto'h beet rd frt remwlf f"f nn-h, rtilds.-throa and ir pr irnul.'is. I i nisii-i no opiate and n i l .trrr il (lfii. I'emt ml( th f.aine, 1 v'a ll'irey rl 1 nr. snd arrrj.t tif ',',b;.Ui! 1vi 1 jrii,kry. Notice to Creditor! ' Itevhic auaAed as autrf th setale d & I. jtaene-era. dnianit alto at Crevea sawy. AS perana Havtag akaisM agataa aald eeteto are krvei neUSed to aeesfat lb earn duly vwraVd totheeftrhtde a bererw th Uth. day ef Mrrh lilt, r this Botia wUI he aded U hey ef Ibew reeevery. AU lieu as Is ! to the aald huu are hereby KetiBed U eak haied let RAROCT. Imtkv, Marvh, Uth, UK Ti Rs'v -cf.i-l', T 'l i( n 1' f r- r ot. t e. il t; In Ml t ll ltf it; J H tf!li. tt f ;) 1 m,it c.t tie anve il .-.-.! r r MortQsge Sill J. LEON WILLIAMS LAWYER Tractlot) in'Chkteri, Carteret, Jones and PsmJico Aiso General Agent ritlelity And Dcpoait (b., of Baltlmori Bonds. . Phone 203, OffioaKtx 44 Bouth Front 8t New Beni,yt',C. . WcIMncock REAL ESTATE AGENT ' , - : v 'V The) nf vv ts 1010 XL H JIM. B. a It, Bmsttas, u n.,-,l. aUABe p. , ifin. M pnw eeeisined U that esruia k.,i,. me-U by ltt-.r'a JoMe to I ' r4, VWh 44 At Ft-- l.f -A VT W. I. -.1-4 l tr-r it ', i g 4 .-3. In IK. r t lt, P- e '- re-''. f ' -wi t ,u -H, 1 1'h ' f t A i - it. i uv.'.k at t i t - hi i , , .- tv-.l . II. It.. Pt, . t t ' . f H I s!:.::.:fl:is,.;f;.BP'.8:faEH tri0?iElS AD COL'JISkLLw a,f-;. -AiTf Office ltoom i)l-2 J Elks B'likHnf rrtotloe lb the etUe f Crav, ip!la, Jon, Lenoir, Onslow, Car rat, I'sin; loo, and Wild, la the -rrv oi r lral Coertd, a4 r e eee Sr dJrV A. NUNN AHCr.T.Y AT LAW . rt'' In r t r isr"' n r t l f-ea, - 1 r i -w

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