lev; vovji : , Xew Bern, N. C. ilarch 20, ATHE51A LODGE BO. I KOF F . Meets evejr :Teday fidghtla ttoyal Arcanum Hall. corner Broad ',Ml Hancock streeta, J. XL SmltaTC. J. H. Bmlth,,K. of B, ul 8. V'Vttttlag brothor ; are assured of :,n thmto :- welcome. V yH-v;" '-: 4 CBATEH ; LODGE ;1T0. t.ISISHTS OF v fllIOtpSIM?ta Jnd, nnl itt - Knrgbts Harmony I'.lLQoraer. Broad ; and rLjacock twti at , 7: 30 ft'clocx ir4. Kj Willtt,iPnaldent;' .;SLlStoith, BecwtaryjBrRHmnnanolta SeH retarfc 5 - wOODXXlTOFTHB WOBXDf-KET ana Third Wednesday, nights at T:30 t e'olrV. Vlii:aWoodmen ; era lnvlt INDEX 70 IfEW ajVIRTI31XT8 .The Victoria Mortgage Sale , Wafited-Manager W. G. BoydrAgent , " For RentResidence W. B. R. Guion Lawyer jrj. Baxter-Spring Clothing 8 Room dwelling, city ac comodations, good location , per month - - ''-. $115.00 Store and living rooms, 2Cx60 ft per month - - $25.00 Warehouse, 7,000 sq. ft per month - - - - - - $35,00 Wharf, per month - - $30.00 ASK ME W. S X. TAfl.0B REAL. ESTATE D FINAX 60 S. Front BL AL AGENT .NowBcrn. N. BUSINESS LOCALS NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN; LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. NINE room residence in most desirable part of the city, 87 Pollcck street, has been newly remoddled and conveniences Apply to Wm. Sultan, 89 Pollock St. RESIDENT Manager, salesmen want ed for this district Elegant opportuni ty, experience onnecessy, good pay. America Cigar Co. Cincinnati O. JUST received fine lot of country hams, matchless hams, best butter and cheese, rump, mess and plate pork, shad and mullet netting, Early Golden Dent and Early Golden Bent seed corn. B. B. Davenport, Phone 146. JUST received chickens, eggs, fresh eollard sprouts, Norfolk kale, black eye, lady and speckled peas, orari gea, bananas, pickled tripe, pigs feet, onion sets at if. W. Chapman's, Broad street, phone 25. SPECIAL sale of cigars 10c val ue for only 5c by the box of 25, Maple Kree Kisses 20c per pound today only. Edward Clark, corner store, Elks Temple. r EASTER Novelties at MeSorleys. Fine line of selections. ' " SHORT pine slabs cut in sixteen tech length, deliwrcd $1.60 per cord, Broad dus & Ivs Lumber Co. . BE a customer at tbe Farmers Horns nd get them good alee Oysters and Flh, Sweet Potatoes end Ratabagaa, 'Phone 71 22 Middle street .SEED CORN, Watermelon seed. Peas, Beans etc., for spring planting at I. C sWhltfy &Co, " " . fii a mi 1 , FOR SALE 10,000 acret of virgin plae, y press and gum timber la North Car-, ;Vellna, pear Ne Beraoa railroad. J.,W Wirtlns, Warrecv Pa, - " u LEMOtWPha, Yellow Peacb PriS,' rern," Tomatoes, Belle of ' Boston "Beans, Vaa Camp Beans and Heiht Bt m, O 'N.lrn ttrmg and li ma Titan, bfstto be bad. In fact aO . tee above goods are very' fine. ifod eon A r- -J.f-? r -tv. AM ED-Yowog men to leara aato-j tnoNle busiaeea by mail and prepare for ' position as ehaffeun aad repair ieuJ Ws make y oo expert In tra, weeks; as sist yen to secure position. Psy big, . work pleessnt: demasd for me grest; 'rsponHW;'wTlu:.for puticuUrs and sample lesson, ' Empire Aotoraobil In- etitote, Rochester, if, Y. l .' .NOTICE to whom it msy ecrxwiFor Sale one 18 ronra bou conrniitj ar- rangd for boarder, wHk bt and eold rsler bath, wt rsg e, No. w loration for trsflnt or regular boarders, op p.i( rt'iirt bnoae. A bardome forV ens for the rigfit peraon. "tioe fig II. I! quick." WANTFD rV'T'd hrvi li tr,'! Iwf Up: spy ir.d, any j't.ii'r, rj-,r. I.,.hm.,fil rtff Co., P-i'lim. r t, Va. II ART & BAlLI u COTTON BROKERS,;., CEAVE5T ST, PHONE 80 - Ifew York Market -. v C' New York, March 19, 1910, i Open High, Low- Clos March, V. 1517. 1517 v J49T f ; 498 May.Y 'Av J 508 1502 ;: --1494 1495 Jolyr-V 1477- 1477 ;i-1470 14J0 Oct.? 1295 . -1295 -i'lZW ... . . Lherpeol Cotton Market ?.;" ppening ,l r. A 891 , ' '-885 '' :':v' v' $76 "1 Closing March Apr-'. Apr May ':' Oct NorS vl .""-.;- 883 . 682 .---.13.000 8.0C0 : . 7,oco ;8,ooo Receipts,- ' - - .'.." American,! : ' v; American -Spots mod, demand . Future opened V steady. New'Bera Market" 131 to 16c safes 2 bales. j : - Longest Bridg.. The Lion bridge. Dear ISangang, in China. Is the Jongesf in the world, be-' lug Ore and a quarter tulles froib end to end. The roadway Is seventy feet above water. ' , ; ' - - Formosa. Formosa Is known to the world gen. srally as the principal source ot the tampbor supply, but its marvelous nat ral resourced Include exceedingly val uable forests, gold, coal and sulphur mines. " W. B. ATTORNEY AT LAW ; Practice where services are required especially in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State Bnd Federal Courts. Office 40 Broad St. Phone 193. COMING ! The Lyman Twins IN ONB OF THE BEST " Musical Shows ot the Season- 60 foot Car pf Special Socnery and - Effects - Handsome Chorus-Elaborate Costumes Jingling Musical Song Hits -THE MUSICAL EVENT . MASONIC OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY IIPM flQ NIGHT lllljli. ZU, PRICES. $1.00. 75c, 50c. and 35c BUSINESS LOCALS: MERRY Widow; self-rising , flour is cheaper than plain flour, saying cost of baking pnwditrs, soda, buttermilk' and half the lard. We also have oak and ptoe wood, long length or sawed any length deiired. Try a few pounds of the celebrated flour at N- T Vincent's 167 South Front street Phone 87. ' FOE RENT Two good offices at 60 Craven street R A Nunn.7-' ' RUBBER STAMPS Made to order on short notice. DonH send your orders ut of town. Patronize bone industry. WUliam T. HlI, 91 Middle Street pbone 263. i- v- i-' . -i-v i... -i: FOR SALE CHEAP-Cas boat Vandc leaf, will carry 18 tons, fitted with 2 61 horse power .Miaous engines .good aew. Boat made of very best material. For further tnfotmaUoo write' to Dick Insoa ft Bro., Besufort,' N. C, R F D ; bo2. WBITE persohS '. desiring to aoquirs bomrs In Bridget on may do so by mak log small monthly payments oex price ef the property Instead of paying rent R. A. Nnnn, 60, Craven street,, New 68 8oath Front . street CeatVmra's clothes cleaned, repaired and preesed, Ladies skirts pressed, a specialty. ' - FINE LINK Easter noreliiee at Mc Soriey'fc" '" FOUND-Three'flai hoats, ownrrn rever same by proving property sod paying ipnra. Jhn Kin 7 on," Ntw Bern, N, CJ, . I . ,J EIGISTIU'S tallOUl AttLlKk -Can (smlib Korea Coiumn. Colon a Style, mads ot rta-htart cypress UouldlDca. Urscktu. Plrstb. Bih Doors. Windows, ftie'r 'Work, lltotUt Sample stork at CsakUl Hardware Co' Btor. Ofdr left thr are !arm-l U the nnlTii?nlpTn'ripl!T filVd J, M Rottf Clark. N C - FOR 8 ALE One Mlrj mf h.t. ar,i an renter Ull will be M l'i!aj Apt il 11th at (Jutiln' Cr to t:fj frpigl.l rt.nrff (f-.e tn urn.- r, I, Ct'tin Cjf t mi.t.it l'rtrr 1. f (. li 1.1 NT- Ot f, r-.. d' lrp"t; ! S f it I ., Ortr-a rp . ( r 5 f I Pfts.e ' ' t ; ' i I . i . . ' ' -v i ....I i, - Just one week until I. sater. j Davis Pharmacy wiU be open to the, public today.. ., ; ; ' ' j .The Circulating Library will be open to the public thia afternoon from 3:30 to 7 o'clock. -V,'' 'z.-' . Business of importance is to be di-j cussed at the meeting ot the Centenary Baracca.elass .this, afternoon and it is recreated that '-every member be pre sent . . W". '-. V''"7w.- t ; The special term of -Cravetf County Superior Court for the trial of 'criminal cases which was ordered by Governor Kitchen will convene tomorrow morn ing with Judge Ferguson presiding. One of-the .largest .conslgnmenta ot fish which has been sent out of this city in many' weeks ;wae shipped bf ,Iecal dealers yesterday morning. i-The ship ment consisted of about fiftj boxes. Quite a large shipment of fish ere brought to the city . yesterday morning by some fishermen" and sold to local dealersSTha-local: market 'was well supplied wfth them;atthoughJe--in8: jority of thorn were shipped to outside In the game of base bail, which , was v.:.-fli jit -'rt.-;V '... . 'rr'-'--' ..'-rj,V- rf.);'' played at Kinston yesterday afternoon between the New .Bern-High School Team andj Kinstonlft Team, the victory . was won Jty the latter by a very small majority of runs. Our boys were however, not in the least llstdrVed l'toVjttfa'jth brst of tne season, ana are connaent. of winning theiext game played, fl 2 2 In the Police Court yesterday after noon Chas,; Dudley; Mitchel -firyanj James Fain and John Morris all colored were given a hearing : on "a warrant chargingthem with being disorderly within" the city limits. ;i;.j-Thy twere found guilty and the cost of the case amounting to $L36 placed "on all hut Bryan who was also tsxed with a fine of $6.00 for being the instigator of tbe affray.- ; ; v. -n , The committee who are investigat ing the fishing industry in Eastern Car olina arrived in ths city hte Friday af ternoon from Morehead City, where they had spent the previous day: They went at once to the Gaston Hotel where they spent the remainder of " the day in consultation with some of the lead ing citizens. They left yesterday "morn ing for Washington where they will spend today, ' , . . '" OUr truckers should not 'lose sight of the fact that, all packages of produce this season must have the name and adt dress of the owner of grower plainly stamped or written on each package. Rubber stamps may be secure'd ty ap plying to any of the commission men in town, but so far the truckers have been slow to apply - for stamps, It is well to understand that this rule will be rigidly enforced, .. Late yesterday afternoon a crowd of boy setre to a hedge field near the old base ball grounds and it was nescea- sary for the hose wagons to go out and extinguish the blase. r This is the third time this thing has occurred and each time a serious losa was narrowly avert ed, It has become a nuisance to the people in that locality as well as .the fire companies and steps should be taken to prevent H oceuring again.-- -. Several days ago' four nf the colored brakemen who ware in ths employ of the Norfolk A Southern, Rail way Pom-, pany became dissatisfied with the pay they were receiving and . walked out Yesterday ' morning .the men called on the superintendent 'informed him that they had decided that the pay they , had come to the conclusion that they were being paid enough and would like to re turn to their work.' "This they were al lowed to ijo. v' ' .-J-n-'t v. . Among the many new Ideas . that will be Introduced for the first time at the State Firemena Tournament which la to be held' In . this city July 25-SO, a gssolene fire engine will head the list There are several of these engines in the state at toe, present time, chiefly tn small town) and are -said to be as good if not better than the steamers.. However they . will be given an oppor tunity -ef, giving ' a : demonstraUoa of their pro wixe at this event " ' v .There le just one thing that people who come to New Bern must remem ber, and that U; that if they come to this city with the InUntioa ot creating a disturbance and railing a general row they are going to land In JaiL Our police force is hf re to protect the peo ple and they are glng te do It regard leas of any ' "tough" who happena (0 "blow in" this city. Tbr r torn people who think they are a wtwilt municipality all by their ""lnrome" but that bluff wont pa In tlii el'y. . After aa lnvtt!;tion by the citj authorities wi found tht thrwr a numbrof per ple who rf lde with an half mile f the city hall whnae prt fnlaee wre n(l conntctei 'h er. There I n or'i:.nr v1:- mVpthl It. -r " 1 juih, !l- l hy a fin f.f f,m. v. r U y f Ill a r . I 1 r. f : - v .' j Vrivj.o t'hirf of IVi'e a urrim'm lo V,' m i Ci-4 Uim to ; ; r 1 nd gie a r' -n -y ti., ir f r 1 ih idif or ! f. .' ilfi'' Si ft ' r f- '. It : l'r J BL !Jf i veiling relative Q """ ' . Dr. D A Dew, of Eayboro. spent 'yes terday in the city- ( .,, . V Mr. R T Birelift, of OrienUl. was is the city yesterday. - " ' . Mr G N CrewC of Greensboro, is in the city on business. - '- - MrW H Mescsll,- of Bsyboro, spent y e iterday in the city, r t--. v , - - Mra Bruce Craven, of Kinston, fa vis-! iting relatives in the city. '.' ''-jK- ' " -J" '-i; ! ' . Miss Lula.Hooker, of Bayboro , spent yesterday in the city visiting friends." ' . ?Mws" Bessie Dickinson, of CovevCity, is visiting Miss Lillian Bowden in this etyV.lJ-r":i:s -eaani' (?a'(fimiW.'C9eliook ef, of, Bayboro, spent yesterday in :the jMr J H Maxwell, of Wilmington, rep resenHng ; the "Morning Star,,? was in the citY'egterday, .-0 xHr - v - -'v .uVrtJ'-!i.v,;'"i".,,, V;-i It A;TCaig; rsehting jtbV Fair banks Morse k Gcfe .vSlagr was In the fitk0j?f'4 Prof.' and Mrs Craven left yesterday niorningf oriXuke Jlaraettionaty, where Mrs Craven will visit relatives. iM'r,.; Leon L Land,; who, was Sortnt'lt' ly representative of the Pepsi-Colo Co: at Wilmington," arrived in the city yes- has been in the city - attending tb somel business mattjrs, returned' home yea Work in Concrete . , All kinds of work" in concrpt done on short notice at as reasonable . prices as good work can be done. : V- ; ' ' r. E. E. HARPER, was that he was finally captured in the western section of the city. He wilt will be given a hearing- Monday after noon in the police court ; "; ": ; MX I CASTOR OI L1" POWDER IAunr On )r TASTtllSS ttmM j Any mCottu ;. OPOaUst twmtant best and safest Laxative known BaaaearMAmMriBBBeai VIMRE-OL I FOB : fc jm child'b'bn''' ; -ND FBAIli JVOMEN' ;fg y' YIN kRE Ot; '''The .improved wine of- . -1 COD LIVER' OIL ; sJ" V. Is the remedy. ' '. Stimulates t;e appetite, strength ens .the nerves, .enriches r the blood,' prevents andiurei i ' A." - ;. , Coldi Cougfis," Bronchrtli - And throat and lung troubles Davis PHaitTacyt eeeeee-eee-eeeeeeeeeeee I FOR: SALE! :;2$0 (Bushels - Peanuts '200 Budiels of Field v Peas, several varieties, i'; JACOBS & .CO. I -''Wheleaakt Comrn MerchanU - '. I Market Dock , New Bern, N.C. 2 : HENRY-S , ' ,f - :'','" ' ' ' ' , r - Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickljf and Ac curatcljr filled. ", . Also a full line of Qioice Toilet articles. :' t w. 1 -j n ' Pharmacy. I'JIONU IT3 .1 ftiL OF YOU II WATCH WIU'.X SOMI.X)XB ASKS YOY WHAT TIME IT ISt There ia no reason for everyone not carrying a watch of which they can feel proud at the present Tow priceat which a really beauti ful wateh can be purchased. . . r From $11.00 to $2500 we are ahowing some of the most beautiful watches for both men and women that yon ever aaw. Cases of plain and elaborate handT engraved design fitted with move ments of proven reliability.' ylOlBaxter; Vv1!r.-.:.v.r'. The Pkne WItk the"Sweet tone .1 : trr- bur all those" yeVrs STIEFF PIANOS have heen made " and eold direct to the homes of thou sands," and . thousands of - people htf refluir''the best '; ' p " Our method gives you great ad vantages over the usual way of buying from"' dealejrsyou save., moneys get the best piano, and. have a guarantee that is . worth all the name implies . Get our Price List before buy- ' ing. :' If not in touch with our rep-' resentative write. GHAS M. STIEFF C. 8TEELE, Mgrv.: ' IHraaby Streetorfolt' - - (Mention this paper.) . - Official Plane Jamestown Expo." y ' HEIBD IHEiEWS' V about lumber? " It is . reported there will soon be a big demand for North Poles. Well we hive none of that sort but we have Poles, Posts, Beams ' and Board of every other" kind. YOUBlliaBER KEEDS ' -r ;. can be filled satisfactorily here, .'And if you plan to do some fixing up ;thi spring It' i time) you got. busy 'and ; give us your order. -Visit our -.retail : vard. -A - rand HfQ'Co. Phone 430, 129 E. Front St "v,;. i' New Bern, N.' C..;', ;vr.', "CIsanlmBSS'js Kext L f i ft ' M til II 1', '-a' ".We have 'Soaps to sult'every 1 taste, every requirement every every pusse. " A few Sugges tions.' ..v ;.-...( " The Hunt series 10c Box 25c. Candle Glycerine 10ci 25cV Lenna Oil and Glycerine 10c box 23c Savon lUliotrope and , Violet . lOc. box 25c Maxine P Elliot, Buttermilk Complexion" 16S. or 2 for fie. Grsnd DuUh , ee 25c percake, Enrhantreae V!ok-tlttc. Palm Kldar flower, C Turkish Bslh, 6c 6 for 25c. R S. Duffy I i'tt 1 tmt rs -, a a j. t - 4i y v;r w :h v,-.i wrc y Tosnn Llimne . 9 ! ?ancy Evaporated Peaches '..ONLY tOc tb;';' A Fox River Butter' -.: 88c Oleomargarine ,5- - J5e.V " Canned Soups V' - 9c." . Lard - 12J and 16c. CH;-G: -ARMSTRONG Phone 174 v Middle 5t , New Bern, N. Ct G. S. Wafers t Sons. V m 1 NEV; BERN BUILDING 8 LOAN ASS'N. I E. K. BISHOP, GEO. H. ROBERTS, E. B. HACKBURN, President, 1st Vice Prest. 2nd. Vice Preat. JOHN DUNN, Secretary-Treasurer. This Association has entered its 22nd. year of continued usefulness, and offers in its 6 per cent, NON-TAXABLE stock one of the beBt and safest investments on the New Bern market. Tj, . Anyone interested in an investment with true merit and worth should hand In their names at once to the undersigned for stock in the April .-'Series, which is now on sale. W. G. BOYD, Agent New Bern Building & Loan Association. Rooms, 320-321 Elks Building Telephone 400" Special Walter Bakers Cocoa Quaker Oats Good Carolina Rice Freeh Fox River Print Butter YOURS FOR CASH ONLY, J. L. McDaoiel - i75 Broad Bt, Phone. MM . .. . Til-: i , ' Li . e aai ' Realizing the unquestioned advantage of i FAIR In our coramaniti and xcspondinj to public clamor, , the Chamber of Commerre hm created the long hoped for j , . FAIR ASSOCIATION and has put the question of Iti' : success square!' before the New Bern public . The price of the stock is $25 per shire, cn easy terms, and if all who could would subscribe lib efa!lj nr,J pror; itjr for t!.; htnek it will r naMc the , commit- In s to formulate pl.mi for immediate action. . ;' : "; :, r rs. K. A. Kr.nn, Win. Dunn.'' Jr.," end II. V. " : ; n, tl.e committee will fcc pleaded to receive tub' f 1 1', :' r.. rt ( ::r r, . " , - r . ' - , I ' ' . ! ei'.FAInlr T ' 5 Best Tub Butter - 1 - S6c .Granulated Sugar ' 6c i Finest FlourJ; . 8c : Sliced Ham 26c What a Surprise l it is to some that you j;5;art' get -a genuine . STORM BUGGY, we - are pioneer builders of any special rig that you cannot get with l out a big price, we ; are the Lowest in price. Try us. Bargains. j 22c. per i lb. cake. 10c. per large pkg. 10c. per quart. 38c. per lb. 91 New Bern, N. C. A Good Judge of Fuel will never burn anything but our high grade White Ash coaL It is not only sstiafactory for cooking and heating purpose, but its in- tense best and long continued ; enmbuation mak It economical ' In the bouMhold, Ellis' Coal and ; Wood Yard 'v. Phone 4T i . Union Point FAIR:' V f, re,rrp;re'.s r,Jprow. :n - fcV t's .... I1 " r Tf Y t r , r i

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