t-'V ' f . - Jt ' til V s irk -1 , l4 AIEADOWS AiEAL ""-' There itathing mow wholesome than good meal, but do you 'always gei It?': Probably you do not unless you ask for MEADOWS - We ue only the beat White Milling Corn carefully . selected . and '' put.il all In but the. husk,: the sweetness Is there meal ahipped from a distanee most of the timeiaa this taken out so' it will keep, that is " v the reason your meal is like small hominy when it Is eooked-alwaya : ask for MEADOWS MEAL ,;? V ' Ylv.; f I iliis Clean and Sweety : ; r ' j. , jf your'flealer does not handle it 'that your wants are Supplied, : ; The best of everything in feed, and weights guaranteed. J. . a; MEADOWSM: .Merchant Mille r", THE; esQSSSSBEaVBlKSHBEBSBVBsniBSiBHHiSSlMSSS Realizing the unquestioned advantage of a FAIR to our community and responding to public clamor, the -Chamber of Commerce has created the long hoped for FAIR ASSOCIATION and has put the question of its success squarely before the New Bern public The price of the stock is $25 per sh ire, ' on easy ? terms, and if all who could would subscribe liberally and promptly for this stock it will enable the commit-' ? tees to formulate plans for immediate action. t Messrs. R. A. Nunri, Wm. Dunn, Jr., and H. W. Simpson, the committee will be pleased to receive sub scriptions at once. ' Lets have the FAIR, and advance, progress and grow. New Chamber of J. A. Largest and Finest Stock of Horses and Midej ever of fer'ed for sale in New Bern. A Car Load of each jut ih. f:Also a complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harncss,Robts, Whips;' Cart Wheels etc. - J. A. JONES PROPRJUUK Broad St. ' New, Bern L. ' 0.- Darics HAS JUST GOT IN A' . jrs .n.- . r 2 i i S. Front Street, v , 1 m Physicians" Mviz'2' Ihe nl4 of I f t,V,it i'.ire, to I ' f t'- tel phone or .write us we will see S- t J Hay and Grain.. . AU measures -v ' i- C ' Ne.Bern, NCf j Bern Commerce JONES ffa LIVERY. FEED, SALE . - ram : !C. - CL(;;t - .;V r; - 5 c New Dcin, H, C. ln -4 !' . f I pf 0'-' "'el in 0 1 Lii.Ll) L i w 1 1 k. v i 1 1 v i hitj k i w t.i,vvn.u lh soo ot a UeibixIUt mlnUter, 1 Gator Dolltver o( Iowa entered earlj upon a political career. n bad the t 3 fashioned way of unlng iiecdotes to Illustrate bit points, wblib Has tben considered effective tboogb be may have changed bis style with the times. He Is one ot tbe orators who frankly admit that they "like to talk." a rte be tblaks be may bare Inherited from bis father and grandfather, tbe latter a Massachusetts seafaring man whose cargo of cottoo during tbe war of 1812 was confiscated by General Jackson. If be had bis grandson's eloquence It 1 is probable that be made; some re marks tbsf would bftreKbeen worthy of jreservatlon.T Wbea, preaching on a fXOUTB BSEN TAXtlBd WITH A P10- large circuit In Virginia and often rid ing 200 miles In a week Mr DolHvera father met the lady who became -bis wife, and that la the reason that tbe senator liails from-West Virginia: and waa educated at the State university tbere.-..? MM'-T'-: " After his graduation, at tbe age of aerenteen, the young man decided to migrate to Illinois, He tells thus of this first western rlslt: - "Standing In tbe, railway station of Columbus. 0.,; a policeman tapped me on tbe aboulder audi with a warning glan,-eaidj;:':-;: : ". V.;" ' . N .) Tou have' Just been talking, my boy,. with one of tbe most dangerous plokpockets. In the United Btates.' . , "'One of the moat dangerous pick pockets In tbe Doited fits tea has been talking to vountry boy who baa not a red cent to bis name,' was my re ply.1' National 'Magakln. , ; ;:v "Professor : WUltam. Freer of . the Pennsylranla State college,' said Her man B, winter of Philadelphia, .not so tery long ago jfllscussed lu Harris- burg tbe elgbty-tbree kinds of break fast food that be, recently tested for tba gorernment' , v ' -: . - K MMot of them were very good." aald Professor Frear. "Tbe taste lest In most cases was pleasure rather loan work. To make work out of It would be to act like a little boy 1 knew In Bellefonte. 1 Tbls lltue boy's mother went tbe other day to a reception, tearing Tbs baby In Jimmy's care. With an In ured look Jimmy aid oo ber'rernrn: Mamma. I wish you wouldn't make me mind the baby again. 'He waa so bad tbat I bad to carl wo mince plea and half the- fruit cake , to amuse blm.' - ''"V..; . . Hat her .Unfiattsrlng, "Rudyard Kipling to a good looking chap," aald Chicago journalist - ue looaea awut mm ootiutruny, , ."Klpllog," b went on. "Is tery good looking lodeed-a Solid, squat, . sub atanttal,. aqnaro . headed, figure of A "Of coarse be Is do Uowglt. oo bero of romsDce. , I roust tsy, though, tbat tbe young Chicago girt at Engelberg sbe waa greet admirer of Tbe Brush wood Boy' and other Klpllog ptoces-J must say (bat this girl acted rat be foolishly wbea. oo being wtrodoced'to Kipling, abe ciind reproachfully, wltb tears u ber eyeor ; - -; "Oh, I t bought ro were tail a&J baadaomef 1 " - . 1 '.fit Tbe rM's fufiV y Blcbard fe Qallleaae. the poet, was etktertatnluf groop of maaatUie edi tors e lunrbeoa to New fork. ' v To a cumpltmeut upon bis fame lir Osllloboe said llshilr: But wbst la povtk-sl fsme le tble tf of pro! Ouly yeslrrdsy school toy came and atkrd ne for my auto graph. I iwhikI wllllnfiy. Aod to diy at brmkfiit time lbs ty arsis prwntwl hlDisrlf. "Will ymi giro toe your autograph, slrf be seid... "tlut,' said I. 'I gsre yoo my auto graph yosterdiy.' ' "! smrxxl tbat and a Jotir. ls iDiwrd. 'for tbe sutogrspU of Jim KU st AfrtU (it. I.yrnns alimtt it i.d!nif la Hw Tofk li.trrmr'f'l with a wlitlrUcn s rhorus f .' ' rnHtv.n tl.s ors tnrli l pn pi t ft t ! !?m g't t vs. . -How tn U t " :! lir. At,U.lt, "tlsL S li'!l sl.l, a U-i"j of tu'J r y N a w f '." a; a'vful i :.vni''J of a ? -.o .. :' I . f I - . tj w sbJ .la yti s-.-e two "" t ' ir ( dOWB t- 4 t'rt-rt bO l.Jt.k l .6 t.-tciS. ou srs s.-tui.. 1 to Ura tx ( tf are Biotlier sod duu....icr, an j i n i t, .t a womaa at tarty or frty c. t to te t her Boot and fuiret. Vt i. jr uu t it so? lbs enerul hca ch of woman u ao in. timately suoeiHted with t-. kcl Leauir of tbe esaenuaily fetninioo orjjna that ttiere eaa be eo red cheeks aad round una where there is female weakness. .. ' Womest who har Mffared frvaa... this trouble bare fomnd prompt . relief and eire ia the nae of Dr. - Fieree's Farorit Presexipdosw It v orlasa of woaaajihood. It eleere. .'oyee end reddena the checks. -v.".,- rW-ivJr.'-: r No alcohol, or habit-forming drofs is contained ia VFevorite PreeeripdoauM " Asy sick woman may eonsult Ir. Pierce by letter, free. Every letter is - held as aao redly confidential, and , answered ia a plain envelope. "Address t World's Dispensary Medical Associatioa, Dr. R.V. Pierce-; Pres., Buffalo, N.Y. ' , Tree Branches, , s, . Tbe white poplar can. be used as a natural flgbtnuig rod. - An oak tree of average slice. wltb 700.000 lea res. lifts from, the earth about 123 tons of water during the Ore mom ba It Is in leaf.', " Amouif jom, aut' bearing ' trees tbe hickories are perhaps tbe best known. They are " strictly t North - American trees. Noue now grow tn any other part of the world. .There are fourteen known specie, tone frruws lu Mexico, while tbe other thirteen grow- east of the Rocky mountains. WHY-SO VEAK? 1 Kidney Troubles May be Sapping Your Life Away. NeVBera People Have Xarnerl This When a healthy man or woman be gins, to run down without apparent cause, becomes weak, languid, dspress ed, suffera baekach,headache,-4'y jpella and urinary disorders, look to the kidneys for the cause of it all " Keep the kidneys well 'i Doah's Kidney, Pills cure sick kidneys and keep them well. Hero ia a New Bern testimony to prove Mrs, 1 Crawford ' Pennington, 27 R Front St, New Bern; a, saysj "I gladly recommend Doalh 'a Kidney Pills as I bavo used them: with the moat sat isfactory resultAV": JJ aufTered a, great deal from lackachs and sharp, shooting Gams across my lomB.1 At times my back back became so lame that I could taraly stoop, and 4t waa difficult for me o arise in the morning on this account. irregular passages of tho kidney secre tions eonrinted. wflrthat my kidneys were out of order, and when Doaq'a Kidney Pills were recommended to me, I proenred a box from Bradnam'i fhar -nacy, snort use pat an end to me pain n my back. eorfected the kidney diffi .ally and benefitted me more than any ilber Temedy I had eyer taken. An; one suffering from kidney trouble will do weM to give DoanV Kidney ; Pills a trial." - . For sale by all ' dealers. Prioe 60 sect,. " FoateraHlbnrn Co., Buffalo, tew York, sole kkenta for the Jolted ' Remember the nam Doaa't ano ake "no. other. . -' " ,.. - - . . A Mean: Advantage.' Crabbe He's the meanest fellow 1 ? met. i'v Goodley-At an rate, he's sncceaa- ful. He bss-taken advantage of , bis opponuniuea;. t. i Crabbewrea, And I guess lb oppor tunities were email, which, la another sign of bis meanueaa. Catholle Bund ard and Times, V!"c y"'y .-;.' m i. ... h V,; '"'z: 6TUBB0RK A8 MUlis t f Ira lleer aiui howets eomwtlmee; seem O balk - without eaase. Tbea there's tremble Loos of Appetite Indigestion, Nerroasnesa, Despondency, Headache. B'lt such troubles fly before Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best Stora eh and uver remedy. Bo easy, z&c stall DruggUU.'.-. .'t British erlefs.1, , An admiral of tbe fleet of Great Britain- bus a salary of U.IXr -V -' The sbr lived parUsiorot", ander Ihr Eati of Bath la IT40 edeted only iwo asys. - .; Tbe speaker of the house of com - tnons draws a salarr of tfi.UOO a rear-1 and oo rrtireuieni la -usosiiy awarded a pension of (t.OiO and a peerage. reerrwaes vt Lirist Hhtalo, rVotlsnd or Irelsud by birth.-marrtnge of ere srtuo art free from arrest or Impris on cue nt lo rlvll proresa. and la the event of a prores bring charged wltb a rrlrolnsl offense she would be tried by tbe house of tenia. ANICllTALAnM Worse lhn a is tha rn,ta!, i" f nlh(ra ,i 1 in the limine, si s -n of r1r:-"r. s'nrrn of f.re St n'i'Vit h r f rrrmji. C'Rr- f ul t-ff' Ilonrf ai.d '1 ar 3 t ive it t I' a r,m! iar riS l n -any o( lates. IatiS 1 ) tin l:llie live. r- Notri f.;i. 'fs bur..!, t tofSoije. S ! y. or on s 1 its o 1 9 I ! gJree wig or aad TiuHty to ttav the eomplerioey .trighteasi tfco Legale jyoijees NORTH CAROLINA- - '- OwmOsealt;-;:. By rirtuaof tba pawat af niaotaliMd In that cartsia -aurtaBK daad and the 25tk day ef Fabraary,190S, ad raaotdad ta tbaoffleeottna Battetar at DMd of Cnm aounty, 4a book HO, pas m. Dttwean T. S Aahford andC. H. Bali, tradins M tha New Bwn Frolt Company, and conveyed by than) to L. Q. DanMa, of tha aeeond part; the mndarilcned raortgasaf will aaQ for cash to the highest bidder, at the eourt aonae door. In Maw Barn, H. C. at IS o'clock m ,ea Thoraday, apru flat 1910. thafoltowins daaerlbed property towit- , &stM"ir'-" Adjolnlnt the landaof T, S. Jaelcapn L u Harris IX G. White and othars bcsinlns atL Morri'a sonthaaat oorner.and roning north with his Una to W. A; Clara's lln. thanee with W. A. Cleve'i una to D. O. " Whites' and Wm. White's line thanee with thatr; Una to B. F- White's line thenoe with aak E P WhttVs Una to Haul Run. thante with aaid tan to T.B. Jaekson'r-line, tbsnea with atld T. S. Jackson's Una to the beain nin, comer at J at. Morria, ooutaining two () awor toss,--- ? - L 0. DANIELS." 'ktortssgM March 19th, 1910. , . Administrator's Notice ::'.i'-r.'.-.- Bavtaa that dap qualified- as adnuntrt.tor of eaUteof Lewis Willlaifls, deceased, .all parsons havliv claims atrainst the estate ot said decedent i- hereby notifled to pisssnt tha aame duly verified, to the undersigned, on or before Harsh 12th. 1911. Or this notice wfll ha pleaded m bar of tlteirraoavery. All; persons Indebted to the said estate are hereby requested to make hnmedl. ate settlement. This 12th day of Harch. A. D.. 1910. H. B. PENDER. Administrator R. O'HARA, Atty. Executrix Notie Having this dry qualified aa executrix of the estate ef Julia F. Armas deceased, lata of Craven county., AU persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly earned to the undersigned oa or before the ttth.darot March 1911. or this notice wUl be pleaded m bar of their recovery. AH persons in' debted to the said estate era hereby notified to make mimed late settlement. ' :.;;';Vi ' ints. m. b. morton V , Executrix March 12 1910. Executor's Sale furanaat to license obtained In tha Superior Court of Craven eeunty, North Caraliaa. I will offer faraala aadeaU totnehleheathiUer for cash, at No, let Queen street in New Bars. N. Con Wednaeday. . March M. m beginning at the hour of K) o'clock A. at all of tha goods, wares and aimhsaillss. household and kitchen furniture and ether peraox property which wasewnedby J. W. Barrati. deeeaeed. at the tinss of hie death 8eid aato will W eoatiaued until all ef aald prop erryhsekl. y - - . : '.i' ' , H. vf. THOHPSON. Executrix : Notice. i-'af..y" -..r-. i a " - . Bavmg thia day qoahned as axeeuhrix of the estate ef L. St. Oilbert. dec see sd. lata ef Craven aoaaty. ' AH parauas having ctohns aelnst said day veriMtotheasnenigaedesier baton the IStheayaf febraary 1SU. er tew aatiae wm be pleaded la bar at their recovery. AH ewsme in debted tetheaaU satato are herssw notifled to IDA CI LB tar, . ' ' Exaaatrls. Thia tatadayef iWiasry. 1A - . Trelr Bright Baylnga. . Bla Mamma I. dta't know what to de with Willie. , He wants -to be a aeaepaper man,, but he baa so uteat for writing. ' nis DncleTbst's all right Buy bint g ropy of "Joe Miller's Joke Book and a list of the' Onlted Btates sena tors, and we'll get nlm a job as a . Wsshlngtoa correepondeut-Pnct. I .. J; Chamberlain't Stomach r and Liver TableU are aafe, surf and reliable, and have been praised by thousands sf wo men who have been restored to health through tlkeir gntle aid and curative properties. Bold by all dealeara, ' v., A wervloesbls Ocwej. For tte mndtab woman a moet aerr Iceable frock hi one In ple grsy cloib of tbe flnmt trsiure srlib a dslotj bodk-e. fitu b a gown may be worn tbr yesr round and accorde well with al most soy kind of bst ' - The New Sleeve. now dafiultely filed lhat tbe wltb tbe ton- shOolder. tbe fuH iltx-e suil tbe elbow cuff tight It Is slrere tnl.l'ilr to tliS erm Is lo be lo fsvtr. It l Sn OB s!l ttif bst BvaIpIS, SU1 It OTr 6 . nUj 111 prrrsll. ft. .n. aeh and liver l.l.l Z feiirf to worn rKrv.iC f '".'.! a linn, il.r:.:i;.' it, ii i t'j j is, !"'n'l by Legal Notice? Notice of Execution Salt. ' North CaroHaa, ' Carvaa CoiuOi.- - John IX Bieoat '.?. X'.v?"2r': By eirtw of aa exeoatte onetad totaaaaaar. aiened frithe Bmnrior Coart of QraTaa aoaaty to the above entitled action. I win oa Moadaythe thdayef AyrilWlO at U e'doek M at theeoort hoaae door oT aaideoonty aett to the Ucheetl BUdarfareaahtoaatisfy said aaaeottos all the risM; title and Inter ft which the aaidjoha D. Bkxmt. the defendant has ht tha faUowiasT'de aerinedraal eeUU. to-wife la No, One township Ctaeea county, ad jotnine- the lands e Btepaea Whitform, Noah Oaaktnv Nancy Wbitfsad aad othars baandad aa foUowsJtaeinntne at a deal pise tree in the branch bslasaa" stasai Brsnch aad the Track Bond, hounded oa the north by the lands of 8. Whitf ord. on the' east by the lands rf NoahOaskina. oa the wast by tha toads of Nancy Whitf ord. tounra as the lands conveyed U Oliver Dawson by J CampbeU by deed dated Stay 11th l7&.coataiamsT twenty aerea more ar lass, eon- demnedand sold to pay said JoAfnent aa reqoind bylaw, -as- ; -i . 3.W.B1DDLK. " v Sheriff Ciavea Co '. lhtaFarnairiSthl910.iv ; . " Fxecutor't Notice Havin-this day qnalifted as executor of J.W. BarrsU. deceased all parsons having elahna against tha estate ef said eeoedent srs hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the andenicn ed on or before the 22nd day of Fehaaary, 1S11. or this notice wi'l be pWedsdio bar of their recovery .All persona indebted to said estate arc hereby requested to make hnmadiato settlement. This 22nd day of February. 1910. B.W.TH6HPSO& "' '' Esaeator. BL. O'HARA, Atty. Notice Of Sale. North Carolina. Ia the Superior Court, Craven County. . Before W. II, Wataou. C. 8. C, In the matter of Reuben Stone vs. Martha Stone, North Stone, Hettia Dunaton. John Duu aton, Stephen Dunaton. Lovie Dunaton Sad Phronie Ehinnton. By virtue of a decree of tha Superior Court of Craven, County N. C. in the special proceeding en titled Reuben Staue vs. Martha Stooe,N(Bth Stone Hettie Dunaton, John Dunaton, Stephen Dunaton Lovie Punston and Phronie Dunstun, I will, on Monday the 28 day of March, 1910. at 12o,clock M, at the Court House door of Craven Count., N. C. sell to tha highest bidder at sublic auction for cash the following deeeribed real estate situate in the city of New Bern, N, C in that' part of said city known aa Pavie Town and bounded and described aa follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the western line of Eubank Street 10$ feet southwardly from the corner of Eubank and Main Streets, and running thence westwardly and parallel with hUm Street 204 feet, thence aouthwsrdly and parallel with Eubank Street G2 feet, thence' eaatwardly and parallel with Main Street 204 feet to Eubank St. thenoe northwardly along the western I Eubank street 62 feet to the place of beginning; and being lota known and designated in the plan of said Pavie Town aa lota Noa. 234 and 24S aa will more fully and at large appear by reference to said plan which ia registered In the office of Register of Deeds of Craven County, N, C in book No. 108. page No, 886. and bams- tha aa lutaconveyed by Maria Wilson sad Mary K, W0 son to Joesph Stone by deed dated SOth of June. 1904. Slid by Maria Wileon and Mary E. Wilaon to the heirs at law of Joseph Stone, deceased, by deed dated 12th of November. 1909. This 21s-. day of February, 1919 , K. A. NUNN. Mortgage Sale By virtue of power contained in hat certain mortgagedeed made by Frank Wood ta tha under aigned which mortgage deed la laaaidsd to book number 1SS, pegs 27 la tha eAVecf the Register of Deeds of Craven county, the eaderaigned will on the llth day of Apru, 1910, at IS e'eloek, M. at tha court house dorr la Craven county, ad to tha big-hast bidder tor cash tbe one-fourth undivided interest la ami to the following deeeribed lot of land In tha city of New Beta, N.C. AUthat tala lot of land eonvered by deed from L Wajrae Eubank aad Jennet te Park to Cieara Wood, wbiea deed Is reeerded la book auBber lat aagetrf, la the eOee of the Bagiatarcf Daeda of Craves eoa ty, aad being lot number 1ST, fronting 4t feetea weet street and ruaniac back to Lees Avenue 144 feet and bouaded ea the aouth by Jobs Davki line, en the eatt by West street, em tha north by tote saasfasra- 1M and 14S. and oa the West by Lose A rea uo aeooidlag to thaalaacf Pavieasaa. ' JOHN A BOOM, ... Morteagee, March Ith, ltia Notice te Creditor! - Having QUaHAed aa exaeatoref the estate ef B. B. Saundara. Isrsassd. laasef Cravea asuaty. All paraoaa bavins llatoel saalaat seat eatato are hereby actilM to areaaattae ansae auty isan ta the eadersigned ea or Before the llth. any of March 1U. er that aetloe wiB be p ceded U bar Of thehr recovery.' AB seraane Indebted to the J. sL aUaotT. Marsh. lHh, Mia, Mortgtge Sale''. . By virtue ef power acatalajad to that aarisla orvteeeed ateSe hp Heeiteeto Jeaa I to tha ewoeraWMd. which aawtgage deed le SeeeitMa dayaf May.lkoa, sad r-sere. 4 to seek eaaahw ITS. page t to the eftVe ef tee keeletay ef Dease afCraevai eoemtp, I w4S ea the llth day ef Apvfl, 1114 at II oVteck M. at the aeuH beaas sear to Craven eewetr, aril to the hlehest Udder far ease the Mlewlng described lotaf lead to the ewy af New Bera. aad heuaded aa rollewe! Owe tot ea Ash street la the etty ef New Bern. M. C, eUaetr el the aneitheaet a mi ef Aeh Bad Osaar atr la the ss-d aity. and BHre faHy danrlkil la 1 atortgss-s deed aaeva amtloaed, kelaa M feet ea AsheteMaadKeras4e(dsra(reet. aW. DANCB Merteveyee bUrth th. IHft. t ublicitiofi of Summina '' ' la Ike Saearhje Ceerf. (Mm atetwty Te H'-u sU.e M"d W'B tele al-e sn S --"i -"t se s"' r-e r-m n ' r - V ' of "1 f - -1 n -I - ' ' ' ' f " ' " 1 dS'rmil WAV- souTHKayt Ein irix mbzoitui , K'B. Theee flgnrea are published t&r Information anA art not guarajv-: NO. JI-eae Ooldsboro, H.rO, t.if i.sV iv "tonga trata with chair i: ;;ear,tav AaheTille, eonneettng at -'jWk(.ptitouti for Oxford. Hen--- .'deraea, Kaysrllle and Bloamond .... i i HH...,.., .w, vu.int UUI , - a uaxwnsooro.ior unarione and , all .yiau south, also for Ban tlllav Lynchburg, CharlottosTille Washington, and al) polnu - aorltv NO. J3V4aeTea tiolasboro, 2.06 p. m. tor Oreensboro. handles through Pnllmaa Raleigh, to Atlanta, oo . aWsta . al Oreensboro for all - points aorlh, south aad west NO. Ill-Leaves Goldaboro 10.15 m for (reusboro, handles pullmaa Raleigh , 46 ' Hreensboro, con secta at Oreensboro for Char-v-lotte, Atlanta , New Orleans, - AaheriUe, KnoxTllle, also for Danville, tynchbura. Chariot . . tesrlUe, Washington, and ji points aorta. ,,- or further InformabUn as) any Southern ticket agent or address the undersigned, H. P. CART, General Passenger Agent . . . Washington, D. C. R. .H. DeBUTTU, TraTellng Paaaenger Agent , Raleigh. N. C. Speaking ot desirable ceightbors- hooda of course we all desire to lire on J&aay street . c!::ci;HSTEn spills BRAND Ash year BTwgM for CRIHBS-TXR's WAajONS, BKAND PILLS In Aso and uoit anetsiue Bona, sealed with Bl Ribbon. Tare ho orass. ef n SreexM Sb4 ask SW OHIXUaaVTCata lAateBB aavASn PILLS, for twenty-flve cara regafded as Best, safest, lwy Ptllsblc SOLD BY ALL DRLTGGI.STS S5S EVERYWHERE tk? NORFOLK X SOUTHERN RY. Wolcott and Kerr Receive! s DIE ECT THROUGH TBAIN 8ER VICE BETWEEN AIJ, POINTS IN BA8TE3RN NOETH CABO LINA, and via NORFOLK TO . ALL EASTERN CITIES. Soheilnle in effect Oct Kith Trains leave New Bern 9;15 a m., EXPRESS, Daily, ex oritSunday, for Washington, Edenton. Elizabeth City and NORFOLK. Arrive s Nor . folk :40 p. m. 9:1( bl,, Daily, for Morehead City and Beaufort. 9:16 ., DasUy, for Kinston and QoldaDoro. 9:30 ., Daily, except Sunday, for Oriental And Intermediate . itationa. 2;15 P .f Daily except Sunday, -. for . .Waahington, Piaetown : ''avad BeUiayen, -inaklof eoo ' , Beckon witk Raleigh train at j .WaaJnftoB. ; 6:45 P . Ihally, for M orabead :C"Oty itnVlWfort. 6;45 p m-t Dally, for Klnstoo and .Qoldobori.' 1 " .. 70 P. bu.i Daily, for Oriental ard " InbHrmaAtaf atatthna.' ' Tot farther psrticoIjuV eongult Norfolk, and South era folder,1 or aplily -to T. IL Beaoett, T. JL New Bern. 1 it a nuDoiNs, o. p.-'a..' "; W. W. CROXTON, A. O. PAe II T. LAMB, Norfolk, Va. 1 f A .re .Wl t ,L:y V,U D for Yoa licrtycurts'.satiit, s,-cor OIAMONO aOffcV v iriTwa i -tl .r" V f I r 1 t . r . 1 . 1 la atoc r'tlK t trf e. t f it IIVO l 1 livr-f fmif, :.' i' i. t ' fofl l and c,t i 4rMl I. . ; Vt . V(hi .t ri t t". ' I - n 4 I4BS.A ('', Ai'i4 4 t. f ! t '-;.!!' '-. n j i.-) '." -i, (.. :;, f , r-, -. r . ' - - . - 1 a r i v l ) ! ?