A rjrrTrv"T". . . - ..hi mxiii . -. I ' 1 ' I V I 'I - I 1 1 V ;- V ml 1 - ' v " -. - . ' -.- , TabUefeea every 4ar to tb rear gbrros aito proprietor - ::i SI7BICUPTI0M lATIII :'""' toe Tw is rw 'r..",....'!H-M tee sW(lie2 MeV-iai? aet-ta e4aee.. .c Ms Stewtrity hv arrlerJn the city -us at.Z - .n tMi.feieaSeevSa? ratea turaisaed. m a- .i fSSttlerefca; Pom KfrB H. C M eoaa-claa mtttM . . " OFnCTAL PXPKR OF NEW BBBM MUU TOMarch 30, 1910 TfrE APPEAL TO CLEAKLI !r i HO? j NESS. -. v ' : Sfea?, of spriog, wifu its . warm dava and slightly cooler nights after 4he. days and sights of wlffter when the greatest consid ' ' iftaoSiB the securing of warmth and all safegnarda against the cold, cannof Mt have an appealing sug gaer to humanity, and the j' 'grlatestfippeal would, seem to be -fordeanliness, the abstinence from -:. jeF?TJ!:!iPS.tDat n vater caused indifference to cleanliness. Nature ,- .pitjj on' fiolorlf rom the grass to the fld&rs ktt'd friiit trees. There is a positive change from the somber - that accompanies winter, ' to the k ;. cheerfulness, .that must go with Spring. ' ' r A.ttdr 6 to man; Within and ' without these days call for chang- ; i es. Tere ik &a appeal to ' cleanli ' '' ittessj"mcn n appeal that it would impossible to resist. Heavy clothing is a burden, it is put . away; aftd iostead come garments tht meet nature's conditions, and mates man a creature, fit tfj enjoy y spring. And from the person to objects nearby, there is the appeal .for .cleanliness. Bubbish and trash indoors are. thrust outside. The v yardaad entire premises must re ceive the brush, the clean-up to meet spring conditions. The pave ment and street call for the changed state thai nature and man are tak ing, preparatory to still warmer ,days jand nights. The contest for . cleanliness is for safety. Health, private and public, demands indi vidual and municipal cleanliness, ,ud yet as much as the safety that is enjoyed through cleanliness, there is the personal comfort in feeling clean, in looking at a clean and' wholesome house, premises, pavement and street. All these clean, there is the lessened chance of contamination that follows wherewith exists. The appeal to cleanli n era, should be heeded. It is the warning which taken notice of wards off sickness and disease, thwarti pestilence and bids defi inr$o death. CASTOR I A . rPor Infanta and Children, Tbi W Yob Han Ahrajt Brcgfct Bears Signature of ''torn. 'iilW are so luely that when thagtare praying tor a boy baby ' j ker arrives as gin twua. .::rit ,ir: il . - : - ' .Catarrk Caanot n uhaL . with LOCAL APPLICATiONS, as . ttsy aaaaof reack tha seat tha di- a aUrrk k ft b!o4 or awti- V tuoonal dlsaasaani la krsW (a eurs " Ml 'yon' must 'tai. internal ranWU. ' Hairs TaUrrk Car la takes UUt ' , tally, jand afU dlraetij'on tha blood and Ooui tarfam.- Haffs Ca tan Curs' la not a qaaak nwdWa. It was preacribei ky on of "tha best pky- Irikna In this eoualfy fat ysara asd m Uculat praeexiiitioa. It li oota- i .rxwedo .tha bast toaWf kaown, eom ..ukied JWitk its beet bloeJ purUUra. acting directly -o tbt ssuooma anr- Uc? Tka perfect ot&UaaUoa of r . kcrtdiatU la what pradatM ; - - sock wondarfsl reaaJla b curing a "r n- Urtt. - 6o4 for Uatimoaiala free. ToUdOjO Bold bv Innrisbs. criee 75a. US'Sy totti'UmUf pifla for o. Tke maa ke kaa a Ubm for hie frlsnfls will eventually ! footer taat ; k b as Irtol for Us Cme, . ' TlicroJa Cr.Iy Cr.o Xature blves Timely Warnings That NoJSfew Bero Citizen Can " Afford to Ignore. ; ' f' DANGER SIGNAL NO. "X eomes hom the kidney eeeUoos They will you what the kidneys we sicjc Well kidney ezcreU a jelear;- mW fluid.-- Sick kidney . kI ou thin, Date . and foamy, or thiek red,, lit aiiiiMT urine, full ofjediment and It-, tMrular of DMSUr 4'. .C 'i DANGER SIGNAL 'WO, J! cornea from the beck: - Back; paiQS,' dull and htMvy. or shtrp anfl acute, tell you 'of tick kidneyi and warn you or t&e ap- brosch of dropy, diabetes and Brighr diaoaee. Doan Kidney PilM euro nick kidoey and euro them permanently. Here's New Bern proof; Jamet A. Whitley, 74 George street New Bern. N. C. aara: "I oan recom mend Doaa's Kidney fills in the bigh- est terms, as they cured me of kidney trouble after other remedies tailed buffered a great deal from a lame back,) and a soreness across my loins. Every ouick movement sent sharp twinges through my body and after stooping It was difficult for me to straighten. Reading about Doan's Kidney Pills, concluded to try them and proourea a box at Bradhafii's Pharmacy. They save me ' prompt- relief and finally effected a complete cure," , Vor haIa bv all dealers. Price 50 cents.. BVwter MUburn Co., " Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name -Doan's ano take no other. ,- ' v Don t forget us when you when want a White Mountain Freezer. Phone 99. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. CrTamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invariably bring relief to worn an iiffi.rincr from chronic -constipation, headache, biliousness, dizziness, sallow ness of the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by all dealers. Deep Water. There Is one place In the Atlantic ocean near the Virgin islands where the bottom Is four nad n tin I f miles beueath ihe surface. Near-the La drone Islands, in the PaciUc. the depth Is 20,8,r0 feet, or uliout tire miles. A PLEASANT PHYSIC. When you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. They are mud and gen tie in their action and always produce a pleasant cathartic effect. Call at an dealer's drug stores for a free sample, Gold Leaf. While a lent of gold is so tbin lliat It Is Impossible to measure Its thick ness, scales have been made which weigh It accurately. One leaf weighs one-fifth of a grain. It Is so light tbrt a breath will blow it away. Held to the light, It Is translucent and green FOR DISEASES OP THE SKIN. Medicines that aid nature are always most successful. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough relieves the Jungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring tne system to a neamiy condition, sow by au dealers. Short Stories. Tbe lighthouse service In 1900 cost $657.000. Detroit iieople hare organised a Jean VaUeanclub to furnish assistance to paroled prisoner. - . Tbe goversuuent now owns 'more than $300,000,000 worth of buildings Uid is spending shoot- $20,000,000 a year on new ones. A regular patron of a New -fork restaurant brings bis owa sterilised kalfe, fork and spoon la -g 'bos and set them afclnslveltr , , AN AWFUL ERUPTION-; of a volcano airdtea brief Interest -Sad yoar mtsfest fea akto ntpttoaa will be as short, tf vo use Buikleo'a 'Araks Salve, their aukkest ure Even t&e not is, nieora, ar fever sorts are ealed by it. Best for Burns. Cuts. Bruises, Sore Lina. Chapped Hands. Chilblains and Pi'ea. , it aivea kietaat relief, g&cai all Draggista. . - - - e Oeee. . . ' .' "Bat bow do yeu (ell a miu's rbi act err asked the fall guy." fDy tbe sort of rays be enlts,1 ao- iWerw thV ble-hbrgsr. . , , f ."Ah! . As4 wbst la toe chartcte of yoar employ etr , r ; "J cao't tell be never aaaUa a ralM." CUvelaa4 trader, ' t ,v, 4 fully nlneVut of every ten esse of rheumaUaai Is simply rnemnsusra of the moeclee doe to rnid or dsmn, os chronie rheumstism. neither of which tiiir any kitml tnatmnl, AUthatbrowd ed ta afford rlif li the frua arjitirstkm of Chamberlain's tJnlinent. it s trial. Yoo r rertsin ta lx plKt with the onirk rvlief which It sfTorda. Bold by kil dealers. . ii.ii fpeaktag of SeeiraUerclihlhnre kools a( coarse all desire to lire OS Fatf sirs,' ' , t'Tt t' " -" -. . Henry T. Tlnck bat ' been musical critic of the New XorK ETealng Post eter slnee 1881. j r ; r ;. : 'r- BUtter Allies of Massachusetts does not devote all kl time to politics. ; He Is an lavenfor. Just pow be is perfect ing an- aeroplane - Otis A. Poole, a tea sales man, of Yo kohama has crossed the Pacific ocean fortr-uine times, equal to about thir teen trips around tba world, .'. v John D. Ing Is UQted by the Bos-i ton Poet as saying. "I do not want to go to cungreas; aud I- hare asked my friends, to drop the use of my barnei. Royal B. Cabell,, receauy appointea United flutes commissioner , of : Inter nal .revenue, Is a member of one of the West 'lamUles of ?lrfcuiUuH 1 to jys jhirtyflftu. y,t:vi;T;f 4 Xt. Charles r. Stokes,, the new, ejus geon general of the navy, has request ed his subordinates to refrain from d resIns him as 'ftAwML-B' $ dares that, artbougk surgeon general witn the relative rank.ot rear admiral, be Is not In reality, aa admiral, but a doetor.and prefers to be simply called Oeorg Schumann, whose oratorio Ruth1 jvas recently, presented. Jin, America for the Brat time, was born at Koenlgsteln, On the Elbe, In 18W. He has ' held several important ' poal. tlouB In Germany and- has acquired much fame as a director, of choral and orchestral organisations, but it is aaa composer of .music In, its larger forms tbat he is best known. The Hoyal Box. Princess William of S,weden Is an expert cbauffeuse. She is not onlyf princess of Sweden, but a grand duch ess of Russia and the Duchess of Suh- derland. " "" : 1 Princess Victoria Louise of Prussii Emperor Willlanrs only daughter, beis an exquisitely beautiful string of pearls, which her mother has been col' lectins for her ever since her birth. v. The German empress is, like her bu band, an early riser, apd she and the emperor breakfast at 8 o'clock, neve later. The empress pours out the cof fee, and were she not there to do s the emperor would not think of starr ing the meal. ' King Albert of Belgium is devoti to the sciences. He's well up on elecf tricityi metallurgy and economical and has lectured on these subjects consult erably more 1 ban once. He's a soldier besides, .having started at, tbe bottom of the military ladder aud worked his way up by merit. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA , Curioue Legal Methods. They have sometimes a curious wo. of deciding lawsuits In north Slam. Both parties are put under cold water, and the ene staying under tbe longer wins the suit. A Dead Stomach Of What Use k it! Tbounands? yes hundreds of thousands of People throughout . Amaertea are taking, tbe slow death treatment dairy. They are murdering their own atom ach, tbe best friend they have, and la their sublime ignorance they think they are putting aside the laws 01 natare.- Thia is no sensational statement; It la a startling fact, the troth of which any honorable physician wilLnot deny. These thousands oL peopla are swal lowing daily huge quantities of .papain and other Strong digesters, made especi ally to digest the food In the stomach without afMfaid at all from tbe diges tive membrane of the stomach. '. Mi-o-na st orach ' tablet relievt dis tressed stomach m flva minutes; thej da more. Taken regularly for' a f w week they build Op the run down stomach and make' it strong to digest lt own food,' Tkeo IndigeaUod, belch tog; sour ttomach and headache -will Mi-o-na 'stomach tablets ar ask! by druggisU f very where and by Bredham Dniff Co. who guarantees them. W cents a boa. ' .v ' ..Booth's Pills aura coostlpatlon," 2e. ; t " Tte Feminine faee. . , A perfect feminine , face - should measure eiactly five dmea tbe width or an eye across tbe cbeek bonee, The ye should be stiffly iwo-thlrde- tbe width of tbe mouth and ibt Icogth f tbe ear eaactly twice that of tbe" eye. The apace betweea the eyee abould be tacUy tb lenalb ef one evn ; ' ' CAPT. B0GARDU3 AGAIN urrs ; s me hulls CIS,-. This world famous rifle shot who holds the thamptnniliip record of 100 pUeotn in liw cwn-uUve shots Is ll bg at Lincoln, ill. Krmtly tntr eiwel, he st: "I hare sufTo lone time wiiii klWy end blll-r trouble erxl hive xl evrt we known kl'ln7 rnniirin ell of whir g eve me no r!if f onlil I eturtAil Ut roley s . I l:of-re I or,j roiy'a ki.lnf I. n.ljr'j t re Ufliriil and peine in wy k . ;-, with S'lm-rrsvinn en 4 oHM,!.!i.e elouly vi.,rf. Wh.ie vt m a r , r the mornit.jf 1 .' t ct ! .-.! 1 h" I i Kt t ") f' t I T 1 . 1p' K i-lriPT t f t i 1 u -r rent I ( tpr, ! e -i t - . r I . I e , h my k i-!r7e Or .i , -r . I ,,i rm ti.'ire f I l.ke f v i - '. eolc-'y to (iwi'i i Ail 1 r I . i to I 1 I I i Sa.. errrs. I.e i ) rrrift ST- mmm. u ' - Ma d Basebell GLAD NEWS TO ILL The spring or April series of the New Bern Building & Loan Association opens April 1st. and its 6 per cent bear ing, non-taxable, Btock is now on sale at the agency of the undersigned. It will be remembered that this bene ficent institution was organized nearly a quarter century ago, and that throughout this long period, it has, 1 through efficient and judicious managi -ment gained, and now enjoys the pub lic's confidence and is today without a superior. It is not only for the purpose of building homes, of which many hundreds starn to ita credit, but is looked upon by the leading citizens of the place as an ex cellent investment which draws about 6 per cent and is not subject to taxat Ion. We recommend it to anyone whether wajre-.earner, business man or school child as one of the very best investments found in the city today. , W. G. BOYD, Agt. Rooms 820-821. Elks Bldg. SAVED A SOLDIER'S LIFE. Facing death from shot and shell in tbe civil war was more agreeable to J. A Stone, of Kemp, Tex., than facing it from what doctors. said wai consump tion,. "1 contracted a stubborn cold" he writes: "that developed a cough, that stuck to me Irr spite of all reme dies for years. My weight ran down to ljarpounds. Ijien I began ta use Dr. King's New Dixovery, which complete ly cured ma, I now weigh 178 pounds." f or Uoogbs, itolds. Latirippe, Asthma, ITemorrhage, . Hoarseness, Cr o u p, Wnooptng Cough and lung trouble. Us eopreme,' We. I.G0 Trie) bottle free. Uuaranteed by all Druggists. MieaaBse-eMeMeA ' ''' w SU..... A.L A j Id Meitco tbe young toeti can how ;n utiuug io. juuug tallica ana si ery. little aipense. .Xhey are tbeje ore . quit f eager - to lovlu theuT to Iheaters, parties, etc. And no wonder, for It la tbe custom In tbst country for tbe lady's father-to pay for tbe tickets and furalsh tbe carrlara. sooner, etc 4 HOW GOOD NEWS SPREADS. t "I am 70 Tears old and travel most of the time." writes B f Toleon. -of ClUabvthiown, Ky. - "Everywhere I go I recoaarMod Electric Bitters, because I owe my excellent health and vitality t then. I hey effect a cure every Um,M Thay aeyer fail to tone tbe stomach, recutita the kldnevs and bow Je.-stiinuU'e the liver, invigoraU the nerves and ptirtry the blon". They wtnrk wonders for week, run dowa men sad wom-n,' restoring strength, vlwof sad health that's a daily )or. '.Tn them. Only hUc. fletlefsnioo U.post tivsly fuaranleed by all Dnurgtsja. " The Chinese Cue. "'-' . iTbe cue ws lot roil irl Into Chins tbe Hew ba droeelT.'" It M eld v liCeu orieitnti lly ejee1l fo ib Msnrbus by ft"ir suee of grsil tts to tbe bur, tfi it solmal hsrlng f lefed a grest ttart In tbe Tartar con fj In eliort, the "plemir was a nirtb4 rf e(MIhlm I rrlelloueblp l,(Mwn butiian twinge and borees. - , . . . . A rVoteble Houee. 1 tiflik t, .u"" ercHpil IijO ;ere so l!i Pka tt-safl. H. Ue -in In lbr 0 ?ormt tnwne eud ( o einlee, Uumjh II hue tetr -(n ipnved.. , t Children fuic: :: T O R I A "IvW'Jv - itoost,care.A full rJavprcd LTv, V7.ik ';'The acmelof 'southern culdvation. c ' oi I C a t o 1 i ri a n d v Virginia -tobaccos-rleaf rthat "is ;unequaled-- blided with :;. MM and Satisfying lOforSc pictarrea and a valuable coupon in each peckage - - Old Mill Cigarette are packed in . -TIN FOIL THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. ANNOUNCE MENIS To the Democratic Voters ol Craven County. I hereby announce that I shall again be a candidate for sheriff before the next Democratic prima, y, to be held for Craven county. I thank you for your confidence and support in the past, and if re-elected I promise, to discharge the du iesof the office fair y and impiiriial ly, with due consideration always for the best interests of the whole people. J W BIDDLE. March 28, 1910. ANNOUNCEMENT To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Craven county, subject to the Democratic primary. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office to the beat of my knowledge and ability and aa near as possible to the satisfac tion of the. public. Very respectfully, RICHARD B. LANE. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Craven coun ty, subject to the democratic primary, and if nominated I guarantee to every person having any business with the office the utmost respect politeness and courtesy. Respectfully, A. E. WADSWORTH. Ck)IDAfE . for: county . TREASURER. - To the Democratic Voters of Craven County: ... J hereby most respectfully announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Craven County subject to. the will of the Democratic primary whenever said primary' bv held.- It" nominated and elected I pledge myself to-' conduct the emoa to the satisfaction, of he, people to tbe best of my ability.-v.; ' , Most Epectfully, -. B. B. Hurst, CANDIDATE 'FOR COUNTY ; TREASURERS -HJl, v--'.V- ' t ft tha DemocreUe YoMra of .(Craven County.: ; --'. . -' ' . I rcepectfull announce that I shall be a candidate for re-Wtlon fr. the office of Treasurer of -Craven County, eiirjt to the action of the Democratic primary whn held; I promiee If re elected to be found at my office In the Craven county court houee, willing to ecrve you as faithfully In the future as I havir In the paet. , " : ' ' . . . "'"'. Repetfully, , rremn S. Emul. 1'J,oujT tnonry ts the evil, .the ir.'iil lnr-fu n ) hf p'arit It root Of all ms "i.' BH03CE mm- roe - " -i-f I I "- .- ' . Be It ordained by the board of sider-.-men of the dij of New Bern, North ; Carolina, that V: 1 - . i" Whereaa by an ordinance duly passed by thigDoard upon the 7th day of Sept. 1909, it was determined to improve cer tain streets in this city, - mnd that an election be called for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the city h question of the approval of the Issuance of $50,000 of bonds to pay for said improvements and Whereaa due notice, as required by law, was given of said election, which election waa duly held upon the 13th day of October 1909, and a majority of the qualified voters voted in favor of tbe issuance of said bonds, and Wbjpeas the Supreme Court of North Carolina has held said bonds to be valid obligations of the city Hi New Bern, and said bonds have been duly sold at a price above par and accrued interest. but have not yet been exe uted or de livered, therefore be it Resolved that the form of said binds shall be substantially as follows : United States of America, State of North Carolina,, county of Craven city of New Bern, No. 6 per cent street Improvement Bond. 1000,00. Know all men by these presence, that the city of New Bern, Craven county, North Carolina acknowledge itself to owe and for value, received hereby promises to pay to bearer, upon the 1st day of April, the sum of one thousand dollars in lawful mopey of the United States of America, with interest there on at the rate of 5 per cent per annum payable semiannually upon the first day s of April and October of each year, until the payment of the principal thereor, upon presentation and surrender of the proper coupons therefore hereto at- wtached. Both principal and interest hereof, are payable at Importers and Traders National Bank, New York city, N. Y. This bond is one of a series of fifty bonds of like denomination, tenor and effect, numbered consecutively frornone to fifty, inclusive, and is issued under authority of an act of the General As sembly of the stateof North Caiolina, known as Chapter 82 of the Private Laws of 1899, as amended by Chapter 61 of the Private Lawa of 1907' and b Virtue of certain ordinance du'y psssed by the Board Aldermen of thfciiyof New Bern for that purpose. It is hereby certfled and reoil.nl that all acts, conditions and thing required by law to be done, precedent to and and in the isaiance hereof, in order to make this bond a legal, valid and bind ing obligation of the city of New Bern, North Carolina, have been done, have happened and been performed in regular and due form; that this issue ol' bonds. together with all other outstanding in debted of daid city, is not in excess of any statutory or constitutional limitat ion of indebtedness; that provision has been made for the collection of an an nual tax sufficient to pay the interest on these bonds and to provide a sinking funj suffcient to pay the principal hereof at maturity; that the full faith, credit and revenues, and all the real and personal property of said city, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt payment of this bond, and in terest, as the nature. "" In Witness Whereof, the city New Bern, North Carolina, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor, countersigned by its City Clerk, the seal of said city to be affixed, and the coupons to bear the fac-simile signatuie of the City Clerk at New Bern, North Carolina, this 23rd day of March, 1910. Mayor. Countersigned: City Clerk. SEAL The coupon shall be substantially in the following form, towit: No. 125.00 Upon the first day of April (October) 19,'thecity of New Bern, Craven County North Carolina, will pay to bearer, at the Importers' and Traders National Bank New York City, N. Y. the sum of Twenty five 00-100 Dollars, being six months interest then due on its street Improvement bond, number , datrt April L 1910. '.. ' . City Clork Be it further ordained tbat whe.i the reoo'lr,rton of bonds ha 'Imm paid lata too treasury, eatd Bonds, wbea duly executed, shall be delivered He the purchaser, FT PATTER 30Ni , ' -' '' , Ciiy Clerk. This March ifch 1910. - . ; ' . , IIILLTiaCOUGII Af:3CUnnTi::L!i::!:3 V.TJ. . .V.. .... ' - ' ' - - 9 e. k ... . J W e 4 sf ' - :; v.:JLr Is Cnlltlrs U prpof of lh ps11!n s la Ibe a'etrlhutlno t,f lbs elnms. HENRY'S; - -eeMee " Prescriptions from . all physicians. Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice h Toilet articles. Pharmacy PHONE 173, NOW READY -FOR- BUSINESS I have opened my Job Printing plant at No. 139 Middle street1 and arr ready to do all kinds of job printing at the lowest prices. New stock, artistic work. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL ORDERS. E.J.Land&Co. 139 Middle St. New Bern, N. C. ENNETT'S PREPARED Agricultural Lime makes every acre count and every testimonial good. Is prepared for all soils and alt crops. Write us for prices and testimonials. AGRICULTURAL LIME CO. NEW BERN, N. C. ICE Made from pure distilled filtered water. NEW BERft ICE CO. 19 21-23 Griffith Ht. I'll! 23 NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RY. Wolcolt and Kerr Receive! 9 DIUECTTIIROI'till TRAIN 8I'K YICURKTWKION A LL TO I NTH IN KAHTKHN NORTH cako LINA, and via OKIX)LK TO ALL KAHTIKN CITIFX Sche lnle in pffect Oct- I nth Trains leave New Bern y 9:15 ft m., KXJ'KI'JSrt, Daily, ei coptSunday, for Washington, I'ilPiiton, Klualx'th City and NORFOLK. -Arrives Nor folk 3:40 p. m. la m., Daily, for Mon-head City and lieftufort. 16am., Daily, for Kington and GoldulMra. 9:30 mM Iaily, except Hundayj for Orfentai and intermediate stations. 2.15 P lally except Munday, for Washington, Pinetown and Bclhaven, making ooo uectioo with Raleigh train at Washington. 6:45 P P&h 'or Morebe4 -C :;City and JJeaufort. , KLt l)tlyttotKtKUm and V- Gold aboro.- 7:30 P h, Taily, or Oriental and ; Intcrtnr4lat gtatloba. - For funhnr particulars consult ' XorMk and Southern folder, 'or appl to TV H, Bnoett, T. JL. II-U IIUDOIXa, 'o.v,'A'y " i. n.viAiu.i, a, u, r, a. li T. LAUB, O. at. Korfollr, Ta ; 9 P Ax r,K f.f I' i I . f ! ',! in (' ' T f " ' I v Tt:t la o f i

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