- it - r v PAPER WITH : : KNOWN ; CIRCULATION i - v, -- 51 NUMBER $ew cciyj, Nomn Carolina. Thursday siosnkg. iiaeciL; 3 1910. ,$J 4; carciui wuiiMuciauuii ot the needs of eveiy customer large w smal de positor or borrower has been the keylioe"tfi,r the policy of this Bank since the ;dayTwhen its doors ' tret nnonoA : . ' ! " ,-:-'v'.i"' i .it The growth pi ibis Bank, the loy alty of its follow ing and the spirif of i co-operation mfim utif patrons,: are the outcome of "poj Would not such banking relations be ' of decided " benefit to YOU? ' ' v S: fv iA9 n Ri inva p .-5- -r, a iirvitm v v'v- Wan ft mDKS, T. Pr. .GEO B PKNDLRTO Cass? i CIiVaVIFUn'C v j: f We Are Not Exactly in The Fur Business BUT WE ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF Hair rII v Hair Turbans 25 c. 25c. HAIR SWITCHES $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 J. M. Mitchell & Co. 61 POLLOCK ST. PHONE 288. - - . ! . . f . ' 1 " H v. r make you, not only proud at first, but proud long time, for it -H will not only bt stylish aiid becoming, but it will last almost indeflr taly. j F. M. Chddwick, mm - ';;;.::to;;ly ssiot 1 Twelvi tXsaxi X)l& J OiriSeriQusiy Nights-jLodgint, -Tsaewell, Ja., March 80 Th twlV ywf-ord daughtisrbt: Cbar' Kinder was hot ia tbe tempW' last night about 9 6'clock aod Sery arioU8 but not fatal ly wo&nded by im of tti two "men who Were paasiog through, tho.-. valley,' they sa'd, 6n their 'way from the coal field to their homea .ui North iaiojitti' .They gave their names Long' and Shumate.fJf; V Tha two 'men atopped' at Kinder'a bouse about dark, saying that they , had lost theit way . ancTasked for a night's lodging. ThU waajref used and the men were directed on Uieif ayi?iS :; After leaving the house they began firing revolvers, one hall going into KlnM ders house. ; atriking.the little girl as above stated. ; The men were arrested and are now in jaif : They claim they shot at a rabbit and did not intend hoot'; ing toward, the house. There was atrortg talk of a lynching in the - valley, but tbe prompt arrival of the sheriff ami his posse prevented trouble. ' . ' , ;Don't fail to see our J New Qiieen Quklity Oxfords,' - in shades "Patent leathers and Kids, al! styles. J. J. Baxter. E5iLIlE:01E0G0ElirK:ijlii SifiiGES Penuaylvatjia Bead's Action: Af u;3r; fecta lTa-OOO-i.? I'VhilmMf llmthiii Pennayl' vania Railroad Co has mad a ; ?otoii--taiy increase of 6 percent in th bay of aU employs who Row jei less than S300 per month. The-' raise is to be effectite April 1st. A boat V&.QQQ men are af-. f ectedis : Noticea have been 'pMtttM all points on the line east of littiiurg. It ia QBderstood that similar adtaftck will apply on the lines ? west of burg.iOn the lines east of Pittsburg the Pennsylvania Eailroad employs jabimt 123.000 men, the western system 58,000 morep ' Tt (inkers Arrived; ; The best we have hadj -extra" strong; just theright pitch M make thenreom fortahle, o)uble cshe ; seat "and 5 back makes them soft nd TBysyl1 resthi; .Middle strlef fe::V f. f -ji Mr. Craig's - Condition ,T The many friends hereof Mrs. Lee Craig, will be happy t'Ua that m' a ..telegrafe. ;ryW"by." MWt Watson : her brote :eterd jaf 0v ooonr0m MUIi'saii' uraig naa oeen operatea upon ana aer condition afterwards was quite 'aatis- Honor Roll By an oversight' the following were omitted, from the advance 1st, grade published Monday. iMiun aivis, sLacnarme uususwsy, Sadie Btock," Mary Bradham. Bessie Brinson, Heima Bryan, Mary Cox, Ellen Duer Jessie Edwards, Lucile Meredith, fern Perry, - EHzbet h Richardson. Lydia Speight, Laura Smith, Louise ShHner, Zra Styron, Daisy Williams, KuU Mercer, Conrad Bailey St. Clkife Baili-y. ' TO CURE 'MWlft'M'li 9Hi Oili Take LAXATIVE BEOMO Chiinln Tablets: Droggisti refund money If it laus to cure. b. w. ukuvg s signa ture is on each box.: S5c ' 5 Work In Concrete All kinds of work in concret done on ahott notice at as reasonable prices as good work can be done. - E E. HARPER, Now Is Youf Opportunity to save money on our entire stock "of Clothing. Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods. - Our stock is new and complete in every department.- ;A visit to - our . store will convince yob that you save35c. on every dollar you speed here. Yours FdrTtosioest? T Sam - : I inmnn v .Cr, MiJdla in'd : Front 'jfeXl Iiryin 'liloc'k; Cherry Point Items March 29th Wa have bueq having some-delightful eather for th past week; hope it will continue. . ; Mr. and Mrs, W. Y , Wynn spent SatorJay and Sunday at. Rlverdale at teadiog the Methodist Quarterly meet- Mies - LilUe Godwin, of Havelock, sprnt a few days with , friends of this place bet weeav.: ....... v.. Vj'. ; M las Maud Wood spent Saturday and Sunday withjier parents at BivsrdaW. i Qutu'a number of oor people attend ed ehurck at Barclck Sunday after- Mr. WUcrPittman spent Sunday at ititardals) ir, ? ;.'.;. Mies Laura . Wood, of RlvtrdaU, to spending few dsys. with Misa.EtU Wynne. We are glad to know that there k no sickness ia oor neighborhood at prase t. Hope spring has brought good health to !!.' 'i -".if. 7n"z. :;.' , ' asC MEADOWS MEAL i Thrre ia nothing snore wholesome than good al,' but do ytt ; ' always got itT ProUUy you do not anises yocssk' for MEADOWS 4 MEAL. . . vV'.- ;'v '"X' -v ' " ; We oe on) the best White Miliirg Com rare fully mWW snd put it all In but the notk, the eweetoees la there-meal shipped from " a oSnanae most of the Urn has this taken out sojt will ks that Is ' the reason your smsJ Is like small hominy when It is coukedeIiyi ak fot'MEADCWS UZAL f v"r " ' : is Clean and Sweet. 1 ? ' as ; 7Yic Tas f c. ' If ywif dlr do ftoj haivile It phme mt writ n welils " that jovi wants ars snppUL- ' The Wt f eryUiing In Feed, lUf sni Grain. At! m-sr- sod g-isrsrwj. , . i. . ""' V V 'HEPSiBie., Wires Dowa and Trains-Blocked. in . WyoiaIng. Denver, - March SaToe. heaviest snow , storm since Jast December has beon-;ragin rin Wyomuig. Tbs fall is nearly three i-fy-ri'.: The gale which aocompaoiee it has filled all cots; and the railroads are com pletely: tied op. ?Telegrapb. and tele phone wires acs down and is is difficult to get trace of the location of stalled trains, vii m 'y V -.- Two newspaper trains are snowbound at -small stations west Sf Cheyenne, whan the t-ynion Pacific, enters the monntains. :' With only one wire work ing to the East, the Western tJnidn has been badly cripplod "and had no wires except to tb West. ..The Poetsl Com pany was crippled but bis service to the factory. Democrati, Take Notice J There will be i meeting4 of the; Dem ocratic Executive Committee oh Sstitrs day April 2d M0 at U o'clock mt lhej court house, to. the city of New Bern, to transact soch business as may c come before them.- " "'1 ' ' B. H. LANfc, Chairman Democratic Ex. Com. ; DONT OP Weak and missrable: If you have Kidney or ; Bladd ; trouble, DuM neaa pains, tutouw1 Nerrouaness; Pains in thibacjkv and feet tired ail over, get a packagV, t Mother Grftj'tn AUSTRALIANrLEAr,; the. pleassnt herb cure. Itnerer fausi We have, many t -stimonisb from, gtstef ul ; people srhoj have used this wonderful remedt-V'A a regulator it' bM no equal Aik fori Mother Gw Australian-Leaf at Drug- girts or aest by" huil fot Met. Sample FREE.' Add.es, The Mother Gray Co LeRoy, N.- Y..4:vV f.rv.r . '.";' Wbiteoak River Notn EU3 KEV.S 10 til The spring or -April-eeriea of the New Bern BuHdlftg A Loan Association open April 1st. end lu 6 per cent bear Ing, non-tsialle stock Is now on sale at the agency of the undersigned. ' it will be remembered that thla bene ficent Institution was organized neatly a quarter elny ago, snd that j thronghout tsi long porlod, ' it baa, through tfTWlMt and judkloos maneg- ! rfient gained, and now etioys the pub lie's confidence and is today without a superior. - . I It Is pot only fr (he purprte of bull ling Komve, of hlrh mny fcundrJ tr,d , It l!srrdlf, but is txikd opun ty the t r. :i::g cUW.-ns of tl.e as SO 1- rellent lovtlmitt wl.lfh draws shoot 8pof cmt and Is twit tut J-ct to Uxat ,!. - ' . ! V.'s refrtmmnr.il H to snyorve iLrther Jones eoonty March t-We are hav ing . seine beautiful -weather, aid th farmer are making jgond f it 'to Mr. and Mra. Joseph Byount Wielted at Mrs. Jaoe . ErviasV on .th Onslow side oi th river 8ondsy, ' ; Mr.'.Georg Bell and brother Atrem were welcome visitor at Mr,' Charles Collins Suodsy. 8 were Messrs. b ale and M. W CoUins, Mr. Lawrcoc Smith of Loco was 'also' welcome goest V -'J- j- , Mis Rosa Collin who hsAfeen visit ing bet grsndoothar near. OHver ha rtturnednom. - ; ; . .. ? . J ."3 2 What has become of our Bmepond- enteT, Wsk 'up and writ and writ more regularly. We would be to bear from oor Little Hell Itomlaer.'' t EQ3Y CHBSWV ' . i -t ;Ve ' carry 'thertulsidph!t Lawn niowcr sr.J cur pace is reasonnL!e. Clcr.i ice'thco. J. Jv. Casnijlit II Jw. Co. ' - v Our Bustef Brown Oxfords fMisses and; Children, in all styles are in see s before buying. J. J. Baxter. Ilea Club and Orchestra. The revival of- interest in music on th old campus of th University of North Carolina has not only added much to the pleasantness of University life hat has also contributed to the making of th beat Gle Club and Orchestra it 1 -Z" . J f LI- . Th other and perhaps the chief factor in the production of their excellency is work,'.-;- , -'I For weeks it has-been 'work, Work. Manager Beard has worked and - the result ia th best schedule ever arranged by a manager of the University Musi cat: Association. -Director Woolen has worked and he is rewarded with an abundance of materia) out of which to choose bis men. The men have worked day after day,"' hour after noun They hav missed ball games and given up S3ciai pleasures for the sake of their Wort eiw-development. , Surely work has told and work will tell'. Wednesday night April 6th NewBern will have-a chance to see the result of tn revival or musical Interest and this tire lees work. Walkman's Candy Fresh Sup ply jiist received at Davis' Pharmacy : Swaotboro Newt. 8 wansborc; N. C.7 March 29tb Uia Mr. E. H Bamum. of New ; Bern, is spending soas-. Urn her resting up, and is recruiting rapidly under the In- nueste oi oor pieaaaai cunimv Di. W. J.'Hontford, owner of Mfoant PUeaant stock 4ad poultry farm, 'near here, I expecting tn ral' 600 Isdlaa Bonnet docks, and will giv the boys andgirlsot Swanahoroan gg hunt er ery Eacter.- He I ass the happy I pos ior of bom fie Essex bogs, and be sella th piirs at tS.00 eaten. . it cannot apply th deatsod for tnsisn. i ' Oar farmers are aboet throngb plant ing eom.rl'v-' .."r 'T -Y: Dr. Moaford and Mr DC G Ward are trying a new variety of eorn this year, that J said to tear alx ear to th stalfc j . .. . Work is ptngreeslng en th saw mDI of W. 8. Swvxkli A Son. They expect to be ready to begin running la the ear ly imuw, h Zijk' Among th visitor to oor'townlthls week wer Messrs TfJ Sander and 8, A. Starling, of Hubert; C' 1 CHUtte, of MaysTiUe; W B Pogh and M B A sold, ef New Bern, and it Bell of Pel- locksvin.'? , IC -4 - K03S BUD. IIRIiiHlSlc slofpAlD ON 'OSAVINGS NEW BERN. N.CC - HayeYou . .i,."' STRONG" COUftTCCXJS PROGRESSIVE a Bank tceonnt? A commercial account caried with n well-known bank furnishes a basis for business confidence wbkH can not be procured through any other channel. This bank with, its reputation K&a. conserva tive, high-grade banking institution; imparts a finaacial prestige and confidence which ia of inestimable value to individuals and cor porations having daily, deposits and disbursments. . Every courtesy approved by conservative banking methods is extended to our patrons. Vy1 M.DUNN PR EST. - C.D.BRADHAM yiCE-PR'CST;'4i TA.UZZELL -;?.CASMitn.. CLOTHING arid SHOE SALE We have on hand a very large stock of last seasons CLOTHING and 0XF0RD3 and m order to make room for our new stock we will close these goods but re gardless of cost. SEE OUR WINDOW FOR PRICES J. J. DEPT. STORE BAXTER .. i .. i 4 EIKS TTE IvPl.E v. THE Realizing the unquestioned advantage of a FAIR in our community and responding; to public clamor, the Chamber of Commerce )mjtt$fa ojilipped for FAIR ASSOCIATION and Kas pyt the question of its success squarely before the New Bern public. The price of the stock is $2$, p tbuje(f on easy terms, and if all who could wp rSj'ilberally and promptly for tms stock.it. veffiteawS; commit tees to formulate plans for UBmeAaV action." Messrs. R. A. Nunn, Wm. Dunn. 'Jr., and H. W. Simpson,' the committee will be pleased to receive sub scriptioufi at once. Lets have the FAIR, and advance,, progress and grow. New Bern ; Chamber of SGdnimerce - HART ft BALL cotton i:mi?s rnoxi: so cuavebt. Jfsw Terk I"ifL - , . N Yi, t:rfK Z Ilia, (i; on I' jnwi (1 t tUrrh, ; rt r,- I I..I J si r !. c.f i!, v i f t-iit lnftstroni ' ,.r l in U t'.lf 1 .'rr, V.. I jYD. Agt - - ':!." i:.k i .. . Ort, A i' l.v.7 is '; i:.' r, u r: Our Patent les.tr.er Ox fords, in lUlstpn . & Ff How Crafts are' guaranteed.." JrJ. Baiter. " ' '' r J' READ , VAMagasinof Ualthy fcir by nCareii.i :..:; "Tr' ( '.? oisa forjCaroUnian. and aa,thr.';vi.i( fltfjnr 4ioc;tCo Science Sif tings. , A r Mttr ) A;f ' 1 I ( A flry rIt n-tn-b will work pntxT'j t i r-) . (..rdfTir te ild to t.e )' iKUrjr tliirrl! ulira CI1. rtlilt ' uf LilB'rsU'i ' t t - it? ) t tu.ir trct cpoo s pbnto I rs;l.lc piste. srtiUll wtll show ; j vS of rtli!f r;.i.-'4 fx-f j j It 1 . O '.ii.KU Of I'"'.; 1D1 tI.ii;Pll . I A I r , ti lr f 1 . fr-if 1 tl.i.t J It 1 t.V s .jAJUui.i'i'JW I :.. j u ( ,Vsr. k&4 etn t t!i- ; I ' i tar t ' i . -1 ir -, :t-, :. j n."i tiii. ti s 7; (Jountry Hams, .i vTteshWppky of tea from fsr .Japan, as well as new coffees thai are : tctiUonalIy Sn fb flavor. Our entire grocery stock is attrictlvs in arrsnge fnenUHrsf ilea in ualiiy; and uoder- ntrtin prtce. ' .-V.:tt' . " jova CUSTOM S0UQTED:. i - - m . n 1 t. . . .1 ' you and to hold yvetradN lj I.".'. ' V r::o 7 im -new ekrn. n. cv Tl;c. ;Eenco:i-Par.:Ypaintifi( r ' ) ij here. ! r 0. V: c L. & II. -nt-r:- C eclors, -UK --. "V ' V il ie Jiib. !