.mi mm .... tyi ...I yew Bern, N.C. April 1,1810. : ur:E c;.eco: ; . AIEETLl LODGJ 10. X. OF f Kaets erary Tuesday UW In RW1 niuKMk street J. 0. Bona. C. v t n mHH t of E. Hi & i VMUn troOera unni amlIf; I Jury, Oct CR1TE1- 1-0D6B 0 1, TOTflHT&J OP iSX99T-XMU tad.' and h Wednesday letthte in cli month is Knights Harmony ..HsU, eonier Broad .d wnoock atreota at 7:3 . ic wniu. Praeident; J. H. Smith ecrtam B. BL Hill, Financial 8e rotary. v at of P. HaU corner of Broad and HaucocV itreett, send-monthly, Fir an Third Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clex. Vtetttof Woodmen are invlt ;., ii The Victoria. Robinson Can Co. Cans. J C Whitty & Co.-Sprays. W A SimpMns-Cotton Seed. Harrington Dry Goods Co-Dry G'da. 8 Room dwelling, city ac comodations, good location per month ------ ?ll.00? Store and living rooms, 26x60 ft per month - -&o.w Warehouse, 7,000 Bq. ft per month ?35.UU Wharf, permonth - - $30.00 ASK ME W. S. K. TAYLOR REAL ESTATE fihaxclYl AGENT 66 S. Front St. Nw Vmn. V. C BUSINESS LOCALS NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. BORDEAUX Mixture, Sprayers and Snrav PumDS at J C Whittv & Co's. -Protect your fruit trees. FINE Lot of ducks, young and grown chickenB, country and Baltimore hams. Beat butter and cheese, mess, romp, Dlate and clean pork, herring and roul let netting. B. B. Davenport, marble Blab, Middle street ON account of my Cream business be ing in such demand I have decided to discontinue the candy business, so I will sell all 40c chocolate at 20c per pound, all 60c at 30c. as long as it lasts. AS freah stock. H. E. RoyalL FOR SALE At a bargain, one Stieff piano, upright, in good condition. Cash or time payment R A Nnnn, attorney FOR RENT Two good oices at 60 Craven street R A Nunn. SPANISH and yellow onions, Iriah and sweet potatoes, Baldwin apples, Naval orange, canned Asparagus, canned Sour Krout and lots of other canned goods, Graham Flour, Buckwheat and Oatflak at Hudson & Co'a. BE a customer at the Fanners Home) and get them good nice Oysters and Fish, Sweet Potatoes and Rutabagas, Phone 71. 22 Middle stmt FOR SALE One sewing machine and one center table will be sold Monday April Uth at Gatlin'a Creek to satisfy freight charges due on seme. N. b. Ioe, Captain of Fannie Brevard. FOR RENT On atom, No. 99, Mid die street; one 6 room boose, No. 164 George street; one S room honee, No. Pine street; one S room boose. No. 19 Pine street J. W. Stewart UGUTEK1 FACXOtl AT CllUI -Can foraiaa Porch Oolnmna, Cotos taJ Btyls, Bade of nd-han eypreaa; MonldlDga, Bracketa, Plyataa, leak; Doors Windows, Cta'r Work. Ilastlea Sample trck at GaektQ Hardware Co'i -Store. Orderi left there ate atVgsassd to the uiMlenlffaed promptly filled J. M r ft. . ta.f 0 MERRY kiow: aelf-rlstnc Soar cheeper thaa ptala flour, eaytnf eoai of " bakmg powdiirvaoda, bnttenntik and half IheUrd-VWraU nave uk and , HH weno, wne; mxmu m eawav aoy iFQRRENll I lengtb deeirea. Try a few poonoso die celebrated flow atN T VioeetH'i " U7 couta rront aveei. rnom wi. . V 'JIUBBEB DTAMr3Mad to order on ehert notke- Don't eend yoor orders V pot ef tow, Patrontee ttome Induatry. WiUuun T, II ill. 81 Middle Stmt, phone rSaSrL1Q C1CTW4. . ' tt South Front ' stret Ontiffirn's '- ckjlLs cleaned, repaired and prti, Le.'u aVirta preened, epeoaJt. 'fOUND-Three fat bneU, tr-r r recjvet seme ty fro!' I V : " ' ' ' 1 en, y,. c. TATaT 7 " I) A T I iiil COTTON BROKERS IPHONBoO . : CEAVEH pi:. V' jrw it xaitet- ?v ; New York, March 81, 1910. - Open ? Hi Low; Clow March. " -;i305 16317, 1506 16Sn Mar,: 1493 1493 . I486 1 -: 1474 ' 1480 ' 1460 1470 1306 1- ISO?. 0271 1277 Liverpool Cotton JUAt'tM . . Opening. Closing" March Apr . 784 ; TJ9 Aw llav " 778 7741 OctN 688 Midline Futures opened steady. NeWi lower, now qaiet 684 8:1 Hew Ben Market 13) to 16c sales none. Girls see, how to train your husband by, the Whitcbmbs at the Victoria to-night. Glee Club and Orchestra. The revival of interest in music on the old campus of the University of North Carolina has not only added much to the pleasantness of University life hilt has also contributed to the making of the best Glee Club and Orchestra that has ever represented Carolina. The other and perhaps the chief factor in the production of their excellency is work. For weeks it has beeq work, work. Manager Beard has worked and the result isthe best schedule ever arranged by a manager of the University Musi cal Association. Director Woolen has worked and he is rewarded with an abundance of material out of which to choose his men. The men have worked day after day, hour after hour. They have missed ball games and given up social pleasures for the sake of their work and development. Surely work has told and work will telL Wednesday night April 6th New Bern will have a chance to see the result of the revival of musical interest and this tireless work. Don t forget us wnen you want a White Mountain Freezer Phone 99. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Go. 8ayi Pastor Goodman I Thos lepr may b ilnnera, N But their aleeplng la no sign. Brethren, 11 they can't Keep awake They're not to blame, make no mistake. For I know the fault la mine! ' Chicago Tribune. CASTOR OIL-POWDER I Jam mi TATJLtS tmmAn mCrru AtdaLSis Lhui maw rnf tT AND SA.FCSTH: fTJ LAXATIVE KNOWN fchMSkeaeaea AT All ANMn tmmm BUSINESS LOCALS: FOR SALE CHEAP Gas boat Vandc leor, will carry 18 tons, fitted with 2 6 horse power. Mlanus engines good as new. Boat made of very nest material. For farther information write to Dick inson A Bra, Beanfort, N. C, R F D , box 28. " The Last Day! If your City Tax is not paid by April 11 1910, your property will be 'advertised, will levy on personal property if to be had Year Gty Taxes will have to be paid at once. '-:.' ' : ? v .; .J; j.tolson, . . .Qty Tax. Collector. FOR SALE ! ' Field Peas and Soja - j Beans. XXX Dairy Feed, all kinds Grain. Burms&Cti. 13 liUUle 81.' Tbftne H eeeeeeeeeeee. FC?v SVLEl 25).nu !;tl5 rcancti 2C3 Ejifb cf Ik!J Tf , ucvrrdr: e e ' rif r - ' p r j Tiy U eil fuj day. Welch cat (or j the brick under the old bet, at "There have been very few. marriage licenses issued i white couples during the past month in this city. The Woman's Foreign Missionsry So ciety of Centenary church will meet this afternoon at four o'clock in the church parlors, -f The Postal Telegraph Company will soon occupy quarters in the Elks Tem ple, in the rooms recently" occupied py Mr-JEd,, CI-y:c:Jpv- Pea Wooma hereabouts are rapidly nsMing now Into pea pods. But these wiu all be "pope II Jack rrost snouiqj chance thia. way.. There was only one minor case en the docket in the police court yesterday af ternoon and bat a shortima' was' con smned In the session . Those persons who attends the egg hunt at Jasper Saturdays afternoon are promised' a delightful time, Refreahr ment8 will be served by the ladies end a game of base ball will be one of the features of the day. 'i-.-'".-The Gaston Drug Co. Mr. Sedburyj a former New Berniati proprietor, has moved totbe store . in the Small wood building opposite the post office, and will fill orders today. Mrj- Sedbury's friends will be-glad to welcome him back to this city. During the past few days it has been noticed that the old clock in the tower of the Federal building occasionally peals out the hour. Just why the "in strument strikes so irregularly or in fact why it strikes at all we have not been able to learn. The Glee Club of North Carolina is said it be better this season than ever before. Several hieh'y talented musi cians have recently been' added to the' organijatioirand'aleo four new soloist have been secured. They will be seen at s Masonic Theatre April 6tb. There have been several complain 8 made recently by citizens of this city about driving heavily loaded wagons on the aide walks by some of "the' colored draymen. The police are on the watch for these offenders, and every one who is caueht in the act will be fined five dollar. , The county bridge force are engaged in repairing the Neuse river bridge. In several places on the bridge the boards have become worn through and if the repairs had not been made it is proba ble that some person or animal -would have been injured by stepping in one of these holes." ' Since the reproduction of the famous Johnson-Ketchel prize fight which was shown at the Victoria on last Monday night, every youngster in the city who could scrape up the necessary "scads" has purchased a pair of boxing gloves and prize fights are now a feature of the day. The Whitcomba pleased a -large audi ence at the Victoria again last night. These two vaudeville atars are fast and snappy in their sketch, and the audi ence la kept guessing .as to what the next surprise will be. No better pict urea have ever been seen in the city. The music waa fine. Another big bill for tonight. Today ia the last day in which you can pay your city taxes. If you do not pay this tax today your property will be advertised and sold to the highest bid -der. The tax collector Informs us that tt ere are quite a number who have paid no attention to his' notices, and unless they pay today their property will have to be sold. ' While in Bridgetoo yesterday a Joor- nal representative -waa showw- a new storage house that b; being erected by Mr. iD.. H. Fleming for the purpose of storing ice for ue during -summer, When the building Is completed and his supply f ke .put to, the. people of that place will not. have to com to this city after lceu ..X .4-'. ; ; ; One of the largest catches of birring! of the season waa brought to the city yesterday moinln g and dispoued of to local dealers. The. fth wore taken by them and salted down preparatory to shipping to oveside dealers and 'to see the large number of people employed by them hi this work la Indeed an interest ing and ins true tire ape etaclo. 4 ' , ' Work on the new tee factory that is being erected In the northern part of the city is rapidly progressing, A large force of carpenters and mesons are em- j ployed by the contractors who are doing the werk and they are forging a head j with remarkable rapidity.. , Nsw'ma-I chlnery baa been received and thin will j be placed m foaltktt as early as poasl-; About 1-10 last night pedestrian d!s eovered that a lsrgportlere In the rea-. Ideoce of Mr. 8. Ulumgardt on Pollock ' Street Wts on fire. The alarm wai turn ed in and both eomneniee wte soon on the scene and qut-kly eitinf uil,l the b!ane. The family was not at home el the time eod It , Is auppoed the .! - erigimited from a lamp. The dmt;e was Slight, - '. The citi.ris ut PrUieb sre vrjr morh wroighl ep orer a naltf tf.at bt rcendy come te l bt In lht io n. Frini the farts t? t rou'J te Iran.. ! ll.y a Ji J f.t ao orril fi'fpnlill!, ll " i om ix hjn el t'.nt f - rote a ll 'r in the t l e t : ir,r.t sr.d r .-I'-I lV s' - .-' U.e Pri'c''" '-' '-n 'f ' ' ' V ' l ni .r.n ( f I ' j ' ' i ; - - Mr. C C ,Io:ia li visiting relatives Raleigh. - . r. V - . - Mr.! Jchrf Pearee, of PoRocksvillt, was in the city yesterday- . . - . Cap(. D S Lancaster, of Vanceboro, spent yestsrday in the city. ., i,' s Mrs. : Arthur Midyet V- of Oriental, spent yesterday in the city.;. Mr, John Gtiton, who has been attend ing the University at Chapel Hill,; re turned home yesterday.- j fA'- Mr. 3 A '-Damon, manager jof the Hyman Supply Co.. of Wilmington, was among the Visitors to the city ye- ? VIN-KRE-OL : FOE PTJlrif "CfilLDEEN : ATSD FRAIL WOMEN V YINKREOL , The improved wine of ' . COD LIVER OIL - is the 4medy. - Stimnlates'the appetite, strength ens the nei-ves, enriches the .blood, prevents and cures ""Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis . And throat and lung troubles ;Dayis Pharmacy. It Saves Your : .JijCg'acTCS illllilAMJ.' A DAINTY inconspicuous bit of jew elrjVa case in a number of plain and el aborate designs, enclosing a spring and coil of eyeglass chain to which you at tach the eyeglasses.. Pull it out to the required length and it stays. Release it with a twitch and the glasses draw up safe and out of danger. Also used as a pencil holder. The guarantee protects you against defects. Come in and let us show it to you--and reme'mberour Optical Depart ment is the beBt In the city. J. 0. Baxter Optomelrifit New Bern,N. O. - -7C3- - Made from pure distilled filtered water. NEW BERN tCE CO. , 1 21-23 Griffith St Phone 23 i t VICTORIA THEATRE- J AUDEViLLEr AND -y TH BEST ". 7f NVmNGYOU TO t. P 6NTINdlJS7'lii ANCE3V,;; S' ONlGirr ANJEVERY . ' OTHER NIGHT RCIIESTRA, SUPER g,:rLATivr:;;: R' ANK, F0RM0ST, AT vWAlX TIMES -V? N ALL THINGS - LEAD SSOaATIONflLMS ONLY , Hame Hour. Kama Tilers ' ' 1 i ViiUll ... 4-0-JLX.'!-a! uJ The excu:; that your watch vvas wron, "n't yn. Thrrc's no reason ' why your h Inot I.? t: ;ht toth"fcon'.l. Don'l - th- rxc:: a v.T.tch thit tirr.'i yc : V Tls finB Will the Snttt lone '-. 68 rYears Is a Time II but all- these years STIEFF PIANOS '. have eea made . an j sold direct to the homes of thou sands, and thousands of people who require the best . -. t V ; Our method gives you great ad vantages over the usual way of buying from dealers you save money; get the beat , piano," and have a guarantee that ia worth air the name implies" Get our Price List before buy-i ng. Ii pot in 'touch with our rep- resentative write. cms 1,1, s it- C. STEELS, Mgr. ' Il40ranby Street Norfolk, a. i (Mention this paper.) niEuws about lumber? It is reported there 1 will soon be a big demand for North Poles. Well we have none of that sort but we have Pojes, Posts, Beams and Boards of every other kind. YOUR LUMBER NEEDS can be filled satisfactorily here. And if you plan to do some fixing up this spring it's time you got busy and give us your order. Visit our retail yard. Tolson Lumber and Mfg'Co. Phone 430, 129 E. Front St. N. C. New Bern, "Cleanliness is Kext 5 to We have Soaps to suit every taste, every requirement every every purse, A few sugges tions. The Hunt seres 10c. box 26c. Candia Glycerine 10c. " 25c. Lanna Oil and Glycerine 10c.. box 25c. Savon Heliotrope and Violet 10c. box 26c. Maxlne Elliot,- Buttermilk Complexion 15c. or 2 for 26c. Grand Dutch ess 25c. per cake. Enchantress V'.olet 26c. Palm Elder flower, Turkish Bath, 6c 6 for 26c. F. sTDuffy I ' ' NEW BERN,- N. O. C HARDWARE 'AND v ; ; -. Building Ma- icrlol - Paints; Oils Varnishes " . American r Field Fence, E. 17. s'.'.mlv; gw ferra, X. C, y c n r n I a i t 1UU LkU IWA1 j Official Piano Jamestowa-Kipo. a : Sells .pri Its Merit. ' i lb. Can Lobster . "r 25c. Van Camps Jok ft Beana .10, 6c- 2 lb." Fancy Ljma Beans c . 15c ..S Ip. Fancy Tomatoes - 9c. " Pie-Nic Hams 16c. H. C. ARMSTRONG l Phone 174 Middle HEW BERN BUILDING 8 M M. E. K. BISHOP, GEO. H. ROBERTS, E. B. HACKBURN, President, 1st. Vice Prest. 2nd. Vice Preat. JOHN DUNN, Secretary-Treasurer. This Association has entered its 22nd. year of continued usefulness, and offers in its 6 per cent, NON-TAXABLE stock one of the best and safest investments on the New Bern niavlejt. Anyone interested in an investment with true merit and worth should hand in their names at once to the undersigned for stock in the April Series, which is now on sale. W. G. BOYD, Agent New Bern Building R)omi 120-321 Elks Building NEW BERN FRUiT CO. - - WHOLESALE DEALERS - - In Hay, Grain and Feed, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Canned Meats and Vegetables, Evaporated Appiui, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Cheroots and Cigarette, P.'.ih and Potatoes, Fruits of all kinds. Also agent forthe National Oil Co., always have a big stock of Oils of all kinds and Gasolene on hand. Send ua yonr orders. Remember the name National Oil Co., 117 Middle St. Phone 2U7. T. P. ASMFORI), Mgr. 37 Middle St. Warehouse 41 Middle St. Phor.e 207 a 0 ft i ooco cooooooo Special Walter Bakers Cocoa Quaker Oats Good Carolina Kice Fresh Fox River Print Butter YOURS FOR J. L. McDaniel i5 Broad Ht. Phone THE ; u. Realizinj the unqunfioned advaatige of a FAIR , In our enrnmunity and responding: to public, clamor,, the -Chamber ot Coramcrti hat created the long hoped for FAIR ASSOCIATION and has put the qurtioa of It . lucceat fvquarcljf before the New Bern public. ' "The price of the stock U $25 per ihtfe, cq easy . trrms, and if all who could would fubscribe liberally ; and promptly for thlj stock It win enable the' Wrnmit. tecs to formulate plant for Immediate action. V., 'u ffessn. R. A. Nnnn,- Xm. Dunn, Jr and IL Wv S:m;ron, the committee will be pleased to rc;eiTe aub- . trriptioi.fi at once. . " ' - . ; Lfts havet!ieFAIR,an1c lv-rr,rro;rni anjgroV. New CoffcV Onfy 20c b, Old Va. Herring Roe 12i& 31b. Ives' Stringlea Beans 10c 2 lb. Fancy Garden Peas 15c. Pts. & Qtsi Welches Grape Juice Imported Sardines 10, 15 and 20cc. St. New Bern. N. C. & Loan Association. Telephone 40 ) COOOCCOOCOCOD &o coco oooo Bargains. 22c. per J lb. cake. ll)c. per large pkg. 10c. per quart. :!8e. per II). CASH ONLY. 91 New lieru, X J A (iood Judge of Fuel will never burn anything but our high gntdo WhitP Ash coal. It is not only natisfuctory for rcxiking and healing purxmt, but it in-teiint- lu'at and long continued combustion make it rronmniral in the houwhold. Ellis Coal and Wood Yard Phone 47 Union Point. FAIR 77 e rv t i. 1 t tt ' i ' ' ,'.. r ' ' i ' ' ' .. f ' ' - r1

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