. ' . . - ' - " - - . - - - -..'. m: - i i - r; jujj JP.rj: For Infanta and Children. l , j ii wauQ Knunrht ireaXN nillUIW HWUhlU ':u-'- KM ALCOHOL a PES CENT AgetablePrrnartinnCrit siMlatingtteftodMlReftfe. ting tlie Smnada aodfiowdsi Promotes DigcatlMiHwfii- ness andRntXentalntneitlicrl Opium.Motphine narMneralJ NOT NARCOTIC. jUxSema BxMltidtt- jtaaeSai him Sen Cin&tlSuar- hUBftmflmr. Aperfect Remedy forConsfl t ion , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtoea Worms .CoimlSrons Jwmsu ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Sigawof ill NEW YOBK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Physicians Advise the use of a goodlaxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undigested food from gettinginto your system. The latest product of science is VELVO Laxative tiver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle, reliable anJ of a pleasant, aromatic taste. Veivo acts on the liver, as well as on the stomach anJ bowels, and is of the greatest possible efficacy in constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, feverishness, colic.flatulence, etc. Try VF 1 SOUTHERN RAILWAY KOirili:it It AM IVAi SCHEDULE N I -'I'licBo figures ave published i. . I nn ;,re not guaran- Ji -1.. ave Goidsboro, N. C, 6.46 a. in., through train with chair car lc! Ah.'ville connecting al Khi linirii.m, fr Oxford, Hen rti rnor.. Kpysvllle and Rlckraonr -ai l.lvrr?lly for Chapel Hill at (irfpnslioro for Charlotte and ail ik.iiiu south, also for Dar nllc I.jncbburg, Charlotteavillp V:tKhiiKtou, and af1 polnu cor jj. I..ivpii qolmboro, 2 05 p. m fur 1 1 rei-nslioro. handles throng1 1 'ii 11 iiif. n Hi,lr!Kh. to Atlanta, COI m t fU. (5rpenboro for al point north, loulb and w at. Ill l.raven GolJaboro 10. 15 p m tor (irrohiboro, bandlfli pullmki HaletKh , to OrMDiboro, coo ircta at (Iroenaboro for Char NO NO. lottA AUanta , New Orleaai i isbpvMle, Kuoivlllt, alo for fti.nville. I.yncbhura. Chariot- t n,i1l. Waiihlngtoi, Ud ll P'ir. LortJl. 1 . iir rnrihpr iDtorrosU in nl an j SouihTii tirkrt sgent or addrsat th nn'lerslf ner. II. V". CARY, (leneral Paasenr nt Waahtniioa, D. C. r h DxnirrTH, Tmvollni PaMngr AgsnL RaJsigh, N. C. NORFOLK ftJOjlHEBH Ef. Vir. Norfolk, Va., Thf Qulckwt Houtr in Kirhmontl, retmburg and hil)gUn. (nr.m rn nCUXDUlM 1ICHMOND U (Mr. t4T IK - KisMon. in tm drWsk tJ tJi " Km (Wk. tl t " raranrUK IM " OmotMK I " WMmti. M At. NOItPOt.K. Vs. t mpm. ran, W. Ir. TleCaOIy S? . - Af tU.ha.oeo.Veaa. a. tTatf. 4f.fc 1. IXC. Uses. L. BMhed. Va. Ae. WseWertea,1 gave time by taint U ForfoQt and rJootbemailway, North, Soath East Sot West. ' - - , . H. C UUWINS, G. P. A. v Norfolk, Va. ,.'r ? . ,Tkt mia who lis ae tire tnf bit " 'I'fleflflfwUt tvetHBUlly d'j-ref Bal - la has frleji'U tot V t'-i-e. Tho Kind-You llavo' s : ; Bears Signature of For Over " TM OKMTItUll MMHTI (( VtoNH OfTT. : LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP GAMES AMD DAUGHTERS. --- Miss Curollne MrCIII of the Cnl verslty of Missouri f.n-ulty bus been made a wholur ot u Nitlen aasoi'bi llou for tiroiiMitliiK Siii'utllle reseunli MIsh Belle Squires, n iiiiihIc leacht'i It C'hlcHKo, has refused to pay n per aonnl lust, urging that without uvo!i she would be suiniilttliig to t) ratie.' to pay a tax. Mrs Helen Troy of Auburn. N. V.. has been received Into full member ship ot the .SI I Nations. She has de voted I be last fourteen yen in to study and research regat-dlug the IroquOi traditions. Mue. Anna Rogstnd. the first woman member of the storthing, which la the lower house lu the Norwegian parllu u-nt, was a teacher In one of the prl tunry gradex uf the public boolu lu Christlanla wbefl elected. Mine, de la Roche bus won an air pilot's licence from the Krem h Aert club by tl.Nltig four limes around tut aviation course at Heli'pix. a tot distance of twelve utile She la tlx first woman to get ibis dlHtluclloo . Miss Jeauette Miriam Coldlieri: o' Jefferson, 'lei', and riilladelidibi. Held ircreiary of tbe .levvNIi ('lii(iiiaui)Uii iiiOTpment, Ik one ot the Ixrrmoai Jen-lfh woiueti uf l be wot Id and one whose work Hli'tig social lines bus ex temlel ibri'ii-li prnc tU slly every Statt IU tbe I ll.lnl Mules ami lulo OUU) I. ol'tlK" counl 1 1 Catarrh Cannot be Cured. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, u ttey cannot rsaeb (he Beat of tbe dia rasa. Catarrh ! blood or eoosti tutioDal diacaMj and in order to onr it you must take internal renwdics- Uall'a- Catarth Cure ia Ukeo bUr oalljr, and aott directly oo the blood and nacoaa aarfaeea. .Hall'. Catarrh Cure ia not a quack nirJioine. It was preacribsd by out of the beat pby aiciana in tbla founlry for yeara and i a regular prescription. . It ia eon poned of the beat tonica. known, eon- bined ilk tba beat blood puritan aotini dirtrtly on tba nncoui anr- fa era. Tba perfect ombiaatlotj of iba two fagrtdieola U wbat prodacee inch wonderful yeenlU (a oorinf Urrb, 8 sod for tetioHiDlalo free. ; r. j, ciien n a co..pro ,-1 OToledo,:0 Sold by drapriela, prlca 75a. ' Take Hatra family pJHa for ooaj etlpatioB,' . r ' , ' -J .',f , t n, ; , ,' . . ', ' - '.-' , BaMr-Aa4 vkat 4 Q Dortor Mf vrtor Il eald, -Put oat year toa. toe." Ilabhy Aal , laeaT Wlfar-. 0wwafe4 . : f.,.- 0:3TElSFiLt CHAM ON D A ' ' 4 . - J ' CrUNO lnnta 1 1 trr- f ,... tr t tn run rui-f, A, V'"""0 .- t" ' ""." VAN S-tn-e, t.,nnr' r-. 0y e-r .e . r- t i 1 . the '.y. F Use Thirty WOMAN A1ID JASi Party Dress For Youna' Girt ' A arty dresa for, a yoang girl or small woman ia deTeloped ia pastel roee erepa d chine. ' The decoltetaga te edged with lace and simply embroider ed, with, aelf colored silk. A plaited yoke of white aoaaaellne may pe wqiti if yon do not care for a low neck. -A band of embroidery in roee aad gold trima ,th bodice and aleees, and a THX OOBT OF THIS DRESS 18 $10.25. rose satin girdle finishes tbe waist The tunic Is of self color chiffon caught each side at tbe bottom In a soft knot and finished with little stuff ed balls of tho crepe de chine. Tbe underskirt Is slightly pulled. This will require: t yard crepe de chine, 30 Inchep, 76 cents 16.0(1 I yard chiffon, double width ..... 1.00 2 yards satin ribbon. 30 cents 76 2 yards embi ldery, SI Z.OO 3 yards lac edging. 10 cents JO Findings Jo Total J10. a Hat Trimmings. Tulips and sheafs of beautiful iris blooms are prominent among tbe flow er trimmlngson tbe new spring bats; also wall flowers and stocks, acacia blossoms, wistaria, sweetpeas. pansles and violets. Many of tbe new flower turbans are composed of (he latter For illustration there Is a charming flower turban shown composed of vio lets of a reddish purple shade. On tbe left side Is a bow of red velvet which blends admirably with tbe red dish purple tone lu tbe violets. Fruit trimmings are sHU In ,favot with the designer of millinery, and fruits, large and small, big black grapes, white grapes, plums and peaches, all luscious In colorings, an. used alone or combined oddly witi flowers. In a smart shop a huge turbar seen recently was of black atraw. 8ur rounding the turban were clusters of large English grapes. There were oth er models tn tbe same shop with frail trimmings of one sort or another. Hademade Ties. - Rich neckties may be made on silk lu darned stitch, but tbey are for th man with a leaning toward the curl ous in ties. Don't .throat them npon even tbe brother of plainer taste. Tbey are too beautiful to be wasted. Quite evldeutly a castoff tie ha served as pattern -and as model. Tbr Construction and workmanship tr perfect Tbe background material is soft heavy armure silk with a carious nov elty weave resembllug -the surface of huckaback linen toweling. Tbe darning, which runs across tb tie, baa been worked through tbe loos stitch Id tba weave before the tie ban been made op. This gives tba appearance of rich allk of brocade effect and not that homemade or needlework look which 1 man generally ecoma. The Wslet liiekle. Tbe waist buckle, real or almoUtad. ia one of tba reatnreo of tba season's modes. Oa a gown of tllleul greeo cloth recently sent out by a clevat modiste and charmingly arraogad with one of tba feew stole fronts cut ia oo with tba corsage-was a simulated buckle ornament effected In heavy raised aUk embroidrrf that rtacDed almost from skis to side and measured atleast alt Incbea deep, a veritable braaatplata affair. Oa anotber frock a aqvare buckle affect waa achieved with band ot coarse darned lac eorlrely banuoad round with band of as tin. '- ' i T Mead Cereeta. . . - . , lay Ilaea Upe voder tba pi area that aeed tba moat atreagtbUg la tuo4 tnf a corset and wltb tar tbla tape tea be stitched oa tba eewtng barblae Tba right aide Of tba Corset ever tbla patrb can then be overcast to giro ft toieu bad airengto. Then lay ambroid try edglnf of double edya pa item orat tbe tneaded place on the tight tide aad carefully stitch It on. Tbe embroidery roost aoj b too flns, .bat firm eooofb to give Strength. Tbe esmt Idei tnsy be carried out la mending msoy other UlBti aod truly tnaka a vtrtuf of b CtaaJty. .. ' '. r,-: '-' f . A B)ka la aavtr aa trt bsiU be eaa Darter bis trade, - T Civwj r'llt alas.t follnv the Uie of Foley's fci'lney Troy Jive prr.tr f t rI;f In ail rM r.f k . ty iH b a ! if-r d oi 'lr , sre .1 f . itf.rrih e'.ir.g and ant. Mil',;, J I harrrtS'y. 1 , . . v , n 1 1J ittrrt tav . r ' r I TlieFotmtamHeadbf:Life P vW bee weak, and - ptvpadr aiceet hi food will sooa aad weak aad iaPQTriiha4. aad Ifeat bis wboia body is iaaMwaerto isi 'v ; piEtieea coldem MEtuexi vise or est .r mmka etoattsB mtrg, yrtasftt ra ear of--.-1" V afiieatfra aice. rttterM is ( mppH mmk '- ' "-r mlmUatim pmHtt, lmriiruUa tM Uwr mm4 - -.' , purltl 4 mrttk tta osf. t la Ue grtit aMoa?'aAav . iJM-ball4r mm jwefemcfra aerre (eaJe. it mmk mm , ttrmmt Im miHr, rnMlM Im mlm4 mm i tm Im4tmmt. , . . ' This Disaorerf ' is para, glyosrie eztraot ot Aasoriesa sswlloal roots, absoiurJelT troa from alaobol aad all iaiarioas. hahtt-fonuaa dniis. A.U itm kuredieata are vriated oa its wrappers. It baa ao.-ttatioeslkip with seeret aostnuu. Its pvarriaredieat is eadoned ey tba Waoers ia aU tbe schools of medicine. . Don't accept a seeret nostras as a substitote for this tbae-provea remedy o known ooMrosmoN Asa youa MiiQHaoas- Thsy mst know of msoy eoree ttea br dorisuj peat 40 yaars. riibl ia yoar owa Deifhborfaood. . World'e Dieasery Medical Associatjoa, Called ihe Bluff. : - v "Ton are going to take a long Jour ney," said tbe palmists "How could you telly asked tbe patron, mystified. "I see it in your hand," replied tbe palmist -aoleianiy." The patron, poqtrtjdlcied her. "You mean you see" it in my pocket, he said. "I remember now 'that I have two or three time cards sticking onts worg; thau tne acne Johnny Had the Goods Mother Johnny, you said you'd been to Sunday school? . Johnny (with a faraway look) Yes, mamma. -- " Mother IIow does it happen that your hands smell of fish? Johnny I carried home the Sunday school paper, and tbe-outslde page is all about Jonah and tbe whale. Wo man's Lif. -- HIDDEN DANGERS Nature Gives Timely Warnings That No New Bern Citizen Can Afford to Ignore. DANGER SIGNAL NO. 1 cornea from the kidney secretions. They will warn you when the kidneys are aick. Well kidneys excrete a clear,, amber i fluid. Sick kidney send-out a thin. tale and foamy, or a thick, red, ill melling urine, full Of sedirhent and ir regular of passage, DANGER TSIGNAL, v NO. 2 comes from the baclt.., Baakv pains, dull and heavy, or shw-p and. acute, tell you of tick kidneys and wfttn you of the ap proach of dropsy, diabetes and Bright'a disease. Doan's Kidpey Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them permanently. Here's New Born proof; James A. Whitley, 74 George street New Bern, N. C, aaya: "I oan recom mend Doan'a Kidney Pills In the high est terms, as thetveured me of kidney trouble after other remedies failed. 1 suffered a great deal from a lame back and a sOrenese across my loins. Bvery quick movement sent sharp twinges through my body and after stooping it was difficult for me to straighten. Reading about Doan's Kidney Pills, 1 concluded to try them and procured a box at Bradham's Pharmacy. Tbey gave me prompt relief and finally effected a complete cure.'' For aale by all dealers. Price 60 ceote.. Foster Mllburo Co., Buffalo Mew Jork, sols ajrenta for tbe United Statea. Remember tbe nam Doan's aoo lake no other. Quaker Shrewdness. Be sura you are right and then prove IL Qlve a, dog a bad. name and no one will steal him for bis collar. " A girt ba little nsrriet t for a fellow who trie to klM per and rslls.-l'iilia- leluhla Kemr.1 . Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A OutcUsaeil. Uarr bat sWU tafia. lis rieaas waa avat, lis true. be) sola M la the autsher. its did amoe atmg tea. -PhUadslpaia Cveotng Tetotvaaa. An Impesarbie . Taefc. "Now aha' dead. I at that Jorkbr la trying to break bit wfea will.' , "He coo id evr dd II wbbe aba waa Brg.-Baltimore Amehcaa.: . - ' Naenavlaaae. - for t bentty aeoe te ten rcra ' " Mow rou'll ofieo ramt aereas .' A rorty dnllar saddle , , f -. Oa a tweaty eoiiar noaa. .' . luaaaaaty tw." - . . . i." Pbirfleal Meaeenfara. -.' .' .He (gusbtoglyj-teer eyea ten m iba ' iily-Toar breetl ' telle - a nra.--Cr)rtMll tvkIow, ' - - , There kf pn rough saedWne so anpoUr as Foley 'a iloaey aod Tar, Isaefer fails te cor voogbs, cokia, croup and broecbitla. ' '- , ,. V a 1 . ' 5-. Train and Track.:' ; S - ( adi h i i mmm t . 'Caoada'a s&livsgt of rsUwara la ac toal otwrsrlim Increased Isat ytay by 1,138 nillra ;,,- ' rtecoHi rrctstly fled show 'bat toe Site ft Ihe Chicago Northweeters s oew (MMM!? apvt at Chksgo bss cost Il2.0uo.onu. , . ' , A b aaffiy api'liaa'-e for rsllroeds la a ftmrhiue to p:'V torr1"es o a rail wb-a a diiiiff , nt h M l( f' STEl rather or 0 a kos'.loo t ha I a drnH foul) f-i f u"l A jifij" t-l fiiiiit v'll 'rl from t'trintii .Ir an 1 g j in 'its , ' t S IV P" - 'Me lu l! I - I I ' I '.' b If, e I'rtth. V r' 'i '' ' I t ' t t I ; -'!,! -fl ! ' 1 1 I I Is The StomachX isaeeired etoaaaek aad srite does aot tlMt hit alood hea beeoase Dr. r. K.V. fwree, Pres.. Bufalo. N. Y. An Impossible Remedy. John S. IngUs, contracting freight arfeht of the Union Pacini, has been sufferlag for several days with a se vere toothache, the first of his life time. He baa consulted every railroad man. on tba "row" in an effort to find a remedy Jto stop the pain. The other day he was given a tip on a sure cure, but refused it, claiming that the rem- He paid a visit to tbe seventh floot of the Flood building and there met a freight man, who suggested tbe rem edy: "It's aure to relieve you," said the mend, "bat it is a severe treatment." "Can yon take the same treatment?" asced IngUs. "Sure, I can stand it," replied tbe friend, "If you can stand it I am sure I can. What ia it?" asked Inglls anxiously. "Place a small glassful of whisky In your mouth. Let it run around on the aching tooth and then spit it out. It's a sure cure if you can do it." Inglls still has ' tbe toothache. Sao Francisco Call. People Who Need Sympathy. A few days ago Dr. Charles F. Aked, pastor of the Fifth Avenue Baptist church, "the Rockefeller pastor," offi ciated at a man's funeral. He did his best to comfort tbe young widow. She asked the undertaker to give $25 to the clerymai1 Dr. Aked refused the money. He aatd he did not want pay for his sym pathy. "You accept money when you per form a marriage ceremony, don't you?.", asked the undertaker. "Yes." "DoO't the people you marry need your sympathy?" "Yes," replied Dr. Aked, "but the) don't know It." New York Sun. Denied the Impeachment. H. O. Frlck sold oue day of n certain trust: "Of course thoy have their excuses and palliations. Who hnsn't, even when eauijli' red handed? "I remember a rittsburg divine who remonstrated with a tobacconist for lolug business on the Sabbath. "'Doing business!' shouted the to bacconist. Indignantly. 'You call sell ing cigars like these for & cents uplecs business? Why, man, it's charity:' " Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Byron's Swimming Fast. At Liaboa Byron performed a more perilous though, leea celebrated feat than swimming tbe Hellespont. That waa when ha awam across tba Tagua from old Lisbon to Belem caatle. What "Port Yeur Halm" Mean., in tbla country the helm Is put to tba port side of the ship (or left bsnd side looking forward) at the order. Port yoar helmr Tbe rudder, ot coarse, goee to starboard, and tba ship's bead mores to starboard. This Is tba rule of moat nations, bat in Sweden the reverse la tbe role. Hotbc A good authority on horses aaya that tba gray will lira tba locgeet and that tba jcoaaa coma vtxt la order. Blacks seldom tire to be over twenty, and creams rarely lira mora than tau or Aftaea year SWED rROkt-TBE GRAVE. - if 1 ttatl about five an bopi, after near ly four yeara of suffer f from a vera long trouble" write Mr, at L Dix. ef Clark tviUa, Term. Oftaa the pais lo aay cheat would be almost ubaarabla end 1 eottld not do any work, bat Dr ainf a Mew DiaooTery haa maoe bm fei UkaaBew parson. Ita tba beat mad Moa made for tba throat aad iunrs " Obetioaie coogba, atabbora eokk, bay ferer. la grippe, asthma, croup, broo ch iti i and baeaorrhagra, hoerrwoeN and who waa coach. trakWouiekhy to tbla wanlerfnl medictna. Try tf. bOa and $1.00 Trial bottia free, Coaraatead by altDnNrgiaU. . , , .- , ' ' , .' Last r-retleae bUtala. , Tba looa . front wtsr and teat and hlpwrrck of pr Vk metsis baa been estimated at two toa af gold aad baadrad aoaa at illver yearly. ' i ii . taee-amba. Ta aoake bteadrrvml owlrkly fw Iba aoft pan fro a ataM loaf, pat It Into a cleea ai-41a bg. lie tbe beg al tba top aud taily rab it with the beads for a few uiiDMiea, Tba rramN will tbea be Bus tuouga tot aoyiblug. Domeetij ftwf. ' Tte dooretU- foal Is txA tneBllotted la the Old Teatsairni. . Csa Yev fc.t Hf ' ' "'' TS'omsB a very unrrrw!U," Said veoerslle ?.w lUn.peiitra Jsstk vi tt -'- "I rvn,cii,lr ttiet tJif lle Ht.il w rfe tall li.f rrr pgr sffalrS ot) d-. s; I rr"l tt.f ft bad foti.s t i 'Ml m rt II i t 1-.r.- I sa. J t irs? ! ''! ) Legal y Notices Notice of Exiestiofl Salt. NertaCereHM. Carwa Coast. M. T. WhWord Joha D. Blount By vbtneofsa eneatka dtrecUd to the USD froMth 80perior Court ol Craves eounty at tbe above entitled action. I will oa Mot day the tkdayof Apnl 1810 at U o'clock M at the oourt aeaes door of laid eonnt? tell to tbe hianeit UtderforOMh to attisfr eaid exeeutian ell the riaht, title aad interact which the uid Job a D. Bkmnt, theaefenaaet bee tn the followinc de--eeribedtosl eetntr, Urwit; In No. One townehip Craven eanntjr. ori joining tbe lend of Btepben Whitfard. Noeh Geeldne, Ntncy Whitfard end others bounded u follows: Beginning t deed pin tree tn the branch between lUnn Breach end the Truck Road, bounded on th north by the btadsofS. Whitfard, on the out by theUndeof Noeh Gemkins. oo the west by the lends of Nancy Whitfard. known as the buds conveyed to Oliver Dawson by J. Campbell by deed dated May 12th 1875, containing twenty acres mora or less, con demned and sold to pay aid judgment as required by law J. W. B1DDLE. Sheriff Craven Co This FebrusiT 28th 1910. Mortgage Sale By virtue of power contained in ' hat certain mortgage deed made by Frank Wood to the under signed which mortgage deed is recorded in book number 166, page 276 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cruven county, the undersigned wilt on the Uth dajof April, 1010, at 12 o'clock, M. at the court house dorr in Craven county, sell to the highest bidder for cash the one-fourth undivided interest in and to the following described lot of land in the city of New Bern. N. C. All that cer tain lot of land conveyed by deed from 1. Wayne Eubank and Jennette Pavie to Cicero Wood, which deed is recorded in book number 161, page 877, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven coun ty, and being lot number 127, fronting 42 feet on west street and running back to Lees Avenue 144 feet, and bounded on the sooth by John Davis line, on the eat by West street, on tbe north by lots numbers 136 and 143, and on the west by Lees Avenue according to the plan of Pavietown.j JOHN A. BOOM, Mortgagee. March 8th. 1910. Notice to Creditors Having qualified as executor of the estate of E, G. Saunders, deceased, late of Craven county. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to the undersigned on or before the 11th. day of March 1911. or this notice will bS p eaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate settlement. J. M HARGET, Executor. March. 11th. 1910. Publication of Summons North Carolina, Caaven County. Otis McCafTerly In the Superior Court. Victoria McCaflterty. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above' has been com menced in tlie Superior Court of Craven County to obtain a divorce from the bonds of mtriinony and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the April term of Superior Court for Shid County to be held on the 11th day of April 1910. at Court House of said Count in New Bern, N, C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or tht plaintiff will apply to the Court for Jems ruled in said complaint. W. M. WATSON. C)rk of the Supeikr Court. R. B. NIXON. Attorney. Feb. Ulh 1910. ONE CONDUCTOR WAS CURED Mr. Whilford Adams is his name, and he writes about it. "Some time ago 1 was confined to my bed with chronic rheumatism. I used two bottles of Fo ley's Kidney Remedy With good effect, and the third bottle put me on my feet and I resumed work aa conductor on the Lexington Ky , Street Railway. It fave me more relief than any medicine had ever used, ard it will do all you claim in the case of rheumatism. " Fo ley's Kidney Remedy cures rheumatism bv eliminating; the uric acid from the blood. Davis Pharmacy. Mortgage Hale NOBTH CAROUKA Craven County Br rirtaeof tbe power af rale ooKteiaed la that aartaia ortca deed made oa the Hh ear of febraarr. II6S. tad mordij ta UwenVeofthe Recleter of Ddm at Orevee) n tv. la book ITS. rags SO. batweea T. . Aahferd aad C. H. BalL Iradlas ae the New Beta Fra Caen anr. aad seamed Wtbeai te U O. DanWIa. at the aart. the aadaralsaad aiarte-agva wDI aefl for taab te taakhrbeat bUdar, at the asart aaaae dear, a New Bern. N. C. at II e'eieee a aa Tkaraiar. aa-rB tie. 1110, taefouewtaa imailnl prepenr rwM - Adieiaiae tae taade of T. B, Jaelreoa L Marrw Ik a While a4 others bUi at L a aorrTs nlhul earaer, aad raataat asrth with hie UatuW.A Oeve-a Bat, tbaass anh W. A. Oave's Use teO. O. wHkW aad Wav WhhVs nae U- wtlhUMir HaeteLr. WbtWa Uaa Uataee WMk Saal f rWhtM'S Hash taaal Baa. aM'a aM res tol. Jsekssa's baa. thaaeeaiUl atM T. IL Jaraaael Bat at the arta atat. aw at ef U W aaita. aaaalaaa; law UO U O. DANIKLA. Bterrh IMS. UlS, Admtnlitrttor'd Rettet Tert-d. t the I Utk 1WI.W tha arUreaOt be lmlil la. af Ihra rareeary. aM TkaUtkaay A. Du IMA B.OTAIA. Any, fiKvUlx Ko'.lt FAt this llr '4 ae nalili af Ue ra4e M T. A brte ef Oeam nr. lr"a hale e'e est-a awl e r T-a4 a. t W e- ef W-e . BJavi-a tfcaaae sialalid as 1 1 ilnaia ia? af aaaae afLewwWil waa. ' mi it aB j aw n havtas easaaa arataat rat eiUW af asM daseasat atleW gaa)aBagT asbaW lkaVaa i aw JraaaaaafJBl aaaaW fcBaaBaaa ataTaaf MAsWffaittaaffraJL aMet W Pt4dafV tfcsm'Vaal BBaaltBl 0Ba Wttnf w""aWajBJ b ggaaUaV aaaaaaaVBaaV laterea. aaaoaooeeesaaeeae CARDS I CHAS. T. HARPcR, M. 0. Rooms 507 508 Southern Bld'g. Wilmington, N. C. PRACTICE LIMITED TO Genito-Uninary and Rectal Diseases. 1 B. ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice where services are required especially in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET 193, New Bern, N. C. Phone H. W. CARTER. M. D. Practice Limited to Diseases of The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OFFICE WITH DR. N. M. GIBBS, Elks Temple New Bern, N. C. HOURS: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. EVERY THURSDAY R. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications. 417 ELKS TEMPLE. W. B. PRICE Consulting Engineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. New Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Maps, Examinations, Timber Land. J. LEON WILLIAMS LAWYER Practice in t'raven, CaiU'rct, Jouea anl Pamlico. Also (Jeiierul Agent Fidelity and iX'jrOHit ('., of Baltimore Bonds. Phone '-'OH, Office No. 74 South Front St. New Item, N. t'. C. T. HANCOCK REAL ESTATE AGENT Tbeiie UL I4S BBOAB IT. MIW IIBI, I. C. 1. BIbmmbs, a, D. Ward M. E. AUes. WARD & ALLEN TT0IKEI8 AND COOJtSILLOo- AT LAW HIW BIBJ. H. C, Office Rooms 401-2-8 Elks Building Fraetloe ta Ua ooaaOaa of Craven, apUa. ioaea, Laoolr. Oaaiov. Car erst, Pamiioa, aad Waka, la the Be- jrasaa aod Federal Coorta, aad where ever aartloaa ara daatrad. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW rraettea U tba aoaaOaa ad Cravea. Oattarat. Paaallaa, ioaaa ad Oastow aad U tba ftata) Utnmm aad rasVtral OMrtaV Telepaoaa Ho. IT. Otbad Kaa M rhraj atraat. IUbi " a famiaaiysaajaiie ears aaaajr awr-. ' J (SnjjUmne: ' PWIPSIA ' m'STJPATI0N : tftm Ae.i.a cwm 11 ia f ( W- "- - e mrti-t m-n $jmm 0 www - -?'jf-. , is r 4 1 --,.. ,y ! Kt ( .; ef I V s a- i Hr , --f i - - -- - . t 4 :i i m ' ". tMaifn t .

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