i i rAra.v.ini- - KNOWN- CIIteULATION v - .ESTALldlD. , i ... '-NEW BERN. iORTB CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY ORLG. MAV; 1 f 1910. V NUMBER 85; v - yTY-;NpiTfl'YEAttJ i '.J Larg Capital IS 5 ' Whether jour; lawyer or your ddctor has much or little money is immaterial to yoii'v l The quality bl thejr service does not depend . oo y-.Capital.- UHi' i ..V-.-.. But your bankr-that ut different,' for no' amount f of personal willingness on the pari of 70ur ' tanker, -. "can take the olace of the.ability o serve that goes ' " only with the possession of large' capital. .: r ,-. : -; r ; - With these facts in mind the $200,000.00 Capi- tat of this Bank becomes a matter of serious import . in choosing a Bank,' 4 t ' -".i t: . :-v-'' Wis V BLADES, V. .Pno GEO B PENDLETON, CAshWg aMWis ijffiwrg" - f - KEEP YOUR BYE AN CONGO CLOTH 27 inches wide. All Colors, It Takes the place of Rajah Silk, Sample subthitted on request 25 c. per yd. J. M. Mitchell & Co. 61 POLLOCK ST. PHONE 288. 5 - can 5 OF- Fine Housefurnishing Goods We have a full stock and will everything Cheap for Cash or Time. Sale now going on and last for the next 30 days. se 11 on. will T. J. Turner Fur. Co. 93JJIDDLE8T. PH05B 172 . KEW BEEN, N. C. ; onnuin inu KiU CO V AS IT liOV IS ' Address on'trohibiUon.- Food h ;T6t thought Ij HU Artlcle - .They uj the IrrowV with teoarti; thai yon cent gat jury to convict the deTilec;""" C-'y&1V.'& ".This liiy te"true,: fend if ."eo, 1 ey then loU pure the jary box. Spot thee sooandrele in Craven countywho diwe j gna ue mw via uirow mem oor. ion ey you ean't discriminate likevthat; If amant elrlghthe'a entitled tobe drawn ai a juryman.'l ey; if he haeno re apect for the law he'a not aliright. he'a all wrong -a dirty devil, and oar court shouldn't be disgraced by' his presence. - Bat how are.yott io know? yon asy. Know hothing I, There'a not a ' ucceee ful criminal lawyer in this county but that know' very nearly every man in the county.; It'a a part of hie businese to knowT and if he'a on to hia job he knows. He knbwe them all, and calls them Bill, Tom and John; And' then .tell me that we, if we want to do it,' cant know theBe people. I'm from Missouri And I've got to be shown before I'll be lieve a word of it. n : That the prohibition law is not en forced in this eityjind county is due, I feel sure, to the failure of the men and women, of this city to do their duty, f We Christians want .t get in behind the police and the courts and lend the m every assistance in the performance of their duties that we possibly can, and see tp it that they perform their duty and serve the purpose for which .they were created. If every preacher, and every deacon and every steward and every man who votes prohibition in this city, together with the good women of our city, were to rise up heiQ tomorrow in dead ear nest and say to the world, the flesh end the devil, the prohibition Jaw must be and will be enforced, And we are here to see that it ia done, what do you think the reult would be ? Blind tigers would be as scarce in New Bern with'n three months as some of your kin folks will be in heaven. . I love the preachers of Umb city and the good people here, ancNsome of them, perhaps many of them are as good as I am, but friends, 1 can't see for the life of me, ho wV some men in this town treat this matter a they do. The preachers are asleep, the good women asleep, the men acting the hypo crite, the newspapers silent and the devil's got a picnic. He has the situa tion by the tail with A down hill pull on it, and it's a perfect outrage, a shame and a disgrace. Yet, if the little old puny, dried-up. lifeless Christians. of thia country can swing on to the coat tail of some soft beaded preacher who ia a coward thro' and through, they tfrink they are good for heaven, when the truth is the blind's leading the blind, and the whole delega tion of them 4s on the road tt hell. Special Sale. We have just received the finest line of brass beds that has ever, been shown ( in the city. Different atyUa am) differ entprlcea.'-Prieea from $14.00 to $ 6&0p Call and look our stock over. J 8. Mill er, 61. & 89 Middle Ate ; ' - ' Whin a ti Uiii tht JUrid. f During the- recent ran of . the- new comic opera "Mias Molly May," at the Hackett Theatre; New York, the song that made the biggest hit. was "When a Girl Leads the Band." sung by Grace La Rue. The worda And asuslc of this stirring march Bona; will be published in Yext Bunday'a New York World. I Ladies Tailor ? Made - Suits I We art agents for the Amercian Ladiee Tailoring Co., of Chicago, And '. will be glad for you to call ia and examine our samples And stylee be-' "for, beying. '.. " ' ' .:; f'.l '-'Z H s4;-:;Hr F.M.:Chadwick,ST: glll)5E0;l BAncaT BroaU Over Ito ProbA- f We Eflect UnUi ne Becomc ;) !:... iiGPiESS...!,. At ; Memorial v Day1 tierciiea Ex TRIBUTE T0:0UR HATS!. 'Wehare AtplffnlUl lirof 'sO styles pt Straw Hata, . soft brtm enr) aelkrr ahanea, A .erkle range of, qaaliUee. ' Trke all. the -way from ', K $K50.to $5.00 : 'GIVE US A CALL' SHIRTS! Imperial and Jlrlirgton Ehirta are here too, the greatest rang - of psttc rn and coloring we have : evaf hown, pWted and soft, btje om, all colura, price- ,50c: to $2.00. GIVE US A CALL ; Frankfort Ky ,May 10. -While brood- over poeiibU ill effects of the comet's vlaiC- Paul Hammertoo, a sheepman and proepector, became insane and rru clfled bimeelf, according to mining men who arrived here with bim yesterday. Flammertoo waa fow4 where he bad naikd bla feet and one hand to a rude cross which he had erected, ; ' Althoosh he waa' aolfeiin Intense cnrir. llammetton piMda wita is reix-ur to lot him remain la bis splktd Imprlaonment. "' '.. Bmre Uie vkit of comet Paul Ilam n (rton ha tA mora alarmed and hm he karriR-i that the erh we ! j!4 to pt thrmigb the tail of ;:':.fj't eirort mind tve way end ),hliv that tl, end of U. world wit tl bund, , . : : plained By Letter. i t Waahington; '3k C.Ml Daily Journal. New Bern, N, Q Dar Sir:-I am encloalag cop;y of my letter to lir. S. M; tBrlnon which ex- -plskis fully -why I cannot ' be present and deliver, the , Memorial Address, on May lOth;;; Will you please print state ment from the lettef ja jregara to the tacts. ' ,i .; ,.;;v;M,rI -i ; Thankmt yoAH;' ?.r - Youra truly. ' . C. R. TBOMAS. S. M. Brrnann. Eaa.. New Bern. N. G . f My Dear Ski-I find it will & impos sible forme tobe at home Ma 10., to deliver the Memorial Address. , 1 ac cepted this invitation early in January and took great prid and pleaaiire in so doing, and I wished to be wlthimy ;own people And to speak to the Daughters of the Confederacy and the Confederate soldiers and others who might be pres ent on that ocoaaion,1 Which ii always one of great interest to me And to All of us. 1 had 'iareiully prepared my speech and was prepared to deliver t,J and would taken great- pleasure in so doing, but the leaders of the Democrat ic party and. in f aeuhe party leaders upon both sides, of he- House are re quiring that every member, unless kept away by sickness orother urgent neces sity, should be present oil next Tuesday to vote Upon the railroad W.TUi;Wl. is being made a party meaeare, ana is perhaps the most important j measure before Congress at this aeasion. It is also a part of the.Admihistration policy and there is a line-up of both parties on both eides. The vote upott the varioua amendmept has been very close, sever al times being a tie vote, And it is sup posed that the vote upon the bill itself and the motion to re-commit may be a tie vote or very close.1 . By circumstances beyond my control, the date fixed for a vote upon the var ious amendments to the bill and the .. .. j .. . uemocralic motion 10 rercommiv me bill, and upon the bitt itself will all be Uken on Tuesday, May tenth.'- I have discussed the- matter . with -the party leaders and they advise me it Is my duty to remain here. Therefore, while l am greatly disappointed, I feel that I must obey the high call of my duty and re main at my post. This decision is made after careful consideration, and I have soustht every opportunity to make A different arrangement ; I am sending you A copy of my speech and I rqueat that you confer with Mrs. W. P. M.'Bryanrsecretary of the New Bern-Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, and others, And Advise them of the facts, and of my deep re gret ,: , I suggest that in my absence, it may not be difficult to eecure another speak er or a number of f peakers and, if it beeo desired and advisable, I am en tirely willing that 'you;if you feel so disposed end will do me that favor, should read any part or all of the apeecn prepared. , I am Bending the speech, however, mainly to show my great in terest in the occasion, and the feet that I have so much apreparatien.'1-- .- -I do not feel that I should desert my poet here a thia time, -especially in this erisls ia the affairs of the eopntry. At any rate whatever Is done, I wkh you to" state this acV expressing my regrets and - putting me tn the right ligbt. I am Ufldenced only by theHgh- est sense of duty.; If I Were to consult my inclination and. pleasure, I. would absent myself from Washing ton, come to New Bern and deliver , the address, bat would noj be right to do soT ,.,r.'. ; - i -: With kindest wgards ' S' J-VSiwerely yoars?sV, k-'-'CBA8. eV THOMAS.: r fimuu i iilT?w. ace With old age comee Jeebteaesa .and lose of sower. The' organs act more slowly and less effectually than in youth. It la hard to get sufficient nourishment from the food to keep strong because the digestion Is weak.' ; We want to Say to every aged person In this vicinity if they only knew how our" cod liver and Iron medicine, Vinol, strengthen the organs of digestipn Sud creates strength we would not be able to. supply the de mand. F..8. Duffy, New Ben, N. C Milonlo Holies.. DEAD HEROES Appropriate Ber?ioe8. 4n .ilemory of Their 3ms LW Held f7f alTheCfenietery Tea- ; - teriay 'Aternoo r If numbers give evidence of the ap preciation of deeds of valor and love, then in fact, we ; may know that the Memorial exercises were a success. But not In that' fact alone fair the solemnity ' of the ; occasion of the gatberirg; ft waa hv undying love that our people have for their soldier dead ft ia one of the noblest traits of any class of people: to honor the memories of their fallen heroes. --The weather was ideal for the occas ion, not a cloud could be seen in any direction and the scene beneath the trees (hat Adorn' the lovely Cedar Grove Cemetery was awe Inspiring and one long to be remembered. . It was an occasion that Will doubtless live forever in the minds of (hose who beheld it, as it could but impress cnel that there waa no ordinary event that had called the people together. Old Veterans with their thinning locks and with, the cane And crutches giving evi dence of their eligibility to take an act IvS part in the proceedings were there in full force. Those who cheered and encouraged them aa they went to the front. Children of 61 or 65 who scarce ly knew the meaning of war but who have grown up with a full sense of what their fathers and brothers suffer ed in that awful, conflict were there, and the sad memories of a lost cause Were for a moment refreshed. The exercises began at 4;30atthe cemetery. At the opening Bey. Schuler pastor of the Tabernacle BaptiBt church offered au eloquent prayer that was very fitting for the. occasion after this a song waa surig by the Daughters of the Confederacy and this was followed by the decoration' of the Confederate mound At the conclusion of this the First Coast Artillery and the Naval Reserves fired several salutes over the graves of the dead heroes. The ceremony at the graves was very impressing and it will doubtless live forever in the memory of those who were so fortunate as to be present See our special line of Screen Doors and Windows. J. S. Bas- night Hdw. Co., 67 S. Front Sr. Night School Organized The Tabernacle night school opened last night with an attendance of 17 pnpila, anJ the prospects are that the attendance will be doubled at the next session which will be Friday night Rev. Mr. Schuler states that he has ordered a supply of books and that they will be here the last of the week. A jpecial. class in English, Rhetoric and American Literature will be organ ized and the Tabernacle pastor invitee the young business -men and women of the city to take advantage of thia spe cial course in English. - Tonight be in troduces the course in English Bible. .The public is invited to join this Bible elass. Cesshs aa csue. At this seaton when soughs Are so prevalent, an ef fectual remedy, And one easily obtained is Perry Davis' Painkiller. It is no nos trum, vended by unknown agents, but has stood the test '. of over seventy years; and' those ' who use the Article, internally or externally, will connect with It grateful recollections of its wot-thyjnventor.'- s.v .? ' j ':.:.' ' '. --4 'S -' - - 1 -i. - - . - U -'sv "' PROCEEDINGS III: SSUPElllCOlI j There will be a regular Communic tlon of Et Johns Lodge. No &, A F A A M. this WdnHy evetiintt Msy 11. 1910, 1 910, at 7.30 p. m. A full attend ance desired ViittiOsTlrotbero cord: illy invited, to attend.'- . ' Dy order of W, II. t f ; v CII3. C. CLARK. Jr n-'j ' J.' ' . J3Crtey. '. t Arrivr 1 Eotlre paj Conflumed ia Hearing ; :. fjn Oaser, Much" Inter- y i'--: ' . . .,. 'rThe aecood day's see too of " Craven county 8uperior Court with Judge C, C Lyon, of tfladeo county, prealdln, con vened yeeterdsf morning at 10 o'clock. -The first and only ease called waa that of W. B. Planner Jtdnv of R. E. Hawkins V Kiniton cottooi mill Coav pay. Th plalnUlf 1 suing Xot 20,OflO damage for the deth of R. E. tiawk Ins, who lost his life is a sand pit While in the employ of the defendant": ' All' countrl I employed by both liW, and all during the , day a leg! bittl ws fought Lata yeaterday af ternoon thlaTr r,nctuiul thrlr ar gumont an l U9 rs w giren in lh j'lrr, lot at a U'e h'.jr hut nljht thy bad not r"! 'rnr 1 S vr Jict . 'NEW BEAN. N.tCr i O; PAID ON STAONO P SAVINGS PROGRESSIVE . - " . x ' Ai'i v. Every Banking Fatuity It has.betfi the cunstant endeavor orritie rflanage ment of this bank to furnish every pible facility for the convenience of its depositorsogen': with thso lute safety for4heir money; Aa account with this bank will prove a valuable asset' to jq; wrporation, firm or individual requiring the best banking facilities. WM.DUNN C.D.BRADHAM TA.UZZELL PR EST. VICE P ft EST. -. 'CASHIKR The Biggest Iodttcenient EVER OFFERED BY ANY MERCHANJ1 IN NEW BERN Beginning to-day we will give 5 per cent rebate tickets' on all cttsh purchases and in addition will give on each dollar spent with us or pall on account a Clock Ticket which will entitle the customer holding the winning ticket to a Beautiful Decorated Dinner Set By this new plan every body will get a fine discount and stand a chance to. get the dinner set extra. The old clock tickets will not be good in the new aerie and every one holding any lire requested to send them to me. at once All outstanding rebate tickets are good. J. J. BAXTER DEPT. STORE ELKS TEMPLE a B&Auur-ub une, yr NEW DRESS SILKS JUST RECEIVED - 50c. Our Price Worth 32c. JUST RECEIVED BEAUTIFUL LINE OF FLOWERED and CHECK FLAXON Baiiigton Dy Goods Co. If It's a i Suit ov Skfat You are looking for come, and see our line. We carry the largest line of Silk and Wash suits in the city, in all the season's newest colors and styles. . Our line of skirts are not to be surpassed, eith er in .style, price or quality. We Invite Your Inspection w Si HACKBURN - BUllDIG. AsSAAAAAArSAAAffAAwA! it..-- J. eeeeeeeeie e eee s-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeA COOK BOOK EQ3X - PUBLISHED r BY LADIE3 OF CZNTENART "I.. -I.- I KOW. ON SALE AT " i t 1 eeeeeVeeeeeeeeeeeeeeAe-eeeeeeAeeeeeeeeeee No v is th' : tirn to h BUYY0UR; IIAR1)VARE and Building Material from oa. BecauM we can give you the best ptiiee snd Quick servle The Ut grades of Painta, Oils And .Whlss ' lead, JUbimt foxing, EIlriKd Wire Fence and Poultry - '- . '. - : Phone Us YourV Orders. C - V".;. 45 1 5' . r:- r ! Wll pppr in p to jmt in c J 7 wmjtj not 1 j'-'d 1 1 t t t!"r -I, ; 1 1 a i If r:Vf from 1 j -r ' ' k w iri !d ; : ' r o j t It I 1 ) ' ( T . ' . v 3 ) ! ir i 1 1 : mSam Lipman. 1U znd curr.mcr v " 1". 1VC tHT'l rn ji;r- ! . J. Co O.T C t cfr; r:'t Frnd: :t 'c;:: iUr f : r , - 'i ryr' r rr ' -rv: " ". ('r5ti'l'V'J And B. I r r t Ft' . 1 rr3 is Co. . in J. r: J Y. F-rn N. C.

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