Children Cry for Fletcher1 Tht Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which has been si In use for over' 30 yean,' has borne the signature of - V - ' i : : - -- j. nA hoa sonal supervision since Its infancy. CCCC&ttf h a 11., nri nn tit Antvtva Ton In till. ' All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trine with and endanger the health of -Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups.1 It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms . and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoaa and Wind ' Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving, healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA UWYS (Bears the Signature of , The Kind You In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, T7 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. TO THE 1 he New Bern STORES are State and should be patronized others. By recent comparison the goods offered by our chants were of as good quality and just as cheap as pies from an established Northemhouse. If you dont find what you need, show your civic and let your merchant order it for you, for by so doing you will encourage our merchants to keep the best of everything at the cheapest possible prices. Thousands of dollars are being sent away annually enrich en other communities. Lets keep this money home and prosper. CHAMBER OF X. X. X. DAIRY FEED THE yuarantee on Ka(rs: KIM) Protein Fat Fiber Carbohydrates 15 per cent 2.23 per cent 10 pT rent 60 per cent B. W. KILGORK, BURRUS & CO. Physicians Advise the use of a goodlaxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent th poisons of ondlgestee food froca (ettliHcl'ito your aystea. The latest product vt Ktonc to VEtVO UxaUve Uer Syrup, purely vegetable, giUe, leBable and iM a pleaunt, aromatic taste. Vrtvo acts on the over, as wei U Ml the steatach and bowels, and Is of the greatest poufbU ef&cacy hi curstipaUoa, IndlgesUon, btaousness, skk hexUche. leverishiiets, coacJUUilcoce, etc. Try . VP t nn n THK LAKK DRCMMOXD ' CANAL AND WATER COM PAKX. : TUB LARK DUUMMOSD TOW1N0 OOMPAVY. , Dismal Swamp 'V Canal ' ; Asjoland ftont, protected from ; llorm. .. v .! yins feft of water mlaimtim dfptnJsys, - Quick transit tot triffla. : Prtwbk towing. Z2 .been made nnder his Der- ; PUBLIC the by equal of any in this you in preference to rncr sim- pride to at COMMERCE WE SELL Results of Analysi i: Protein Fat Fiber Carbohydrates State Chemist 22.25 per cent. 5.86 per cent 8.29 per cent 64.52 per cent Have Always Bought 13 MIDDLE ST. PHONE 184 LAXATIVE LIVER SYHUP '. ' - A REGULAR TOM BOY ' was Roele erlaihlng trees sn4 fefteea, Jumping ditch, wbltlrng , IT bomna. borne of ar aids. Mat Is we I Her rrwUer jast applled RociImi's Amir Halve sod eared bor aub-k. ilesls evei 1 IWfig beelablabolla, Ulcer. Ytm, Old Borea, Come or I'll. Try it tU. al an druggists, - - , : I NOW. READY - roR BUSINESS I bava orfxd any Job Prifltg plarl at Ha. 1 MiMle elrt n4 am ral.v to do all kin !s of job pn'rvtiTig at the kiWMt prVM. Hew ttx, rti;e wotk. pRcm Mrtiiioi civtn iSllO'SE ;::;:".'r-Tr)e Separate CoaV JTlie separate cm( .remains ' lout while the suit eoat has fullered abbre viation. It wi not without reluctance which becama almost opes rebellion tbat the gixla gave np the lorig salt eoata. v l'hey better than any one else anderstand the talne oflong Unea for their sUtt flgnree.-" H-' -,.y .'- Some of tbe ne,w separate wrape are fccyentrkr In - tbe extreme,-but- every spring vita ureaay afternoon nse abend for-sucb' garments they' take on a roue of pleturesquenasa,' -This time a cihmJ manyA old shapes are "being played upon.- Among them the - Ftorenrtue cloaks are frequently the theme, from which; to be sure, wide departure) to usually made. 1 For one thing,, the Jlk tag 'for scapty skirt thwart 7 any mediaeval eff ec that might otherwise be pronounced. -JJne coat bow popu lar well Illustrates one of these shapes. It la made -of fawn colored satin wtb an old scarf shoulder drapery of gold cloth veiled with brojyn. The bartons are Jeweled and have odd antique pendants,'" ' ' N-.s:.,.v- r,' : Bordered Materials. . Indeep bordered materials the plain part of the goods' more often than not is making the; ' lower part oftha skirt and the flguced part the opper portion and the waist Figured, fnbrlcs . are being made up with plain ones In this way. Some of the borders are .helped out amazingly by adding ' a band of plain color on the outside. In imported gowus one uncts Dowers or tne una added with ' very . apparent stitching. But America a dressmakers sew far better than the-French. A woman wedded as yet to French gowns has her borne dressmaker engaged to re finish such costumes as soon as they reach this side. And the woman who does the work is a little home sewer without name or fame, but she often reconstructs a gowu bearing a high sounding Paris name to Its great im provement.; - ' Pretty 8ummr Frook. Blue challle In the pretty shades of Alice blue with a white spot In It s chosen for this model, although linen, dimity or foulard silk will be happy selections, and the sleeves may be IK ALIOS BLUB CHALLIS. short or long ss shown lo the back rtrw. The girdle Is of blue messs llne, the lace edging the little short bodice sod tunic effect This will be suite l) for simple s evening sffslrs during the spring sod fur cool dsrs lu timmr., ' Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The mas who has so tins (or bit rriends will sventBallT dlsoover taa ha his so Irleads lor his ttsss. - FOR MORE TBAN THREE DE- ' ' . CADES. '. - -- Foley's Honey and Tar baa ' been houeehold favorite for all ailments of tba throat chest andlunars. For Infants and ahlkirea it is best and safest aa it contains no opiates and t no harmful drugs. Nona genuine but Foley's Honey ana i tr ta trie ytnow pscsag. : ne- fuee substitutes, , Davis I'harmacy. '-- ' Jodgstentl ' fr, ometftnae la slllns Riatten, too, - " As "Hulsr. RaaSw" Mdiy BotaS.' ,. The sutclMr fella, if the late te tree. To atpersie tbe sbep from I'm eoais I ,i : bo TrtSeee, - terletvrat fteflerfle4C'' ' Tba ffsa lib fbe fsdlug fringe of bilr Is sort of a featooa from ear to ear B cross tba back of but head stood ta a store and wstcbed a won is s purchasing- orslds, switches sod so fori a Tuning ssdly sway, be mosedi t "Wine bT'thst bath shsll be given, but frpm blut that Uth sot absll t Uses evea that wbkh be Iuhb. Ufa . . - . . iiib i ii i iisaepsasaskssaasl i. COUUANDER JULIAS A. PUATT IXiSTNaiaDtPTltL., . ' ' C. A. K, . ' -l',t. Iisse C' , rimmarifjr of shevl rt, i swsnso - JiL, wri'f.; Tors . rf tirj.ct 1 " IW 1 witl) bsrlsch n't j a r s s 'rneg ri f kKlnsva. A ul I o rtv r O ZO I S'arlsd t ir j- -'(,ly I,i'--t lit ami srvm thy ware '! ' ? I let as (Ui-rH I kett fir) 111 r i rin I ( ti free f rrrn N'l 1 1 I ' i f i a li. n. y Is i-jm a CONSTIPATED'? IIEADACIlEi? .... FOR - SPEEDY RELIEF. Nearly Everybody FAKES- SIMMONS LIVER RECUUTCH S-KotYOU? A' Falsa 8tsrt. '. . The -referee held up bis hand.- ' "Them last, two rounds don't count," he hoarsely announced- "TJi? fight will have'to start all over'sgabj. A low growl ran through the vast audience. ' - "What's th' trouble, Reddy?" Bhrlek ed a fiery fared man In the tenth row, The referee squared ,hls jaw. "Th' trouble is," he explained, 'thai th' movln' picture man has struck a bad spot in his film an' th' pictures Is no good. Are you ready up there, per fessor? AH right. Shake Jiands, boys." And the battle made a fresh Start Cleveland Plnhi Dealer. NO REASON FOR IT When' New Bern Citizens Show The Certain Way out. There can be not jnst reason why any reader of this will continue to suffer the tdrtures of an aching back, the an noyance of urinary disorders, the dan gers of diabetes of any kidney ill when relief is so near at hand and the most positive proof given that they can be cured. Read what a New Bern citizen says: t George Ennett, 42 New street. New Bern, N. C, says: "I recommend Doans Kidney Pills In the highest terms, as I believe themto be the best kidney remedy to be had I suf fered from backache for soir.e time and It was hard for me to stoop o: lift. Standing on my - feet for any length of time, caused a strain 'on (he kidneys sod as a result the secretions from these organs became too frequent in passage. Doan's Kidney nils, pro cured at Bradham's Pharmacy relieved the paina in my back and regulated the passages oi tne kidney secretions. advise snyone suffering in a similar manney to give this remedy a trial." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 coats.. Poster Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's ana ake no other. Speaking ot desirable telgbtbors- boods ot course we all desire to lira on Baay streat, The sDlendfd work of Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets is daily eom- tng to ligbt. No such grand remedy lor liver and Dowel troubles was ever snown before. Taotwanda bless them for ear ing constipation, sick hew lac he, fcrljous neas. j lundlce and Indigestion, 8uU by all dealers. , In Ihetliy Tre'de..' After a short search the man was discovered carefully pn luting lbs Illy. . "Oo to, thou fooir sneered thai ma jority which la aver the sis re of tradi tion, . .'. - . ' V' s 'But tba msu eiplaloed. Thls Is a 1000 tUy." bt pointed out. "By paint ing It I. make It the IBlti" kiodel. AS bood ,ss" people ee II , ibeytl throw away their old . lilies sud bay tew." And, ia, II .wssss he prwIMed.-ruft. BIU0USKES3 AND CONSTIPATION , Poe veara I erkl troubled wiu bilious' sees and eonsll pallor), which made life mlaerable for me. My appetiU failed roe. 1 tost my oul force and viulltv. Pepela preparetloos and esthartica only made it alters worse. I do not know arhere I should have been today bad I not triod Chambrrla'in'a Ptomach and IJvarTableU. The Ublete relieve the 111 feeling at once, strengthen thedif tlva funrtinna. roriff the sUtmah, liver and blond, helping the system to do fte work naturally. vaa koa t utts. liirmlnrhsm. Ale. TIkws Ubieta are for sale by all dealers. , t- Tbe New Dn't Werrlee.- ' Th dog I la th penlrr, t. Tt rsl IS In lh us.. . The eyiw In 'h himmn. k " ' -' What Jl(Trc d'x-s it maast . ' , f fnlne! h fW fwn't Vfnrrr club, ," And IMS I h'Htl mr rmih I'm a xsr"l fr ftr I II wnrry -That I'M wwrrted n ti i'ih. " ' 4.' i c. -aHjr.sllef. Csnidlsn I"'' Cdn.U I'.a h 1 r-rinr kef p-if.ilU'in f t ' '1 ! f 'erbrrK-nt bsl a..!st"l ti"-n i of th ration n r !th sr RAILWAY SOCTHXBK K1U ff 11 SCHEDCLE fi K Tbeae Bguraa ars .patQUb for feformatioay U4 art not guars a Na II Uave Ooldaboro, N. 'C, Mf ''1 s. sl, tbrungb trabi wltS esait "-.'.-' to Aiherillc, connecting- - East Dnrbun. for Oxford. Ban-4 ;'';' oeraoaV Ceysvills and Rickmonr ik -j t Dulrerslty for Cbiptl Hill at Greensboro for Charlotte, .'and ' all posts aotithalso for Dai ; ' Tflla, Lynchburg, Charlottesville WaaaiSgtoa.' ssd al' poiu ' " I MO. 1S L4vet Aiolasboro, 2.05 p. m "tor (JreensDoro, handles throngi Pullman Raleigh, to Atlanta, cot ' nr4 V ai Greensboro for ar points north, south and w est. Na 111 -Leaves Goldsboro 10.15 p m tortlreehsboro, handles pullmai Raleigh r to Greensboro, con- aects at Greensboro for Char lotta, Atlanta . New Orleaaa Aihevllle, Knoxville, alo for Danville, Lynchbnra, Charlot tesville, Washlngtoa, and all points north. lor further InfonoaU-jn asl any Southern ticket agent or address th undersigned. H. F. CARY, General Passenger gent. Wasbingtoa, D. 0. W. H. PARNELL, Traveling Passenger Agent Ralefgh, N. C. For a burn or scald apply Chamber lain's Salve. It will allay the pain a -most instantly and Quickly heal the in jured parts. For Bale by all dealers. A woman who has to attract atten tion by improprieties never heads the procession. CASTORIA Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the Signature of . Luck ot K.tchen Mechanics Hp-Thill In undress- of ours looks prospermia. N "Yes; she says eorge rode two win ners ou Haiurday. his gainwovk wns victorious Muuduy imirulnt! and In tut evening she won llie hut al a raffle In their church."- Life. Never hesitate about giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to children. It contains no opium or other narcotics and can be given with implicit confi dence. As a qokk cure for coughs snd colds to which children are susceptible, it is unsurpassed. Sold by all dealers. To Fit the Crime. "I alu't uo saint, bosa," said the hobo. ""I wunat voted a couple o' hun dred repealers in my preciuct. an' they sent we to the ienltencbry for It." - "Great Caesar," exclitluied the uiao Who bud jdat befriended him. "1 did the same thing once, and they sent mo to congress tor Itr'-ChkagoTrlbune. - Chamberlain's Stomsch and Liver Tab lata will clear the sour stomach, sweet en the breath and create a healthy ap- Dettta. They promote the now ot gas trie juice, thereby inducing good diges tion, bow DJ ail aeajera. Alwsys Looks You'll often And that you have iolned ' Tie no meet movement u you buy la lencb room -or la restaurant Tba ordinary chicken pie. New fork Preen. In the Rank. , Officer Why were you lata lu'bar racfcs Isst night, sir? . . Prlvata-Trala from tba sooth wss Very Wis, air., o . Officer-Very good. Nest Urn tbe train's law take rare yoa com by SB .earlier ODv-Bpokaoa Spokeemas- Brriew.. . lit- FolerIldoer Pills are" anUseptk), tonlo and reatorativa and a prompt cor rective or all artnary irrevuiarttias. Refuse subatitutes.. Davis - Pharmacy. ' Cena'ttt f toge." . ' "The LI" vfWKe; ueer Ksogang. la China, Vt the longawt Is toe world, b log drs ana s o.aanrr wiles rttua sod to eod. .The roadway Is aercoty fast abov wstet; i - , . rersneea. .v. - . , PortMosa la knewo In tbe world fea yraliy si (he prlorlnsl sourve 0! tba tsmi.rior supply, but Its roirTeioos stt rsl rvaoanee liK-nxle eiceedlnglf Tai sable furcate, gold, coat and suipbur ealDea, .' Foley Kidney Pills tonUia In mrweB- trti form irirmnonU of esiariiianea thf ratntif! vauie for the relief and cure r.f sll kiijnry end tsMr ailrnenta. Davis pharmacy.- - ' - Art Ep'yarns; Art Is !rrjly brlr Er g Into rtlif the ,1 a. tire th'.ii-!,t cf tist'ire Ami!. it Is n t'jrul n i.J--y an art m .ty Legal Notices) 5 1I0TICE, CaSwaadbr vto f aaeWfty fe M imSw at tbm Atbatic MuufMtartw eaS Stave IX fkavtacUiii Snhr pchM imIot rf mm W W. hoMr GU S. hmii Jade randix mt th mmU at the lint Jedktal Dim trtet a th tti imr at April ISte) I wflL a Hoav StheA SereJaattl.attt'ltk mM thaeoaK hme door hi Crmraa oMtr, D to th bi(ha bidar tot euh. the foUowiac dMcribal rati pravartr: ' .-' ' ' FIRST TRACT popaw.r atwaai, joeipar aal tllothar hard wood trawrxeept aak, and all ah traai which aauBMaaar tan iaebat ta aV r am i th atmaX mamiui mi awhtaa haeh- e Shove the aatnlhrrl of the rrouad, which araaow atandlna, or mmj h ef ndlng ataay ttOM durinc a period at tan jam fron U 24 day of Jutj. IMS and including all rack ak Jney attain aaid ate durins aud parlSd. atandiaf or trewiDS upon th fallowing tract or pareal of land, lytac and brine ia th Stat of Hotth Carolina aad eoSnty cf Craven and mar particular It deacribed and drllnad a foUowa: . Basianinc St th bride on th Waihintian and Now Barn road and adjacent to th ran of Palmetto Swamp to a eyprasa to th mouth f Padatt's Branch, thrae with Padsett't Brush tothtrnn of J aft. K. Warren' lint; tkenc with J at. R. Warren't line to th Waahingtoa and New Bam road, and thence with mid road to tba be tinning. containing 207 acres more or has For fuller and more complete description reference ia hereby made to a deed from Sarah I. Lewi and J. W. Lewis to the "Atlantic Manufacturing- and Stave Co.". recorded in the Register's office of Cra ven county in book 176, page 32L SECOND TRACT AU the timber of every description of the size of ten inches or more at the stamp, twelve inches from the ground, -or which may attain the size of ten fnches during the period of ten yean from the 2d day of Jul 1909. standing or growing upon that certain tract of land, lying and being in the county of Cravrn in Number One Township and more particularly described aa follows: Beginning at the bridge in the main road leading from Washington to New Bern and run ning with the run of Palmetto Swamp 160 poles to the run of Pinkham Swamp; thane with the run of said branch to the Washington and New Bern road; thence with the said road 230 poles to the first station, containing 140 acres more or less. For further and more complete description see book 176, page 320, Register's office of Craven county. THIRD TRACT. All timber of ever kind and description, except p ne and oak, which shall measure ten inches in diameter across the stump. eighteen inches from the ground, which is now. or may be at any time during tho period ut en years from the 2d day of July 1909, and including all such as may attain said size during said period standing or growing upon all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Craven, and in Number One Township, which Is more particularly described as follows: Beginning ut a stake on the Washington main road thence, running an eastwardly direction, str ight line, to the sta);e at a marked Sum tree in Thomas Williams' line; thence with said line to a gum corner; thence with John Shaw's line to a postoak in Oliver Bryan's line; thence, with said Bryan's line to Palmetto Swamp; thence with the b various courses of the said swamp to tb Wash. ington main road; thence down said road to the beginning, containing 75 acres more or leas. For further description see book 176, page 324 in the Register's office of Crave.i county. This the 3d day of May, 1910. H. C. CARTER. JR. Receiver of the Atlantic Manufacturing and Stave Company. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the authority contained in thi mortgage deedB executed to me by Abel Carter, Sr., and Abel Carter Jr.. dated June 14. 1906 and Oct. 11. 1906 and Jan. S. 1908, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven coun" ty, N. C, in book 160, page 176; book 181. page 160 and hook 168. page 411 to secure the payment of certain iKtes, and the stipulation! in said mort gage deeds nothaving been complied with, I wUl expose for sale at public auction f jr cash at .the court house door in New Bern. N. C, on Saturday the lst of May 1910 at 12 o'clock M . the follow mg real property: All th right, title end Interest bi equity vested by purchase or inheritance ia Abe Carter, 8r. and Abel Carter. Jr.. which Includes the interest of Uople Burden being bought by Abel Carter Sr.. in that eertaln tract of land sit uated on the south side of Neuse river and v ids of Kings Creek, in Craven county, N. C. ad Joining th lands of Moss Collins on tb south, Sam Fanner on the east, and Jesse Godetta on the west, being the lands which deeended to Sarah Ann Carter from her father Peter Richards, and upon which the said Abel Carter Sr. resides, con tabling 150 acres more ar less. J. A. JONES. Mortgagee. This tne 18th day of AprU. 1910. SALE OF LAND. B, vlrto of th authority eonUiDed In a eer taia saoriaaaTe dead exaentsd br Ptsr Brsua and Roeetta Hymaa, of theeounty of Crana stata of North Carolina, date May IB. 1107. and neard InUwonVaef th Beaiatsr of Dead at Crarea sou str. si bosk l, pas U t secure th par metrt of a eerUls aoU and th sUpclatlo of sl Mrtang deed not herlaa bn ossspttsd with. I will eapoae lor sale, at pubUaaiMtssa, far cask at th eonrt housa doer, hi New Bera, N.Cesltt. at day the tlst day of slay lt. at U e'eloek M th foUoeria real eroaerty. AU tne ooe-thlrd aadlrideS Interest of tatm Uywam aad SVsMtta Byataa la a eertaia tract at lead attaaiaa ana sontbeast side of Cohaoaa Or, In theeoeaty at Crane. StaU at Worth Oarolhw. adoaai th hwda of Atxrrew OodetU e the aorta. John Fea ear aa the W, th Had! trees oa th oU aad DrUI Franc oath treat, eoataiaine ear This betas la lead eTyed t Wav Kysaaa - ass by Dabby Faaaae aad asesoded t Wat. Krsii'i haisa, , ' . I A, iONSS. . .. , Isettsaeae, This UHhaay AprU ttt- ---i r . t . - K1ECU70R8 WOTIC E f . 4 ! i BavtM tb) toessUlftea asiaiiilir afth astat at Henrietta Bay, d maud, tat of Grave AS aerasns btvltat elalast aaalejat eaal estate are herebr netirted to ar dty aStd ta the aiUeraienW en r hnf sr IS riULdavef AerS . a this seue srttl a aiMdad tn hear of Oar reeeTery. Alsiima sara natM J m. S.WAT, MAtrr.BS asrlHISa' : '. v Unfsmiliae isnautia, u " n)b. yu kUldor eicUlm4 tba lit tie tlisJln, b. ' ,,-., "Is ttieit eitme nunssriaa ym bate (.irked ui. .WaldoT loqnlred , Wra. JlockUy. "I sais Hotfcefl yofl play- Ins itb a Utile' fort'ta boy ot tau.- New York Jmiroal. ' ' - . ' C'ra PirTici.t relets are ist'l lo ti due rw44eaw 4S a H Galon, W. B. B.Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice where services are required especially ill tbe eOoatiea o Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. . '. OFFICE 40 IIOAS STREET Phase 111, New iers, N. C. H. 1 W, II D. Practice Limited to Diseases of The Eye, Ear, tip and Throat OFFICE WpH DR. N. M. GIBBS, Elka Temple New Bern, N. C. HOURS: m. to 5 p. m. EVERY THURSDAY R.A.C0LVIN 'II: Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plans, Specifications. 417 ELKS TEMPLE. W. B. PRICE Consulting Engineer Rooms 407408 Elks Temple. New Bern, N. C. Land Surveying, Drainage Surveying, Examinations; Timber Lands. r C T. HANCOCK REAL ESTATE AGENT Tksiia ML BBOAB IT. MIW 1IKI, us I. C. P. M Simmons, M. H A. D. Ward, Allen, WARD S ALLEN APTORNKYS AND COUNSELLOR! . AT LAW NEW BERN. H. C Olllce Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties OS Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and, ke, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are 'desired. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federal Courts. Office Ne. B0 Crase street. Teiepkess Ms. 91. New Bars, N. C. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS Everybody deelree good health which is impossible uolaaa toe k toners are eouod and and beaJthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy ihnuld be taken at tba first In dication of any irregularity, and a seri ous Illness may be everted. Foley's Kid ney Kntnedy wiu restore your aianeys sod bladder to their normal state aad activity. Davis Pharmacy. NORFOLK SQUTHEflK H. R. CO. VI. Norfolk, Vs., Tlvs Quickest Boots to Richmond, Petersburg sad Wsshihfton. (KIT) IWsTa 9CMKODIM SJCHafOKD r. Seanfart, N. C. TJBsat SUk MOkW, fiST l TI in. TS 14S tatsnhU. fSB AM Mam Sam. a-JS 4 a 1 yansrass. SSS 1H 'lsnaBhh - IBS ' Wnl al a, , Ska) : SM Lv. Ajl POBfOLS. TS. . BMW nt, fill . . fhitsw. Bj. ThCSOtr t.terraX Te.dBaa, TnttSna. 4SS Bat. VsBW " SMS BaS L. BlrajnaaJt Va. ' Thl B. f. P. Set BSBaaa, A. C. '.' ' - ' tUMssa Rave lima Hr" using the Norfolk and douthera Railway, North, SowtK,' East or west r : ' H, C BUDGIN3, U. fi A. ---'"- Korfollr.-Vnh . gm w ..- r S X m DUMQNO p-t I f DlVAhO-.'v1 - , , ' , t v - For tolls sn4 towlnf tU apply at olTWe to fWabosrd Bank Bulkllrf, and at Deep Crtik I,oek, Va, .. ;; L K.;KL5(3, ' i'lnTTES : r - - .rrW-' '' vr - :f. J. a ftAXTRt, fnpt. 1 l,: i -r I. i l r I r, a' -y ( i . I' "1 a- r l i iii slmflj In tl:Tur-iit rtf ot l! ration. WS tiered all 0f II' 1 ' shir m. ---'f - W. It. I rata ( 1 1 v f r lo ft sr '':;'. 1 "H mi;;ums of BilUlot i f tit . f "T s"n'l snj o ti -t 7:7. ,s t tr t-t i Art n 1; f A" ' ' A t f I u rt -J-ri rnuit-9 r ' j . r' t f t,l ,nir. ? t I horn 11 I t .- -y In t! 1 a f.prlr.j - very f ; ;-r1 gr. i' y. A ImirK I .f f .r r if tl EJ.Land&Co. r t ' '. I t ' ra f Al'vknatH inny Is tie rwt o ti rU, the Bint oorr3t sa ? s C-e ta p l If 1 f sr r- -1

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