! t PablUhee avery day'ia the year 'apt hoaiiiT. Journal butmUa. e-4i Cravea eueat. - - - FHOjnB HO. a.""rv c&ajules u rrsrvxirao - atDITOR JLND PROPBIBTOB . SEBSCRIPTIOH mTBS 1 ' Im Tor la aavanos . v .' ; "Oae year, mot la Utuo. ... Kanthlr br (barrier In tha city ' 4-M LH "JS . - Advertising sjlleatloa. . rates tarnished a -Sntere4 "at: the Postoffice. New Bera f ST. C as aecona-claaa matter..--.". . ' NEW BERH AND CKAVES COCNTr.-?' A TEIBUTfe FROM THOIJS- iidents of great c0rporkon are not usaftUy.knpTRi ia ajperson- 'v- al way to tbe hundreds .or thpus- ' ands, as the cnieniay be, of the em 1 ployes'of th! corporations. :; It is ' . not necessary 'J&afc tiiis personal knowledge should fezis for. jhe -. ' President's duties carry him in no close relationship th the employ . es of thefconj-:Xf But there re ' instances vhere tho3e k :aothpj4tj retuore than just offtcials. ;pften thfrmanagerpf I' ome great company becomes a per onality to the employes; . Perhaps N- a rai-er thing, a president becomes ' a person,' a man, to the "thousands ' of men whoseWmpanyjSe Sds at the head of. '., The la$ell3amuel Spencer ' waSflUCh a characterfcr whle President of the great South meh iu "this company, the "thous ands that wete' along the hundreds T of miles of this railway system,' Mt Spencer wa'one of them,'?: respec ted ia life, and in. death honored by the affection of these' men. over . 30,000 of whom it is said, are con ' tributors to' fund' that'f Will vb used to eiwtfilnonumehtjki the memory of their Railroad - Pres- dent Truly) no finer tribute than this could be paid, or will be shown to memorialise Samuel Spencer. . r v,: CkildreV Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A i -. The newspaper U a gigantic mirror In which tha wools world sees reflect ed: Its Joy and sorrow,. Its ambition and InfluMoe, lt success and failure : V :. . - CatarrS Cannot he Cured, with JOGAL . APPCATIONS, as tfaey cannot reach the seat of tha dis ease. , Catarrh' is a blood or eonsti tutional disease, and id 6rder to oure it yon must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and sots directly 'on the blood and mucons sorfaces. SalFa Catarrh Cure is not a quaek medicine It was prescribed by .one of . the best phy sioians in thisVbnniry for years and is a regular prescription. It is eom- posed of the best tonics bwn,.wmt bined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the raucous ur faces. The perfect eombination of the two ugredisnte U what produets sush wonderful result in eariag ea tarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. OTENEY 4 CD JProps, -. . T6ledo,0 fold by druggist, pries 75. ' .Take Hall's family plus .for eon ' sUpatton. ' - r'if ' VU ia politics & voof ot 'ft paddldi Is la the, diatrlbaUo of the lmnt. rDo .you; 'ttiti&rjien Is no' longer ' any rtasohrw!:y ou should use coal range? Oil is cheaper than coal; it s lighter, and easier to - Dandle,-, thd gives .- an intense heat Provided you have the right stove, clt ls more ecoooralcal, clcahcf and less trouble.'-. Have you seen the 1 f .' ' j The sccomponyinj Dostralion gives you orJy s roub Uca cl . tks sppearsncc You rrally can't sppredate It until you either ttae It roomH or u!k M aoiiMona rbo boa od h. tl dot rrwrtMnr that , S cel raag -wilt do icpt bat bFI:rd,A:t,'LIvts a UiyUa -'Fee! IU Kcr Strcr.p has :;tcred ty J. .: i ' Floral, Ark.'! must speak a rood wont for Cardul,M writes .Mrs. vwla Baker, of this place. - . -' r "About roonm sgo 1 was ia rery bad health. I was so weak and nervous thai 1 was not able to do my housework. ; "M v hiKhnnd boopht me one oottie 01 Carout, the woman's ionic i nm oi--cording to directioas and now l.smjn uood health. tM-!--?. PT: J'l think Cardui Is a fine tonic for wea Women. --Ia 'o-" ' And you are nof the only lady . who thinks so. Mrs.' Bakef, i, jlK - Thousands, like you, have writtente. tell of the wonaenui penem wium w been, to mem.'its Cai-dui conralns no minerals, or et oowerful drugs, k It contains no glycerm brother mawkish-tasting tngreaienis..-- 14 telitrf tmre: natural extract, ot natural vegetable herbs, that have been found to regulate the womanly funcUoni and strengthen me temaie eysiew. Ajj druggists eD CarduL i See' yours !tu0Ii toe Wmmb, tent in puia wjp. vo nvmi. We have just Bjafi1lutrn) of;bra8.hs'ihat.MVeX'',ow? in the eftyvtiDiffereht ; styles and differ' eht prieeSi trices from $14.00 to 60,00 GaUund look our stock oyerf-J S Mill j MWdlestrei, was Susie elimbin&Kri'ees and -fences, jumping ditch8, whitling, always get ting scratches,- cuts sprains, bruises', bumns. burns or scalds,- ' But laws! Her mother just applied ; Buck len'S Arnica Salve ana curea ner quicir aeais every - I thinhealable boils, Ulcere, "Eczema, Old Sores, lawns or rue. ;i ry t. zoc. at 11 druggi8tfc tx, '.- r See our special line of Screen Doors and Windows.. J. S. Bas night HdCCo., 67 S. front St ( . A IDEAL HUSBAND" ia patient, even with a nagging w'fe, for he knows she needs help. She may be so nervous and run-down in healifa that trifles annoy her.- It she is melan choly, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness, con stiDation or fainting and dizzy speils, she needs Electric Bitters the most won- cerful remedv for ailintr women. Thou sands of sufferers from female trouble. nervous troubles.' backache and weak kidneys have used them and become neaitny and pappy, t ry mem. uniy cue. SaUafactioflLguaranteed by all druggist The Arab' Foo The Arab'n foot is-famous for if s high, arcn.wiiereby' a true-Arab niay. Indeed, always be. Known, tne ivoran saying that a stream of water cau run under, the foot Without touching; . THE HIGH COST OP LIVING ' Increases the price of many necessi ties - without imnroving the - quality Foley's Hoof and Tar, maintains its high standard of 'excellence and . its ereat curative Qualities without any In crease in eoet. lt is th best remedy for coughs, coldsr croup,' whooping-cough and all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. The genuine is hi a yellow pack' age. ; Befogs substltotefc imacy. HubbyAnd what aid tha Doctor as WlfeyH said, "Put out your ton. roe,"; Hobby And VthsnT. Wlfey.-i "Ovsnrorkaa. . ; . ' - ,. ... . -i 1 -Tor a burn or scald abniv Chambers- Iain's Salve. '' It wUi allay the pain at most tostanuy and quickly near tne in jured parts. ror sale Dy au oeaisrs. .mta Her fsos speaks -for itselt 8tlla-THt and tt Is prettx slain talk -China f Kwa)'-Jv;...J,iAVr i ' V U 1 Vt I 'i th room. Tho t.'iw I-nbcUua Oil Cook- Bioro will do onytlunf, trom ctaung a rule of rtte to cnokinf a court tf!nn!, b'lt H won't hrt a room. H en'l "am!," h don't amoVo. It co"l r ot of Order. Ueb It ni It I Tarn d-iB and it la Out. Vu)f a woman wlx Inowi i!ia trouhl ef carryinf coal atii Ckin( In S h"t I iicMn can apptf ! what H rnraaa to hava a )an, j'(t to llm will cok anfilnrc, lml. Nit o rti, nd yirt won't bt tha lnthtt. llowlaU doficf TJi Sains la C"niro! .) in tur-y-irt Vua fna-nrl l) rlmn.rt, and ! t'4 egainat t! r-ott-.m ( -ol, fin, I"' I tn, anl pt'r tl.'ra. Tha I, -n f - ral 91 f ' !y v ' il nerAd a- I n '. . , t a a'ova 'I ! fft' T ' a 1 f 1 h h I , -1 r v . 1. . . 7 1 1 I IT ! ' -.a a- 1. 1 Lailii i Of llalley.'s :' Comet Tomorrow. Astronomers Say There Will I : "V - ''jBeNo Serious Besults - - J: - If Ihe scientiit and artrononera are eorrat in their deductions many of a earth being will witness a sight Joraor nw the lik of which ' has nver been en atlkast aince men hava kept a written history of event For over three hours tomorrow we shall be viewing the un through ihe great tlaaing head of .fiaiiey'reomfi: f-p tla auaoea ,ur.. eartn, awingiiiK through space at 66.05.0 miles per hoar, will ; plunge intoi th -tail- it palley's coniet; close" toItheVeck f it The tail will nave oeem wnippeo. agatnat ns at-. its own speed e 105.00Q., utiles an honr.1 Thus this f globe will dive through the luminous base at a total: Speed of 170, 000 miles per hour, 47 utiles perseeond, the earth entirely Immersing herself in th celestial mist in less than three min utes, yet so thick isthe ttil atthe pointj of nerforation-600.000 mHeslhati we shall be nearly- three hours sod a half passing'throub ,"fi$:0'?& What will happen? No two scientists agree, m Ntetau. vey are,;nowever, practically certain there wiH be no barm done" to- any creature of , the earth, save the" harm which ; fear ;does flutthe saperstitious !sre almost ertaitt' to be Stricken with mortal, terror dunng that -th'ree hours, i "y" i .b.Wrfc For those three hours will show tc men7jhe,mostrsiibljimefc awe-inspiring df-iplay of heavenly fireworks iiiis earth has witnessed since space Roared with the primordial- flanjes of -creation, the astronomers say, ..- r ji, Sf.v Scientists all oyer the earth are warh- ihg people to be prepared for " strange sights, but not to be frightened. . For as the saying goes, . the .whole 62,000,000 miles of its tail condensed, 'might be packecfin a timkV;;,;;:.-' A recent theory is that the comet nucleus or bead is simply an enormous gas lens, and what appears , to be a tail is, in reality, only the pencil of concen trated sunlight Buch asr proceeds from an ordinary searchlight Outside of this pencil we can see its length. , But once in it, we would observe only an increase in the heat and brillancy of the sunlight Under this theory the only effect that will be noticed May 18 wi:l be that the sunshine will fairly burn 6ne.TJBut.;in the shade it should be faily comfortable . Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Our car of Pittsburgh Fencing has. arrived. See us at once. Basnight Hdw. Go. Foley Kidney ' Pills are antiseptic! tonic and restorative and a prompt cor rective of ' all urinary h-regalarities. Kefuse substitutes. Davis rhannacy. '- Similar. The "nebular hypothesis. In theory 'Wt- - v lata. ' " . - ' ' - 'toe "fourth olmenalon. too.; Is On the - .: never oroveo llsta. The two are quit comparable, It now p- ' Dears lo me. - ' V- To theaper cuU we hear, about,- hut never, never see. '- 1 ' A . Buffalo Maws. A touch ot rheumatism, or stwinge of. nonralgia, whatever - toe trouble is, Cbmberlair's Liniment drives awsy the pain at one and. cares tha . complaint uuicaiy. - r irat application gives relief. aow cy au aeaierev - v -.;- v : .'IdMatlon.' 'f: V N A (ittla knoleda of the way of men, - A llttla raadlnu ot lhelr daada and fatas, Jk, llttl. tummt at thalr taousbts aa4 . taM -' .-;.--" .? y-y : A ' A quick forgtttn Of thai Miaea and f i oates .'. f .: : : '., , ,- ,i -,. .V; J ' gnat's niatory. 1 -i?. a-ilttlt aelvlna Iq the tomaa hy panned. A little oonnlnc or tha vera titer writ. A feeble araaDlnr ot tbetr alnawand tread, . A iliadow mea'rr tbalr.mlrta) mad -ai I . . . , . a iwi m . Ill m .1.. A imie CalibllD- wlin a salt or.we.?; t A little munalna with a stick mesa, A low v xpartmeot , halt JWuDdarad , thrausrh, - . . . -. r : ' A twilight (aatlna- of a tropins- fueaa ' ..- ;'j Tbat'a eclanc. i , .- " .r '""' Vi.t , ; ' Hamptoo'a Uaaln t .TbS aJarlars pronoonca 700 riffle, 1- . .. alont wtnsotne Mas.. - . t f I S plaaa abaarva a tired world's alga -1' "Brtna an tha araaa." - , -Jaaca. John D. RockefplU r would iVlroV If he should sprnd his eaUra inr-ome trying lo prpet a lttr snaJiclne than Chamberlain's Co If. Cholera and I)lrrhoa Kemrsly for diarrhoea, dy iilery t boal rtmiplalnls. It la eimpl ImpoasiM", anrt says avrry ona that has used it ; bold by all dpalra. - " ' ' Judgmentl Sotnfitltnfa In aliln mution, loft, Aa "lirtTilaf HAi" aa'lir tf"-i Tha biitrir falls. If the iia I. in To etei-a!e the nhtp f"m F ' . . --h (' 1 r'"J. Scriptural ft Tlip iiihii wlili His f-.:. g t Ui!r In sort rf 1 fc.t..ii fr. .1 nr-an,. tlta It'k nf ;'a l I 1 a at'"-w aiid aatfli.1 a 1 '. " i m:; I 1 n (. a It- l.a p 1 rf 1i "J ' ii t 'J i I ii K aoit'jr unit, ! i.. .1 Ii' f (I I I ' r .;: 1 I T I fr 1.1- t !! I j m m m MM. W " L . - The and . .strength and good health , to 'N. VinoL' During the -last twin trying winters neitherJ : of th&rvlhada cold; and were able -to'-valk:' farther arid Ardo''mbre I thbk Vinol-is perfectIy6riderLUfcite is he greate,st blobd-makmg, strerigtheningHohld for old people I ever.heard of." --' - - , - - v We Vrant every leeblc old person In Hits tofwa to try Vtnol. a We win retornlbelr money vrltboot qaeatton tt It '4e4i not aeeompllsh-AU welsJofor tL-&-:m -ifr ?a, 4 jy -f r i .iruggist, xvew. lJenjei'": USTVlfOUR j PROPERTY " ..Give h your polV for 19l0,; ? Notice is hereby given that the list taker for the CITY .OF NEW BERN will sif at the court house in said dry during the month qf JuneriHours 8 a m.tQ J 30 p m andj2 to 0 p m, at which place and in which month all property owners and tax cavers in said city Tare reauired to return t the Jiet taker for taxation, for the year 1910. all the Real Estate. Per sonal Property, etc., which each one snail own on we nrsc aay oi June, or shall be'jreqnired to-give in then. All male persons bet ween .the-. ages ot- 21 and fiOsiears' are, "to -list--.theits noils. whether", naturalized citizens or not. Re turn of property and giving in of pollj required" under the pains and penalties imposeojoy law, ... ;, , . : V -. . :r V. ,r . - a,. A. ,KAXtfiiKSUN,. ,:,r jiBtakefoCftiy of NewBexji; DREAMS Nightmare, ' pestles S n e s s and Kightsweats U Caused by In -". i- digestion - ; Hlf of the n rvousness in the world, all of the disturbing dreams and night mares can be ended in a few weeks by a simple, inexpensive treatment. Upset stomach is the cause of nerv ousness and bad dreams. Your fobd is lying in youf. stomach undigested and fermenting; " it is forming poisonous gases, which irritates the pheumogastric nerve that leads direct from the brain, and ends in a net wot k of tiny branches umiuior through the Stomach. - It is also the irritation of ...this great pheuDJogaatric nerve that causes hesd- achef. v Jdany times people have severe headaches and know they are caused 1 y the Stqfnach, but d;j . hot know in what manner.? ; . ; :; . : : If you are : nervous, hart dreams or ntghtmai-e(jnd do not sleep sodndst night, .get- a 60 cent , box A of Mi-c-na stomacfc tablets and' take, one or two after or with meals, ' They- relieve d is tressed stomach in 5 minutes. Sold by druggibty everywhere and by Bradhams Drug Col who guarantees tbeiri to cure indigestion or money beck. -..1- - "' ' : Thf fr'lieewen. The rrUcenjan Ja a -mighty man-1 '.- .' . ' Wit eye that-pierce for, -A single motion of his hoii' . : WIIJ slop a 'lactrio car. lU stiss In fronl ot prendn" oteada, He wavea away tbe ttoa J. .-, , fie ain't obltcarj to do brave deeds; -. Jes' islands there; leoklna; proud. Toa'lt nuke no'aalar out of ma " i- To hike and work and awaat. .' f; A f iiceman a wbax I want lor ba, . -Aftd HI set thara, rou bet! -.1. f '' 4 .'i'"- wfltubun JJUpatch LION FONDLES A CH ILp- fin Piltsbursf a savage Iwo fondled the hand ihaiauiin thrust- into bis eiga. Usmer to a child is someitm treat when least regarded. Ottn it comes throtiKh Colds, 'Utmn and Whoopine CotiKh. Thy slsy thoussnJs that Dr. King s Nw Discovery could have saved 'A few doewa cured our baby nf a very bad cas of Croop." writes Mrs. Ceo. B. Davla. of Fist Rock. N. C. 'Wa al ways five it to him When bs takes cold 1 Its a wonderful medcme . Tor babies. " Best ffrj oughs, Cxll IGrippe, Astb m, Ilenlorrhagaii, Wsk Loret 60c. tlXX) -Trial bottle fraa. Guaranteed by all drBggista, ' '; v, ; . .1 . The Nat Veils,.. ' ..Tbt n rlln sit mriCs They art elearer lima ilnw Uixi hnx lm-n irn for sorn tlnM.' siiii) the a(HH U fj Inrjrs sod H-y iw.tMiimf ' KHfcor i'l frt of ht-nllif tn tt-d f'r Ilia ni the morti. lliH.-a.fitliiK".viHI "b coming ii' k into fanr, liiie reiura lx Inl diieito th al nf trw hal ovrr whlrh i ts to w..r A n'u veil Is an Irr atillltj 'arlttl 'a; hat vf a yard so4 a hulf In clrtnmf'r-fM i ; - : aV I f r v aeJ father and mother of a- prominent . Boston lawyer safely -caxried through the last two winters by ,.-, ::Zz;:. Si iitol mother owe their : present Certificate of Oissoiution. To all to wbom these presents may come r-greeting i. ::, . ' 1 ' Whereas, It appears to my satisfae tion, by duly illhentlcated record of the' proceedings for the voluntary disso lution thereof by the. unanimous consent of all the stockholders, denosited in mv office, that the- New. Bern -S wans boro Transportation Company, a corporation bf this State, whose principal office is situated in the city of New Bern, conn' y of Craven, St Ue of North Cirelina (J. S. Basnight being thearent therein and n charge thereof, upon whom process may be served) has ' complied' with the. requirements of Chapter 21, rcisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations, V prelimi nary to the issuing of this certificate of dissolution;. .' Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of Stale of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did on the 26 day f -April 1910, file in my office a duly executed. a?d attested consent in wri tiog to the dissolution of said corpo ration, executed ty all, the stockhold era thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings afore said are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto eet my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh this 26 day of April A. D 1910. - J. BRYAN GRIMES, , Secretary of State. Recorded in Record of Incorporation "C" folio 120, craven County Recoids. W. M. WATSON, - Clerk Sup. Court- Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR. A Although money is the root of si evil, tne most successful mea seem to be those who plant It COMMANDER JULIUS A. PRATT . POST NO. 143 OEPT ILL, s G. A. tt, Mr. Isaac Cook, Commander of above Poat Kewsnee, IB., .writes; "For a lona time I was bothered with backache J and pains aoross rxy kidneys. - A bout. two monuis ago 1 aunea tasing roiey Sidney Pills and sooq saw. they were doing just as claimed, "' I kept on tak ing them and now 1 am free from back ache and the painful tladdar misery is all gone, -I Pika FoUy Kidney Pills so well that I have told many of my friends a d comrades about thera and shall re commend there at every opportunity." 4 Davis Pharmacy. - , : ' 1 - " Our fnt Inwarporstad City. -The find city - Incorporated in tulr country nltb a charter and privilege was N York; -wblcb was granted IU papers la luOi. . .. ' ' . - . Varnish from Baa weed. A kind, tt seaweed wblcb id pleotu ful'on the coast of, China tornUUee 'an admirable glue tod vsrnUh. When dried it is waterproof, sod it is cm ployed to nil up tbe Interstices la bam boo bet work, of which windows art frequently fouatrwted lu-that couo try. . It U'-also adllred to strengthen and vsmln rper laatama, - - - -, v - - -'. i :.' ' . . . . s . BIL10USNE39 1ND CONSTIPATION Tor years I was troubled wits bilious neas and consUpatkm, which msxla Ufa misersbls for. me. - Mysppetlte filled ma. I lost my oavsj fores and vitslny. i'epam praparatlrms and rathartks only rosila rrstwra wnraa. -1 do n no whera I should have bean today had I not UHd (Jiamborlaln's Ptomach and tJvar Talilrta. Tbe tablets relieve the ill felirg st ones, strengths thadigaa tiva funrtinna, ' pirify tha sl.imsrh, livpr and bUxid. helpinv tha ayatrm to do t'aaork nstarally. Mr. Hjh I'oTTe, Hirrntnihsm, Ala, Tfinea tableU srs for sale by all d-atera.' . . , ."Why 6ha Was Happy. ; Ijmf eiimnwr Ixiutna Cleawr flala, titlj'r and srtr', sml Immthy !ii. n"l:r. S ttnr prufi-aaVmal, Mit to l.ui"I . tii t!i y rre (h. At- I-'. ! .- Mra. tl -i i f a I -,. ' :- '., ' t I - In r I tbe a : a v.i flirf. K ml : ': a i rr.) r-r In r; cttf f!.o ra',1 1 V I 11 J I k, i r !Ai;;;ouiiTCEi,iENXS i To thi Democratic Voters of Crtven .1 hereby announca that 1 ahall again be a- candidate for sheriff before the next Democratic primary, to beheld for Craven county,. thank you for Jour confidence and support iu the past, and if re-elected I promise to discharge the duties of the office fairly and impartial ly, with dua consideration always for the best interests of the whole people. -5Vv- -. J W BIDOL& March 28, 1910. ,! V s ANNOUNCEMENT ? To the Democratic Voters of Craven 8 Coonty. . ' ' . . ' ? I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of. Craven county, subject to the Democratic primary. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office to the best of my knowledge and ability and as nearas possible to the satisfac tion of the public' Very respectfully, RICHARD B. LANE. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Craven coun ty, subject to the democratic primary, and if nominated I guarantee to every person having any business with the office the utmoBt respect, politeness and courtesy. Respectfully, A. E. WADSWORTH. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER. To the Democratic Voters of Craven County: I hereby most respectfully announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Craven County subject to the will of the Democratic primary whenever said primary is held. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to conduct the office to the satisfaction of the people to the best of my ability. Moat Respectfully, B. B. Hurst. Never hesitate about giving Ct.amber lain'B Cough Remedy to children. It contains no opium or other narcotics and can be given with implicit confi dence. As a quit k cure for coughs and colds to which children are susceptible, it is unsurpassed. Sold by nil dealers. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER To tlie Democratic Voters of Craven County. . I respectfully announce that I shall be' a candidate for re-election for the office of Treasurer of Craven County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary when held; I promise if re elected to be found at my office in the Craven county court house, willing to serve you as faithfully in the future as I bavu in the past Respectfully, Freeman S. Emul. !.!! 'I' ' - - ' 1 -. . 1 - FINE COUNTRY SMOKED - - UAMS. ". We got something to crow about. Our new stock of choice) groceries just received U tb finest to ; bs bsd any bera.' ;rt;'t' :,:t-' - . .'tjiwu, Tviia, , cnoicH . ORoo:im . coat you'no mora than the mouldy, nos ty, stale kind-whlcu ' don't bandit or sen.' W never Wtoor stock get okf. 1 be prices we ara able to ns . put ,.our groceries Within tha reach of all. ", r . Erc23 Strcil. GrocEry Co.! rilONE VA NEWBtEN, f o (i &. FOR BLOOD 'DISEASE;' ft. g. I. la ft ral tors fat ConUst.nu Blood rt,n b-tu U is i raal tlnaj : ' ' . r l"r. ' ail faailaa that this dlaaaaa ta rpectM Mo4 tarrtto ef the saeet T ' , f J r. sia. V a vlr is Mfh ao thofonshly aoianna I be rarynarlae tf Ui ;' ' t a t t l' ;rpv ma sa ,r,'.fr.(l aaar tlmtt the autira body, riret - ', ' r a i rf t-T i t ' '' ". '" ! " "-e month snJ Vhroal hkria, the fluids la " V ' t - :, i .i i .-.: a to f:i out, k!n flisaa hr a-.t an ihe Vly, -- ii ! ! ; : !. i tvr n Vnrs S' ha wt'h rVnmle (ia!ii. l a r r ' ' t t'-it In a siana i aKsretful as tl-,!e thrt a , , ,'. 1 If "-t rtn taa r;T Tmfiar.l ufti !art, B. g. ft la tha f teataet nf sit v ' ' : is 'i In VI I' a ttrr nn an 4 If V '.ricV' f raat.a r.g ti.a HiV)4 '- i ' ' "M i ::t- ! 'e. Tin a r.ilc a fafaairit and Utii.rf mre ef i 1 J I l'e r ! t er rnraf n the d'-aaa r (.. ereta) " ' r ' ' l-t '--a tt fa i'-'-TtiM iar-. If 7-. a. r:f .' ' 1 ' a ' -. - " K P -. 1 - ' '1 h- If r 7 r I . , t ! I I I . .? r . I, M M - ' V f :-. 3ss: HENRY'S ;:: ftsenptions from all phycians, Quickly tod Ac curately; Clle. i ' ; . .4 :gAi.p,iiiieof Choice Toilet articles. - PHONE 173 YOU'LL NOT KICK AT THE BILL we render for lumber bought here. Even if our prices were a little higher than others you would gladly pay them after you see THE SUPERIORITY OF OUR LUMBER. But our prices are not higher. In fact they are often low er than even inferior lumber sells for. You do not stop to consider that your carpenter is drawing pay when you are away trying to deal with the WHOLE SALE LUMBERMAN. There is nore of this draw back when you deal with us, we can prove to you that our ser vice will lie a saving all around. Did you ever try WEATHER STRIPS or your windows and doors. They pre vent rain, dust and and cold air from your rooms. Just received a supply of this stock and can fill your orders promptly. Tolson Lumber and Mfg'Go. Piione 430, 129 E. Front St. New Bern. N. C. NOW READY FOR - BUSINESS I have nenc(l my Job Printing plant at No. 13!) Miiloie street anil .-!" ready to do all kinds of jol printing at the lowest prices. Now slock, artistic work. -PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL ORDERS. E. J. Land & Co. 139 Middle SI. New Bern, N. C. aSEOZTSSEaGSI ICE Made from pure distilled filtered watr. NEW BERN ICE CO. I 21-2.1 ciiflith St. Phone 23 LIST HOUR PROPERTY Pharmacy Give in your poll for 1910. Notice Is hereby given that the list taker for the EIGHTH TOWNSHIP win ait at- tha court house In New Bern during the month of June. Hoars, a a m to 1J0 p m and t to 8 p m at which place and in which month all property owners and tax payers in said Township ara required to rottirn to tha list taker for taaatiorv for tha Vsar 1010, all tha real estata, personal property, etc, which each ooa ah a II own an tha first oaf of Jane,, ar shall be required to give lo then. All -msle Miaous between the) area of' tl and 60 years are to .list their polls,' whether naturalised cltitens ot not.. Return of property and giving In of poll " required, under tbe pains and penalUea -' Imposed by law, ' . .-.- , ? , - ' '..'-j: a. vxtrr.nanti. ' , :rUH Tsker Eighth Township . .V t -1 I-' th.. . i 1 I ( i I