Tt fj'!uu;r tla Ami rr. rt I preriUi to boarj of t . !-:.. n: To the Ilunorklle Mayor an t Crd of r u ! ! Aldermen of the cit of New Cero, i Gentlemen: ... - Below pleate find my repcrt for the month of April 1910. . Have collected for water, - f 2 f29 68 ! Have collected for lighta, 8 623 12' u-y. .-4 .. For Infants nr i Children. Th3 Ifcd. Yc-j l!:vo U L - f f Always Dcustit- Total, 1 6 118 60 ? . Jlespeetfully sobmitted, . - i,r'vi. I.C THOMAS, Jk.' V' No.; 6 .5 ? - ALCOHOL J f Eg CSNr. ANtgetoUeRrparstlonfiAs s!milailntsFbotfart!Rp(iti " J.' r- r. j V - JO Bears; the -5 ' Collector. vr.T$n il "OW California's biggesUndustiy bigger thn gold. Oil is an extremely profitable business when handled as 'a ; bosmees propoa-.tjoV The dand for ofl is greater an the auppTy, The demand grow greater daily. It is the only ri ' y w en:tfe .Hclfie Coat Jqf rajlreexb, ateamships facpxief and office Udfogaji Jeui is using millions of . 'j'si 1 n her. warships. MTie United States, will nqueetionably use oil m the Navy,, which will mean! millions more. Oil is , ' J - - -.- - .... To the Honorable Mayor and .Board of Signature Alderneq of the city , of Mew Bern, - Geotlmn: ; - v "i, s 1 beg to report to your honor&ble body that daring the month of April 1910 1 Ph)fcsDigralfonkfrf' iiessand Rest.CQntain$neittw of Opium-Morphine norMtaeraLi have tried 34 eaeea for vajriou offences and Imposed fines amounting to ' V WOT NARCOTIC ' - ii n i r in n.i in f . Ay.": f H V; t JbcUteUb. Ambit ' BiCmiuakStb Aperfect rtauedy forConsfn-1 Hon , Sour Storoadi.Dlantal! WonnsjConvulsioiisJWEnsfr ness and LOSS orSlXER Facsimile SigiatufS of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. TO THE PUBIIC The New Bern STORES are the equal of any in this Siatq ami should be patronized by you in preference to others. . ' . ., - ' Ky recent comparison the goods offered by. our mer chants were of as good quality, and just as cheap as $ un ples from an established Northenihouse. If you 'dnnt find what you need, show your civic ppde and let your merchant order it for yuu, for by so doing you' will encoursjje our merchants to keep the best of everything at the cheapest possible prices. Thousands of dollars are being sent away annually, ttfi enrichen other communities. Lets keep this money at ; home and prosper. CHAMBER OF X. X. X. DAIRY FEED '. TIIK KIM) Quarantpo on Rags: ProU-in Fat Fiber -Carbohydrates 15 per cent 2.23 per ceDt 10 per cent 1 50 per cent . B. W. RILGORE.' BURRUS & CO.. if i "f USE NO - - - ' 1 v af" UiLL.THccour,:3 A?:3CUnnr.::l::-"' "'"I ' ; THE BEST- .; .. - -'i ,-'..' v-'iT ''.V;''3' 'V'' '" n-- yiM-iiipLjb i "n T.'fi r '-.v.-.j-i;- i.f , , f " v ' ' -'.' ?- , , ' ' f ' f. r ,; . , - In Use ? " r' For Over Thirty Years 4 . (,(-' r TMI Wmi OtHNHT, (KM VB T. : f WE SELL V.-f Results of Analysti: Protein . . ' 22.25 per cent. "Fat - t. 6.85 percent'. Fiber : .... -. : ? 8.29 per tent . Carbohydrate 54.82 per. cent ; State Chemist COMMERCE BBHHBBBEBHBBBBBSBSa ;i3 MIDDLE STJ. : V PHONE 184 OTHER BlI.tOUSNK.'l AND ( ON "11 PA 1 1 Fur yrara J was lr..n!.V tios anl mnatlpa' i"P, lv rtiisrralii (nf ni. ''fd! n n. 1-. fi y tit-.r 1 f I' J ll " : i.., ! ft n 1 r r- r. 'o rt -' ' - . J . ! ,l.'h I ' 1 n f-t tr . i ( ' - -i . ; I iur li' i j "i I 1 I f e I I f I I . . !'-'. f t - 1 .!! Il fTiS " ..( to Colts mounting to- ' 4 72 20 r ' " . . : - - 'r-' -Total - , ! , 4 $ 134 20 The above cases were-disposed: of as follows:., , ,v Convicted 25. 1 if Diharged 9: v"- -'-"j? r Jtespectfally aabmittedT 5 ' i s x. j. McCarthy, Mayor, To the Honorable Mayor fend the Board of Aldermen of the eity of New Bern , Genilerflen: " t w I beg to report that during the month of April 1910 there have been 34 arrests made of wlilch .25 were convicted and 9 drawri'.v Amount oi nnes eouecceq aim.:;;". , paid county tteagure c ' i .;. 57 75 To amt- cost pol'td, 9 66 30 ' 1 t By treasurer ree'pt 83 15 By cost to Self, " " - 83 15 Total, (66 30 $124 05 POUCE REPORT. ? Inform ants Warrants .... .." Ex'; - 2; '- '" 3 . 6 .-.- ..'..34.. Officers: Lupton, 2 '"8-r.: B , -3, 4 4 " 4 4 ' 34 Bryan, Parker, Griffin, Rowe, Foscue, Ipock,. Hardisorv Total Respectfully submitted, ' .i, . ' J: M. HAROET, ; Chief of Police. Davis ; Pharmacy Successful After a greatdeal of effort and oor respondence Davis Pharmacy the pop- - lar draggista bas succeeiled n getting the Dr.. Howards Co.; to make a special hair price introductpry . offerTootbe regular fifty cent eke of their celebrat ed specific for the cure of constipation ' ; inu medicine is a recent discovery for the euro of all diseases of the Stom ach and bowels. It not only give quick relief, bat it makes- permanent eurea, Dr. Howard's specific has been so re Hnsrkably sucoeeaful la earing constip ation, dyspepsia and all troublee-tbat Oavis -Pharmacy' bt wlUlug to Tfturn the price paid la every, ease where It does not give relief. ' 1 8e great is the demand for this ipe clfie that Davis Pharmacy has been able to secure only a limited . supply and every one who Is troubled with dyspep? sla. conitlpiUoB) of liver trouble should call opoa him at ttae: : tf ly. Mil II I ' , I. "'ii't' ' Some faminef are so' lucky : Uiat When they ars praying for k boy baby ie arrives as girl twlae. ' v ' '1 -"., - ... i m. . ', r. : )t Ottt Town DrosxiskA : say that Painkiller sella the best f etedicioe tij keep; daring the bad times; of the past year or Uo, there were none too poor to pay their quar- -ter" for a bottle of this Indispensable family medicine, ka sure and get the genuine, 2Sc, SSc'and COe bottle." . " A. , , -- ..I . TVe Pvdler's PhfleeephrrrV.V ho( rr c owe a rruH-e . poo l n- road W ywi niaat ;it crt. ' .... ,"',.,.. TT rip banura ance-e m art, 'l'bQ mtt ewd a .. port -f, ' . . ' - , ' 'SJ 4' - "Nw torirTTiWi .v'MUi - piles I . FILES 1 ;y, . Williams' Ivfln Pile Olnimrat wiH cure lilinl, rico ling and Itcliing; I'ilet It aUotU l!. tumors, allsys itrhing at onr, arts a pm!!lrt fives Inntunt roliflf. Williams' Indin I'll ()ii.lmmt U pr-pr1 fr P1ns and Itching f the (itivt nrt, ' 5W by drwrKi(, mail & and lt.r-9. V.-iSliam' M'f'g. Co., 1'M'PS., C'; Teiarnl, O. 1 V,'iMe OulHiri, The nnrlh Iimi, Omi. Ar.l fce !..! s 1 -o . ' 1 Whs! !!! m ew. p 1 t r thlr.ft ! M Ht fv t I ' . '1 ! ". itn a r( oi r t - 5 i ,5 f? ape' tnan toal. ;' t I the safest, most economical, cleanest and the easiest fuel to handle. Oil will soon be the'fuel of the VorkL ' ' " : & ? :;-The California Oil .FleHt are now by far the biggest producers of fuel oil in the world. The supply is apparently inex 12 : - v .haustible,;s. Thre pipe lines, costing about 910,000,000 each, pnmp oil to tide-water, where it ia transported to all parts 2 - ".--! N; j. 1 v.-:.-. u-.-.v:i: . r . . . - I' .u' vOl the W9nd, ; Atrfpe line, costing 825,000,000 is about to be built into Arizona, to supply the smelters with cheap fuel -' i 4tr-tii"'-i:--i-i.'g. :. fli:-..:fl-V!::' ..J'j - . ' j . V '. The price of oil the.well is now around 40c. a barrel-it wilLgo up. California oil 'stock is the most profitable as Well r as saxeet investment ever Offered the public providing "the oil companies are good substantial companies, - California oil presents Jut opportunity, to the capitalist and the wage-earner alike. Bankers, business men, clerks, labor ; era, Doth men and Women, are Investing whether a million or a few dollars, they are investing for big . dividends and immense returns and they are getting them NOW. ' Many millionaires have been made from California oil in the past ' . ten years,, MUlionaires are now: being made month after montn. The small investor may not be able to make a million "dollars', but he can make more money safely and honestly from a few dollars than he can from a year's toll. Now Is the time for you to Invest" Buy California National Crude 6il'Company'e stocfeat 40c, per share, : Eill out the attached blank and forward your subscription at once. ! "" ' ifortMI(at vi HELtMAN BU5G., LOS ANGELES, CAL, issue me.,... shares of Stock of above cdrporation. . .: ' Enclosed .f;..lDnnent. for same. xx ame "K"-:..k:'AddreseMiri,irtV DOWMO COURSE fast Being BeaDzed ly ' New Bern ' . People..- . . A little backache aiSrst f Daily increasine till the back is lame and v ' Urinary disorders quickly follow; ' V Diabetf and finally Bright' disease. This is the downward- 'course Of kid ney ill, ' ' s . -. ' -y ! ', . . . Don't take this course. . Follow the advice of a New Bern citizen, ' '. . ' lames E. Asldn, 14 George St, New Bern, N. CT, eaye: "While fn the amy f Received a arV lsteein i iaC after Uiat XwM subject .to Attaclt f W ney trouble. My back ached a great deal and ae1 ttae )asd.' Ui trouble became -, much wore.i I trled maoy remedies,7' but. eeemed -unable I9 c4r tain rellet and fineJly beejing of Doane Kidney PMsTI obtained a box at Brad. nam's Pharmacy. .They gave najnore relief than I had 'ever. before -expsr- enced. : boaat KVdney PUla not only stopped (he peine, la my. back, but atrengtoened my kidney And jnade my general teJti tetter,"..-"? -'J ' For. sai. iy aU : dealersv P'rioe tO eentav- Foeta? Mllburn "Cov,- Buffalo, Nsw.Tork, sole aseuu for, the tJnRed SUte,';; Vjvl't-'.- ' v i 'Remembtr the ''aaae-DoM'sua take A la poUUos U proof- of (he pudding la the dlatrltoatlo ,ef the plaai. . CASTORIA; .. Tor lafa&tt and CMldrea. -.-' ' TliiCsJ Yea EstiAL-:;! tzjA Bear the Blgnattreof -i a. Tb only Um our frteods are candid whsu. they bar soaethtne: dUigm ahl to aai. f--V.-- .' (),-'... THX MAD BIHQ () ' ef t(lphoa for U . ' Q doctor ha cbUd,bMs- (" Croul If you only ,;f () - bad ready Vick' V () Crowp and Pnsumool -3 ' () '. Balva, JO tnlnutfg would - 0 (L .bave brongbt' relief. () ' Have rtady. - S3, lr 91 00. - 0 () AU nruifltta. 0 A worrjaa be ka to attrsrl sttao Bon by Improprieties nr ba.U ta prorswtk'Ma.' '. , . . WHAT LVHYMDY WANT 3 , t i is In 'it 1 S! t: k -. r. i v it n 1. 1 i are i a t i ' ' i I av l t :. r t i 1 tl CAL. NATIONAL the Treasury I. W. HELLMAN BUILDING LOS ANGELES . Notices NOTICE. Undw and by Tfrtu of aDthoritr nstM in ma aa rwalvar af tba Athmtie aUnafaetarica and StavaCo. (baring been duly appointed receiver of aamebrhii honor Garland S. Furseraon, jude preaidiiic over tha aoarta of the First Judicial Dia trkt oa thatU day of April U10) I win. on Hon dan tba tth dap f June 1910, at 12 o'clock m.. at the court bona door in Cravon county, sell to the highest bidder lor caah, the foUowing described real property: FIR8T TRACT AU poplar. CTDraaa. Juniper asd all other hard wood trees rzoapt oak. and all pins trees which may axasure tn Inchea in di ameter across t be stamp, matured eighteen ineh a Abors the general We) of the around, which are now etandlnr, or may be standing at any time during a period of ten yean from the td day of July. JM and including all such aa may attain aid else during said period,' standing ox growing Upon the fdknriag tract or panel of land, lying and being in the Stat of North Carolina and eoanty Cf Gram and more particularly described Beginning at the bridge on the Washington and Maw Bern road and- adjacent to the run of Palmetto Swamp to a cypress to the mouth of Padgett's Branch, thane with Padgatfs Branch ttfthamaof J. IVWarran's Un; thence with Jaa. X. Warren's line the Waehington and New Bern road, and theoee WHh said road to the be ginning, ermtalaing SOT aars asore or less For fuBer and aura eomplets deeeription refers tics is hereby made to a dead from Sarah 1, Lewis and J. W. Lewie to the "Atlantis manufacturing and Star Oa," recorded hi the Ragmter'a office of Cra" va county hi book 176, nag ttV h. IBCOMr) TiiCr-AU the timber af aw. dsanrlpHoli of tba amanf ten inches or mors at the atmap, twehrt Inches front the rroand, or wiatay attsla thssavs af tan Inches during aba period of tea rears from the ad day of Jul Uoe. stanrllng ar greering npco that eertaia tract of ktal bmgaad bringla the aeonty of Crarcn In HimpM Township and nwre pertieularty desaittdaa feOewa!.. Begianmg as the Bridge fas the main road laaatfraaWaaliiacMktlW Barn aadrsa aing wnh the ran af rabnette Swamp Ml pokei to tba ran f Ftokaant bNraaap! taanae wHh tba ran at aafct branah tba Waahlagtaci and Kew Ban read; lhanaa withtheaaM road PS peies te tb Brat ataUon. awtainlag MO acres Mar ban, For farther sad mere ataaphls deaatlplkm ace. book 11. page tat. Begweer-S eOeeaf Crave eeunty. ' THIRD TEACT, AH Umber af rrer kind aad scaulpHua. except p a end ak, Ush shall laiaw am mches m dlematat acram the stamp, ctghleea iathes from th arond. whisk to now, ar may beat aa Uaas daring lb period uf ten yeanfram thsMaeyef July MOS, and tnchidiag all socb an may attain said saw darmg said period rUadlag ar giwwiag ape a that aeruia tract ar parcel efaurflytag aad haW fat the' eeaetg af Craean, aad la Numiiar Oa TawwaUnv trhlcb hi awr aartleamrht limit il a leOvwai ' . MsniegaSaaasksnth WaaaWeamata road thaara. raaeOng aa met card Iy mieallaa. a atr hrlit Una, the auhe at marked gem tree m Thames WUliecMrknri then vttkasmua hgaesaeraarilkenct pith John Shaw's Rnstea seetomk m (Mirer Bryan's laac thence. With said Bryan's Nn to r I he die twampj tkaars with Urn rarwaaaceracrthmmriraaip to lb Waeal mgteamaia road; Ik as is down aaid read to WrtawJfr.rwKtataUig 71 arras further rirtloa aae keek lit, r ima.. Far m la ,. Sij !-4a t of f amatg, Tills the hs a, may . IMS. . ' bT, O, CAhTKL. Ja. , aVceetrar cf the Atmntlc ataaefagtaymg and Stova ' . EX ECUTORS NOTICE , . i - , , i Vt-rirm this dtyaaaJIfl arseear cf tee state of HeerMt Rsr, lnunt laes of Crvm ;r 'r Alpwarie Se.lag eiaiaas caalnct ceai wi.l.lf,!.. an, W4 li ! t the safne -r TfU4 te 1V eiviw.triMl on er the .,.f Ap-fl 1M. or l.m antics will he 4 i.r nf mw rwvarf. AH pTan, hi' I in . a1 .!! are her ain4 to - s. b Mim euimt. Wat , It At, KART P. MAT. CRUDE OIL CO. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the authority contained in a cer tain mortgage deed executed by Peter Hymui and Rosette Hyman. of the county of Craven state of North Carolina, dated May 15. 1907. and record- in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county, in book 167, page 65 to secure th pay ment of a certain note and the stipulations of aaid mortgage deed not having been complied with. I will expose for sale, at public auction, for cash at the court house door, in New Bern. N. C. on Sat urday the 21st day of May 1910. at 12 o'clock M the following real property. All the one-third undivided interest of Peter Hyman and Rosetta Hyman in a certain tract of land situated on the southeast side of Cohooque Creek, in the county of Craven, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Andrew Godette on the north, John Fen ner on the east, the Hadl tract on the south and Drucill Fen nor on ths west, containing 88 acres. This being the land conveyed to Wm. Hyman de ceased by Debby Fanner and deceoded to Wm. Hymen's heirs, J. A. JONES, mortgagee, ' This 18th day April 1910. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the authority contained in three mortgage deedc executed to me by Abel Carter, Sr., and Abel Carter Jr.. dated June 14. IMC and Oct, 11, 1906 and Jan. . 1908, and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven coun ty. N. C in book 160. peg 176; book 16U page 160 and hook 16S, page 411 to aeeure the payment of certain nrtac. and th stipulations in aaid mort gage deeds nofhaving been complied with, I will expos fur earn at public auction for cash at th court bona door in New Bern, N.C, on Saturday th tUt at May 1810 at 12 o'clock M , th following ran! property! All the right, title and Interest In equity vested by purchase or -inheritance in Aba Caster, Br. and Abel Carter. Jr which inclodea th interest of Hepis Burden being bought by Abt Carter Br., in that certain tract of land ait sated on the aoutk akte of Ncnaa river and wt aid of Kings Crack, In Crave eounty.N. C, ad Joining the lands of Moses Coillnc on th couth. Baas Fcwajoy en tba sarU and Jeeoe Godett an tba want, beiag the lands which deoeaded to Barak Ana Carter from bar father Fwtar Richards, aad upoa whlou tbs atai Abel Carter Br. reaaJae, wa it aeree men or leas. -. ; : . . J. A, JONES. - "- - ' - ' blortawswa, ThlatbaUUridayof April M. r CASTOR OIL-POWDER rrru jpoaus mtm I - J LA A LATIVC KNOWN ArAwiwaawremnamm ''The man la the boob look ilk I klgahaQ wh k'i fan." J' . ( - - Th splendid work PChsmbf lto, Sionuscd and Uvct Tablet is dally eocn- lnT to bifht No such grand remady for nvr ana nwurouDie wan ever Known before, TiKMitanda bleu lbm for cui ing conallpatHn, sick bwn.lnche, biltoup. na. J lunoice and Indigettloa. 80 U by all oalnu . . . v f v.y.v , ...-.. r--::?rt Money talks, bat What th "topper say may bo be two '!, v i ;-w -: -I,.,. . -,',...'' - . , Juhn D, RurktWUr would t" liroVe if he should apnd bi eatirs) Worn frying; to rrepai a tttr mlirinp Oian ChamlrUlr(' Colir, (.'Vilers and liiarrhaa Kmlyfor tliarrhocg, f)ya ,iinrv t.r boar! fomplainla. It la slmfly imprtlil, sn l o aayf vry one that h4 ud it i l l by all daWr, , r.arTlng wptldtng frsei,U, tt maybe tjn.r to give than 1 If to re etv, . t . California National Crude Oil Co. I. W. HELLMAN BLDG., LOS ANGELES, CAL. GENTLEMEN: Kindly issue me shares of the Treasury Stock of above corporation. Enclosed find in payment of same. Name . Address eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee L CARDS i eeeed eeeeeev4t O. H. Guion, W. B. E. Guion, GUI AND GUI ATTORNEYS AT LAW Practice where services are required especially in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico, State and Federal Courts. OFFICE 40 BROAD STREET Phons 193, Naw Barn, N. C. H. W. CARTER, !,!. D. Practice Limited to Diseaaes of The Eye, Ear, Hose and Throat OFFICE WITH DR. N. M. GIBBS, Elks Temple New Bern, N. C. HOURSi 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. EVEIlV.'IriiURSDAY R. A. COLVIN Consulting Engineer Railways, Reports, Estimates, Maps, Plani Spedfjcations. 417 ELKS TEMPLE, W. B. PRICE PLnw- , Roomr407 401 Elki Ttmplt. I ' iH Biins, rCt ' Land Surreyirig, Drainage Surrey mg. Maps, EssjnrrUooa, Timber Lendav. r. . Bloea,v A. l.Ward, AfTOENBia AND COTJXaiLLDB . ,..,,, MtUH t''- - ;.5 J ; II w. tuts., cw. . Office Rooma 4)144 EQu BuDdtof - . ... - - '.'-. PracUrr in the (Bounties cf Craven, i Duplin, Jon, Lmlr, Onslow, Cart- ' ret, Pamlico and Wake; In "the 8tt preme smj Federal Court, ad arberw ' vr tTtor are d!rwd. ; , Jt . - ' jstcsjalni iiaja.ii 1 i.en,..-. -Anorj::y Af law Prsxt 4 In U.o oount of Craven, Crtfri famJw-o, 4ons M Onsl'jar'' and in U. ;Utj Vuprtm and F'kraJ Oniru. ' - . " - ""V ' . 1 c-r, g,t r,a cte tif ';;- TV.-,a 91. ; ; t Nw , a,C. ' - '"" ''mami-mia-a -. " - f p '.! r t" l i .-.. ' 1 i '' - . ' . " 1 ' ,'. . '."- Vt ,i I I 4 I ,

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