1 1 i i m i I., i i NEW BERN DAILY JBURNAl fraven street - FHOWBgO. s. 1 :, , Jti, rr.i-1 i DtTOR AND PROPRIETOR IBMOUniOI HATHSSi M Ttor In advance M M tot to advance.. .. , I carrier in the city .6t Advertising- plication. rate furniahed on ap- Entered at tha Poatofflce. New Bern H. c. aa aecond-claaa matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF NBW AND CRAVEN COUNTY. BERN New Bern, N. 0. Ma 31,1910 THE LEGITIMACY OF PUGI The attention, in the way of iu ter views, paid Jojin L. Sullivan on his recent return from Europe, showed in what consideration a man is held, whose only fame came through a strong right arm, that I made him for years first among tne world's pugilists. Daily in all newspapers, will be found articles of various length telling of those celebrities of the fistic ring, Jeff ries and Johnson, whose encounter on July 4th, outside of the cham pionship involved, has some $500,000 at stake in various ways, that will go to persons directly in terested. Iu strange contrast to this recog nition of an ox champion and cham pion to be of pugilism, is the leg islation in New York state that promises to destroy the sport of horse racing. What is the cause of this change in public sentiment f Why has pugilism become recog nized as legitimate, for in the early days of John L. Sullivan's career, the fighters had to dodge the civil authorities, while today the "man' ly art" has the most prominent of people in the country as "Its advo cates, and the fistic exhibitions have leading citizens . present to note the science of the boxers, to explain fully would require some space for analysis. That boxing, the new name for pugilism, is not permitted in every city and state, does not lessen the public interest in this sport, as can be noted ev erywhere, for, however small tie town, it will be found that even the small boy can tell pretty clear ly the ring pedigree of Rullivan, Cbrbett, Fitzslmmons, Sharkey, Jeffries, Johnson and others, whose- only Deputation has been secured by being able to take pun ishment and give in return, thro' splendid - courage and a sturdy physique. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST OR1 A Hnbey had what gU the Doctor say wirey ho saia, Put oat rear fee." Hubby-And then? "Or.rworkaa." 1 ' 1 . 1 1 n .. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward (or any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. F. i. CHENEY CO, Tole do, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe aim perfectly honorable if ail busmen transactions and fa saeially able to carry oat any obh gations mads by his trm. W A LI l NO, RINNAN NAB YIN, Wholesale ftrwggiste, Toledo, a ? Hall's Catarrh Cms is taken fa ternallf, anting directly upon the Mood and musvu. eerfaass of the ryetsia. Testimonials seat free Mas 75e, per bottle. Sett ay aft tiraggW Take HatTs Family Puis for eoa- we i JisstlOff. i Aosln Ih. Hit. (After rUrbasd Allaoa.) IB a tarn-are aa tar hat ess wane thai Asa hMSSsa sttn a . rr shew. Th.r. falbrs arow ifeat sew nar tarr Tttl "Chaatesiar lisssaitvas aw i ' svrtfruag fhe ssaos This le M the a eaeleissbA .i e Wa sal vsr sa aw mwwfw saawras) wwai aai sajsWawsssssaj awaapsasji at drsa srsilesis f sflhaf aair . mQcw ana syassjebes, s slaiil Weill lag eteeetttaa. swssw anves of .sMgeattit . i taaaafc A 1 jWWt Wf HWPB frWw as aw aygaaeSBBi aSsSB SSBbBBs pSJSBaSJSMK ajsat MaSrSSl SHBSBa msHSBBBBj aBBSH SBBr aasBHSBS j w vw rw M TERRIBLE STRAIN RESULTEDNOT AMISS A Lenoir Lady, After Two WeeM Grinding Labor, Feels Better Than Ever. Lenoir. N. C.-"I am not tired at all, and am stouter than I have ever been," writes Mrs. Kate Waters, of Lenoir, N.C., "although 1 have hist finished a two weeks' wash. I lay my ttmpf Cardui, the woman's tonic. I have taken a lot of it and I can never praise it enough for what it has done for me. I can never thank you enough for the ad 1 " vice you gave me, to take Cardui, for since taking it I look so wen and am stout as a mule." Yon are urged to take Cardui, that gen tle, vegetable tonic, for weak women. Its use win strengthen and build up your sys tem, relieve or prevent headache, back ache and the ailments of weak women. It will surely help you, as it has helped q, of otherg in 50 years. N.B.- - Write to.- Ladle let Advisor Dent. nooea Medicine :tneco.,uia! tttanooga, l enn.,iorapecifli , anaM-i e book, "Home Trestra for Women," sent in plain wrapper, on CORMET and VIOLIN LESSONS Instruction at your residence. For further information write inclosing 2 cent stamp. L. G. SCHAFFER, New Bern N. C. Box 18. John D. Rockefeller would go broke if he should spend his entire income trying to prepare n better medicine than unamnenain a 1.011c, L.noiern nu Diarrhoea Remedy for diarrhoea, dya- fi.itrvrr hoivfil comnlaints. It is simply impossible, ana so says every one mat has used it Sold by all dealers. Definitions. Trained footmen Infantry soldiers. . A clean business The scrubwoman's Question of the hour What time li ltt Good cents Those Issued by Uncli Sam. Lost time The watch that felt lnte toe sea. mxnert witness-One that can lit without being caught High society- The Mountain Climb ers' clnb.-ClncInnau Commercial thd COMMANDER JULIUS A. PRATT POST NO. 143 OEPT ILL , G. A. R, - , Mr. Isaac Cook, Commander of above Dut Til. writ ..u . 'kV. I V 1 1 L J a&vwaM.w. ..... ' ' ' " . " ' long time I was bothered with backache and pains across my moneys, adoui two months ago 1 started taKing rolrty Kidney Pills and soon saw1 they were doing Just as claimed. 1 kept on tak ing them ana now i am ireerrom dsck ache and the painful bladder misery ii all gone. 1 like Foley Kidney Pills so well tha 1 1 have told many of my friends and comrades about them and snail ra commend them at every opportunity. Davis Pharmacy. Enlightening Him. ' Algy-Doetor, wnat-aw-ls the first symptom of softeulng ot tne brain Medical Adviser The poeaesaiou of a Wain, my dear boy.-Chleago Tribune. The Aaal Props. Tbesa dancing tables may bs watt . la their own war. But aa for me. I'd rather sea A' good ballet. -Plttsbura Mathematical Demonstration. "Why do they apeak of two people who are wed as becoming oner "Because thenceforth tbey both half their Urea. "-Judge. The Millennium. What a world In the d lata no Twin bs and how nlea Whan we aivs folks assistant In.1e.rt of .rtvlr.' . " tL -Oakland Uses, FOR MORE THAN THREE DaV , CADES. Foley's Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for all ailments of the throat, cheat arxl lungs. For infants and children It Is best and safest as It contains no opiates and no harmful drum. No awwUrbtrtr'aHooey and Tar In the yellow package. Re iner subsuuitea. uavja raanasry. A Witty Biahea. "The late Bishop Koaa," said a KM delphla physician, "once flatted ak for soSM trifling ailment." "'Do yea.' I aaW to Ma Is the coarse of my nasaiastton, talk In your sieepr "Ho, air.' be answered 'I talk la oilier people's Aren't yon aware thai 1 an a dltloor inrii.t,ti r. nmrc, nin lU KJssSJ UlsalJ BLOOD TROUBLES lest Bgeesbste was a a. a. sees; asst H ta the only Uetsws ate left e the aahls ' VtUB gliML MM ifWi m ; SWSav vtar9nfS sslAMaal HMsaattai faMHI lata. Ma III JsaA. st isssssi lisilaa as aames.sUl 4 May 27-We aa having sobm rainy weather for the (sat few days. Paschee are ripening ranch to the dstight of those who like fruit Mr. Clayton Taylor, and Mr. Fred Taylor of Rhema were visitor at Mr. John Dixon's Sunday. Come again boys Messrs. Will French and Laurie Lan caster were callers at Mr. A L Smith's Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Saunders and Mrs. Mary Moreadith were visitors . at Mr. and Misses. Sailia and Nannie Wilcox of Street's Ferry were callers at Mrs. Lillie Arnold's Sunday. There were quite an excitement in this piece one day last week especially among the farmers. The Steamer AAaUa" phnncrina. rohiarla mnrln n nfliu, like some wild animal, Mr. Will French being the first to leave the field caused others to be frightened worse some ran for their guns, some went in barn lofts. Mr. Floyd Stewart was in his field and when hearing the Adelle blow thought it was a Hon, and when looking over in adjoining field saw Mr. Robert Dixon who was near the house waving his hat at Mr Will French exclaiming come Bill come qeick there is a bear down here and he has caught a hog, when Mr. French reached the house he would not venture any further stating that he did not have shy shells, Mr. Floyd Stewart running to the house called to his wife to bring, his gun that there was a lion in the low grounds and he was going down to the landing to put a load of shot in him. Mr Stewart took his gun and when going to the river met Robert Dixan and ask what it was, Robert who had found out what it was said it was the Adelle with a load of barrels, and Jack Vaniford who was hid in the barn loft under stood him to say the Adelle with a load of bears, and Jack said Mr. Stewart let's go down Jhere to see them bears, it must be a circus. It's funny but true. A. L. S. Children Chry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A A Polite Englishman. "Doc" Lion tells of an Englishman whom be knew In the early Kansas days who had come over from the British Isles ami had brought with him all of the mannerisms, like "doncbel know," "beg, m Ion," etc. The Eng llsbman was cured of bis "doncber know" by a cowboy whom be thus ad dressed, "1 'ave the finest 'orse In the world, doncber. know. "Mo, blankety blank," replied the cowboy, "1 don't know It. and t don't want yon to set up a claim again thai I do." Some time later "Doc' was driving with the Englishman behind an oi team. John Bull waa baring a atren- uous rllne with the oxen, but be work ed bard. "Gee, now, Jerry." be sang ont But quickly be added: "Beg pardon, beg pardon. 1 mean haw. " "Doc" tells that when that story got around It helped to cut down the num ber of limes that tne KnglUbman used "beg pardon "-Karmas City Journal AN IDEAL HUSBAND is patient, even with a nagging W'fe, for be knows she needs nerp. She ma be so nervous and run-down in beak that trifles annoy her. It aha is me lan choly, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, aliiplisaniis, con stipation or fainting and dizsy spells aha nssds Electric Bit ters the most wen cerfnl remedy for ailing women. Thou sands of sufferers from female trouble nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used them and b seems healthy and happy. Try them. Only 60c Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggist The One Thing Wanting. In the spring the keeo norastsr L'rtes on Its wad career. In the spring tha vagatartan Kinds his food sxtremely dear. In the sprlns iiouTU anln d u-s not Add much to our bappmeea. ta the spring those awful painters Kirk tuna confounded in sea la tha spring tha posts always. ' ' Pour out td lotto Uyt In the eprtng the pebttc en rase Evsmblna the poets araiaa Id tha aprtaa there aver happens Tsar by year tha usual thing. Bat Invariably there's wanting: Sprint! A MAN WANTS TO DIE oaty whaai Kidney troubles. Impart hearth and vtg or to the wtssk'. ear sane sad sJHnr 2. at all druggist. Palme In Liberia. There ere s number of Intermtiog a ot palms in Liberia bet tie taspertaat are the fan Vales, tee lmboo palm. I ha n ..sum palm sod the oil paint. Issllss Musi a. While the etrsctore t the strtdbUtttaig eraaae of tmetts at tresaeiy staspW. they aoepstlsses pae eees eeatrtvaawa for varylag tb pit' h The senanl sirortsra of sVh an (ivgs a la S hard sashsrsr eorssest with striattone. nv whti h eon other of the body fumhhad wMb s eaj or area Is rebhaat Whsw the striated edge Is dtvMed lnt nrta with (liter sod rtssravt marsmrs vsfte tfcMM of rdtei ran he ariidsseiT A fteedy aaeehsr. Is Ms "Ufa of Olsitatuni rH Met sBrsasd that b dw not i term W NOTte bow r"f .! assMMMBey. net Dr. King s New Ufa Pills eapal SwfaeM from the system, bring In f hope and Can Have a as bool and white as a dairy. No smell, no smoke, do beat, no dust. No old-fashioned contrivances. The Mew PerAction. nil Oil Cook-stove ' . X '. is the latest practical, scientific cook-stove. It will cook the moat elaborate dinner without heating the kitchen. v Biils, bakes, or roasts better than any range. Ready in a second. Extinguished in a second. Fitted Jmti sa " 'BaaEji4fdSl SSvjpisi H SSsssdsfiariSALiajaaiLe a i a :: g'a' - you get this stove ssa 1 lajds"?" Parfa3'a" Standard Oil Company t (laeorporated) KESIION GOES. Bradham Drug Co. Sells Best Pre scription ou Earth on the (Money Bacn Plau Almost everybody knows that sick headache, nervousness and dizziness are caused by a disardere! stomach. Upset stomach and indigestion hap- nan just because the food you eat does not digest but lies in the stomach and ferments or turns sour" You cab stop fermentation and atom - ach distress in five minutes by ustqg Mi-o-na Stomach tablets, a prescription that has done more to cure indigestion and put the stomach in fine condition than all the specialists on earth. A large 50 cent box of Mi o-na stom ach tablets is iU you need to get quick and lasting relief. Mrs. Altie Btaon, of 93 Dun Road Battle Creek. Mich., used MM) NA. and within two months was in as good health set ever, and has a good strong stomach and eats anything abb likes, she attributes her present good heath to the use of MI-O-NA." if you have heartburn, belching of gas, heaviness or sny stomach trouble no matter hosr chronic, try Mio-ns stomach tablets on money back plan. Sold by druggists everywher eand by the Bradhanv Drug Co. who guarantee them. The newspaper Is a gigantlo mlrroi la which the whole world sees reflect ed IU Joy and sorrow, Its ambition Its suocaea and failure Lildren Crv FOR FLETCHER'S CAST OR I A , In Darkest Africa. "They say be looked as If bft'd been In a bolter explosion when- be aav ages got through with aim." "Worse than that. Ue looked as if be d been Initiated Into a college fra- ternltjr."-rneliinrl t-eml.T. Never hejiute about giving Chamber lain's Co jgh Remedy to children. It contains oo opium or other narcotics and can be given with implicit eonfl denes. As a quU k core for coughs and coMH to which children are susceptible, It Is unsurpassed, Sold by all dealers. Our First tnverperateel City The irfct tltr Ineoryorstcd In this country with a charter aud pfrrQtIM was New York, which wee granted Its papers In 1004. Varnish From tsaWSSl, A kind tif seaweed which la nlentt fal on the coast of rbUia lurulahes sn sduitiaadi aias and varnlab. When dried It to wstsrproof, tad It to em ployed to All up lbs Interatk-ws In bam boo netwhrk, or hi. h utuiwa are fretjueoUy constructed In that renn try. It is alau utilised to stxcn-HM Sad varnish sor laaterua s Kotey Ktony I'llls see antiaepuc. tas MSd Ssalarativa aisd a arOmut nr. rsetlva of all unwary rr WWIBIW HVSMMWV. BT1B Ifreeularlt lea. Mosey talks, hat what tha saya saay wot be Fbley's What flhtf WU Da far Yesj your kidaeya, aor. Irregnlerltlae, build ha esaae ario ' aN Model Kitchen snaa i with Cabinet Top, with collapsible rests, towel rack, and every up-to-date feature imaginable. You want it, be cause it will cook any dinner and not beat the room. Mo heat, no smell, no smoke, no coal to bring in, no ashes to carry out. It does away with the drudgery of cooking, and makes it a pleasure. Women with the light touch Wr pastry especially appreciate it, be cause they can immediately have a quick fire, simply by turning a handle. No half-hour preparation. It not only is less trouble than coal, but it costs less. Absolutely no smell, no smoke ; and it doesn't heat the kitchen. The nickel finish, with the turquoise blue of the enameled chimneys, makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners ; the 2 and 3-burner Stoves can be had witu or without Cabinet. Every dealer everywhere: If not X yours, write lor Descriptive Circular to tha nearest agency of the LIST HOUR PROPERTY Give in your poll for 1910. Notice is hereby given that the list taker for the EIGHTH TOWNSHIP will sit at the court house in New Bern during the month of June. Hours, 8 a m to 1 :80 p m and 2 to 6 p m at which place and in which month all property owners and tax payers in said Township are required to return to the list taker for taxation, for the year 1910, all the real estate, personal property, etc., which each one shall own on the first day of June, or shall be required to give in then. All taale persons between the ages of 21 and 60 years are to list their polls, whether naturalized citizens or not. Return of property and giving in of poll required, under the pains and penalties imposed by law. J. A. PATTERSON, List Taker Eighth Township Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTOR I A NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. CP. Via Norfolk, Va., The Quickest Koute to Richmond, Petersburg and Washington. (NEW) FsrsTo SCHEDULE RICHMOND Li. Beaufort. N. C. 75 m. IG.RT. M City, 7:47 S.76 ginston. 76 Mr. Oriental. 7: 6.(0 " New Barn. 9:16 4.SS " Ksrmville. M IK " Graaavuls. S:8S 8.96 " Wssaiaalon. 10:40 S.S6 Ar NORFOLK. Vs. 6:40 p m. VisN. aW. Ry. ViaCaOBy I.v. Norfolk. V. 4:SJ nn. 7:40 pm. 4:00 pm. Ar. RkbmoaoVVaFM " 10:66 " M " Lv. Rlchraono. Vs. Via H. F. 1' Ry. 140 pm. Ar. WasMiwtsa. D. C 11J0 pm Save time by using the Norfolk and Southern Railway, North, South, East or West H. C. HUDGINS, 0. P. A. Norfolk. Va. LION FONDLES A CHILD In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled the hand that a child thrust into bis cage. Danger to a child is sometimes great when least regarded. Often it comes through Colds, Croup and Whooping CouKh. Thry slay tboueania that Dr. King's New Discovery could have saved "A few doses cured our baby of s vary bad case of Croop, " writes Mrs. Geo. B. Davis, of Jlst Rocs, N. C. 'We al ways give it to him when he takm cold I Us wonderful medicine for babies. " Msat for Coughs, fkkta, LsQripps, Asth ma, Hemorrhages. Weak Laaga. Ma II XX) Trial bottle free. Guarastesd by all druggists. Chsmp ami Jss. Oongrassmsn Champ Ctorl mat Hpssksr Oaoooa ta their hstsi the ether light. -Jos." he said, -ters let bygones t hyguawe sad so to the thsstsr "I II o yon MM Jo. -Wbat'll we srmr Thera Is s play salt yos tS S Jot" that What to ttr the Insnlrsd. -Vostl Ills It as re," ssM Clark. Is railed Hto Hones In Order.'- "It A tWKh of or a twlage f tknwshrto, whatsrvsr tha troshU I-. hemUrlsir.'. l.,n.rr..r.l rlrirss fsln at csty gtvas rsnvr. 4 hy all Vsil , I a v1 I rr ! ! l ANNOUNCEMENTS - : ..Si. - To the Democratic Voters of Craven l hereby announce that 1 shall again be a candidate for sheriff before the next Democratic primary, to be held for Craved county. I thank you for your confidence nd support in the past, and if re-elected I promise to discharge the duties of the office fairly and impartial ly, with due consideration always for the best interests of the whole people. J W BIDDLE. March 28, 1910. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER. To the Democratic Voters of Craven County: . 1 hereby most respectfully announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Craven County subject to the will of the Democratic primary whenever said primary is held. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to conduct the office to the satisfaction of the people to the best of my ability. Most Respectfully, B. B. Hurst. i ' ANNOUNCEMENT To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Craven county, subject to the Democratic primary. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office to the best of my knowledge and ability and as near as possible to the satisfac tion of the public. Very respectfully, RICHARD II. LANE. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I respectfully announce that I shall be a candidate for re-election for the office of Treasurer of Craven County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary when held; I promise if re elected to be found at my office in the Craven county court house, willing to serve you as faithfully in the future as I have in the past. Respectfully, Freeman S. Ernul. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Craven coun ty, subject to the democratic primary, and if nominated 1 guarantee to every person having any business with the office the utmost respect, politeness and courtesy. Respectfully, A. E. WADSWORTH. Kl LLthe COUGH and CURE the LUNGS wnuDR.KlHG'S NEWDISCOVERY WKVOLDS r trim wint raH P All THROAT AND lUrtCTROUBUS CUARANTCeD SATISFACTORY k Off MONCV RMSNOED. 1 Tin: lam: DBtJMMOXI) CANAL AND WATER COMPANY, i n i: LAKE DRUMMOXD TOW I NO COMPANY. Dismal Swamp Aa Inland Route, protected from storm, Mine fee of water minimum depth always. Wulch transit for trafle. Prompt towing. for tews end towing reus soph It 04tow tat Seaboard Bn Building, sad at Dash Creek Last, Va, If. jt KINO, J A. MITTKN I'ria. Hrry. h a BAXTER, ttapt ') i ill.. What Ah You Oo vss tsel wssa, W swwt4W OC mWJ IU ahsg t gas, saw rtsCts m t savsr mMMwwW ayaS OfwVw wii mfsamMsmMmIVmhS ml flPVmmr mmwl KsVw mWmWsfpiml 9 ttmwMB swwsslimhmmi IJmmmWPVww Ass (mMftsat mSmPVI tlP mmWmHmtestmml AwsmWmHPm pmHT tml sgssmmw dssf mrrtsswssmr, aSassmmh tsa BTVlftmmmweWawV mMmmw fKMtt09b smvmtfmMstsaVftmVW1! I HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians , Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. Pharmacy PHOJTE 173- ESTER SPILLS LADIES AnV jour Ir,.,rK!( for CIII-CHES-THR'6 D'AMOND iikand PILLS in .tnD and uold metallic boes, ser.led with Blue1 i t r.i. orutfR. liny of your TQgSIBB ana baic lor II l-l rll t.H- IT-lt B SB V 01JI11II DKANn PILLS, for twentv-fiw (ita'S regarded ns Ber.t, Safes"., Alwar- Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE WORTH rSTBn NOW READY FOR - BUSINESS I have opened my Job Printing plant at. No. Hi!) Middle street and a ready to do all kinds of job printing at the lowest prices. New stock, artistic work. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL ORDERS. E. J. Land & Co. 139 Middle St. New Bern, N. C. j YOU'LL N01 KICK AT THE BILL we render for lumber hought here. Even if our prices were a little higher than others you wrtulil KllHy pay them j after yon see THE SUPERIORITY OF 'ODIt 1.UM1IER. Hut our prices are i not higher. In fact they are often low er than even inferior lumber 8e!U for. You tlo not Ktn) to consider that your carpenter is drawing pay when you are away tryiin; to deal with (he WHOLE SALE LUM HERMAN. There is nore of this draw back when you deal with us, we can prove to you that our ser Vice will be a Having all around. Did y..u ever try WEATHER STRIPS for your windows antl doom. They pre vent ram, duxt anil antl cold air from your nxmiH. JiiHt received a supply of this stock and can fill your orderi promptly. Tolson Lumber and Mfg'Co. Phone 4.10, 129 E. Front St New Bom, N. C. EXCURSION! New Bern to Wilmington FRIDAY, JUNE Brd 1910. Fere Round Trip, Adtdta Sl.fiO, Children 76c. Too osn see Raleigh and Wilmington plsy ball, or go to Wrightsvills, tales s swim sad tenjoy the sea breets for s day. Isave New Bern, 740 a. as,, NO STOPS on the way. Arrive Wilming ton 10:16, lease Wilmington h p m. and arrives at New Bern m W go while it Is cost, come while It is enol and Spend the dy Where It fat cool. FOB WHITE PEOPLE ONLY ' smfht cars. We will he glad to here yoo go along. a E. HENDERSON, mcraial. tar sHtaf sMil. ahi hmilrss lfmi is taarsl DIAMOND "m BRAND s fJJEl