SflttrttaL PAPER WITH KNOWN CIRCULATION ESTABLISHED IN 1878 N UMBER 55. NEW BERN. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY MORNING. JtTNE. H HMO. TWENTY NINTH YEAR - - 4tW ni AkA4 4' 4 r HI BBBBBBft bbbe " bbbe: ' 8 If You Want to Borrow we invite you to call and see us. We will consider your application carefully and promptly, and if we can consistently do so we will be glad to make the loan. Of course a carefully managed bank, must not make any but safe loans, but when we regard a bor rower as deserving of a loan we are quite as happy to serve him as a good depositor. It takes good borrowers as well as good deposit ors to make a live bank. JAS. B. BLADES, Pres. T. A. liKSEM, V. Pres. Wm. B. BJiADBS, V. Pres. QKO B PENDLETON, Cashier SPECIAL IN MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS Made of the Best Lonsdale Cam bric, V Shaped Neck, All Sizes, 15 to 19 That happy home scene 11 o'clock p. m. man with u long Night Shirt, good nights rest he does not try to pull it down with his toes. He bought a long tailor ed one from J. M. Mitchell & Co- . 75C. VALUES FOB 50c. J. M. Mitchell & Co. 61 POLLOCK ST. PHONE 288. I DRUMMERS MEET IK WW810N Cdovention Will Last Two Day?. Many Features Are ou The . Program. W ilmicgton, J une 2-The United Com mercial Travelers will meet in grand council here Juno 3d and 4th. The first day will be given exclusively to the bus iness of the organization; the second to entertainment. The Rev. William E. Cox will open the convention in the Academy with prayer.. The address of welcome will be delivered by Herbert McClammy . C H. Jones will respond in the name of the Travelers' Asaocia- Among the special features of the 2d day will be a street parade, a steam boat trip down the Cape Pear river, several luncheons and affiance. All vis itors not interested in the business sion will be given the freedom of the city. Their badges-will admit them to all ball games and theatres. Banner "Sure Seal" Fruit pars (with glass top.) M. E. Whitehurst & Co. COTTON MARKET JLttK. E 1 ... i. - . . Leading Bull Interests Control Old Crop Situation. Mar ket Oversold Special to Journal I ' New York June 2-tne Government Report was better than expected, but found the market in an oversold condi tion. Alter a smaii initial DreaK, prices rallied sharply on short covering. The leading bull interests' are still in control of the old crop situation, and a further demonstration against the short interest is looked for tomorrow. In view of the excellent prospect for the new crop, trade interests are in clined to believe that advances from the present level will be only temporary LATHAM A LEX AND New shipment of figured Lawns, the newest creations, nothing made to sur pas them in beauty, J. J. Baxter. ' from "The Girl and the Wizard. By special arrangements with the publishers of the music of the musical play "The Girl and the Wizard," The New York World will publish next Sun ay the song hit at the production, mu jeie and words complete. This is the fa mous "Frsntzi Frankenstein ' soi jwhich fairly brings down the house ev ery time it 19 sung. Be sure to order next Sunday's New York World to get this song Pure Silk Half Hose at 50c. worth 75c. J. J. Baxter. Swansboro News. KEEP COOL THIS SUMMER " Rev. C. P. Snow, pastor of the M. E church here, has just returned from the commencement exercises of Winter- ville High School and speaks in" very high terms of the school. Rev. McFar land preached the annual sermon an 1 Attorney General T. W. Bkkett deliv ered the literary address. Mr. P. W. Bell, of this place, repre sented the local lodge of Odd Fellows at Goldsboro last week There is more bull ting being done in Swansboro at the present time than we have ever known before. Mr. James Koonce is making good progress on the two story store building of W. N. Marine. The large yacht of Mr. T. H. Pritch ard will s"on be ready to launch; be Is bUo having a pretty little cottage) err c 1 c I n ar the Methodic church Rx Sheriff D. J. Sanders was In town Monday. His many friends expect to pull him out again for sheriff this year. We are having very pleasant weather now and farmers are laying by their eoriLcrop. Just now Ashing with hook and line is b coming fine sport as wall as profit s' Ie. We are headquartera for Store, Porch and Window AWNINGS and HAMMOCKS. We have Awning and Hammocks in atck like above cub and Can furnish you promptly. Owing to the rush we will continue our Overstocked Sale one mors week. Visit oar store and be convinced. of the bargains. T. J. Turner Far. Co. 93 M IbBLK HT CUTS WG KIM Excursionist Imbibes Too Freely and Slashes Another With Pocket Knife ER & Co. 4 t mm Coast Line Will Help Mr. E. Cliff Cohen, representing, the Atlsntic Coast Line was here yesterday in the interest of his company, and in speaking of the July Celebration to be held here, Said the Coast Line would do its best for those coming in the day time, running extra trains when nec cesary , so that visitors could spend -the day in New Bern and get home each night. Of course this applies to those living between this city and Wilming ton. Just after the excursion train which was run from Morehead City to, Wash ington N. C. yesterday had crossed over Name river bridge on its return trip. Mr. Thomas Styron of Morehead City was seriously cut on the throat with a knife in the hands of E. D. Buck a resident of Beaufort county. Just bow the trouble started could not be learned as none of the excursion ists could give any particulars but it is stawised that Buck, who was under the influence of intoxicants, became offend ed at Mr. Styron's endeavors to quiet him and unexpectedly attacked him with a large Barlow knife. Friends of the injured man dressed bis wound as well as possible with the facilities at hand and upon the arrival of the train in this city he was hurried to a physician's office and given the proper medical attention. If no serious conplications set in the wound it will doubtltss head within a few weeks. Buck was arrested and carried to police headquarters where he was i quired to give bond of $100.00 for his appearance at a preliminary hearing next Monday afternoon. Notice. All contributions which have been promised for the Veterans dinner will be received at the E. C. D. wharf this morning anytime af tor nine 4'clock. Every Daughter of the Confederacy ie earnestly reguested to be present as early as possible HARRIET LANE HYMAN I President Civil Service Examination - An examination for the position of Deputy Collector and Inspector of Cus toms ill be held at the post-c ffice la this city on June 18, 1910. For application blanks, and for full information relative to the examination qualifications, duties, salaries etc, ad drM Secretary, Board of Civil Service Examiners, Post-Office, City. ! 3. "High Grade" Colonial Glassware. M. E. Whitehurst & Co. Immigrants Enroute to Mew Bern. The writer was informed veatprrlnv by Tony Cusmai, an Italian, who came to this city several weeks ago and opened up a shoe repairing shop on Craven street, that be had just received a letter from his wife stating that she and their three children were enroute to New Bern from Naples, Italy and would arrive here next Sunday after noon. ' Special Sale. We have just received the finest line of brass beds that has ever been shown in the city. Different styles and differ ent prices. Prices from $14. (to to $ 60.00 Call and look our stock over J S Mill et, 87 A 89 Middle street. For Rout. ' I IK W. J. Mootford sent to this mar bet last Saturday the bast Irish pota toes mm have seen this Beseem. COUSIN PHIL Tiro suites of office rooms la Moore building opposite Gastou Ho tel. One office building adjoining Ar mour Packing Co,s building on South Front street. . C. T. HANCOCK. Agt I ' 1 PliUKB 17 Ni: BKUN, . ('. SSBMMaJ I WANTED! Ttf BUY FIELD PEAS IN ANY QUANTITY. 1 FOR SALE:-C0RN, OATS, HAY AND ALL . I I KIM IK Off VVVU Y X II MR Y U'lll swef vej MBWa am. n ra m-r i m I mtnmir it li I JUiVfr-Ua or LU. I fl U MIDDLE ST, PHONE t4 NEW BK) PILES 1 PILES I PILES I jeeJt . rWElT -AssssssssssssssHBF William' Indian Pile Ointment wiU ear Sited, Bleeding and Itching Piles It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acta aa a pootttea. gives Instant ratter. Williams' Indian Pile Oiotmot is prepared far Piles and Uehmg of the private parte, 8oW by drogfieta, mail 80s and 14.00. William.' M'f'g. Co., Prop., Ctevotead. O, The Piaasnn Board of Craven County ill saeet at court hftaae est to first lomtey te July. l10. tSW betes; the 4tb day. All spp't'anH .ninns ol fonfwWrete soldier and sailors or ilow of ta sasse who wtab to apply for poeteoo. or have tbetr peeeiosM te before the Ttx-e already oa Mm itet need as appear St. K. HTKF.KT UXi L JMTS ! ! FIIHtWfOIIR NT. ii f J a o - Thm np' I iWrft, Kv W lln i ( h.iir A WOMAN'S JSAT 1DKA W Hsatery, btf) Sflk aatj ' 'sSMBBB. from I 10c to 50r. Jl MowlMll9HPv Hutwaief. of asmssal ' VB7'V I IPBBO I TOPS ?Sr In 7Sr la how to larllhaat tessHh M is bard lovely in faeo. fonts art ay woasaa wui be therlr, In priav $2.00 to $5.00 .mar horto h. tkrmjSS. otassaTrfte erl Sfjtss'sW BlMs)vt'W ssJWlsWoJm ffVsAsraassrt i Reduced Rataa to Morehead City j k Ism ' 4 . J .jjti m The following round trip fares will apply from New Born te Morehead City and Beaufort Season Tickets on sate June tot to and including Sept. , 1910. Final lim it Oat 81st S too overs will be allowed In each direction at all s tattoo oa ap plication to conductor. Ordinary bag gage can be cheeked oa thee ticket. Pare ft 60 to Morehead City; 11.80 to Beaufort. Week End Ticket on sot each Sat urday and for Sunday1 miwajast trains, June 4th, 1910 te sod Including Sunday. Aug. 28. 1910. Tickets limited to eon t ouous passags te each tfrosUon. Pi nal limit ttekateaoblss) tttardey Uml t,.1 m return the fsJkwlag Monday. ticket eoW on Hu.Mlay Hnjlted te fo.lo log Tueeday. No stopovers allowed . Or dteary baggage will be chocked. Tbeo tickets can he estestfed to rot on aoi tetor tbaa October 11, If ss-soeutad to ttekot agaot ot destination before oxpi rottea, stat pay ate of the dttTereooo hotwooa tbo fare paid and the faro for ataaon tiekete. Week east faxes 11. ft te Morvtemd City, and iM to tort Soodtr Tiekeu. Oa salecteasksy Jua Mh and oaeh fteaday ttssmllss te aa hvlodteg steooay Boot, ft, MIA Tick t limited te date af ssaV No etof ovv will be allowed. No hagafs Will U rh.-k). TKkat may be to taw fsjysssAaa Till day tf I to ttekot arwit -at asssUaatten bafnr altraotlv Pot , mDirottea. and awjaftwt of the d-fT.r aaeo bttwaan far poM tad tao Srsak Tvi rstft Tcstpta (so 4ttUssHloM sMFTsW Unveiling of Monument. Tb Woodmen of the World, in pursu ance of a beautiful custom of theirs in erecting a monument to the grave of each deceased member, will make a trip to Harlowe next Sunday the 5th of Jane, to take part in the unveiling cer emoniea of a monument erected at the grave of a member of Myrtlewood Camp of Carteret county. The houseboat "Comfort" has been aecured to take the party from New i, and will leave the pier at foot of Pollock street, Sunday morning at sev en o'clock sharp. In performing thin no bis fraternal duty, it la hoped that eve ry avnmber, who can possibly do so, will be oa hand promptly at the hour named, and as ih entire day will be consumed, it would bo well to have a good sized lunch basket along. The family and friends of the Wood men ar at liberty to take in the trip, aad every arrangement trill be mad to make it restful and pleasant. A small contribution of fifty cent oaeh to cover costs will bo required. The "Comfort" will not be able to roach the point of destination by about three mil, hut comfortable boats will b on hand ft make the transfer, and every body s expected te have a pleas ant Urns. HnaiH hut Arrived Will paper now in stock we dvokie-1 to pot In good ouslity paper so yon at have te wait for it to bo or w wilt bo plod to bow you h price from 10c par doable roll to .00 i. 8. MILLKfL t7 A ft Middle St. Tb Farm turr Man i : - 4 eoples Bank NEW BERN, N.C, DAin r"ifvl CTBOKin . . L 2R1 COURTEOUS ObAVINLab PROGRESSIVE GRADUATION Graduation is an epoch in the lives of young men and women. As they leave their schools or colleges equipped intellectually for the battle of life, it is too often the case that they are ill prepared to grapple with its practical problems. A gift of a Bank Book will go far toward remedying this defect; for it is the lesson of saving, of living within the income received, that is the fundamental principle of success. This Bank welcomeo Savings Deposits in any sum down to $1.00 upon which it pays interest at the rate of 4 per cent. WM DUNN CD.BRADHAM TA.UZZELL PR EST. VICE PhEST.. CASHIER MUM?!-' IV! 77 5 Doz. mm Blouses Just in to retail at 49c, these goods are worth more, but we have put them down with other goods. Buy of us and save money. SILKS AT COST, we are selling our Suit Silks at cost, a big line to select from Call early or you will miss a good bargain. J. J. BAXTER DEP'T. STORE ELKS TEMPLE ADVERTISED SPECIAL SALE IS OYER BUT WE ARE HAVING A SPECIAL SALE EVERY DAY OUR MOTTO-We Sell For Cash, We Sell For Less Ba f ington Dty Goods Co. Mens "Crawford" Oxfords Patent Leather, Tan and Vici Kid, Newest style tors. $4.00 Qualities all sizes. Re duced to $2.98 LttS'HIUIDW Oxfords and Pumps Black, Tan and Patent . leather, plain and cap tips. $4.00 ' Qualities at $2.98 $3.50 Qties at $2.48 WETHINGTON & CREECH HACKBURN BUILDING. For Salt Cheap Launch i I LA VCt AC I ICC 1 ENHETT'S : L.L,t ?LO VI LU L. I -m- STORE Jew? f. Fur te MeresHM ssstaWefvrt II f& t Fer frtkT lef ermetios) M AftsH. lnMr, 04 boat Is at ft sane I Wm. lies t H. P. e.fU prat t keell I rxw She's ftttesl op Mh life potter-1 vera, Mffcler A tM every trrtof i aiiMiiry for er?rK pmsers or freifht Will esrrv ot 19 paesefiffrnt Hm I srpsrkted asJeene. Makee miles per hoar. Reaeun for wntm InteH net tMfftj eemigh ittlng tatcar kassta. Far rartsMr taformetioa write ta. CLAOD tAXJQ, North Hat, SAMUEL HARLEY LYLE. JR. I FOB 8A LB AT aea Make Cooking a Pleasure! Why riot mike cooking pleasure during the hot summer moothi. make it comfortable? inlfte kitchen. You know what will do itl, Why a New Perfection'' Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook Stove. Alwaya ready for use, they are the finest thina out A new aup m. at Sam Lipman. I dusk ill Hardware Co. Oot. MUhm mi a IW-rn