I TV - NEW BERN QALIY Sera- Bern, H. a Jubo 14, ItlO. UKE MKWB ATHOIA L6MU 10. 8 I. OF P-. una tnrr Totslsj atgfcilaBeyal liwm Ball, (omr Broad Hancock street, E. H. HanUaon, C C J H Smith K. ot R. aad 8. VMMiM ot a lil? GOME 68 SHOfil t CRATKB LODGE MO. L KNIGHTS BF fl ARMORY Meet 2nd . and 4th Wednesday nlgtata In oaoh mootn to Kuights Hanaoay H'Jl, comer Broad and H. .acock atreots at 7 .30 o'clock t. K. WUMa. Pnsottaat; J. H. Smith. Secretary; retary. R r. Bill, Financial Sec- WOODXXR OF TBI WOBLB MBIT at R. of P. Hall cottar ot Broad and Hancock atrseta, , aaml-iaontaly, Ftrat ana Third Wednesday nights at 7:M n'nr.v vii tins Woodmen are lavlt WDEX TO RTW AUTSBTIsBMlRTR Amusea Theatre. Whitcomb Melons. State Normal College. New Bern Banking & Trust Co. J. B. Henderson Pressing Club. Gaskill Hdw. Co. Building Material. Mr. LB Midfeet, of Oriental, yesterday in tba city. Mr. S W Ersratt, of Oriental, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. 1 J King, of Goldsboro, yesterday in the city- Mr. Char Berkley, of Stslis, spent yesterday in the cat y. Mrs. J H Bell, of PoHoekrilla. was a visitor to the city yesterday. Ssnatcr P M Simmons spent yester day at his farm in Jones county. Messrs A W Haskins and Ralph Dan iels, of Oriental, were in the city yes terday. . , w. .. Hon. E M Koonce, of Jacksonville, was among the visitors to the dty yes terday, r Mr J L Griffin, of Oriental, was in the dty yesterday attending to tome bad ness matters, r Mr. H V Jenkins, of Wilmington, was in the dty yesterday looking after some business matters. Don't forget that the afeatton Fire Co. are pianaaeg to giro a festival within the next few days. Data and place will be anaouoced later. BUSINESS LOCALS : NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. ICE CREAM Soda today at McSorleys 5 ordoseB "666' of Chills and Fever. will cure any case Price 25c. ENROUTE over Atlantic Coast Line from Umatilla, Fla., a car load of thos9 delicious Florida Favorite and Alabama Sweet Watermelons. Save up your cash. -CE Whitcomb. T.AniRS. vour attention is called to the fadeless process of dying, we will dve the skirt and Dress it. all for the same price, $1.00, and make it to look as new. Try us and be convinced. The Winner, J B Henderson, 10 Pasteur St Phone 443. IDEAS on all kinds of decorating fur nished at a small price. See me at once. - Albert T Willis. ;' IT pays to trade at Vincent's. Fresh stock, a lot ot canned goods of favorite brands. Best grades of flour, Mead ows meal, English cured Hams and Shoulders, also a choice variety of the most popular brands of Coffee. N. F. Vincent 167 South Front street, phone 37. WANTED Regular and table board ers, rooms cool and nicely furnished with hot and cold water. For rates and other information apply at No 11 Union street, bouse formerly occupied by Dr. Slover. NEW linilllCIIIIN HI AIHUSEA We thought we were being entei tained with real vaudeville until last night when Hal Mordaunt Elinor Foster and Mile Nennelle, "the genuine kind." The three big acts presented with spe cial scenery and effects at the Amusea proved to be the biggest and best seen outside the Metropolitan houses. Five mammoth trunks of imported costumes and-well it defies description. Go to morrow by all means, beg or borrow that little dime, only to. you will be marvelously entertained and feel that this old world is yet worth while. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will brace up the nerves, banish sick headache, prevent despondency ana invigorate the whole system. Sold by all dealers, r Return From Ocracoke The party of local sportsmen who went down to Ocracoke Inlet last Tuesday night on the house boat "Comfort for a weeks Ashing returned home Sunday night They reported that the fishing good and the weather all that could have been wished for. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A . 0UlnlUIIMor Pevf.rlahuaa. .M"aVarb Traablaa" Vrr Ihlog XL Aberdeen, Md., Dec. 12, 1908. We nave been buying DESIGNS for decorating floats auto mobiles and carriages sold, or entire work ard material furnished. Place your orders at once as time is limited. -Albert T Willis. TRY those delicious Cinnamon Bans 10 cents per dos. at Kafer's Bakery. Phone in your order. MBS. Pott's Sad Iron (8 to set) Hedge Shears for trimming hedges, rose bush es etc., Florist Trowels, Harper Hsl loon Fry Traps, Anti Fry Lotion for keeping flies off of horses, cows Ac J. C. Whitty ft Co., Phone 96. FINE lot grown and spring Chickens, Docks, regular and pic nic Hams, Eng lish cured Shoulders. Stocks aad Oam brsll's Beat Patent Floor, Rump, Mass and Plato pork, lines. Twines and Net tings, Best Batter tad Chaws, Fruit Jars and Lights. -H. B. Davenport. FOR SALE Power Boat, uses gaso lene, 20 fast overaH, 7 fast wide, boat and engine in perfect working order, can be seen at aoerket doak.-W. A. Seott owner. FOR SALE One grist mill 4 feet run ner, double gear, arlH sell at a bargain. Apply to J W SUwart. FOR Kent One dasirablfl store, 144 feet deep. No 77 Middle stress. Chang as made to suit persaaaant Unant. Ap ply to J W Stewart. FOUND A metal boat drifting m Nouns ilver ' Owner can have aaase by proving property and paving eaorgas. aanla In T V Watr.n M FOR RENT Kii room with all Apply to B E rrinvrn(( rv a liUrper. fl par month. A FRESH MM ad poaad;a lari dies st We pgr . at 20c per I I I ' I i I I w FOB HAM-Oaagtat) raadhprss. hag fr Imo.t -. and harnaas. Pnsallso Apply to J t Tripp. U New street DRtSS WBLt-HivsyWisit iast ed aod prasMd at Aioaos'a Proosbsg eaaget of Fra. 771 MUM rt)R RBNT-1 fcaass If WaVgett 4 rossss laJ MMdL per 1 ssaase 17 Ploo Mrs. trossasHM par nwr.th. i twajse PtM earn, rmaaaa SLOP sat SBJSHsh. MaaaSBB am. wmm for about ten years, and think it the best paint in the world. We have nev er had a complaint Yours truly, GEO. SLEE ft CO FOB BALB BY E. W. SmaDwtood New Bern, H. C. BUSINESS LOCALS: LET Albert Willis decorate your floats and win a prise. ritCStllS CLUB A. FABOB 68 South Front street Gentlemen's clothes cleaned, repaired and pressed, Ladies skirts pressed, a specialty. ICE CREAM delivered to any part of the dty for 86 cents a quart. - McSorley FOR RENT Two jood " raven street -R A Nunn st 60 6 or 6 daaes "" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 26c The Elks will celebrate Flag Day to night at nine o'clock with appropriate exercises at the Elks Temple. The pub- Ik is cordially m rated to attend. A pleasant evening is assured. Wak has been hisna on five tenement hoBses oMte Kellum proper ty on Pollock street Mr. E. E. Harper baa the contract for the work and is pushing it to completion as fast as pos- Miss Ada Simpson and Mr. Macon Toler, two popular young people of Bridgeton, were married Sunday after noon by Justice of the Peace Noah Ful- eher. The marriage came as a surprise to the friends of the contracting parties Despite the fact that the weather yesterday was very inclement quite a large shipment of potatoes waa made to northern markets from this city. The shippers inform us that the price remains firm and that the demand is good. Mr. H. E. Royal received a telegram yesterday conveying the' sad intelli gence of the death, at Mount Olive, of Miss Annie Royal I, a cousin of his. Mi RoyaH was a bright and interesting girl of about 18 or 14 years, and greatly loved in her home. In the police court yesterday after noon Elizabeth Reid and Alice Clark, two dusky damsels who inhabit the sec tion around Five Points were given a hearing on a warrant charging them with being disorderly. They were found guilty aud fined S2 and the coat. Noah Hobhs, also colored was fined $6 and cost for the same offense. While in conversation with a visitor to the city yesterday from Pamlico County, the Journal representative was informed that the outlook for a large yield of corn in that section wss very promising. The stalks have not fully matured as yet but in a few weeks it is more than probable that they will be sending the ears to market. This afternoon at five o'clock, at the court house, there will be held by the New Bern bar a memorial meeting at which time the committee appointed by the local bar to draw resolutions of re spect to the memory of the Hon. W. W. Clark, deceased, will present the resolution to the court, and remarks wi'l be made by the members of the bar and other citizens. It has been rumored that the Com mittee of arrangements that have charge of the Bi-Centennlal which will be held in this city next month, are en deavoring to get President Taf t to come down and deliver the opening address. It has been ascertained that the presi dent has no engrgement for that date and it Is more than probable that his services will be secured. Mr. H. V. Jenkins, of Wilmington, was in the dty yesterday making ar rangements with the local merchants in regards to decorating their places of business for the approaching State Fire men's Tournament and Bi-Centennial which will be bald here next month. Mr. Jenkins waa one of the chief deco rators during the preparations for the Taft Day celebration at Wilmington, and bis artistic designs were highly commended. While walking down Pollock street last Thursday night Herbert, the smdl torn of Mr. J. W. Wataon, who resides on Pollock street waa ran into by one of the dty employ ess who waa ridin a bicycle on the sidewalk aod pretty severely bruised and shaken up Just bees use darkness furnishes some peop le a partial cover they persists in doing soma act that Is prohibited by the dty ordinance. The little boy's injures. although painful are not considered serious. Applications are being receivrd by the committee for boarding aeeomme-" datioos from firemen and others who are coming to the Bi-Ceoteiwial and Fireman's Tournament who can should arrange to tehees many boarders oa this occasion as possible. All who will do so ars requested to write at once to Mr. W, O. Boyd, Sac FRESH at Hudson's, Golden Rod Bat ter, Hams and SheokWrs, Breakfast Strips, Snow Drip Lard, Pose Lord, and O'Donahwe's 2k aadSfe Coffee. RUBBER STAMPS Mads to short notice. Rubber Type. Pads, Ink eta. In aadnstry. DON? of tnwn. -WiRUm T. BUI, 91 Dates, Mkldln UttUTBatt FACTOR. At CLARA -Out Mrstfah Poreh mini, Oetas 1 aula, mads of is kisii sinisnsa 1 atria, made of red-bean siSisnsi eotdtaps. Breeketa. PI rathe. Rash; Windows. tar Work. stock at Oeskul Hardware Store. Orders iaft there are totheoodaraixnadproa Register Clarke, K. C Go's ed if TO OBTAIN ICE to S iJsMrwtt Harder The mmmmm our It TIT III fate b Ci'i to. toko, character of price per day. STOCK HO LDERS OF THE UNITED WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY. of record in my oOee asay subscribe ) June 16th, for as my stars of theW of the Msntsssry, at DM per share as they hold preferred .tori The preferred alack is now Mliiag at 160 par vahM 110 (400 per par). After J oats 164 no - ' - ,, a f, aj r . -0 ss4ll La as? Piinr prpirrrfwi tr ronirmwi win t o fared the pubtte. When yosj srasaMw the fart that the Cosnpaap's asrvte la la soceesafal speraUon Inthe Mksjesst- iaa throuf Iwwt the U sited waU as on the priswlpal as this and uibar now rvqoirae all earrylagever 60 asilingsrs to over s raiuasn dV its first yest of aettve ocratka, tht PrssiSool WaV son, a Houtaem ssan, moantry avasasv ' Trsesorp with RMT CMP no a bo no Ma gift, and that the seaipanj soarthvoes the sale ol a ateek on jwsa alTT The eosMMW atoek nraettestb pro All solas ecs4sstal I em Hp tatlve hero far this Ona Silverware of 1 Quality When your friends dine with yon don't you wish for your table to J gleam with beautiful silverware? A handsomely set table is the fin ishing touch to a home's refine aient. Our line of silverware is always ft full tide. We carry only stand ard brands, and the name of the maker and our own guarantee will relieve you of any concern as to quality. I Remember we are watch head quarters in this city, and that we recommend Hamilton Watches for both ladies and gentlemen. J. 0. Baxter The With the Sweat Teas YOU DON'T HIVE TO HUNT Hi OP. Here's "Food for though" Yon can't see ahead, and no matter how good the piano you -select sometime in the future, possibly years something may bap pen so you'll want to call on the party who sold you for advice, or on account of trouble, or dissatis faction. If it's a STIEFF or SHAW, all you have to do is to write to Chaa. M. Stieff, Baltimore, Md., and you'll get a prompt reply, for all STIEFF and SHAW pianos are sold direct from maker to home,, and the maker is responsible. No trouble; no "red tape;" every thing easy. Remember this for L. C. STEELE, Mgr. , 114 Granby Street Norfolk, fa. (Mention this paper.) We Would Advise You to purchase your Fruit Jars esriy ff you intend to save your fruit this I -awuuv wk wno pui on Duying until the last moment are generally fiot able to get Jars at any price. There is lots of fruit this season, it must be taken care of. We have a large quantity of Jars now, in the ATLAS, E-Z-SEAL and MASONS, at attractively low prices. Pte. 60c Doz. 0t. 75c. Doz. ,1-2 Gate 90c. Doz KSTTBB BIITTEB 37g. PBlHT BUTTM JOC. H. C ARMSTRONG Phone 174 THE RETAIL GROCER Middle St New Bern, N. C. I CMS 1 STIEFF i HW Official Piano Jamestown Expo, rArnv mi I niUATTo aivTnw ...... SBBaf - ft. '-.,-. ... . m rnrnii minni u H fl Hasf I m iiiluii uurrLi m mm wwy ! B Kyy) J SUGAR, DAVIS PHARMACY 4 SS. I jOOH g-H Jl- BUTTER ------ l i j sp,ccs I i i IN THE SUMMER it is well to drink at least occasionally some good Spring Water. We deliver it to youi home. Phone No. 138 Vade Mecum Harris' Fonticello Lithia Water Mecklenburg Lithia Water Buckhorn Beaufont -FOR BI CENTENNIAL WEEK , We are prepared to show de signs at prices to suit every one. Call and see samples, or phone and goods will be sent for inspect ion. Bunting belongs to buyers. OORE TkSORLEV PHONE 187. YOUR ORDER is what we are after, and if attentive service, Choice Groceries and right prices have any powers of persuasion, we stand a fair show to get it. As we mean to stay in business a long time, you can readily understand that you will get the kind of treatment that will keep you coming to this store. Heinz Pickles, Portsmouth Mullets, Clover Hill Butter and Country Hams. Mecklenburg Chloride Calcium 40c. All the above except Chloride of Calcium at 35c. per h gal., 6 gal. $3.00, 1 case (12 bottles) $3.00. Pp bate of $1.00 allowed for return of empty 5 gal. Doinijohn or case (12boM PURGATIVE WATERS:- Hunyadi; Canbanu; Abilena; Pluto, 35c. per bottle. Fresh CRrate Magnesia fEfffcrvescen) prepared to order 25c per bottle. F. S. DUFFY'S PHARMACY Corner S. Front and Middle Sts. New Bern, N. 0. Broad EM Grocery Co. PHONE 156 NEW BERN, N. C. Valuable real estate X AM OFFERING FOR SALE i Lot 100x214-1-2 ft. being part of the Hargett prop erty on Pollock St. v House and Lot new, with stable, good location, p. Front St. easy terms and at actual cost. House and Lot on Pollock St. near center of city, ft cost. W. fl. BOYD, AgeoP SURETY BONDS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Booms 820-821 Elks Building Telephone 400 "BELLE MEADE SWEETS" (THE CANDY OF QUALITY) SOLD BUT 8 Gaston Drug Company ON THE CORNER PHONE 65 OPPO. POST OFFICE. Your Eyes Trouble You and yet you put off from day to day the wearing of glasses. Don't you realize that you are making a sad mistake? It s up to you of course to decide what you may do; but let us suggest that you come to us without delay. We are equipped for examining the eyes and prescribing the cor rect glasses EATON - The Optometrist. TRUTH No. 33 Fiv . - - n more to buy this stock at 50 cents per share. J. Tboso, who to the psst hors ioterssted lisrosslrss is the oil bufsss hsrs soldo fsllsd to resHs. besnlr upon their to- sal too spportsoity is sgsia opoo to thp tioos sod rigid tares tor, woo wotgfcs wsll 1M step ho it taking In bis to portirijist i rompanr orf.nlswUnd oprtod bf tbs boot bosina inert of Los Aagsles, who bars loso roast sosssssfal ss bosiosso of thar own. aod srollad thwnssiraa ot ths opportootty to obtain om f the largest aod i or lornowf an too rscmr immi. It is oolr s sjossUoa of Uaso ooill that Cam soar will ba payiog large dlrldsads, roodar. wbo will vtsb for a karfor blosK of this steefe. RsoMobar Uts slaek adVaacos oa Joao UU to M taott par abars latbaraaar stflpttaa ixrw sad raeatrs Um baoafitt lbs rW? No I go saod ia It will bo you. t roq samt tdo't sand la your st ooot. CWifornir Hkmi Gmfc 01 Go l V HKLUUN BLOO., LOt 4NQKLM, CAU qSNTLRMKN Klnsfly tssao w shares of the Troosory ttssm of abora wrpr.rtion. Hnehatad And I., in payment Un ML NMHL CRUDE OIL CO. 1 W HF.U.MAN BUII. LOt AVOELER GaJiforma f. W Mil l MAN BUM , ORNTLCMRN KJadry Issoo m Btocx of aboro corporation, aaalaasd Had 9 Nan Aidriii Crodt 01 Co. LOR ANGF.I.BS. CAL of tbs Traiiry in payment of aanta. '4 WJKM ltd lOLm IKK VXCH