. W -I- - - "V , 5. - -r - " T 1 " - .- , c .4 .- i . . -- 1" fin - v y ... 1' 4 -:s ... r i ' j' U ,T. .14 Children Cry w T - . The Kind ygu. Have Always Bought and which has beett in 'use, tor. over, 30 years- has borne the signature of A ,:. V ' "' eft a.. laA.. Vnan am.? A tinto hi VkAVW 77T atrial iwpentaiotf since its Infancy. A fMC4M Altuw no one to deceive you In this. Al Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jnst-as-ffood" arc but Experiments that trifle Irtth and endanger the health of .Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, -Drops and Soothing $yraps. It Is Pleasant. It .contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms aud allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Whid Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, it assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panaeea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CliilTORIA ALWAYS (Beard the The Kind Ynt$ave Always Bought In Use "Fo? Over 30 Years thi ciHTueoMAiiyTT nussar avatar, nw vowa crrr. Has since 1894 pven "Thorough taitruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost." RESULT: It is to-day with Its faculty of 32, a boarding patronage of 328, lta student body of 400, and its plant worth $140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charget, for the year, including tabic board, room .lights, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition In all subjects ttcept musio and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, BLACKSTONE FEMALE INSTITUTE, Blackatoae, Va. JAS. CANNON, Jr., M. A. ) , , THOS; R. REEVES, B. A. Associate Prlndpals. BINGHAM SCHOOL 1733 1910 TBI BUfOBAM SCHOOL. tiharllK M. 0.. ku tnpmt b 'or " TKAR8 IdMllr looted oa tk. Arltt. tUtun, alU. tram tij. OriulutioD MILITARY Cor DISCIPUXI. CONTROL al OAMIML kn froa othw Mhoolt mat nowfod. Tkiwu bo,, nuond wlua diMDtmd. Iwht BbMintoif uMudwL Addma COU B. BIVOBUI. Sap4 , Boi 15 Physicians Advise the use of a goodlaxaHve, to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undigested food from gettingtnto your system. The latest product of science is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gctiUe, reliable and of a pleasant, aromatic .taste. Velvo acts on the liver, as well as on the stomach and bowels, and is of the greatest possible efficacy In constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, feverishness, coUc.flatulence, etc. Try VF.l SOUTHERN SOITHEHN RAH (VAI BCHEDDLRlT N. B. These fljurei ire publisher: (or Information and are not Kusras tsod. NO. 21 Leare Goldsboro, N. 0., 4t s. m., throufth train wlth.chali car to Asboville, eoanoctlng st East Durban, for Oxford, Hen derson. Keyiville and RIchiDoni' at fUverslty for Cbswt H1U at Greensboro for Cbsrlotts snd all points south, slab for Dar rills, Lrnchburt;, Charlotteivlll Washington, sad -' sT potBU Bortst NO. 13 IvaTek Uoldsboro, S.0S . H for Qrtensboro. bandies througb Pullman Raleigh. Atlanta, cos v Jth si Qreenaboro " tot all points aorta. sou(aaa4 sit K0. il1Les Goklabw 10.W p m :f lot Qreehsboro, hsndles tiaQmat V ; .Halslga .to;'OmMbWob--r?eo ' aects at Oreeasbortt for Char Nsw vorieaas, alao for Chariot' AAMitf . nr..i.i4A Mrtd all RAILWAY v. . ' t'JF'Cf V lotts.. Atlanta J A;,t;f Ajatrtllsv; Knoirllls, ,.' '.- V ' ! I' j. , . ! A lor lurthar lniorMatLa , asl r an) :Ky'J."iBlr'rlgtied., ' H. F. CARY, i. : Oeneral rcnger gnt. Wsatilnctos, D. O, v;. t!. 1" : f.. for Fletcher's v Sienature of LAXATIVE NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Schedule Effective June, 5th 1910 Trains Arriving and Departinj: From New Born, N. . Ar. 9.00 a. m. Daily From Oriental. 9.10 a.m. " " Beaufort. 9.15 a.m. "" " Goldsboro. 12.15 p.m. " except Sunday from Raleigh and Washington, 8.30 p. m. Daily except Sunday from Oriental.' 4.35 p. m. Dally From Norfolk. . 6.36 p.m. " '" Goldsboro. 7.80 p. m. " " Beaufort. r Lv. 9.16 s. m. Daily For Goldsboro. ' . 9.20 a. m. " ' Norfolk, i 9.26 a. m. ' " . " Beaufprt. ,!. 9.50a. m. " except Sunday .fot unemai. - , . Washington and Raleigh. VT.y-s . 5.M & m.i Danj Fof Beaufort. , -r' 7.80 p. -0"t, I QoUsbora. Oriental - fiubhr-Aiid frost did the Doctor ss; Wlfey-Hs said,, "Put "oat yonr. toa gas," Bobby And - .tasat c Wtfey- "Orsrworksa." r:X: v'f ' .Xir.M::2C: LIVER SYtiUP q Hf Offset Upon th ftMpirstsry Organ if ,m4 Upon tho Nur,: t Pr. Emfl Banal of VVeosa. : Aostrla, la speaking oC aiaetmes tl (ha throat aad remedies, aaW tbt jswnlng. bad Its grcsk Taloe. Tawnlng has recently been, recommence iDdepesdeoilj at ; raluable ; lerclse or tbs T rtsplrav jy orgnnii.-''' i-""" ' 1 "According to Dr. Naegfl of the Col- rerglt of LuertJcb; said Vf. Bunal, "rawnlDg brings ' an tbs respiratory mnscles of tbe chest snd throat Into action and Is. tberetore. tlHi best sndl moat natural-means of st.Vogtbetirag tbem. Be adTlses everybody to yawa ss deeply as possible, with srms out- stretcbed, to order to change -oniileiv ty the air In the lungs --,1 stiiimlate respiration. In many ea be ban found tbe practice to relieve tbe dlth culty iu swallowing and dlMturbnwt of tbe sense of bearing that accoiupa By catarrh of the throat. Tbe patlem is Induced to yawn tbrouh suggestion. Imitation of a' preliminary exercise in deep breatbingv' "Each treatment consists of from sii to eight yawns, each followed by the operation of swallowing. It should be added, however, that It is quite possl ble for deep breathing to be -overdone, particularly by persona with weak bearta, and it Is at least open to ques tloo whether tbe obstacles to free re miration wblcb tbe yawning cure It alleged to remove are not useful in preventing the entrance of germs and other foreign bodiea." Washington Herald. KING GEORGE'S REIGN. Astrologer Oaoud Bays It Will B 8hort and Stormy, A short and stormy reign for Georgt V. is predicted by S. Daoud, the Wash ington astrologer. Two years ago, It Is said, Daoud foretold the death of King Edward and described the cir cumstances accurately. Among tbe things which be foresees In the new king's horoscope Is that his reign will last but six and a half years. "Tbe first Bve years," Daoud says, will be among the stormiest In Eng land's history. Tbe last eighteen mouths, however, will be comparative ly fortunate. The coming reign will be terminated by the king's death, which will be a natural one. "He will more than once be the object of at tempted iissaHHiiintloii. but would be murderers will be powerless to harm him. There will be trouble in all the Brit Ish possessions during tbe second year. especially in India. in the third year of bis reign Ibere will bo a contikt between England aud another Kuropenn power ruled ty a kinsman of King George, which will precipitate n great war. England will on her own part wage wnr with this European country. The war will be short and decisive and will result in England's being obliged to make con cessions which will deprive her of much of ber power. "Egypt will give King (5eorg de cided trouble, but will not be able t free herself from English rule dmiiin uls reign." New York World. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ' The man In the moon looks like danball when he's fulL HAY FEVER AND ASTHMA Brio? discomfort and misery to many people but Foley's Honey and Tar gives ease and comfort to the sunenner ones. It relieves the congestion in the hesd tnd throat snd is sootmntr and healing. None genuine but Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Davla Phar macy. ' . Fashion Set by Mm. Mai -tenon. It Is Interesting to know that thi wnlst of this year the one in which tbe body part nod sleeves nr.- cut tu one was flint Introduced by Mme. de Malntenon. tbe morganatic wife of Louis XIV. Her gowns wo- made with high waists that poucbci over silk scarf fastened at the buck ,iut the closing of the bodice was in the front where Its I'mperles were caught wltb Jeweled cliivps. Tin- necks opened ovei while giiliiti'M. us ihev do loilny WHY SO W&Afo Kidney Troubles May.beSr.ap- ping Your 'Life Away. New Bern People Have Learn ed Tis Fact When a healthy men or womanbo gins to run down without apparent cause,' becomes weak,' languid depres sed, suffers backache, headache, dirsy spells and orlhary disorders, look to tbs kidneys for the cause of ir'Bltv: Keep the kidneys ' weB aud tliey . will keep you well." Here is MeW Bern testimony w provs ic ;cy-.t Mrs. Crrwfor4 Pennington, 27 Eail Front St i Nsw Bern, N.- CJ ssys "I gladly recommend Doan's Kidoef Pills as I hate used them with the most sat isfactory results. "-1 suffered . great 4 si from backache and sharp shooting fain across . my : loinv' 'At ,tlmes'ihy ack became so lame that I could hard ly stoop Snd itv was difficulty for me to arise in the. morning on this 'sccount. Irregular passages of the kidney s erstlons convinced me that my kidneys were out' of. order, and when Doan's Kidney Pill were recommended to me, I procured a box from Bradhsra's Thar macy. Short use put an end to the pain in my back, corrected the kidney did! culty snd benefited me more, than sry ther remwly I bad every taken. Any one sufTci infJ from kidney trouble will (Jo well to give Doan's Tills a tiial. ' For s;ls all dealers. . Price 60 urn Co., f r r y Y- YAWMM NOTICffOP EEC)!;iVER3?w'8AL OF ZlHB PROFERTJf OF THE CARo L1NA; PAPER7 PU1 COH V- 4 : PAN T. A CORPORATION V 1 of Oavw OgaatT.N. C . eatartS tt thtmmtt UaNwBniBamkiMATwt Qgapaar,Tt al CutfbtaPaiwralSCempaar..t kKMUm Mar Tm, tUfc-rf aaid nBt, aad S Mtm MipplMMBtaltlMrala atnrl te aaU tm A th Jm tmni HIS. f-ktcrt.aoUtairtT tHTMttet thtnarhalaiMd SMCinr wiillnll at vubUc aactiiNUB thetnaniMaot th CunUm Fa- arPulsCoBipuj aWrtaaeaHar.M.y o4 afON dat. utniror AuousT.UMLtttf hlf wxa. ta the UclMt btdd at vM nto. Icr k. Ux follewing iMrribtrl uJllj. Tim. 1. Aeartaialnet arrWMl f luS hi Crana Caoatv. State of North Carolina, adjataias taa" htadsof H.C Wethariactoa and AJfradQatHa ana otSri. boaadan a foUewa.. vb. Baalaaiac ataatakaattaaNorUiBaakof Pia TiMjCrack. at C Wataariaatoa'a eonMr.' thane with aaid Watbarinatoa'a Haa V, 17 Sasraai. E. aalaa and 90 Unka to a ataka ta HC Wstaartacto' Saa attaaadcaot U low land Mtaa hiah water Dxark, thane dowa the awamp aioaa tba arm tour of th hiih watar mark S2 thaini Snd 0 enlu to a pina stomp, Alfrad Gatlta'a corner, thaaeaS. tl daaixwa U' E. ehaiaa and 23 liuki to a pine atump, thanoa a 46 aatraaa Jtf K. 4 ekatna and 40 Hnka to two pina atom pa, than S. 28 daarsM 45' E. 4 chalna to a atakal, 4haae 8. ST jaaiaua 16'E.12chaliiaaodiS iinka Uaaaka. thencaS. 1 damaa 48' R 14 ehaiaa and tS Hnka to anaah. thencea40dotTu7r aaaloa and 'tb Hnki to an ironrt i. tht.tb. Nw Bnl and Waahinaton road, tunica With aaid road S. 28 dee-ran 30' W, i ehaiaa and t Unka to an Iron take in tha cantor of the road at th Haa of the land owned by Craven Co, at 8 treat's Ferry, thane N. 50 detrrera W.5 chalna and Unka to a stake. thence S. 40 degrees W. 4 chains and S links to a cypress atump at tha mouth of Flo Tree Creek thence up the meanders of Pine Tra Creek to the beginning', contatauqr IN acres mora or lass, and being; the same tract ebnteyad to U F Street by deed dated NOTemboV STttti J840. rcordd in hook 106. Dasra 182-118 of Cravaa -Coanty Recorda. cepting- the right resarroft Sjt O t Street to cut aah and to hunt daring hta Ua tlro on said land: and being the same property DOnTyd by D P Street and wife Julia 6 Street to Carolina Paper Pulp Company; by deed dated 11 June. 1906, and reKiatered in the oAUa of tha Baaiator of Deeds ot raven County, N. C In book 17t. pace 436. 2. A certain tract or parcel of land hi Craven County. State of North Carolina, adjoining tha lands of W. A. Ewell and alary Ann Wetherington and others bounded as follows, via. Being the low land of that certain tract conveyed- to Hal land E Lancaster by Stephen E Ewell of Virginia by deed dated September 28th, 1888, an recorded in Craven County records and more fully describ ed aa follows: Beginning at a stake on the North bank of Pine Tree Creek W. A. E well's comer, thence with said Ewell' line N, ft degrees E, 87 ch iins and 86 Hnka to a stake In W A- Swell's line, thence N. 47 degrees 66' W. 6 chains and 42 links to t pine. I hence N. 27 degrees W. 1 chain and 65 links to a Hickory, thence N. 62 degrees W. 6 chains and 40 Unka to a stake In alary Ann Wetherington's line, thence withsakl Wetnering- ton's line degrees W. St chalna and 80 Unka to three small maple at the bank of Pina Tree Creek thence down the creek to tb beginning, contain ing 44 1-2 acres: excepting th right reserved by St. Clan- Lancaster tacut aahaod to hunt on aaid land during the lifetime of said St. Clair Len- caster.and being the same property conveyed by said St, Clair Lancaster and Holland E Lancaster. his wife, to Carolina Paper Pulp Company, by deed dated 10th June, 1908. and register! la tha efflee of the Register of Deeds of Craven County In book 172. page 402. S. A certain tract of parcel of land In Craven County. Stat of North Carolina, adjoining the unds of M C Wetherington axd St. Clair Laocaa- tar. being the low land of that certain tract con veyed to W A Ewell by hi C Williams and wife. 61 Frank Wetherington and alary Ann Wether. ington, November 18th IMS. and recorded in book 161, page 296, la the records of Craven County. and described as follows: Situated on tbe Noi th side of Pine Tree Creek and on tha Sooth aid of New Bern and Washington road, beginning at a small water oak on the North bank of Pin Tree Creek, at C Wetherington's comer, thence with aaid Wetherlrurton, Una N. W degrees 66' E. S4 chaOis and 70 Unka to a eraraef in M C Wether ington's line, thcneeJI. OTdcgrass 16' W. 1 chain and 80 links to a Black Qum, thence 8 SB degrees W' 2 chains snd 86 links ton stake, thence N 72 degree 2 W 2 chains and 16 links to a stake. thenea-N. 88 degrees IS' W. 8 chains aqd 10 Unka to a stab in St, Clair Lancaster's Una, thence with aaid Lancaster's Una S. 27 degrees W, 87 chains and 86 Hnka to a ataks at the bank of Pis Tree Creek, thenc down th creek to the begin ning, containing 46 acres; xcpting tba right reserved by W A awed to out ash and to aunt on said land during th lifetime of said WAEweUj and being the same property conveyed w A Ewell and wif Anmi I Snl to Carolina Paper Pulp Ciouipanr. by deed dated 'loth June 1908. and ragictered ia th efflc of the Register of Deeds of Craven County hi book 171 page 406 4. A certain tract or parcel af land in Craven County. State of North Carolina, adjoining tha lands of w G Bryan, tbs Avery land and others, bounded as follow, tbi. Situated on tb Nor h aid of Nduse rlvar la tbs fork; of Taylor's Creek and said river about Bftosa oaUee above new Bars, beginning st the mooth of Taylor 'a Craak and running up tha creek to th W O Bryaa land. then with the Bryaa line and Avery Ua to Nsaaa river, then rown the river to th beginning. In cluding and coaTeyiag all the BeatlyJUnd desJ cribed in a deed dated April ytn. us, axseaua by laaae wingats and Jssaes. aUlpatrUt to Bea jsmla Beatlay. Which la recorded In tha office of M Bag later of Deed la Cravaa Oeanty ta book ltl oa saga 180, to wsleh lafan bto aU tha lead conveyed to WF HIS and H V BUbystC whitohurat; Commawioner, by dead dated July MK 10L Sod registared la aaid record la earn book oa sag S8l to whle rrferfor tlOeand as. criptkn. ooata tains 1 scraa, mora or lass; aad being tb sam property conveyed by W r Bill and HenrietU V HiU. blawlfato Carolln Paper Palp Company, by deed dated trd Octobar. 1907. aad regbMaradtotbaetncs of the Kagistor of Dasds of Cravaa Coanty la book 166. p 644." 'i . : S. Alt that tree, ss psreel of land aUnat CveaOaty. ;North, Can,llna;,aB the North aid of Neuaf rirsr 44 at tb mouth of Oreea Spring Branch, described a folkrWa. Begissiag at a Bufatoawosd ars oa' Nana rlvaraaasl'raaa North 671-2 west M . yds. toe staka, tasa North 21 w, B0 yd. toareeairprlrWNCrav tbsa dowa Orasa prmf Creek to Notts river,' tasa dowa Mrasa river to tha beg mala, eonUialag H seres aasra or Ism. Bains' tbs lease ad. whareoa situated tha factory, formerly owned by the 8. B Gray Manufacturing Company, and .the suae which was ssuveysd to DCosgdon by the S H Cray1- btanafaeturiag Campany., August, teth. 189t, deed naistared In book 110, page m. Noorde of Cravao County, and by aaaignmaat of mort- gag from Jaa. F. Baaastt and wifs to t, Cong don, whieh assignment la dated 22 JaoVlStt, snd I eg altered bilh oflica of th Jtoglator of Deed Is Craven County In book K6, pege 470 the said siortcag dead so assigned havlpg been made by th g H Gray bUnufacturlrg Company to 1 f Bsasett an Jus let Hm. and registered In hook M. pag 461 snd fdlowtrg. records of Craven County; and being the same property eonveyed by D Congdon to Carolina I'kper Pulp Company, by deed doted bt Jon. UiOS. end regiatared la th oldie of "IheRotfUter of Dead of Cravaa County In book IM. pee 26. i , 1 AU tha gum, cyi,M a and pine trees, timlwr snd wood sew stand ire, lytgT growing, or that may grow within tweniy ye ra from tV IWh day of March, I i. th following t etl I lalidavia, arxmt two him ln U.r -1 1. - on fcwift Cfk s t.l, o 1,uk enibrsc.l in s. u st-1'ct-t td f. r. .' (! V i f , of aw lt Road on the west tank of Swift creek fbence wltheH-d wes t&&& bgh. land about ooo yards; tneoce about south alonir the etie' of the hlk-lilsnd- le ' Genree Hill's Jirlneh: tbence acnisa sard branch to tbe nigh land sod with the .edge .of tbe Ulgti- laod to. tne mouth of Marian's Neck Branch: tbeaoe acruss same at d with the outer ed(fe of Swift Creek Swamp to Little island. Road; thence East, with said road -about" 200 yards to awift Vreek: thence pp-8wift Creek with the meanders of ttie same to Willis Brldite Road the belniiiDff, beinff art of the swamp 6n said tract of -land oa the North aide of Little Island Road causeway; together with the rlirbts of way, rlirht and prlvile e of extension of said terra, and all other riches, dowers and privileges. conveyed by D. P. Street and wife Julia U.-ttreet, and N; P. Whlllord,- Montrajree, to Carolina Paaer Pulp Company, by deed dated 18th March, isov,. and registered in the omce or the Register of Deeds uf Craven County In book 175,tage 209. 7. All the timoer or every aescrip tion of every sort and size when cut, now standing or growing or wiucn may be standing or growing within the term uf ten years from the 12th day of November, 1908, upon the folrswlng described land situate in the county of Pamlico, North Caro lina, and bounded and aessriDea as follows: On land conveyed to J. . Dele roar by Emily Barringlon and others by deed dated February 15th. lw3, recorded in the records or Pamlico County in book 20 pages 62 to do, reference to same is hereby made; except that 150 acres sold to L. L. Brinson and 5 acres to John S. Kinsey by said S. M. lieletnar; also another tract known as the Banner! tract.both said tracts sold byJ.E. 1'ele mar, to Samuel M. Deiemar under deed dated September 19th, 1901, recorded in book 42,paee 2a0.re.erence is hereby made to same also one tract known as the William B. Perkins-land beginning on Uoose Creek at a swamp, thence down said creek to a cypress knowu as line cypress, thence up Owens Swamp to Line Branch, then with and to the head of said branch then a direct course to the head of Poplar Branch, and with said branch to the creek, thence to the beginning, con taining 750 .acres more or less; to gether with the rights of way, rights and priviige or extension or the said term, and an otner rigms, powers and privileges conveyed by h. M. Dclemar and Ella A. Deiemar, hi; wife, to Carolina Paper Pulp Com pahy, by deed dated 12th.of November 1908. and recorded in the otrice of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County,- N. C, in book oo, page 534 8. All I lie timber ot all sizes and of every description, except the pine now standing or growing, or which may be standing or (rowing within the term of 1& years from the 29th day of November, 1907, upon the tract of laud situate in the County of Pam lico, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at Line Cypress below Mud Landiug Cut on the Eastf3e or uoose Ci thence runnlridireetly across swamp on the .West side of uQose Creek to the Bramble and thence up the swamp to Hopkins Swamp and with that to the Hopkin's Swamp Road thence down Mill Dam to the creek and the swamp down the East side of the creek to the Muddy Land ng Gut. and the Sloughs and branch es to the n-asu siac ot cievK that makes Into the Creek Swamp, All the standing timber except the pine, beinff 400 acres, more or less, and be ingpartof the same land known as the Goosb Creek Mill Tract and W B. Perkins tract, also- beginning at Muddy Landing Road and runs up tbaOwens Swamp to the old crossini and then with the run and down sail swamp to the beginning, and up the brandies that makejwltli this swamp on the East side, containing 50 acres more or less; together with the rights of way and privileges or extension all other and all other rights and privileges conveyed by H. ,M. Dele- mar and Ella A. Deiemar, his wife, to Carolina Paper Pulp Com pany, by deed dated 29th day of Nov ember, 1907, and registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico CoUnty In book 47, page 679, 9. All the timber of every descrip tion when cut now standing or grow ing, or which may be standing or growing wlthirj the term of ten years from the 12th day or November, iiioh On that certain tract of land situate in Pamlico County, N. C and de scribed and hounded as follows; One tract or parcel of land known as the lessevPaul !and; -it being the same niece sold to Ella A. Wiley by S. M Deiemar, by deed dated September 2nd, lWKLrecorded in records or fam lloo County in book 87, folio 10); re ference Is hereby made to same; to gether with the lights of way right ana privilege or extension or ine saia term and all other rights, powers and privileges conveyed . by 8. M. Deiemar and Ella A. Deiemar, bis wife, to Carolina Pa per Pulp Company, by deed dated 12tb day November, 1908, and , registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County H. U., ID DOOK 00, page X3U. 1 10.- .All the Gum, 'Cypress and Pop latlimber of every description of all sizes now standing or grooving, or Which may be standing or growing within tbe term of 10 years from the 5th day of May. ia08, oa that certain tract - of - land ; ; situate in .Pamlico County, N..O., and bounded and de scribed as follows: ; Adjoining the lands of J. W. Tingle and Brltty Case and. Athens. .: First, tract fully descrtLed in a . aeea virom 4. 11; u Brinsart trt Gideon Dixon, dated Nov ember SOthJS&S," and registered in the records of Craven Crounty. book 63 pages Ut sod 117. and oontalnWig lt30 acteS. more or less. : . Oue other tract described In a deed from Levi Bush to . James MoCabe' Brinson dated February the J4th 1859,- and also described In-the above"descrlbeJ deed and containing 80 acres, more or less; together with the rights oway ngub- sna .privilege 01 extension 01 the said term, and all other rights, powers and, privileges conveyed by J). If, Brinson and Lu viola A. Brlusrm, hit wife, to Carolina Parser Pulo Com pany, by deed dated 5th day May 1908, and registered In the office of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County1, N. (., in book 48, page 620,,- ; l.u , , 11 - .All that certain tract of land situate In Pamllw Countv, N. C. ad joining the lands of Pipkin Dees and others, bounded as follows; ' On the North side of. N'euse river and East side of Coose Creek -beginning at a weetgum In the branch fiat leads Into the Pipkins old field, and runs sort-ssthe olj Hold to. a tiino in the edit of the 'Old f!i:ld.- thence to a white-onk and from ttxnpo to tne prong' of Owens bvsump, -ihini tlown (ini-1 run to Ut mui(! v l 1 ni in,', I , i, iviiiii the iu...; lin;' i. .-t t 1 1 ' - 30, page 178, repordsof Pamlico Ooun tyyaod Isliig liia Mme land CPO veyed by George fiicks and Jennie A. Hicks, UrS wifatu Carolln, Paper Puld Com pany by deed dated 3uth day of OeU ber, 1IW8, and- registered In the offlcs of the Register pr Deeds ot Pamlico County. N. C In book 49, page 64. ; . 12. All the timber of every descrip tion and of alT sizes now standing or growing, or which1 may be standing or growing within the. term of ten yean from the 18th day of January 1908, on that certain tract of land situate, In Pamlico County, N. C, and bounded and described asjollows: Beglpnlng at the Muddy Landing Gut, and running up Owen's Swamp with- the run u George Dees line, thence across Che swamp to the hill on the West side and then down the swamp1 to the beginning, Including tlte branches, containing 20- acres more ar less; also another piece on the West side or Uoose creek adjoining Wm. Nelson's land and being part of same land bought from 1). M. Brinson, and others containing about 9 acres; together with the rights of way, right and privilege of extension of the said term and all other rights, powers and privileges conveyed by George Hicks and Lennle A. Hicks, his wire, to Caroiiua faper fuip uom pany by deed dated 18th day of Jan uary. 1908. and registered in the office of the 'Register of Deeds of Pamlico County, N. C, in book 48, page 219 18. All the timber of every descrip tion, except the pine, poplar and oak. now standing or growing, or wnicn may be standing or growing within the term of 15 years from the 14th day of November, 1908, on that certain tract of land situate in Pamlico Coun ty, N. C, and described and bounded as follows: Situate, lying and being on the West side of Trent creek ad joining the lauds of Tully Spruill Jno, P. Redding and others, begin- ning at a stake on the Eastward side of said land the devid ing comer he tween the heirs at law of John Daven port, Dec'd and runs West 152 poles to a stake, the corner or the 100 acre tract and in said Redding line, thence N.B3, W. 133 poles to a corner In J. P. Redding's line, thence N. 8, E. 132 poles to a cornei! thence S. 03, E 133 poles to the dividing corner of the heirs at law of John Davenport, Dec'd, thence with the dividing line S. 42 1-2 E. to the beginning; contain ing 100 acres, more or less, being the same laud conveyed by deed January 23rd, 1872, of Hoiloway A. Armstrong and wife to John P. Redding (father or Mrs ti. A. Brown) and being a par cel of land better known as the Me 1 in- go Laud; together with the 1 ights of wav, the right and privilege of exten sion uf the said term, and all other rights, powers and privileges convey ed by Earnest A. Brown rnd Ella Brown, his wife, and Elizabeth A. Redding.io Carolina Paper Pulp Com pany by deed dated I4tn day or .Nov ember, 1908. and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pamlico County, N. C, in book 50, page 424 14. All the machinery, boilers and engines, equipment, tools, etc., form erly used by said Carolina Paper Pulp Comoanv, in connection with its Diant and factory, also the eq-jio me nt of an electric light plant and a saw-mill outfit. , 15, One tub roof cement, one bo: asbestos covering, 3000 tire-hrlck, l bags alkali, three drums caustic soda, 275 cords of gum and pine wood, 80 tons soft coal, 4 bbls. rosin, 220 bales unbleached sulphite pulp, 7 1-2 bbls. alum, 30 Jumbo rolls os paper 10 bundles of white paper, 5 tons of ground wood pulp, 5 tons sulphite pulp, 1 gas boat, 10 h. p. Lathrop engine, 60 yds. canvas dryer felt, 20 cords or pine slab wood. 16. 2 1-4 tons tire clay, 8 pair plat form scales, 2 boxes Eourdrlner wire 1 buggy, 1 carl, 300 lbs Journal grease 5 bbls. Silicate soda, 3 cedar tanks, 1 iron safe, 1 wood stove, 1 roll top desk, 1 tall office desk, 3 chairs, 1 stool, and other office fixtures and furniture, 1 heavy built digestei knocked down, 1 locomotive boiler, two yard trucks, 2 flat boats launched etc.. etc This 18th day June 1910. THOMAS D. WARREN R. A. NUNN Receivers of the Carolina Paper Pulp Company. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE North Carolina I Superior Court Craven County Before The Clerk H. H. Pender, Administrator of the estate of Lewiu Williams, dec'd. VB. Florence Williams Paul Williams Henrietta Williams, his wife. By virtue of an order and-decree of sale to me directed in the above entitled Special Proceedings pending in the of fice of the Superior Court of -Craven coanty which said proceedings were in stituted far the mii-nose of makine?. .jw- setrto fy the debts of the said Lewis Williams, dec'd, I will offer for sale and sell at DOblie vendue to the highest bid der for cash at the court house door of said Craven county on Monday the 1st day or August mo, at trie hour or us o'clock: M.,,ail 01 toe following aescriD ea property, io-wii: . Lvimr and beimr situate in township. Craven . county, North Caro lina, and in that nortion of said town shin known and desitmated as "Gravs- ville" as plotted and recorded in the puoiic recorda in office oi Register of Deeds for said Craven county in Hook No. . 112 Folios 144 and 145 and bearing the numbers, seven (7) and (8) upon said plot or plan, both of said lots rac ing on Vail street and extending into Neuse river.; It being .tha same land eonveyed by The Mutual Aid Banking Company to Lewis Williams decUy by dead dated- February 10th. 1900. and re corded intald public, records In .Book No., 182 Folio 4M, to which, reference is hereby madei.'1-. fan ... ltt-'Adtalnistrator NOTICE OF . TBUSTEB'8 SALB-OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD . .rV' STORE! BUILDINGS AND '' ' .y'lAsnrin tjor.Tje'O'tiV t !.. ' . - . mm m. ' M t . V. M . 5'.'' 'V . ' . 1 VlUfjO SUiuuii:;: Vbra !.. Taylor end riorsne Taylor, lils wife, oa th Ith day of Mareh, Itut, sasd and executod a deed of trust to th aadenlgaad. sy whkh dead sf trust was sonveyed tba property heruinaftnr doKribed to th onderalgned lor th bennt of the creditors of th aaid Jes. T. T n will more fully and at Ir e . i i - nn to aaiiliWd of - - . i- derail ia ,,'.., ; i wis of Cravaa ,i i .. 1'4. page 1 now, ,( ..a of the an -I dd of truwt -,rt i.f tha pnwrrs v?H' d in the nn-ir- , , , la l,r..!-.. g.vn t!.f t' ; t I . - a i sit aaaB.tafanoTia fswa as4 AS tit rtrSV t jJa,, vaasaaf th aaaUa. F. Taylor-vras saissi cr jMiaajissnva ttasy of Mares, 1K8. ia aa ts all taattotor areWi or water treat skaats la tfa Mr at Nr f era. sa tha wast sat of aUMls street sxteeM ear -Treat river aa asaaaaa as foeVnra. via. oai aa aorta, !, tfee 1st of andaaa aatar frost -laasW M afral B. K. Mass, sa as asota fc Trent rtrer, oa th east by aaarlcet rnlet, oa the west bj Bell's slier extend er, with tsttrajt St wajr sver tb ssst frost of aba. K. B. Macsa wharf, at all times to sad from la propertr described, also all tb ricat, tttte, lataraetawl estate whereof the aaid Jaa. P. Taylor was saisad oa tlMttbday of March 1909. of, la aad to that certain lease for the said lot or parcel of sudor water front, dated 1st January 1WS and executed by lntr-Ulbborl sad others and delivered te Jaa. Taylor; which lease baa bees duly recktered ia tbe aftee of the Register of Dead of Cravaa County, la book No. ISO. pas 0a, reference Jo which" hereby made for full psrticutar sa to terms and conditions, etc. Second. All the right title, wrtereet and estate whereof tb said- Jaa. F. Taylor was' awixed or teased on the 4th day f March, 190. of. in and to all tbe buildings situate on said lot or parcel of land or water front described in sa id lease. Third. Three steel oil-tanks manufactured by 8, F. Bowser A Co. Fourth. A number of book sccounts due by various persons to the estate of Jaa. F. Taylor. This 2nd day of June 1910 R. A. NUNN Ti ustec. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE CAROLINA PAPER PULP COMPANY, A CORPOR ATION. To tb Creditors of the Carolina Paper Pulp .Company;, a corporation:- Notke ia hereby given that by a judgment of the Superior Court of Craven County, N, C, entered in the case of New. Bern Banking and Trust Com pany, et at vs. Carolina Paper Pulp Co., et aU. at tha May Term. 110. of sold court. Thomas D. Warren and R. A. Nunn. of New Bern. N. C. were appointed Receivers of the said Carolina Paper Pulp Co, and that all creditors are required to present snd make proof to such Receivers of their respective claims against said Carolina Pa per Pulp Oa, on or before the first day of August 1910, and all creditors and claimants failing to do so wlthkl ttis time limited a aforesaid will be barred from participating In the distribution of the assets of the said Carolina Paper Pulp Co. This 21t day of May. 1910. THOS. D. WARREN. R. A. NUNN, Receivers of Carolina Paper Pulp Co. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as adminis trator with will annexed of the estate of William W Clark deceased, all per-. sons having claims against said estate are requested to file the same duly ver ified with the undersigned at an early date as possibl. And all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to maae immediate payment Unless said claims shall ba presented within VI months from this date, this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. This June 14th tutu. ENOCH WADSWORTH Administrator with wilt annexed. Guioo & Guion, Attorneys. Mortgage Sale. By vlrtna of power of Bale contained in that certain mortgage deed made to R, W. Williamson by Edward Harris Sr. and Margaret Harris, hia wife, which mortgage deed is recorde 1 in book number 16&, pagebo. in the omce of the Register of Deeds of Craven county, and duly transferred and assigned to the undersigned by the said R W Williamson, the undersigned will on the 25th day of July. 191s. st twelve o'clock M.. at the court bouse door in New Bern. N. C.. sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract or parcel of land: Being lot No. 68 in that part of tha city of New Bern, N. C . commonly called Pavietown or Farmville, and tho same lot conveyed by deed dated the fifteenth day of April 1832, from E W Rmallwood, attorney in fact for George W Pavie and Caroline Pa vie to Edward Harris Sr., Which deed is recorded in book num ber 109, pace 243, office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county to which reference ij made for a full and eomplet deaciiption, including all im provemen a thereon situate. MILLS HALL. Assignee. J 'in tie 1910. "IS LIFE WORTH SAVING?" Mrs. Mollie McRaney, Prentiss, Miss, writes that she had a severe case of kid ney and bladder trouble, and that four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured her sound and well. She closes her let ter by saving; "I heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of kidney disease. It saved my life." Davis Pharmacy. 1 i NOTICE OF SALE. Br virtue of the Authority conferred upon the undersigned by a certain contract entered into, between Joseph L, Halm and Chan. White dated July trd. 1906,' Tor the purchase of a lot of land, therein described In which aaid contract tha till to raid land was retained by aaid Joseph L. Hah a, until ta purchase money therefor wsa paid is full, and default having been made In the pataasnts of said purchase money at th time speeuVd for its payment, and the aaid Joseph L. Hah being fully empowered to take possession of aaid land upon rack default and to sail th same at public or private sale. Now Therefore, la compliance with the term sad stipulations of aaid eontrsct sa aforesaid, tba undersigned will ezpoee to aale and soil for cash at public veadaaip tha highest bidder st th Court -House door in th City at Naw Bern. County of Cravaa, North, Carolina, st U o'clock M. Monday th 1st. day of August 1910. th following daaerib mi rl aetata brmg snd being situate in tha city et Nsw Bern, ea th wast aids of Eubank street boatrdedand ilm itti'J s follows, to-wit: . Begianiag St th sertheaat corner of lot No. 124 sad raBblng wsetwardly along th nortbara Una af said let eighty foar (84) feet; tbsars north wardly parallel with Bahans forty-oo (41) ft tBaaatadft payaOalwtfr ' af MNo.IU to eyprasa ta west lin of a id -BaUak aft est! lasasa stwtharardly forty-oa (41) -fsa Bwr lav to th point of bagianing. . This lOtli day afJuaa 191. ., "', ;'-jobkfh u hahn. -t . . .... - . . , ., . . . Chamberlain'! Stomach and Liver . Tablets feently itlmulate tha liver aod. vv ,V bowels to expel poisonous matter cbn , sa the system, cure constipation and''' " V .' idek neadach. Sold by all dealeta, ? ft?. '.JbsooIi1 Uraaaur rrlam4a ara i whstr they hara oinaalnc ttlsifm ihlalo Say, - f.. ' I'Ts-z-y".. i v.,'; ;" c;r;: ptAMONO ft .fii'. vr'T?".- Ikt 1 a "I ft, A nd' o- woe .1 J 'Tf "'5 "A'

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